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#1127 May 22 2017 at 10:55 PM Rating: Decent
Keeper of the Shroud
13,632 posts
I didn't think Snyder's DC movies were that bad.

Anyway, having read American Gods, I could, if you guys want, clear up any confusion the show may be causing you. If you want. I'm not really going to go to the effort if nobody is interested.

Edited, May 23rd 2017 1:09am by Turin
#1128 May 23 2017 at 7:50 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
I feel bad for the guy, but now I feel bad for Whedon as well. If Justice League fails to appeal to the audience he'll get blamed for it and all he's really in charge of is post production at best, but if it succeeds Snyder will get the credit. Me, I think that if the pattern holds (which I have no real reason to believe it won't) it'll be real easy to tell that they both botch up the project in their own ways. One of the reasons Whedon gave for leaving Marvel after Age of Ultron was that the "process was beating him down," and this move really isn't going to help his nerves any. I also have to feel guilty because Catholicism for the longest time I've felt that Snyder should be removed from these movies at any cost and, well, hindsight some costs are too high.
Turin wrote:
Anyway, having read American Gods, I could, if you guys want, clear up any confusion the show may be causing you.
Well, I wouldn't mind finding out if my guesses are accurate or not.

Gotham: A police station full of on duty cops and not one of them managed to shoot Barnes' giant watermelon of a head at ten paces? No wonder Gotham has such a crime problem. I like Michael Chiklis as an actor, but watching him waddle on screen just removes any possible intimidation he may try to portray.

Supergirl: Lena was adopted. Cliffhanger is evil space cult sends baby after Clark. COINCIDENCE?

Yes, I'm purposefully ignoring the ridiculously hamfisted GRRL POWER scenes. I think that's better for all of us.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#1129 May 23 2017 at 8:20 PM Rating: Decent
Keeper of the Shroud
13,632 posts
lolgaxe wrote:

Besides thinking I should bite the bullet and read/listen to the book, I'm also thinking that in American Gods that Shadow isn't a regular human. All these deities are vying for his attention in one way or another. I'm guessing he's the god from the first episode that tormented the vikings before they were rescued, which would explain why Wednesday is all about recruiting him. Wednesday really is a fun character. Not that it made any sense, but the whole Djinn scene I kept singing lines from Never Had a Friend Like Me. The overall moral of the show seems to be never fuck a divine being.

Well, to say that Shadow is special sort of goes without saying, otherwise the story wouldn't be about him. But, you are way off on who he actually is. The rest of this is going to be very spoilery, so if you don't want to know, don't look.

The main theme of the story is the power of belief. Things are the way they are because of people's belief. When it comes to gods, they only exist and have power because of the people that believe in them. Now, this has a couple of consequences. First, things that not necessarily have a religion built around them, like technology end up spawning a physical god. That's who the little **** in the limo that interrogated and tried to kill Shadow is. He's one of the most powerful of the new gods. Secondly, when people stop believing, the physical incarnation of that particular god gets weaker, if nobody believes in them, the god can cease to exist. Third, when people first started coming to the Americas, they didn't bring their gods with them. The physical incarnation of their gods are still back in the old world. When they came to America, their beliefs spawned new versions of their gods, the American Gods. That's what that bit with the vikings was about at the start of the first episode. Now, if you know anything about Norse mythology then it becomes obvious that they vikings were praying to Odin (gouging out their eyes sort of gives that one away) for help.

Now, when Wednesday and Shadow first meet on the airplane and Wednesday introduces himself, he asks himself what day it is. He realizes that it's Wednesday, and says something like, "Oh, it's my day, you can call me Wednesday". Again, if you know a bit about Norse mythology, then it becomes apparent who Wednesday really is. The day of Wednesday is named after the Norse god Wodan (Odin).

Now, this next bit is extra spoilery, you've been warned. Now, the gods in general are sterile, they can't have children. But, every now and again, very rarely, a god can have a child. That's who Shadow is, the child of one of the new American Gods. Not a lot of people know this, but Wednesday does, and he wants to use Shadow's latent power to further his own ends. Wednesday doesn't have a lot of followers left in America, he's very weak at this point and comes up with a scheme to regain his lost power. How he plans to do this is actually a fairly complicated plan to cause something fairly simple to happen. He wants to cause a war between the old weak gods and new strong ones and have it dedicated to him. That's the other important bit to take away from the opening scene with the Vikings. The new American version of Odin only came about when the vikings started battling and killing each other in his name. All of those gods fighting and killing each other in his name would give him a massive infusion of new power.

