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(you'll just waste your time by reading this, so don't)Follow

#1 Feb 04 2005 at 7:08 PM Rating: Excellent
6,947 posts
I hung around Oztroja last night, beating up Yagudos for their lunch money, and I decided to hang around the courtyard area where Mee Deggi the Punisher spawns.

I figured that maybe I'd see him, and if I saw him, maybe I'd catch him, and if I caught him, maybe I could beat a pair of Ochiudo's Kote out of him.

I was not seriously camping him, I was just in the same place he would have been, had he popped.

There was a team of about 5 gil sellers there.

Several of the "Kof" faternity, plus a couple others.
These others didn't have names I was familiar with.

Two of them, a pair of identical twin redhaired Elvaan Paladins in AF (who looked like they had just jumped out of a juicy shounen-ai manga) actually had Name-generator-generated-Elvaan-names.

I asked one of them if he and his friend were working with the Kofs, and he said yes.

For a while, these people didn't know what to make of me, as I spent some time playing skillup with goofy weapons, randomly using AoE weaponskills and getting adds from nearby crabs and crawlers.
They stood nearby, even coming right up behind me, and just stared and scratched their heads.

Every one of them examined me at least twice.

Now, during the two hours or so that I was there, I saw only one other person come though, a THF who was unassociated with the gil sellers, and who spoke with me in /tell for a bit.
He was simply waiting for a friend to arrive, and was going to help him do G3.

I found it amusing that there were 5, wait, suddenly a 6th member of the team showed up.

Six gilsellers standing around, camping Mee Deggi (occasionally running back to the other courtyard to look for the other NM spawn) all day, without any competition.

Except me.

I simply ran around the courtyard killing every yagudo that popped.

They all just stood around at their designated locations.... waiting.

Once in a while they would all start getitng antsy and start moving around, running in circles, then they would settle down again and wait.

And stand there.

And wait.

Now, this is one of the main issues I have always had with NM camping for big money drops to sell.

I prefer to be active. I would much rather run around a big zone farming and actively earning gil than to stand around for hours and hours, afraid even to engage in conversation, lest I miss my chance to claim some silly monster when he pops.

What was most odd though, to me, was the fact that they had 6 people there camping the NM.

Back when I started the game, the Kote which drop from this NM sold for about 300k.
I got them for around 500k.

Now they sell for over a million, and the sales are dominated by people who's names I saw here before me.
Kofnice, Kofoceo, and so on.

Now, we wouldn't be in this situation if it werent for stupid people who have been willing to pay such a ridiculous price, thus making this the profitable enterpise that it is for the Kofs, and the cute redhaired yaoi paladins, and the pair of taru DRGs, and so on.

Now, they clearly have a good idea if they want to monopolize the drop.

Send a large enough team to dominate the spawn area, to have a better chance to beat out any competition.

This is actually what we should do, and I think it is the only way to beat them at their game and force prices lower (to remind people that the item isnt worth a million, and get them accustomed once more to a lower price, so that they will, if they have half a brain (too much to expect I suppose?), refuse to pay more).

The problem with their strategy, as I saw it, was thet they didn't have any competition.

Who would want to spend the day trying to camp Mee Deggi for a drop they really want, to use or to sell, when they are faced with the discouraging presence of a well-organized team all dedicated to getting the claim?

I was their only competition, and I wasn't even seriously hunting him.

I was struck by the absurd waste of man-hours.... 6 people, standing around motionless (practically) for hours on end, waiting for one big money drop, if it drops.

I am an experienced and vertan farmer, and I figured that six people constantly moving, farming up useful things (even if it were just gil drops from beastmen) could easily earn good money simply by not wasting their time standing in one spot all day.

"However," you may argue, "the Kote can be sold for more than a million gil.
Even six people farming for 10 hours won't earn a million gil" (I'm not so sure I'd agree though).

But you're right, in principle.
The allure of the big ticket sale makes up for all the wasted time of a team of people, all standing around doing nothing.

However, if they couldn't sell the item for more than it's actually worth, would they still be so inclined to camp it like this?

I mean really now, the Ochiudo's Kote has been selling for 1.2 million gil.
Almost all the names of sellers in the recent history are gilsellers.

These are nice gloves for monks, ninjas, and samurai.

They are so nice that I'd venture to say they might actually be worth the 500k that I paid for mine, though that would really be pushing it.

