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Lakshmi liersFollow

#1 Nov 26 2004 at 11:19 AM Rating: Decent
I would like to bring this up on this forum also..... I was in a party in CN leveling my war/nin and we get a rdm and he says hey your darklink.. and I'm like yea and he tells me about a post on VN about MPKers in the dunes and the person that posted said the person was named dark something(wasnt even me I've talked to the person that posted it) so out of no where 2 people who are friends with a monk who is known for talking crap to people and happens to hate me very much for being friends with Panday I'm not going to name him he knows who he is, so he had 2 of his friends Ikiniki and Nermal go on the forum and post that I am racist against JPs(for one I'm not I have many jp friends) and that when I partyed with them I sat and talked about the atom bomb and Hiroshima(2nd I've never partyed with these 2) so if they wanna go so low to lie on forums and make me and my linkshell look bad then they are sad little people.. and to top it off I sent them tells when I got on the game Ikiniki just said if I drop it he will no I will not I have people sending me tells asking why I hate jp people... you would think by time the level these people are they wouldnt do such noob things.. so with this said I AM NOT RACIST NOR DO I MPK!
#2 Nov 26 2004 at 1:23 PM Rating: Decent
My roomate is on the linkshell and we saw the second half of the argument today where you had to break a shell because of some trouble
#3 Nov 26 2004 at 3:03 PM Rating: Decent
I didnt break my shell I had to kick someone who was trying to keep it going when I asked my shell just to leave it alone.
#4 Nov 26 2004 at 3:41 PM Rating: Decent
Uhhm The LS still exist, and I know Darklink, and he's defiantely not a racist. Don't believe that crap for a minute, whoever is spreading that stuff is a low down worthless liar.
#5 Nov 26 2004 at 4:08 PM Rating: Good
6,947 posts
I try to stay the hell away from the VNboards.
Interestingly, the names you mentioned are people I already know to be biased, opinionated rabble-rousers who have discredited themselves penty of times already on that very forum.

I really wouldnt worry about it.

Edited, Fri Dec 10 17:14:41 2004 by Tenmiles
  • Tenmiles
  • Monk
  • (Lakshmi)

  • ______________
    #6 Dec 10 2004 at 1:50 AM Rating: Decent

    I believe Darklink is a very good guy ^^...
    I know he is!! coz he does help out some people when they asked for help ^^...

    #7 Dec 14 2004 at 1:13 PM Rating: Decent
    164 posts
    I refuse to pass judgement on someone based upon what a 3rd party says about them. I know i am not the only one that feels that way. Darklink, ty for all your help. I have never seen you be biased towards anyone. Only one person can change that opinion.... You.
    #8 Dec 14 2004 at 2:39 PM Rating: Decent
    340 posts
    /em crafts Popcorn +1

    /em watch the show...

    What Drama!
    #9 Dec 14 2004 at 2:45 PM Rating: Good
    782 posts
    I just want to know the person who keeps rating me down...

    >< Sorry its a bit off subject, but heh, if the person doesnt want to show his face, and doesnt want to admit he has a problem against me then damn, I would consider that pretty damn dishonorable.

    (This rate down has been accumilating for about 2 months.)
    #10 Dec 15 2004 at 2:03 AM Rating: Decent
    darklink, i know you're a nice guy! remember when that guy was gonna pay us massive gil to PL him? LOL...and panday's cool i get in your ls? ;)


    Edited, Wed Dec 15 02:06:12 2004 by bleedingXautumn
    #11 Dec 17 2004 at 6:56 AM Rating: Decent
    >_< I'm not really in my shell anymore I'm still the pearl owner but I've kinda passed leader to another member since I joined DeadlySins, you should put in a application to join man.

