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hm... ffxi great...?Follow

#1 Oct 25 2004 at 1:35 AM Rating: Default
NO!!! It's not!! This 'game' has been my first ever rpg online game, being that I'm on ps2, and I must say, it's horrible... I can't think of how foolish I was for still continuing... thinking... "It'll get better..." Nope!! Let's see, Gil farmers that everyone and their mom can identify, and yet SE does nothing to hinder or stop them... leaving it to the players themselves to try effortlessly try to stop... wasting THEIR time to help improve the game... Waiting hours, days, month!!!! for a f-ing party invite!! And I've heard them all before; "start your own ptys..." No SH*T!! If the needed ppl were seeking too... Duh! why the hell do you think I'm waiting too? "farm while waiting.." And when I have enough to buy Jeunu...? and yet still lvl 46Mnk/Thf? what then? ... "try getting static..." well was trying to form one reccently only to find out that they decided to just leave me behind and start lvling now.. and I was ready at any time, I was waiting for others to get their lvls up to par... "why don't you sub War instead of Thf?" and why dont they pay my account? I'm playing this 'game' for ME!! Not others!! if they want certain types, fine... F' them... why can't ppl be open to new combos? Nope must have ... (whatever has now become the general pty). I mean, the rare times that I am in a pty now... I hardly EVER take damage... Why? Because the tank takes hate, and I just help deal damage, silently, never getting the mob's attention. I'm one less worry for the Whms... so they dont have to waste mp on healing me, and besides, I have Chakra, and can heal myself a bit. I don't understand why people don't see this also... But that wont matter soon... come WoW, good ridance ffxi!! Sure I've played mainly console games and mainly being rpgs, so having to wait for a pty I understandable... But HAVING TO play with others, being totally DEPENDANT on other for YOUR progression... WTF?! Why? That's BS! Yes, I know of D&D, and played it a lot after high school, so I know of waiting to set-up a campain or adventure, but I'll tell you, it didn't take MONTHS to do and or level!!!! And that's just using dies rolls and imagination, Damn was that fun!!! My friends and I still trade memories of the times we had and things we did!!! And now new problems arise... casinos, spammers, players training mobs onto groups... Why then hell am I paying for this stupid BS...?!! *slaps face and shakes head...* well, not soon... Sure I may have to ask my roommate to build me a computer to have for myself, but it'll be worth escaping ffxi and all it's bs!! This 'game' was supposed to be that! A GAME, something that brings you FUN!!! Not another job like life... or another added stress to your day with other players ******** you over some how some way... "oh, I have to leave, bye!" (after 10 minutes of pty'ing and then pty breaks up...) Yes, playing WITH people can and should be fun, but HAVING TO play with them, no!!! Yes, I am not really the greatest team player in real life, but only because I hate having to hope that everyone puts their ful effort into whatever. I'd much rather be dependant upon myself and ask for help when I come to my limits. FFXI has made everyone gimped!! Don't think so? Try solo'ing EVERYTHING... then tell me how it went... Yes, I'm pissed off at FFXI and not having much fun at all these days, so why am I still playing? Simple, because of some of the friends that I have made thru the game, most important being Cyclona, but there are others that help to provide some enjoyment, Katsimoto (get those grades up!!), Zerogohagon, Lizdayne (and her 'mules'), Hikotaka (my source of help and referance of ffxi, hope to see you in WoW!!), Gitaru (making me feel knowledgeable when asking how to be a Mnk), and more... I will not forget you, nor would I have made this far without You people, thank you!! I hope this 'game' treats you better and or that you can find that which will still bring you comfort and enjoyment (?) form this game... There's more I could rant on about, but it's too much and not really needed... just read here... I read about half way thru the thread and couldn't stop agreeing with everything that was said... so for now... I help bide my time here till WoW comes out, then give my belongings away and bid everyone farewell and good luck!!! For now...those that can use help or something that I can Kill (subjob quest items) or such, if not busy, I'd gladly help... just need something to do till Nov. 15th... oh, and for those fanatics that will try to rate me down? go ahead!!!! I dont't care about my posting rating!!!!!!! Try to thnk it matters, it's just a FORUM!!! jeez... what does a rating matter anyways... *lost in thought...*
#2 Oct 25 2004 at 3:54 AM Rating: Decent
I don't understand why I continue playing, personally. Partially because 75 THF is a goal for me. Partially because I do achieve some sense of satisfaction knowing I've got the best gear for my level. I recognize it's faults, and STILL enjoy it. It makes little to no sense. And yet, I continue. It's not even entirely the community. But still, I continue.
#3 Oct 25 2004 at 7:03 AM Rating: Decent
o_O Alita.. my favorite battle kitty!!! I'm sure that i'll visit you in World of Warcraft ^^ u gotta show me around by then!!! remember to send me an email... time for you to pay back and give me some infos on how to play WoW.. hehe...