The fact that anyone is willing to pay in excess of a million gil for them is appalling. I just can't understand how people can be that blind.

I mean, its like... ok, imagine a chocobo ticket.
How much would you pay for one?
Certainly, even if you had to pay 1k to buy it, it might come in handy that one time you're at the crags on the weekend and the price is 2301 gil and you really need a chocobo now.

But, would you pay 10k for a chocobo ticket?

Would you pay three million for Raise III? (if you say yes I will come over there and smack you)

Apparently some people would.

The problem is that when people are too stupid to realize when they are being ripped off, and pay whatever the asking price is, it sets a new precedent.

People have got to stop being so blind, so ignorant, so foolish as to pay exorbitant prices for things which are not worth the price being demanded.

People also need to consider getting a little proactive.

Everyone wants prices to come down.
Well, sadly, as long as full teams of gil sellers are allowed to rule NM spawns uncontested and without competition, I can't see prices going anywhere but up.

You want cheaper Kote? You want to see the Kofs out of Oztroja?
You're going to have to put the time in to muscle them out.
I'm willing to help. I love beating up Yagudo for their lunch money.
Drop me a /tell anytime.
  • Tenmiles
  • Monk
  • (Lakshmi)

  • ______________
    #2 Feb 04 2005 at 7:54 PM Rating: Good
    i didnt read it, lol. just to let you too lazy -_-;
    #3 Feb 04 2005 at 8:03 PM Rating: Excellent
    6,947 posts
    Smarter than I thought then. Rate up for you for taking my advice.
  • Tenmiles
  • Monk
  • (Lakshmi)

  • ______________
    #4 Feb 04 2005 at 8:54 PM Rating: Good
    654 posts
    What was that...? My mind kinda, uh, wandered after

    Tenmiles wrote:
    Two of them, a pair of identical twin redhaired Elvaan Paladins in AF (who looked like they had just jumped out of a juicy shounen-ai manga) actually had Name-generator-generated-Elvaan-names.


    ...But in all seriousness, I hate to be so negative, but it's a bit of a longshot. Those gilsellers are actually being paid to stand there and do nothing, and that's why they do it. On the other hand, people who go out there with the intent to combat the gilsellers, are not being paid. Rather, they are simply giving up their game time to 'fix' a problem that really should have been fixed by the developers.

    Yes, I realize it can sound pretty irresponsible to simply brush it off by saying, "Hey, it's none of my business! Someone else should fix it!" But honestly, if we remove gilsellers from the equation, I still wouldn't be the kind of person camping NMs to get my drop. I'd be the person farming normal mobs to accumulate enough money to buy the item. I barely have time to login for an EXP PT these days, with university and whatnot... Camping an NM? It's just a bit much. :X

    All that being said though... I still think this is a pretty commendable effort. o.O; And if I had more time on my hands to actually be in FFXI, trust me, I would be there with my BLM/RDM and my Stun anyday! Good luck to you, and people who will be joining you in this venture~
    #5 Feb 04 2005 at 10:14 PM Rating: Excellent
    The Kofs and I have our own issues from the other side of the world.

    Back when I was lvl 57 and looking for help with my RNG AF Body piece, I needed a Davoi Key. After spending hours looking for help and not finding it in Jeuno, I decided to hang out in Davoi and ask for help there, figuring maybe there would A) Be a PT there looking for the same thing I could join, or B) be some people EXPing or killing the key mobs for other reasons who may not need a key if it should happen to drop, and would be willing to let me have it.

    So I show up in Davoi and send out a shout or two, and not being one to sit on my **** I decided to explore the spawn points for the local NMs. After all, I am a RNG. I spend half my farming life on widescan.

    So I start hanging out in the NM spawn areas, killing orcs, scavenging, etc, just killing time. I spent probably 4-5 hours a day there for a solid week (never did get my key that way), but boy did I end up getting hate. I was, without knowing it at first you see, poaching on KOF ground.

    Everyday I would check the area to see who was around, and everyday there were no less than 3 Kofs there. At first they kind of saw me as a novelty I think, /checked me a few times, waved, and so on. But then I got Hawkeyed Gnatbat twice on the same day.

