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Lakshmi PoliticianFollow

#1 Nov 14 2004 at 5:14 AM Rating: Good
782 posts
Hello everyone, one again here I am posting on Alla, just decided to talk to everyone and let them know I was alive....
A couple days back, I was talkin to one of my friends in a /tell and he said "Wow, you hardly play that much, its like you turned into a Lakshmi Forum Politician..."
I was like "Wow, damn... I never thought of it that way..."
(And in the close of all the elections, i decided to have a little segment about it...)So I have been gone off the boards, tending to the Linkshell Benevolence Website. I might as well, bring you all up to speed!

Prices of Gluttuny Swords have gone up from 200k to 350k instantly.

Coffer Key & Chest Hunting?
Why should you hunt for Artifacts?
What do you perfer, Artifacts or the cheepy lvled equipment?
Do you want these Artifacts easier with lower spawn points?

Leaping Lizzy!
Does it jump?
Does it do a trick?
Wow, i remember when those damn boots cost 200k ><.
I hope it does tricks! For that kind of cash!

----In Conclusion----
I will stand by your feelings!
I will lower the cost of teleports!
I will make those high expensive costs in chocobos lower!
Can you believe in the current administation we have been charged over 2 billion gil in taxes over the last six months in auctions alone?
I, Senator Tanta will lower these costs!
I will increase those spawns on NM's!
I will lower the costs in Jeuno!
I will fight for a better Lakshmi!
Fight for a better tomorrow!
Vote for me, Lakshmi!
Let your voice be heard!
Thank you Lakshmi! I LOVE YOU!
/em kisses a baby.
This message has been paid by the Senator Tanta foundation.

This is f.a.k.e.
#2 Nov 14 2004 at 1:43 PM Rating: Good
2,638 posts
Since when are we having an election anyways? Only Bastokians would vot ebeing a democracy, power to the Star Sybil!

How about free healthcare, and investing in better roads, protected against bandits and thieves?

How about law enforcement?
Crystal addicts, thieves, mpkers, commercial deficit, trade rate for gil, fake gil....

Attack the real issues!

Vote Shykre on 01/01/10!

(also Tanta is known to like them young Mithras) Ummm yeah. SCANDAL!
#3 Nov 14 2004 at 1:49 PM Rating: Decent
311 posts
Vote Flasheart, I wear SUBLIGAR!

Tackling the real issues, right here.
#4 Nov 14 2004 at 6:46 PM Rating: Decent
782 posts
I, Tanta will enforce with all of my power!
To make sure all those who stand against Lakshmi will fall.

We all know that Terror has hit home expecially with the fateful attacks on the ships by those dreaded pirates!

I vow that if you elect me, I will PUT A Stop to this tyrrany!
You cannot count on false accusations made by my rival, Shykre, just look! He is an Insane Bard! One of the loudest talkers in the game! My opponent sees the current problems today and does not have morals about Today's Lakshmi's events! (Although, I will give credit where credit is due, he has made changes throughout along with kissing babies and doing his own strong campaign!)

Along with the current administation, they have been the ones that have plundered the poor homes of the mithra in Kazham!

I poo on the current administation.
Will you poo along side me?!

This message has been paid by the Senator Tanta foundation.

This is f.a.k.e.
Disclamer: Shykre, you know I love ya :p
#5 Nov 14 2004 at 11:29 PM Rating: Good
2,638 posts
I wont poo alongside with you never ever!

Im voting for a 3rd party candidate just for that! Bring on Ross Perotaru!
#6 Nov 15 2004 at 3:39 PM Rating: Good
79 posts
I'm a taru!

/em fixes his helmet.
I, Muon the Mighty, will... /em reads cards again...Uh, lower taxes, give the plague to gilfarmers, free the NMs that Bastok stole and hid in underwater tanks, and give free candy to all. We will achieve a higher state of prosperity by assisting all players to finish the Promevrons (sp?) so we can all go to the Tansanavian areas. We will have naked races all over the lands, and celebrate when we get to a spam free Jeuno!
/em the crowd goes crazy!
We will train the newbs in the art of combat, and will rid the dunes of massive trains. And if that doesn't work....the ArchDuke will pay all citizens of San D'Oria 10,000 gil, which will cause Windurst to never have a 6 month streak of first place in Conquest. If not, we can "fix" the results.

