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I refuse to pt with a gil merchant!Follow

#1 Jan 09 2005 at 6:46 PM Rating: Excellent
5,745 posts
Tonight, I get an invite to help form a new exp pt. I'm in Bastok, so I ghetto warp to Jeuno. The party is coming together really quickly, and almost as quickly as I accept the invite, we're all gathering together in Lower Jeuno.

I was about the 4th player to join the party, so not everyone had arrived in Jeuno yet. But while I'm doing the usual /bowing and /waving to the party members I see, I notice the name of one of the party members: Longko.

Hmmmm, that name sounds oddly familiar. But not in a good sense, like it was someone I recall with fondness. Then things start to click. He's a DRG. I /check him, and his gear is an add assortment of mostly low cost items. And his equip isn't even really geared toward DD. He has a Dodge Earring, a Drone Earring, a headband that gives him +evasion, and a Reraise Gorget (that's a neck piece that has "Reraise" as an enchantment, for those who aren't familiar with it). The last line in his bazaar comment is in chinese. He has no linkshell.

If the party has a gil seller as a member, the party would want to know, right? So I start off with some casual comments in party chat like, "Longko, why do you strike me as a gil seller?" He simply /laughed in response to that comment. No one else in the party seemed to care. I continued the conversation by asking if anyone else in the party thought he smelled of gil seller-ness as our WHM started to Teleport us to Holla.

Once we were in Holla, and riding Chocobos, the rest of the party made their intentions clear: as long as they got exp, they didn't care if they were partying with a gil seller. At that point, I told them I refused to help enable a gil merchant to reach a higher lvl, and disbanded.

Gil selling / gil buying is perhaps the biggest problem with our game. I've tried camping Stroper Chyme in Ordelles, only to be crowded by multiple gil merchant parties. I've tried farming in Oztroja, only to see myself surrounded by the {power} {ranger} Kofs. I've tried farming Dangruf Wadi, only to see a Magic Galka running around. I've had to compete with gil merchants camping mining points in Gusgen, and with gil merchants trying to hoard the Kuftal coffer. Anyone who has had these experiences also understands what damage these gil merchants are doing to the game.

Idea after idea has been posted about what kind of changes SE could make to stop gil merchants. But we, as the player community, also need to do whatever is within our power. And that includes refusing to party with gil merchants!

So I encourage my fellow Lakshmi-ites to do the same if they are ever in this position. Don't be so desparate to lvl that you're willing to drag along a gil seller with you. You might even have to endure some harrassment from the party you left, like I did tonight. Anyone who parties with a gil merchant has no right to later complain about their existance. Longko will probably continue to get parties regardless of the choice I made tonight. But at least this gil seller won't be on my conscience.
#2 Jan 09 2005 at 7:32 PM Rating: Good
140 posts
If I may, I would like to say this: Don't hate.

Gilsellers are really nice if you're nice to them. In fact, they may even let you voke a Stroper Chyme once in a while or let you have that particular mining point.

At one point in my FFXI life, I hated a particular set of gilsellers: The Ordelle's Caves party. I only hated them because the first time I went there, they trained a heck load of beetles and bats and goblins into the spawn room by the La Theine Plateau zone. I thought, "Wow, that is really unfair!" because it was. They did that twice and I just got so mad. However... the more times I stayed for Stroper Chyme to spawn, I began to see a "better" side of them. They split up into 3 in each spawn room and didn't train any more mobs. Of course they set themselves up in strategic places in order to increase their chance of voking the monster, but it gave everyone a fair chance. If you think about it, they are just like us, only there are probably more than one person playing their character and selling their gil online, but I'm pretty sure some of us have let our friends play our character and we have "sold" our gil to people for items or for help.

