Ok, this was something that I'd never done in game until last night, partially because I had procrastinated on going to the cities and getting my license, and partially because I didn't think it would be fun to kill/get killed by other players.
I had the best time ever last night participating in Ballista in Jugner Forest. I wasn't placed on the team for my own nation (it was Windurst vs. San d'Oria), but that really didn't matter, most of the people on San d'Oria's team were Windurstian or Bastokian.
I highly suggest trying this out if you never have. The level cap (and entry fee) change per month. Currently the cap is set at lv60 and the entry fee is 2000g (however, since I was on the winning team, I won a prize of 3866g last night). Next month is uncapped, and I think the month after that it goes to either 20 or 30.
The people that participate in it are generally friendly and light-hearted. You do not lose any exp if you die in Ballista. The basic rules are to kill as many people on the other team as you can. You can use the /quarry function to dig in the ground for items called Petras, which are to be thrown into the massive rooks (they move around the playing field every 15 mins I think the timer is) for special items and whatnot.
Our team had 3 BLMs including myself, and we would invis and run up behind the other side and sleepga II everyone, then silence any mages and help the melee pick people off. It was amazing.
I did die once, Slug Shot pretty much 1-shotted me, it was pretty amazing.
So basically, all in all, you should try out Ballista, especially if you're losing interest in the game and the long hours of just exp'ing. It's fun, it's fast-paced and extremely chaotic (seriously, expect absolutely NO organization XD), and sometimes you get to kill your friends. Or be killed by them.^^