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#1102 May 04 2017 at 8:47 PM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
Finally got around to watching Gotham from this week. At first I thought the monk who was sorta-not-really "training" Bruce was the same guy who played Stick from daredevil. But it appears they are not.
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#1103 May 04 2017 at 9:58 PM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
I got to the theater late so I missed the trailers. A little disappointed in that.

Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol 2 - The short and long of it is that it's basically the same as the first, but with everything amped up. It's not really trying to do anything new, but building on what it already was. So if you liked the first movie, you'll like the sequel. If you didn't like the first, then you won't. There are a lot of sub plots to juggle, a couple work and a couple don't. Drax x Mantis, Rocket x Yondu, Gamora x Nebula, Peter x Gamora. Hell, there's even a sub-sub plot with the Ravagers. The first two were the best. Mantis' and Drax' interactions were absolutely great, and Rocket and Yondu were just heavy on the feels. The second two not so much. They just felt like they were added to balance out the other sub-groups so everyone had a bonding experience with someone else. Groot was just kind of there. He's tiny and adorable. We get it. We got it with the first trailer. Move on. Also 90% of everything involving the Sovereigns felt like last minute decisions. Not necessarily bad, just felt weak or unneccessary. The end credits that people still walk out on were amusing, though only one could possibly be considered a lead-in to a sequel. The rest are just nice little Easter Eggs. The first one is the best.

It worked for the movie, but the purist in me raged against the lineage reveal. It's something that has been introduced into the universe so they don't have to deal too much with explaining it, and it does make sense. In a space sci-fi kind of way. Doesn't take away from the movie or anything, just a nitpick. I do appreciate the lengths they went to explain how Ego was a planet, though. Ego Spores aren't exactly an easy thing to make a movie about, so gotta give them credit on that.

The ending is pretty sad, so get ready to think up excuses to explain why you've got tears.
If I were to rank it, I'd put it somewhere above the original but below the last two Captain Americas.

Promo group image for The Inhumans. Medusa looks ... well, absolutely horrible.

A Otis Dhanji has been cast as young Arthur Curry in Aquaman. No need to look him up, this is pretty much his first flick. Only really mentioning it because Man of Steel had a young Clark, Dawn of Justice showed us a young Bruce seeing his parents die for the umpteenth time, and one of the Wonder Woman trailers shows young Diana listening to her mother telling a story about the gods so it's looking like a trend.

Edited, May 5th 2017 12:04am by lolgaxe
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#1104 May 04 2017 at 10:14 PM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
I prefer going to mid day releases... But until Labor Day ("Summer") the local theater doesn't open until 4pm on Weekdays. So while I have tomorrow off, I won't be able to watch GotG 2 until 4 pm when they have their first showing.

I usually go on the weekends at Noon-1pm, but since I'm traveling this weekend, either I have to wait a whole week and see it next Sunday, or watch it in the afternoon tomorrow. Which I'm sure will be packed. (Which is why I prefer mid day showings, far fewer people).

I enjoyed the movie, but as usual, not the movie theater. This time I was surrounded by people with some pretty offensive BO.

No Dark Tower trailers shown. I was a bit saddened since I had heard some theaters had received "Trailer 2" and "Trailer 3" to show.

The latest Pirates of the Caribbean. "Pirates of the Caribbean, More people out to get Revenge on Jack" (I'm sure it will be fun. I think I've liked all of them, even though I just wait for them to come out on TV).

Spiderman Homecoming Trailer was mostly just Peter being an awkward teenager with a fat friend. And hugging Tony.

Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (or what ever subtitle it is). Seems to me like a movie with potential that won't go over well. Like that John Carter Mars movie. First time I saw the trailer I thought the girl was Christina Ricci. But I don't think it is. Haven't bothered looking up who it is.

Transformers movie had a Girl-Power trailer. I'll probably see the movie, but overly cliche girl power cliches are a bit eye rolley to me.

Defenders commercial/trailer shown (during the pre-trailers "Get here early to listen to us talk about stuff" time)

Movie itself played out as expected. No real surprises Except when I thought Nebula killed Yandu right in the beginning. I really avoided looking up stuff about the film and even avoided TV spots during shows. So for a moment I really thought Yandu had died then.