And if you're upset because they camp Stroper Chyme 24/7 and camp mining points in Gusgen Mines, just know that there are other ways or making money (even though those would seem to be some of the easiest methods.) For instance, here are some methods for making money if you don't have a significantly high level job:
A) Grow ores.
B) Harvest, camp Hoo Mjuu the Torrent, or farm for Beehive Chips in Giddeus.
C) Fish for moat carp in Windurst with little worms that you can buy for 3g each at Ensasa's(?) Catalyst Shop in Windurst Woods. (Use composite rod.)
D) Kill Mandragoras, Crawlers, Birds, and Yagudos to get quest items, then trade them to the particular quest.
E) If you have beastmen's seals and you are a BLM, WHM, or RNG, do BCNM40 in Palborough Mines (really REALLY easy.)
F) Do the selbina clay quest.
G) Farm for wind crystals from Bumblebees while leveling up a level 1 to 7 job in East Sarutabaruta and die a couple of times in order to stay level 6 (and have the bees be easy prey to you still.) (P.S. This can also be a method for farming beastmen's seals.)

*Note: I am a citizen from Windurst and these methods are all from experience, so that is why most of them take place around the Windurst regions.*

Sure these methods are time consuming, but so is camping Stroper Chyme (considering the relatively low drop rate of Archer's ring) and mining points (since you have to run around to find them.) And remember, these aren't the only methods of making money--I'm sure that other people have better methods.

All in all, I just don't want people to be mean to gilsellers. They are people too. Last night, someone in my LS said that Magicsong asked him for help with getting paper for genkai 1. He offered him 40k to help him and my LS member did not know that he was a gilseller, however we told him that he was. So, my LS mate asked me to help get this guy some paper and we got 2 more other people in my LS to help (hoping that we would get 40k each but we didn't because we didn't get the paper) and a friend of my LS member. I decided to offer him a pearl because he didn't have one and it just breaks my heart to see someone without a home. Although he didn't speak much English, he was very courteous and said "ty!" when I offered him a pearl. Also, he was pretty competent (unlike some other players) when it came to sneaking inside Eldieme Nacropolis. He didn't bother me about sneak whenever it wore off, and he stopped just out of range whenever we came across an enemy. I usually see if his sneak wears off and recast it, but if I'm far ahead, he lets me know.

I have another story about a gilseller... It makes me sad that he doesn't talk to me anymore, but I guess that's ok. =( There was this fellow named Ironforge and I saw him in Rabao when SE didn't destroy it. I was fishing and he came up to me and bowed courteously. I /shocked him and he sent me a tell saying, "You are beautiful." And I was like, "wow." Then we talked for a little bit and he revealed that he was chinese. I figured that he was a gilseller because he was in Rabao 24/7. Then we eventually lost touch and I hadn't heard from him since that first time we met. However, a few weeks later, I received a rose in my delivery box from him, Ironforge. He wasn't online when I received it though. When I saw him, I tried sending a friend invite, but he never responded so I just gave up on that. Then months passed and I had not heard of him at all... but as I pass through Yughott Grotto to go to Horlais Peak and fight the San d'Oria dragon, I see him in the pond with a bunch of other fisherman (who are probably gilsellers as well.) I waved to him but I got no response... maybe he had a fish bot on him or maybe he just forgot about me.. ;_;

But anyway, the point is that gilsellers are human! SO THEY SHOULD BE TREATED HUMANELY. aka be nice, don't hate. Spread the love!

P.S. Sorry for the novel post ><
#3 Jan 09 2005 at 9:22 PM Rating: Decent
38 posts
*sniff* ;_; u tell em' Embur

Edited, Sun Jan 9 21:24:09 2005 by xiixDirtnapxiix
#4 Jan 09 2005 at 10:47 PM Rating: Default
120 posts

Embur, you are one of my most favoritest tarus, now.

I AGREE WITH YOU. Now I don't feel so weird for feeling bad for the gilsellers.
#5 Jan 10 2005 at 5:42 AM Rating: Decent
1,892 posts
I still hate gilsellers. For the only reason being that they might be nice to you now, but when their shift finishes you might get a total asshat taking over.

I do agree though. I had a period where I mined in Gusgen against the Gusgen Mines Mining Crew. One day I came across one dead. I took some screenies giggled to myself (not emote) and ran off to the next point.

I then got a tell "help", now that was just futile... and another "help me"... something obviously struck a nerve, that or I was seriously getting freaked out by hearing stuff and being surrounded by ghosts.

