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#1027 Mar 21 2017 at 7:39 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
TirithRR wrote:
Not a single lyric sung.
Yeah, almost guaranteed I'm not going to enjoy that tonight. I could live with it not being NPH, but magic Naruto eyes and not a single hum from a guy whose powers are literally music based? Nuh uh. This is "Mutant Whose Powers Are To Never Die Dies" levels of wrong. I'm ... I'm still bitter over Darwin.

Cutthroat Bitch Anne Dudek joins the cast of The Flash as Tracy Brand, a character described as "a smorgasbord of quirky idiosyncrasies" from the future. In other words, another Felicity Smoak.

Ghost in the Shell Water Fight, but while the action certainly looks top notch you'll note ScarJo in a skin tight body suit soaking wet.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#1028 Mar 21 2017 at 3:51 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
I've seen the first three episodes of Iron Fist so far. Honestly, I'm not having any issues with it at all. Even the bit in the hospital didn't bug me because they did sufficient switching back to other characters (and there was enough "new" information going on) that it didn't drag. Dunno, the pacing actually felt just about right to me. The hobo look was a bit "odd" at first, but actually worked with the way they established the character. Maybe I'm also more used to the stereotypical "beach bum" look as well. Looked and acted like a pretty normal person I might run into in Ocean Beach, in fact. Well, for certain definitions of "normal". I do have to say that he basically nailed that persona, so there is that.

I agree that the absence of an immediate and obvious "big bad" was a slight negative, but honestly if you go back and watch the early episodes of Daredevil, he's basically beating up random street thugs and gang members for most of the early episodes. IIRC, it's a good 4-5 episodes in before you ever even see the Kingpin. Whereas the fact that daddy Meachum is still alive shows up in episode 1 (or was it 2?), and his connection to the Hand is hinted at in episode 2, and clearly stated by episode 3. If anything, I've felt more of a sense of solid plot direction in this series than I've felt in other Netflix Marvel shows. I honestly felt that Luke Cage was far far worse in terms of meandering plot. Jessica Jones featured a bad guy that she was terrified of, and thus spent more time focusing on that fear as her enemy than the actual bad guy (which wasn't "bad", but made for a very dark and somewhat tangential story line). So far (and again, this is only 3 episodes in), things have progressed pretty much in a straight line in Iron Fist. The reveals have come at a comfortable pace IMO. And character development is... well... developing.

Not sure why the show got panned so badly. It's not perfect, but I'd say it's about on par with the other Marvel TV shows Netflix has put out there.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#1029 Mar 21 2017 at 9:18 PM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
Flash: Music Meister was a disappointment. Just absorbed everyone's powers, and put people in comas to syphon their powers. No real mind control, nothing music related at all. The only reason it was a musical was because it was in Barry/Kara's minds.

Mon El x Iris was kind of obvious.

And Stein x Joe... kind of a laugh. (You got a problem with that? No, I like musicals...)

I didn't care for the way the songs were done. Related to the lack of mind control forcing them to sing vs them just deciding to sign. And I cannot say I enjoyed any particular song. Barry/Kara's Superfriends song had a couple funny spots. I didn't care for Stein/Joe/Captain Jack's song.
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#1030 Mar 22 2017 at 8:11 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
I'm not saying Iron Fist is a bad show. On it's own in a vacuum it's okay. But when you combine that it's an MCU show and that it's about a martial artist then the quality feels wanting. Lofty expectations, I guess. I'm ten episodes in, and without giving too much away, the Meachums just never really feel villainous. They're all certainly manipulative but they're basically just business people, with slightly elevated comic book morality. Ward and Harold both get a bit more interesting as the show progresses, but Joy just remains the same. The Hand are barely a presence, and while they and Madame Gao are "doing bad things," they're just not really antagonistic. Everyone is so busy being duplicitous (triplicitous even, just to invent a word to mean "more than duplicitous") that they forget to actually do anything. Really, it's Danny that's going out of the way to find trouble in this case. Colleen is the highlight of action scenes, and Ward's story arc is probably the best of the show, but the overarching storyline never seems to congeal.

If anything I'd say Iron Fist is just setup for Defenders, or a second season.
TirithRR wrote:
The only reason it was a musical was because it was in Barry/Kara's minds.
lolgaxe wrote:
Yeah, almost guaranteed I'm not going to enjoy that tonight.
Sometimes being right is a curse. That wasn't Music Meister. At all. I refuse it. His powers had nothing to do with music, it was just a coincidence he was in a musical setting. Literally zero. That was ... that was Control Freak from the Teen Titans cartoons with some Parasite thrown in.

Why the Home For Infinite Losers was Control Freak even dimension jumping, and how did he have intimate knowledge of both worlds? Looks like Darwin is no longer the least accurate character. Joe x Stein scene was amusing, yes, and I actually liked their song and the BarryKara duet, but beyond that I found myself yelling "No" at the TV every time they said "Music Meister." He wasn't. Now I have to rewatch Brave and the Bold to get the bad taste out of my ears.
Next week's Supergirl is directed by Kevin Smith, who at the very least you can say he's nerd enough to stick to source material.

