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#577 Mar 02 2016 at 6:45 PM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
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Big Hero 6 TV series may be fun. But Disney has a habit of being kind of loose with their TV shows. Crossovers (with some of their live action random stuff) lots of repeats and seemingly non-standard schedules for new episodes.

I got lost watching the Clone Wars animated show due to some scheduling changes. And I have not even bothered keeping up with the Spiderman, Avengers, and Guardians of the Galaxy animated shows.
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#578 Mar 03 2016 at 8:36 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
TirithRR wrote:
And I have not even bothered keeping up with the Spiderman, Avengers, and Guardians of the Galaxy animated shows.
I actually have those set to record, I just don't ever get around to watching them.

First off, apparently there might already be talk about a Suicide Squad sequel, possibly start filming mid 2017. Personally I think they should wait till the first movie has been out for two or three weeks to see if there's a market for a sequel, but there was a Paul Blart 2 so what do I know.

Looks like a few more characters will probably show up in Batman v Superman. Along with the obvious Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman, we'll (you'll?) also get at least cameos of Jason Momao's Aquaman, Ezra Miller's Flash, and Ray Fisher's Cyborg. My (not)money's on end sequence scene. I think it's a bit too early in the world creation to be bloating a movie with characters. This is Phase One after all.

Meet the new Power Rangers, for Liongates' 2017 movie remake. I think they hit all the demographics. Male, Female, Black, Latino, Asian, and Freddie Prinze Jr.

Takeshi Kitano will be the chief of Public Security Section 9 in the upcoming, and no doubt, trainwreck of a live action Ghost in the Shell flick. Honestly, if it weren't for ScarJo I'd probably write this one off one hundred percent. As it stands, I think it has a one percent chance of success.

Ghostbusters reboot trailer is out. It looks okay, but not really compelling enough to hit the theaters. Probably doesn't help that this year is pretty heavy with cape movies so most people are going to be more selective of which ones they see.

Edited, Mar 3rd 2016 2:04pm by lolgaxe
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#579 Mar 03 2016 at 5:01 PM Rating: Decent
Keeper of the Shroud
13,632 posts
Ghostbusters trailer is incredibly underwhelming. I really wasn't expecting much to begin with, and that's pretty much what I got. I might watch it one day on late night cable, but only if I have insomnia.
#580 Mar 04 2016 at 11:36 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
LoT: "She's got a metal stick, charge her!" "Sir, we have guns. Guns that clearly sent the other guy flying down the hallway with it's concussive force. We also outnumber her, if we just concentrate our fire in her direction --" "I said charge." Four guns, two people suppressive fire to prevent her from getting in close, two fire to hit her. It's not rocket surgery. The good guy changing sides and staying on the opposite side is pretty refreshing. I spent half the episode expecting Heat to double cross and be a cliche good guy. Nice to see a villain, even if on the good guys' side, remain a villain. I bet he's still alive, or will be brought back in some manner if he is dead. Time travel show, with several crew members who have defeated death in one way or another.

Agents of SHIELD renewed for fourth season, and Cavill rules out Suicide Squad, but claims a Wonder Woman appearance isn't off the table. Tank Girl Lori Petty to appear on Gotham in two weeks as Jerri, a hostess of a club that celebrates art and murder. Tank Girl in Joker Make-up? I'm all for that.
Entertainment Weekly, about BvS's Different Ratings wrote:
Now we know that’s a Kryptonian family crest, not an actual S, on Superman’s chest. But for a moment, imagine it’s an R.

Weeks before Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice hits theaters on March 25, the Motion Picture Association of America announced that the PG-13 film will have an R-rating when its extended “Ultimate Edition” is released this summer on home video.

Some moviegoers are excited at the prospect of a more adult superhero story – and the smartass, blood-soaked Deadpool certainly proved there’s an audience for that. Other Superman and Batman fans are concerned about traditionally family-friendly characters going too dark.

The new Batman himself, Ben Affleck, says he understands both sides. “I’m a parent of young kids, and I feel like I wouldn’t want to have a Batman v Superman that I couldn’t show to my younger kids,” the actor says. “But on the same token, as an adult, I like to see movies that are R-rated. I think nowadays because we have so many means of distribution and ways that we can do different things, it’s the creative solution to a creative challenge.”

He emphasizes that the PG-13 theatrical cut will always be available as an alternative.

“You can have multiple versions and I can show my son and my daughters this movie and feel confident that the stuff isn’t too crazy, and then grownups can see larger version, [which is like] the red-band trailer. They can see the more adult version of that movie.”