Anyway, there's ton of stuff I left out, but those are the basics.

Edited, May 23rd 2017 10:26pm by Turin
#1130 May 24 2017 at 8:17 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
Turin wrote:
Anyway, there's ton of stuff I left out, but those are the basics.
Makes sense, especially after the whole speech about multiple Jesuses. Overall good to know. Thanks.

Flash Finale: RIP Wells v 3.0 Remember how Jay took Wally's place in the Speedforce Prison (which is apparently a weapon of mass destruction if there isn't a speedster in it) a few episodes back? Nice of FastDad to just stand back and hide behind everyone when the option came up again, but this time for Barry. About time Barry pay for constantly ruining the timeline. Even if he'll be back first episode next season so it's pretty inconsequential. Caitlyn's Ice can defeat Zombie Flash, so I just picture Eobard punching himself for not getting Snart to do the same when he had the chance.

Deadline reports that Jack Kesy has joined the cast of 20th Century Fox's upcoming Deadpool sequel as a major new villain. No word on exactly which major new villain that would be, but they're speculating that it'll be Black Tom Cassidy, Banshee's cousin and oft times Juggernaut friend and ally. Which if they did bring both Cassidy and Juggernaut in would be spectacular.

Final Spider-Man: Homecoming trailer. True to Sony tradition the trailers have probably given away the whole movie so I'm not even sure what's left. But alas, my childish fanboyicity makes me immune to any attempts to talk myself out of going to the theater to see it. At the very least it can't be worse than Spider-Man 3. My biggest fear is that it's just Iron Man 5 guest starring Peter Parker. The Web Parachute is a nice throw back, though.

Edited, May 24th 2017 12:19pm by lolgaxe
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#1131 May 25 2017 at 8:22 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
Arrow Finale: Everyone but Olli blowed up (like there's any chance Felicity is gone. Can't kill the main character, after all) and the flashbacks are over. Mon-El flew into a wormhole. Flash is in Speedforce Infinity Prison but his show and Legends don't really matter for what I'm predicting, so I'm betting next season is all based on timeskips just to give Arrow more seasons to have flashbacks. As for the episode itself, not so horrible considering the disaster that was Supergirl and Flash's, and past Arrow seasons.

New Mutant's director Josh Boone says that they "are making a full-fledged horror movie set within the X-Men universe. There are no costumes. There are no supervillains. We’re trying to do something very, very different." None of which confirms or denies the possibility of the Demon Bear Saga. Kind of leans towards it, actually. Also revealed that Storm won't be making an appearance after all, and that Rosario Dawson, Claire from every Marvel Netflix show, will be showing up as Dr Cecilia Reyes which pretty much sounds a lot like an Easter Egg in and of itself.

Gina Prince-Bythewood will helm Sony's Silver Sable and Black Cat team up movie, which is being called Silver & Black. She'll also be rewriting Christopher Yost's script for the movie. No other details, including much like Venom why and how are available.

Edited, May 25th 2017 3:00pm by lolgaxe
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#1132 May 28 2017 at 7:46 PM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
American Gods: Opening animated story, a little more hint on the possibility of Shadow being an ancient god. Could have been his origin story.

More fun with Leprechaun.

Leprechaun: She's not dead, She's not dead! ... Oh you're an asshole, Dead Wife.

Mr. World. Quite the character. Some representation of information and globalization? And Gillian Anderson as David Bowie and Marilyn Monroe.

Wonder what this Tree/Wood thing was supposed to be. Wednesday didn't seem to comment on it at all. And looks like they've finally said the name. Wednesday, Woden, Grimnir, and finally Odin. At least, in the context of a weapon that would be used to wipe North Korea off the face of the Earth. Giving rise to a new generation of Odin Worshippers...

Technology Boy is a bit of a douche

I went and saw Alien Covenant. If you liked Prometheus, you'd probably like Covenant. If you didn't like Prometheus... well... you might still like Covenant. I didn't look into the movie much before watching it, but it's pretty much a direct sequel. More Magneto Androids. Overall I don't think there was much action. Movie felt short.

As for trailers, turns out they are making a Transporter-Jr. movie. Baby Driver. Where the Transporter's name is Baby.

