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#1 Nov 19 2010 at 6:12 AM Rating: Good
2,269 posts
So my wife and I can't be the only geeks to go see HP7 midnight release. Overall it was exactly as I figured, half a movie. What were your impressions.

Now I'm off to re-listen to the entire series again, and wait a stupidly long time for the last movie.
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#2 Nov 19 2010 at 7:12 AM Rating: Good
BeanX the Irrelevant wrote:
So my wife and I can't be the only geeks to go see HP7 midnight release. Overall it was exactly as I figured, half a movie. What were your impressions.

Now I'm off to re-listen to the entire series again, and wait a stupidly long time for the last movie.

Stupidly long? June/July is when part 2 is to come out. I'm sure they plan to release part 1 on DVD/BluRay within the week of part 2 coming out..and JK and the Gang get to make bank, again.

I didn't go see it, as I have work that makes me get up early. I do plan however to go see it tonight or maybe tomorrow.
I'll get ti start listening to the last book today (been listening to the books while I work, it is the only plus to me job..getting to listen to my mp3 player) so I'll really get to see the difference between book and movie.
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#3 Nov 19 2010 at 7:21 AM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
I was going to make a post called "Harry Potter and the Oh God are we really making this TWO parts?" But alas I was beaten to it. Went and saw the 3am show, as all the midnight shows were sold out in town weeks in advance.

Lots of suspense and surprise moments (stuff jumping out - good when you're battling sleepiness)
Nailed George's "holey" joke. Perfect!
Godric's Hollow and the escape from Malfoy Manor played out pretty much exactly as I imagined them
Scene where Ron gets the sword and fights the Horcrux was BETTER than I imagined it. And not just for the following reason:
Watching Harry and Hermione mack it naked was pretty hawt

Even dividing it into two movies, still left out a good deal
Small, unneeded changes annoy me
In my opinion, the first half of the seventh book was the most boring part of the series. It's basically "We spent months traveling around the woods and doing nothing."

The movie was good, but the story behind it was tiring. And if you've seen no Harry Potter movies or read no books, obviously you'll be beyond lost. Now, a list of the changes I disliked:

-Hedgewig dies a heroic death trying to fend off the Death Eaters instead of being a casualty of war shot down in her cage.
-The wedding. Oh Lord, the entire thing is so wrong. No polyjuice potion for Harry (ridiculous plot hole, as his location needs to be kept a secret), no great conversation between Doge and Aunt Muriel, no confrontation between Mr. Lovegood and Krum (Krum isn't there, afaik), added "bare back" scene with Ginny.
-No discussion on Voldemort being made a forbidden word.
-No good discussion about Kreature becoming friends with all of the Potter crew after getting Regulus' locket back. No Lupin to show up and attempt to join them, thus cutting off discussion of Lupin and Tonks having a kid on the way.
-Added kissing scene with Ron and whatever-his-wife is in the Ministry. No invisibility cloak used, nor explanation of who Harry's polyjuiced guy is.
-Why did Harry and Hermione dance? I mean, I recognize it was a cute thing to cheer her up, but it was way too romantic. They looked about 2 seconds away from confirming Ron's deepest fears.
-Godric's Hollow: no magical sign at Harry's house, no monument to his family, and no polyjuice potion used (although they mention it). Voldemort not summoned.
-No conversation in the wood with Dean and Griphook, et al. Brief introduction to Snatchers without much discussion of who they're snatching, though it's easy enough to guess. Greyback is never mentioned by name, but I think he was still the head Snatcher?
-No mention of Potterswatch, and Snatchers randomly find the crew instead of Harry accidentally saying Voldemort.
Once caught, Harry doesn't mention he's part of Slytherin. Not a huge point, but oh well.
-At Malfoy Manor, pretty good except that Griphook's legs are supposed to be broken and Dean is missing completely. Voldemort not summoned AGAIN.
-Besides the wedding problems, the worst oversight is the ending. Harry is supposed to have to make a choice: chase after the Horcruxes like Dumbledore wanted him to do, or go for the Elder Wand. Instead there is no choice made - as Dobby is buried, the Elder Wand gets taken by Voldemort.
-Also, a minor point, but there's hardly any discussion about Dumbledore's past. Gindelwald in particular is just mentioned briefly as a thief and childhood friend of Dumbledore. This might be fleshed out more in the next movie, but as Grindelwald's use is already run (another problem - he is not killed by Voldemort in the movie), I doubt it. There's a pretty good amount of angst in the books around Dumbledore's shady past and Harry's problems with not knowing the truth, and all of that is swept to the side in the movie.

