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New Anime Season (Spring 2011)Follow

#1 Apr 03 2011 at 10:24 PM Rating: Excellent
2,269 posts
So many seasons are ending and the new ones rolling out, Figured it would be a nice place to start a discussion on thoughts and such for the first few episodes.

xypin wrote:
Deadman Wonderland - @#%^ing Awesome. Story follows a student who witnesses the murder of 29 classmates and friends by a man in red with incredible powers only to be framed for everything. The court gives him the death sentence and is forced to live out his life at the corporate owned prison known as Deadman Wonderland- a giant circus using the inmates as its main attraction. In the last few minutes, we discover that if the prisoners don't eat special candy every 72 hours, they will be killed. No Exceptions.

One moment everything is sunshine and rainbows then the setting becomes one of the bloodiest scenes I've seen in televised anime. My favorite part involves a strange and incredibly innocent-sounding girl swinging metal pipes at her friend while calmly laughing "Ok, I'll kill you now ^^". As far as the plot- it kind of reminds me of Ergo Proxy without the mystery aspect.

This anime looks interesting and definitely worth watching. As far as unique/action shows go, this and Control are both great contenders with lots of possiblity.

Tiger and Bunny: Super heros with corporate meddling. Interesting premise the CG/Anime style is uniquely refreshing and seems to fit pretty well. Also they seem to be trying to fit as many sponsor plugs in as possible to show how far everyone sells out. Depending on where the series go looks like it's going to be a decent anime. Sidenote: Whoever is subbing this is using damn small font, From the Hulu plus commercial in the middle of the episode (Even though I torrented) looks like a simulcast with Hulu, not sure.

Hanasaku Iroha: Big town girl meets small town. Looks to be shaping up as a Drama-edy. I really like the animation, its clear vivid, got decently high hopes for this. Hopefully it doesn't drop the ball, by going to drama with no comedy but from the writing it looks to be able to walk that fine line very nicely.

Nichijou: On the fence with this anime. Firstly I wasn't to impressed with the animation style but it fits perfectly. The best way to describe this anime, is animated ADD. To me at the moment seems it might be trying a bit to hard, I wanna say some parts are epicly funny, but on the other side that's what it's trying to be so it feels off. I'm keeping my eye on this until I can make further judgment.

X-men: Haven't watched this yet and I will probably skip it, Its the same vein as Ironman and Wolverine, Marvel-anime. From my quick glimpses of the raw (It is subbed now but I haven't watched it yet) I do like the art direction in which this version shoots for.

-edited more in-

Stein's Gate: Batsh*t crazy, Self proclaimed mad Scientist, paranoid delusional man, who by all accounts so far might be really smart, has 2 friends a Cute carefree girl that calls him by a cutesy name, and self proclaimed great 'hacker' otaku, make up his 'lab'. The animation is very jagged and color washed to give more of a realistic feel. Seems the series is going to 'possibly' be about time travel of some form, or something its pretty vague atm. Definitely looks to be a must watch for me, as I loved the humor, and the characters so far.

As for the story and the pacing might be a bit weird but it lends itself to how the story is told.

Feel free to add new animes to this as they get released in the next week or two with your impressions. I'll try to edit them in as I watch them.

Sengoku Otome Momoiro Paradox: Ditsy teenage girl gets teleported to HieseiFeudal Japan, but all the historical figures are woman (eg Nobunaga is a woman). Avg Animation, avg story, probobly gonna be a good filler anime for the nights nothing else is on. Ending song is kinda catchy, and fanservicy.

Oretachi ni Tsubasa wa Nai: Harem/Fanservice/Ecchi of some sort first episode was all over the place seems to be a few 'main' characters. Seems to be catering to all the fetishes, with maid girls, lolis, big sister types. Animation is pretty good, very clean look. I like some of the characters, not often you hear a male character tell a female (thats into him) "Go crawl in a hole and die". Had a some good chuckles from the jokes, as of yet I have no clue what the story will pertain as.

Dororon Enma kun Meeramera: Reboot of old 70's anime. Animation is crisp and nice but the designs seem dated, which is kinda cute I guess. Jokes range from decent to meh. Not sure about this anime, It seems classic but in today anime selection kinda lacking. Not sure if i will follow this series.