    Edited, Fri Dec 17 06:58:47 2004 by linkRJ
    #12 Dec 17 2004 at 11:17 AM Rating: Decent
    82 posts
    Hey guys, I'm not a very 'famous' Elvaan with the people, I tend to keep to myself and just get my stuff done, lol.
    Name in game: Dantespawn
    send me a /tell if you ever feel you need help with any quests.
    (spelling errors likely, having one of my stupid days.)
    #13 Jan 27 2005 at 12:21 PM Rating: Default
    Hi Craig! /wave
    #14 Jan 28 2005 at 8:50 PM Rating: Default
    LOL! I just noticed this thread and just wanted to say that Darklink did MPK before. I was in a party that Darklink and his BLM friend just left from because of some drama. He was their tank, WAR i believe, and he didnt want the rdm mage to get the 1st hit so the thf can SATA off of him or something like that, I dont know. But I do know that he came back with his PLD, 50 something back then, brought a couple of Musshus(sp? that scorpian) out to the main sack room and fought it right next to our party. Musshu did his AOE attack a couple of times near us, but no one died. He did that a couple of times and I forget if he finally gave up or we finished lvling. But Darklink did MPK before! Now I'm sure some people say he's a good guy and helped others out, but it doesn't mean he didn't MPK before. Even if he argues that the other party members got him mad, that doesn't give him the right to do that. MPK is GAY!! Sorry to state the facts, but Darklink cannot deny this. He knows he did this. So he can say he's not racist, but he cannot say he didn't MPK before.... Sucks to be you.
    #15 Jan 29 2005 at 5:19 AM Rating: Decent
    oh yes I MPK all the time didnt you know it's one of my favorite things to do.. yea right you people are so full of it when are you gonna give it up, you keep talking crap about me (darkgod, onearm and whoever is posting this) good I hope you have fun doing it, you must have no life at all to sit and talk **** about me all the time..
    #16 Jan 30 2005 at 2:21 PM Rating: Default
    oh yes I MPK all the time didnt you know it's one of my favorite things to do..

    LOL! I see you didn't deny MPKing, you only denied MPKing all the time. And like I said, I'm sure you're a good guy helping people and stuff, but you did MPK before. In your first post you said you didn't MPK. May be that was your first and only time.. I don't know. But I was in a party when you brought out some scorpions in the sack room right by our party. Now why would you bring scorpions way out to the sack room when they spawn deeper inside..? Not once, not twice, but more. And to make it more obvious, right by our party which consisted of your prior party members who you had a conflict with. But after reading your first thread and calling people liars for accusing you of MPKing, I'm starting to wonder.. And before you start denying that you didn't do that to our party in CN, just remember your original post message... Lakshmi liers(btw it's liar with an 'a'). Sucks to be you...
    #17 Jan 30 2005 at 2:23 PM Rating: Default
    For the record; Darklink is an established racist.

    He has looong been known for making very off color comments towards Japanese players. Telling a Japanese player; "i hope hiroshima happens again lol." is... somewhat innapropriate, to say the least. He has also been known to talk down about women and blacks, wonderful guy isn't he?

    Darklink is truly an ignorant person and for that I pity him. Just look at his post history, he has no concept of spelling, puncuation, grammar, sentence structure, etc. Come on the thread is titled "Lahshmi liers", how much credibility are you really going to give this guy?

    Then, of course, we have the Darklink supporters. To all the 70-75 players of Lakshmi, Darklink is an idiot, an absolute moron. We (the 70-75's) also of course know the dark side of Darklink, that he is a low-life racist throwing out tired WWII references towards the many Japanese in FFXI. The thing is, Darklink surrounds himself with Lv50 players that think he is GOD. They will believe every word he says because "OMG HE IS 75", if you support Darklink, you are just as clueless as he is.

    I am sorry Darkink, I truly wish you get better, maybe some professional help is needed.

    Edited, Sun Jan 30 14:24:33 2005 by LakshmiTaruWhere
    #18 Jan 30 2005 at 11:08 PM Rating: Decent
    I've know Dark since he was a n00b, and I can say I know him better than just about all of you ppl. Darklink is not a racist, and for you to even consider that makes you a very stupid person. Here is an idea, stop posting this trash on the forums, and concern yourself with doing something ingame, other than hating on Dark. As far as your comment about dark hanging with lvl 50 players because they think he's a God, it's not true. Maybe Dark doesn't really care about somthing as trivial as a stupid level, and makes friends with players because they are cool, and not lvl 75. It's sad that some of you ppl take this game so seriously, and I think you need to calm down. If you have a problem with someone, /blist them, and go on with your life. Everytime you post about someone being a racist, you make yourself a little dumber. GET A LIFE! and get over it.