Another hot girl kicks as movie with Charlize Theron. Atomic Blonde. Sounds familiar.

Another Kingsman movie. This one has what looked like Channing Tatum playing a "Statesman". I assume that is going to be the US equivalent of the Kingsman and will be your stereotypical wild west cowboy. Or like Sean Connery's character in League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.

More Valerian, I find that lead actress appealing, but can't help but think both her and the lead actor look a bit drugged out.

The next planet of the apes trailer.

Debating whether or not to go see the Pirates movie tomorrow. Stuck in a hotel so I don't have much to do, so it may be worth it.
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#1133 Jun 02 2017 at 7:37 PM Rating: Good
Keeper of the Shroud
13,632 posts
I just got back from seeing Wonder Woman. The story was more or less what I expected. The big villain reveal was only a shock if you're blind, dumb, deaf, stupid, and mildly drunk. There were some decent fight scenes and the characters, while not terribly fleshed out, at least got the job done. Overall, it was entertaining enough that I don't regret seeing. It's one of the better DC movies, though at this point, that's not saying much. There is no after credits scene, so if you plan to see it, save yourself the line at the bathroom and head out as soon as the movie ends, you won't miss anything.
#1134 Jun 02 2017 at 9:55 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Saw Wonder Woman tonight. I liked it and though Gadot did a great job. The villains were the weakest part. Liked the WWI fight scene stuff, the villain fight less so but I don't really have any complaints. For a superhero movie that was playing it straight versus the MCU constant-quippiness, none of it made me roll my eyes and think "this is dumb" which is probably a first for me in a DC flick from 2000 onward.

Valerian and The Mummy had "Behind the scenes" previews as part of the pre-movie stuff
Hitman's Bodyguard looked like it should have been funny but I didn't laugh or really even smile once through the preview
Bladerunner 2049 looked visually interesting but, I hate to say it, Ford is looking geriatric throwing punches these days.
Atomic Blonde better be awesome because I'm totally going to see it
Murder on the Orient Express just made me think of Clue: the Movie. And that Michelle Pfeiffer is playing widows these days.
Geostorm is stupid and maybe I'll stream it someday for brain candy but I sure as hell ain't paying for it.
Transformers: The Last Knight was... they're still making these, huh? I'd go see it but, uh, I haven't seen the last thirty Transformers movies and I'd hate to be lost.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#1135 Jun 04 2017 at 1:02 PM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
Turin wrote:
The big villain reveal was only a shock if you're blind, dumb, deaf, stupid, and mildly drunk.

Curious, what about it gave it away so easily? The character it turns out to be was on screen three times, a whole maybe 4-5 minutes total. And his only interactions were that of the annoyed boss-man who helps once. Very little given to the character to foreshadow that he was actually Ares. Maybe if you interpreted his shock at Diana in the council room originally due to recognition instead of the fact that she was a woman as everyone else was going on about, sure. But I can't seem to think that interpretation should have been obvious at that point in the movie. The only other times he really interacts with the group is when he gives them the green-light at the bar, and then when Mr Spy calls in and talks to the Secretary.

It was pretty obvious it wasn't going to be the original bad guy. Thought for a moment they'd make it Miss Poison, and be like "Haha, Ares was a woman all along." But that never panned out.

I know there are a lot of similarities between the characters of Wonder Woman and Captain America. But the movie itself had a very Captain America feel to it.

No new trailers. At least none of that have not already been discussed. Geostorm was shown, and it hadn't been when I saw the Alien movie last week. Definitely FX fodder there.

Transformers: The Last Knight was... they're still making these, huh? I'd go see it but, uh, I haven't seen the last thirty Transformers movies and I'd hate to be lost.

The seemed to have ditched the token hot girl in favor of a "girl power" kid. That's something new, right? I've liked the transformers movies for what they are (robots blowing **** up). I think I only saw one in the theaters though, rest were on TV.

Edited, Jun 4th 2017 3:43pm by TirithRR
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#1136 Jun 04 2017 at 2:05 PM Rating: Decent
Keeper of the Shroud
13,632 posts
TirithRR wrote:
[quote=Turin]The big villain reveal was only a shock if you're blind, dumb, deaf, stupid, and mildly drunk.

