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Why do you love your job?Follow

#1 Jan 21 2005 at 2:42 PM Rating: Good
218 posts
I have recently had alot of people ask my why I play WHM. They say WHM's in general get alot of blame if something goes wrong, are expected to be on hand to teleport, expected to do raises without question and do so without praise. I usually attest it to the fact that they may not know alot about it, so here is a bit of information.

My answer was simple. I love my job. Yea, I get begs for for PL's and I get asked to come raise someone 2 zones away. However the stresses of a taxi driver and a field medic don't outweight the simple joy of knowing that you saved someones life... it does overpower the fact that I saved someone some xp that they lost from dying... that I brought a smile to their face as I healed them as I was passing by.

I like being in control over life and death.

We keep the pt alive, we are the ones that keep the pt t'gether, we can go anywhere anytime, we are not confined to one place so we can travel more, and we are in high demand.

THIS is why I love my job. Why do you love yours...?
#2 Jan 21 2005 at 6:58 PM Rating: Good
140 posts
I love BLM because I harness the ability to cast powerful magic. lol I basically blow stuff up. It's also fun doing magic bursts because it requires timing and precision. I've learned the various weaknesses of monsters and practically memorized the elements of the skillchains. I love seeing myself MB about 900 damage or even up to 1200 damage (Flare). Also, when melee is having a hard time attacking the monster, my spells always hit. {Perfect Dodge}? Fat chance.

It's also nice having warp and escape. It gives me a bit of independence.

Drain and Aspir is good too. If I'm fighting a beetle or crab or something, I can aspir up to 110MP and up to 250HP, and that feels oh so good lol.

I also have Sleepga II, which is vital in higher level BCNMs. Hehe, speaking of BCNMs, I love BLM because I can do those a lot XD. It's my major source of money. Palborough Mines BCNM40 is one of the easiest BCNMs and we can get around 300k from 5 orbs. Yeah... BCNM is just really fun. The music is intense and we have to fend off loads of probably Even Match monsters. Very fun ^^.

Additionally, I'm a BLM/WHM which is basically like a RDM, only I don't have refresh, dispel, or phalanx and my elemental attacks are stronger >.> hehe. Anyway, I like to back up heal sometimes (aka make sure that no one dies) but I wouldn't want to be main healer because I like to kill the monster! Rawr!

lol so I think I rest my case.

P.S. the BLM AF hat is very sexy. Very.
#3 Jan 22 2005 at 9:11 AM Rating: Decent
42 posts
I luv being a BRD coz a good BRD is loved by many people.

People will rush to get u to their static and such.

Besides of that, I feel quite useful being a BRD in Party coz only BRD has the ability to buff up pt in anyway the pt members want... either it's accuracy boost, attack power, attack speed, evasion boost, ranged accuracy boost, MP regen, and such.

However, Im getting bored to play a full support job so I switch to RNG and NIN now.. just taking a break for a while from BRD and also to escape from anonymous people (mostly RDM) who /tell me and ask me "What's so good about BRD compare to RDM? RDM can Single Refresh to those who needs it, RDM can Dispel, RDM can enfeebling, RDM can blah blah... can BRD do that? RDM should be much better than BRD in XP PT in anyway"

Well... I did some arguments with the first couple of RDMs who /tell me and asked me those.. but then I decided to just "/blist add xxx" straight away without further reply. It's pointless to explain or get into that kind of arguments since each job has their own role in a PT. We can't really compare which job is better or worse.
#4 Jan 22 2005 at 11:43 AM Rating: Decent
452 posts
I lloovveee bard now. ^^ I would have never pictured myself as a bard when I first started the game. I hardly even relised we had bards, due to the lack of them.

I first started out as a WHM. I loved WHM, but it just got old. I really enjoy being helpful, and knowing my cures are what is keeping my party alive. But, it just wasn't my thing.

From the day I began FF I -knew- I wanted to be a Dragoon. I just LOVED the fact that you got a pet dragon, its so cute. XD I had mine named and everything. I was going to name it Ember then travel to Norg and name it Nonomi. (And I did just this too ^^) I loved dragoon, no one could stop me. But then my LS broke. I was alone. Me and my friends didn't keep much touch as they had new LSs to be with. Luckily, I found the coolest group of cats in the game while leveling my sub in Dunes. ^^ I was introduced to Marcella, who introduced me to Dragonia. We became friends in a snap. We somehow formed an all girl party, and had the time of our lives. I'll never forget that night. I brought up the idea of making a LS and everyone jumped at the idea. We spent a good hour or two trying to figure out a name and a color. We were going to be the "MeowMix" but it was taken. XD So we used 'MithraMarauders' instead. So, as the LS started, I helped them out with things. Getting around, questions, quests, ect. And I forget how, but BCNM got brought up. I quickly came to Alla to look up what BCNM was all about. I LOVED the idea. It would work out perfectly because our members at the time were perfect for doing a BCNM. Only thing we needed was a Bard.

