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Bad Players Alerts!Follow

#52 Sep 09 2004 at 12:25 PM Rating: Good
782 posts
Wow, grats, i will rate up for u too!
#53 Sep 09 2004 at 6:25 PM Rating: Decent
32 posts
Attention all players the following person can be a danger asset to your party. Last night I was out lvling in Garliage Citadel and we had a great pt going. Then some people left. We had to replace our redmage. So we invite ELISHYA omg this Redmage turned out to be a bot of some sort no lie. After the first fight of noone getting rerfresh except Elishya, casting it on herself and she only did one cure and no convert we politely asked her if she could cast those spells.

Well ELISHYA didnt respond we asked in translator no respond but she just kept casting regen on herself while we were not fighting. Pt leader kicked her off and the person immediately puts flag up. We do a shout warning other pts nearby about this person. They said the same thing happened to them and they kicked out ELISHYA as well. To even prove more so that this person was a bot we reinvted ELISHYA back into pt and she accepted without saying anything. We decided to test this person to see if it was a bot, so we aggroed a beetle and just let her tanked it till she died. She was fighting on her own without saying anything while we stayed there and watch.

Finally, one of the guys decided to call a GM. I had to go and don't know if the GM ever showed but all I have to say is watch out for a LVL 50 Redmage name Elishya and she has a Rank of 1.

Edited, Thu Sep 9 19:27:37 2004 by Ozalloc
#54 Sep 10 2004 at 2:06 PM Rating: Decent
108 posts
i would have to agree on roesgirl being here. i pted with her in crawlers nest, she was a 45RDM/19WAR, all she does is cast refresh on herself, oh did i mention she 53 now and still wearing RSE....anyway my pt ldr send me a tell if i have teleport-altep, i say yes i do. he asks her in pt chat if she has the crystal she says no, i unleash my teleport macro and leave her *** in the nest. and yes she speaks english after we left she sent me a tell..."your mean now what am i to do". i replied learn to be a beastmaster. either way she is an all aorund bad player and i felt death cuz of it, oh yea she pulls at random to so watch out.
#55 Sep 10 2004 at 6:18 PM Rating: Decent
I'm surprised I'm not named =P
#56 Sep 11 2004 at 7:46 PM Rating: Decent
I wasn't able to view the other list, but of all the bad players I've met before only one name comes to mind right now.

Dynastey. I met him first as a level 27 in Yhoator. Seemed alright at first, a little bit impatient and constantly prattling about how high he was while we played, but he was well-equipped and seemed to play well.

Well a few weeks later I met him levelling my sub in Valkurm. He was a level 11 WAR and I was the main healer. He was the puller. He tried to take over my party, giving orders to everyone about where we would go, what we would kill, etc. Had a real sarcastic tone and basically treated us like idiots. He kept screaming in all caps about all the ************* Valkurm n00bs" taking all the good spots/lizzies. Went AFK for a "toke break" several times.

He never stuck around long enough for me to heal him or even top off the tank before he was pulling. Once he wound up dying because he was poisoned and in the red, had left to pull and didn't listen when we yelled for him to come back for poisona. After that he cussed us out and disbanded so I asked him wtf his problem was. He went ranting and raving in all caps about what a sh*tty WHM I was (I was a SMN at the time, i.e. only had Cure1), started bashing me and finally asked me if I was a PS2er or a PCer. I told him PS2 and he blew his freaking STACK saying how PS2 players are scum of the earth and whiny console gamer "pussies" were ******** a mature game for adults.

First person I ever Blisted, and the rest of the party followed suit.
#57 Sep 11 2004 at 10:41 PM Rating: Decent
90 posts
i just started a character on lakshmi last week. i was in a party in the dunes and things werent going well with two of the memebers so one leaves. lizards werent getting us enough exp so we moved to crabs and after two fights this lvl 40+ whm named bluerobo i think trained two bogies right by us and said HAHHAHAHHAH now you're all dead. i gave him a /tell asking why he did it and he said because he felt like it. i told a gm. so if you ever see him watch out.

Edited, Sat Sep 11 23:48:51 2004 by shiromizu
#58 Sep 12 2004 at 1:03 AM Rating: Decent
There is a thf/rdm (ha!) that goes by the name of Silverknife. This guy is bad news in every sense.

We were a lvl 13-14 PT and he would keep pulling muggers, leechers and gamblers after being repeatedly told to stay away from them. It's funny though, because the first 2 of these blew themselves up with bombs and we got a buttload of xp (we were lucky). And somehow he thought that hewas the one who blew them up. "I blew it up with burning blade ololol."

