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Is it just me....Follow

#1 Jan 08 2005 at 2:42 AM Rating: Decent
811 posts
Lately I have had some real interesting incidents and was wondering if anyone else is going through this as well.

It seems over the past couple months I have run into a large group of post level 60 people that have no clue. It is like in every EXP party, there is 1 completely clueless person, or someone that is so pitiful at thier job it makes you wonder how they get to this high of a level with that job.

Let me give you a couple of instances. Last night, I was in a party in the Boyahda Tree. The WHM gets really pissy because the RDM didn't refresh her (she was almost at 100% MP) but refreshed me instead. I was down to about 75% MP. She then proceeded to berate the RDM and tell our party leader to replace her. For some reason, she decided to stay. After another hour she Alt+Tab'd to disconnect. Ok so maybe she really did have connection problems, but the way it happend it seemed like she was trying to get us killed so she would have a good excuse to leave.

Then, the night before, I get into a party with a few JP players, and they sort of understood and could speak some english. I thought good, this will make communication better. I get to 1300tnl, and 1 person needed to leave and the leader disbanded the party and called it quits. Now I had been advertising my TNL since around 9k at around 1500exp point intervals. Now I was under the impression that this guy had to actually LEAVE the game to do something. Not so, he went to south sandy to unload his crystals. We were having a crappy night for drops, he couldnt have had more then 1 1/2 stacks. Later that night, I come to find out that they were using the party to farm, thats why they didn't want to leave.

Now, 3 nights ago and the last one I will bring up. Another party at the Boyahda Tree. All the members start heading out. The WHM says, BRB, need to go to my mule and disbands. So by vote we wait and he eventually comes back. It takes him over 30 minutes just to get to the tree. On our way to camp, he stops and starts curing another party at the entrance and almost dies from aggro. he catches up to us and things go ok for a while. Then we get a link. We could have handled it IF the whm new what cure was. The PLD dies because he was to busy casting escape. Between me and the RDM, we couldn't keep the PLD full AND keep the link off of us.(Sleep wasn't holding that night for some reason)

So, we heal up, go back in. On our way back to camp, the whm has now forgotten what sneak is. he pulls aggro from a Robber crab. not hard to fend off. We all start moving again, but for some reason he stayed behind. At this point, he still does not use sneak. We all get to camp, and we see his life bar drop really fast. Then, he's dead. We spent 4 hours for 2k EXP. Everyone ******* at him and disbanded the party. I just said /sigh in party chat and warped.

Now there was alot more then this, but being the rant this has turned into, I didn't want to come off sounding like I thought I was the best, or that I know more then other people. I don't. I know I don't. I do however expect people to use common sense, which, is why I don't see how these people get to these levels with tactics, ethics or such complete stupidity.

I avoided naming names because I have heard that one of these people was actually very good at another job. I won't slander them for thier poor tactics with any one job.

It's just sad that the population of people like this has tremendously grown recently.

Let me know if any of you have had cases like these or if I am starting to expect to much from people.
#2 Jan 08 2005 at 4:27 AM Rating: Good
140 posts
I don't think that your evidence really suggests that these players are bad at their jobs. Maybe that person had never partied in that part of Boyahda Tree and didn't know that the crabs aggro. Up until the little pond of crawlers and crabs, there is no aggro in Boyahda Tree and your WHM probably assumed that the crabs would not aggro either.

Although, I do admit that some higher level players aren't quite competent as we think they should be. This might be so because they have been spoiled by static parties or they might have taken a break from Final Fantasy XI for a while and had forgotten how to play well. Who knows.

As for the postal WHM, we all know that there are rude people in this world. It's just the way the cookie crumbles. We can't really do anything about that, though. We just have to wait until their maturity fully develops.

Note: I have met a couple of players that could be better at their jobs though. I won't name names but I remember a ranger and I just thought he could have used common sense on when a good time was to pull. Or he could have observed the MP bars of the mages in our party and asked if it were okay with them to start battling again. Also, I notice that some BRDs don't separate their songs from other party members (when they have the ability to) and some tanks don't voke until they see the mob attacking another player (when I believe they should voke as much as possible.)

Anyway, I just thought the body of your topic was irrelevant to your thesis... but yes, I have noticed that there are some post level 60 players that could probably do better at what they do. =)
#3 Jan 08 2005 at 5:15 AM Rating: Decent
335 posts
Sorry about that bad experience Scuzz.

I also wonder how people get to their LVL, but Embur has a very good point about those returning from a break. Although...commonly wouldn't they speak up about it to warn the PT? Something like, "Hey guys I've just came back from break so maybe my memory of this place isn't so clear."