Baby Groot was overused. Though apparently some people didn't think so. When he presses the right button, a woman in the row ahead of me actually yelled "YES!" and threw her arms up in a "Touchdown" signal. All I could think when she did that was "Did you really expect anything else?"

I don't know enough about the source material to know who/what Adam is.

Predictable, or surprise free, doesn't mean bad.

Stan Lee's cameo with the Watchers seemed to say something about him (Been around forever, sitting back and just watching it all happen). Kind of hoping they don't actually show up in the movies. Just stay in the cameo scenes like that.

Edited, May 5th 2017 7:34pm by TirithRR
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#1105 May 05 2017 at 7:47 PM Rating: Decent
Keeper of the Shroud
13,632 posts
I'm Mary Poppins ya'll.

#1106 May 06 2017 at 9:31 PM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
Turin wrote:
I'm Mary Poppins ya'll.

That was a good part.

Samurai Jack: Is that an ancient, mystical sword with the power to defeat Aku in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?

Part of me thought "Jack, you were fighting along side her naked for most of the series." Then I remembered that Jack doesn't know that Ashi's black outfit previously was not actual clothing.

The prisoners didn't break out of their cells. The one big prisoner freed during the crash broke in to their cells and ate them all.
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#1107 May 08 2017 at 7:34 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
I felt like every Michael Rooker scene was great.

American Gods: Was that Scully as I Love Lucy? Also I love Cloris Leachman. Her and Czernobog are my favorite characters. Not that there are a lot of characters to choose from yet.

TirithRR wrote:
Jack: Is that an ancient, mystical sword with the power to defeat Aku in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?
The last few episodes I'd have argued that they weren't flirting, it was just people seeing it as such. Can't do that no more. Not a huge fan of the ship. Guess I still got my fanart.

End of Tomorrow 2 has a title: Live, Die, Repeat, and Repeat.

Final Wonder Woman trailer that aired during something or the other that was on MTV. It's definitely epic.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#1108 May 09 2017 at 7:40 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
According to Mike Mignola, Hellboy is going to be getting an R Rated reboot with Neil Marshall directing and not Ron Perlman as the title character, but David Harbour. I mean, I'm glad Hellboy is coming back, but not Perlman? That's a bit disappointing, especially since the man has regularly brought up reprising the role.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#1109 May 09 2017 at 9:56 PM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
Central Time Zone sucks.

(How do people enjoy TV when it starts so early...)

DVR obviously... but Hotels tend to lack modern TV features.

Edited, May 9th 2017 11:58pm by TirithRR
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#1110 May 10 2017 at 8:16 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
Flash: Even with amnesia Barry has access to the Speed Force

It's weird seeing Cut-throat Bitch acting like Felicity-Lite.

According to the Defenders costume designer Stephanie Maslansky, Sigourney Weaver's character is "the head of an ancient organization which is grounded in the comics. I hope that her wardrobe reflects that kind of ancientness. I hope I haven’t said too much. I hope Marvel doesn’t come after me." I'm guessing that before she was shot by the Marvel Snipers in charge of keeping leaks in check what she means to say is that Alexandra is similar to The Crane Mother Madame Gao in that she's immortal and the leader of the Hand. I mean, a lot of the Netflix shows kind of feature the Hand so it'd be weird for her to be the head of a different ancient organization. Some people are already overreacting to the whole "white person leading ninjas" rumor. But, as unlikely as it may be, if it isn't the Hand then the one I'd guess would be the "Secret Order," which was a splinter group from Hydra. Well, a splinter group of a splinter group, but semantics. There's also a faction of the Hand that's composed of women only called The Nail (get it? Hand? Nail?), including a homicidal cheerleader but I'm kind of doubting that.

Promotional image for a new TV series, Judge Dredd: Mega-City One. Could be neat.

Official teaser for Fox's The Gifted. Full trailer on Monday.
Jeph Loeb wrote:
"How much more fun could this be? Deadpool, Donald and FX – the perfect fit for the Merc with the Mouth. We’re thrilled that our relationship with FX that started with ‘Legion’ continues with what is sure to be a groundbreaking show in adult animation."
Neat, Deadpool cartoon. I wonder if they'll get Ryan Reynolds or if they'll go with Nolan North, who regularly voices Wade.