Legends of Tomorrow stayed pretty close to the source material ... of Lord of the Rings.

Trailer for Netflix's Death Note looks interesting enough. At least this time the complaints about the casting are legitimate. Still, liked the trailer.

Edited, Mar 22nd 2017 1:11pm by lolgaxe
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#1031 Mar 22 2017 at 9:24 PM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
Legion: Silent film setup was great. And Oliver conducting Ravel's Bolero was a nice touch. It was almost as if Oliver was summoning David. And I don't think that was a coincidence. Once David awoke in the "real" world, Oliver vanished. Yet he returned afterward in Summerland.

The Eye got trash compacted. Quite the gruesome way to go. And when he was placed back in his body with time still frozen, it wasn't until after time was moving again that the compacting effects happened.

Edit: Oh, and can't forget about the Shadow King vs Xavier classroom.

There's something going on here. Everyone seemed to know the name Farouk. Carey knew it, Syd knew it, etc. So either he was a famous telepathic mutant in this world, or they knew him someway else... (like, being part of David. And innately knowing this stuff, if not actually knowing why/how). Shadow King is looking for "It" from David. Something David hid, even as a child. I am thinking he was looking for the memories David had of his real Father. Which is why Shadow King was poking around with Amy and the memories around the time David was dropped off at her home. The globes and maps and control room type setup, just symbolism for Shadow King's attempts to navigate David's Mind/Memories.

And there is still the unanswered question of what it was that Shadow King did with David as a child, and the WABitW, Cutting off the mother's head, burning the city to the ground. I don't think those were just stories. But I am starting to think those answers won't be in season 1.

There was so much imagery in the first few episodes at the hospital and summerland that made the reality of those situations questionable. I can't accept them being a "real world" situation.

One episode left. I know I'm going to be disappointed next Wednesday. Not because of the finale itself (which, I'm sure is going to be as good a finale as you could expect). But more just because it's over.

And, I'll leave this here. Song from the episode. Kind of spoilery, I guess, cause it seemed better to know it wasn't coming:

Ravel's Bolero.

Edited, Mar 22nd 2017 11:58pm by TirithRR
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#1032 Mar 23 2017 at 8:09 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
TirithRR wrote:
Legion: Silent film setup was great.
While the music selections have been great every episode, and I do love me some Bolera (seriously, every episode had some kind of musical sequence) it's Aubrey's performance that's really knocking the show out of the park for me. Her and whoever is doing wardrobe for her, especially this episode. Something about her body language and facial expressions sells psychopath. That whole nightmare realm was great.

I think David creating "Rational David" while trapped is pretty significant. He created a personification of his personality without a second thought to help him out of a bind. Again knocks into the theory it's all in his head. As Lenny became more and more powerful David started to subconsciously create people, like the Summerland people to combat her. I think Oliver coming "back to life" looking basically unaged and The Eye getting squished "in real life" kind of supports it as well. Also, I'm thinking it was less stopped time and more at the speed of thought.

The "drooling guy was actually dying the whole time" was a nice touch. Also "The guy we're not supposed to realize is Xavier"'s X Wheelchair briefly showing up.

In some great news, Michael Pena confirmed he'll be reprising his role as Juan Punch Man Luis in the upcoming Ant-Man and the Wasp. Those narration scenes were some of the best in the first movie, so his return is welcome.

Apparently Sony hasn't learned a damn thing, as yet another spin-off has been announced hot after the Venom announcement. This time a female-led story starring Black Cat and Sable. They could, you know, wait a movie or two to see if anyone is going to bother seeing them first before trying to branch out, yes? Yes? No, of course not.

Paramount Pictures is jumping on the R rated capes bandwagon with Garth Ennis, Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti's The Pro. It's a parody story of a prostitute who is granted superpowers, and must juggle her day job, her night job, being a parent, and learning to use her new abilities responsibly. If the premise sounds juvenile ... well, it is. This was the guy who wrote Preacher's excuse to be silly. She's blowing a Superman expy who ends up knocking a plane out of the sky. I guess considering R Rated Capes are 2 for 2 so far it's a good idea to jump in early, but it's a small sample size so you can't exactly say they're successful because of the rating.

Justice League to premiere a trailer Saturday, and here's a trailer for the trailer.
Also the movie has a webpage that I haven't delved into. I'm still not fond of Flash's tacticool uniform and Zack Snyder in general. I delved. Took a moment to convert from mp4 to gif to show my genius.

And almost instantly, a second trailer to the trailer. Because you can't have a DC movie without Batman being the focus.

Edited, Mar 23rd 2017 3:27pm by lolgaxe
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#1033 Mar 23 2017 at 4:57 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
I think David creating "Rational David" while trapped is pretty significant. He created a personification of his personality without a second thought to help him out of a bind. Again knocks into the theory it's all in his head. As Lenny became more and more powerful David started to subconsciously create people, like the Summerland people to combat her. I think Oliver coming "back to life" looking basically unaged and The Eye getting squished "in real life" kind of supports it as well. Also, I'm thinking it was less stopped time and more at the speed of thought.