But our annihilation was inevitable and the next mugger did us in. He was being an all-around jerk the whole time as well. I don't really appreciate being told to voke when voking is impossible - seeing as how the timer hadn't gone down yet.

I never really had a bad experience with another player until I met this tool.

#59 Sep 13 2004 at 11:54 AM Rating: Decent
253 posts
I posted my only real problem with someone on the link that appears early on in this thread, you can read it there, saves me posting it again. ^_^

Ciclone, I'm impressed someone feels similarly to how I do when it comes to feeling bad about things. I remember a few months back I accidentally stole a kill from a WAR on Vomp Hill when I didn't see her approaching. Of course she blew up on me and I realised my error, but it was too late to do anything about it, so I /tell'ed her "Sorry, didn't see you there!"

Maybe she didn't get the message or something, I dunno, but after the fight was over she yelled that I'd stolen her kill. Jokingly, I said, "Well, I AM a THF... ^_^;;"

This apparently didn't sit well with her. Every time we'd pass, she'd give me a disgusted motion and slap me several times. I didn't do anything to provoke her but she didn't stop. I felt bad, sure, I had stolen her kill, but she was being really horrible about it which made me feel worse. After some time of this abuse from her, I /tell'ed her that I apologised to her, and that I wasn't wanting to make enemies with anyone, that my taking her kill was an honest mistake. She grudgingly accepted my apologies, but I could tell she was still angry at me.

The whole thing really made me aware of stealing other people's kills... I hate it when people don't like you. -_-
#60 Sep 13 2004 at 11:59 AM Rating: Decent
253 posts
Hey, Ozalloc!!

Don't suppose you remember me, but we had a scorching party going on in Qufim a while back. Best party I've ever been in! I got up 3 levels in about as many hours! I was a WAR back then. Anyway, good luck and I hope I see you around some time. ^_^
#61 Sep 27 2004 at 1:00 PM Rating: Decent
Coio. She NEVER talks, even if you use the auto translator. She'll round up a bunch of people, disband them as soon as the healer leaves, disband...and 5 seconds later, invite aagain. I /blisted her and /slapped her 4 times in a row.

Coio also likes to get a huge mob train in Pashhow and kill them all (leaving everyone else with nothing).
In return, I got two of my friends to meet me there and pick off mobs in the train before she can get to them. After doing this for 5 minutes, she left and went elsewhere ^.^
#62 Sep 27 2004 at 7:15 PM Rating: Decent
Add Fourgotten to the list.

Lvl. 16ish Dark Knight. Partying in the dunes, he comes in. 10 minutes later, he dies from a fly. It happens, whatever. I get him a raise from a nice paladin named Taurian (thanks again), then he disbands saying "This PT sucks I died".

I tell him "So you disband after one death even after I got you a raise. Thanks buddy!" After awhile of him telling me "You suck, your a unsubbed rank 2 monk don't talk to me" I finally Blist him.

There's a lot more about him that I could post, but I'll just warn other people of him. He can't die or he will cry like a little baby.
#63 Sep 27 2004 at 7:28 PM Rating: Decent
311 posts
Psylight, as for the whole 'kill-stealing' thing, I think it really depends on the situation. If there's quite a lot of mobs around and someone's making towards one as though they're going to pull it, I think it should be left.
However, in a busy Yhoator Jungle when mandies are so scarce it's hard to get a chain going, I think it's completely acceptable. I've seen lots of people steal from my party before.

I had silly fun doing the same when I was lvl'ing THF. I'd Flee around and snatch the mandies right from under people. I felt a little bad, of course, but when there's a lot of competition you have to be willing to be a bit more ruthless in your pulling. ;D
#64 Oct 12 2004 at 10:05 AM Rating: Decent
Thickbluebird- can usually be found training aggroing mobs(including a lvl70 NM leech) to the Zeruhn zone in Korroloka tunnel.
#65 Oct 12 2004 at 12:07 PM Rating: Decent
171 posts
Doh, I just gave Thickbluebird a Raise II in kuftal last night.

