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Omnibus Politics Thread: Campaign 2016 EditionFollow

#2127 Jan 21 2017 at 12:02 PM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
Remember how the Obama administration killed an American citizen without trial or due process based on a secret internal legal memo that was only released after Obama and other administration officials were sued? Remember how the Director of National Intelligence swore, under oath before Congress, that the NSA wasn't engaged in warrantless spying on millions of Americans' electronic communications in spite of the documents released by Edward Snowden showing that they were doing exactly that? Remember how the State department claimed that the attacks on the Benghazi embassy were motivated by a hate-filled YouTube video despite later-released evidence showing that they explicitly knew otherwise but chose to lie anyways?

I don't think Trump's administration will be transparent in the slightest. We still haven't seen his tax returns (and likely never will), and his potential violations of the Emoluments Clause likely won't ever be resolved either. Some of his advisors' connections to foreign powers during the campaign are at least questionable if not potentially illegal, and his cabinet appointments portend at least 4 more years of the same.

I only object to the implication that the state of executive transparency was fabulous to begin with.
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#2128 Jan 21 2017 at 1:43 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Demea wrote:
I don't think Trump's administration will be transparent in the slightest. We still haven't seen his tax returns (and likely never will), and his potential violations of the Emoluments Clause likely won't ever be resolved either. Some of his advisors' connections to foreign powers during the campaign are at least questionable if not potentially illegal, and his cabinet appointments portend at least 4 more years of the same.

See, it's possible to trim this section out of the whinefest and it stands on its own.

And we're only talking Day One of Trump. Well, Day One of Trump and the GOP since it's the GOP threatening government watchdog agencies to back off and stop investigating/reporting or they'll be punished. This isn't a "Trump" thing, this is a "Party of Trump" thing.

Edited, Jan 21st 2017 1:46pm by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#2129 Jan 21 2017 at 6:43 PM Rating: Good
3,053 posts
Don't quote me on this, as I'm brain dead after spending my day in Washington D.C. at the Women's March.

Micheal Moore made mention of how the bookies in Las Vegas are already giving odds of something like 4 to 1 that Trump will be out of office in 6 months.

I also memorized the phone # for Congress. 202-225-3121 and will be calling my Congressmen and 2 Senators everyday to make my voice heard.

Seeing Senator Tammy Duckworth was the highlight of my day.
In the place of a Dark Lord you would have a Queen! Not dark but beautiful and terrible as the Morn! Treacherous as the Seas! Stronger than the foundations of the Earth! All shall love me and despair! -ElneClare

This Post is written in Elnese, If it was an actual Post, it would make sense.
#2130 Jan 21 2017 at 7:43 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Day One: Sworn in to anemic crowds after weeks of stories about Trump's inability to secure people to perform at his inauguration.

Day Two: Global protests against his presidency including massive rallies in US cities swamping expectations. Crowds in DC dwarf Day One crowd sizes.

Let's blame say the media lied (and lie ourselves!)
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#2131 Jan 21 2017 at 8:05 PM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
If only Hill-Rod could have drawn those kind of crowds, amirite?!
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#2132 Jan 21 2017 at 8:13 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Well, if only she drew them in the right states. That millions more people voted for her isn't in question.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#2133 Jan 22 2017 at 2:00 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Jophiel wrote:
That millions more people voted for her isn't in question.
Only if you're willing to accept that Californians are people. Smiley: grin

ElneClare wrote:
Micheal Moore made mention of how the bookies in Las Vegas are already giving odds of something like 4 to 1 that Trump will be out of office in 6 months.
They also had roughly 3-1 odds that he wouldn't be elected.

Edited, Jan 22nd 2017 1:04am by Poldaran
#2134 Jan 22 2017 at 4:53 AM Rating: Good
Repressed Memories
21,027 posts
Now that the election is over, can I finally point out how incredibly flawed the electoral college is without being lazily accused of wanting to change the results.

It should be pretty obvious that a system where the proposition with the fewer votes wins has fundamental problems.
#2135 Jan 22 2017 at 5:33 AM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
Allegory wrote:
Now that the election is over, can I finally point out how incredibly flawed the electoral college is without being lazily accused of wanting to change the results.