Eh. Or he really is a powerful mutant with a combination of telepathic and telekinetic abilities that allow for the kinds of effects in the "real world" that we've seen. The Shadow king is possessing him and trying to take control of those powers so he can once again live in the real world. There really is a fight between mutants and some evil government types. Oliver really was in some kind of suspended animation (got lost in his mind on the astral plane, so Melanie froze his body to keep him from dying). Which explains his interactions to date, and why he hasn't aged. The Eye being squished in real life is because the Shadow King used David's powers to kill him. We just don't see the effect in the real world until after they leave David's mind. If what was happening happened in a short enough time that the bullets hadn't yet reached David and Syd, it's reasonable that the squishing effect, while already represented in his mind was just starting when they came out, and finished in the first second after that point.

I'll fully admit to my assessment being somewhat biased because I'd honestly prefer that to be the case than "it's all in his mind". But so far I have not seen anything that's happened in the "real world" that could not be explained by David's mutant powers and mental manipulation by the Shadow King. But hey. You never really know right?

The "drooling guy was actually dying the whole time" was a nice touch. Also "The guy we're not supposed to realize is Xavier"'s X Wheelchair briefly showing up.

Yeah. That was a great touch.

Edited, Mar 23rd 2017 4:03pm by gbaji
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#1034 Mar 23 2017 at 5:24 PM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
it's Aubrey's performance that's really knocking the show out of the park for me. Her and whoever is doing wardrobe for her, especially this episode.

Ya, she's probably my favorite character. Hope she and her outfitters win something for it.

lolgaxe wrote:
Also, I'm thinking it was less stopped time and more at the speed of thought.

Agree'd I just found it easier to write it the other way. Though, one thing I couldn't explain: Due to the whole "we are moving so much faster" the forces involved were all messed up. They couldn't move people, trying to stop a bullet causes sparks, etc. But Dr. Carey was able to move the anti-SK headband without issue.

lolgaxe wrote:
The "drooling guy was actually dying the whole time" was a nice touch.

But only for this version of Clockworks. Episode 1 drooling guy was not the same as Episode 6+7 drooling guy. And we already knew that Clockworks 2.0 drooling guy was Rudy, and that Rudy had been attacked by The Eye (who was then using Rudy as the disguise to get closer to David). Melanie saying something to the dying Rudy in the side closet of the "real" word is the only thing that really changed. And what ever she said allowed him to gather enough strength to mount the attack on Shadow King to save Syd and Female Carey.

gbaji wrote:
I'll fully admit to my assessment being somewhat biased because I'd honestly prefer that to be the case than "it's all in his mind". But so far I have not seen anything that's happened in the "real world" that could not be explained by David's mutant powers and mental manipulation by the Shadow King. But hey. You never really know right?

Episode 8 preview had some hint toward a connection between David and Oliver. I believe Oliver is part of David (already). That Oliver's Bolero event was key to bringing David out of his trap. And that Rational David appearing is directly related to what Oliver was doing outside. The events in the Classroom and the Breakout, and Oliver's Bolero performance were occurring simultaneously.
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#1035 Mar 23 2017 at 6:15 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
TirithRR wrote:
gbaji wrote:
I'll fully admit to my assessment being somewhat biased because I'd honestly prefer that to be the case than "it's all in his mind". But so far I have not seen anything that's happened in the "real world" that could not be explained by David's mutant powers and mental manipulation by the Shadow King. But hey. You never really know right?

Episode 8 preview had some hint toward a connection between David and Oliver. I believe Oliver is part of David (already). That Oliver's Bolero event was key to bringing David out of his trap. And that Rational David appearing is directly related to what Oliver was doing outside. The events in the Classroom and the Breakout, and Oliver's Bolero performance were occurring simultaneously.

Sure. None of that precludes Oliver having some mental abilities of his own, which resulted in him drifting off and getting lost in the astral plane years ago, only to be contacted by David (as seen a couple episodes ago), which led to him being aware of the conflict in David's mind, which led to him heading into his mind to help out when they were all trapped there. I saw the whole Bolero thing as his (overly dramatic of course), use of his mental abilities to help David break away from the Shadow King's control. Which is exactly what happened. When the Shadow King became aware of this and popped into the room to stop him, he basically "banished" Oliver from David's mind, the shock of which actually woke Oliver up in the real world and caused him to come out of his stasis. Heck. It's entirely possible that the Shadow King realized that he had to wake up Oliver to prevent him from remaining in the astral plane, and thus interacting with David's mind. Who knows? We don't know enough about Oliver and his powers to know. It could be that he can only roam around mentally while asleep. And if he found the astral plane more interesting than the real world, he may just have decided to stay there (again, backstory we don't really know yet).