So, I told them I would level up Bard to 40 and we could do runs together. I knew Bards got invites quickly because one of my best friends was a 50+ Bard at the time. I had never partied with a bard before, and she told me all there is to know. About what CHR and skill does, ect. As I started leveling bard, I just couldn't help but fall in love with it. I wanted to be the best! I had all my HQ horns macro'd into the correct songs, I always had my skills capped, I had all the best CHR and MP gear, and to top it off; my WHM was leveled to sub! I loved being a support class. I've had people stop me in jeuno sending me tells like "Hey! You are that bard, we partied in such and such one time, we should do it again some time!" It kinda freaked me out how after people looked at the party member list would be like; "Hey a bard! Awesome!" I loved the attention I was getting, and soon nearly forgot what it was to be a Dragoon.

I miss dragoon alot sometimes, but I'm really enjoying myself as a bard. ^^ I love how my LS jokes on how I must be the spooniest bard in the game. I do sometimes get really frustrated, though. There are always that handful of people who don't want to listen on where to stand. But for those who listen to bard on where to stand, gob bless yeh. ^^

But yeh, I love bard. Please don't kill me for all the typos I probably made. XD

/salute Lakshimi

Edited, Sat Jan 22 11:47:18 2005 by Nekky
#5 Jan 23 2005 at 6:01 PM Rating: Decent
278 posts
I love summoner because I can do just about everything. I can open and close just about any skillchain, I can Magic Burst with the pros, and I can DD (If i can get a refresh). I can also cure, and cure, and cure, beacause evryone treats us as their personal heal monkey. Woooooo.

*Edit for random typos.*

Edited, Sun Jan 23 18:02:31 2005 by BossTaru
#6 Jan 23 2005 at 9:59 PM Rating: Decent
I started out as whm very gimped but i did my job well. Well around 51 something happen i really hated this job so i quit whm. and being imspired by a few ppl i tryed out bard i got it to lv 10 im 2 hours i loves it i go to dunes haveing great fun.
i dont know why but i lvoe bard so much. but i enjoy almsot all aspects of the job.
#7 Jan 23 2005 at 10:53 PM Rating: Decent
63 posts
I love BLM because it feels good to be one of the biggest damage dealers. The variety of magical spells is also highly entertaining.

Like the original poster said, I also think it feels great to save someone else's life. My very first party ever was in Konschtat Highlands. We got aggroed by a gob, and it was chaos. We all ran in different directions, but I followed the gob as it chased someone else. I waited till I got just close enough to get off a Bind spell and saved the person's life. However, me not knowing the area very well and not realizing that you could use auto-run and check the map at the same time, I got lost and the gob found me and assassinated me. I died, but it was worth it because I saved someone else.
#8 Jan 23 2005 at 11:40 PM Rating: Good
782 posts
Well, of course I would have to say PLD, becuase Pallys are the leaders of justice! We smite the undead and we will hold the hate by magic and defend our mages with our lives if possible! PROVOKE + FLASH + CURE IV + PROVOKE + SHIELD BASH + SENTINEL + DEFENDER = Uberness.

I love how things can be relyed on by Paladins. I love the AF for us and the two hour does make us Invincible. Nevertheless, we are what makes the enemy hate us.

I cannot explain the combos I have tried and I will say it is hard holding hate at the higher levels, but I will simply say, that is what makes it even more fun. I had a pt not to long ago with 3 RNG's, the WHM said "Sounds like Tanta is going to be having a trouble holding hate". I simply shrugged it off and said "Sounds like a good challenge".
#9 Jan 24 2005 at 12:18 AM Rating: Decent
72 posts
Well I have a few several jobs that I like. I started as a monk, I love this job, we don't need swords, polearms, or ranged weapons. Nothing is better then going toe to toe up close and personal against a mob. Then upon reaching level 32 I decided to go Samurai, ya know give it shot. I feel in love with the job. I became a boss of sorts, telling ppl what ws to chain with me. Using the elements that the mob was weakest too and the Black mages loved it to see them bursting with high effects. I would be SATA partners with the Thieves if needed. Need a puller? I could do that too with a bow.