Edited, Nov 19th 2010 8:24am by LockeColeMA
#4 Nov 19 2010 at 8:23 AM Rating: Good
2,269 posts
Locke I agree wholeheartedly with almost everything you spoiler tagged. I was honestly a bit annoyed at the beginning where it felt like " Ohh here is a lot of characters that you don't know (but should) Ok moving along." But I've been questioning that since I read the books and saw the rest of the movies and went wait there's characters missing.

The dance scene made me facepalm hard as i had the same thoughts as you way to 'involved'
The Hedwig part was a kind of trade off for me, when I saw Harry let him go I was like WTF, but then saw the sacrifice it made sense. The book way made it seem like Harry failed to protect Hedwig, the movie made it seem like Hedwig sacrificed himself to save Harry. Both depressing but the book way would take more of a toll on someone.
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#5 Nov 19 2010 at 8:28 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
LockeColeMA wrote:
Watching Harry and Hermione mack it naked was pretty hawt
I am now fully intrigued.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#6 Nov 19 2010 at 8:41 AM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
LockeColeMA wrote:
Watching Harry and Hermione mack it naked was pretty hawt
I am now fully intrigued.

Smiley: lol
Yeah, before the wedding scene Ginny comes out with the back of her dress wide open (and no bra) and says "Help zip me up?" My friends and I looked at each other and go "Aha, that's why it's PG-13!" Then later when Ron is having his inner battle, the vision he gets are Harry and Hermione making out naked together. I can't tell if they were the real actors or CGI (looked a little "too" perfect). But my friends and I went "Now THAT'S why it's PG-13!"
#7 Nov 19 2010 at 8:44 AM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
BeanX the Irrelevant wrote:

The dance scene made me facepalm hard as i had the same thoughts as you way to 'involved'

Yeah, I think it was the director attempting to stir up some more anger between the characters or something. Even when they get back together, Harry doesn't say the classic line "I love her like a sister and I reckon she feels the same way about me"
#8 Nov 19 2010 at 8:55 AM Rating: Good
236 posts
Pretty much how I expected it. One thing I always hate about these movies is that they brush over huge pieces of plot that deserve explanation with one or two quick sentences, while wasting time adding scenes that weren't originally there.

The dance scene really annoyed me too. It was not supposed to be romantic, but it came off that way anyways. The actors that play Harry and Hermione are just way more convincing as a couple than Ron and Hermione or Harry and Ginny, who you have to be reminded every two minutes that they actually are supposed to be together.

Speaking of which, when I saw the bare back scene with Ginny, my first thought was, "great, just like the 6th movie, this one is going to completely ignore the plot to focus on high schoolers awkwardly flirting with each other." Luckily, it wasn't quite as bad.

I think my biggest pet peeve, though, is more with the sixth movie and, probably the next movie. They left out almost all of Voldemort's past in the sixth one (which was always my favorite part) So now, Harry has no idea what the other horcruxes are and I don't want to think about how they'll mangle the plot of the next movie to make it so Harry conveniently finds out everything. And, of course, they left out Dumbledore's past, but I'm hoping they'll touch on that later when they meet his brother. I don't know why they always cut out the back story. It's what makes the last 2 books interesting.
#9 Nov 19 2010 at 8:57 AM Rating: Good
2,269 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
LockeColeMA wrote:
Watching Harry and Hermione mack it naked was pretty hawt
I am now fully intrigued.

