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Eddings/Hobbs Types of Authors?Follow

#1 Nov 21 2007 at 1:03 PM Rating: Excellent
1,154 posts
So my favorite fantasy books of all times are the Belgariad and Mallorean series by David and Leigh Eddings, and the Liveship Traders, Asassin's series, and Tawny Man continuations by Robin Hobb.

Does anyone have any recommendations in the fantasy world that are this type of memorable world, story line/character arcs that they could recommend?!

I'll be off my feet the next few days due to a minor outpatient surgery and want to have something ready for when I finish off my current book, A History of Time!

Thanks for your recommendations!

#2 Nov 22 2007 at 4:37 AM Rating: Good
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I know this is probably a silly question, but have you read the other books/series by Eddings? The Redemption of Althalus, The Eleniad and The Tamuli?

If not, those may fit the bill, though I imagine you've probably already read em.
#3 Nov 22 2007 at 7:39 AM Rating: Decent
Salvatore comes to mind, the Drizzt series I believe. But haven't read them myself, just going on description really.

You can try out Weis&Hickman's "Chronicles" and "Twins" series. The first two trilogies they wrote, set in Dragonlance world, and pretty good imo. The later trilogies aren't quite as good anymore. Or are equal but too equal if you know what I mean. (which was also my main problem with Eddings though, it's always the same) It's about a group of adventurers that don't really fit together, going on a mission to save their world, a mission not all share,... It's pretty varied and interesting, the first two trilogies anyway.

Elizabeth Hayden is working on a decent series too, or at least the first three I can advice (haven't read the others as yet): Rhapsody.

Can't really advice all that much more, not specifically that topic kind of fantasy anyway.
#4 Nov 22 2007 at 7:14 PM Rating: Excellent
1,154 posts
Poldaran, I might have to try them again! I remember starting book one of the dreamer series (I think it was) and truly *hating* it. So rather then give up on my author that I love, I just stopped reading it. I will try these other series though! Thanks!

Zieveraar, I will try these authors as well. I have steered away from Salvatore just because he fills up a whole bookshelf from what I can tell, and I have little faith in authors that have something *awesome* and then just keep writing (Wheel of Time, imo - and Sword of Truth series after book 6ish).

Thanks very much for the recommendations all! As soon as I finish Hawking's stuff, I'll try one of these!!
#5 Nov 23 2007 at 12:01 AM Rating: Good
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Tovin wrote:
Poldaran, I might have to try them again! I remember starting book one of the dreamer series (I think it was) and truly *hating* it. So rather then give up on my author that I love, I just stopped reading it. I will try these other series though! Thanks!

TBH, I don't think I ever read the Dreamer series. But I can vouch for those other series inasmuch as I enjoyed them.
#6 Nov 23 2007 at 11:47 AM Rating: Decent
I honestly disliked Althalus. It displayed my biggest problem with Eddings, his repetitiveness. Not really all that big a problem, but it really bugged me in that book. The characters are identical, almost to a t I believe the proverb is, to his Mallorean and Belgariad.

#7 Nov 24 2007 at 12:12 PM Rating: Good
Tovin wrote:
So my favorite fantasy books of all times are the Belgariad and Mallorean series by David and Leigh Eddings...

Smiley: grin I like'em, too.

A few days late now, sorry. Hope the surgery went well and you're recouperating.

Have you read any Ed Greenwood? I imagine you'd like the El Minster stuff. I'm currently reading Shandril's Saga, and enjoying it. Another good series is the Wayfarers Redemption by Sara Douglass.

Good luck!
#8 Nov 24 2007 at 10:51 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Hmm, lets see.