Hmm I dunno about you guys but I'd probably say that...maybe people don't speak English well? I ono LOL
#4 Jan 08 2005 at 8:18 PM Rating: Decent
811 posts
Ok, say you take a break from the game, come back, and are unsure about what will aggro and what wont. So you go running along and something does aggro. Somehow you survive. Now you KNOW that there are things in the area that will aggro. Do you keep running, or do you ask "What aggros here, and by what?". Also, when you see your entire party casting sneak everywhere, shouldn't that be some kind of clue?

It has been a severe lack of common sense. Both the WHM's I previously talked about I have had run ins with before, but gave them the benefit of the doubt. I have off nights too, I have nights were after getting to a camp I realize I'm not 100% into playing the game, but if I am ever usure about something I question it to prevent problems. If someone things I'm dumb or a "n00b" then fine, but I used common sense.

Sorry if this sounded like an attack based on what you posted, it isn't, and I apologize if it does seem that way. I just got done with another little incident which is why I am taking a break from post 60 parties.
#5 Jan 09 2005 at 6:04 PM Rating: Decent
266 posts
Hi Scuzz!

Its not just you. I couldn't seem to get a party without at least 1 tard in the group for a few weeks. Ended up sitting 2k from 63 for 2 weeks (due to delevel deaths ><).

P.S sorry I didn't make it on for 5-2 that night. Power was out ; ;. And after holding those guys hands all the way up there to find the whm didn't have the mission (the 1 tard as usuall) and not getting a decent party for a while I have decided to take a break.
#6 Jan 10 2005 at 8:25 AM Rating: Decent
811 posts
Hey Dravin. We actually got 5-2 done for those people. They somehow got a 70+ PLD to do all the work for them. He was full of himself and a complete ***, but at least we got it finished.

Anyway, first day back into the party thing. Decided I was going to level my thf a little and take a break from the recent harshness people have bestowed upon me in parties ranging from 63-67.

Valkurm Dunes...the absolute worse place I can think of in the game. I decided I would try to solo at least to level 12 to avoid people thinking level 9 is a good level to go there. 1st party invite, WHM went afk at least 15 times. Also did not want me to pull until he had full MP. That being the worst, I stuck it out.

8 parties later, I am now level 11. I spent 6 hours going between level 11 and 12.

My favorite part of this experience today was I get an invite by one of these l33t speaking fools. I join, and think, I will ignore him when he starts speaking l33t. The party at this point consists of 2 whms, a rdm, and me the thf. He then invites a RNG. Ok, im sorry, but the only thing a thf is good for pre level 15 is pulling. Damage output is extremely poor no matter what weapons you use. Ok, knowng I will be completely worthless, I decide to hang around. So im thinking, if we get a decent tank, this might actually work. So two of say, just get a tank and we will be ready. He invites a subless monk. NO ONE in the party has provoke. 3 of us are now telling him, this will not work. He insists we should try, because "you never know". I shake my head and disband trying to avoid yet another level down, and disband.

People listen. If you are new to the game, and are experiencing your first parties, LISTEN to people that have played the game for a long time. There is a reason they have rank 5-10. There is a reason they have top of the line gear and you are running around with less then the bare minimum. Your experience in Valkurm, Qufim, Yuhtunga Jungle, etc. will be so much more enjoyable if you open your ears. There is no excuse to not have the bare minimum. Expecially at lower levels. Between crystals, and other drops, it is incredibly easy to make an income. You cannot tank in level 1 gear at level 10. There is no reason you cannot take advice from seasoned players. Most of us are really nice and do not take advantage of new players.

#7 Jan 12 2005 at 8:49 AM Rating: Decent
153 posts
I think the biggest reason people that are bad get to high levels is that they are necessary to a party, and for most people some XP is better than no XP.

I was in an excellent party recently, but when the whm and rng had to leave we got a jp whm and jp blm that ruined the party. The blm was casting debuffs almost the whole fight, but barely nuked at all. The only spell the whm cast regularly was flash, which he would cast as often as possible, but he waited until I was almost in the red and out of MP to start curing me.

I was in a party with a smn as main healer last night, and normally I prefer a smn for stoneskin and blink at the beginning of each fight. It really saves me and the healers some MP, but this smn only used Garuda and Titan 2 or 3 times in 2 or 3 hours of partying
#8 Jan 12 2005 at 9:32 AM Rating: Decent
42 posts
Heh... sorry to hear that Scuzzle...
I know how U feel. I have partied with those kinds of people too.

At level 55+ and still did not have a clue on what they should do with their jobs in an XP pt.

You would luv to see a PLD who would not use flash and will use berserk or a NIN without any other ninjutsu except utsusemi. I ran into a pt with NIN/THF before. I did not realise this nin had thf sub coz he was unknown till we started to fight a mob. He even insisted he could hold hate good before as NIN/THF when a BLM got the hate by only nuking Water II once on a Raptor in Valley of Sorrows.

The BLM, WHM, and me (RNG) decided to leave after 2nd mob. It would not work if the tank could not provoke or hold hate. Sooner or later either the RNG or BLM or WHM will die.