Curious, what about it gave it away so easily? The character it turns out to be was on screen three times, a whole maybe 4-5 minutes total. And his only interactions were that of the annoyed boss-man who helps once. Very little given to the character to foreshadow that he was actually Ares. Maybe if you interpreted his shock at Diana in the council room originally due to recognition instead of the fact that she was a woman as everyone else was going on about, sure. But I can't seem to think that interpretation should have been obvious at that point in the movie. The only other times he really interacts with the group is when he gives them the green-light at the bar, and then when Mr Spy calls in and talks to the Secretary.

It was pretty obvious it wasn't going to be the original bad guy. Thought for a moment they'd make it Miss Poison, and be like "Haha, Ares was a woman all along." But that never panned out.

I know there are a lot of similarities between the characters of Wonder Woman and Captain America. But the movie itself had a very Captain America feel to it.

Because of the law of economy of characters.
#1137 Jun 05 2017 at 4:44 AM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
American Gods: Turns out the tree was Mr. World. And Odin (called Grimnir again) is actually afraid of him. Mr World is the oldest God it seems. He used to be the a god of Nature. Maybe the story told last episode was his.

Odin also wants to avoid Dead Wife.

More Leprechaun and Dead Wife fun. This times that equal you're a cunt. Did you have a Genie in your butthole? This guy isn't actually fully possessed by the Genie. Or if he is, he is not aware of it, somehow.

Mexican Jesus got crucified using Vulcan bullets. I wonder if that happened before or after the bullets were infused with Vulcan himself and cursed by Odin?

The show is out there. Only two episodes left, I suspect zero answers, mostly just character development and setting up the story this season. I always hate these shows with short premiere seasons. Nothing ever actually gets concluded.

Because of the law of economy of characters. lazy writing.

I guess. Still think it wasn't all that obvious, and could have been a couple others instead, and if not them, then literally any random person from the German army and would have almost as much foreshadowing as the person it turned out to be.

Edited, Jun 5th 2017 6:51am by TirithRR
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#1138 Jun 05 2017 at 6:58 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
WW spoiler:I didn't guess who the Big Bad was but I had stepped out to use the restroom in the period right after Diana interrupted the British meeting to right before when they hit the pub to get the band back together. So I think I was at a disadvantage. But I didn't see any reason to assume that the super-gas huffing renegade general with the poison-loving sidekick WASN'T the bad guy until he died and then thought the lesson was going to be that people are shitty without any divine help. Obviously once the British dude was in the tower, I knew but no points for that since he says so about five seconds later.

Edited, Jun 5th 2017 7:59am by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#1139 Jun 05 2017 at 7:28 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
Trying to get back into the swing of things.

The American Gods Must Be Crazy pt 1: There's really no bad characters. Even Zombie Wife has her moments. (That beat down on Leprechaun, and then playing dead in the tub certainly were high points for her) There's definitely some delicious schadenfreude with Leprechaun's quest to get his lucky coin back. World definitely has to represent information, and Anderson represents being awesome.

The American Gods Must Be Crazy pt 2: I think at this point I'm just watching for Leprechaun one liners. I think I annoyed my wife when I started laughing the moment they showed the people standing in front a river. I knew Mexican Jesus was going to show up. After Wednesday's little speech about multiple Jesuseses there was no way they weren't going to capitalize on that. Seems a bit off a God of Fire and Forges dies in a, you know, fire and forge. I'd imagine they'd have some kind of immunity to it. Mr World being a tree makes sense. Tree of Knowledge from the Bible, Yggdrasil, the Acacia Tree of Lusaaset, trees are pretty common in religion.

Deadpool Blooper/Gag Reel. It's exactly what you think it is, so not the most appropriate for work and child friendly enviroments.

Harley Quinn confirmed to appear in the season 3 finale of Gotham. I need to find last Monday's episode.

Finn Jones reportedly confirmed that Iron Fist has gotten a second season. Hopefully it can fix all the problems with the first season.

Silver & Black, the Silver Sable and Black Cat movie is rumored to include Kraven The Hunter, two Spider-Womans, and cameos of various other Spider-Man characters, which I assume is Sony's way of ******** over the MCU and preventing them from being used in the bigger MCU universe. According to the Splash Report, this is in part with Sony planning an Avengers type team up movie that will feature only females from Spidey's deep pool of rogues and allies. Avi Arad is in charge here, the guy that brought Venom into Spider-Man 3 so ... well, my hopes certainly aren't that high.