As was I until I realized PG13
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#10 Nov 19 2010 at 9:00 AM Rating: Good
Gave Up The D
12,281 posts
BeanX the Irrelevant wrote:
lolgaxe wrote:
LockeColeMA wrote:
Watching Harry and Hermione mack it naked was pretty hawt
I am now fully intrigued.

As was I until I realized PG13

Don't worry, there is plenty of fan fic to "fill the gaps".
Shaowstrike (Retired - FFXI)
Cooking/Fishing 100

"We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary."
— James D. Nicoll
#11 Nov 19 2010 at 9:29 AM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
Shaowstrike the Shady wrote:
BeanX the Irrelevant wrote:
lolgaxe wrote:
LockeColeMA wrote:
Watching Harry and Hermione mack it naked was pretty hawt
I am now fully intrigued.

As was I until I realized PG13

Don't worry, there is plenty of fan fic to "fill the gaps".

Heck, plenty of sleazy paparazzi shots to know all you'd care to about Emma Watson.

Or so I've heard.
#12 Nov 19 2010 at 9:34 AM Rating: Decent
If you quote something spoilered, please keep the damn spoiler tag. Smiley: glare

I'm seeing this movie tonight. I only clicked on the link because I figured this was people who saw it last night and I was wondering if people liked it.
#13 Nov 19 2010 at 9:36 AM Rating: Good
Gave Up The D
12,281 posts
Belkira the Tulip wrote:
If you quote something spoilered, please keep the damn spoiler tag. Smiley: glare

Which part? The stuff I quoted didn't have a spoiler tag in the first place.
Shaowstrike (Retired - FFXI)
Cooking/Fishing 100

"We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary."
— James D. Nicoll
#14 Nov 19 2010 at 10:05 AM Rating: Good
Shaowstrike the Shady wrote:
Belkira the Tulip wrote:
If you quote something spoilered, please keep the damn spoiler tag. Smiley: glare

Which part? The stuff I quoted didn't have a spoiler tag in the first place.

Well, crap, you're right. Nevermind. I was talking about the part where Harry and Hermione get naked, apparently. I didn't know that happened.

Damn you, Locke. That should've been spoilered.
#15 Nov 19 2010 at 10:12 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
Belkira the Tulip wrote:
Shaowstrike the Shady wrote:
Belkira the Tulip wrote:
If you quote something spoilered, please keep the damn spoiler tag. Smiley: glare
Which part? The stuff I quoted didn't have a spoiler tag in the first place.
Well, crap, you're right. Nevermind. I was talking about the part where Harry and Hermione get naked, apparently. I didn't know that happened.

Damn you, Locke. That should've been spoilered.
Yeah Locke, way to get me reprimanded. Smiley: mad

Edited, Nov 19th 2010 11:13am by lolgaxe
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#16 Nov 19 2010 at 11:16 AM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
Belkira the Tulip wrote:
Shaowstrike the Shady wrote:
Belkira the Tulip wrote:
If you quote something spoilered, please keep the damn spoiler tag. Smiley: glare
Which part? The stuff I quoted didn't have a spoiler tag in the first place.
Well, crap, you're right. Nevermind. I was talking about the part where Harry and Hermione get naked, apparently. I didn't know that happened.

Damn you, Locke. That should've been spoilered.
Yeah Locke, way to get me reprimanded. Smiley: mad

Edited, Nov 19th 2010 11:13am by lolgaxe

Step 1: Talk about awkward British teens getting frisky in a movie!
Step 2: Don't use spoiler tags!
Step 3: ???
Step 4: Get lolgaxe blamed for it!
Step 5: Profit!

Edit: Don't really consider it a spoiler. If you read the book you'd know what part I'm referring to, and if not, you'll just misunderstand Smiley: smile

Edited, Nov 19th 2010 12:20pm by LockeColeMA
#17 Nov 19 2010 at 11:20 AM Rating: Good
5,729 posts
I don't know why they always cut out the back story. It's what makes the last 2 books interesting.