Edited, May 10th 2017 1:03pm by lolgaxe
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#1111 May 11 2017 at 7:22 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
CW gave an official series order to Black Lightning. No word on time slot or whether or not the character will be introduced in either Supergirl's or Arrow's universe or it's own. Can't imagine it'd be Legend's, since the entire premise is about a retired hero returning to the cape business. Well, I guess he could show up as a "before he retired" episode.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#1112 May 12 2017 at 7:40 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
After years of speculation and rumormongering, it appears that that it has been confirmed that Anya Taylor-Joy will portray Illyana Nikolievna Alexandria Rasputina and Maisie Williams will be Rahne Sinclaire in Josh Boone's X-Spinoff New Mutants. That would be Magik and Wolfsbane to the uninitiated. The Hollywood Reporter also says that the rest of the team will consist of Danielle Moonstar, Sunspot, Cannonball, and Warlock, and that the studio is "making a concentrated effort" to find ethnically appropriate actors for the roles. So a Native American, a Brazilian, a Hillbilly and a Robotic Space Virus respectively. THR's Borys Kit also states that James McAvoy won't be reprising as Charles Xavier, and that Nat Wolff won't be Cannonball. Hoping the next rumor confirmation is in the movie's plot being The Demon Bear Saga.

Buzzfeed (I know, I know) released a list of renewed and canceled shows. Most notable is that Agents of SHIELD are still in the game, after the move to a death time slot. A little disappointed APB sunk in one season, I was kind of enjoying it. But that's Fox, they just needed more airtime for another Gordon Ramsay reality show. Kind of figured Sleepy Hollow was gone after the last season finale. And NBC is spinning off Saturday Night Live's Weekend Update as it's own series so basically Last Week Tonight with a higher budget and numerous network restrictions that 45 will tweet about every week. Powerless is officially out, but no word on whether or not the final episodes will air.

Rob Cohen, director of The Fast and the Furious and xXx movies, has signed on to film a pair of superhero movies: Razor and its sequel, Stryke. The only comics more quintessentially 90s than these two books is probably Spawn. Razor is about a young woman named Nicole Mitchell who turns to the life of a vigilante after her father and sister are murdered -- using her martial arts skills and deadly wrist blades to achieve violent justice. All things considered, pretty good fit for someone like Cohen.

Edited, May 12th 2017 3:37pm by lolgaxe
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#1113 May 13 2017 at 9:29 PM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
Samurai Jack: I did not expect them to make Ashi an actual daughter of Aku. I figured it'd all have been a crazy lady. But Ashi's mom drank Aku's finger juice.

Doesn't look like this will end the way I'd have guessed.

One episode left. And it's only a half hour (including commercials).
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#1114 May 15 2017 at 7:45 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
TirithRR wrote:
One episode left. And it's only a half hour (including commercials).
I'm guessing the last episode is going to have Jack choose between using a portal to return to the past to take out Aku there, or for him to stay and rescue Ashi, effectively abandoning his mission, family, countrymen, etc to remain in the future. Of course he'll stay with Ashi.

Besides thinking I should bite the bullet and read/listen to the book, I'm also thinking that in American Gods that Shadow isn't a regular human. All these deities are vying for his attention in one way or another. I'm guessing he's the god from the first episode that tormented the vikings before they were rescued, which would explain why Wednesday is all about recruiting him. Wednesday really is a fun character. Not that it made any sense, but the whole Djinn scene I kept singing lines from Never Had a Friend Like Me. The overall moral of the show seems to be never fuck a divine being.

WB is doing the same thing with Wonder Woman that they did with the rest of their cape movies: Delaying the review embargo until the last possible minute while releasing a slew of twitter reviews. I think that about drains any curiosity I had in wanting to see it opening weekend. And if you look for signs, there was a NASCAR race with a Wonder Woman car that crashed and burned over the weekend.

Full length trailer for The Gifted. Looks more interesting than what I imagined "Mutant Family Drama" it is billed as, though that son character is way over acting.

Joss Whedon might have killed his mother.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#1115 May 16 2017 at 7:48 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
So someone on reddit says they have inside information on Justice League. You know, grains of salt. Multi-tier spoilers. Copied directly from the thread.
- Superman's body was taken before the events of the film and was revived by Darkside(He meant Darkseid), he's not familiar with the character.

There was alot of unfinished cg scenes so they showed the storyboards for those scenes with voice over. The vfx was not completed in most areas either.