Softenni: Soft Tennis, tennis club (girls) in middle school, tons of panty shots, cutesy animation, sexual inenddos. Mediocre at best. Not much to say about this.

xypin wrote:
A Channel - Story about 4 school girls. Three are in the same class, one is a cute air heard, and the fourth is a year younger and a bit vicious. Not sure where the show will go, but seemed entertaining enough.

Yondemasu yo Azazel-san: Demon Detective and his new secretary, He seems a mild mannered detective but is really a demon summoner. But the Demon he summons while being vile seem completely daft. Leads to some very funny conclusions, animation is hit or miss, Some things being animated closer to reality, some being more 'cartoony'. Definitely had a few chuckles during the show. Waiting til a few episodes in to make a better decision.

Hen Zemi: Ummm, At first the animation style was weird but cute. Its really perverted but funny at the same time, after doing a little digging its a Series sequel to some OVA that were released. But still did a good job of showing the different characters. This could definitely be the underrated series of the season. It depends on how the next few episodes play out.

Astaorette's Toy: Princess of the Creature world, a succubus, is coming of age and needs to 'suck out' the "life-seed" of a male, or she will die, but she hates men! She tells her guardian that maybe if it was a human male she would be able to, problem is the world tree that connects the world was damaged long ago and the worlds are no longer linked. Seems to be a cute story, probably going to be a good romance /ecchi-ish series. Animation and art style reminds me a lot of Disgaea. Probably going to watch this series to the end.

Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi: Seems like its going to be a cut and paste harem with a dash of ecchi. Boy and his younger brother move to little town, boy meets girl and they connect. But boy has been here before and made a promise to girl B who hasn't showed up yet. Animation is decent, the anime goes for the big eye on everyone look. Another filler anime IMHO.

Armored Trooper Votoms: Votoms Finder ?OVA series? Basic Mech anime, first I thought it would be mediocre and it kind of is but was still a fun watch. Has a very Robotech type animation style based off Armored Trooper Votoms a 52 episode anime back in the 80's. Neat back story hopefully they built on it well.

[C] (Control) The Money of Soul and Possibility Control : Weird awesome, in a good way. Animation is passable but has a very odd feeling. Story is completely messed up as way to many things have gone unexplained but this is a definite watcher. It starts off showing kind of what the show will be about I think, Then pops to the main character, a boy from a poor family, putting himself through school in hopes of having a steady income in civil service only because he knows it will be his safe bet. He really likes this girl but shes rich and so far only sees him as a friend. He's offered a chance to take out a loan against his 'future' and become an Entrepreneur, Entre for short. Like I said it kind of leaves it very open atm.

Also has one of the best OP of the new season.

xypin wrote:
Hidan no Aria - The show seems to focus on two high school students, but not at any ordinary high school- they're actually training to be mercenaries/gunmen. The male protagonist wants to be an average person, but when aroused, he becomes seemingly invincible and an expert fighter. The other student is a girl who (I think) is the top student at the mercenary school. Seems like an average show, so will need to watch a few more episodes to have a better opinion.

Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko - Male high school student has to move to live with his aunt who lives alone, he is told. When he arrives, he meets a girl wrapped in a blanket/futon? who has an unusual personality and tendencies. So far the show is crazy and could be something worth watching.

Poldaran wrote:

Ao no Exorcist (Blue Exorcist) - Boy, raised by a priest alongside his twin brother, finds out he's the son of Satan. Bad things happen(priest dies) while Satan is trying to take the boy back to the realm of demons. Boy enlists with the organization the priest belongs to and becomes an exorcist. So far it doesn't necessarily seem like it'll be more than a basic shonen anime, but it was enjoyable to watch.

Edited: for ease of seeing different shows.

Edited, Apr 17th 2011 7:54pm by BeanX

Edited, Apr 29th 2011 10:52pm by BeanX

Edited, Apr 29th 2011 10:53pm by BeanX
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#2 Apr 03 2011 at 11:27 PM Rating: Decent
@#%^ing DRK
13,143 posts
BeanX the Irrelevant wrote:
Nichijou: On the fence with this anime. Firstly I wasn't to impressed with the animation style but it fits perfectly. The best way to describe this anime, is animated ADD. To me at the moment seems it might be trying a bit to hard, I wanna say some parts are epicly funny, but on the other side that's what it's trying to be so it feels off. I'm keeping my eye on this until I can make further judgment.

On my list. Nothing else is really sparking my interest at the moment. Last season had quite a few shows that I just finished wrapping up. It's a shame that nothing really seems to be on par with Mitsudomoe or Zombie for comedy and also Kimi ni wrapped up nicely, with the last three episodes in particular being excellent (although the series overall was mostly torture). Also, Infinite Stratos was awful imo. I don't think I'll watch a second season as there surely will be.