Mostly time constraints. Let's face it, the later book are really long and unless you want a 6 hour movie some things need to be cut (or spilt in two like this one is.) Most of the time the things have have been cut are things that aren't really that important to the overall story. Back story, while interesting, often isn't vital to moving the plot along. This is especially true now when it's safe to assume that many people have already read the books and already know the story.

I haven't seen Deathly Hallows yet but so far in the past six movies there's only been one piece of missing back story that I really felt should have been included. The bit near the end of Half-Blood Prince where they explain who the prince is and why he's called that and stuff. The movie glossed over it in like 10 seconds leaving anyone who hadn't read the book scratching their heads and going wtf at the end.

I think it'll be interesting to see how, and if things change over time. Right now the books are a recent phenomenon and are fresh in everyone's mind so things left out of the movies aren't a big deal because so many people have read the books, and read them recently. What happens years from now though when you have another generation who doesn't know the books that well seeing the movies. Will they understand what's going on as well? Will they even notice that anything is changed or missing from the story in the first place?

Take the Wizard of Oz for example. The movie is vastly different from the book but relatively few people know that because relatively few people hove actually read the book compared to how many have seen the movie. Will the Harry Potter movies be the same in 30 years?
75 Rabbit/75 Sheep/75 Coeurl/75 Eft/75 Raptor/75 Hippogryph/75 Puk
75 Scorpion/75 Wamoura/75 Pixie/75 Peiste/64 Sabotender
51 Bird/41 Mandragora/40 Bee/37 Crawler/37 Bat

Items no one cares about: O
Missions no one cares about: O
Crafts no one cares about: O
#18 Nov 19 2010 at 7:06 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Karlina wrote:
I don't know why they always cut out the back story. It's what makes the last 2 books interesting.

Mostly time constraints. Let's face it, the later book are really long and unless you want a 6 hour movie some things need to be cut (or spilt in two like this one is.) Most of the time the things have have been cut are things that aren't really that important to the overall story. Back story, while interesting, often isn't vital to moving the plot along.

It's even more than that though. Often elements of back story are intertwined with the front story (that's why they're there after all, right?). So if you don't have enough time in the film to completely tell certain parts of the story, you have to find a way to cut the whole thing out while keeping the main plot coherent. Quite often this appears like they left something out for no reason at all, but if you think about it you'll realize that if they add in that bit, then they now have to include some other bit that goes with it, and several minutes of back story, which may require some additional explanation as well, and then have to add in some other main plot back in to make the whole time expenditure worth while.

So yeah, sometimes leaving out something that appears could have been included with about 5 seconds of screen time actually represents a lot more total time. If it's not critical to the main plot, most of that stuff is going to get left behind.

Of course, semi-nudes of teenage girls can be left in. Duh!
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#19 Nov 20 2010 at 8:51 AM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
gbaji wrote:
Of course, semi-nudes of teenage girls can be left in. Duh!

America, **** Ya!
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#20 Nov 20 2010 at 1:08 PM Rating: Decent
236 posts
Of course, semi-nudes of teenage girls can be left in. Duh!

I realize compared to the rest of the audience I may be in the minority, but I would still rather spend time watching back story than possibly catching a glimpse of Hermione's side boob.

It just occurred to me that at the Malfoy manor, the part where Wormtail hesitates to kill Harry, because he owes Harry his life, and was consequently killed by his own silver hand was completely left out. I kind of wish they had included that; it was a good scene.
#21 Nov 20 2010 at 1:15 PM Rating: Good
I got to see it last night. I really liked it, beyond the "they left this and this and this out!!!" I decided not to angst about it and see if they got all the important parts, and they did. About this:

LockeColeMA wrote:
-Why did Harry and Hermione dance? I mean, I recognize it was a cute thing to cheer her up, but it was way too romantic. They looked about 2 seconds away from confirming Ron's deepest fears.