For most of his screen time Superman is bad and does wear the black suit. He doesn't have a mullet or beard, his hair is just a little longer than usual.

The villain(Steppenwolf) goes rogue. In the final battle he defeats & kills all of the league except Flash who travels back in time to prevent it. Steppenwolf is sent back to Darkseid where he is killed by ''lasers''(Omega beams), this is the only time we see Darkseid. He said the cg wasn't completed so it was some guy in a mo-cap suit acting next to green screen and vfx lasers.

Aquaman steals the show. Mera joins the league in the final fight. During the opening battle(Which reminded him of Game of Thrones apparently) a green lantern fights against Darkseid's army.

- Each character has their own story arc except WW who he felt was forced into it. Aquaman's arc is about returning his motherbox to Atlantis, Cyborg's arc is about his connection to a motherbox, Flash's arc is about the speed force(He said they explain it perfectly), Batman's arc is about forming the league & Superman's arc is about the codex in his blood.

Aquaman lives in a lighthouse, he refuses to be the king of atlantis.

Flash is only able to time travel 3 minutes into the past. In the end Bruce gives him a new armored suit that will help him to go farther.

WW returns to Themyscira after a century because she will die if she doesn't, amazons are only immortal if they remain on Themyscira. We see her mother Hippolyta.

Superman has about 30mins of screen time. He's bad for at least 15mins of it. Steppenwolf convinced him that during the battle of Doomsday(He doesn't actually call him that) Lois was killed, Batman had a chance to save her but he saved himself. Steppenwolf says ''He killed your world, now kill his''. There's a little short fight between Batman & Superman, Superman wins and is about to kill Batman when Lois arrives(Flash).

- The parademons impregnat hosts, similar to Aliens. I found this very interesting and horror like. I wonder what he meant by it exactly but I trust Snyder's vision(He has great detail).

Steppenwolf is a pretty intimidating villain, a little intense at times but underused(Makes sense since the focus is on the league).

When Steppenwolf goes rogue he takes Superman to the scout ship to extract the codex from his blood, this is also the scene where he fights Batman and Flash brings Lois to stop him. Superman is alot more happy after the final fight, more ''hopeful'' I guess you could say. The final shot is of him in the red & blue suit watching over Metropolis(Apparently it's a great visual shot).

To convince Superman of joining him Steppenwolf uses his axe to create a fake holographic projection of Batman not saving Lois. Superman continues to think about whether or not he's wrong but Steppenwolf just shows him the fake images again.

When Superman becomes good and Steppenwolf retreats to the parademon hive for the final fight, the league discuss in the scout ship. Cyborg hacks into the scout ship computer and finds some kind of hidden AI, he activates it(Apparently says Booyah) and it's none other than Jor-el from MOS. He gives them the information they need about Darkseid and what he wants with the motherboxes. Superman asks why he didn't tell him before, Joe-El reveals Darkseid has been at war with kryptonians for thousands of years, if he had told Kal about him in MOS he would of gone searching for him, giving Darkseid the one thing he wants ''the codex'' to create a new & powerful army. Steppenwolf wanted to create the army on his own to exact his revenge on Darkseid and take Earth for his own, he thinks Darkseid is nothing without him.

Gordon has 3 scenes, he namedrops Joker & Harley when talking to Batman, but what he really says is ''The clown and his *****'', meant for humor."
Sounds like a lot of BS to me.

First look at Spider-Man: Homecoming's Michael Chernus as The Twinkier, and a look at Michael Keaton as the Vulture with the facemask off, which makes him look remarkably like Bird Person from Rick & Morty.

I think we can all agree, whether we like or dislike the toyline, that we all need the custom Yondu as Mary Poppins Funko Pop figure.

Edited, May 16th 2017 1:40pm by lolgaxe
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#1116 May 16 2017 at 8:57 PM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
I caught up on American Gods. My cable subscription has been good for something at least. Free watching on their websites.

Episode 3 was unexpectedly funny. I liked the interactions between Wednesday and Shadow. Like the marshmallow scene, "Why are you talking to me about Marshmallows.... Ya I like Marshmallows". All the different Jesuses. How Mexican Jesus was an illegal immigrant.

I do think Shadow is a deity. Just not aware of it. Being the one that was present when the vikings first arrived in North America would be a likely scenario.