anyways... i do agree with you in so many ways... especially as a lvl64 DRK... now who NEVER gets a f'n invite!! and when got invited... sometimes PT messes up... people always complaining.. "oh PT is not working out" "oh exp is slow" "oh you guys suck" "Oh what! your GS is not capped" o_O do they ever realise it's a GAME... we are just here to have fun!! I wanna play the way I like it... o_O /sigh ... /cry...

waited for so long for a pt invite... and sigh... well... I'll try to lvl some other jobs then... even tho i've lvled all melee jobs to lvl35... and my main DRK is still going nowhere!

sometimes i dont find FUN when people plays like a f'n robot... ya.. i find some NM botters annoying, or gil farmers... SE still do nothing about those issues... ^^ i dont mind Fishing botter... coz they are just doing their thing...

Alita... o_O u know how much we love ya... divineknights LS will miss you!! we are just about to have our own website and forum!!! ><

#4 Oct 25 2004 at 7:49 AM Rating: Good
Hi Alita,

I have seen you around when Cyclona was in our PT. I understand where you're coming from, and I am inclined to agree.
When WoW comes out, be sure to drop a line here in the forums to let us know how it's going ok?
BTW, thanks for the PLing you did for us in Qufim Island ^.^

#5 Oct 25 2004 at 9:15 AM Rating: Decent
well you certainly make GOOD points..

personally speaking, I play BST.. I *AM* the party, there's lots I don't have to worry about in that job, however even BST have a run of bad luck XP'ing, there's a reason I have SWG AND FFXI, cause in SWG you can truly play how you want... see I wanted to be a White Mage, it would be nice to solo AND group as a white mage.. but not happening. Party invites still happen (only 36th) but I see ALL my RL friends having difficult times having parties and honestly *THAT* is what upsets me most about FFXI.

anywho, lots of my RL friends have quit FF due simply to the time needed to advance... and honestly were it not for the fact that my GF's brother started playing it about a month ago, I would have quit it by now. Personally speaking I'm waiting for EQ2, WoW's not quite my ting, but I'm waiting for similar reasons.

1) - group or solo, play with people cause you want to, not because you have no choice but to group.

2) - stunning graphics, EQ2 is simply put.. amazing.

3) - mideval feel, as nice as SWG is about doing your own thing.. sometimes you want to swing a sword or cast spells. I'm an old school D&D'er too and still run campaigns for other games...

