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Bad Players Alerts!Follow

#127 Oct 31 2004 at 3:31 PM Rating: Default
hmmm ok i dont really do this but omg... the other night me and my static are ptying at gustav near where this nm gob spawns(the one that drops the exc/rare bow) there were another pt besides us so we decided to form an alliance to kill it please NOTE: we agreed to let both the rangers lot on the bow it drops, so we then kill it and the other ranger lots on it... he got a bad lot like 200+ and to my surprise the other's pt leader (dynastey or sumin) wont let our ranger lot on it. A deal's a deal so we made our ranger lot, we got the bow and dynastey started talking smack to us... and dissed me bout being a cheap *** pld (/cry well im poor but not cheap :P), a NOOB <-- he was a level higher than me lol and stupid for tanking the nm, he said i was stupid to volunteer and that his pld is smart coz he didnt want to die (well if he doesnt wanna die y did he take a pld job?? -.-) ehh im ranting sorry lol well yea the same guy (dynastey or sumin) wouldnt let his whm at the moment (Myril - which is a nice friend) get her whm testimony that she really wanted, to get from our pt coz we got it to drop and my whm already has it... hmm thats just selfish
OMG SORRY!! turned out so long and i dont mean to rant on this guy but its just not right being like that
just because he has good equipment and im guessing loads of money and a decent level doesnt mean he can do these kind of stuff err sorry again for long post >.< and the rant
thanks guys
#128 Oct 31 2004 at 6:46 PM Rating: Decent
2,638 posts
{You can have this} {Enter key}

#129REDACTED, Posted: Nov 05 2004 at 7:41 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) i would just like to say a few things.That i think this forum is absolutly GAY.For one everyone has a bad xprience with someone.Does not mean there a bad player and everyone have differnt views on thing one thing tha people think would be bad is another stragegy.Everyone plays this game differently deal with it. personnly i dont flip out over a game just ask ewoker.... he kicked me out of KoV for defend Zookz who also left.Which leads to me taking everyone out of KoV that doesnt need to be there (i.e all the people from thatls that werent noobs or leeched off of us)
#130 Nov 05 2004 at 10:16 PM Rating: Decent
Leeched off you and others? I never asked for help while you guys were in the LS, and the only reason you got kicked is because you kept kicking me and abusing your power as a sack holder, even when I told you Ewoker said to leave me alone. And you whine at me for getting you kicked out?

You, Zookz, and everyone else who got kicked out brought it upon yourselves. =/
#131 Nov 05 2004 at 11:42 PM Rating: Default
hahha marc your gay dont be jealous....i never kicked you the intire time and no one likes you thats y we all left.No one wanted to be around u noobs anymore (srry to sound so harsh)but yea most of u guys took advantage of ewoker and leeched off of us and the other ldrs got tired of it and started kicking the leeches and noobs like u out of the ls. Then u guys whined to ewoker and kept getting back in.And frankly leaving that ls was the best thing ive ever done im now ldr of ChronicDisorder and its goin great.Like i said before in my post you guys are just jealous.
#132 Nov 06 2004 at 2:07 AM Rating: Good
335 posts
...and this is apparently Junior High all over again. Remember kids, anything you say can and will determine your sexual orientation.
#133 Nov 08 2004 at 5:36 AM Rating: Decent
103 posts

Ok, I have been playing this game for some time, and I've had my share of bad experiences, like everybody has. I've even had some really bad ones that just forced me to turn off the game for the rest of the day. But this guy... man, this guy is something else.

I'm leveling up in Valkurm, and my pt is doing pretty well, when we lose one of our damage dealers. So I search for a few minutes, this guy Azrial pops up, he's a rng at the time. Invite sent, pt getting ready to go, it seems to be all good. As we're running out to find a camp, it becomes apparent that Azrial is an ***. But no worries, we can deal... Anyway, he somehow starts talking about how offensive he can be when he wants to. We tell him, "Well, we're not offended," etc. etc. "Well, you haven't been talking to me for an hour yet." And from here on, we find ourselves embroiled in a contest to see if he can offend anyone in the group. Some of us laugh and roll with it, others are not amused at all. After this goes on for a while, it's time to stop and get started with the monsters, so we send Azrial out to pull a pug. He runs out, shoots one, and comes running back, but doesn't make it to us; the pug kills him on the way back. So we're all like, "crap," and we start looking for a raise, since Azrial revealed that he left his hp in Jeuno. We wait for quite some time for a raise, and during this time Azrial gets more and more serious about trying to **** people off... and several pt members get seriously upset and request that I kick him out. When we ask him to stop and he doesn't, that's it. He hps to Jeuno, and I boot him from the pt.

Now the real fun begins. We get another replacement and commence killing again. About 20-30 minutes later, a train of goblins like you wouldn't believe descends upon our pt. We were near the Gustav zone, but there was just no way... we were all dead in seconds. Azrial had come back, as his 52 whm, just to train those gobs on us and warp out.