The theatrical cut of BvS runs 2 hours and 31 minutes, which is already an epic length. But following the lead of Peter Jackson’s expanded versions of The Lord of the Rings, Snyder said he thought the Blu-ray and digital download editions of BvS could sustain some bonus material. (They aren’t saying yet how much longer the director’s cut will be.)

“We were just like, ‘Okay, look. We’re not making a three-hour movie. I mean, even I didn’t want to make a three-hour movie,” Snyder says. “I drove the cuts probably harder than anyone. The studio, they were willing to let the movie indulge pretty hard. But I felt like it’s at a manageable two-and-a-half hours. Let’s also not forget the credits are super long, the end credits. So the movie’s closer to two hours and 22 minutes.”

One of the things cut from the theatrical release: A mystery character played by Jena Malone. Fans have been speculating about who she plays for months – and they’ll have to wait a few more before they find out.

“I think we should keep it private, but it’s nothing that’s been talked about,” Snyder says. “She’s definitely not Robin or Batgirl. I’m happy to say that.”

Some of what’s being added to the “Ultimate Edition” counts as a spoiler, so we won’t reveal all of the extra material. Suffice to say, some minor characters in the theatrical cut are given expanded storylines. And a few other actors will join Malone in being rescued from the cutting room floor.

“There’s a couple, like, Ahman Green, the running back from the Green Bay Packers, he’s in it. And C.T. Fletcher is like this bodybuilder muscle-guru from Compton, this awesome guy. He’s amazing, and he’s in it,” Snyder says. “And then there’s just a lot of these Easter Eggs in the Director’s Cut that I think are gonna be fun for everyone.”

Some of the additions are aimed at teasing future movies, like 2017’s Justice League film, which Snyder begins shooting in April. “There’s one giant one that I won’t tell you about yet that speaks to what’s gonna go on in the greater Justice League universe,” he says.

The only other question is: what exactly is in the new material that earned the R-rating?
Well that settles it for me. I don't like the precedence. I'm all for multiple versions of a movie with different ratings, but they should be available side by side and not spaced out like this.

Edited, Mar 4th 2016 1:15pm by lolgaxe
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#581 Mar 04 2016 at 4:48 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
gbaji wrote:
It was pretty hardcore last season.
Maybe. Last season feels like it was so long ago. I just don't really remember anything that made the kind of impact, on screen, of a frozen dude melting and another being shattered by a car. Lady in the heavy suit getting set on fire, I guess might rate.

The escaped lunatics dropping people off a building to spell out a word on the street below? That was right out of the gate last season. And then things got uglier.

Carter: Why was Mom speaking Italian and Son talking English, with both understanding the other well enough to have a fluid conversation with no hang ups?

That's pretty normal for a first generation immigrant household.

I'm skipping Batman v Superman until the ratings thing gets resolved. As noted, rumors say the Blu-Ray is going to be R rated, and I'm not going to spend like twenty bucks at a theater to watch a censored version of a movie and have to spend more to see the uncensored version. It's like paying to watch the TBS version of a movie. A casualty of Deadpool's runaway success.

Yeah. I think their mistake isn't that they're doing this (lots of films later release a directors cut, or an "Unrated Cut" later), but that they're telling people they're doing this right now just before the theatrical release itself. You release the normal cut of the film now and people pay for it because it's the release now. You add in bonus stuff and/or a harsher rated version later on disk and folks will pay again for the new/extra stuff and are happy cause they're getting "more stuff". Tell them now, and some will think they're getting ripped off in the theater. Dumb way to market it IMO.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#582 Mar 05 2016 at 9:47 PM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
Joseph Gordon Levitt has walked away from The Sandman movie adaptation, saying he didn't agree with what New Line wanted to do with the movie.

I have not read any of the Sandman stuff, and don't know anything about it. Most comments about the news seem to be people saying it doesn't bode well for the movie.
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#583 Mar 07 2016 at 8:36 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
gbaji wrote:
The escaped lunatics dropping people off a building to spell out a word on the street below?
I wouldn't count that. You saw them pushed/thrown off the ledge but never saw the trip down or the landing, just the result (though admittedly I could have just forgotten, but I kind of doubt it since it'd leave more of an impact on my memory). Sure, the intent and suggestion is, but I'm more talking about actual follow-through. We see the process of one guy melting, and another guy shattering as a car slams into them and their heads being embedded in the windshield.
TirithRR wrote:
Most comments about the news seem to be people saying it doesn't bode well for the movie.
Well, JLG is supposedly a huge Sandman geek, and he's spent years trying to get the movie made the way he felt would do it justice. I imagine a lot of the reason he left was because New Line brought in a new writer, Eric Heisserer, who just so happens to have his name attached to both the Nightmare on Elm Street and The Thing remakes, which were mediocre at best and really took the source material for granted. I mean, seriously, turning Freddy into a pedophile just to be edgier because apparently killing children and burning them in a furnace wasn't disturbing enough? I can't imagine a huge fan, who invested so much of his time to get this project going, would leave for any other reason than because the project was being forced in a direction he felt was a disaster.