anywho, I'll not completely drop FFXI yet.. not until my GF's brother is so high level he doesn't need help anymore or he decideds to drop it, which just MAY happen, since he bought SWG last night.. and honestly after getting a taste of "doing it your way" FFXI starts falling short *REALLY* badly.
#6 Oct 25 2004 at 10:04 AM Rating: Decent
481 posts
omg I cant read! my eyes hurt like hell....
please use paragraphs >_<
#7 Oct 25 2004 at 10:46 AM Rating: Decent
I should mention that EQ 2 holds my interesting with the following 2:
Healing. At least somewhat intelligent AI WHERE IT BELONGS that targets healers. One of my tiny gripes with FFXI is "What the hell is that Crab doing hitting the healer? He shouldn't be able to tell, for christ's sake!" I know that when I DM, the Int 2 monsters smack the squishies that smack them. It's the intelligent ones that hit the healers. Clips of an orc shouting "GET THE HEALER!" in-game don't hurt. I'd actually take up healing for this. I love walking that near-death line.
Swordchucks, yo. Rumor has it that a quest involves swordchucks. Me wants me 8 Bit Theater references. I recognize this wouldn't be something for fighting. It'd just be fun to say.

But if we're gonna talk MMOs that were 2nd jobs, SWG and Ultima Online... they're fun, but those felt closer, to me.
#8 Oct 25 2004 at 12:12 PM Rating: Decent
6,947 posts
I can only say that I genuinely hope that World of Warcraft will not end up dissapointing you as well.

You seem to have built up a lot of expectations about what it will offer, but you also mentioned that FFXI has been your first foray into the online multiplayer RPG experience so far.

I've never seen a single one that wasn't full of enough problems to complain about, and enough bot-users and currency sellers (which, regardless of game, the management never did anything about) to annoy every honest player.

I wish you good luck, and I hope for a happy experience for you.
By all means, games should be fun.
I hope you find yours.
  • Tenmiles
  • Monk
  • (Lakshmi)

  • ______________
    #9 Oct 25 2004 at 1:16 PM Rating: Decent
    Well, currency traders are a problem... but from a legal standpoint, it is vastly difficult (Read: Expensive) to fix. You're looking at some pretty high costs to just lose even MORE revenue. It doesn't make their actions right, merely understandable.
    How they got away with those mass-bannings in Rabao I'll never know.

    Edited, Mon Oct 25 14:17:19 2004 by HunterShu
    #10 Oct 25 2004 at 1:33 PM Rating: Decent
    192 posts
    Sigh... ...Alita, you were the first person I met in FFXI on the first weekend it came out for the PS2. I remember you taking me and this other BLM for our first time out of the Gustabergs and into the Highlands. I remember us being so impressed because we were at lv 5 and you were a lv 14 WAR and you could solo a gobby (lol!). We had fun... ...remember, we couldn't figure out why we weren't getting any XP... ...ahhh, simpler times.

    It's memories like this that keep the game enjoyable for me. I'll be sad to see you go, even though we only waved and spoke a few times after that. Good luck on your future adventures...
    #11 Oct 25 2004 at 2:52 PM Rating: Default
    Even though i don't think I have ever acctually met you in-game, I wish you would not leave...because I can tell that you are a person that wants something (even a game) to be as enjoyable as it can be, not only for yourself but for everyone who plays it.

    That being said...I wish you the Best Of Luck in whatever Game/path of life or whatever you choose to do/be.


    P.S. I am hoping to be a Ranger so if you have any low lvl RNG gear that you dont give to friends/sell, I would gladly put it to good use...However please give/ask your friends if they want the items before thinking of giving them to a total stranger(me).

    Again wishing you the best of luck,
    #12 Oct 25 2004 at 7:08 PM Rating: Decent
    219 posts
    Sorry to see you go Alita. /cry

    I'll miss you and your funny emotes. heh (i still cant beleive you have a macro set just for emotes, you silly mithra)

    I'll probablly be getting WoW, when it first comes out, so I hope to see you there!
    #13 Oct 25 2004 at 7:37 PM Rating: Decent
    You seem like a nice person, even though I don't know you. But I must say this,

    If you think none of these problems are going to be present in WoW, your fooling yourself. These are common problems in ALL MMORPGS, so either get used to them or go back to regular console RPGS.
    #14 Oct 26 2004 at 2:11 AM Rating: Decent
    253 posts
    I'm of the pretty strict belief that if you don't find a game fun, or drawing in some way, be it interest or challenge, then there simply isn't any point in playing.