I decided not to be an *** myself and went back to raise her, but she was only going to get a Cure, no Cure 3 for her. So I give her the raise, cure, then run off.

Few seconds later I see some more of the crew fighting an elemental. I stop for a sec to check out the ele's life and theirs. They were nearly dead as was it. Before I started to move off the girl I had just raise started bashing at the elemental. Talk about wanting the gil >_<

When it comes to gilsellers I don't have anything personally against them unless they do something against me, be rude to others or are general annoyances (MPK etc). I won't party with them though, I've been in a party with the Magics... worst players ever, I'd party with subjobless newbs in the dunes before partying with Magic's again.

Oh and for the record Longko tried to invite me last night as well. I was quick to get my GF to invite me so that it looked like I got a party :P
#6 Jan 10 2005 at 6:00 AM Rating: Default
**** NOTE TO EMBUR>>>>>>******************

this is a joke right? ur an idiot "gillsellers are people too"

your a moron to say this.................

i'm a person, and yes i work my *** off all day so i can come home, eat dinner, and play video games......all of which i paid for by...get this....working my *** off every day

i deserve fun and such because i earned it...... the gillsellers that u speak of earn off my hard work ... not my fun.. they ***** with that by jackin prices etc,,,,

dude this was/is the lamest thing i've seen in posts ever.. deal with it... just one MAN's opinion

Edited, Mon Jan 10 06:03:36 2005 by vandamages
#7 Jan 10 2005 at 6:57 AM Rating: Decent
120 posts

One word for you: internet.

Stop getting so bent out of shape because Embur and I actually see past the facade of being a gilseller and see someone who is trying to earn money, which isn't even that much the begin with.

Yeah, gilselling is wrong, but you know what they say, "Hate the sin, not the sinner."
#8 Jan 10 2005 at 10:56 AM Rating: Decent
Well I got a pt invite from this Gil Seller today and sorry to say i'm not gonna help another one of these "people" get higher up so they can camp other items and jeck them prices. If your a gil seller dont even think of trying to invite me.

And to the Line "Hate the sin, not the sinner" kinda like dont kill the messenger...well if the messenger pisses me off..he dies and I feel better :)
#9 Jan 10 2005 at 11:12 AM Rating: Default
GOOO EMBUR, you are the wind beneith my wings
#10 Jan 10 2005 at 11:49 AM Rating: Decent
32 posts
Embur... I do agree with you to a point.

You encourage people to camp Hoo Mjuu the Torrent for money... Well... here is one Bard that's been fighting like a tiger backed into a corner!

I have been trying to get a Monster Signa for quite some time, but between gilsellers and campers who intend to sell, those of use who legitimatly want to USE the drop get screwed...

It's VERY frustrating and I can understand why people get pissed about camping coffers or mining points... I have yet to see a 'good' side to a gilseller. I'm hoping one proves me wrong but the Magic gang haven't made any friends here.

#11 Jan 10 2005 at 12:27 PM Rating: Good
I'm thankful I never EVER had to party with anyone involved in RMT. I also feel sorry for anyone who started playing on Lakshmi when gilsellers invaded our server.
#12 Jan 10 2005 at 2:37 PM Rating: Good
443 posts
NOTE: I am not bashing anyone, just pointing out a few things that I think need to be pointed out.

Gilsellers are really nice if you're nice to them. In fact, they may even let you voke a Stroper Chyme once in a while or let you have that particular mining point.

So what you're saying is that they're really nice for letting us get the claim 10% of the time or hit a mining point less than that? How courteous of them to think of us.

Like the original poster, I refuse to party with gilsellers. I do not want to give them xp, and from my experience, their gear is frighteningly bad, so I won't get good xp either.

The main reason I don't like gilsellers is that they use monopolistic techniques to change the economy. When they camp one drop and raise the price just because they get the claim 90% of the time, that's unfair, just like how a monopoly in real life is unfair. Now, you could say that they have the ability to raise the price, it's a free economy. While that's true, I'm pretty sure you'd be unhappy if you had to buy any ridiculously inflated commodity in the real world because of a monopoly. That is why we have laws to prevent unfair business practices.