Sin City is getting a TV reboot, with Glen Mazzara writing and Len Wiseman to direct.

Henry Zaga and Blu Hunt will be joining Maisie Williams and Anya Taylor-Joy in New Mutants as Sunspot and Danielle Moonstar, and rumor has it that Charlie Heaton is in talks to play Cannonball. I'm too old to recognize names anymore and too geek to let it affect me. Blu?

Dan Aykroyd says Paul Feig won't be back to the Ghostbusters franchise due to overspending and not listening to scene suggestions and generally just doing whatever he felt like doing. I'm sure that the movie he did make being a dumpster fire was amongst the reasons as well, but no one wants to say that live.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#1140 Jun 05 2017 at 7:48 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
lolgaxe wrote:
rumor has it that Charlie Heaton is in talks to play Cannonball. I'm too old to recognize names anymore and too geek to let it affect me.

If it makes you feel better, I scanned that as Charlton Heston. Which was a little confusing.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#1141 Jun 05 2017 at 8:02 AM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
Jophiel wrote:
WW spoiler: But I didn't see any reason to assume that the super-gas huffing renegade general with the poison-loving sidekick WASN'T the bad guy until he died and then thought the lesson was going to be that people are shitty without any divine help.

My belief that he wasn't going to be Ares was because of how sure Diana was that it would fix everything, and how they had been focusing pretty heavily on her being generally naive of how the "real world" worked. And Stephen (is that his name?) kept doubting her and doubting the fact that his death would solve anything.

Though, when the real Ares was defeated, all the Germans took off their masks and were young boys waking up from a mind controlled stupor. So in the end Diana was really shown to be correct. But at the time there was no real reason to assume everyone would go back to playing nice if this Ares (who wasn't even 100% certain to be real, in the context of the movie's "real world") was to be defeated. Cause we all know Germans were just assholes.
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#1142 Jun 05 2017 at 9:41 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
WW: Yeah, I didn't necessarily know if the German dude WAS "Ares" or not but I assumed that, if/when he wasn't then the lesson was going to be that there was no Central Bad Guy to pin the conflict on. A learning experience for young Diana and all that. I did not suspect that the lesson would be "Ares is real and he inexplicably had that goofy old-timey British mustache back thousands of years ago when he fought Zeus."

Anyway, she only took Ares out for about twenty years if my sixth grade World History textbook is to be believed which is like a quarter heartbeat in God-Time so, c'mon and step up your Godslaying game, girlfriend!
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#1143 Jun 05 2017 at 4:54 PM Rating: Decent
Keeper of the Shroud
13,632 posts
On the Americans Gods front, until this week I was shocked at how faithful they were being to the book. The episode that showed Shadow and Laura getting together and Shadow going to jail was greatly expanded, but was more or less accurate to the source. Aside from that, it was almost scene for scene out the book. Then we got this pile crap side story with Vulcan. Not only was it written in as filler, it doesn't even make sense in the overall narrative. It felt like they writers had to come up with something to happen after Wednesday healed Shadow, and that was all they could manage. In the book, after they get away, and Shadow gets sorted out, there is a bit of a time jump (the book is broken up into three separate acts, with a bit of time in between each).

Then we get the team up of Laura, Mad Sweenie, and the Arab fellow, who honestly was never mentioned outside of f*cking the Djinn in the book. Granted, what happens to the Leprachan and Dead Wife in the book is more or less glossed over until it's time for them to be relevant again, but I'm not really liking the idea of them hanging out together. Given what happens later on to both of those characters, having them travel together doesn't work out very well, they end up in two completely different parts of the story, hundreds of miles apart.

Anyway, that's more or less all of the ******** I've got in me on the subject for the moment.
#1144 Jun 06 2017 at 8:15 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
Annoying as it can get, you have to expect some variation from the source. I figure as long as it doesn't go off the rails as badly as ... like ... the last Fantastic Four movie then you're ahead of the curve.

I stepped away for a moment during the Gotham finale, and when I got back I was confused as to why William Shakespeare was trying to convince Bruce to kill Alfred. Was kind of amusing how they showed Butch to be Solomon Grundy. Overall the episode was long, chaotic, and ridiculously unfocused with inconsistent pacing but still a better season finale than the CW shows. Although I was lead to believe there'd be a Harley Quinn and either it happened before Shakespeare or it didn't happen at all so that was a little disappointing. Though I guess I could have also dodged a bullet since it'd probably be Waypool Quinn and that version just sucks.

