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#27 Oct 06 2004 at 3:20 PM Rating: Decent
There is a max price for things.
Right now in the Windurst AH, Yagudo Bead Necklaces were going for 600 gil each. I put 3 up there for 100 gil. They sold within 5 minutes.
There is an understanding that some things take time, and some things require money. Since I have to pay for this game, I feel that the game should not fall into the hands of those people who are "leet" and force people to spend weeks upon weeks of farming just for one item.
I think of it this way: price sells. People in the real world don't complain when they find good deals at the store. Why should they complain here?
#28 Oct 06 2004 at 8:14 PM Rating: Decent
46 posts
i agree with abzalom on alot of points. I think we both have the same approach when it comes to buying and selling stuff. "Doing Business" with the auction hourse is an art in itself IMO. Whatever gear i buy for my jobs, i always make sure i put the lowest price for it whenever i get ready to sell it for 2 main reasons.

1. I got my money's worth as far as I am concerned. I used it for 2-4 lvls and it served its purpose well. Now its time to move on.

2. If someone else can get the same item slightly cheaper (emphasis on slightly here) then so be it. If someone can benefit from my loss (as long as its not substantial) then all the power to it.

Now keep in mind that there is a fine line between how low ur comfortable dropping the price and how low u HAVE TO drop the price inorder to sell ur item first. I can understand people trying to get thier items sold faster but to undercut the price by 20K just to be the first to get ur item sold is unwise. If i see a drastic decrease in prices for a particular item i dont put it up at the AH. Instead i wait until it climbs back up and farm in the mean time. The amount of gil u loose from such a transaction is not worth it and u end up working harder to come up with extra gil to get that special gear for ur lvl.

I do farm alot and the AH is like a stock market to me. It tells me whats in demand, What i need to farm and how much should i sell it for.

Also keep in mind that while there are people out there always undercutting the prices at the AH (like myself), there are also some brave souls who do the exact opposite and put items that are hot in demand but very rare at AH at relatively higher prices (also like myself). I remember i used to farm tree cuttings 4K each 60K a stack. Then came a time when it went down to 3K each and 50K a stack and there were 50 stacks availible at the AH. It was a bad time to be farming tree cuttings so i went and farm alternative items but i kept a sharp eye out for those cuttings prices. Eventually players started buying them and then came a time when there were only 2 stacks left. Immediatley i went on a Goboue Hunting spree. I farmed for 5 days. Got 2 stacks a day and put both stacks on for 65K each every day. Low and behold... they would all be gone the next morning i ll log in. And hence the prices went up. alowing famrers to get more out of farming.

Now does that mean we're gonna have another thread on OVERPRICING :) ? Depending on which side of the fence u are on, as a buyer or a seller, there will be times when u ll score and then there will also be times when u ll take some hits. Its just how the economy works. What u learn from all this is how to get the most out of it for ur needs.
#29 Oct 07 2004 at 7:10 AM Rating: Decent
1. I got my money's worth as far as I am concerned. I used it for 2-4 lvls and it served its purpose well. Now its time to move on.

2. If someone else can get the same item slightly cheaper (emphasis on slightly here) then so be it. If someone can benefit from my loss (as long as its not substantial) then all the power to it.

#30 Oct 08 2004 at 11:17 AM Rating: Decent
VawnLakshimi wrote:
Abzalom good comments.

As for DrkImg, I give up on this guy. He just doesn't make any sense (but he keeps giving long posts that make no sense).

well i'm glad you have repetetion down pat...


it means people set prices based on how many are up at the ah... eg <1> item = jack price <20> items = lower price...
these people don't think "hmmm... well leaping lizzie took me 20 minutes to find, then another 10 mins to kill, then i had to run around like an idiot for another 15 mins"

Ok? There is a point in there somewhere. But if everyone could get this NM every 20 minutes, I am sure the price would drop. (And on a side note, what are you killing this lizard with that takes 10 minutes -- a toothbrush?). But until then people will sell it for what's its worth. Once again, supply and demand.

your right, we should stop posting back and forth... you seem to have your head so far up your *** you can still read the posts on the forums...

you change your mind (point) every post... 2 posts ago you say that people will base the price on how hard it was to kill said NM (eg. there time/effort)... and now your back to supply and demand... you need to choose what your going to go with...

if people would think more about the community and less about themselves we would see more of a stable economy...

This comment right here pretty much tells us this yahoo knows nothing about economics. It's the exact same in the real world. Would you sell your car for $2500 less than what you know you could get for it in an attempt to stabalize the economy? Maybe a few (very few) people would, but in general people look out for themselves. You've stated you want to have one "stable" way of making money and that people who are undercutting, etc, ruin it for you.

please note: head in *** comment

you know what vaun or vawn... your right...