Personally, I think anyone who sells gil is ruining the fun of many FFXI players. They know this, they'd have to be stupid not to. They do it anyways. Thus, they are not nice people. I can understand if they MPK'ed someone who MPK'ed them first, but to train on someone who left them alone, that's not cool.

No offense Embur, but it appears to me that you like gilsellers simply because one or two was nice to you once or twice. I agree with your point about not treating them horribly, but I've seen far more examples of gilsellers behaving badly than them behaving well.
#13 Jan 10 2005 at 4:29 PM Rating: Good
835 posts
Sorry, I will not party with gilsellers. As a matter of fact on Saturday when Magicsong and magickong were looking for parties to raise their camping abilities I was spamming:

<Looking for Party> Magicsong <please> DO NOT <invite> Gilseller.

It is not fair taht we have to compete with asshats like this for itmes we need in the game (see sig - Rng) like Stroper Chyme.

Even if I have to compete with someone else that is camping for "their own" gil it is ok.

Sorry Ember. I think of gil sellers like I do thief's in RL. To me they are the same. And yes, I'm sure there are nice thief's but I don't want to help them.
#14 Jan 10 2005 at 5:39 PM Rating: Good
711 posts
Just a thought....( I have never and will never buy gil, I spend my money on RL items like beer and smokes. )...did it ever occur to you guys that these gil sellers that are camping NM's would, if they were not there, be replaced by other players who were trying to get the item because they could no longer buy that item.

You see for every set of leeping boots on emp. hairpins that they sell there is one less real player camping that NM for the drop. Does that make any sense or am I talking out of my ***?
#15 Jan 10 2005 at 6:38 PM Rating: Decent
258 posts
You are kinda talking out of your ***.
If gil sellers werent around, yes, players who needed the item would camp it. But differencing themselves from gilsellers, they need the item ONCE. They would not stay in the same spot over and over to get an item they need, because they already have it.
And even if they did it for gil, at least it wouldn't be a 24/7 monopolization of the camp spot.

And just fo your info, spending your money on smokes and beers is not that smart either.
#16 Jan 11 2005 at 2:11 AM Rating: Good
66 posts
Please don't downgrade anyone saying there is a good side to gilsellers just because they have their own individual opinion. And what we're basically saying is that the gilsellers hold is unbreakable. The gilsellers are good; we just have to be better. It's not impossible; they're human, and so are we.
#17 Jan 11 2005 at 2:30 AM Rating: Default
vandamages wrote:
just one MAN's opinion

omg i got rated down 2 points for this....lmao

i support the thread and say gill sellers are bad news and takin my fun .............. lol w/e

have fun and pt with the gillseller's and remember that when your farming/camping NM's for in Game Gil or an item you desperatelty want for you job!@!!
#18 Jan 11 2005 at 8:46 AM Rating: Good
I refuse to party with gilfarmers (I know of :/) and/or MPKers. Gilfarmers, regardless of how nice they act, are still people engaged in activities against this game's user agreement, same as MPKers (though not as sadistic). I was in a party once, and the group was quite nice. I later found 2 of the party members, no less polite and well-mannered than the others, where friends with a MPKer. When I asked them about him, they not only knew he was indeed a MPKer, but seemed to not even care about it. I left the party, for 2 reasons: one, I cannot party with someone who isn't against (though not for, possibly) MPKing, and two, after I mentioned I'd leave, the 2 denied even knowing him, even though they were in the MPKer's LS.
#19 Jan 11 2005 at 5:19 PM Rating: Good
5,745 posts
As an aside, you don't have to hate gil sellers in order to take a stand against gil selling and RMT.

I'm not encouraging anyone to MPK Longko, or to stalk him in game and try to hurt his farming productivity, or send him nasty /tells, or do a {Hundred Fists} {/slap}-fest on him.

All I'm saying is, don't help them become more effective gil sellers by partying with them and helping them level.

The question isn't whether or not the person behind the keyboard is a decent human being. It's about whether or not you have a problem with gil selling and the effects it has on the quality of gaming for those of us who populate planet Lakshmi.