    BTW lvl 75 means very little, hit /playtime, and then hit /social life, and when you see the disproportion between the two, hit /suicide :P
    #19 Jan 30 2005 at 11:25 PM Rating: Decent
    Oh boy, don't you just love flame threads? Anyway, my two cents: I don't know Darklink personally, but we do have common friends, and he has helped me out on more than one occasion. I also do not know the circumstances surrounding any of these events that may or may not have taken place, but Dark does not strike me as the kind of person who would be racist against anyone. IMHO you shouldn't base anything on hearsay from other people. If you haven't experienced first-hand what is being talked about, then don't take it at face value. If you experience this kind of thing with someone in-game, then /blist them and move on. It doesn't hurt to try to warn other people too. BUT... If you simply see the post or hear someone talk about it, you should get all the facts straight before you make any assumptions. That's not to say that Dark didn't do anything wrong. What I'm saying is that people have commented here when they don't even know Dark. They based opinions on what they have heard, and that always leads to problems. Whether the situation be good or bad, get all of the facts before talking about it.
    #20 Jan 30 2005 at 11:42 PM Rating: Decent
    LakshmiTaruWhere your so full of **** lol thats all I have to say to you.
    #21 Jan 30 2005 at 11:44 PM Rating: Decent
    ohh btw if all the so called level 70-75s think I'm such a *** why do most of them think your crazy and have no clue wtf your talking about.

    and isnt it kinda funny all these posters only have one post yea I bet it's darkgods *** cuz he has no life and sits talking **** about everyone all day and yet I dont even know the guy, but all I ever hear from friends is darkgod is saying this and saying that.
    I'm really starting to get sick of him and his bull ****, he thinks he is better then everyone when we all know he buys his gil lies, and I've been told from many people that he took a kraken club and never gave the other people their cut.
    so you know what hate on me all you want but think about where this is coming from.

    Edited, Sun Jan 30 23:57:20 2005 by linkRJ
    #22 Jan 31 2005 at 12:52 AM Rating: Decent
    ok check it out since you people love to say I hate japanese and black people, also now I talk down to women and a "ignorant person " as these people say..... it's only a game people grow up really.

    He has looong been known for making very off color comments towards Japanese players. Telling a Japanese player; "i hope hiroshima happens again lol." is... somewhat innapropriate, to say the least. He has also been known to talk down about women and blacks, wonderful guy isn't he?

    And to this right out lie, I would never wish something nor hope for something like that, you people dont even know me so how can you say these things, cuz someone told you this, so if this person told you the world is gonna end you would believe them right.

    Then, of course, we have the Darklink supporters. To all the 70-75 players of Lakshmi, Darklink is an idiot, an absolute moron. We (the 70-75's) also of course know the dark side of Darklink, that he is a low-life racist throwing out tired WWII references towards the many Japanese in FFXI. The thing is, Darklink surrounds himself with Lv50 players that think he is GOD. They will believe every word he says because "OMG HE IS 75", if you support Darklink, you are just as clueless as he is.

    Again I'll say grow up plz do I really care if all you level 70-75s like me, it's very clear you spend to much time playing but I'll make this clear I'm not racist, I never said those things nor will I ever.

    oh and to the comment about me only hanging out with levels 1-50 so what, I do have friends who are 70-75 and they will tell you this post is bull but I do hang out with "lower levels" as you call it cuz they arent like all these higherlevel ******** who start stuff out of nothing and they also are alot cooler and better players then most of you will ever be cuz you have your head so far up your *** thinking your better then everyone else(said to the people posting about me only).

    also to the ******** who keep saying I hate japanese people... guess what I bet you didnt know this one my mom is japanese and I'm only 17 so I hope it makes you all feel good talking about a 17 year old like you do..

    Edited, Mon Jan 31 00:54:34 2005 by linkRJ
    #23 Jan 31 2005 at 1:02 AM Rating: Decent
    Ok boys and girls, this has gotten out of hand. It seems that both sides of the argument have been stated and restated about 10 times each. So lets drop this one before it gets even more pointless. I really hope that this will be the last post on this thread.
    #24 Jan 31 2005 at 1:09 AM Rating: Decent
    it will be, I'm so sick of these so call great players sending me tells and talking **** all the time I'm done with the game and not sure if I'm coming back the people on this server are sad they sit around and talk crap about each other, you all know who I'm talkint about and believe me the last thing I would do is quit to make you happy.

    so next time you see darkgod ikikin or nermel or anyone from there sad little linkshells remeber how low of players they are, level and rank dont mean **** what your a **** like them.
    #25 Jan 31 2005 at 3:12 AM Rating: Default
    Well, at least he didn't deny MPKing my party and I in CN. ^^ You're a good guy Darklink. I don't know anything about the racist stuff, and I hope it ain't true. My intention was not to add wood to the fire.. I was just angered for seeing someone actually MPKing and I remembered your name. I thought only Gil sellers did that near NM spawn points. Anyways, enough with this thread. I hope everyone gets happy and stays happy. ^^
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