As for Scully playing Lucy. When she asked "Do you want to see Lucy's tits?" I was hoping Shadow would say "yes."

I hope to see more of the Leprechaun. But most of the characters are good. And I really like the whole drive behind all these gods to be remembered and have worshipers.

I tried to catch up on SHIELD before the finale tonight, but missed it. But did catch up on everything up to the finale. Seems like this whole season is just "Why are the hot ones always crazy?" I liked the teaser leading into the finale. Now I'm sad that I didn't get it in time and have to wait til tomorrow to watch it.

Edited, May 17th 2017 12:15am by TirithRR
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#1117 May 17 2017 at 7:30 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
Lyla, The Flash wrote:
I couldn't let Iris die knowing this could save her.
Bitch, your not giving it to him is literally why Barry had to steal the McGuffin in the first place. Time travel is really wonky in the DCCWverse. Barry can change things in time at a whim except something as important as Iris? He saved Cop Dad Joe the first time he time traveled, and saved and killed his mom like a dozen times. And god the Legends of Tomorrow change time every episode like it's nothing.
TirithRR wrote:
Now I'm sad that I didn't get it in time and have to wait til tomorrow to watch it.
Long and short is that SHIELD always seems to have decent season finales. Goes to show that shooting Talbot in the head isn't all that effective an idea. Some definitely metal kills, from what looks like the show dumping the last of their budget for this finale. Hate that the predicted "Mack won't escape unscathed" came true though Hope disappearing in his arms was well done. Equally disappointed that the "Ward downloads into an LMD" theory didn't happen (Or has it? DUN DUN DAAAAAAA). Yeah, Coulson becoming the Spirit of Avengence was boss, and looks like he sold his soul for it.MFW Robbie can use Doctor Strange's Sling Ring Teleport. Radcliffe was a great addition to the show and it's a shame to see him go. All the side jumping and such made things interesting. Also reasonably sure that was a Sonic Immobilizer from Iron Man 1 used at that resteraunt. And if it wasn't, I'm head-canoning that it was anyway. As far as that last scene, I am almost 1,000% certain we're Agents of S.W.O.R.D. now. ABC revealed that The Inhumans will air on Fridays at 0900pm, and once it's eight episode season is concluded AoS' next season will take over the time slot.

Unrelated, but there was a commercial for Valerian and I swear the song was Gangsta's Paradise which I thought was absolutely crazy. So I looked it up. While my sanity is still questionable even on my best days, at least this isn't a sign of my crazy.

Wreck-It Ralph's sequel has a title: Ralph Breaks the Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2. I'm guessing it'll be about the spread of emulators. I'm pretty sure I'm a month or few late to this one.

Aquaman adds Black Power Ranger Ludi Lin as Murk, the leader of the front-line army of Atlantis known as the Men-of-War and a long time friend/ally of Aquaman.

She's Mary Poppins y'all.

Edited, May 17th 2017 11:00am by lolgaxe
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#1118 May 17 2017 at 10:40 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Maybe Ralph will be relegated to a Newgrounds Flash game.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#1119 May 17 2017 at 4:16 PM Rating: Decent
Keeper of the Shroud
13,632 posts
Seth McFarline has new show coming to Fox called The Orville. It's basically a Star Trek parody starring Seth McFarline, pretty much just playing himself. Here's a preview:

I chuckled a couple of times. I might give it a chance, but since it's on Fox, I don't expect it to last long.
#1120 May 17 2017 at 5:17 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
TirithRR wrote:
I caught up on American Gods. My cable subscription has been good for something at least. Free watching on their websites.

Episode 3 was unexpectedly funny. I do think Shadow is a deity. Just not aware of it. Being the one that was present when the vikings first arrived in North America would be a likely scenario.

Yeah. I think he is as well. Not sure yet whether he's someone very new, or someone very old. But there must be something about him, else both sides wouldn't seem to be trying to recruit him. I'm assuming at this point that it was his power that destroyed the techbots/whatever thingies. It was interesting that the girl on the roof mentioned that he was once protected by the sun, and now he was protected by the moon (don't remember precisely what was said)? The name Shadow Moon is interesting in this context, given that it would seem to be referring to an eclipse, which would involve both things.

And I really like the whole drive behind all these gods to be remembered and have worshipers.