Cole Sprouse as Jughead, Lili Reinhart to play Betty and Mädchen Amick to play her mom in the upcoming Archie show Riverdale. So I guess that's pretty much the whole crew. Zendaya cast to play opposite Tom Holland's Peter Parker in the next Spider-Man reboot. Her character's name is "Michelle." I don't know any Michelles and I've read everything Spider-Man wait wait, there was a Michelle Gonzalez who was a lawyer and one time love interest in like ten issues, which leads me to believe that either she's an ORIGINAL CHARACTER, DONUT STEEL, or they're purposely misnaming her and she'll be a surprise character, either Mary Jane or Gwen Stacy. Probably Gwen because they just can't let a dead character stay dead and Spider-Gwen's book needs all the help it can get or Gonzalez but doubtful since she was barely a blip. Also JK Simmons has been cast to play Commissioner Gordon in the Justice League movie. He's a pretty talented guy so he could probably pull it off.

According to the Hollywood Reviewer Sony has brought in Dante Harper to write a new screenplay for a Venom movie, to be produced by Avi Arad and Matt Tolmach. A few sites are reporting it as well, but their source is Hollywood Reviewer. I find that pretty suspicious, but who knows. You kind of need Spider-Man first, and you kind of need an establishing movie. Venom is definitely a sequel character. According to the report it's also supposed to be set apart from the MCU Spider-Man film, probably to take advantage of an R rating, maybe action/horror. Assassin's Creed, starring Magneto, already has some buzz surrounding it in the way of sequel talk. It being a video game movie I think these people should probably hold off on that. Sure, cape movies were also (hilariously) horrible until they weren't, but they didn't start spitting out sequels until after the first movies came out. And they're still not safe, as Amazing Spider-Man proved with all it's talk about sequels and Aunt May movies and whatnot. And Fant4stic Four. And let's face it, Thor isn't exactly a jewel in their crown either. I'm still not sure how the Resident Evil movies got sequels, so I'm not the guy to go to on predicting this stuff. Also in wild speculation news, apparently Sylvester Stallone has been seen coming out of the same hotel that the cast of Guardians of the Galaxy have been staying at with a lump of paper thought to be a script, and got in a car that is said to be usually assigned to Chris Pratt. Drax watching a video transmission from Earth of a Rocky movie would be pretty funny, and in line with GotG's tone. Rob Thomas of Matchbox 20 to appear on an episode of iZombie, which begs the question: Is Matchbox 20 still a thing?

Brian Michael Bendis says Deadpool's success could ruin franchises for generations. Normally I don't agree with anything Bendis writes, but if movies start jumping to R rate their movies for no real reason I could see it happening.

Edited, Mar 7th 2016 3:37pm by lolgaxe
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#584 Mar 07 2016 at 9:21 PM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
Gotham: Mr. Freeze will get his suit. Galavan is "alive" in Hugo's lab. And I'm pretty sure that was Not-Joker in the tube behind him.
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#585 Mar 08 2016 at 8:36 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
TirithRR wrote:
Gotham: Mr. Freeze will get his suit. Galavan is "alive" in Hugo's lab. And I'm pretty sure that was Not-Joker in the tube behind him.
Killing Nora was a bit much. Kind of removes the biggest motivation from Fries' descent into villainy. Smiley: frown Also this episode proved why the last episode was so good: Bruce wasn't there last week.

Supergirl renewed for second season, and Agents of SHIELD has season 4 and returns tonight. Apparently there is going to be a Ghostbusters cartoon in the works to further drown the franchise, and will be directed by Fletcher Moules, who is known for all those Clash of Clans commercials.