I don't think Oliver is part of David at all. I think they have a connection because they're both telepathic, but that's about it.

Again though, I'm basing this on the comic character, in which he was real and was really possessed by the Shadow King. And while he did have the ability to pull people into his mind, they always came in two varieties. People he'd killed (accidentally) and he imprinted their personality into his own mind such that they operated semi-separately, and people who were very much alive, but he pulled them in for some reason (exactly like what happened at the hospital).

IIRC (and it's been years and years since I read the stories), the only actual created characters were representations of his own fractured mind and powers. One controlled his fire abilities. One controlled his telekinesis, I think? And I think the imprint of the one terrorist guy he killed controlled his telepathy (and was actually trying to repair David's mind as it turned out). So yeah, I suppose Oliver could be such a construct, but I'm at a kind of in for a penny in for a pound situation. If Oliver isn't "real", then none of them are. Because Melanie and the rest certainly know about Oliver from the past, well before they ever met David, and he's been in suspended animation the whole time. I suppose the whole thing could be a literal head fake, but again, I'd find that incredibly unsatisfying.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#1036 Mar 24 2017 at 7:34 AM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
My cable box recorded an episode of Powerless last night. Or so I thought.

Pressed play when I woke up before work, and it was actually "Trial and Error". Which I'll admit I enjoyed more than Powerless. Mostly due to John Lithgow. Not sure exactly how this series will work, because it's about a man accused of murdering his wife, and his grossly inept defense team. You'd think eventually this trial would end, and then of course the series.
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#1037 Mar 24 2017 at 7:53 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
gbaji wrote:
One controlled his fire abilities. One controlled his telekinesis, I think? And I think the imprint of the one terrorist guy he killed controlled his telepathy (and was actually trying to repair David's mind as it turned out).
Right, originally, but then his mind further splintered because COMIC BOOKS and he's (currently, as of 2013's "X-Men: Legacy at least) got an infinite number of, let's call them "power personalities," ranging from psychic claws similar to Psylocke's sword to full on omnipresence reality warping like the Beyonder. They're, you know, literally legion. So far he's only demonstrated the original three powers, but we haven't seen the associated personalities. The Summerlanders could remember Oliver from the past if that's what David's subconscious decided their memory should be. To make a "more complete narrative" for his mind to accept as reality while it's fighting for control. Like the Matrix. But like you said "You never really know," and I kind of doubt next week's season finale is going to truly answer anything.

Which, speaking of source, it is kind of weird now that I think about it how "real" David has a mostly American accent while the "fake" Rational David we were just introduced to is the one with the Scot/Brit accent his character normally has.
TirithRR wrote:
You'd think eventually this trial would end, and then of course the series.
Couple of good jokes, but nothing that'd really convince me to go out of my way to watch. Maybe stay tuned when it's on accidentally or I cleared out my DVR of all the other shows and had it left. I'm starting to believe that just maybe I'm not a sitcom kind of guy. Not sure why Powerless wasn't on. It looks like it was a last minute decision, since apparently everyone's DVRs recorded it meaning the providers weren't informed of the change.

While I haven't seen it, from everything said and reported Assassin's Creed was a below average to huge disappointment of a movie, which means it's perfect for a television series. Ymar Azaiza, during an AMA on Reddit, revealed that Ubisoft is still interested in producing a TV series set in the universe of Assassins and Templars. "We will take our time to get sure we deliver something we can be proud of." Back in 2016 Ymar revealed that they were negotiating with Netflix for a new series.

Aaaand now another trailer for the trailer of Justice League, featuring Robo-Flash. The footage itself looks pretty exciting, but ... hell cards on the table I just hate the costume with the force of a million exploding suns. It's like a reminder of the dark ages of comics in the 90s where everyone had power armor of some sort. And pouches. So many pouches.

And one for Wonder Woman. I wonder if Henry Cavill is upset over his being shoved to the side of the franchise he launched and for all intense porpoises should be the main character of. Should be another two of these trailer trailers before tomorrow's trailer, which will probably just be all these mini trailers combined to form Ultra Mega Megaman. Anyway, Diana's trailer is pretty average. Batman, Aquaman and Flash's are all better so far.

Now Cyborg. Poor guy. First he lost his movie, and now he's stuck with the least interesting trailer trailer of the bunch. Of course, we still have one more to look forward to, and the actual trailer tomorrow.

Two posters for Spider-Man: Homecoming, one for the US and another for the UK. While I think the US one better captures Parker's character better (as a kid) personally I like the UK one better since he's sticking to Avengers Tower in that one. Still not a huge fan of the weird blue "stripes" that break up the costumes red sections, but I guess it could be worse. Could be powered armor.

Extended TV spot for Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol 2. Much better than the previous trailers. Though "Wham Bam Thank You Ma'am" just doesn't have nearly the impact of "OOGA CHAKA."