I've never read the book. One of my friends, however, was really really exited about the series (I was kinda on the fence about watching it, until he recommended it). It's his favorite Neil Gaiman book, apparently. It does appear as though the concept for the gods is that they are more or less manifestations of man's "worship" throughout time. I'm assuming that the twist here is that man's placement of importance on new things (technology, communications, etc), has caused new "gods" to appear which are aspects of those things. And, of course, would lead to a conflict with the old gods, many of which may range from "nearly forgotten" (the old fertility/mother goddess that keeps eating people), to "remembered, but not so much worshiped" (Wednesday and others like the various mythologies that everyone knows), to "actively worshiped" (Jehova, Alla, Jesus, apparently in multiple aspects, etc).

I'm really enjoying the story so far. Don't yet know what the heck's going on though. Not sure if that's good or bad. I suspect, given that this is just the first 3rd of the book, and there's only 8 episodes, that this first section will probably just introduce us to the concept of the story, and the conflict (a bit), and perhaps some reveal about Shadow Moon (maybe). Assuming a somewhat classic three act style story, that is, this is the "introduction" act. It's looking so far like this will be enough to wet people's appetites for the second and third seasons (I hope!).
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#1121 May 17 2017 at 7:41 PM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
American Gods:

gbaji wrote:
It was interesting that the girl on the roof mentioned that he was once protected by the sun, and now he was protected by the moon (don't remember precisely what was said)?

I thought it was a reference to the Leprechaun's coin he had tossed on his wife's grave? She gives him this coin as protection, which I assume was what allowed him to beat Czernobog at checkers the second time around, or at least assisted. And she says not to toss this one. I think it's supposed to be a mate to the coin Leprechaun is now looking for.
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#1122 May 18 2017 at 7:55 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
Turin wrote:
It's basically a Star Trek parody starring Seth McFarline, pretty much just playing himself.
I think if I accidentally saw it I wouldn't change the channel. Wasn't a fan of Million Ways to Die in the West.
gbaji wrote:
It's looking so far like this will be enough to wet people's appetites for the second and third seasons (I hope!).
Starz has already greenlit a second season after a decent premiere, so there's that.

CBS' Star Trek: Discovery first trailer.

CW's Black Lightning traier. Looks like a combination of tech and natural powers. I'm also relatively sure that while they might not cross over, they are using Barry Allen's lab and Jitter's sets in at least the trailer.

CW released their Fall Schedule, which showed they're moving Riverdale to Wednesday and Arrow to Thursday following Supernatural. Kind of a weird move, because now there's a break in the "Superhero Block" of shows, but seeing as how Black Lightning doesn't appear yet I'm guessing that's where they'll stick it midseason.

And just as I finished posting, network chief Mark Pedowitz released a statement: "We do not aim to do a five-way crossover. Black Lightning, at this time, is not part of the Arrowverse. It is a separate situation. But there will be a big fourth quarter crossover with all four of the shows that are on in the fall." I guess the new question is whether it'll be part of the Supergirlverse or a -verse of it's own. I can't imagine any scenario where a CW cape show doesn't connect with the rest of the shows in some way.