Edited, Mar 8th 2016 2:47pm by lolgaxe
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#586 Mar 08 2016 at 5:22 PM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
Last night's Lucifer is the stuff I like about stories like this. I don't really care much about the crime drama part of it. It really only exists so that Lucifer and Lady Detective can interact.
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#587 Mar 09 2016 at 9:12 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
AoS: Loved Yo-Yo Rodriguez, could use more of her. Could also use more budget to animate her running more than the brief clips instead of location shots. Smiley: mad

In what is a trend that must be making more money than I can imagine, Fandango is offering a five movie marathon tied to the release of Civil War. Including the two previous Captain America movies and the two Avengers. So another ten hour endurance test between your bladder and theater food. Still not anywhere near the AMC marathon last year for Age of Ultron, which was eleven movies long. Speaking of, apparently we won't be seeing Wakanda in Civil War. That's a shame, but at the same time it gives them more time to go full Asgard level sci-fi advanced technology for the solo movie.

AMC renews Into the Badlands for a second ten episode season in 2017, exciting at least me.
Supergirl / Flash Crossover Episode Synopsis wrote:
“Worlds Finest” – Kara gains a new ally when the lightning-fast superhero The Flash (Grant Gustin) suddenly appears from an alternate universe and helps Kara battle Siobhan, aka Silver Banshee, and Livewire in exchange for her help in finding a way to return him home, on SUPERGIRL, Monday, March 28 (8:00-9:00 PM) on the CBS Television Network. Grant Gustin crosses over as The Flash.
Promo art, where it looks like Kara is power walking in a mall.

Edited, Mar 9th 2016 1:40pm by lolgaxe
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#588 Mar 10 2016 at 4:52 PM Rating: Excellent
50,767 posts
New Civil War trailer, now with spidery goodness. Check out the motion-captured eyes. Smiley: inlove
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#589 Mar 10 2016 at 5:04 PM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
Did Tony call him "Underoos"? Smiley: lol
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#590 Mar 11 2016 at 8:21 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
I thought he said "On the roof," but it is Tony Stark. As much as I like Spidey, and honestly the "Hey guys" was a bit weak, my favorite part was the Ant Man Hawkeye Arrow Combo from Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3. I am thrilled that we're moving to animated masks, though. It's little touches like that that I enjoy, I'm not watching these movies for realistic costume physics.

LoT: Lesbians and social justice commentary!

A new Tick live action show is in the works, thanks to Amazon. Currently only two actors are onboard, unfortunately neither of them are Patrick Warburton who was the original live action Tick. Griffin Newman as Arthur and Valorie Curry as his sister, Dot Everest. Also Kingsman 2 brings in Halle Berry as the Head of the CIA.

Daredevil will be out in a few weeks days, on the 18th, and Mike Colter reveals Netflix's Luke Cage to premiere September 30th. Looks like Renner is getting yet another costume change, apparently trying to compete with Parker and Pym from the comics. At least it's getting purple-er. The Aquaman and Flash solo movies will be their character's stories continued from whatever happens in Justice League, at least according to Dawn of Justice and Justice League screenwriter Chris Terrio. He also states that he had to study "red- and blueshifts in electromagnetic physics to think about the Flash, investigated deep sea biology in the Mariana trench to create the world of Aquaman and read the Greek historian Diodorus of Sicily’s account of the war between Amazon and Atlantis to better understand Wonder Woman." He also claims that Justice League won't be as dark as Dawn of Justice. Probably because one is a Batman movie.

CW renews Arrow, Flash and iZombie for another season, to no one's real surprise. And a handful of other shows that aren't particularly relevant to this post.

And finally, the Beetlejuice reboot is apparently a go.

Edited, Mar 11th 2016 2:23pm by lolgaxe
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#591 Mar 11 2016 at 6:53 PM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
And finally, the Beetlejuice reboot is apparently a go.

Edited, Mar 11th 2016 2:23pm by lolgaxe

Buzz is now that it's a false report. That it is not happening. Burton is instead focusing on “Miss Preegrine’s Home for Peculiar Children”.
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#592 Mar 12 2016 at 5:55 PM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
I hate when things change after I post them. Smiley: mad Then again, not having a Beetlejuice reboot isn't exactly a bad thing in my books. Also, apparently a lot of people seem to be hearing Tony saying "underoos," so that may be more accurate. Not like my hearing is all that great in the first place.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#593 Mar 12 2016 at 6:52 PM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
I went and saw 10 Cloverfield Lane.

It wasn't bad. But was slow. It makes for a good setting, and the action scenes stand out a bit, but it does make it drag a bit in places. And I guess the Cloverfield thing is like a "Twilight Zone" moniker. A multiverse, a setting for stories. I could see it being a good way to get some stories out there, but I'd hope if they do, they don't end up being repetitive or predictable.