You say that like somehow, pre-inauguration, there was some sort of realistic chance of the election results being changed? Pre- or post-inauguration, the situation didn't really change. So... no. Possible motivations for being against the EC wouldn't have changed just because Trump was sworn in.
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#2136 Jan 22 2017 at 11:00 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
NBC wrote:
Kellyanne Conway, counselor to President Donald Trump, said the White House press secretary gave "alternative facts" when he inaccurately described the inauguration crowd as "the largest ever" during his first appearance before the press this weekend.

I guess it's "Not intended to be a factual statement" in the famous words of Senator Kyl. Party of Trump, kids.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#2137 Jan 22 2017 at 11:03 AM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
Daniel Patrick Moynihan wrote:
Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#2138 Jan 22 2017 at 3:54 PM Rating: Good
Repressed Memories
21,027 posts
TirithRR wrote:
You say that like somehow, pre-inauguration, there was some sort of realistic chance of the election results being changed?

No, I say that because pre-inauguration there were a lot of people were attempting to write off complaints about how awful the EC is as some sort of argument that Clinton should be the president. Now that excuse is gone.

Do you think the current system is absolutely perfect as is? There are no changes you;d like to see? I ask because I'm pretty convinced from our prior discussions that you don't so much support the EC as you like a system the unfairly boosts the power of groups you prefer. It's not that you just don't like a specific alternative, you seem against having the system be scrutinized for fear of it disrupting the status quo with which you currently quite happy.
#2139 Jan 23 2017 at 8:52 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
Jophiel wrote:
NBC wrote:
Kellyanne Conway, counselor to President Donald Trump, said the White House press secretary gave "alternative facts" when he inaccurately described the inauguration crowd as "the largest ever" during his first appearance before the press this weekend.
Maybe they counted the protesters and random locals just walking by as part of their crowd. Or started counting white males as 5/3 each?
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#2140 Jan 23 2017 at 1:02 PM Rating: Good
457 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
Jophiel wrote:
NBC wrote:
Kellyanne Conway, counselor to President Donald Trump, said the White House press secretary gave "alternative facts" when he inaccurately described the inauguration crowd as "the largest ever" during his first appearance before the press this weekend.
Maybe they counted the protesters and random locals just walking by as part of their crowd. Or started counting white males as 5/3 each?

To be fair, if I were giving an inaugural address, I would be counting every single person that was there because of me, whether it was supporting me or protesting me. At that level, I would probably have a huge ego, and would do anything to pad it.

Of course, I am no where near ambitious enough to work my way through politics to try to be president, so my view of my hypothetical inaugural address is purely anecdotal.
lolgaxe wrote:
Thinking outside the box is fine, but the owner's manual is on the inside.
#2141 Jan 23 2017 at 1:24 PM Rating: Good
1,159 posts
We're gonna build a firewall, and the mooglefuckers are going to pay for it!

I mean, uh, hi.
Timelordwho wrote:
I'm not quite sure that scheming is an emotion.
#2142 Jan 23 2017 at 2:49 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
If I were giving an inaugural address, I'd also count birds. Who's to say that the birds weren't there to hear me speak?
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#2143 Jan 23 2017 at 6:36 PM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
Joph wrote:
If I were giving an inaugural address, I'd also count birds. Who's to say that the birds weren't there to hear me speak?

While I'm sure you are aware of this (Not really explaining to you, just talking at this point) Trump and his supporters see these protests as a badge of honor of sorts. They don't do much of anything to change his/their minds. Just more evidence of them getting it right. The people mad at them or what they are saying/doing is exactly what they wanted.

Anecdotally, ever sine the election, there have been a lot more vocal Trump supporters at work. What was just a couple crazy types talking about chemtrails and displaying Infowars merchandise, is now many people openly agreeing with Trump and his cabinet choices, and mocking the protesters and those angry. I can't tell if it's just Fair Weather Fan types, or a lot of quiet supporters who are emboldened now that they realize their choice was not as unpopular as they once thought. (Probably some combination of the two).

I'll just sit back for the next 4 years and watch as the Democrats become the party of "No!" and Republicans all cry about how they are the ones in power and everyone should listen to what they say. Or maybe 8. Who knows what will happen in the next election. My job survived 2008, I'm sure it will survive for many years to come. (We just started building another factory, so that will work just fine).