    Their attitude suddenly changed a bit. No more waves. Multiple /checks. A few /tells in broken english asking me if I wanted to team up. When I politely declined, I found I had a shadow. Usually the elvaan female dragoon (Kofnice I think). It seemed they were nervous about my widescan, and wanted to make sure I didnt get wind of something they didn't know about. Everywhere that Andi went, a Kof was sure to go. I started having fun with them by suddenly taking off in a direction (for no particular reason) then waiting around a corner and waving when they tore around it after me. I don't think they liked it too much, but I didnt really care.

    Then I had some more success. I noticed them all clustered in one area, so I decided to wait around. This was about the equivalent of sticking a pole in a hornets nest. Very much like Tenmiles described above. Nervous does not begin to describe it. Sure enough, Poisonhand Gnadgad appeared. I think I shocked them all when I Shadowbound him and beat them to their claim. Suddenly I was getting /slapped. I didnt get the Gi, but I definitely had their ire.

    After the kill, I waved goodbye and threw up widescan and low and behold, there is Tigerbane Bakdak. So I go and grab him and sure enough, following behind me was Kofnice. She saw me grab it and that must have been the last straw. She left just after my claim during the fight. Then, while I was healing from this fight suddenly a HUGE train of Orcish Bowshooters, Gladiators, Troopers and such is right on top of me. I can't prove it was them cause I never saw them but it happened RIGHT AFTER those two kills, and I was in a dead-end spot on the map where you would have been silly to lead a train, so it seems logical somebody led them there with some purpose. Luckily I had a Warp Scroll or I may not have made it (I was alone and there were at least 9-10 orcs).

    Since then I have hung out in Davoi often trying to grab a claim or two from them (they are there primarily for the Jujitsu Gi, which like the Kote has risen to price levels beyond it's real value), but alone I cannot take enough from them to really chase em off. I would be willing to camp either here or in Castle Oztroja to help break up this monopoly. If nothing else, maybe I can help some up and coming SAMs, NINs or MNKs get these items a bit cheaper.

    It is our economy. Ultimately if we want it to change, we are the ones who have to change it.
    #6 Feb 05 2005 at 12:27 AM Rating: Good
    258 posts
    COUNT ME IN!!!
    I hate the Kofs with the bottom of my heart. And those two Elvaan I thought were not gilsellers, but now they are on my kill list too.

    Send me a tell to beat any gilseller any time, as long as I can at 54.
    #7 Feb 05 2005 at 1:35 AM Rating: Good
    193 posts
    Hmm, Interesting stories, I have two, but mine are pretty tame:

    1st one: This is when I used to play oN Seraph. I was running aroud in Ghelshba OUtpost, logging, and trying to raise my woodworking skill. Now, in Seraph, the "Kiss" crew has claim that spot. After a few days in a row of me going out inot there territory, they started to send some tells and cons on me. After I started taking "their wood" they started getting crafty. ONe time, the Kiss crew got 2 dragoons to stand in the middle of the cutting area with their Wyvrens summoned. There goal was that I would have too many things to look at (mind you, I'm the ONLY non Kiss-person out there) and hopefully miss many log spawns (oh, and i did have a shadow, btw). So, I got crafty in return. I casted Sneak and Ivisible on myself as soon as my shadow would cut wood. Oddly enough, I didn't think it would work... but it was nearly flawless. I kept on getting the log points since I'm guessing they never farmed against somone who could vainish and be silent. Well, my shadow figured out my plan (a day later...) and she would use Flee on my when I was near a point... so she got it first. After a while, I gave up and decided to hunt sheep for wool instead... since sheep isn't a big pick when it comes to farming...

    2nd one: This one takes place in G. Outpost, and on this server. Now, on this server, it's "Happy" gang that owns G. outpost (Happynewyear is one of them). Now, I don't think these guys are very bright. Cos, one day, I'm chopping wood and I kept on getting checked. I was on anon... and 1/2 naked, so it basically did no good. After a while of cons, stares, and whatnot, these guys actually try to MPK me with nearly all of the orcs in this zone (except for Warchief, somone got him beforhand...). Now, I was actually playing 25WAR/MNK with full chain and whatnot (GAX...but a plantbane instead of neckchopper). It was pretty funny actually. I just dove into the fray, killed alot, and I tried to figure out ways how to make Sturmwind do more that 150dmg (which It only did that at the at time). Once the dust cleared... the "Happy" gang left me alone. I never went back to farm there after that, though. Not worth my time.... espeically now.
    #8 Feb 05 2005 at 3:01 AM Rating: Decent
    945 posts
    I didn't waste my time reading what you had typed. Its a good idea. The only reason Gil Sellers are a problem is because no one will stand against them. Those who do fight against Gil Sellers are alone. They can't do much on their own.