Edited, Mar 24th 2017 4:08pm by lolgaxe
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#1038 Mar 24 2017 at 3:51 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
gbaji wrote:
One controlled his fire abilities. One controlled his telekinesis, I think? And I think the imprint of the one terrorist guy he killed controlled his telepathy (and was actually trying to repair David's mind as it turned out).
Right, originally, but then his mind further splintered because COMIC BOOKS and he's (currently, as of 2013's "X-Men: Legacy at least) got an infinite number of, let's call them "power personalities," ranging from psychic claws similar to Psylocke's sword to full on omnipresence reality warping like the Beyonder. They're, you know, literally legion. So far he's only demonstrated the original three powers, but we haven't seen the associated personalities. The Summerlanders could remember Oliver from the past if that's what David's subconscious decided their memory should be. To make a "more complete narrative" for his mind to accept as reality while it's fighting for control. Like the Matrix. But like you said "You never really know," and I kind of doubt next week's season finale is going to truly answer anything.

Oh yeah. I'm not sold on anything at this moment. It's entirely possible that this is kinda like the Beirut situation in his mind in the original comic story. Where there was an entire war going on, which he thought was real, but was just inside his head. The conflict between the mutants and the government folks could be this show's take on that conflict, just set differently (and they probably don't want to go with the terrorist angle that was in the original story, for a few different reasons). I'm still holding out hope that at least some of the characters in the show exist as more than just figments of his imagination, but you never know.

I do agree that we'll probably have as many new questions as answers after next weeks finale. Probably more. Judging just from the teaser, I suspect we'll be left in some form of cliffhanger with nothing resolved. Hard to know for sure though. The show does seem to use a variable plot speed methodology. It'll crawl at a snails pace, then suddenly "zip bam boom!", bunch of stuff happens. It actually works well since they do a great job building up suspense and mystery and "WTF is going on?", then give you whiplash with the action/resolution stuff. Leaving you still kinda wondering what really just happened.

I'm definitely liking it though. Whatever the heck is going on.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#1039 Mar 25 2017 at 9:22 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
Justice League trailer. Looks awesome. I mean, really. Except the music choice. I get the choice, the words match the theme of the movie, but the trailer is pretty heavy on the action and the song just ... isn't. It's a minor nitpick, and if it weren't for the last two movies I'd be far more excited about seeing this one. After all, their trailers looked amazing as well.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#1040 Mar 25 2017 at 3:35 PM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
Ok, at first I thought it was this song:

But then either it changed, or the song was a cover that made it sound the same in the beginning? Not sure.
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#1041 Mar 27 2017 at 7:42 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
Something else about Iron Fist in general, and the Netflix shows overall. There seems to be three "evil" factions. One with super elite undead ninjas that fight Daredevil and Stick, Gao's faction that pushes drugs, and now Bokuto's faction seems to be the Foot. Getting kids into a ninja army. The whole time I expected someone to offer Danny some cigarettes (Regular or menthol ).90s Ninja Turtle movie, if you're lost. Anyway, it takes about ten episodes before they finally reveal that all the bluster and awkwardness is from Danny's inexperience and that he doesn't even really want the job and not just a subpar script. Which is a good twist for a movie, not so much after ten hours to finally get there. If the tenth episode were the third or fourth episode the series as a whole would probably be much better paced. Obviously you'd also have to change some other things around. Ward and Harold Meachum certainly have grown on me.

Aww, Samurai Jack made a friend. And promptly went on a loli murder spree. Metal. I'm guessing one Akuloli will survive and be adopted by Jack.

New video leak for Avengers: Infinity War, showing Vision either awkwardly escaping or being thrown in the air by someone with what looks like a staff. Apparently the rumor is that it'll be the Black Order, a group of super powered generals for Thanos' army. So if true, I'd venture to guess either Proxima or Corvus. Whoever they are, their goal is pretty easy to guess. To try and take over the world, Pinky! take the Soul Gem stuck to Vision's noggin.

Also new, a flick featuring Batman and Harley Quinn. Just a picture so far, with the art style from the last season of the old 90s animated series. Complete with the harlequin Harley Quinn costume. Hopefully this version brings back Arleen Sorkin's delicious 30s gangster moll thick Long Island accent.

Reports speculate that the Venom movie will start filming this Fall, which makes sense considering the movie is set to release October 2018. The site, My Entertainment World, also states that it'll be a "Action/Horror/Sci Fi" movie. Which would be neat if it weren't also speculated that unlike Spider-Man it won't be a part of the MCU at all. How that's going to be a "spin-off" is anyone's guess.

CinemaCon is taking place in Las Vegas and things kick off tonight with Sony Pictures' presentation, which means there could be a new trailer for Spider-Man: Homecoming tonight. Looks like Sony confirmed there will be a new trailer coming some time tomorrow. To celebrate, they released a six second teaser for it. God do I hate this trailer for a trailer nonsense ... but here it is. Has a neat Spider-Drone thing, which I guess takes the place of the old Spider-Tracers he's known to use in the books constantly?