Along with the time change, have some next season synopseseses.
The Flash, Season 4 wrote:
Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) lived a normal life as a perpetually tardy C.S.I. in the Central City Police Department. Barry’s life changed forever when the S.T.A.R. Labs Particle Accelerator exploded, creating a dark-matter lightning storm that struck Barry, bestowing him with super-speed and making him the fastest man alive — The Flash. But when Barry used his extraordinary abilities to travel back in time and save his mother’s life, he inadvertently created an alternate timeline known as Flashpoint; a phenomenon that gave birth to the villainous speed god known as Savitar, and changed the lives of Caitlin Snow (Danielle Panabaker) and Wally West (Keiyan Lonsdale) forever. With the help of his adoptive father, Joe West (Jesse L. Martin), his lifelong best friend and love interest Iris West (Candice Patton), and his friends at S.T.A.R. Labs -- Cisco Ramon (Carlos Valdes), C.S.I Julian Albert (Tom Felton), and an Earth-19 novelist named H.R. Wells (Tom Cavanaugh) -- Barry continues to protect the people of Central City from the meta-humans that threaten it.
Legends of Tomorrow, Season 3 wrote:
After the defeat of Eobard Thawne and his equally nefarious Legion of Doom, the Legends face a new threat created by their actions at the end of last season. In revisiting a moment in time that they had already participated in, they have essentially fractured the timeline and created anachronisms – a scattering of people, animals, and objects all across time! Our team must find a way to return all the anachronisms to their original timelines before the time stream falls apart. But before our Legends can jump back into action, Rip Hunter (Arthur Darvill) and his newly established Time Bureau call their methods into question. With the Time Bureau effectively the new sheriffs in town, the Legends disband – until Mick Rory (Dominic Purcell) discovers one of them in the middle of his well-deserved vacation in Aruba. Seeing this as an opportunity to continue their time traveling heroics, Sara (Caity Lotz) wastes no time in getting the Legends back together. We reunite with billionaire inventor Ray Palmer (Brandon Routh), the unconventional historian-turned-superhero Nick Heywood (Nick Zano), and Professor Martin Stein (Victor Garber) and Jefferson “Jax” Jackson (Franz Drameh), who together form the meta-human Firestorm. Once reunited, the Legends will challenge the Time Bureau’s authority over the timeline and insist that however messy their methods may be, some problems are beyond the Bureau’s capabilities. Some problems can only be fixed by Legends.
The Arrow, Season Eleventy Million wrote:
After a violent shipwreck, billionaire playboy Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) was missing and presumed dead for five years before being discovered alive on a remote island in the North China Sea. He returned home to Star City, bent on righting the wrongs done by his family and fighting injustice. As the Green Arrow, he protects his city with the help of former soldier John Diggle (David Ramsey), computer-science expert Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards), his vigilante-trained sister Thea Queen (Willa Holland), Deputy Mayor Quentin Lance (Paul Blackthorne), brilliant inventor Curtis Holt (Echo Kellum), and his new recruits, street-savvy Rene Ramirez (Rick Gonzalez) and meta-human Dinah Drake (Juliana Harkavy). Oliver has finally solidified and strengthened his crime-fighting team only to have it threatened when unexpected enemies from his past return to Star City, forcing Oliver to rethink his relationship with each member of his “family”.

Edited, May 18th 2017 2:57pm by lolgaxe
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#1123 May 19 2017 at 7:20 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
Early twitter critic reviews for Wonder Woman are showing up, and they're all good. But then early twitter reviews from critics are always good.

According to Variety Sony, the Spider-Man spinoff and currently untitled Venom movie will be directed by Ruben Fleischer, written by Scott Rosenberg and Jeff Pinkner and star Tom Hardy as Eddie Brock/Venom who posted a picture of himself wearing a Venom shirt and using the Logan Filter on his cellphone camera. Don't know how to feel about it. Hardy is a good actor when he has good material to work with, and you can't really be a Spider-Man fanboy and not like Venom, but it's just weird. It's not connected to the MCU, so ... how without Spider-Man? Kind of fun Six Degrees trivia at least, since he played Bane who uses venom to become super strong, and now he's Eddie Brock who uses the Venom symbiote to become super strong. Just hope there isn't any of the recent space knight nonsense from the comics.

Some more synopsis, this time from the movies. No real new information.
Thor: Ragnarok (November 3rd, 2017) wrote:
Thor's world is about to explode in Marvel's Thor: Ragnarok. His devious brother, Loki, has taken over Asgard, the powerful Hela has emerged to steal the throne for herself and Thor is imprisoned on the other side of the universe. To escape captivity and save his home from imminent destruction, Thor must first win a deadly alien contest by defeating his former ally and fellow Avenger... The Incredible Hulk!
Black Panther (February 16th, 2018) wrote:
After the events of Captain America: Civil War, King T'Challa returns home to the reclusive, technologically advanced African nation of Wakanda to serve as his country's new leader. However, T'Challa soon finds that he is challenged for the throne from factions within his own country. When two foes conspire to destroy Wakanda, the hero known as Black Panther must team up with C.I.A. agent Everett K. Ross and members of the Dora Milaje, Wakandan special forces, to prevent Wakanda from being dragged into a world war.
Avengers: Infinity War (May 4th, 2018) wrote:
As the Avengers and their allies have continued to protect the world from threats too large for any one hero to handle, a new danger has emerged from the cosmic shadows: Thanos. A despot of intergalactic infamy, his goal is to collect all six Infinity Stones, artifacts of unimaginable power, and use them to inflict his twisted will on all of reality. Everything the Avengers have fought for has led up to this moment - the fate of Earth and existence itself has never been more uncertain.

