Laktor, I hope you come back and read this. Try this book again, try to think of it as a very delicious buffet. Take your time, nibble a bit and rest, then nibble a bit more and rest again. If you take your time you will see the value of this book. See the reading of this book as a challenge that will improve you as a human, and improve you as a reader. To give up so early in the meal is only doing yourself a disservice. Please give it another shot. If you get through it you will feel the rewards.
Chieftobique: Windy, Elvaan
Zenith: 5/5(14/02/10)
Fish:100{Fishing Items: ALL(09/18/10)}
R.I.P. BP Thread 58 Pages
R.I.P. Garuda 03/23/2010
Banned:07/04/09;;, Unbanned:07/09/09^^
Hacked:09/05/09;;, Unhacked:09/19/09^^
"The key to immortality is first living a life worth remembering"
-Master Bruce Lee Jun Fan