Gonna wait until at least halfway through the season to start Nichijou otherwise I'll forget about it.

Edited, Apr 4th 2011 12:28am by Paskil
#3 Apr 04 2011 at 12:05 AM Rating: Good
16,959 posts
Nichijou is lolrandom, and funny enough for me to warrant keeping up with it, I think. I'm just wondering how it can go for 26 episodes with its pace and lack of overall plot (as far as I could tell from episodes 0 & 1).
I'm never touching Tiger and Bunny again.
Hanasaku Iroha could be good, or it could be bad. I want to see how it turns out.

I still need to see other shows this season, but I don't particularly have any high hopes for any of them.

Edited, Apr 4th 2011 12:07am by Kirby
MyAnimeList FFXIV Krystal Spoonless
#4 Apr 04 2011 at 12:29 AM Rating: Good
5,684 posts
Sir Kirby wrote:
I'm never touching Tiger and Bunny again.

Only other new show I've seen so far is Dog Days. It wasn't awful, but I doubt I'd recommend it to anyone based on the first episode.

Steins;Gate is probably the only show that even remotely interested me from the descriptions I've read. I'll probably check out Nichijou since I like randomness.
#5 Apr 04 2011 at 12:34 AM Rating: Good
2,269 posts
Ok Just Finished Ep 1 of;

Stein's Gate:

******* crazy, Self proclaimed mad Scientist, paranoid delusional man, who by all accounts so far might be really smart, has 2 friends a Cute carefree girl that calls him by a cutesy name, and self proclaimed great 'hacker' otaku, make up his 'lab'. The animation is very jagged and color washed to give more of a realistic feel. Seems the series is going to 'possibly' be about time travel of some form, or something its pretty vague atm. Definitely looks to be a must watch for me, as I loved the humor, and the characters so far.

As for the story and the pacing might be a bit weird but it lends itself to how the story is told.
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#6 Apr 04 2011 at 7:45 AM Rating: Good
10,564 posts
I'm interested in Hanasaku Iroha, but that's all I've really been looking at so far.
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#7 Apr 05 2011 at 4:48 PM Rating: Excellent
2,269 posts
Sengoku Otome Momoiro Paradox: Ditsy teenage girl gets teleported to Hiesei era Japan, but all the historical figures are woman (eg Nobunaga is a woman). Avg Animation, avg story, probobly gonna be a good filler anime for the nights nothing else is on. Ending song is kinda catchy, and fanservicy.

Oretachi ni Tsubasa wa Nai: Harem/Fanservice/Ecchi of some sort first episode was all over the place seems to be a few 'main' characters. Seems to be catering to all the fetishes, with maid girls, lolis, big sister types. Animation is pretty good, very clean look. I like some of the characters, not often you hear a male character tell a female (thats into him) "Go crawl in a hole and die". Had a some good chuckles from the jokes, as of yet I have no clue what the story will pertain as.
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#8 Apr 05 2011 at 6:35 PM Rating: Good
4,759 posts
I am looking forward to season 2 of Kaiji. There are a few shows that I think may potentially be of interest, Steins;Gate, Deadman Wonderland will probably be really bad; but may be a pleasant surpirse, C has potential to be fairly decent. That is really it I will probly watch Nichijou just cus, and if Iroha keeps being better than expected I may watch it as well.
BeanX the Irrelevant wrote:
Sengoku Otome Momoiro Paradox: Ditsy teenage girl gets teleported to Hiesei era Japan, but all the historical figures are woman (eg Nobunaga is a woman). Avg Animation, avg story, probobly gonna be a good filler anime for the nights nothing else is on. Ending song is kinda catchy, and fanservicy.

I really hope it's not Heisei Era Japan, given that it is currently the twenty second year of the Heisei Period. But yah Momoiro Paradox sounds to be just really lame plot + lots of fan service but I will see when I watch episode one.

Edited, Apr 5th 2011 6:40pm by Manosuke
[quote]Capitalism Ho, ******************************************************************************** in /K/ where /K/lik is the new spam.[/url][/b]
Try out Eve free for a few weeks :D
#9 Apr 05 2011 at 8:49 PM Rating: Good
2,269 posts
Manosuke the Irrelevant wrote:

I really hope it's not Heisei Era Japan, given that it is currently the twenty second year of the Heisei Period. But yah Momoiro Paradox sounds to be just really lame plot + lots of fan service but I will see when I watch episode one.