So do a /random, and if the results are between 0-999, vote Muon.
Muon! Muon! Muon for Exalted Ruler.
#7 Nov 15 2004 at 3:51 PM Rating: Good
I'm officially scared.. :-P
#8 Nov 22 2004 at 2:32 PM Rating: Good
782 posts
Wow, here I am trying to create a bit of fun on the boards and i get rated down for it...harsh o.O
#9 Nov 22 2004 at 3:13 PM Rating: Good
219 posts
{/comfort} tanta
#10 Nov 22 2004 at 4:40 PM Rating: Good
88 posts
I rate Tanta Excellent on everything...
#11 Nov 22 2004 at 7:32 PM Rating: Good
153 posts
When it comes time to vote, Vote Neurosis. My administration vows to be that for the people. If elected, I will Help fight climbing illiteracy all over vanadiel (mainly Bastok.) I will also end the logging in the elshimo regions to preserve the rain forests. Among other things I promise a cut in the Jeuno Tax for all classes!!

Lastly before you vote, I posess liable information that my opponents have abused illegal substances in the past (and yes they inhaled.) Also numerous accounts of adultrey being commited with young mithra interns.
#12 Nov 22 2004 at 8:41 PM Rating: Good
101 posts
any gilseller running for election?

i'm voting for them since they may promise free gil every vanadiel week XD

.... err.... or promise of more increment in items price?

gilseller : /em kisses a stroper chyme
#13 Nov 23 2004 at 8:59 AM Rating: Good
817 posts
I am Gotti, and I endorse this message....

Ladies and Gentlemen, I bring you a new candidate. One who is free from the burdens of bribes and blackmail. The people are tired of politician who smile in their faces while hiding skeletons in their closets. Our other candidates seem too busy with their dark secrets to tackle the important issues. For example:

Tanta: Seen late last night leaving the Steaming Sheep Inn in Port Bastok with a mithra of questionable age.

Shykre: Known to consort with beastmen just outside Jeuno's walls. Who knows what devious plans he has for when he attains office.

This is why I give you a candidate with a clean slate. One who is for the people of Vanadiel. I give you Gotti! A hume with a heart of gold.

I want to join all the people of Vanadiel together. I want Tarus and Galkas holding hands as they walk through Rolandberry Fields. I want to see the taxes of Jeuno erased and free transportation for all residents of Vanadiel. This airship pass nonsense has got to go. I believe we should treat all citizens of Vanadiel as equals regardless of rank.

Join me in the fight for brotherhood. The fight to bring Vanadiel together. The fight for our future!

This message brought to you by the Gotti for Vanadiel campaign

The candidate Gotti is in no way affiliated with the crime-family or any other organized crime syndicate. Any connections are solely rumors. Fuhhgettaboutit.
#14 Nov 23 2004 at 9:22 AM Rating: Good
2,638 posts
I must defend my habits of hanging out with the Beastmen outside of Jeuno.

Cant we all be friends? There are but a few honest beastmen in the towns, limited to a few friendly goblins and moblins, I say it is we reach a hand out to all our goblin friends out there, be they ambushers, butchers or pathfinders.

Think of how safe our streets would be if we had Tonberry patrolling them. Face it, in Jeuno the lightman is too lazy to turn on the lights, the Tonberries come with lanterns! That way at night, when Tanta leaves a shady inn qith a Mithra of questionnable he will be sure that no Galkas or Humes jump out of a dark alley and end his life in a brutal manner.

Its time that we allow Orcs and Yagudo to enter the Ballista matches and the JWF (jeuno Wrestling Federation) The Yagudo Apprentices and Orcish Grapplers are quite extraordinary fighters, and come to think of it: Im tired of seeing Galkas pound on one another.