    You're right it is a game. Personally, I'm always having a lot of fun when I play, which is why I continue to do so. I like meeting with people, running around exploring, and battling things. I find it a great break from my own life, in which I can't really do any of the above, at least without great cost or time-consumption. Sometimes I play because I'm bored, and while I'm bored in the game, at least I'm somewhere different and I can watch other people doing things and at least be amused.

    But I guess other people view things differently and don't share the same kinds of passions as me. They can get frustrated with the game, angry at it, even with other people in the game. It's then you have to take a step back and have a think about why you're still playing.

    Weigh the pros and cons. Question yourself. Do you actually weirdly enjoy the challenge and frustration? Is it genuinely feeling like a waste of time? Are you getting anything out of it? I do this from time to time and it really helps, going into the game knowing I'm playing with a clear conscience, because I can enjoy the game without all these nagging doubts.

    It's as simple as "Do I really want to play this anymore?"
    #15 Oct 26 2004 at 1:47 PM Rating: Good
    782 posts
    I will just say a little bit, I played Evercrack up to lvl 20. And the only thing for me was a last name.....a LAST FRIGGIN NAME.
    When i got to 18 in this game i got subjob, at 20 i got Choco, at 30 the adv job abilities at 41 my AF1 for PLD 50ish is when things are starting to hurt. AF's are hard. The time and dedication to this came tests ya. I have never chained smoke so much. I will say I am happy i have alot of my rl friends in it and my friend from New Mexico who i havent seen in almost a year. No matter what the game i am just glad it brings me and my friends together. That is all that matters.

    Good luck to ya. I will be staying on FFXI for a little while longer. My goal is to be UBER. ^^
    #16 Oct 26 2004 at 2:31 PM Rating: Decent
    WOW, what a long winded rant. Did you pause to breath this whole post or where you purple in the face afterwards? lol

    All i have to say is good ridence to all the people who play and dont want to, becuase there's nothing better. Unless you enjoy the game please leave. Less people playing means less people buying gil, and means maybe the gil farmers will follow the crowd that game jumps. At least if they were smart they would. Anyway not trying to turn this into another rant, but if you dont like the game, then do us all a favor: LEAVE ^^

    #17 Oct 27 2004 at 2:46 AM Rating: Default
    WOW, what a long winded rant. Did you pause to breath this whole post or where you purple in the face afterwards? lol

    All i have to say is good ridence to all the people who play and dont want to, becuase there's nothing better. Unless you enjoy the game please leave. Less people playing means less people buying gil, and means maybe the gil farmers will follow the crowd that game jumps. At least if they were smart they would. Anyway not trying to turn this into another rant, but if you dont like the game, then do us all a favor: LEAVE ^^


    You do know that half of the high level players I've played with do not enjoy the game that much either? People who usually come out with the kind of answers you have not been through the hardships this game offer. So please, experience them and give us some insight after that.

    I personally am fed up with the game. However, I have spent way too much time on this game to be quitting and do nothing instead. Even though this action would probably benefit me in real life, I am ready to drop this game as soon WoW comes out.
    #18 Oct 27 2004 at 3:00 AM Rating: Decent
    Because anecdotal evidence proves things! The higher levels I know are planning on staying, therefore, all of them are.

    I don't mind any legitimate complains, but please, don't assume that what applies to your friends applies to everything. If your bored, fine. Don't try to tell us that everyone is.
    #19 Oct 27 2004 at 12:54 PM Rating: Decent
    You do know that half of the high level players I've played with do not enjoy the game that much either? People who usually come out with the kind of answers you have not been through the hardships this game offer. So please, experience them and give us some insight after that.

    I personally am fed up with the game. However, I have spent way too much time on this game to be quitting and do nothing instead. Even though this action would probably benefit me in real life, I am ready to drop this game as soon WoW comes out.