Well after getting AF1 complete with my sam I just wasn't getting parties anymore. Everyone wanted a different job for their parties, sams just wasn't cutting it anymore. While doing AF1 I heard my calling for my professional job. The Elvaan Monk has returned. I am currently a lv 42 monk, yep back to smacking mobs upside the head. Now I am looking forward to getting lv 51 so I can Kick them upside the head too, plus get double attack again with war subbed. I'll be throwing combos left and right! GOTTA LOVE IT

Edited, Mon Jan 24 00:21:27 2005 by Sizzlebeard

Edited, Mon Jan 24 00:23:22 2005 by Sizzlebeard
#10 Jan 24 2005 at 3:30 AM Rating: Decent
108 posts
i hate my job. i used to love it, i used to love being whm. now its not fun anymore, and i hate it. im only pushing myself since i am so close to 75.
#11 Jan 24 2005 at 3:56 AM Rating: Decent
335 posts
I think I'm the 3rd or 4th BRD to post about how much I love the job.

It's very fun. It's cheap (well..for sometime yes). It's challenging. It's also complicated when you get into it, but who cares about that. I want to play the flute!

I think BRDs are the hippies of FFXI.

Most of us BCNM Steamed Sprouts so much that I tend to call it "smoking bud". We get to wear a red headband, so-called Noble's Ribbon but I call it the Rambo headpiece. And whenever we play songs we get these trippy Puff-the-Magic-Dragon visual effects around us. Other than that, the Monster Signa closely resembles a picket sign.

Oh yeah, and our 2 HR is a disco ball. You can't beat that. No way.

We're weird. SE made us really weird because our gear is REALLY UGLY. But other than that I wouldn't mind being a BRD.
#12 Jan 24 2005 at 5:43 AM Rating: Decent
39 posts
I love my DRG J-O-B, it brings me so much joy to jump down on mobs repeatedly(spell check). My wyvern's name is Junker he's so cool. I love to see penta thrust and skewer, loath double thrust and all those other WS's 200-. Thats all I have to say cause the love is running thin due to the lack of pts i can put together. Also the realization that endgame I'm more likely to become AF help than anything. So, now I love blm. Thank you and goodnight.
#13 Jan 25 2005 at 12:03 PM Rating: Decent
278 posts
Well Bast what are you gonna do after you get 75? And why is Onions not on your LS list o.O?
#14 Jan 25 2005 at 12:48 PM Rating: Decent
However the stresses of a taxi driver and a field medic don't outweight the simple joy of knowing that you saved someones life... it does overpower the fact that I saved someone some xp that they lost from dying... that I brought a smile to their face as I healed them as I was passing by.

I couldn't have said it better myself. This is why I absolutely love being a whm. You have to take the good with the bad on any job, but the simple fact that I am helping others makes it all worthwhile.
#15 Jan 25 2005 at 6:48 PM Rating: Good
162 posts
I don't love my job, in fact i despise it.WHM must be the most boring class ever created but i'm kinda stuck with it now >.<
#16 Jan 26 2005 at 2:21 AM Rating: Good
782 posts
Wow, someone obviously isnt a Pally fan lol

*edit* /em kicks the person who rated me down in the head!

Edited, Wed Jan 26 02:23:19 2005 by SirTanta
#17 Jan 26 2005 at 4:48 AM Rating: Decent
I love being a Warrior cause I just love the sheer joy of one of the most basic jobs can be retooled into an advanced job of it's own. For now, I'm a War/Nin, tanking and damage dealing, can do both and compete with the best. Dual Wielding axes, charging into battle without care with the objective of victory. My favorite part is out doing any Paladin when it comes to hate. I might not have all the flashy hate abilities but I make it up for with sheer aggression. I put my body on the line day in and day out for my linkshell members and friends. Nothing like the rush of: Berserk + Aggressor + Mighty Strikes + WarCry + Weaponskill = Uber Hate. Cause when that happens there's little chance anything can pull it off me, for that moment even when death is a possiblity that mob is only concerned about me knowing I'm it's #1 threat.
Later on, I'll try the other sub combinations like mnk, thf, or sam. For now I'm content but just goes to show by the time I hit lvl 75 I can change my role within a pt for the better of a pt. So, It'll be a very long time before I get bored of being a Warrior. It's a rush and the feeling never goes away. If you aren't in the red fighting then you're not in the fight at all. You're the first into battle and the last to go home. Couldn't see it any other way.
#18 Jan 26 2005 at 8:34 AM Rating: Decent
209 posts
THF Baby, All the way! Of course, the Godly Ninja sub makes us the best of the best pullers, With {Hide} for those fun times without a SATA partner, you don't need em! Soon i'll get {Assassin} and I won't even need a pernter anymore! I control the hate of the monster, so if ya'll are losin a little bit of hate, I can slap 500 damage on you and you'll keep goin strong. Also, we are very versatile explorer's and Questers. Treasure Hunter 2 makes you very likeable to people looking for coffers, NM drops, etc... {Tonko} or Whitemage Sub allows for easy spell exploration. Over All, I really haven't explored alot of the job, only being level 52, not having {Assassin}, {Dancing Edge} or even {Triple Attack}, but I'm in love!
#19 Jan 26 2005 at 8:43 AM Rating: Decent
I love WHM as you have to multitask alot and keep an eye on the surrounding area not just cure and buff, so it keeps your heart pumping and eyes glued to the screen.