A vote for Shykre is a vote for trust in our fellow beastmen, and once they are in our towns and homes, and NOT married to our daughters and sons, we will then proceed to make pogroms and burn them at the stake.

Vote Shykre! Your freedom to make pogroms depends on it!

It is also rumored that Tanta hangs with Galkas in subligears.
#15 Nov 23 2004 at 10:46 AM Rating: Good
230 posts
[q=shykre]I must defend my habits of hanging out with the Beastmen outside of Jeuno. [/q]

<_< as long as it's only hanging out, I guess I can still trust you :P

Seems to me you guys can't win without questionning each other's truee motives eh :P

Edited, Tue Nov 23 10:55:54 2004 by akya
Akya {Mithra}
Leader of the limbus LS SeriousSharkSurfing ~
WHM NIN DRG 75, SMN 72...
#16 Nov 23 2004 at 10:53 AM Rating: Decent
2,638 posts
{Notorious monster} {attack} {help me out}

Gah, my GF aggroed :S

And its politics, is there any other way to win besides false promises and buying out votes?

Now I too have been with Mithra :S Tanta I stand corrected.

{Call for help}

At least she cant get into Benevolence (whew) (well not for now)

Ill go hide in Kazham, she wont find me there! Ill use it to raise a militia army and overthrow Tanta! Hail Che Shykre! Ill bring an army of Mandragoras and Opo opo followed by my army of Goblins and Tonberries!

Jeuno will be mine Tanta!
#17 Nov 23 2004 at 1:30 PM Rating: Decent
782 posts
Wow, people can be so cruel to say things that are not true!

I did not have sexual relations with that mithra.

I will not stand here and badger my other opponents. But. I will say this.

Neruosis, your stance on illiteracy is a strong one, but I feel that with my no child left behind act that no taru, hume, mithra, galka, and elf will be left behind, we will have school reform, to show that everyone will get the same kind of schooling as Windurst!

Keylink, your stance with gilsellers is a vage subject in with I will not get into, becuase we will lower taxes and balance the budget.

Gotti, for you, I simply say, bring it on! Where is the evidence? She is simply my *cough* intern! THATS RIGHT! My intern! She is just reciving a pretty good lumpsum for her "duties" ^^;

Skykre, for you, I agree why can't we all get along. I do not see Windurst, D oria and Bastok, I see equality, I see one giant nation. Everyone working together. That is the plan.

I declare this. We in Vana'del will band together and strike down those that oppose us. We will not stand idly by and let those who decide to gather thier forces to distroy us.

I am complely in agreement with letting beastmen in Jeuno. Free rights for all who chose it. But those who create evil will be wiped from the face of this WORLD!

Join me in my fight. Join my in my stuggle. To stop those who cause harm. Vote for me. And I promice to bring our troops home. To lower those taxes, to eliminate those who bring up the prices and distroy the people who make the prices for Chocobos (Chocobo Runners are us. CRAU)!

Will you join me? Or will you listen to the propaganda of those who try to bring me down! Some things might have been repeated but that is to get the point across!!!

Stand with me Vana'del!
Only you can make the choice!
You made me Senator!
Let me help you continue the push for the next leader!
This message has been paid by the Senator Tanta foundation.

This is f.a.k.e.
Ooops Double post ><;

Edited, Tue Nov 23 13:31:28 2004 by SirTanta
#18 Nov 23 2004 at 1:48 PM Rating: Decent
782 posts
gj everyone, rate up to all of u ^^
#19 Nov 23 2004 at 5:53 PM Rating: Good
2,638 posts
Tanta still does not approve peace with the beastmen capital of Vanad'iel!

Citizens of Beadeaux, Davoi and Castle Oztroja I will not let your pleas go unheard!

For too many days have your homes been ransacked 24/7 by some notorious outlaws! For too many days were your chests opened and your brethren killed to obtain their contents! This shall not last long!

If president Tanta agrees we will stop looting your homes outrageously and let your Notorious friends have at least at a chance for life!

