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#202 Jun 20 2011 at 9:55 AM Rating: Good
OMG the baby dragons are so adorable.
#203 Jun 20 2011 at 6:35 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
Elinda wrote:
The baby dragons were stupid. They're not babies at all. They look like full adult dragons, with teeth, claws, wings, etc,... only in miniature.

Eh, baby snakes look like full-grown snakes. Baby wolves look pretty similar to fully grown wolves.

Not trying to be contradictory, but they're dragons. Not really much established by way of facts by GRRM, so they can pretty much do whatever the hell they want, can't they?

Edit: can't say I was paying too much attention to the dragons anyway, I was more going "BOOBIES! Smiley: grin" and giggling.

Edited, Jun 20th 2011 5:36pm by Theophany
#204 Jun 20 2011 at 9:49 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
LockeColeMA wrote:
Aripyanfar wrote:
Things will go sideways, things will go ghastly,
There are some good general rules of thumb, including these ones Smiley: tongue
If someone discusses a plan, it will never pan out.
Arya will never end up where she thinks she's doing.
There are seven kingdoms, of which the Riverlands, the Vale of Arryn, Winterfell, and Casterly Rock are but four. The others will be discussed to death later on (Dorne, the Iron Isles, and Dragonstone's territory). By the end of the fourth book, you'll wish there had only been four kingdoms Smiley: nod

Edit: Still need to see the last episode, that's my plan tonight.

Edited, Jun 20th 2011 10:07am by LockeColeMA

"Geeze, Are we Dorne with this stupid chapter yet? Dorne it, it just keeps going forever and for no apperent reason!"
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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#205 Jun 21 2011 at 1:35 AM Rating: Excellent
I discovered this comic while lost on TVTropes today, and saw this strip:
#206 Jun 21 2011 at 9:25 AM Rating: Good
3,973 posts
I caught up with this on PPV recently and watched up to the season finale. I had originally watched parts of some episodes in the middle and was pretty lost but it's a good show if you start from the beginning.

Having never read the books I am feeling a tendency from the story to have too many characters and no central focus that reminds me a bit of The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan (RIP). Sometimes just when you are into a character you really like they switch up and start talking about characters you don't really care about. My friends and I call that "Ohh crap another Nynaeve and Egwene section".

But so far non of the diverging stories in this series are too dull and they all have some interesting characters which of course will converge and effect each other at some point.

Waiting until spring 2012 for the next season is gonna suck. >.>

I guess I could start reading them. A series like this must be killer for book sales.

An old silent pond...
A frog jumps into the pond,
splash! Silence again.

~ Matsuo Basho
#207 Jun 21 2011 at 10:22 AM Rating: Good
1,330 posts
Killer doesn't begin to describe it... :D

I just love the fact that no one appears to be clad in plot armor. They are either lucky, or not so lucky.
#208 Jun 21 2011 at 10:40 AM Rating: Good
6,471 posts
Ravashack wrote:
Killer doesn't begin to describe it... :D

I just love the fact that no one appears to be clad in plot armor. They are either lucky, or not so lucky.

Plot armor?
#209 Jun 21 2011 at 11:14 AM Rating: Decent
Eske Esquire wrote:
Ravashack wrote:
Killer doesn't begin to describe it... :D

I just love the fact that no one appears to be clad in plot armor. They are either lucky, or not so lucky.

Plot armor?

Safe because the plot needs them to be safe. I guess anyway.

It's a problem some fantasy series have imo, you just know some characters will never be hurt, or not much anyway.
#210 Jun 21 2011 at 11:31 AM Rating: Good
6,471 posts
Zieveraar wrote:
Eske Esquire wrote:
Ravashack wrote:
Killer doesn't begin to describe it... :D

I just love the fact that no one appears to be clad in plot armor. They are either lucky, or not so lucky.

Plot armor?

Safe because the plot needs them to be safe. I guess anyway.

It's a problem some fantasy series have imo, you just know some characters will never be hurt, or not much anyway.

Ah, gotcha.

I kind of get that feeling about Tyrion and Arya (at least, for the forseeable future). I guess it's not due to the plot though. GRRM just seems to enjoy writing their parts more than others to me...if that makes any sense.

Edited, Jun 21st 2011 1:31pm by Eske
#211 Jun 21 2011 at 12:19 PM Rating: Good
1,330 posts
Zieveraar wrote:
Eske Esquire wrote:
Ravashack wrote:
Killer doesn't begin to describe it... :D

I just love the fact that no one appears to be clad in plot armor. They are either lucky, or not so lucky.

Plot armor?

Safe because the plot needs them to be safe. I guess anyway.

It's a problem some fantasy series have imo, you just know some characters will never be hurt, or not much anyway.