Edited, May 19th 2017 2:36pm by lolgaxe
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#1124 May 19 2017 at 6:14 PM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
SHIELD finale: Finally got around to watching it. Was much easier once I was in my own home and turned on my DVR. Catching up on as much as I can until I am traveling again on Sunday.

So, are they doing a tie in with the next Thor movie? That's the first thing I thought when I saw Coulson waking up in what appeared to be a forced labor camp in space. Seemed like something they'd be able to explore in a Thor movie with a Planet Hulk story.

Hope being deleted from Mack's arms was a definite tear jerker.

Also, I appreciated the Slow-Mo Jemma Jiggle. (Edit: Maybe not all that slow-mo, but still a nice, if short lived, jiggle).


Samurai Jack:
As expected, all his friends show up. More Celtic Magic.

Then it gets all happy. "What? This doesn't seem right..."

Then it gets sad. "Ok, that's more like it."

Time took a little while to correct itself. Long enough to give Jack his own Hope to be taken away. Aku's last act of revenge.

American Gods: Starz has it on demand ahead of time on their website. Good thing cause I my hotel doesn't have Starz. Very weird episode. Anubis is up there on top of my list of characters.

So did Shadow's powers bring Laura back, or was it the coin he tossed on her grave? I'm thinking it's Leprechaun's coin that did it.

Mystery of who saved Shadow from the lynching is solved. It was his Zombified Ex Wife. Who actually kicked a guy in the crotch so hard that he split in half and his spinal cord and skull flew straight up.

Also curious if Shadow's glow is because of his relationship with Laura, or if Laura can just perceive something in this half-dead world she now occupies, and is just interpreting it as because of her relationship with Shadow. Too bad they didn't show any scenes where she would have seen Wednesday. Curious what if any aura he would have. Though, if the aura really was due to Shadow's power, we'd probably have seen another aura near him in the distance because Wednesday and Shadow were side by side of most of this trip.

And thinking about whether or not we are supposed to know who Wednesday is yet, I don't recall fully and can't look back yet, but did Czernobog call him by the name Woden after Shadow beat him?

Side Note: The lack of actual nude scenes with Emily Browning feels strange. The steps they take to cover her up and not show anything feel more out of place than actually showing.

Edited, May 21st 2017 10:43pm by TirithRR
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#1125 May 22 2017 at 7:44 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
Jack: Hn. Not the ending I expected them to go with, I'll give them that. The second Ashi opened the portal the ending was easy to see coming. Though I found Gurren Lagann did it better. Even when accomplishing his goal Jack's life is suffering. Worse yet Ashi never said she loved Jack. A little sad that the Scotsman and his daughters, the Ravers, Archeologist Dogs, pretty much everyone ceased to exist as well. Without Aku's meddling, the way people behaved to avoid him/follow him over the hundreds of years their ancestors would have also drastically changed and they'd have never been introduced to each other. Ashi disappearing means there isn't a divergent time line. it really was a sad ending. Nice, solid and decent, but sad.

Murkin Gawds: Leprechaun's Lucky Coin: All Hits Critical For Duration of Combat

I guess that does explain the whole embalming fluid question when it comes to zombie resurrections. Though that does have to suck to not believe in an afterlife, only to die with a dick in your mouth and find out there really is one but because you didn't believe you get stuck with eternal nothingness.

Arnold SchwarzeAfricanAmerican had an interview during the Cannes Festival, and according to him he and James Cameron will be continuing the Terminator franchise. I guess it's fitting, considering how old Arnie is he's probably more machine than human anyway.

Universal Pictures announced their collective character franchise will be called the "Dark Universe," and also officially confirmed that The Invisible Man and Frankenstein’s Monster will be played by, respectively, Johnny Depp and Javier Bardem. No word whether or not Russel Crowe will rape Depp in a future installment.

Edited, May 22nd 2017 1:53pm by lolgaxe
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#1126 May 22 2017 at 5:14 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Joss Whedon will be taking over Justice League which would be good news except that the reason is pretty terrible: Zack Snyder's daughter committed suicide and Snyder is stepping down to take care of family concerns.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
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