Myzery, Hume 43-44PLD, and Lilfluffy, Taru BLM.
Had this PLD in our party at some point in Crawlers' Nest in the secret room, and somehow some sort of argument broke out between him and the PT leader (something to do with him not using his MP enough). The PLD eventually died and got booted by the leader. When I decided to Raise him anyway (it was my WHM instincts), the first thing we all got was an all caps flurry of cuss words in /say, no thank you for me obviously. The other party camping in the room along with us overheard it, and one of them was sending a tell to me asking what was going on. Little did I know...
We'd gotten a replacement tank but this PLD continued to stick around and throw insults at us. Didn't keep real good track of what happened after that because we continued to fight, but eventually some high level BLM came in with an Exoray, trying to position it right in the middle of our group mid-fight. I immediately suspected foul play here and warned the party to move out of the way. As I suspected, the BLM soon Escaped out.
He took so long to do this though, that we were easily able to move our fight away from it, and tell the other party camping next to us that we were getting trained on. We made an agreement to call for help on it and kill it together, which we did easily. I forgot all your guys' names unfortunately, but I'd like to give a shout out to whoever was in that party that might be reading this, you guys rock, and sorry about the inconvenience. :D
Eventually the BLM was back with two Soldier Crawlers, and this time both the BLM and the PLD Escaped out, which was proof enough to us that they were in league. After me throwing out some remarks that they should just stop trying to train if he can't bring any better ones than that (and beating those the same way as we did that Exo), we all agreed to page a GM. I wasn't responded to live, but the two of them stopped showing up, and I think everyone that did page eventually recieved a message via the Help Desk from GM Luminious, saying that it was being investigated and that he/she did not personally respond to all of us because multiple GM pages were issued about the same thing.
So yeah, in case anyone sees these people around, keep an eye out for them and their crappy trains. And sorry the post was so bloody long. Maybe it kept you entertained, I hope. X_x
Edited, Mon Jan 17 05:49:19 2005 by Fynlar