    Well I am lvl 60 in two dif jobs and climbing so who are you refering to? My statement was for people like you who are playing because they have nothing better to do in RL or are waiting for another mmorpg.

    BTW: I know plunty of people 60-75 who are very happy and will be playing a time much longer than you will ever stay with a game period.

    Also, What hardships where you refering to? I have full AF and just finished genkai3. So...? I think you should speak for yourself and not other people.

    edit:All you people waiting to jump ship for another mmorpg please EQ2 is coming in a couple weeks. Just do us a favor and leave. Save the players who want to play your lack of interest and noobish behavior. ^^


    Edited, Wed Oct 27 13:58:14 2004 by CelestialChaos

    Edited, Wed Oct 27 13:58:58 2004 by CelestialChaos
    #20 Oct 27 2004 at 3:26 PM Rating: Default
    *deep sigh* ok, now that I've had some time to cool off, and after reading ppl's replies, I kinda want to address them. Both to thank them and explain a bit more. No worries, for I am not pissed off like last time^^.

    HunterShu, I hope you find something that helps you to stop wondering why you are still playing. ^^ And as for your interest in EQ2, not sure if the same applies in WoW about the AI, but I guess I'll soon find out^^

    Hiko-san!! I'll be more than happy to be visited by you!! And even more glad to help you out!!! And honored to finally be the one giving you helpful advice and showing you the ways of the game!!!! Especially for ALL the times you have helped me out SSOOO much!!! And given me all that very helpful advice!! And for helping out Cyclona too!! I can't wait to be the one to help you finally!!!!!! I truely wish you the best, and hope that things turn around for you too!! heh... who knows.. maybe SE will add somthing that allows you to gain exp while afk... <.< ... >.> ^^ just kidding!! hehehehe^^

    Tzipporah, thank you kindly!! I'll be sure to post maybe the differnces, the pluses and minuses, and hope ppl will just see the differences for what they are; just different. As for the PL, hehe^^ I was mainly protecting Cyclona, but I'm glad that you found comfort in the protection I could give, thank you^^

    Iaini, thank you for understanding my points^^. As for the Bst, yes, I can understand this. But sadly, your sub doesn't lvl with the main, so even with Mnk subbed, I couldnt lvl it, and Mnk is want I want main, and to reach high lvls first... I wish my rl friends would have joined, it might have been a different story then, but they didn't, and now, not sure then would have stayed anyways... Andas for EQ2 having better graphics? Yes, they do, but the smple 2 facts scared me away fro that game. 1, made by the same company as FFXI, which made then thenreason worse. 2, read that it is group gameplay focus... NNOOO!!! Group focused? No!! that's what I am trying to get away from, esecially since the game is made by the same company. So, I wish you luck, but be carefull^^.

    Tenmiles, thank you, I hope so too^^ but even just the change and the simple fact the you can solo to the max lvl makes a world of difference... Also, I expect problems to arsie, and infact, the gilfarmers issues never even bothered me.. It was the enforcement of playing with others, and the ruling ideals... I dont think half the supposed great items are even worth half of their outrageous price on the AHs... but then everyone thinks bad of you if you don't have them, Stupid, but that's what is accepted for some reason... *sighs* But thank you, and I wish you the best too!! ^^

    Ezekielx, got to talk to you a bit yesterday^^. lol, yea, I remember that now... the nooberer days... not knowing about the exp difference of 3 lvls... lol!! I hope that you find more ppl in the game to share more fun and funny expiences with too! Good Luck!! and Thank You^^

    Xionya, ^^ no, we haven't formally met, but I think I have seen you around the server^^. Thank You, thank you. Yes, I like enjoyable games, and like helping others both just to help, and to help them enjoy the game as well^^. I hope to find something more enjoyable now, thank you you wishing me luck^^. And as for theRng gear, lol, no, rng is the last adv job I need to complete (just need to head back to windy). Good Luck though!!

