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How did i end up pting with these peopleFollow

#1 Oct 13 2004 at 12:12 AM Rating: Default
i was sitting in lower jueno waited for a invite then nuku sends me a invite im like high everyone.then there all like lets go to king rappiers tomb with a 3 lvl gap.And im like thats a bad idea we should go to boyada tree but they all turned on me and started whining and being a bunch of babys about it.I should of left then but i didnt /slap blage. guess after all of that were we ended up the tree ><. funny way how we got there the 700 gil chocobo at mea must have been to much for nuku to rent so after everyone gets on the chocobo she decides to walk wasted our on the way to the tree she gets agro blah blah a bunch more nobbie stuff we finally make it to the tree. they all pick a spot rite nest to the river where the crabs spawns (must of thought crabs dont agro...) and im like lets go to the drop off and get a better camp they are like whats the drop off? while they were standing on it and im like you are standing on it so they run the wrong way back to the old camp asking still were the drop off is at the finally figure out where it is like 30 minutes later we start the pt and little bit later the puller pulls a moss eater and im resting they link and i die like istantly and they raise me for escape while i dont have the mp cuase i died so i dont raise they are running around most of them die i raise and then raise them. I come to find out they are all wearin red LS so i check they are all from the benevolence ls. later i get a coffer key and risk running between the elmentals and the crawlers to get the coffer it drops a painite im like awsome i can finsh gobbiebag now so its in the pt pool im like can i lot for it and no ones anwsers me i say it again and again and again then fianlly they all so no and im like y the f*** not but then pretus gets the painite so im like pretus can i plz get that and everyones like NO! you lost to i finally get tired of this pt cause they all are retarded so im like ***** this im leavin.ther like o thank for the notice that you were leaving after ive been saying im gonna leave in a hour 40minute 20 minutes im leaving very there whm and rdm warp out and there like srry thats the way of life so im like well your pally drk and war can find there way out of here so i warp out not giving them a d2 so i get like 50 /tells you jerk we were just trying to help you out.Im like you guys are a bunch of tards and there like inlighten me on y dislike us and i name all the things above then there all like there was a mis communcation.i was like no mis communication just a whole bunch of as we speak the ls members that have /blisted me yet are still whining and ballin there eyes out. so to warp this up tanta,pretus,nuku,and some others and the entir benevolence ls and a bunch of jackassed plz avoid them
#2 Oct 13 2004 at 12:14 AM Rating: Decent
o and embur
[x] When I got a subjob, I thought I was a FFXI guru XD
you are the FFXI guru ^^ guru with my damn ICE SPIKES!

lol j/p
#3 Oct 13 2004 at 12:37 AM Rating: Excellent
782 posts
You know whats funny? Check a little bit higher. Alot of it is contradiction. First of all, Nuku did not walk, and 2nd how the HELL! Does a friggin 55 RDM get Aggroed in Tahrongi Canyon and Meriphataud Mt's? 2nd. See went to go put her food away so it took a bit longer for her to get her choco, and then, she was riding on it. 3rd, did u know your LS and my LS have an Alliance? I know Ewoker really well. ^^
#4 Oct 13 2004 at 12:42 AM Rating: Default
i was talking about bats agroing her in the sanuary u idoit
#5 Oct 13 2004 at 12:43 AM Rating: Decent
Ewoker can like you all he wants i despise ou guys after that crap you pulled
#6 Oct 13 2004 at 1:41 AM Rating: Excellent
782 posts
Oh, those bats werent caused by her, they were caused by some one soloing, and I helped someone by cure IIIing that person and i grabbed the agro from the bats, Nuku hasent even arrived at the seine yet to even agro the bats. Dude i dont know what u have against Nuku, but you should just give up now, u are just digging a bigger hole for yourself.
#7 Oct 13 2004 at 1:49 AM Rating: Excellent
782 posts
Ok, i can tell this is not going to end easy. I dont know what I have to do to stop this insanity. It seems that it went from my blisting him right onto the forums. /cry

What have i done. There is nothing more for me to say except for anyone else can judge this the way they want to. Im done saying my piece. And I just hope that everyone realizes that this thing will proably drag on for a long time ><. (I certainly hope not). But the more we talk about it, the more the story is going to get wacked. I honestly dont care what happened tonight, I just wanted to clear Benevolence's name and everyone's name who was there. Simple. I feel going any farther in this discussion is just stupid and immature. There. Im done. I am posting this in the other messages too. ***** this, I got alot more things i gotta concentrate on instead of worrying about some kid who didnt have a fun time on his game.
#8 Oct 13 2004 at 5:34 AM Rating: Excellent
20 posts
First of all, I don't know the whole story yet, as I've just arrived home from work, but one thing I do know is that Benevolence is NOT full of jack*sses! I AM a member of Benevolence, and I have done nothing to you, and I think I speak for alot of my fellow members as well. Just because you have a few choice thoughts on a few people does NOT mean the rest of the LS is the same way. Rethink what you're saying and have your ducks in a row before you bash on another LS.