More from the world of Homecoming, Michael Keaton recently did an interview with USA Today about his character, Adrian Toomes / The Vulture. According to him the old man is less a tech engineer and more involved with the salvage efforts dealing with the incident with the Chitauri and Avengers 1. Toomes is less than thrilled when a government-backed company, owned by Tony Stark, takes over his contract (after some sort of accident). According to Keaton, Toomes feels like a victim. "Some people see themselves as victims - he sees himself a little bit like that. He probably would have a strong argument that he never got a fair shot - a lot of ‘Why not me? Where’s mine?’" Director John Watts adds that it was fun to pick over past Marvel films for the tech that Vulture, The Tinkerer and Shocker would be using in Homecoming, calling it, "Neat junk from all the other movies. [...] It’s a really great starting point for the villains to have the Vulture picking over the stuff and finding the valuable exotic elements and having the Tinkerer assemble into something that could be used."

Some movie posters. First, individual character posters for Justice League. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Next up we have the Inhumans IMAX/ABC poster.

More time to comment on that Justice League trailer.
TirithRR wrote:
Ok, at first I thought it was this song
Yeah, it was and then mixed into Come Together by The Beatles. I imagine the Beatles were in part to draw in the Guardians of the Galaxy crowd with some Dadpop, which is such a bad idea since the music in Guardians was actually part of the story and it just doesn't have the same appeal in other movies.

I'm just wondering why not even a flicker of a red cape? We know Supes is going to be there. They've already done a bunch of promotional images for him with Cavill. I'm all for keeping plot out of a trailer, but generally it should be things we don't already know are going to be there. It's not going to be a surprise that the boyscout is going to be there, the only question is when and how. I think making Aquaman a bro is going to work out, but giving the one-liners to Batman not so much.

Edited, Mar 27th 2017 1:31pm by lolgaxe
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#1042 Mar 27 2017 at 4:03 PM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
Aww, Samurai Jack made a friend. And promptly went on a loli murder spree. Metal. I'm guessing one Akuloli will survive and be adopted by Jack.

It will be Ashi (sp?). The runt of the litter, and the last one to be knocked off the cliff before Jack himself fell. I think she was the only one not wounded before falling. They set it up for her to be the one with an inkling of morals.

My suspicion is she will come to understand that the Daughters of Aku lied to her. As she sees more of the world, and of Jack.

Though, the preview for the next episode seemed to be Jack stuck in what I assume is the insides of a giant creature. Maybe something big lived at the base of the cliff?

Edited, Mar 27th 2017 6:07pm by TirithRR
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#1043 Mar 27 2017 at 5:34 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
Something else about Iron Fist in general, and the Netflix shows overall. There seems to be three "evil" factions. One with super elite undead ninjas that fight Daredevil and Stick, Gao's faction that pushes drugs, and now Bokuto's faction seems to be the Foot. Getting kids into a ninja army. The whole time I expected someone to offer Danny some cigarettes (Regular or menthol ).90s Ninja Turtle movie, if you're lost. Anyway, it takes about ten episodes before they finally reveal that all the bluster and awkwardness is from Danny's inexperience and that he doesn't even really want the job and not just a subpar script. Which is a good twist for a movie, not so much after ten hours to finally get there. If the tenth episode were the third or fourth episode the series as a whole would probably be much better paced. Obviously you'd also have to change some other things around. Ward and Harold Meachum certainly have grown on me.

I think I'm 9 episodes in (honestly lost count). Just escaped from the Hand compound and had the whole "how could you?" "You don't understand" bit between Danny and Colleen. I am getting the whole "this is less a story in itself as a lead in to Defenders" vibe, as you mentioned earlier. Again though, I got that same sort of vibe will all of them so far (except maybe the first season of DD). Jessica Jones more or less existed solely to introduce Luke Cage and tie him into DD via the lawyer and the nurse characters. And Luke Cage itself was more just an introduction to the character, with a pretty clear set up for Iron Fist. So yeah, I'm not surprised by that aspect of it.

I'm speculating here, but I suspect that Danny's lack of really wanting to fulfill the assumed duties and responsibilities of the Iron Fist is actually the whole point. It's still a bit early to tell, but the impression I get is that the monks hanging out in their own closed off city, avoiding all contact with the outside world, and in fact somewhat violently "defending" it from outsiders has effectively removed them from the conflict for centuries. The Hand doesn't need to beat them. They've already retreated and made themselves a non-issue. I suspect Danny was chosen to receive the Iron Fist precisely so he would head back into the world and fight the Hand. Anyone else would have dutifully stood at the gates and defended it from an attack that the other guys have no reason to make.

I have a feeling that the whole "your flaws are what make you the exact right person to bear the Fist" is going to be a bit of the theme, and presumably lead into his presumed decision to stay in the outside world at the end of the season (and join/form the Defenders perhaps?). While I suppose the whole journey of self discovery may be a bit boring for most, I'm actually finding it quite interesting. Because even as unsure of his role as he is, he's still chock full of bias and assumptions, presumably repeated in a vacuum for centuries by folks who don't actually know what the heck is going on in the world outside. He questions his teachings and how they fit into the reality of that world, but that's the point. He can at least question them. The others would not. And thus would fail.