If you think RMT benefits the game and our community as a whole, then fine, party with the gil sellers.

But if you believe that RMT is wrong, and is harming this game and our community, then take this small stand. Set aside whether or not you think this individual gil seller is a kind, gentle soul. Forget whether or not he might even be a skillful player. Put your principles above personal gain (exp), and say {Thanks for the offer, but I'll have to pass.}
#20 Jan 12 2005 at 2:38 AM Rating: Decent
140 posts
/cry I'm not an idiot ;_;
#21 Jan 12 2005 at 2:57 AM Rating: Good
241 posts
Im sorry but i have to agree with the thread starter on this one. My bad gil farmer experiances vastly outnumber the good. I would enjoy having them around and doing what they do if they would just talk to me once and while, but than, that would make them just like me. Out for gil for one reason or another. When you ask a simple question and dont even get a reply, that irritates me. I am sure many of the dont speak english but i even go as far as to use the auto translate function, and still, no reply. Just the other day in Kuftal. Honestly, who dosent know the gil farming trope in kuftal, i was partying. We just finished killing a robber crab, and we resting for the next fight, when i look up and see 3 high level bsts bring robber crabs in to destroy the gil farmers. I must admit at first, i had mixed feelings. Some happy and some sad, thinking that they were just minding there own business, untill the crabs attacked them. The first thing the did was, every single one of them ran over and stood by our pt. Can you guess the next plan of action? Escape! I was so pissed. Luckily the bsts were paying attention and charmed the crabs quickly. This was the end of my forgivingness towards gil farmers. They could have just as easily escaped from the middle of the map but no, they had to do it right on top of us. To all the high level bsts out there, SLAY THEM ALL! I will say no more.
#22 Jan 12 2005 at 6:10 AM Rating: Decent
108 posts
im sorry embur your totally wrong on this...rate down, way down
#23 Jan 12 2005 at 8:44 AM Rating: Good
654 posts
I've never faced a situation where I had to PT with a gilseller, nor a gilbuyer... But if I found myself having to decide -- I would definitely leave the PT.

Yes, I understand that gilsellers are people. I speak Chinese, so I've had conversations with them. (( 'Logout' said she loved me and asked if I was a man... >.>; I must not speak gently enough or something... )) They've responded, but I don't particularly wish to have any sort of rapport with them, so I don't reply with much else. The point is, in my opinion, this is a game I'd like to play. Whatever their reasons may be for doing this gilselling thing, the point is, they are not respecting the other players' right to play a game and have fun. This is one of my biggest peeves - a lack of respect. It's just like saying "Oh, this guy is poor so he should be allowed to steal from other people... In fact, here, have my wallet!". It may be for valid reasons, but it doesn't make it right, and I'm certainly not going to sympathize.

All that being said, and as I've said earlier about respect: -- I do respect Embur's opinion, although I don't agree with it at all. And no, I don't think Embur deserves to be called an idiot because of it, nor a rate down. Just because someone else has a different opinion, it doesn't mean it's wrong. Please respect it.
#24 Jan 12 2005 at 3:37 PM Rating: Good
42 posts
This game was more fun back to like a year ago before the gilsellers invasion. The price was quite stable. Sniper ring would be around 400-500k, ochiudo kote would be around 400k too. But look at the price now... it is ********* Sniper rings even hit 1 million each for couple of weeks.

For those who started to play after the CFG invasion will not feel any difference since the price has been jacked up by the CFG with monopolise system.

Well, I don't really care much about them for selling gils. What pissed me off was they will try to MPK u if u claimed their hunted mob faster than them.