    Gitaru, hehe^^ thanks!! Yes, had/have a set of macros just for emotes used for responses^^. Saves on typing the responses^^. And hope to see You in WoW too!! That would be great^^.

    Briam, thankyou. But yes, WoW is going to have it problem, this i know, Nothing is purfect^^. But the ones here in FFXI are tolerable to me, it's just the enforcement of playing with others that I can stand anymore. Jut think of all the time given back to you if you didn't have to wait for ppl to get their act together and play, or waiting for pty invites...? Just a thought, that's all... thanks^^.

    Psylight, thank you for understanding the supposed game part of my rant. And for bringing up of view points I forgot in my angered state of mind. And to add to Yours, yes, I have asked is this a game I wish to still play... And after a while, my answers were "No." But because of One special person to me, I wouldn't leave. But now, they are leaving with me^^. In the begining of this game, yes, I was totally addicted!!! Doing 26-30 hours of straight playing, calling in sick *coughs* to work to continue playing... heh. But that's gone now, no biggie. And so now that the special person will be leaving with me, great, I'm free from here, and no more enforced group play. Good Luck to You!! And I hope that your fun doesn't run out^^.

    Tanta, thanks^^. You're lucky!! Joining with my rl friends was one of the main reason I joined FFXI, but sadly, they never did, oh well. lol. Thank You and good Luck to you too!!

    CelestialChaos or DS uhm.. don't know how I became unfavorable to you, but this is just how I feel, and have for the past couple months. I'm not tryingto hinder and bring down others enjoyment, nor am I ******** with them. (EX; "hahaha, I only have X amount of tie left, I'm going to make all your lives miserible!!!! *laughing out loud evily!!!*) Infact, the last part of my rant/expression (?) was offering help to anyone that I can actually help, solo. like Yesterday, for the 1st time in a LONG time, I was veryhelpful and useful to a friend!!! I knew how to do something for them, what to do, and ould fastly kill for them to be able to get what they wanted for quite sometime!! Saved themabout 25k, an actually made them 9k, and some odd amount of fame now in Sandy. It felt great!! Something I haven't been able to do in a long time... Granted this friend wa lower lvl then me, but just being suffice for once, was great!!

    Dynastey, thank you. Yes, those are more things that burdened me... why? because for the simple fact that You can't do it solo. You HAVE to have others helping you... *sighs*

    heh... guess that it for now... but thanks all, I thought I'd get flamed beyond recognition... but was suprised to see the responses, thanks^^. Good luck all!! And again, if there's something I can hep with, I'll try!! I need something to fill in the time till WoW comes out^^ :p
    #21 Oct 27 2004 at 5:04 PM Rating: Decent
    While I agree that FFXI is far from perfect, there are a few things that you mentioned Alita that i do not agree with. Yes it is true you are paying your bill but that does not mean you can do anything you want, you have to remember that when playing in a party with a job you affect the other members playing experience as well. If having a certain sub creates an easier set up in a party then to respect other players wishes you should use that sub. I'm speaking of course of people who respect you first by asking politely not those who "OMG WTF!111!! LOL0RZ CHANGE UR SUB U SUX0RZ N00B"

    You have to keep in mind that other people are paying the same amount of cash you are to play. If people who insist on playing "Their own way" are detrimental to the party then the other players experience is ruined.
    #22 Oct 27 2004 at 10:32 PM Rating: Default
    *sighs* Angeles... we have had this discussion before, and it didn't go anywhere except that I still don't like being War and don't think the job as highly as You,and even You admitted saying that You think highly of War for sub, maybe a bit more than it should be, given that every melee job you said war would be a good sub for.