Allegory wrote:
No, I say that because pre-inauguration there were a lot of people were attempting to write off complaints about how awful the EC is as some sort of argument that Clinton should be the president. Now that excuse is gone.

Ya, but the inauguration didn't change anything. The inauguration being done wouldn't change the reason why people would be upset with the current system. Whether or not it is actually because Clinton didn't win.

As for the rest of it, I'm not going to rehash the same talking points from 2 months ago. While I'm sure the forums could use another activity boost, I'll let someone else go back to November and start copy-pasting stuff.
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#2144 Jan 23 2017 at 7:22 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Allegory wrote:
Now that the election is over, can I finally point out how incredibly flawed the electoral college is without being lazily accused of wanting to change the results.

It should be pretty obvious that a system where the proposition with the fewer votes wins has fundamental problems.

Lol. This again. Well, you're correct. It is obvious that such a system would have fundamental problems. Um... But Trump did win the most votes. Or did you forget that Electoral College votes are what's used to determine the president? The system uses EC votes. The system grants victory to the person who gets the most votes. That's not broken, nor does it hand victory to the person who got the least votes. You're free to disagree with the system, but it would be nice if you would avoid misstating what exactly it is you disagree with.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#2145 Jan 23 2017 at 7:52 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
TirithRR wrote:
Joph wrote:
If I were giving an inaugural address, I'd also count birds. Who's to say that the birds weren't there to hear me speak?
While I'm sure you are aware of this (Not really explaining to you, just talking at this point) Trump and his supporters see these protests as a badge of honor of sorts. They don't do much of anything to change his/their minds. Just more evidence of them getting it right. The people mad at them or what they are saying/doing is exactly what they wanted.

Could be. Of course, that doesn't explain Spicer crying at his press conference today Smiley: grin
The Hill wrote:
It’s not just about a crowd size. There’s this constant theme to undercut the enormous support he has,” Spicer said of Trump.
“And it’s unbelievably frustrating when you’re continually told it’s not big enough; it’s not good enough. You can’t win.”

You'd think that Trump was an abused child or something rather than Leader of the Free World. He then went on to lie again about the viewership, saying that it was the most viewers in person, televised and online. We already know that the in person count was unimpressive, the televised ratings were far below 2009 (by 7mil viewers) and he has, and offered, no actual evidence that online viewership made up the large deficit.

As for the protests themselves, while the public display was certainly a large facet of it, more important is the collection of names, numbers and email addresses, participation in local groups and people feeling personally invested. Those would be, hopefully, spun into continued activism and support at more local levels. That's much more important than signs and pink kitty hats, although seeing a couple hundred thousand people like you in one place is a nice reminder that it's not just you and ten friends on Facebook who feel this way and a good push for morale during an otherwise depressing period. Only time will tell if it works although, hey, people (myself included) laughed at the initial Tea Party protests and we see how that turned out. If people are hoping to replicate that success, a million-plus people taking to the streets would look great when they write the history.

Edited, Jan 23rd 2017 7:54pm by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#2146 Jan 23 2017 at 8:07 PM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
Jophiel wrote:
Only time will tell if it works although, hey, people (myself included) laughed at the initial Tea Party protests and we see how that turned out. If people are hoping to replicate that success, a million-plus people taking to the streets would look great when they write the history.

Or they'll do things like write in Bernie cause he's awesome and that will show Trump and the GOP.
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#2147 Jan 23 2017 at 8:10 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Possible. But if you don't take first steps, you never get moving (I should write bumper stickers!)
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#2148 Jan 23 2017 at 8:20 PM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
So I see trending now that Sean Spicer hates on Dippin' Dots. (Or some click baity title that made it seem like it was. I avoid actually clicking on them.)

I've always wanted to try Dippin' Dots. And strangely enough I spent about a year total time in a hotel about 1/2 mile from the factory that makes them in Kentucky. But I never actually tried them. I did try to find a store that sold them one day while there, but turns out everything in Kentucky is closed on Sundays. My only day I really had off.