IDK I might be wrong on the era, but i swear the character said this can't be Heisei era, which I guess could go both ways.

Edited, Apr 5th 2011 9:51pm by BeanX
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#10 Apr 05 2011 at 9:39 PM Rating: Good
5,684 posts
BeanX the Irrelevant wrote:
Manosuke the Irrelevant wrote:
I really hope it's not Heisei Era Japan, given that it is currently the twenty second year of the Heisei Period. But yah Momoiro Paradox sounds to be just really lame plot + lots of fan service but I will see when I watch episode one.
IDK I might be wrong on the era, but i swear the character said this can't be Heisei era, which I guess could go both ways.
Ditzy Girl wrote:
E-Eiroku? It's not the Heisei Period?
Anyway, I doubt the show will be any good, but it looks to be entertaining enough as a filler anime as someone mentions. I'll probably watch the full season.

Going to watch Ore-tachi tonight, so can't comment on that, but I don't have high hopes from what I've read of the plot.

I will definitely be watching Nachijou, Steins;Gate, and the return of Gintama. Hanasaku is a maybe. The plot seems pretty transparent, but that's part of what makes it interesting.
#11 Apr 05 2011 at 9:55 PM Rating: Good
2,269 posts
I stand corrected, Thank you good sir.

Sekaiichi Hatsukoi: I'm not touching this with a 10-foot pole. Its BL(Boys Love) Yaoi. If Someone else wants to check it out and post a synopsis be my guest, but no really my thing.

Edited, Apr 5th 2011 10:59pm by BeanX
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#12 Apr 05 2011 at 10:38 PM Rating: Good
4,759 posts
BeanX the Irrelevant wrote:
Manosuke the Irrelevant wrote:

I really hope it's not Heisei Era Japan, given that it is currently the twenty second year of the Heisei Period. But yah Momoiro Paradox sounds to be just really lame plot + lots of fan service but I will see when I watch episode one.

IDK I might be wrong on the era, but i swear the character said this can't be Heisei era, which I guess could go both ways.

Edited, Apr 5th 2011 9:51pm by BeanX

She goes from the heisei to sengoku I believe from the 20 seconds on google and a peek at the title of the show. Not that it was really important or anything.
[quote]Capitalism Ho, ******************************************************************************** in /K/ where /K/lik is the new spam.[/url][/b]
Try out Eve free for a few weeks :D
#13 Apr 07 2011 at 4:46 PM Rating: Good
2,269 posts
Sket Dance: Group of friends do odd jobs for their school club. Characters seem well defined, fun story it seems, probably going to be episodic, eg Problem starts by the end they figure it out. Not sure. I know the manga it pretty popular so I might go and check that out later. Animations kinda budget but overall good first episode.
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#14 Apr 07 2011 at 5:25 PM Rating: Good
I just happened to be browsing ANN, and saw some of their writers' reviews of the new season. They (unsurprisingly) were not pleased with Dog Days or Sengoku Otome, but all of them really liked Steins;Gate, Nichijou, and Tiger & Bunny. This last one made me curious, since at least a couple of you rather adamantly disliked it. Now, I know to take critic comments with a grain of salt, but it did make me curious why you guys didn't like it. I trust your opinions far more than a random writer, but I wouldn't mind some specifics.
#15 Apr 07 2011 at 10:25 PM Rating: Good
5,684 posts
BeanX the Irrelevant wrote:
Sket Dance: Group of friends do odd jobs for their school club. Characters seem well defined, fun story it seems, probably going to be episodic, eg Problem starts by the end they figure it out. Not sure. I know the manga it pretty popular so I might go and check that out later. Animations kinda budget but overall good first episode.
I liked Sket Dance. Interesting characters and story. Reminds me a lot of Get Backers, actually.

Other recommendations- Check out some of the Young Animator Project animations. I don't know exactly what the project is all about, but four 23 min single episode shows were produced. Two were really good (Kizuna Ichigeki and Wardrobe Dwellers). I recommend checking those out. Personally, I'd like to see a full season of Kizuna Ichigeki if there is the opportunity.