Yeah, plot armor is where nothing bad will ever happen to the character unless the plot requires it. It's one of the biggest problems with having a story/series revolve around certain characters. You know someone has it if you have the reaction of "Why didn't he/she/it just ... to that character?" when you see something happen and there's no justified reason for it brought up within a certain period after the information's brought to light.

For example, a guy surviving a battlefield because he passed out from his wounds and people thought he was initially dead because he was in a pile of corpses -- that's pretty believeable (to me). A guy surviving a battlefield because his attacker stopped shy of killing him and then changed his mind -- going to need a better explanation very soon or it's plot armor at work.
#212 Jun 21 2011 at 2:17 PM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
Eske Esquire wrote:

I kind of get that feeling about Tyrion and Arya (at least, for the forseeable future).

Mwahahaha... Smiley: sly
#213 Jun 21 2011 at 2:21 PM Rating: Decent
Next episode spring 2012, sigh. Luckily the next book is out in about 4 weeks :D

I expected more from those final scenes, it seemed a bit too randomlike, it was more specific and direct from Daenerys in the books.
#214 Jun 21 2011 at 3:23 PM Rating: Good
6,471 posts
Ravashack wrote:
Zieveraar wrote:
Eske Esquire wrote:
Ravashack wrote:
Killer doesn't begin to describe it... :D

I just love the fact that no one appears to be clad in plot armor. They are either lucky, or not so lucky.

Plot armor?

Safe because the plot needs them to be safe. I guess anyway.

It's a problem some fantasy series have imo, you just know some characters will never be hurt, or not much anyway.

Yeah, plot armor is where nothing bad will ever happen to the character unless the plot requires it. It's one of the biggest problems with having a story/series revolve around certain characters. You know someone has it if you have the reaction of "Why didn't he/she/it just ... to that character?" when you see something happen and there's no justified reason for it brought up within a certain period after the information's brought to light.

For example, a guy surviving a battlefield because he passed out from his wounds and people thought he was initially dead because he was in a pile of corpses -- that's pretty believeable (to me). A guy surviving a battlefield because his attacker stopped shy of killing him and then changed his mind -- going to need a better explanation very soon or it's plot armor at work.

Thanks for the further explanation. Heh, I'm so bad at noticing things like that. This probably why my girlfriend always knows the endings of mysteries almost immediately, and I always have to wait until the big reveal.

In my defense, I think it's more enjoyable my way. Ah, sweet, sweet ignorance. Smiley: tongue

Mwahahaha... Smiley: sly

Don't you even joke about them killing Tyrion. I'd have a fit.
#215 Jun 21 2011 at 8:11 PM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
Just finished the last episode. Not a bad ending, but i agree with a previous post that nothing felt "concluded." It served as a fantastic bridge to a new season, and the dragon part was cool (although Dany was supposed to be BALD!).

Looking forward to about 4 weeks from now! Smiley: grin
#216 Jun 21 2011 at 8:43 PM Rating: Good
15,952 posts
?Someone else put it really well: GoT doesn't have a linnear plot. It doesn't go forward. It goes outwards.
#217 Jun 21 2011 at 10:49 PM Rating: Decent
Keeper of the Shroud
13,632 posts
The finale was good, but could have been better. Everything except Dany's scenes seemed rushed. The woman playing Muri Maz Duur just didn't work for me. She seemed to lack the strength and conviction I got from the character in the book. The dragons at the end were more or less what I expected. I always figured they'd be CGI, it's the most cost effective way of doing things these days. Still, it was a decent way to end the season, though a two hour finale would have been better.

As to the series overall, I think they did a pretty good job of bringing the book to life. I still have the feeling that there are several bits that just wouldn't have made much sense to me if I hadn't read the book first. A few of the secondary characters definitely got the shaft, but a few of the scenes that weren't in the book made up for it. The one bit that bothered me the most was how little they used wolves, they were a much larger part of the story, and at least for Bran and Jon they get fairly important later on. Well, that and the fact that Khal Drogo's Khalasar was supposed to be over 100,000 strong and we never saw more than a couple dozen people. That massive scale was never there. I'd give it a solid 8/10.

Edited, Jun 22nd 2011 12:50am by Turin
#218 Jun 22 2011 at 1:25 AM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
The paceing was about right in the beginning, but it just seemed like they tried to compress everything too much towards the end. I think they could have extended the whole thing by 2 or 3 episodes and still managed to end each one at a good spot and would have ended up with a better end product, but that would have cost significantly more. I hope they keep that in mind for clash of kings. And yeah, Muri Maz Duur wasn't evil enough.