A sneak peak of next week's SHIELD episode is looking good.
It features "Ward". Expands slightly on what was seen beginning at the end of the last episode.

Edited, Mar 12th 2016 9:20pm by TirithRR
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#594 Mar 14 2016 at 9:52 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
Saw some positive things about Cloverfield Lane, in that the other sites I read had articles about it and the titles didn't describe it as bad.

News about Iron Fist is starting to trickle down, as Joe Quesada claims the series will be taking place outside Hell's Kitchen. Right now we're in countdown mode for Daredevil Season 2 and Batman v Superman. I imagine they'll both do exceptionally well, though there will be plenty of "divisiveness" about them as there usually is.

Preacher will debut on May 22nd at 10 pm, right after Fear the Walking Dead's mid-season finale, which itself is premiering April 10th.

Edited, Mar 14th 2016 1:19pm by lolgaxe
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#595 Mar 15 2016 at 7:55 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
Gotham: Ah, Lori was the single highlight in an otherwise drab Teen Bruce-entric episode. Oh, Nygma getting paranoid and Cobblepot getting brainwashed was nice, too. And Cupcake and the "Mutants," a clear reference to Dark Knight Returns story, though that didn't go anywhere and kind of ended as a boring cliche to get Alfred out of the picture. More about lead-ups to next week's episode than anything. Paul Reubens next week reprises his role as Penguin's father.
Supergirl: The Superman 3 Easter Egg was an amusing touch, with the peanuts.
Lucifer: Finally caught up. Weird how the romance angle is the more interesting aspect of the show.
Blindspot has been back for a few episodes, and let me just say how great John Hodgman has been. Not really expected, considering the role, but I guess his years as a Daily Show correspondent will do that.

In what I feel is great news, Mark Hamill and Kevin Conroy to reprise their roles as Joker and Batman in the upcoming Batman: The Killing Joke animated movie. Tara Strong will be Barbara, and Ray Wise as Jim Gordon. Also in great news, during the Preacher pilot Tom Cruise will appear, as a Scientologist, and die. Absolutely nothing to do with the comic, but a very Seth Rogan joke. In less good news Zack Stentz, who was a screenwriter for Thor and Power Rangers, will be writing Kevin Smith's upcoming episode of The Flash. It's been a while since I liked a Kevin Smith movie, and even in Comic Book Men he's the least interesting person. Then again, CBM hasn't been all that interesting itself for like two, maybe three seasons. And finally as of this writing, DC Comics has registered a trademark for Pennyworth, though no other info is available. Could be weird if it were a prequel to Gotham.

There's been confirmation of a new Indiana Jones movie, starring Harrison Ford and directed by Steven Spielberg, for a 2019 release. Beyond that nothing is known, but it can't be worse than Crystal Skull, right? Right?

Final trailer for the next season of Daredevil, featuring a voice over from Stick.

Edited, Mar 15th 2016 2:27pm by lolgaxe
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#596 Mar 16 2016 at 8:14 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
SHIELD: "It's not a disease!"
"Technically it is."
"Oh, just because you're an expert on this very topic makes you right?"

I think I've had nightmares about being killed by skin flakes, though not quite becoming congealed into caramel. Why Hunter shot over that thin plywood decoration when we just saw the other guy shoot through it was so pointless. He had a clear shot. Coulson's superhand couldn't break the cuffs? Ugh, watching Mary Sue Poots jump from one guy to another is probably the lowest point of the show, which isn't saying something since all the low points seem to involve her.
At least Flash returns next week, with the femme speedster showing up.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#597 Mar 16 2016 at 5:16 PM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
In SHIELD, what do we know about the Ward/Hive creature? I don't know much about Hive, other than a quick blurb I read online that says it was created by Hydra to be the perfect Hydra member. But in SHIELD, was it supposed to have been created by Hydra? Or was it just some being that existed that Hydra stumbled upon? Ward/Hive refers to himself as an Inhuman, or at least in a round about way saying he cannot possess one of his own.
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#598 Mar 17 2016 at 9:33 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
TirithRR wrote:
In SHIELD, what do we know about the Ward/Hive creature? I don't know much about Hive, other than a quick blurb I read online that says it was created by Hydra to be the perfect Hydra member. But in SHIELD, was it supposed to have been created by Hydra? Or was it just some being that existed that Hydra stumbled upon? Ward/Hive refers to himself as an Inhuman, or at least in a round about way saying he cannot possess one of his own.
I believe the show is going with a character similar to Apocalypse, in that it's an ancient being that people worship. Since the movies and tv can't use mutants, and want to bring in more Inhuman stuff into the show. And they just really wanted to use a Hydra comic character that wasn't "important" like Viper or Strucker, and wasn't essentially a joke like Bob. Kind of a mesh of concepts.