This happened once to me in Kuftal Tunnel by the Thickbluebird's gang. We were going through Kuftal Tunnel on our way to Teriggan and we saw Amemet there and it was not claimed so we got it. And while Thickbluebird saw we got it, the thief (HHYIH) started to pull lots of crabs and lizards and was running toward us while their BLM (Mubosusu) started to cast escape while Thickbluebird and their RDM (Astha) stood a bit further from Mubosusu so they would not be effected by the escape. They got us killed after we managed to hold the crabs and lizards till Amemet HP was down to like 1%.. yes.. just freaking around 1% hp left.. with 1 more WS, that amemet would be dead. Seriously, we were so pissed, we called GM and GM said "I have checked the log file but I don't see any saying about MPK-ing." Well, we could not say anything since GM can only check log file so if the CFGs do NOT say anything like "I will MPK you" or any abusing words, GM could do nothing unless you called the GM in time when they are trying to MPK you.

However, I know some nice CFGs like Roseforce and Roselover. Those 2 were basically miners in either Gusgen or Palborough Mines. I don't know if they stole other people's mining points or not since I don't mine there but those 2 were just nice to talk to (they can speak simple english) and will try to help you if they can. I was in the same LS as they did for like 2-3 weeks before our LS split out. Someone invited them to our LS coz we did not know they were gilsellers and thought those 2 were just normal players who happened to be friends in RL. We haven't even heard about gilsellers invasion to FFXI till Magic and Kof started to take over some items in AH. Most of the earlier gilsellers were miners or fishers or teleporters. I don't think that will harm our economy so much till some other CFG Gangs started to monopolise some of the AH items.

But well... if you think again. Why do the Gilsellers exist? Coz some people are just dumb enough to throw away Real Money for some In-Game Money.
People play game basically are just for fun and relaxing after a whole day working or studying.
If you want to buy In-Game money with Real Money then you would have a problem with your mind.

Seriously, It is useless to be the strongest, the most beautiful, the most handsome, the richest, or whatever you think 'awesome' would be IF it is just IN-GAME.

Be the Strongest in REAL-LIFE, Be an Awesome person in REAL-LIFE. That would at least more useful than just IN-GAME.

Don't reply me the reason such as...
I bought GILs coz I don't have time to make Gils since I have to work during the days. I only have 1-2 hours to play a day. I have Life to move on not like you who play more than 10 or so hours a day.

In my opinion, those who bought gils are those who really don't have life and think to have lots of money in a game is everything, to have elite gears in-game is everything.
To make Gils is one of the challenges in FFXI. Not only FFXI but in all RPGs either it's online or offline.

Maybe you only have 1-2 hours to play a day but you can still use that 1-2 hours of playtime to make gils either farming or camping NM or do BCNMs or even crafting if u have high level enough crafting skills.

If you are someone who are smart enough to think logically. You work or study during the day and you spare some of your time for relaxing by playing FFXI at night b4 u head to bed. Then it WON'T be a problem at all since you are just playing this game for fun and relaxing. It is NOT for showing off to people around you in Vana'diel by buying gils with Real Money and then use the Gils u got from that Money to buy some Elite In-Game equipments. It's pointless.. It is just a game... so please think about it before you throw away your hard-earned REAL-LIFE money for some useless IN-GAME money.

Anyway, my point is.. IF noone would want to buy GILs, there won't be any GIL-SELLERs around.
To simplify it... NO BUYER = NO SELLER.

I am NOT sided with either Buyer or Seller here. I am just trying to explain it logically.

Most of us are blaming Gil-Sellers that caused the economic inflation. Yes, they do. But u need to find out the reasons..
1. Why did they try to jack up the price?
Coz they wanted to have more gils
2. Why did they want to have more gils?
So they could get more Real Money after selling the Gils
3. Why did they sell Gils?
Coz there were people who would buy it with Real Money.

Just want to state out what I wanted to say after I read lots of thread about Gilselling or Gilbuying and such.

Btw, flames and critics are welcome. ^^ In every statement there will always be a Pro and Contra from others.

Thanks for reading. ^^
#25 Jan 12 2005 at 5:04 PM Rating: Good
711 posts
Nice post Tuinkkk.

One question: Is the plural of gil, gils or is it just gil?
#26 Jan 12 2005 at 7:38 PM Rating: Good
654 posts
Wertyone wrote:
One question: Is the plural of gil, gils or is it just gil?

Going by the AH message of "You have to pay a transaction fee of 5 gil.", then... it's "gil"!
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