So late February I think I have another trip planned. Maybe I'll try them then.
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#2149 Jan 23 2017 at 10:13 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
TirithRR wrote:
Anecdotally, ever sine the election, there have been a lot more vocal Trump supporters at work. What was just a couple crazy types talking about chemtrails and displaying Infowars merchandise, is now many people openly agreeing with Trump and his cabinet choices, and mocking the protesters and those angry. I can't tell if it's just Fair Weather Fan types, or a lot of quiet supporters who are emboldened now that they realize their choice was not as unpopular as they once thought. (Probably some combination of the two).

Trump aside, there's been a long history among conservative leaning people that there's a concerted effort (largely media driven) to create a perception that does not necessarily match reality. Of course, when you're one of those people sitting around thinking "gee, I think my ideas/positions are good ones, and I think there are more people who think like me out there, but the overwhelming majority of what I see on TV, the papers, social media, etc tells me that I'm wrong, I'm in the minority, etc, etc.", you tend to be a bit cautious about how vocal you are. Doesn't help when even some pretty bland conservative positions on some social topics get you branded a hater or a bigot (which, btw, is part of that "concerted effort" we're talking about).

This really has nothing to do with Trump. It's something that's been there for decades (or at least I've noticed it for that long). The left has had so much control over our media and education (the two areas most people go to for information), that it's been very very hard to even speak a different set of ideas. But the process of chipping away at the layers of liberal narrative has been going on for some time. Social media is one area. Not the mainstream stuff, of course, that's just as popular assumption based as ever. But the rise of discussion and discourse over the internet has given conservatives a way to communicate with each other. The Tea Part was another big step. As average "normal" people realized that, contrary to what most of the messaging around us claims, there really are a lot more of us than we thought. And again, unlike the narrative we hear from the left, "conservative" does not mean "haters ranting on some white supremacist sites online". That's the strawman the left props up, not only to scare other liberals away from conservative ideas, but to actually scare conservatives away from acknowledging their own ideas and opinions.

So yeah, this has less to do with Trump himself as a realization by many conservatives that we're not so much a minority as we hear or think. More importantly, that we can and should speak up about our opinions and positions. Because the more we sit by quietly, the more we actually help reinforce the very perception that our positions and ideas are unpopular or just plain wrong. I suspect that's what you're seeing.

I'll just sit back for the next 4 years and watch as the Democrats become the party of "No!" and Republicans all cry about how they are the ones in power and everyone should listen to what they say.

Interestingly enough, while it's too early to tell just yet, it looks as though the GOP is having a much easier time getting folks on board with their agenda than the Democrats under Obama did. Again, there's no way to tell just how "out there" Trump may be, but the GOP in the Congress is basically floating a lot of the same ideas they floated over the last 8-10 years, and getting a better reception this time around. I can't say how much of that is Obama exhaustion, but it kinda looks like a heck of a lot of the more moderate Democrats have realized that the policies of the last 8 years were way too extreme and unfocused and maybe even did a fair amount of damage along the way, and are willing to work with the GOP to adopt more reasonable policies.

It does take two sides to be in opposition. And this may be my own conservative view point (which is clearly in the wrong according to everyone in the media), but my opinion is that the GOP was the party of "no" because the ideas that Obama was pushing were just plain bad ideas. It's not just about yes and no. It's about the proposals themselves. If you put out good ideas, people will tend to go along with them. When you get nearly 100% opposition, you maybe need to stop just calling the other side obstructionists and ask yourself if maybe what you're doing isn't a great idea. Were Republicans so consistently in opposition to Obama's agenda because they were playing on pure partisanship? Or were the Republicans right to oppose what he was doing, and the Democrats were the ones supporting it out of pure partisanship?

Or maybe a little of both. In any case, regardless of reason, I suspect history will record Obama as being the most divisive president we've had (at least in the last century or so). I have no freaking clue how Trump will do, so of course, there's still a vote out on that as well.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#2150 Jan 23 2017 at 10:43 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Jophiel wrote:
You'd think that Trump was an abused child or something rather than Leader of the Free World. He then went on to lie again about the viewership, saying that it was the most viewers in person, televised and online. We already know that the in person count was unimpressive, the televised ratings were far below 2009 (by 7mil viewers) and he has, and offered, no actual evidence that online viewership made up the large deficit.

So what? The point here (which ties into the point I made in my previous post) is that it does not matter how large or small the crowd is. The media will find some way to downplay it. The crowds were smaller (really? To the first election of a black man to the presidency? I can't imagine that!). There were protests (yup. we incited them and then reported on them!). The speech was bad. The wind was blowing too much. He picked the wrong bible(s). He had the wrong people in attendance. This. That. The other thing.