And that's not all! He commences with the /tells, to everyone in the pt! "That's what you get for booting me!" and the like. He even had the gall to say, "I was playing this game when you were just a j*zz stain," which I couldn't help but laugh at... seeing as how my sam is higher than his whm. But anyway, we call a GM right away, tell him the story, etc. Azrial disappears for about half an hour, then comes back and sends me a tell again, this time calling me a p*ssy for calling the GM! He goes on and on about how he got off "without a strike," and how the GMs aren't gonna do anything about it and I'm such a loser. I end up calling the GM again, just because he's harassing me so much. And yes, I know about the /blist.

Anyway, this guy is very very bad news. He even said, "I promise that you will never lvl that job," to me. What a total jerk. He also guaranteed to give me a bad name to all his friends, who he claimed were many. If you hear about me from this guy, please, ask me before you assume I'm the jerk, here. He really ruined an entire night for my friends and I.
#134 Nov 08 2004 at 9:44 AM Rating: Decent
266 posts
For all of you that have dealings with Wildchild. I don't know if you are aware of this but his original character is Mobster. To long of a list of Asshatness to even go into. Just stay away and do not trust this guy at all.

I have had my share of jerks but I no longer remember any of them. Most of the people I have been running into recently have been realy nice and wonderfull people. I even cleaned out my blist the other day to give some another chance. (mainly cause blage ended up in a party of mine and I thought he was very quiet, turns out I had him blisted O.O not for anything bad but for his casino. Couldn't remeber why the others were blisted so I cleaned it out)

I knew Ewoker a while back and thought he was a very nice person. Haven't ran into him recently so can't say about now.

On Nodens, he is in my linkshell. me and him have been running around together a lot recently. He seems very nice and respectfull to me. Also he has some macro's with stuff in them so I find it funny that he would freak out about something like that. His main is 59 whm and he is very good. I am not saying the poster is lying at all. Just wanted to throw my 2 gil in the ring for a friend.
#135 Nov 08 2004 at 12:36 PM Rating: Decent
192 posts
Anaxagoras, if he pulls that stunt again while you're trying to lv that job, send me a tell... ...I'll come and keep the trains off of you and your pt.

Hell, I'll even ask him to mix up the trains a bit... know, throw some lizzy's in there for skins. Why farm when some moron can bring mobs to you.
#136 Nov 08 2004 at 4:38 PM Rating: Decent
103 posts
Haha, thanks, Ezekiel. I appreciate it.
#137 Nov 08 2004 at 4:49 PM Rating: Decent
10,564 posts
I remember Azriel when i was lvling drk last week. There were very few people seeking at the time, and we both had a 3 person pt, but no tank in either. He volunteered to leave, and let the rest of us form up and get a tank. i thought this was very nice of him, and the pt did end up being very good. when i did a /sea Azriel he had formed a new pt, and i just thanked him again, and he said his new pt was doing well too.

i guess the point im trying to make is, just cause someone is an a$$ once, doesnt make him/her an a$$ all the time. So please, if someone's name just pops up here once for one incident, please don't harass them unless provoked. everyone has their bad moments.
◕ ‿‿ ◕
#138 Nov 08 2004 at 5:26 PM Rating: Decent
192 posts
Vataro... made some very good points there. These listings CAN be one-sided and should be taken with a grain of salt. People have bad moments (I know I do), but continued harassment is something different. There is no excuse for purposefully training mobs on a party IMO, no matter how badly they wronged you.

But hey, what am I, the etiquette police? It's really non of my business... ...but this guy should just move on. But if he continues to harass (never mind harassing completely inoccent people who might be in the party), I'm gonna have some fun with the trains=)

<edit> Vataro, I agree 100% with your main idea about this thread provoking harassment towards name that are listed here. Lynch-mob mentality should be avoided, IMO. It's that whole, "Two wrongs don't make a right" thing (but three lefts do).

Edited, Mon Nov 8 17:39:23 2004 by EzekielxOnLakshmi
#139 Nov 08 2004 at 6:07 PM Rating: Decent
Vataro i agree wit wat ur saying.. but Anaxagoras, if he pulls another stunt like that let me know so i can farm wit ez... errrr make sure u guys are alive... lol jk but yea even if he's frustrated or whatever dont give him the right to train gobs onto u guys...

i posted a person here (same page) and if u guys dont mind reading it.. i wanna know if u kno him and wut kind of person he really is... id really appreciate it =)

#140 Nov 08 2004 at 8:04 PM Rating: Decent
101 posts

Azrial and Azriel are 2 different person.

I pted with Azriel before. He is a very nice person and we enjoyed the pt for the whole day.

As for Azrial, I saw him around, but I never knew him.
#141 Nov 08 2004 at 9:09 PM Rating: Decent
192 posts
O_o I can see how people can get that mixed up.
#142 Nov 17 2004 at 8:47 AM Rating: Decent
Azrial sounds like a high lvl noob so I suggest everyone that see;s him give him a slap, maybe 2. Just when ever you seem him slap away....slap away. :)
#143 Nov 17 2004 at 9:54 AM Rating: Good
251 posts
Bad Players...

etc. etc. etc... all gil farmers. -_-

EDIT: P.S. Wildchild was the reincarnate of the infamous Mobster. -_-;;

Edited, Wed Nov 17 09:59:42 2004 by Pax
#144 Nov 18 2004 at 6:01 AM Rating: Decent
103 posts
milkman, I like your idea. I'm down, let the slapping commence!
#145 Nov 20 2004 at 5:06 AM Rating: Decent
Hey Anax. ^^ Guess who, ya bum?