    I know this. I have fought for Treant spawns (Although its not NM, it is a monster with good drops) against Zooejlkqwsa (Who I beleive is a gil seller, and Zooejlkqwsb too). Its difficult to fight against him alone. He has Flee. He uses it well. But I barely get just as many claims as he does with good old Dia. I've made him angry in the past with multiple claims in a row, scaring him off for 15-30 minutes at a time. He'll come back though, and I'll be waiting. But it is difficult to do this. Zooejlkqwsa does this for a long time. I eventually get tired and leave, or gotta log off. The Gil Sellers know this.

    Thats why we must band together. Get many volunteers into Davoi, Castle Oztroja, Ghelsba Outpost, Ordelle's Caves, Maze of Shakrami. If we could camp those areas against gil sellers for maybe a few hours a day, we could get some of the drops. Then we could sell them back for what they used to go for. 300k for Leaping Boots. 300k for Ochiudo's Kote... etcetra. We would shout in Jeuno that we're selling those items for 300k, and for people to buy them only for that price.

    Another solution, which would be easier, that I have thought of, is simply find linkshell members or friends, who have those monopolized items. Then to have them go to the Jeuno Auction House and sell the items for lower prices. Have yourself buy these items for the lower price. Then trade the item and the gil back to the respective people. Have several people with different names do this, until the log is filled up with the lower price. Hopefully this will set the Gil Sellers back, even if it only works temporarily. The Gil Sellers would jack the price up again. At which point, we'd pull off the same trick.

    In the end, we will not be able to stop the Gil Sellers permanently. The only one who can is Square Enix, and so far, they haven't done much about it. All we, the players, can do is set the Gil Sellers back temporarily.
    #9 Feb 05 2005 at 3:12 AM Rating: Good
    [edit] ...
    [edit] deleted

    Edited, Sat Feb 5 03:17:47 2005 by ShyFox

    Edited, Sat Feb 5 05:24:28 2005 by ShyFox
    #10 Feb 05 2005 at 6:38 AM Rating: Excellent
    6,947 posts
    Those gilsellers are actually being paid to stand there and do nothing, and that's why they do it.

    Well, this could be.

    However, the way I see it (and I may be mistaken), I think that these teams of people are not necessarily paid employees of a company, who recieve an hourly wage regardless of how long they stand around waiting.

    We all know that IGE (for example) is merely a currency broker.
    They do not employ people directly to collect gil to sell.

    People may form operations to acquire gil, and be physically all located in the same premises to do their work, but it is a freelance, mercenary business.

    Gilseller "A" camps NMs for high priced items, sells the items, and then sells the gil to a broker, who in turn sells it to some eager customer.
    In this way, gilseller "A" earns some real money from IGE which makes it worth his while to spend those hours camping.

    Now you have Gilseller "team", perhaps working in some form of loose business, but their entire business profit comes from the real money they recieve from brokers like IGE for the gil they supply.

    So "team" works in unison to monopolize certain expensive drops, and even works though that monopoly to increase it's selling price.

    By monopolizing a high-priced item, "team" can acquire a larger amount of gil to sell to a broker (like IGE) for real money.

    I don't believe many gilsellers get "paid" in the customary sense, for the time they spend.

    I believe that their motivation comes from the anticipation of the real money they can earn for all the gil they manage to obtain.

    I just did a check, and cannotlinkto (er, thats my-super-sales-dot-com, sorry) is offering $44.00 USD for two million gil.
    (IGE claims that they are currently not buying gil from any of the FFXI servers).

    According to their statement, Lakshmi is among the currently top-paying servers.

    Now, to us, 40-50 bucks isn't very much, but as we are aware, many of the gilsellers are chinese.
    (I am not intending to make this a racist argument, please bear with me; I am simply setting up some facts)

    Assuming that these players are actually based in China, with the current conversion rate fixed at 1 American Dollar to 8.27 Chinese Yuan, the site previously mentioned is perfectly willing to send payment through their Hong Kong office to residents there.

    Now, with an average per capita income in China of $840 (that's 6,946.8 Yuan) , and with the Yuan having 57% more purchasing power (compared to the Dollar's purcasing power here)
    i]Ref: ; [/i
    it is easy to see how forty bucks (330 Yuan) becomes a much more appealing stake.