My guess is this. Harry obviously did it just to cheer Hermione up. But I think that they wanted it to look romantic for those who hadn't read the books and were just watching the movies so they might think that Ron's suspicions were true. That maybe something was going on between the two. Build a little suspense. To those of us having read the book, I think they took it a little too far. It started out innocently enough, but then, towards the end, got a little too cuddly.

Like I said, I was sad they left some stuff out, like at the wedding, (I really wanted to see the table wars for some reason...) but in the end, I don't think it matters as much.
#22 Nov 20 2010 at 6:44 PM Rating: Good
I finally saw it, it was good.

However, I didn't like the Ron and his Radio part. In the book he knows his family is "safe" because his father sends his Patronus telling them so.

Now to find that Beetle the Bard book I never bought, so I can read it . . .

Oh, and I totally loved the part when Lovegood (ya?) was telling the story about the 3 Brothers. That CGI style was cool.
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#23 Nov 20 2010 at 10:44 PM Rating: Good
Sandinmygum wrote:
Oh, and I totally loved the part when Lovegood (ya?) was telling the story about the 3 Brothers. That CGI style was cool.

Yeah, that was cool.
#24 Nov 23 2010 at 2:09 PM Rating: Decent
Harry: “You are brilliant Hermione.”

Hermione: “Actually, I’m highly logical that allows me to look past extraneous detail and perceive clearly of what others overlook!”

Reminded me of Sheldon Cooper.

Edited, Nov 23rd 2010 3:41pm by wyzim
#25 Nov 24 2010 at 11:41 AM Rating: Good
6,471 posts
I haven't read the books, though I've seen all the movies (my gf is the fan). So here's my outsider' perspective:

SPOILER ALERT…I'm posting from my phone, and its near impossible to use tags. So be warned, spoilers follow.

The movies are clearly made with readers in mind. With the gap between movie releases, its difficult for me to remember many characters and events. I often find myself asking my gf "who's that guy?" And having her respond like, "don't you remember him from that 5 minute scene 4 movies ago?" Nope.

I'm sure its also due to things being cut down for the movies. That character in said 5 minute scene probably had 2 chapters of exposition in the books, so he's easier to remember in that format when he pops back in again. Its like that for a lot of stuff.

I found it enjoyable, though it kinda drifted a bit during the "travel, set up camp, travel some more" scenes. They went on for so long that I forgot what they were doing. Seemed almost like the characters forgot, too, which isn't a good thing.

Good character interaction, with some nice comedic timing. The romantic hinting between harry and hermione was out of place though. It was all part of a predictable turn encompassing every plot aspect of harry and ron's falling out, up to and including ron's return. It was all too cliched; I was able to predict almost 45 minutes worth of plot points.

Loved the " Three Brothers" part...that was an unexpected surprise. Interesting tale, with pretty, innovative animation. That was the movie's high point for me.
#26 Nov 24 2010 at 10:40 PM Rating: Good
Eske, Star Breaker wrote:

I found it enjoyable, though it kinda drifted a bit during the "travel, set up camp, travel some more" scenes. They went on for so long that I forgot what they were doing. Seemed almost like the characters forgot, too, which isn't a good thing.

Good character interaction, with some nice comedic timing. The romantic hinting between harry and hermione was out of place though. It was all part of a predictable turn encompassing every plot aspect of harry and ron's falling out, up to and including ron's return. It was all too cliched; I was able to predict almost 45 minutes worth of plot points.

In the books, all the travel time is not to be found (the way they are found is much different and better in the books), and the pondering of where more of the Cursed items are (yea I can't spell the H-word off the top of my head). While at the same time more "glimps" into Lord V's head and about the Deathly Hallows.

2) That love triangle really isn't in the book.

If you have enjoyed the movies, you would probably like the books. If you are not a big reader, there is always Audio Books.
Jim Dale does a great job reading them (He is the NA reader of the books).
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
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