#66 Oct 12 2004 at 1:06 PM Rating: Decent
Berndarmin - very bad war, with a very VERY underleveled sub always ******* on the ls *sigh*
Boondox- if you have partyed with him you know what I mean.
and last most of the old people from SwordsofVanadiel.
#67 Oct 12 2004 at 11:31 PM Rating: Decent
OK I've been playing for quite a while (as i'm sure most of you have) and I would like to tell you about my experience with the worst WHM I've ever invited.
First of all, I had bad feeling about this WHM at the beginning, when he wasn't responding to requests/questions from the rest of the party. Furthermore he wasn't casting haste on the Melee's, which I consider greatly important for chaining. At any rate:
I was partying in the 'Secret Room' in the Crawler's nest when the puller got aggro from an Exoray while pulling a Fly. Well, any other sensible WHM would have attempted to sleep the Exoray (which we could easily have killed) and work on the already weakened Fly. Well, this WHM (whose name I will mention soon, who also BTW has a casino in San d'Oria) decides instead to warp himself to Jeuno, leaving the party to die in the secret room. Immediately after he warped, I received a /tell from him "Sorry, i'm out."
Let me just say, we didn't have a BLM, so Escape was out of the question. But what happened to Sleeping the Exoray? I had hate on both of the mob's, thanks to Flash and Provoke. So then, what happened to Teleport-Mea, or any Teleport for that matter? I think this WHM should go down as the laziest and most selfish of all time. He murdered the entire party because he was too lazy (or selfish).

His name:

I hope since this incident Otis has re-thought his job assignment, or greatly improved his current job performance.


#68 Oct 13 2004 at 12:23 AM Rating: Good
782 posts
Very nice Post, Con! Now its my turn for Tonights little episode, I was gunna write the whole thing down, but to tell ya the truth, my hand got tired after the 2nd page.

Ok! Where should I begin?

Ok, We were chillin in Jeuno getting rdy to pt when a big question came up, Boyhada Tree or King Ramp's Tomb? Well, i thought hell, pick a number 1 though 100 so... Pretus picked 69 and Blage picked 23. My number i picked was 50! So with that we were like king ramps. Then Blage was like better exp is at the tree and 55-56 was at King Ramp's. So we said whatever and did the tele mea and on we were to the Tree.

At the tree, exp was alright but we were having a problem with communication. In the beginning before i could grab hate quick enough, Blage starts casting the big powerful spells like Blizzard II. So he casts blink on himself (I dont know about you, but when someone casts blink on himself I feel like im not doing my job. Thats my honest opinion). And we ask him "Please stop using big spells before the 2nd voke." He kept doing it every fight, so here i was struggiling to get the hate back from Blage and working my regular thing, becuase me and my companion rdm Nuku do a special W/S ^^. A little bit later, the puller accidently pulled a rabbit and alot of em linked. The puller died and thats when we said cast escape. Then he died, I voked it, and ran with it, using Invincible, meanwhile the rdm, Miss Nuku raised him as i was yelling "ESCAPE DAMN IT!" So no one else would die but me. But he simply sat down and healed. While two more people got killed, Ehrgiez and Me. 4 died.

/sigh After that, was the big one, Blage had a boyahda key and there was a chest. He asked to go open it so we said "ok!" We were healing up and we were about to fight in a second. So he opened it. A Painite was in the chest. He asked if he could lot on it, no one cared and no one replyed. So it was left in the treasure and someone other than him got it. And thats is where he got mad. o.O

So a little bit later on, like 2-3 fights later he says "I gotta go, I need some sleep, I got school in the morning." So here i am in the LS pissed. He did not warn us or nothing, so we asked for a D2. He said who needs it, which was pretty much everybody, so he D2ed one other person and then cast sneak then left. Leaving everyone else in the dust. So after this i say well, thats a little bit jacked. Then we spent about 30 min talking about the whole thing and I come to the conclusion he jumps to conclusions. And does not communcate well at all.

Thats the story and I'm sticking to it!!!!!!
After all this the last words i said to him was
"I should have done what everyone else did. /blisted"

I dont know. I just dont know why? me god? WHY!!? /cry
#69 Oct 13 2004 at 12:25 AM Rating: Decent
USN?? hehe, you should have joined the Air Force!!