    And hey, thats only two Ochiudo's Kote.

    With 5 people camping the drop all day, averaging three drops per day, there's certainly a lot more motivation for these people to stand there bored for hours on end than there is for vigilante players intent on reclaiming their server's economy from the lunacy that has descended on it.

    I, however, have a different kind of lunacy in mind, and simply was wondering if anyone else felt the same.

    Edited, Sat Feb 5 06:43:48 2005 by Tenmiles
  • Tenmiles
  • Monk
  • (Lakshmi)

  • ______________
    #11 Feb 05 2005 at 6:41 AM Rating: Default
    108 posts
    omg another gilseller thread....where's embur and the save a gilfarmer foundation. lol
    #12 Feb 05 2005 at 6:44 AM Rating: Excellent
    6,947 posts
    I told you not to read it..... >_>
  • Tenmiles
  • Monk
  • (Lakshmi)

  • ______________
    #13 Feb 05 2005 at 7:31 AM Rating: Decent
    2,638 posts
    Read it, beat them to it. One of my friends needed the Kote before Xmas for his sam.

    So we went our little merry way to Castle O, and to the spawn area, me being a puny a 40BRD/7WAR (fear me!). Easy to say, anything that could aggro me, would be the end of me. (since I had no more cure 1s)

    We make our way there, and 2 of his friends join up (higher level RDM and other job I forgot) And a friends with bst sub if I remember well. So we camped the thing, 2-4 hours a day, and eventually he got his kotes, wasnt there when he got it, but we did fairly well. (missing a few pops to CGFs) Once he got his kotes, we went our merry way away from Castle O, we dont need the kotes, why should we camp them? (oh right gil, Id rather craft and whine about undercutters then get another MPK attempt on me, or use my spectacular BRD/WAR again)

    I blame people who buy gil for this, and the others who race to 75, dont care much about LSs because they never help when you want them to help you NOW!*gasps for air* (everybody loves Tanta dont they?) Just hunt for the kotes, youll get it within a week, and considering this may be your first job around those levels, it will be much faster than coughing up a million, while youre at it, farm another million and buy the other lvl 30ish kotes, theyre better and much less hyped about, sure less att but no downsides. Everyobody will ook at you funny (especially those who care not for quests and such) And say: OMG! ROFL! (referring to Roukii's post) U dont hvae O KOTES! U R TEH SUC!

    Oh and if you do camp O Kotes with friends, once you hit that little step where they dont add much to your char, send them to your friend, itll save him a million. (and to think we camped it to save 600k) Just dont sell the Kotes, its just like my signa (Monster Signa) Its one of those items you never sell! (ok I once bought LB @ 500k and sold them a week later at 575k, didnt think they were so nice, now theyre at 600+)

    Friends make the best campers (and no one laugh at BRD/WAR, we are misunderstood PLD/RDMs, laugh and I will poke you with my Republic Sword! Yes you heard me!)

    Edited, Sat Feb 5 07:35:22 2005 by shykre
    #14 Feb 05 2005 at 7:09 PM Rating: Excellent
    66 posts
    I agree that the player base shouldn't be intimidated by the gil-sellers.

    I would gladly help the people whom I trust with their job's "required" rare items, be it the boots, the pin, or the kote. Given that, the competition brought up by the players must out match the gil-sellers so training would not be an issue.

    However, most of the item-camping players only want to get the drop for sale. As a THF, I receive many requests per day to help people camp this, farm that, and generally act as a roaming TH2 drone for them to get items solely for the purpose of selling for gil. I would like to reiterate my point of helping players in "need". Such as a NIN at lvl 40 whom have demonstrated considerable effort on trying to equip the best items, use the right food, yet do not have a hairpin.

    There are players who are not gil-sellers, yet they farm certain items to make gil even though non of them or their friends need it. They are helped by the gil-sellers who ran the price high, and they profit from it in the process by getting a drop once in a full moon. They contribute to the high price as well.

    I remember farming land crab meat for cooking at the Valkum Dunes secret beach and semi-camping the golden bat. There was one day when another player was there as well, also camping the Golden Bat. I already had the cloak on my mule so I didn't actually need it, while the other camper there (a low level NIN/WAR whom I've partied with in Kazham, with very few evasion gears and loses shadow on the mob's every swing) was badly needing anything that boosts evasion. When another party of known gil farmers came, I partied up with that NIN and beat the farmers to claim the bat. The NIN was happy to get the drop, and I was happy that the item ended up to someone who would actually USE it (I semi-camped the bat because the cloak I had was borrowed from a friend, and I wanted to get my own so he can have it back sooner).