If you make 1 mistake it could be fatal to the pt and at this lvl of the game that is alot of exp lose ; ;
#20 Jan 26 2005 at 2:49 PM Rating: Decent
443 posts
I love being a RDM because I love to enfeeble mobs. I can take an IT++ mob and pin it to the floor, put weights on it's legs, take away it's defense, put it to sleep, steal it's MP or HP, make it attack less often, prevent it from using spells, and otherwise make it's short life miserable. Just the idea of taking this snarling tiger and pulling out it's teeth, clipping it's claws, giving it tranquilizers, THAT is what I live for.
#21 Jan 27 2005 at 7:09 AM Rating: Default
Favorite class: UD rouge
Favorite Job: Taru Ninja.

Ninja is one of those jobs where you gotta experiance the entire game in order to enjoy it. You gotta learn to craft in order to make gil and level if you have some sort of a life, you gotta learn to tank, and if you want to hold hate decently in order to be a good tank damage deal where being a taru REALLY helps with the elemental: Ni spells. The biggest myth about ninja though is that emps pin is a must for it, that if you dont you will be severly gimped or not get any invites. This is not true. I got ninja to 44 before i quit to WoW and i never got the chance to use an emp pin because of stupid IGE. Well thats my 2 cop er.... gil on the job subject.

PS is emps pin REALLY up to 700k now?

#22 Jan 27 2005 at 8:26 AM Rating: Decent
I started out as a WHM, since I originally wanted to support my party rather than hack away at the mobs. I dropped it for two main reasons: One, leveling it to 10 was a nightmare (I actually hit 8 and dropped it for a while) and two, there isn't much freedom in the job. Now, WHM is fun, and a great job to play, but its more or less cut and dry, at least so far. Keep the party healthy with cures and -na's, thats mostly what you do in a party environment. I needed more, and there is only one other job that has the recources of a WHM and more: Red Mage. Oh, its so great <3. I still have the recourses of the WHM but with so much more flexibility. Check the RDM forums, all they ever do is argue over the best way to play RDM, I've never seen so many forums as such at any other job forum. The greatest thing about RDM is you're assured to be doing something you like. RDM can melee (okay not well, but if melee combat is your thing and you're not concerned too much about damage) use black magic (yeah... magic bursts are almost as good ^^;[till freeze comes along ><]) and status magic (our specialty--As much as I complain about being a refresh *****, I still love casting that spell). Sure, RDM can't do anything it does as well as more specialized jobs (curing is an exception with a WHM sub, I've main healed on more than one occassion), but its a trade-off I'm more than happy to make to have so much at my disposal.

Now, if only I can get my AF... nope, time to level bard :p
#23 Jan 28 2005 at 9:45 AM Rating: Decent
68 posts
I'm a monk, because I like it when people realize the concept of "damage over time", and give me funny {/tell}s :

Xyz> OMG !!! lol now i see !!!!!111111111 monk roxorzzzzzzz !

...and stuff like that ^^

#24 Jan 28 2005 at 11:44 AM Rating: Decent
2,638 posts
tututututuuuu tuuu tuuuuu

Enough said

That or my shrill voice
Ahhhh ah ah ahhhhhh ahhhhhhh!
#25 Jan 28 2005 at 2:49 PM Rating: Decent
170 posts
i love and hate my job... its great when your in a exp party and you manage mp well and there is no downtime and you are a god... I hate it when i forget to go /anon in places and i get 4.5 million raise and pl tells.... but i have come to far to turn around im also a 62 ranger and that job is my true love :o
#26 Jan 29 2005 at 4:42 AM Rating: Decent
105 posts
Now why is it that I love my job? I really don't know...

Why, it would take some kind of meglomaniacal fiend to take pleasure in weaving the tapestry of creation to focus pure energy into reality through nothing more than my own will, the rush of electricity through my being... The power--MY GOD THE POWER!!

It's the only time I feel aliiiiiiiiiive!! Bwa ha ha ha...ha...

... i amz teh black mge i casts teh spells taht makes the ppls falls down.

I <3 Black Mage
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