juzt kiddin buddy, see you later

Airman First Class
#70 Oct 13 2004 at 12:28 AM Rating: Good
782 posts
Hey hey! You need to respect your NCOs! Im an E-4 buddy MUHAHAH. :p j/k! I dont care, Con! See ya later, and great mini sig there, I like it!
#71 Oct 13 2004 at 12:38 AM Rating: Default
well to reply to tanta. am the person hes talking about ill get some thing striaght. we would i pick anumber 1-100 when you all are in a ls and of coarse i would lose...y couldnt we just use the /random like i said in m post there selfish retards.secondly i alway use blink cuase of freeze mb like you said yo said tanta you adn nuku were doing the SC.And after the first voke i do blizz 2 and thunder 2 and if u cant hold hate your doing something wrong.And with the escape thing escape equals isntant hate while warping ut of the area so after i die from your guys stupidity would i raise myself and die again for u people.and the coffer key i got over in the middle of a bunch od cralwers and elementals cuase on the way there we saw the coffer and they all wanted the money inside so i risk me exp to get them money thats when the painite come out and i asked kindly of i can lot and no one anwser if u guys didnt care y didnt you say something and again if you guys didin care y did u ignore me when i asked if i could have it when you guys got it then just said no u lose srry. So there like its the way of life and im like well im leaving you can find your own way out and i left and then for about 30 minutes they just whined in /tells then /blisted me so there u have it
#72 Oct 13 2004 at 1:49 AM Rating: Good
782 posts
Ok, i can tell this is not going to end easy. I dont know what I have to do to stop this insanity. It seems that it went from my blisting him right onto the forums. /cry

What have i done. There is nothing more for me to say except for anyone else can judge this the way they want to. Im done saying my piece. And I just hope that everyone realizes that this thing will proably drag on for a long time ><. (I certainly hope not). But the more we talk about it, the more the story is going to get wacked. I honestly dont care what happened tonight, I just wanted to clear Benevolence's name and everyone's name who was there. Simple. I feel going any farther in this discussion is just stupid and immature. There. Im done. I am posting this in the other messages too. ***** this, I got alot more things i gotta concentrate on instead of worrying about some kid who didnt have a fun time on his game.
#73 Oct 13 2004 at 2:00 AM Rating: Decent
And after the first voke i do blizz 2 and thunder 2 and if u cant hold hate your doing something wrong

If I understand this no 1 can hold hate when they just pulled it from a distance. I just wanted some1 to tell me if this can be done on the 1st voke. Clearly strategy guides tell you to hold off magic casting until ur tanks have hold of hate.

we would i pick anumber 1-100 when you all are in a ls and of coarse i would lose

First of all i voted out loud the words tomb when we were asked before pick a number and only you and me spoke out. Second, I wanted to try tombs but you cried about not enough exp. So we went to tree since u know exp would be better.

they all wanted the money inside so i risk me exp to get them money thats when the painite come out and i asked kindly of i can lot and no one anwser

I didn't care about the stupid gil .Elementals don't argo only when you use magic when they attack you and Crawlers only argo on sound.

Plus, I was busy healin while you were buggin me in /t about that stupid painite. I was gonna give it to you when we got to a resting point so I turned off all /t but as u can see I couldn't respond to you healin tryin to keep the crew alive. Then I found out you upped and left the pt. Boy, you gots some problems about being impatient. Then you said the rdm and whm warped out actually. This whm stays til his pt have left the area. Goodthing I did stayed or I'd just be as rude as you. I'm gonna hold on to your painite til you apologize for the rudeness you showed then I'll give ur item back.
For now you'll see it on my bazaar at maxed price.
Ls: VanadielGuardians<LDR>
#74 Oct 13 2004 at 2:43 AM Rating: Decent
OK Blage.

1) They went to Boyhada Tree anyway, so what does it matter what method was used to determine the camp. You got what you wanted, was that not fair enough?

2) You need to understand the mechanics of hate. At the beginning of the battle, hate is up for grabs. Whomever causes the most damage, or uses a hate-making ability (i.e. Provoke, Blizzard II, Thunder II etc.) will attract hate, ESPECIALLY at the beginning of a battle. If this is confusing, or hard to understand, read one of the Paladin guides on this site, it will answer many questions.

3) If you want the treasure, Lot For It!! You got the key, you found the chest, why WOULDN'T you LOT for it?? Don't blame the rest of the Party and be bitter because you failed to lot on treasure that you hoped to receive. And that is a fact of life. If you do not lot, how do you expect to exclusively receive the treasure??

4) A bitter BLM denying his/her party of a decent Warp II. Well I'm sure that helped the situation alot. In my opinion, you must fulfill all of your job duties as you receive them. Just as I am obligated to raise a fallen player (Since PLD's have Raise now), you should be obligated to take care of your party after it ends. WHM's Teleport, RDM's Refresh, BLM's Warp II. That's the way things work.

You sure didn't make any new friends today, Blage. I recommend you re-evaluate your job performance and consider your actions for your next party.

Good Luck, you've been /blisted

#75 Oct 13 2004 at 8:29 AM Rating: Decent
His name:

OMG! he was in my LS (crystaldragons).
i haven't seen him in a while though. i don't know if he is still a member.
#76REDACTED, Posted: Oct 13 2004 at 9:13 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) diamondellle just because i hate that b
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