I'll pitch in for Dynastey. I ran into him twice, once when I was a newbie RDM in Yhoator, and once as a SMN in Valkurm.

Biggest jerk I've yet to meet on FFXI. Ill tempered, selfish, brags about using vokebots on NMs for his gil, tries to order parties around when he isn't the leader, and is verbally offensive and rude to everyone in or out of party.

He'll give you an earful about the "****** n00b PS2 ************* too. He was the first name to ever go on my blacklist.
#146 Nov 24 2004 at 7:12 PM Rating: Decent
310 posts

And possibly more accomplices. Crime was training gobs in Valkurm on low level parties.

Full story is that we were getting a semi PL from Reece (50 PLD) and apparently they (Kieu et al) didn't like him for some reason. So they tried to MPK him....exactly why they thought mobs in Valkurm would even look twice at a lv50 PLD is anyone's guess, but their intentions were pretty damn obvious. All they ended up doing was getting some low level players killed, and halting all levelling in Valkurm for a good half hour when pulling three separate trains then casting Tele-Dem.

I don't know what their problem was, and it's possible they even had a valid complaint against Reece. But innocent people were caught in their crossfire and that lands them on my /blist.
#147 Nov 26 2004 at 12:17 PM Rating: Good
2,915 posts
Well, I'm not in the habit of naming names, but I'll give you an example of what happened in a party the other night for me.

We had a great party in Yhoatar, War/Nin War/Mnk Sam/War Smn/Whm Whm/Blm & Rdm/Whm (me). Because of the Smn & Whm taking turns healing, and me using refresh to fill in the gaps, we had constant pulls and chains. The War/Mnk (Galka), was pulling and Tanking, and doing an awesome job. We had one minor problem in the party... The Sam/War kept going afk, and not that I have an issue with a party member having to afk, but he did it many times (more than a one-handed count), and he would never announce it! Not only this, but he'd be in the middle of a fight, and while we're still killing the mob, he'd afk. The mob would move, and all would follow except him. When he'd finally return, he'd say, "oh, sorry... blah blah excuses blah.." This led to our awesome tank/puller dropping, and had it not been for a few others of us so close to leveling, we would have all dropped. I say drop, b/c the culprit was the party leader. During my 5 level stay in kazham (which lasted approximately a week), I only partied with this person the one time, but witnessed a few other parties, and heard from others that had partied with him, but how terrible he was, in many many ways.
Again, I don't name names, so you'll just have to beware of this person on your own, but I feel for anyone who has to party with them. My sympathies.
#148 Nov 28 2004 at 7:42 PM Rating: Good
782 posts
My only question to this story is, how do you stay away from him if you dont know who he is? ^^;
#149 Nov 29 2004 at 4:09 PM Rating: Good
2,915 posts
It'll only take you 30 seconds in a party with this person to know one of you should run, fast.

edit: quote picked up the wrong message, must've hit a wrong button.

Edited, Mon Nov 29 16:10:16 2004 by chluke
#150 Nov 29 2004 at 5:45 PM Rating: Decent
1,892 posts
This really isn't a bad player report, more of a funny series of events.

So like I was 350 from level in crawlers, no invites in 20 mins, I decide to run out, get an exo, and rather than train it and cause mass death I decide to take it knowing I would die. Anyhow, to make up the exp loss and try to get to level40 I decide to take Giants in Qufim/Tower.

Whilst in the tower I come accross Kofboss farming like normal. He stands there examines me, stands there again for longer as I take a Doll. My GF is standing there (same level) just chucking a cure here and there on me.

Anyhow few mins later we see this Kofboss run past us, with a stream of Gobs behind him. Either he was training them on us or he had messed up a pull, anyhow we just waltz on to the side and rested while the gobs past.

I'm thinking it was a MPK attempt for the reason that he's lv50 and wouldn't be aggro'd, he could easily take on all that was there. We just laughed at his pitiful attempt and went on. Some people just don't have a life.
#151 Dec 03 2004 at 6:42 AM Rating: Decent
Quite a while ago, I was in party w/ whitefinemage (a female hume whm) & salgars (a male elvaan war) (I hope I recall those names correctly), apparently salgars, who was still a newbie, played major part on whitefinemage's previous death in Valkurm Dunes, so she poured her revenge by refusing to heal salgars for one battle, and he died. Luckily, the feud ended after that, but whitefinemage really annoyed me w/ her attitude of being foulmouthed, and she mentioned a few times about how she contacted GM in order to suspend salgars.

Edited, Fri Dec 3 06:43:31 2004 by pandaxiongmao
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