Zari Adrianna Tomaz is coming to Legends of Tomorrow's next season as Isis. According to the report, however, instead of being Black Adam (the guy Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is portraying for the DCEU)'s wife, she'll be a "a Muslim-American woman from the year 2030, who becomes 'grey hat hacktivist' in an attempt to combat 'humanity’s fear, prejudice, and mistreatment of the planet,'" because what better way to hit every token demographic than to bundle them all up in one character. All things considered, I'm wondering if they're just naming her Isis and she's an original character Donut Steele, or if they're actually going to try to pass her off as a variant of the original character. I know I just said some variation is to be expected, but this is approaching that F4 realm.

Edited, Jun 6th 2017 2:18pm by lolgaxe
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#1145 Jun 09 2017 at 9:11 PM Rating: Decent
Keeper of the Shroud
13,632 posts
...and we've got a Black Panther teaser trailer.

#1146 Jun 10 2017 at 1:04 PM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
Adam West has died. 88 years old.

Hope they did make an episode of Powerless with him in it. And hope if it exists they air it.
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#1147 Jun 12 2017 at 7:16 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
TirithRR wrote:
Hope they did make an episode of Powerless with him in it.
There's been a lot of noise on twitter, including from the cast of Powerless themselves, about the episode so it does exist. Hopefully NBC is smart enough to air it now. Even if the show itself was a ratings sinkhole, an Adam West tribute will definitely win viewers. Or at least leak the episode online. I was thinking what Family Guy is going to do. I'm hoping they get Burt Ward to be the new mayor.

Gods: Sweeney is more of a nice guy than he lets on. Nice story about how gods and legends and such move around, though. Probably filler, but I liked it.

Panther: T'Challa with a beard just looks so alien to me. I can usually let things like that go, but for some reason that beard just doesn't stop nagging at me. It's been eating at me since Civil War.

Lucy Liu spotted on the set of Luke Cage 2, and also spotted having coffee with Mike Colter. Actually coffee, not "coffee." Video suggests she might be directing an episode, not so much actually acting in one. Either way, mildly interesting.

Edited, Jun 12th 2017 10:31am by lolgaxe
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#1148 Jun 12 2017 at 5:00 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Turin wrote:
On the Americans Gods front, Then we got this pile crap side story with Vulcan. Not only was it written in as filler, it doesn't even make sense in the overall narrative. It felt like they writers had to come up with something to happen after Wednesday healed Shadow, and that was all they could manage.

The writers couldn't pass up an opportunity to reinforce that angry white folks clinging to their guns and religion are "bad". Seemed quite clear to me. Only thing that surprised me was the absence of someone wearing a Make America Great Again hat or something. I might just have missed it though.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#1149 Jun 12 2017 at 5:00 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Turin wrote:
On the Americans Gods front, Then we got this pile crap side story with Vulcan. Not only was it written in as filler, it doesn't even make sense in the overall narrative. It felt like they writers had to come up with something to happen after Wednesday healed Shadow, and that was all they could manage.

The writers couldn't pass up an opportunity to reinforce that angry white folks clinging to their guns and religion are "bad". Seemed quite clear to me. Only thing that surprised me was the absence of someone wearing a Make America Great Again hat or something. I might just have missed it though.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#1150 Jun 13 2017 at 7:49 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
Shioli Kutsuna in a key role for the upcoming Deadpool sequel. Safe money on either Armor or Jubilee, as she is absolutely adorable.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#1151 Jun 15 2017 at 8:00 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
First Zack Snyder stepped back due to family issues with Joss Whedon taking over directorial duties for Justice League's final touchups, and now Junkie XL has stepped away from scoring (giggidy) the film, with Danny Elfman taking over. Not sure if that means they're dumping XL's work (doubtful) or if it'll be like Age of Ultron where Elfman composed like a quarter of the tracks. Also in, I guess "taking over" news, Bryan Singer officially passed the X-Torch to Simon Kinberg to direct X-Men: Dark Phoenix.

Legends of Tomorrow will bring in Billy Zane as nineteenth century politician, showman, and businessman PT Barnum.

Edited, Jun 15th 2017 1:58pm by lolgaxe
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
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