Secondly, your allegations against the listed persons don't match to the people I know as fellow Benevolence members. I can't remember the countless number of times these people have helped me out when I needed it, and they continue to help me through this game. Furthermore, I have pt'd with these people on many occasions, and not once have I had bad communication beyond your usual honest mistakes. Your so-called retort is nothing short of false accusations.

I regret that my first post on Allakhazam be a harsh one, and I apologize further to anyone reading this for dragging this out and beating a dead horse. :P
#9 Oct 13 2004 at 7:07 AM Rating: Excellent
835 posts
Wow, you can't be serious.

1) They are levels lower than you (as am I). I don't know where the drop off is either. You should have realized this and helped them find the camp.

2) If you got a coffer key and want to keep what was in the coffer you should have asked first. Once you opened the coffer in PT you forfeit your right to it.

3) My experience with Nuku and Tanta and the whole group has been great. Helpfull and experienced. Not the same as yours.

4) Please change your's LAKSHMI

Edited, Wed Oct 13 08:23:55 2004 by orionrockr
#10 Oct 13 2004 at 8:08 AM Rating: Excellent
247 posts
I don't know any of the people involved but Blage, you lost a lot of credibility with me a least when you failed to use any kind of punctuation in your story. Not to mention that your story just makes you seem like an unreasonable player.
#11 Oct 13 2004 at 8:10 AM Rating: Excellent
after reading these posts, i STILL don't see how benevolence was cleared of anything.
blage had a bad experience, and he said his part. the members of benevolence just said: "well i have always had good experiences with them" and "i have no time to respond to this".
don't get me wrong guys, i am not against benevolence, but i am curious to know what nuku and the others have to say about this experience.....
remember, every story has 3 sides ^.^
#12 Oct 13 2004 at 10:30 AM Rating: Excellent
88 posts
well i could say my story but there is not much of the beginning i said where i thought we should go...the tomb...Blage said he wants the tree...I was quiet the rest of the time and said ok..we'll go to the tree...nothing more...We got there and for most of the pt i was quiet other than telling him that he should wait to do the powerful spells til after the 2cnd voke...and i said no to someone pulling not no to him lotting on the key...well thats all i gotta say...He's taking it out on me and i did nothing to him...The only "bad" thing i said would have to be "thanks for the warning" Because out of nowhere he said he had to leave the pt...And no there really was NO warning...
ONE LAST THING...i DID NOT get aggroed as supposedly i did bc i WAS riding a chocobo..It took me a little longer to get there bc i had to put my food away.
To my knowledge, Blage was the only person mad about that!
Thats my story, i have nothing else to say!
#13 Oct 13 2004 at 11:58 AM Rating: Excellent
Dude your story is wierd to me. I don't care watch you say about these peaple, because i've seen tanta help peaple out and same with nuku. I think it messed up that you didn't even give Tanta a warp 2 after wards that is punk. Ps lev up your sub job!
#14 Oct 13 2004 at 12:54 PM Rating: Good
171 posts
Well I can't comment this situation, but I'll have to say that Blage was extremely rude to a LS friend of mine in a party last week too.

Making fun of her equipment, and blaming the skillchain not working on her (she was RDM, not part of the SC)

Now making fun of a person's equipment is one thing, but when you don't have a leveled sub you kinda lose all credibility.

Anyways I saw you face down in the jungle later, I could have given you a raise II, but chose to do several emotes instead. :D Kindness begets kindness, rudeness begets... well check the pics.

Just remember in the 50+ arena the player base gets really small. You can be a *** if you like, but you will see those players again, and again and again. Most parties will ask before inviting.

When the PT leader says "BLM seeking, anyone know Blage?" What you don't want people to say is "Yeah I know him, he's a jerk".

Points to ponder. Or just flame me.
#15 Oct 13 2004 at 1:19 PM Rating: Good
..... is speechless.. I mean.. wow.
#16 Oct 13 2004 at 1:20 PM Rating: Good
Snarg, you do have a very good point. Your actions and behavior during game-time have an effect on everyone. It's easy to take the low road, but I think sometimes people overlook the fact that someone's always listening out there. And bad word of mouth is the worst thing you could have going for yourself. I'm MUCH less likely to help out the WHM that escapes during a battle, than I am the WHM who takes a few hits, and saves the Party. Things like this really do stick with people, and I think it's important that players 'Roleplay' to a level that projects the image they want to be portrayed. It's easy to be an A**hole, but being altruistic, now that's just Heroic.