There will always be a negative spin in the media to *anything* related to the political Right Joph. That's what you're not getting. And that's precisely what people on the right are increasingly pissed off over. The media dipping into the exact same pool that just inflamed people in the election is another case of doubling down on stupidity. Of course his people are making a big deal about this. Because it doesn't matter what the crowd size actually was. It's about the fact that the media had to make a point, any point, to downplay and dismiss this inauguration. Just as they do every other time there's a conservative leaning event, person, speaker, idea, etc. That's the pattern he's playing on here.

You're literally looking at the wrong part of the equation. The lesson the Left should have taken from this last election cycle is that they need to stop playing word games via media surrogates and actually start speaking honestly and "to the people". But it's like they just can't help themselves, and fall back to the same old tired methodologies. Let's get a bunch of poor people and bus them in to protest. Let's get a bunch of women and bus them in to protest. Let's get a bunch of out of touch celebrities to smash talk (and protest). It's like you weren't paying attention. The whole thing is about a rejection of the "planned protest", and the orchestrated outrage, and the big celebrity events, and all of the other tools that the left has been using for decades to browbeat people into accepting their narrative and worldview.

It doesn't matter what the crowd size actually was.

As for the protests themselves, while the public display was certainly a large facet of it, more important is the collection of names, numbers and email addresses, participation in local groups and people feeling personally invested. Those would be, hopefully, spun into continued activism and support at more local levels. That's much more important than signs and pink kitty hats, although seeing a couple hundred thousand people like you in one place is a nice reminder that it's not just you and ten friends on Facebook who feel this way and a good push for morale during an otherwise depressing period. Only time will tell if it works although, hey, people (myself included) laughed at the initial Tea Party protests and we see how that turned out. If people are hoping to replicate that success, a million-plus people taking to the streets would look great when they write the history.

Honestly? The problem is that the Left lost its way about 40 years ago IMO. They don't seem to actually stand for anything. It's about pure momentum and opposition process. They aren't "for" anything, just "against" the evil bad conservatives. Their protests have been mostly astroturf for decades now (yet laughably that's the label they used towards the Tea Party, because they'd apparently forgotten what actual grass roots protests look like). They have hordes of followers who are emotionally invested in whatever movement of the day has been picked out for them, but almost none of them can even elaborate on what that movement is really about, or what they want to accomplish. They're involved because they are told they must be involved, and they're bad people if they don't, so they put on their t-shirts, pick up their protest signs, and get right into line.

The very fact that you're talking about the process of organizing speaks to this difference. Conservatives become active because they understand the ideology behind a given position or objective. Liberals become active because someone gathered their names, put them on a list, and they feel like it's their duty to support <insert cause here>. That's the whole process of such organizing. It's less about adopting an set of ideological positions and more about manipulating people into following you, regardless of where you are leading them.

Many on the left just don't get this. I remember laughing at some news reporter showing up at a Tea Party rally and literally walking up to people and demanding that they tell her what organization they were working for, a member of, or which bussed them in, etc, etc. She became increasingly upset when everyone told her that they just showed up after reading some posts on line talking about the event, and they weren't a part of any actual organization. She assumed they were all lying to her and just didn't want to admit who they were working for/with. That's just how ingrained the process is among liberals though. They've been doing this for so long, using these same methods, that they just assume that this is "how it's done".

The mocking of conservatives and their hand made signs (and the whole bad spelling meme too) is part of the same "not getting it". The thing they were mocking them for what what made their movement "real". But they're so inside the process that they could not see it. In much the same way that the media today is continuing to use the same methods to try to dismiss Trump and the GOP that they used during the election (and honestly, all the time). But the more they do that, the more they're just proving us crazy conservative conspiracy theorists right. They're just highlighting their own bias to a larger and larger number of people.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#2151 Jan 23 2017 at 11:04 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
TirithRR wrote:
So I see trending now that Sean Spicer hates on Dippin' Dots. (Or some click baity title that made it seem like it was. I avoid actually clicking on them.)

That'll easily be the smartest thing he says today. Dippin' Dots suck. Little freezer-burned ice cream turds.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
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