Well, that's my guess anyway. Dunno. I am actually enjoying the series quite a bit. I did doze off once (I tend to watch them late at night, and sometimes my "I'm really sleepy" timing isn't quite synced with the episodes start and stop times). But far far less than any of the other Marvel Netflix series so far. Not sure if that's the most scientific way of measuring things, but for whatever reason I'm finding myself more interested in whatever new thing is happening in this show, where there were whole sections of each of the others where it felt like the same drum being beat over and over.

Oh yeah. I'm not sure how the whole "multiple hands" thing will shake out. But again, it's at least interesting to watch. To be honest, they were always presented in this almost cardboard cutout manner previously, so it's refreshing to have at least *some* character to them and their organization.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#1044 Mar 28 2017 at 7:47 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
gbaji wrote:
I got that same sort of vibe will all of them so far (except maybe the first season of DD).
Slightly maybe, except Luke Cage, but they were all pretty self enclosed stories, they could all be watched without really watching other characters' shows. Even Daredevil's first season didn't hinge on introducing the second season. Gao and the Hand were both introduced, but they felt more like filler than actual future plot points. Even in the second season the Hand's story was pretty much complete while leaving a cliffhanger. Iron Fist just feels like the whole show is one big cliffhanger. Maybe the last two episodes wrap it up better, I still need to watch those. Just having a hard time bringing myself to do so. Probably tonight, after finishing my daily dvr list and starting my Wednesday Reading List.

True to their word, Sony released the next Spider-Man: Homecoming trailer, and true to being a trailer it's both exciting and makes one want to see the movie. Of course, much like Justice League the movie does have some negative association baggage with Sony's past attempts at Spider-Man making it slightly more difficult to want to see it unquestioningly. But they did ask the MCU for help, which is always a good step, and Tom Holland was good in Captain America: Civil War so two pros one really big con scenario. Also it's Spider-Man and I'm stupid for that. Anyway, lots of new footage, including an almost exact copy of the Train scene from Spider-Man 2. No doubt they'll also have a "New Yorkers Help Spider-Man" scene as well.

Director Watts confirms that the Tony Stark-owned clean-up crew that butts heads with Michael Keaton's Adrian Toomes is indeed Damage Control, a group started by Tony Stark and the Kingpin to clean up collateral damage during cape fights in the greater NYC area. A while ago there was actually talk about an ABC spin-off featuring them, which I guess this is why the talk fell through. Watts also reveals that there will be plenty of Easter Eggs to look out for, as well as a post-credits scene.

Also during CinemaCon some Dark Tower footage was shown, but unlike Spider-Man that wasn't released into the wild as a trailer or a leak or anything. Yet.

Edited, Mar 28th 2017 2:16pm by lolgaxe
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#1045 Mar 28 2017 at 8:08 AM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
Also during CinemaCon some Dark Tower footage was shown, but unlike Spider-Man that wasn't released into the wild as a trailer or a leak or anything. Yet.

It had been awfully quiet in the media about Dark Tower, or The Stand movies. And I'm not one to really care about White-Washing, (or what's the inverse... Black-Facing?), I like both actors. But I really am curious how they'll handle the race interactions between key characters when it's removed from the character. Would they make Odetta's interactions with Roland minimal in that aspect, and focus instead of her and Eddie, keeping the same race relations in the character development. Or just make her an angry bitch in general, no reason other than mental illness.

I guess overall I'm not too optimistic about the movie. Not due to the race change, but just do to how huge the source material is, and how incomplete any movie adaptation would inevitably be, and unlikely that they'd adapt many of the more interesting scenes to the big screen properly. But my mother was really excited about a possible "The Stand" movie. She loves that older mini series / movie. Though she wasn't too keen on Matthew McConaughey playing Flagg. But if the Stand did happen in the same generation as Dark Tower, they really should cast the same actor.

Edited, Mar 28th 2017 10:24am by TirithRR
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#1046 Mar 28 2017 at 2:23 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
gbaji wrote:
I got that same sort of vibe will all of them so far (except maybe the first season of DD).
Slightly maybe, except Luke Cage, but they were all pretty self enclosed stories, they could all be watched without really watching other characters' shows. Even Daredevil's first season didn't hinge on introducing the second season. Gao and the Hand were both introduced, but they felt more like filler than actual future plot points. Even in the second season the Hand's story was pretty much complete while leaving a cliffhanger. Iron Fist just feels like the whole show is one big cliffhanger. Maybe the last two episodes wrap it up better, I still need to watch those. Just having a hard time bringing myself to do so. Probably tonight, after finishing my daily dvr list and starting my Wednesday Reading List.