Sword dancer series - Jennifer Roberson
The "vlad taltos" series, by Steven Brust. Also about an assassin, though not quite the same plotline at all. One of my favorites. Only complaint is that he writes slow and the books aren't that long.
Terry brooks, Shannara series, start with sword of shannara
Christopher rowley's Dragons of Argonath series
If you like mixed genra space opera with swordfighting type series, Simon green's Deathstalker series is also quite good.
I'm guessing you already read George R.R. martin

Hmm, others, maybe the liadian universe by steve miller and sharon lee, start with a balance of trade, sci fi, but interesting chareacter development.
If you like a little darker characters sometimes, Glen cook's "the black company series" has some of the most developed and dynamic characters around.

Are you interested in sci-fi space opera at all? plenty more reccommendations along those lines as well
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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#9 Nov 25 2007 at 9:18 AM Rating: Excellent
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Terry brooks, Shannara series, start with sword of shannara

The ONLY book I've ever quit halfway through. It was *horrible*. Normally I can at least finish the book (and usually the series) once I start reading, no matter how bad it is. Sorry! Smiley: banghead

Are you interested in sci-fi space opera at all? plenty more reccommendations along those lines as well

The term "space opera" sounds somehow ff3 to me, and honestly, scares me a little. What the heck is it?

Otherwise, I'm tempted to not try your suggestions, only cause you mentioned the evil Shannara series, but I'll stick 'em on my list anyway! Thanks Kao! =)
#10 Nov 25 2007 at 10:56 AM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
you must obviously be a Kevin J Anderson "fan" then...
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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#11 Nov 25 2007 at 11:06 AM Rating: Excellent
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*runs off to google "Kevin J Anderson"*
uhm, No! Is that bad?! Should I add him? Are you being sarcastic? *pokes Kao* Should I add him to my list, or steer really far from him! Answers damn it!!
#12 Nov 25 2007 at 12:30 PM Rating: Decent
*runs off to google "Kevin J Anderson"*
uhm, No! Is that bad?! Should I add him? Are you being sarcastic? *pokes Kao* Should I add him to my list, or steer really far from him! Answers damn it!!

The good part is you not knowing him! I doubt there are many Dune fans (Frank Herbert's series) who like the guy.
He's written the series "The Saga of the Seven Suns" as well, an ongoing space opera of mediocre quality (as always just imo).

And I agree on the Sword of Shannara, I hardly made it to 100 pages before I just sighed and left it alone.

#13 Nov 25 2007 at 12:33 PM Rating: Excellent
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Kevin J anderson is the worst writer ever. but anyone who hates terry brooks...
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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#14 Nov 26 2007 at 9:53 AM Rating: Decent
Well, hate is a strong word; the man was apparently at the foundation of Del Rey books, nobody does that and is bad.

I just don't want to read what he's writing.
#15 Nov 26 2007 at 6:50 PM Rating: Good
Wtf is this ****? I gave no admins permission to enter my forum. Everyone get out now! We all know admins don't read, or have souls, or like spiders. On topic though I picked up the book "Dusk" by Tim Lebbon. Seems alright so far. The last book I read before that was World War Z again Smiley: lol

Gotta make sure I don't get eaten by zombies.
#16 Dec 04 2007 at 6:48 PM Rating: Good
421 posts
Have you tried Raymond E. Feist? Low magic fantasy world, interesting characters, and he has a very interesting way of moving the story through long periods of time that I find rather nice.

I'd recommend starting with Magician (Apprentice).

I bring this guy up because you mentioned Robin Hobb, and I'm a very big fan of the Farseer books.

Another author with a truly unique fantasy world is Laura Resnik and her book "In Legend Born". It has a little bit of everything, fire eating mystics, water controlling assassin lords, political maneuvers, and plenty of well described (not generally over the top) sword play.

Edited, Dec 4th 2007 6:52pm by AsuranConvict
#17 Dec 09 2007 at 12:56 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Brill wrote:
Wtf is this sh*t? I gave no admins permission to enter my forum. Everyone get out now! We all know admins don't read, or have souls, or like spiders. On topic though I picked up the book "Dusk" by Tim Lebbon. Seems alright so far. The last book I read before that was World War Z again Smiley: lol
Gotta make sure I don't get eaten by zombies.