    To sum-up, regular players who farm items just for the purpose of selling also contributes to the price-hike. For players who need to USE the items, they have to actually beat out both the gil-seller parties and the gil-farmer parties.

    I am ready to stand up and help needy players to get the items which they can use. Not some DRK who wants the Kote for sale, or the Paladin who wants leaping boots to show off on the bazaar (yes, there are vain people like that).
    #15 Feb 06 2005 at 7:18 AM Rating: Decent
    335 posts
    I want to be a 75 BST someday...

    So I can train mobs and MPK.

    But if you need a BRD, I love Castle O.
    #16 Feb 06 2005 at 1:01 PM Rating: Decent
    I've actually tried to combat gilsellers. In Ordelle's before the spawn points and rates of Stroper Chyme had been changed my LS went in for the drop. The ring was 500k at the time i think. I dont remember the name of the gilsellers there, and/or bots, but our plan was that the mnk, rdm and the pld would do claiming with chi blast/flash/dia or voke. The distraction was with a pet, the brd subbed bst and had charmed a bat and i'ld have carby out. That was to mess up their /targetnpc if they had that. Worked on some of them cause they kept moving away from the pets and you could see their heads move as they spamed /targetnpc. problem was that stroper chyme poped in front of the mnk and she targeted our pet instead ; ;.

    It's really rare to get a party to defeat gilsellers, especially if everyone in the party wants a that item or a cut of the gil. But paying 1.3 mil for that kote is like buying a nail clipper for $200, just pointless.
    #17 Feb 06 2005 at 1:52 PM Rating: Decent
    208 posts
    Great,well, if someone would like to help me get a morion tathlum I'd appreciate it. 120k last time I checked..ridiculous!
    #18 Feb 07 2005 at 6:23 AM Rating: Decent
    Yea, i read it, but more because it's Tenmiles and although you don't know me, you and the other high lvl mnks are what keep me going as one(cept for Brolly). I'm only lvl 51 mnk right now, but I'd love to help camp anything to fight the gilsellers. Just send me a /tell and I'll more than likely be ready for it.

    Just thought i'd let you know, thanks.


    Edit: Spelling
    Edit: I already have the Kote, so don't think i just want to help to get them for myself.

    Edited, Mon Feb 7 06:24:08 2005 by KingVellius

    Edited, Tue Feb 8 05:40:01 2005 by KingVellius
    #19 Feb 07 2005 at 10:10 AM Rating: Good
    153 posts
    I've spent some time in Castle O recently trying to get Kote for my Mnk, but no luck getting them by myself or getting anybody to go with me. It's not an enormous spawn area, but when you're outnumbered 6+ people to 1 it definately isn't a gimme. Would I help others with this? sure, but the average players' sentiment on this is

    PlayerA: "can anybody help camp Mee Deggi so I have a better chance at beating the Kofs to get Kote"
    PlayerB: "So I get to go stand around for 3 hours so you can get an NM drop? What do I get out of it?"
    PlayerA: "um, my gratitude....I helped you with X quest and Y quest."
    PlayerB: "hmmmm thanks for the offer, but I'll have to pass"

    If anybody that is willing to go with me or needs these or other NM to contribute to their character performance rather than the inflation rate I'll be on most weeknights from 430pm EST until at least 12 or 1am and I should be on this weekend.

    EDIT: as for reading this post--I never have anything better to do at work, so I'm just looking for a way to waste my time,

    Edited, Mon Feb 7 10:13:43 2005 by Ragingaxe
    #20 Feb 07 2005 at 10:16 AM Rating: Decent
    I'm only a 36 whm at the moment...but after I quest all the teleport scrolls I'll be leveling like crazy and I'll help combat the sellers.
    #21 Feb 07 2005 at 2:17 PM Rating: Decent
    I'm actually insane enough that i read it O.O

    Scary :P

    Anyway, I'm up (or down) for camping Mee Deggi or his friends and driving ANY Gilseller OUT of Caslte O, or Davoi, or wherever. I am also one of those insane people who wants to camp a NM to get an item to USE.... frightening!
    But all sarcasm aside, send me a /tell and if i'm not busy i'll suit up with the needed sub and waddle my little taru self down there and raise hell.