I also ask of your leaders to put their important items inside a safe at a Moogle Bank near them, to protect them from thievery! Stop the thievery!
#20 Nov 24 2004 at 8:14 PM Rating: Decent
but then there is a fourth canidate

One man who believes it is the right of every man woman and child to enjoy and eat dairy products to thier heart's content.

One man who thought about almost trying to get a bunch of guys together to try and lower the price of emps pin

One man who got 50k off of some idiot who accidently sent that bid for a stack of shehi

One man who got his AF katanas and currently cant stop talking about it

One man who came from being a 33 rdm to a 40 nin makes him a true pimp.

One man who deffends thoosse withe horibel speling and tying skils.

One man who uh..... believes it is the right of every man woman and child to enjoy and eat dairy products to thier heart's content?

Vote Mrcheesypants 2004! He has pants made of cheese.
#21 Nov 24 2004 at 8:55 PM Rating: Decent
901 posts
keep ya head up!
Watusa of Lakshmi

svlyons wrote:
Same sorta thing with Watusa. I saw him fishing on the ferry one time. It felt like a hollywood celebrity sighting.
#22 Nov 25 2004 at 9:37 AM Rating: Default
uh..... Tanta partied at level 5! And uh.... shyrke fraternizies with the enemy calling them friends! Probolly just so people wouldnt kill them so the gilsellers can kill one more thing for gil! Do you really wish to vote for this noob and this gilseller supporter? Just dont ask how i know tanta pted at level 5 and how i know about Shyrke's evil gilseller plot and vote for...........

MCP 2004!
#23 Nov 25 2004 at 11:36 AM Rating: Good
2,638 posts
Comrades this is an outrage! This cheesy pant wearer has crossed too far! Our allegations were just and based on solid hard facts of pure lies and bullplop! He, on the other hand, has chosen the voice of depravity and ill accusations!

Tanta did party at level 5, and I at level 1, yes level 1, and as a DRG!

I will close this by saying OMGWTFCHINSESEGILSELLARZWTFOMG111!!!11!!!onoenone

If after that Im not washed of the accusation I dont know what will :P *kisses fake gil* (what goblins drop those!)
#24 Nov 25 2004 at 1:06 PM Rating: Default
no, i know for a fact that tanta partied at level 5 AS A WAR! NOT DRG!
Now then, shyrke, all your defense so far is based on hersey! yes hersey! you want a lier lead you?

#25 Nov 25 2004 at 10:18 PM Rating: Good
2,638 posts
*is getting burned at the stake*
I ask of President Tanta to appeal of this decision, I hope it comes soon or ashes I will be...
#26 Nov 27 2004 at 12:26 PM Rating: Good
782 posts
/Tanta panics as he stands on the podium
Wow, stong accuations, becuase we were once all noobs.
And Noobs we were, but now, after starting from the bottom and working my way up, I am glad to say here we are!

We are moving forward.
Do not listen to bold-faced lies, listen to the great truth!
I vow safe passage from and of the major cities to Jeuno.
I vow that we will decrease the crime rate of those damn Choco Hijackers.

We have balanced the Crag's Chocobo budget and made it afforiable for all!
No longer will you pay 1k at a crag you will pay below 500 gil!
Yes! There is more!

We eliminated the idea of having "gob trains" in Kazham.
They now are called "gob parties" so they can murder you even more.

Tired of those undeads in Valkrum?
Dont worry, I negotiated a treaty and said
"For a weekly stack of beer (12 pack :p) would you only come out from 1 am to 4 am intead of 2000?" They agreed.

This means less death in Valkrum also means no annoying trains, and more conquest points that go to more of an economy booster!

We have made great progress and it only gets better!
I will not slander on the competition, becuase, its just propoganda, made to cover the eyes of the supporters!

/em waves from Podium
/em shakes hands and panics!

One more thing, am I a Senator or a President? rofl
This message has been paid by the Senator Tanta foundation.

This is f.a.k.e.
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