Seriously, people need to listen to other people's advice if it's a good advice and if it makes sense. Please DO NOT be a stubborn fool. See and Learn from Experience and the most important thing... ASK someone you think could give you the answer if you do not understand or know about something.
#9 Jan 14 2005 at 12:10 AM Rating: Decent
811 posts
Ok, so after the other thread I started that referenced a very heart touching story that made me rethink why I am playing this game, which in turn, made me regret making this thread, I had another "incident".

Then, I thought, ok, back to having fun. I remember back when I first started, when I first got my sub jobs, I still had a blast in valkurm. Never really had a complaint, nothing.

So I take my thf back to valkurm. While waiting for an invite, I am soloing in the highlands. I obtain level 12 again....for those of you who didn't read it.....

8 parties later, I am now level 11. I spent 6 hours going between level 11 and 12.

So yay, I am level 12 again. First party I get into seemed to be half way decent. I thought, sweet, this really made things here seem so much easier then before. Then it happens.

I ask, being the puller, what are we fighting? I am told Gobs. Ok fine with me, I pull a gob. Just as my macro goes off that I am comming back I am told, no no no, lizzies... I slap my forehead, but think at worst, one or two people might die...we can handle it.

No one held hate, everyone in yellow hp, gob throws a bomb, party is dead, I am yet again, level 11. Now instead of everyone just brushing it off and moving on, they all disband. In LS chat, all I could say is, I tried....I give up. /logout

This was the first time I sat down to play and logged out that soon. I think my play time was about 40 minutes, most of which was walk time from bastok to valkurm. I have never been stuck like this in the year I have played, I have never repeated a level this many times.

Does anyone else think that if you only play at high levels you forget how to play at lower levels? Because I do not recall having this problem with any of the other jobs I played before I started what is now my main.

Edit: Full sentences and speeling are gooder.

Edited, Fri Jan 14 00:11:57 2005 by Scuzzlebuns
#10 Jan 14 2005 at 1:46 AM Rating: Decent
241 posts
Im gunna have to say i have been in basicly the same boat as you many times skuzzle, probably to many times to remember.

Ok, heres the deal, my pld is only 45, and the fact of the matter is i know more about hate control than many of the 55 plds i pt with. I feel like a College instructor, lecturing to students. "Ok class, welcome to your first day in Agro 101." It can get a bit insane when the blm pulls agro every 2 spells. That may be acceptable in some casses but not when it is only Blizzard 2 followed by Thunder 2. Sure, those spells can do some damage but at this level, a plds hate control abilities should be way beyond that.

They very rarely utilize flash and sheild bash, not to mention, they end the fight with 95% of their mp. In other words, they arnt curing. Half, if not more than half of a plds hate control abilities are based on curing. I know this being a taru and having the mp to cure all day long.

A bit off subject but it is a great feeling to have a thf sata viper bite for 600 dmg which closes a distortion for 300 more, and not have the mob even turn around. That is hate control. Thfs love it and it can greatly add to a parties productivity.

So to all you plds out there who dont know what flash is and/or how to cure yourself, LEARN! Yes, it is the whm's job to cure you, but it isnt their job to tank for you cause you still have 15 seconds till voke.
#11 Jan 14 2005 at 3:18 PM Rating: Decent
443 posts
I was the RDM in the party with Scuzzlebuns in Boyhada Tree. First off, you do not leave a party to go check your mule, period. If you need to check your mule, do it on your own time.

Second, if you're a whm 58+ with blm subbed, you have the spell escape. This does NOT mean you should be the one to cast it. We had me (RDM) and Scuzzlebuns (BLM) who both could cast it, and I'd have casted it significantly faster. When a party gets into trouble, the WHM needs to be curing, not escaping (unless for some reason the whm is the only one with the spell). I fully admit that I was the one that aggrod the crab, but IMO it was a poor choice of camp, and I think we inevitably would have been aggrod. We (Scuzzlebuns and I) tried sleeping the crab, but got resisted, and someone voked it off us. It was about then that the PLD died because he wasn't being cured, since the WHM was casting escape.

Third, the WHM should have known how to avoid aggro. We were level 62, so everyone had clearly been in the Tree multiple times, past the aggroing crabs. Besides, this was already after the aggro from the crabs in which the WHM casted escape instead of curing the PLD. If you're not sure whether something aggros, ask your party. If you're still not sure, just sneak/invis yourself. He's a whm, he's had the spells for over 40 levels, he ought to know how to use them by now.

Now, I could understand if the WHM was just having a bad night or something, but I had partied with him the night before. It took him a ridiculously long time to get through Kuftal Tunnel and Cape Terrigan to Valley of Sorrows. It's a pretty good bet when at least 4 party members have bad things to say about you from previous parties that you're doing something wrong.

Like Scuzzlebuns, I will not disclose the name of the WHM, but you can be sure I will never party with him again.
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