    #23 Feb 09 2005 at 3:01 AM Rating: Decent
    lol Thanx man rofl
    #24 Feb 09 2005 at 3:17 AM Rating: Decent
    58 posts
    I had a similar problem.

    I was camping Kotes in Castle O, just passing time till I found a PT. I notice that 3 Kof's and 2Elvaan PLD's were there. (I assumed the PLD's were CGF's aswell, since they spoke chinese, had Bad equips and were working with Kof's.)

    So after about 5mins camping, things seemed well. I was running about killing things, waiting for the NM to pop. The Kof's and the PLD's start checking me, over and over. So I do the same to them. Then I start getting spammed, with /checks. So I then started slapping, then they did the same. After awhile of emotes, one of the Elvaan PLD's sent a /tell saying {Leave}, I said same back to him. So after arguing with him for a good 15mins, I noticed he wasn't around me anymore.

    Then, all of a sudden was a train of about 30-ish Yagudo. Abbot's, etc... Most were EP to me, He zoned them to the nearby zone. So I was then surrounded by the Yag's, they aggro'd me. Then I died :( I know the Kof's didn't have a WHM with them, but they did have a RDM, so I was hoping for a Raise 1, I asked their RDM nicely in a /tell. But instead they toyed with my poor dead Taru body. >:(
    I then HP'd, asked a GM to do something, but as usual, with the Gilsellers they said they would look into it, and pretty much didn't do anything about it.

    But....... I did get my Revenge :) in Kuftal, my EXP PT, was passing by, and noticed that the Gilsellers had Amemet, they all died, thanks to Links. I stood there watching, with a big grin on my face. Then my exp PT grabbed Amemet, when they died with it at 1%HP. Ahh... Good times. I'm not sure if the Gilsellers in Kuftal are linked with the Kof's in any way. But it felt so good to see this happen to them.

    Anywho, if you are planning some sort of attack on the Gilsellers, lemme in on the Action. Private Kantaro, at your command cap'n! :p

    Edited, Wed Feb 9 03:34:32 2005 by Kantaro
    #25 Feb 09 2005 at 2:42 PM Rating: Good
    2,915 posts
    Even if you don't think you have the time to spend hours on end camping NM's in competition with these people, Tenmiles brought up another point. There are 2 things we can do to help this situation. One, is to camp in competition. The other, is to just not pay these high prices for the items. If you can't buy it on the AH for what it should be worth, then don't buy it. If we can get people boycotting the items until they come down to a reasonable price, then gil will be lost every time these people put the item up for sale. Eventually, they will have to drop the price to sell it, because they will be losing gil otherwise. You must have the item you say? Well, you if you're buying it, you don't have it now, and I'd be willing to bet you're playing just fine without it.

    Spread the word, take a couple of weeks and tell everyone you know not to buy these items. After being sent back to the sellers and losing their tax a couple of times, they'll get nervous.

    Those who have the time to compete for NM's, I wish you all the best of luck. The rest of us can just do our part and not pay these super high prices.
    #26 Feb 09 2005 at 5:22 PM Rating: Decent
    20 posts
    I'm sorry for posting here (I'm from Asura) but I couldn't resist reading a post with a title like this.

    I was thinking about this situation with the kote and came to a couple of realizations. When the gilsellers drive up the price of the kote, more players are inclined to buy gil so they can afford it. So a player buys gil from these gilsellers then gives the gil right back to them when they purchase the kote from the AH. This would make the gilsellers have piles and piles of gil.

    Now I know that you are thinking, "Wow, you just now realized that the gilsellers are rich". But if they are the only ones putting kotes in the AH, they can easily tell when someone else puts one in the AH. If you put a kote in at a lower price with the intent of driving the price down, they could easily buy the kote at your reduced price and then put it back up at their "standard" price.

    The gilsellers have had control of alot of items like the kote for too long and have so much gil (money is power) that actions by players are not going to break their hold on them. This is just my opinion. Maybe I give up too easily. The only way I see the gilseller problem coming to an end is for SE to take action and remove them from the game, or they lose their customer base because enough players quit the game because they are tired of the gilsellers ruining the game.

    Edited, Wed Feb 9 17:26:55 2005 by ParagonnAsura
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