Don't even look at the other two- it'll save you 45 mins... well, Uncle's Lamp was ok, but stay far away from Tarrocman.
#16 Apr 08 2011 at 12:32 PM Rating: Good
5,684 posts
This may or may not come off as just general ********* but I'll try to give clear reasons for my dislike of the show.
Daimakaicho, Eater of Souls wrote:
I just happened to be browsing ANN, and saw some of their writers' reviews of the new season. They (unsurprisingly) were not pleased with Dog Days or Sengoku Otome, but all of them really liked Steins;Gate, Nichijou, and Tiger & Bunny. This last one made me curious, since at least a couple of you rather adamantly disliked it. Now, I know to take critic comments with a grain of salt, but it did make me curious why you guys didn't like it. I trust your opinions far more than a random writer, but I wouldn't mind some specifics.
To me, it's the characters. The show focuses on corporate sponsored superheros that compete against each other to stop crime, but I found none of them likable or even interesting. The fact that most of the characters are sellouts doesn't help. The protagonist Tiger is the last "real" superhero. He doesn't care about the money or fame, he just wants to save people, but he's got nothing really incredible about him, turning him into (I thought) a very mediocre and boring hero.

Note: I don't expect the main character to be perfect and unbeatable because that would be boring. Rather, in Tiger's case, traits such as carelessness which can be shown off as entertaining tended to be more irresponsible and stupid in his case- another turn off.

There is a second protagonist, Bunny: a pretty-boy, cocky new hero that flies around in a pink suit. He's there to replace Tiger and yes, it's a guy named Bunny. While he has not been seen much just yet, the "air of mystery" that is supposed to surround new faces just isn't there with him.

Other aspects that turned me off such the "reality TV"* view and just the general animation style, but those are more general than specific. I guess it is kind of early to pass judgment and I might give the show a second chance with the next episode, but without a particularly interesting character, it fails to draw me in enough to overcome the annoying parts of the show.

*I hate reality TV, sellouts, and corporate advertising. This anime has all three in abundance, so it's no surprise that I dislike it.
#17 Apr 09 2011 at 2:27 AM Rating: Good
2,269 posts
2 More series popped up but I can't watch em since they are 2nd seasons:

Maria Holic Alive and Kampfer fur die Liebe. I havent had the chance to watch/read Maria Holic so yeah nothing on that.
The later show seems ecchi/harem-ish about a boy who can transform into a girl (Didn't Ramna already play that card to death, anyway) I watched about half the episode before realizing I missed the series. Kaiji: Hakairoku Hen also a 2nd season/sequel to an older anime, so I'll have to watch the first season Wiki says:

Wiki wrote:
After graduating from high school in 1996 in Japan, Itō Kaiji moves to Tokyo to get a job, but he fails to find steady employment because of his eccentric disposition and because the country is mired in its first recession since World War II. Depressed, he festers in his apartment, biding his time with cheap pranks, gambling, liquor and cigarettes. Kaiji is always thinking about money and his perpetual poverty frequently brings him to tears.

Kaiji's unrelenting misery continues for two years until he is paid an unexpected visit from a man named Endō, who wants to collect an outstanding debt owed to him in Kaiji's name. Endō gives Kaiji two options - either spend ten years to repay this outstanding debt, or board the gambling ship Espoir ("hope" in French) for one night to clear the debt. Using a con, Endō pressures Kaiji into accepting the deal, believing he will never come back from the voyage.

Dororon Enma kun Meeramera: Reboot of old 70's anime. Animation is crisp and nice but the designs seem dated, which is kinda cute I guess. Jokes range from decent to meh. Not sure about this anime, It seems classic but in today anime selection kinda lacking. Not sure if i will follow this series.

Edited, Apr 9th 2011 3:58am by BeanX
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#18 Apr 09 2011 at 11:39 AM Rating: Good
10,564 posts
BeanX the Irrelevant wrote:
2 More series popped up but I can't watch em since they are 2nd seasons:

Maria Holic Alive and Kampfer fur die Liebe. I havent had the chance to watch/read Maria Holic so yeah nothing on that.
The later show seems ecchi/harem-ish about a boy who can transform into a girl (Didn't Ramna already play that card to death, anyway) I watched about half the episode before realizing I missed the series. Kaiji: Hakairoku Hen also a 2nd season/sequel to an older anime, so I'll have to watch the first season Wiki says:

Wiki wrote:
After graduating from high school in 1996 in Japan, Itō Kaiji moves to Tokyo to get a job, but he fails to find steady employment because of his eccentric disposition and because the country is mired in its first recession since World War II. Depressed, he festers in his apartment, biding his time with cheap pranks, gambling, liquor and cigarettes. Kaiji is always thinking about money and his perpetual poverty frequently brings him to tears.