Ok. So apparently, I was finished with episode 11, not episode 9 (never said I could count). Finished watching the last two episodes. Er... Yeah. Big Cliffhanger.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#1047 Mar 29 2017 at 10:11 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
Some casting confirmation for Black Panther. Danai Gurira will be playing a Dora Milaje member, Okoye, while Lupita Nyong'o is Nakia, who starts out as a fellow bodyguard of T'Challa's but eventually turns against him and joins forces with Killmonger. Forest Whitaker has also been confirmed as one of T'Chaka's old friends, Zuri. Letitia Wright will play Shuri, T'Challa's half-sister. Shuri also took up the mantle of Black Panther in the comics for a while.

Also there's a rumor that Gwyneth Paltrow might reprise her Pepper Potts role in Spider-Man: Homecoming. That'd be interesting, maybe a triangle between her Stark and hot Aunt May Marisa Tomei.

Stephen King's It reboot has a trailer. Hope you like clowns. Because it's some freaky stuff if you don't.

Edited, Mar 29th 2017 1:46pm by lolgaxe
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#1048 Mar 30 2017 at 5:58 AM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
Legion: Zero answers given. But, in my opinion at least, more evidence toward the entire thing being in his head. SK's romp through the team, while retaining much of his borrowed mutant powers, seems to suggest that since SK would have more control of the "whole David" he would be able to retain and use those powers even while entering other personalities.

So now Oliver-SK is out and about. With Oliver potentially being one of David's more powerful personalities.

Overall I must say I was underwhelmed by the finale in comparison to the rest of the season, and definitely the last few episodes. I found myself asleep (admittedly long day at work prior) between the 20 and 35 minute mark, and had to rewind and watch it all again.
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#1049 Mar 30 2017 at 7:21 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
TirithRR wrote:
Legion: Zero answers given.
Ha, David Voltron'd the guards. We still have no idea who exactly set the people on fire at the pool and how Syd knew it would happen. Why is the world an amalgamation of modern and the '60s, and not just Oliver? What is up with David's stepdad, why can't he remember him, and what's with the Worlds Angriest Boy In The World? What is and isn't real? Was that Lenny at the hospital at the beginning of the show or was it Benny and she just overwrote everyone's memories to believe she was there in his place? Will we survive waiting for season 2? That whole speech about how schizophrenia makes you believe you don't have it certainly didn't help. Not only that, but now we've got another question: Is Oliver being controlled or is he working with the Shadow King? When they showed Lenny and Oliver driving away he seemed awfully in control of himself. Yeah, okay, that weird ball thing too, but I figure that's the "Equinox" Division 3 General dude was talking about earlier in the episode.

Josh Boone, director of the New Mutants spin-off instagramed a picture of scene scouting, which indicates the movie might have a scene or two in Boston.

Also, barely any information beyond a headline, but a rumor of a rumor says that Josh Whedon is in talks to write, produce, and direct a Batgirl movie. Can't even find a director for The Flash and WB is already expanding on the freakin' Batfamily. Also, considering this weekend is April 1st I'm being far more skeptical of this than my usual not believing anything.

Speaking of rumored directors, Jordon Peele is also rumored to be in talks to direct the live action Akira movie. Get Out was such a surprisingly good horror movie, considering Peele is best known as a comedian so I think he could do it if he were given a script and capable actors and a genre that wasn't anime related at all. At the very least it's been a while since there's been a decent Cronenberg movie.

At least Agents of SHIELD and iZombie return next Tuesday.

Edited, Mar 30th 2017 1:06pm by lolgaxe
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#1050 Mar 30 2017 at 5:03 PM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
Legion Stuffs Yeah, okay, that weird ball thing too, but I figure that's the "Equinox" Division 3 General dude was talking about earlier in the episode.

That was out there, even for this show.
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#1051 Mar 31 2017 at 7:44 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
TirithRR wrote:
It had been awfully quiet in the media about Dark Tower, or The Stand movies.
Good news, there was some news. It's been pushed back a week to an August 4th release, to "give The Emoji Movie more time to play in theaters while children are home from school over the summer." Somehow I don't think a Patrick Stewart talking poop is really aimed at my kid.

Finally got around to watching the final two episodes of Iron Fist. It's the kind of ending you make when you know there's another season, or in this case another series, where you can complete the story. Under normal television circumstances I've no problem with that, but somehow for the Netflix MCU it just doesn't do anything good for me. I wasn't fond that Daredevil Season 2 did it either. But the most infuriating thing for me is how they still refuse to acknowledge that Gao is the Crane Mother. Not fooling me, Netflix! Smiley: motz I stand by what I said earlier: By itself I felt it was a good show, but within the confines of the MCU universe it just feels weak. Neither Gao, Bakuto, or Harold ever really feel like real antagonists. Especially Bakuto who at best was a deranged school counselor. For what it's worth, everyone gives a pretty good performance, but Claire does feel out of place. She's had like a month of self defense training and she's holding her own against Hand bodyguards and footsoldiers? Yeah, no.

Opening credits for American Gods on Starz. I imagine this is what acid trips in Vegas looks like.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
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