As far as other characters go, my thoughts:

Dead on:
ned stark, Arya stark, Sansa stark, Joffrey lannister (actually a bit more evil than the book even), actually all the lannisters so far (cersi has a different feel than in the book, but it works), the hound, visreys, magister whatshisname in kings landing, most of the nights watch, the kid that played robyn arryn, his mom, Danrys targerian, Drogo (was actually more of a chaacter than in the book) etc.

Needs work:
Caitlin stark seems a bit off from the book to me. I can't place why though. Jon snow, the fight with the dead thingy wasn't even close, so that annoyed me, though the character himself seems pretty close. Littlefinger is significantly different than in the book, but I understand why they changed that a bit. "the mountain" wasn't nearly evil enough. Robert and Renly both needed some work too. Theon Greyjoy just doesn't seem to fit my mental image of how he would react to some of the things that happened so far. Also, the dragons being wyvvern types annoys me.
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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#219 Jun 22 2011 at 4:09 AM Rating: Good
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Dread Lörd Kaolian wrote:
Caitlin stark seems a bit off from the book to me. I can't place why though.

She never said "It should have been you." to Jon when he went to visit Bran, which struck me as a strange omission. She also begs Ned not to leave Winterfell, when in the book I believe that she actually encourages him to do so.

Just a few changes that I noticed.

I'm psyched for the new season. Hopefully, with a larger budget, we'll be able to get some better scenes that show off some scale.
#220 Jun 22 2011 at 6:55 AM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
Dread Lörd Kaolian wrote:

Dead on: (cersi has a different feel than in the book, but it works)... the kid that played robyn arryn, his mom

I feel Cersei is quite different than what I expected. First of all, I expected her to be beautiful, and she definitely isn't (thinking about it, I think her eyebrows are weirding me out for whatever reason). She seems more "tweaky" than "solid," if that makes sense... kind of a mixture of her character in book 4 with her book 1 character.

My critique of Lysa is petty. She's supposed to be plump, if not fat. Instead she looks like a stick. Eh...

And I really like Littlefinger in the series, although I could do without all the monologuing.
#221 Jun 22 2011 at 10:05 AM Rating: Good
1,330 posts
LockeColeMA wrote:
Dread Lörd Kaolian wrote:

Dead on: (cersi has a different feel than in the book, but it works)... the kid that played robyn arryn, his mom

I feel Cersei is quite different than what I expected. First of all, I expected her to be beautiful, and she definitely isn't (thinking about it, I think her eyebrows are weirding me out for whatever reason). She seems more "tweaky" than "solid," if that makes sense... kind of a mixture of her character in book 4 with her book 1 character.

My critique of Lysa is petty. She's supposed to be plump, if not fat. Instead she looks like a stick. Eh...

And I really like Littlefinger in the series, although I could do without all the monologuing.

Isn't Cersei's actress normally raven-haired? Maybe you're seeing some of the black in her eyebrows. And it felt like she was a less sympathetic person in the books than on the screen.
#222 Jun 22 2011 at 10:17 AM Rating: Good
6,471 posts
Ravashack wrote:
And it felt like she was a less sympathetic person in the books than on the screen.

It's true. HBO added a couple key scenes with her that paint her in a better, pitiable light. In the added scene between her and Robert, she asks him something to the extent of "Did you ever love me, even in the beginning?" He responds "No. Does that make you feel better or worse?" and there's a visible pause and twitch before she responds back with "It doesn't make me feel anything." that indicates some pain masked by a lie.

I believe she also remarks to someone (Ned, IIRC) that she loved Robert, and that the day of their marriage started out as the happiest day of her life, before Robert said "Liana" when they were in bed together.

I'm happy with those additions. In the books, Cersei skews a bit too much towards pure, overt evilness, in my opinion. The HBO changes make her more balanced, and provide an explanation for why she is the way she is. Really, she doesn't seem that bad in the HBO series so far.
#223 Jun 22 2011 at 8:20 PM Rating: Good
6,471 posts
Ah made mehself uh Game o' Thrones avamatar thingamajigger. Smiley: smile

Man I love that opening sequence.
#224 Jun 23 2011 at 8:18 AM Rating: Good
Eske Esquire wrote:
Ah made mehself uh Game o' Thrones avamatar thingamajigger. Smiley: smile

Man I love that opening sequence.
I still need to stop being lazy and find that song so I can listen to it all the time.
#225 Jun 23 2011 at 9:25 AM Rating: Good
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
Eske Esquire wrote:

Man I love that opening sequence.
Me too! I actually watch it - cuz it's just that cool.

Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#226 Jun 23 2011 at 10:11 AM Rating: Good
6,471 posts
Daimakaicho, Eater of Souls wrote:
Eske Esquire wrote:
Ah made mehself uh Game o' Thrones avamatar thingamajigger. Smiley: smile

Man I love that opening sequence.
I still need to stop being lazy and find that song so I can listen to it all the time.

Smiley: grin
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