#17 Oct 13 2004 at 2:26 PM Rating: Decent
im not the bad guy here...i was trying to pull the pt along the whole time and all i got was there ls ******* at me.And i didnt warp them cuase they just contiued to ***** at me when i said i had to go cause it was getting late i didnt bother getting a replace becuase nuku was leaving anyways so i just left they said they didnt need me or my help so i didnt warp there fault for all being jerks whenever i asked a question they would completely ignore me and would only talk to me if they had something to ***** at me for.
o and lol that is me in the jungle i died getting my marble i didnt need a raise 2 from u becuase i already got one from ls member i fell asleep.And i wasnt making fun of your ls member i simply said she needed better armour she kept running out of mp and was doing horribly she said it was here first time back in a while so i said she should just farm. if you guys knew me way back i was a sorta poor blm aswell bu i always got my stuff so i wouldnt hold the t back like she was
#18 Oct 13 2004 at 3:06 PM Rating: Good
171 posts
You really should consider how you are coming across to other players. My LS friend was very upset by the way she was treated and informed the LS about it. She is generally a very calm kind individual and doesn't get mad easily.

Using tact when dealing with others can go a long way. I hope this will at least open your eyes to the impact of your reputation at higher levels. All it takes is pissing off 1-2 people and you could ruin your chance to party for a week or two until those people level past you.

Again, I'm trying to be as sincere as I can. People have friends, just think of every party member as a potential coffer key buddy, or a Rank mission potential. If they are a bad player, try politely to determine if they just don't know the proper way or if they are just stuborn and refuse to change. Then you can be the person when the party leader asks about this individual can say "I've partied with XXXX and they have a problem with YYYY"

Behind every character is a person, just be polite is the purpose of this post.
#19 Oct 13 2004 at 4:16 PM Rating: Good
75 posts
First of all...Blage...That button marked "Enter" on your keyboard. Learn how to use it. Paragraphs make things a bit easier to read...

Second, I've PTed with this entire group you PTed with last night in the EXACT role you played in...BLM. I have been their party BLM on more than one occasion, in fact. I've NEVER had a problem like you claim to have had. Tanta, Nuku, Pretus, Kayoto, Gitaru and I were in Boyahda last week XPing and were hitting chain 4 and 5 with ease. We had ZERO deaths.

Something tells me, from the way you write your posts, that no one could understand what you were saying in the first place. Tanta seemed to make it clear that your communication was not very good.

Benevolence, I'll try to make myself more available for XP parties going forward. There's no reason for you guys to have to deal with people like this when you have a couple of BLMs like myself and Cadant whom you know and you work well with.

(PS...remember that Static party I was talking about? :))

Edited, Wed Oct 13 17:17:31 2004 by GatorHD
#20 Oct 13 2004 at 4:24 PM Rating: Decent
OMG stop all this heartwarming BS nothing but cheap lies i tried to reaso with these people but these poeple ignored me and were coupletly rude to me so i have no simpathy and niether should anyone else
#21 Oct 13 2004 at 4:37 PM Rating: Good
18 posts can you say we were "all" rude? Lets count how many things I said to you that was rude....0

And you still left me just because i'm in the same LS. (And a great LS btw.)

#22 Oct 13 2004 at 5:54 PM Rating: Decent
its called guilty by association srry man nothing personel your just hanging around a back crowd and to let everyone know E was the only person that wasnt rude i give him props for staying around with those people.i kinda felt bad for leaving you do i just had beef with pretus tanta and nuke for being asses
#23 Oct 13 2004 at 6:15 PM Rating: Decent
88 posts
hey Blage...My name is NUKU, YOU NUMNUTS!

And i'm not much of a mean person but i will have to say that you are one of the most nieve brats i have ever met and i hope that you will grow up someday and realize that this is a game, not a competition.

Also, Dont mess with me dude, or anyone else for that matter...You WILL regret it....Thats all i have to say!

Good luck TRYING to find a pt!
#24 Oct 13 2004 at 6:25 PM Rating: Decent
782 posts
I know i said i was done saying something, but I have to say this...

o.O now you pissed her off!
#25 Oct 13 2004 at 7:22 PM Rating: Decent
Ive been playing for a few months now and Tanta and Nuku are good people. Granted im in a different LS and all but they still helped out. When we started playing this game we all knew the rules and what would happen if people just didnt follow them. Not that it really matters but things at time as taken way out of context and made into a matter that is just a bunch of BS and dosent need to be taken any further. BlageKov had a bad experience and should get over it. Nothing further to say on that part.
#26 Oct 13 2004 at 7:24 PM Rating: Decent
Obviously someone is lieing why dont u both just blist each other and be done with it?
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