Kaiji's unrelenting misery continues for two years until he is paid an unexpected visit from a man named Endō, who wants to collect an outstanding debt owed to him in Kaiji's name. Endō gives Kaiji two options - either spend ten years to repay this outstanding debt, or board the gambling ship Espoir ("hope" in French) for one night to clear the debt. Using a con, Endō pressures Kaiji into accepting the deal, believing he will never come back from the voyage.

Dororon Enma kun Meeramera: Reboot of old 70's anime. Animation is crisp and nice but the designs seem dated, which is kinda cute I guess. Jokes range from decent to meh. Not sure about this anime, It seems classic but in today anime selection kinda lacking. Not sure if i will follow this series.

Edited, Apr 9th 2011 3:58am by BeanX

Apparently the Kampfer thing is just an extra 2 episodes according to wiki.
◕ ‿‿ ◕
#19 Apr 09 2011 at 11:50 PM Rating: Good
2,269 posts
Vataro wrote:

Apparently the Kampfer thing is just an extra 2 episodes according to wiki.

Hmm Might be, didn't really research it at all, The episode was just listed as episode 1, so maybe it was mislabeled.

Softenni: Soft Tennis, tennis club (girls) in middle school, tons of panty shots, cutesy animation, sexual inenddos. Mediocre at best. Not much to say about this.
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#20 Apr 10 2011 at 1:40 AM Rating: Good
5,684 posts
A Channel - Story about 4 school girls. Three are in the same class, one is a cute air heard, and the fourth is a year younger and a bit vicious. Not sure where the show will go, but seemed entertaining enough.
#21 Apr 10 2011 at 6:13 AM Rating: Good
2,269 posts
Ok I changed my opinion on Nichijou after episode 2. This series is EPIC, It's anime crack, on shrooms, with some LSD coating. The pacing hasn't changed but seriously it's off the wall.
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#22 Apr 10 2011 at 8:25 PM Rating: Good
2,269 posts
Yondemasu yo Azazel-san: Demon Detective and his new secretary, He seems a mild mannered detective but is really a demon summoner. But the Demon he summons while being vile seem completely daft. Leads to some very funny conclusions, animation is hit or miss, Some things being animated closer to reality, some being more 'cartoony'. Definitely had a few chuckles during the show. Waiting til a few episodes in to make a better decision.

Hen Zemi: Ummm, At first the animation style was weird but cute. Its really perverted but funny at the same time, after doing a little digging its a Series sequel to some OVA that were released. But still did a good job of showing the different characters. This could definitely be the underrated series of the season. It depends on how the next few episodes play out.

Astaorette's Toy: Princess of the Creature world, a succubus, is coming of age and needs to 'suck out' the "life-seed" of a male, or she will die, but she hates men! She tells her guardian that maybe if it was a human male she would be able to, problem is the world tree that connects the world was damaged long ago and the worlds are no longer linked. Seems to be a cute story, probably going to be a good romance /ecchi-ish series. Animation and art style reminds me a lot of Disgaea. Probably going to watch this series to the end.

Edited, Apr 10th 2011 9:58pm by BeanX
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#23 Apr 11 2011 at 2:46 PM Rating: Good
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Btw World that God Only Knows Season 2 started today :D
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#24 Apr 11 2011 at 4:20 PM Rating: Good
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BeanX the Irrelevant wrote:
Btw World that God Only Knows Season 2 started today :D
Oh happy days!
#25 Apr 11 2011 at 6:42 PM Rating: Decent
Repressed Memories
21,027 posts
There are a few surprising shows I recognize this season.

-A second season of Kaiji (saw the first, quite awful in a so bad it's good way).

-Maria+Holic is getting a second season, and although I didn't care for the first, I loved that intro.

-Deadman Wonderland is getting an anime. I had read most of the manga, but I'm unsure whether it is finished or not yet. I thought it had an interesting setup and world, but it devolves too quickly a very stereotypical shounen series. I'm wonder what they'll do with one of my favorite characters, because I can't wait for this gal to be animated:
#26 Apr 12 2011 at 1:39 PM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
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BeanX the Irrelevant wrote:
Btw World that God Only Knows Season 2 started today :D
I completely forgot to watch that today. Thanks for the reminder.
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