Back when this was in UBB, I probably had the first non admin post in here. So, *thbbbbt!!!!
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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#18 Dec 09 2007 at 1:26 PM Rating: Decent
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Katherine Kerr's Deverry series

J V Jones: Master and fool

Raymond E Fiest: Magician series.

Anything by Anne McCaffery, if you like Edding you'll like McCaffery.
#19 Dec 10 2007 at 6:31 PM Rating: Good
Back when this was in UBB, I probably had the first non admin post in here. So, *thbbbbt!!!!

PROVE IT!!!! Smiley: mad
#20 Apr 01 2008 at 6:43 AM Rating: Decent
644 posts
The Elenium and Tamuli are very good series. Much better than any of the newer Eddings stuff.

Sword of Shannara is a tough book to get through. Knowing the backstory from The Sword of Shannara is helpful, so just skip it and wiki it to get the background. The book itself is sophomoric and a boring read.

The upside is that the Elfstones and Wishsong are much better and his best series was much later The Voyage of Jerle Shannara Trilogy. A really good series.

I've never checked out Hobbs. Are the books similar to Eddings?

I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix, angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machin ery of night.
#21 Apr 15 2008 at 4:41 AM Rating: Good
961 posts
Have you read Hobb's Soldier Son Trilogy? The third book just came out at Christmas and I enjoyed it. Tackles more common issues such as vanity and obesity and perception, as well as all the muddle morals that Hobb does so well, but I think I enjoyed the Fitz stories a little more.

Still, I recommend them.

I need a reading list for the summer too, though, so am keeping an eye on this, since I get laid off July 31st.
#22 Apr 15 2008 at 7:13 AM Rating: Excellent
1,154 posts
I read the first two! Waiting on ordering the third cause I promised myself no new books for a while! LOL
#23 Apr 15 2008 at 9:11 AM Rating: Good
961 posts
As per the other thread, you're sorting your books via ISBN or just getting them ready to put on one of the two sites via ISBN? It's a little weird to see people sorting by such unless you know what the numbers in an ISBN stand for. You in the library business? Am a Library Tech myself.
#24 Apr 15 2008 at 9:26 AM Rating: Excellent
1,154 posts
I do know what the ISBN numbers are, but sorting them by such does not suit my needs for sorting.

I enter them into Shelfari via the ISBN, and then sort them on by shelves by genre, then by series and author. Usually I go chronologically for something like the Star Wars and Star Trek series'.


It keeps me busy to sort/re-sort/sort again! heheheh
#25 Apr 15 2008 at 10:10 AM Rating: Good
961 posts
Heh, maybe I'll get a bookshelf going this summer too. After next week I'll think about it, still have exams to finish up.

Have been trying to think of other books to suggest - the Green Rider (I think that's it) books are generic Fantasy, but not terrible. Haven't done a lot of reading due to school, but if you're into manga, Fullmetal Alchemist is my obsession. Guy Gavriel Kay is also okay, and he's a local. :p Have read Ysabel only.
#26 Apr 15 2008 at 2:14 PM Rating: Good
I really cant think of any series that had me chuckling as much as the Belgeriad and the Mallorian. It was a well written. So, I am gonna recommend a few authors/series that were just as enjoyable for me.

Susan Cooper's The Dark is Rising Series is very good.
Elizabeth Moons Pacsenarian (sp?) series is very good. Starts with Sheepfarmers Daughter.
As someone else suggested, I like Raymond Feist's (sp?) Magician series as well.
You cant go wrong with Andre Norton.
Robert Asprin's Myth Adventures is good.
Piers Anthony has a few series that are very good, such as the Xanth, and the series that starts with On a Pale Horse (Incarnations of Immortality?)

Science Fiction:
David Weber's Honor Harrington series is extremely good. I cant say enough good things about this series.

Alternate History:
S.M. Stirling's Dies the Fire series is Very Good!
Flints 1632 (Circle of Fire) Series is good.
David Drake is doing the Island in the Sea of Time series, I think. Very good.

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