    That aside, it's kinda about party structure, yes I agree. But did you read what I said... as Mnk/Thf I am a silent atker... constantly doing damage, and not getting hurt. How is this bad for the party structure? The Whms do not have to worry about me, I am doing constant damage to the mob, and not breaking hate for the tank... I fail to see the bad side of this... enlighten me. If I had subbed War, then I would probably be having to use provoke, which breaks the mobs hate from the tank, which makes more work for the Whms... and being that Mnks do not get the best armor for defense, Mnks will get hurt a bit more than tanks. Even though Mnks get a great boost in HP, why do you think this is... because of the limited armor selection. Example; I had my armor (best that I can and can afford) on unbuffed and have defense of 157. And I'm lvl 46. The Pld that was with me, being lvl 38 had a defense of 189. That should make it clear about what I am trying to say. Now, why should I be trying to take away hate from the tank...?

    Now as for playing MY way because I am playing this game for myself and not playing for others...? Look, I'm not being stupid and subbing something outrageous like Brd or Bst. I know what is and isn't acceptable. If I wanted Mnk/Bst, sure, but I'm sure as hell not going to complain about not getting party invites then. That's just stupid. But a Mnk/Thf is very much acceptable, and not outrageously odd. If I wanted some odd combo, I can do that, but I'm not going to complain about the obvious reason as to why I am not getting invites. Everyone should be free to do as they please, within reason. And as much as you 'can' be free, you still aren't and forced to group with others, for 'your' benifit. And as I have stated, 'that' is what bugged me too much to stay here. I didn't do enough reseach in the beginning before getting and buying this game. I just considered how great it would be to be able to play with my roommate when he is on his pc and I am on my ps2. But not just him, but 3 other friends too, one being in Las Vegas (I'm in California). But they never joined, leaving me to actually play solo, and soon make friends online. Which is still pretty cool, I value all my friends that I have made, and they are the only part of this game that I will miss. But luckily, some might also check out WoW and then I can be rejoined with them. But I am also leaving with a special person to me, and they are both the reason I have stayed this long in ffxi, and the reason for the move, since we are leaving together^^. I don't know what else to say, except that I hope others can still find that which makes this game enjoyable, and ontinue on^^. Good luck!
    #23 Oct 28 2004 at 4:03 AM Rating: Decent
    20 posts
    I don't believe I knew you, or even of you, in game Alita, so please don't flame me out when I give my opinion on this matter.

    It sounds to me like you've taken this game a bit more seriously than I believe it should be taken, or perhaps not enough in a different sense. From your first post, you seemed to be hellbent on making progress in this game when clearly there's more to it than that. If you once used to play D&D then you'd understand what I speak of. There's more to this game then having to focus on getting to that next lvl, and believe you me, I understand how frustrating it is struggling day after day just to gain that one lvl. I'm a 45 DRG now, and I must say, it's not getting any easier.

    "Then why do you still play?" you might be asking. I continue to play for three reasons.

    1). I play for the meeting of other people, and, like Tanta said, to stay closely knit with my friends irl. You may think the latter is a lame way to stay close to my friends, but if you knew the kind of situation we'd soon be in months from now, you'd understand. Furthermore, of any MMORPG I've played (mind you, I haven't played many), this is the only game I've seen people work so closely together, least those that I've met. Granted, this isn't always the case, but then again, this is a common issue with any game involving multiple players.

    2). I play, especially as a DRG, so that when I DO reach that high lvl and begin to show off my char, people will say "Man, he must've worked hard to get to be that lvl, especially as a drg." The feeling of pride I would get from that is enough to keep me going regardless of the hardship.

    And last but certainly not least

    3). I play this game for the RPing experience present in ALL RPG's, more so in those like D&D. Call me a RPing freak, and I'll gladly agree. You might say that it's a simple passion for all RPG's that I still play.

    Now, whether or not you agree with my views or not is your affair, but let me ask you a question.

    "Are not the hardships of this game so dissimilar to those of life? If so, would you give up so easily on life and as you would this game?"

    Anyway, I apologize if I'm beating a dead horse. I just wanted to express my own views on this matter.
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