I have no doubt, I won't get the last word on this. So please go ahead, quote me on everything, give me your insight one last time on how this all works and how it is nothing like a real-world economy, and lets be done with it.

please continue to believe that the "ah" in ffxi is the same as real world economics... please... and also please continue to believe that goblins and orcs are going to come get you... because if your stupid enough to believe that the ffxi economy and rl economy are the same your an idiot...

they may try and base the economy off of rl... but you know how many stock brokers and bankers are 10 years old!

so thank you for your time and effort... you constant jump on what you want the ffxi economy to be has been very insightful, and your knack of making comments "that i really didn't care about what you have to say" are wonderful (when did i ever say i was having a problem making gil?)


When I suggest having different ways to make money and to learn how to use the economy in your favor you let me know how ignorant that idea is.

hopefully we won't have to communicate on this subject anymore... maybe i can find one of your useful posts somewhere else, where you manage to understand a POV and stick to it...

good luck and good selling

Edited, Fri Oct 8 12:51:52 2004 by DrkrImg
#31 Oct 08 2004 at 12:10 PM Rating: Decent
VawnLakshimi wrote:
My original point was we should not accuse people of doing wrong by selling items at a price we do not like (too high or too low). People will do what they believe is best for them. Instead, learn how the economy works as a whole and let this be advantageous to you. Find what items people are willing to pay for now (it will always fluctuate) and then decide if the effort to get these items is worth what people are willing to pay for them. This is meant to be helpful advice for everyone trying to make gil in a game that is frankly pretty tough to make good gil. I am not trying to start a flame war (you know who I am talking about), but rather help people out with my advice. It's the scheme I use to make money and it has been very beneficial to me.

just as a note.... seeing as though you felt like pulling me into this...

i never knocked you for advice... and seeing as though this is the first bit of "ADVICE" that i've seen from you, should i knock it now? no, because i use it myself...

but you know what vawn, how about growing up and keeping me out of your posts... although i have enjoyed (lol) discussing the economy with you, i really am tired of you being unable to make up your mind on how you think the economy works...

so in advance thank you for not responding!
#32 Oct 08 2004 at 1:25 PM Rating: Decent
but you know what vawn, how about growing up and keeping me out of your posts... although i have enjoyed (lol) discussing the economy with you, i really am tired of you being unable to make up your mind on how you think the economy works...

i was reading over both of your posts, and i think i see what the deal is here (although i could be wrong). it looks like both of you are correct and incorrect at the same time.
i think vawn is trying to say that the economics in FF are similar to RL economics in that the rule of supply and demand are in effect here. also the simple rule that an item's worth is heavily dependent on what people are willing to pay for it.
in this sense, yes, he is correct. Price goes up as demand goes up. When people hear how great treant bulbs are in crafting some wonderous item, the price will go up because people are going to want to buy them all.
however, all the other things in economics such as "price ceilings", "price floors", etc are not applicable. FF economics is not similar to RL economics because RL economics are way too intricate to fit in this game to make it enjoyable. There is no FF stock market. There are no FF mutual funds, money markets, compound interest rates (although there is a stupid tax in jeuno), etc. To use this form of an economy to explain something going on in the FF economy wouldn't work because the FF economy doesn't have these things. BUT THE BASIC RULE OF SUPPLY AND DEMAND DOES APPLY.

Can we be at peace now please?

#33 Oct 08 2004 at 2:30 PM Rating: Decent
Abzalom wrote:
i think vawn is trying to say that the economics in FF are similar to RL economics in that the rule of supply and demand are in effect here. also the simple rule that an item's worth is heavily dependent on what people are willing to pay for it. in this sense, yes, he is correct.

no argument here! =) its just too bad people don't say what they mean in the first place...


however, all the other things in economics such as "price ceilings", "price floors", etc are not applicable. FF economics is not similar to RL economics because RL economics are way too intricate to fit in this game to make it enjoyable.

hey look... someone who actually knows something about economics... quick get him outta here! =)


There is no FF stock market. There are no FF mutual funds, money markets, compound interest rates (although there is a stupid tax in jeuno), etc. To use this form of an economy to explain something going on in the FF economy wouldn't work because the FF economy doesn't have these things.

holy krips... you actually read what i wrote, could understand it (in its ludicrus writing)... and made it make sense...

/em bows to the all powerful being!



which is exactly what i said...

(this is an example the figures/pricing noted are WRONG)
[1] rabbit hide = 100g
[100] rabbit hides = 1g

god bless you and your children and your childrens children....
#34 Oct 08 2004 at 3:25 PM Rating: Decent
holy krips... you actually read what i wrote, could understand it (in its ludicrus writing)... and made it make sense...

/em bows to the all powerful being!

and no rate up? :o(
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