Looks like Finn Jones has been officially confirmed as Danny Rand for Netflix's Iron Fist. According to Scott Buck, the showrunner (what exactly is a showrunner, he asks without really looking into it because it isn't that interesting), "He’s a billionaire New York Buddhist monk martial arts superhero who’s still trying to figure out what exactly that all means. Finn is able to play all these levels in such an honest, revelatory way that as soon as I saw him I knew he was our Danny." Which is great and all, pretty comic accurate, but I just hope they also focus on how much of a goofball Danny can be. This is the kind of guy that reads comic books on his company jet while dressed as Iron Fist for no real reason. All the Netflix characters are so grim, this would be the perfect opportunity to change things up.

Rumors say that Jason Fuchs, the screenwriter of the upcoming Wonder Woman movie has been hired to write a movie based on Lobo, which has been in the works since like 2009. Speaking of rumors, Joe Russo is hinting at the possibility of a bunch of after credit scenes for Civil War, which is more reason to stare at people in disbelief as they head for the doors at the start of the credits. When asked whether Dr Strange would be appearing during the after credit scenes, he said "We can’t say who is going to be in it but we can say that there certainly could be one, or two, maybe three. We can confirm that you should stay sat in your seats when the movie is done."

Fox renews Gotham for a third season. I thought the first season was pretty weak, but this season has been pretty great and I hope that trend continues. Just not for too long, intense shows tend to get stale pretty fast.

New X-Men: Apocalypse trailer.

And a Flash x Supergirl teaser.

Edited, Mar 17th 2016 1:58pm by lolgaxe
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#599 Mar 18 2016 at 8:32 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
Daredevil Season 2 is live on Netflix, and here I am stuck waiting for the end of the day.

According to Zack Snyder, the R-rating for the home video cut is due to a little bit of violence that tips the scale from PG-13 to R. Which, okay, I get that they do this for pretty much every action horror and such movie in existence, but they don't talk about it until at least after the theatrical release. "Hey guys, the home version is better, but you go ahead and waste your money anyway!" Not that this is going to really affect ticket sales in my mind, it'll still rake in the dosh like nothing. I don't think it'll hit the highest stratum for cape films, since I think some people are still wary over this being a sequel to Man of Steel, but I don't think it'll flop. It can't, it's freakin' Batman and Superman.
Anthony Russo, about Spider-Man wrote:
I’ll say this, part of the fun of Spider-Man is that this film is basically a war amongst the Avengers and Spidey does not have the baggage that all these other characters have. He enters the story after the conflict that is happening between the Avengers and that gives him a very unique place in the story.
So 100% opposite of his role in the comics, where his entire issue was his ties to the Avengers and the trust he gets from the superhero community and such. I mean, again, I get it, introductory movie for Spidey and all so they can't do that. Just whining.

Speaking of the Russos, they say they're looking at ways to bring back the "Marvel One-Shots" from the earlier movies to expand the story for Avengers: Infinity War, on things like Youtube. I admit I enjoyed them while they lasted.

Amber Heard confirms her role as Mera, Queen of Atlantis, in Justice League Part One and Aquaman to no one's surprise. While on casting, Brian McManamon coming to Gotham as Basil Karlo, who eventually becomes Clayface. That should be neat to see.

From Asylum, the studio that brought us Sharknado, comes Dead 7 where ... 90s Boybands battle zombies. No, really, Carter, A.J. McLean and Howie Dorough from Backstreet Boys, Joey Fatone and Chris Kirpatrick from NSYNC, Jeff Timmons from 98 Degrees, and Jacob Underwood, Trevor Penick, Dan Miller and Erik-Michael Estrasa from O-Town as cowboys (and one samurai) fighting post apocalyptic zombies. April 1st on ScyFy (where else?) and I hope this isn't an elaborate April Fools joke. I want this.

Edited, Mar 18th 2016 12:38pm by lolgaxe
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#600 Mar 18 2016 at 9:29 AM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
Time to fire up the PS4 and start the binge.
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#601 Mar 18 2016 at 10:29 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
You're cruel.

How is it?
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
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