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Ragnarok's FinestFollow

#1 Aug 28 2004 at 4:03 PM Rating: Excellent
356 posts
I know this server is one of the most populated ones, and we each meet a new person everyday. The point of this topic is to tell us who were some of the greatest players, friends, and all around nice people you have run into while adventuring across Vana D.

For me I have far too many wonderful people to list so I will just go with a one right now.

One of the most helpful people I know goes by the name of Draugue a level 60+ paladin. Now dont go thinking he power leveled me or anything, I hate that idea, it's just that he jumps at any opportunity to help me or anyone in my linkshell, even with minimal gain for him or certain failure.

He has joined us in anything from BCNMs, to garrisons, to various missions where a little extra strength would turn the tide.

/salute Draugue ^^

Edited, Sat Aug 28 17:03:08 2004 by Minona
#2 Aug 30 2004 at 1:36 AM Rating: Good
89 posts
My names Robbeh.

I've always tried to be the best at things that I can be. To make up for what I think is bad skill, but I've gotten about 8 linkpearls, and a lot of buddy listings, cause apparently I'm good.

I'm not so sure, and a few people think I'm good.

Other than me, I'd like to name some:

Blagoce ( Great friend, and knows how to play almost any job )
Lilka ( Great for PLing me, helps me out a lot as well )
Epiphanie ( ^ )
Destiney. This kid, well, he's like a "Young Adult" is one of my favorite people on the server. Energetic to all hell, and a great RDM to boot. He's always helpful, and willing to do what he can to help out. Much <3 Dest. Even after you /blist'd me for too much "^-^"
Kyuru - Recently met this guy in GC. He's a good WHM, a bit hard on himself though. He made fun of me about not having a Tathlum, when he did, and we joked about it for a while. Great guy, good WHM.
I'm thinking atm, hang on.
Fishstickz ( Very nice person overall, and gave me a lot of BRD songs, and participated in Garrison {As have the rest of them, they are all in my LS}
Ebonron. This guy, is just WOW. Hes about level 55 or so, and he farms a lot, and he said that all he wanted in this game was "To get SAM AF and then to help out" Hes helped me out a lot, in more ways than one.

Um other people... Uh..

Izembo. Great friend of mine, and very very good at the game. I know that hes around level 40 GS as well, and that he has made rings.

A lot of people from "TheDojang" and "Saoch" Linkshells are all nice.

I don't like:

Duotwk ( Immature and sometimes loudmouthed, refuses to listen anything thats not what he thinks )

Dunno others, if I get some more, I'll repost.

Edited, Thu Jan 20 12:17:39 2005 by RobTheBard

Edited, Mon Feb 14 22:52:07 2005 by RobTheBard
#3 Aug 30 2004 at 8:06 AM Rating: Good
440 posts
[Warning: gratuitous nepotism]

All of the guys & gals from the Gryphons linkshell r awesome; i dunno what id do without em :)

[/end nepotism]

Outside of the shell, tho, a few ppl id like to point out as bein really good players/ppl (in no particular order):

-Cynthya - Excellent NIN & even helped me out a coupla times.
-Forgottenangel - A fellow BRD & a really good player.
-Daming - Lower-lvl BRD that i pt'd wit while lvlin up RDM. Look out for this guy, cuz he had the song routine down from the start.
-Chayla - RDM that used to be in my set. I dunno if she's around nemore, but i miss her everytime i pt wit a bad RDM. :(
-All the ppl in mah set - Gwenn, Fsst, Ogham, Thengelion, & the RDM whose name escapes me rite now (sowwy, its early) :P
#4 Aug 30 2004 at 2:48 PM Rating: Good
455 posts
I can't say his name enough. Zerochiten!

We love you Zero! We really do! He'll help total strangers.. Heck, he even strikes up a conversation with total strangers.. He's probably one of the nicest people I've ever met on this server. He'll help you out if he's not busy, right on the spot! He's not the kind to say "...Maybe tomorrow" Every day for the next three weeks or anything.. He'll just say "Invite me!" ... He inspires me. I try to do the same thing, but I find myself a lot busier than I thought I would as a Dragoon at my level. Still. >.> I try.
#5 Aug 31 2004 at 3:41 PM Rating: Good
144 posts
Serpicatha -> original inspiration for becoming a sam in the first place. All around nice guy and full of information.
Cloudvii -> Funny as hell and rude to boot :D helped me get some of my AF gear. Thanks for everything
Rianphoenix -> Friend of cloud's, dont know him that well but was very nice and also helped me get my AF gear.
Shorthal -> Biggest help in striving to become a sam. after 3 days of askin for help to do the quest, he offered to help me out. Cant thank you enough.
Edgecrusher -> My "bruddah", we've been playing online games together for years. Recently had to switch to the ps2 version and hates every minute of it :( No matter how mad I am at this game, he always comes up with something to make me laugh.
Satein -> One of the coolest guys I've met in-game so far. i owe him a ton of gil. Yet he tells me dont worry about it :( I do, because since cap fishin has sucked lately with all the people doin it, hard to make decent gil to repay him back :( I OWE YOU A LOT BUD!

All the LS's that i've joined, and my current one. Phantasmagoria. <3 you guys, although sometimes, you really scare me. :D

Edited, Tue Aug 31 17:25:34 2004 by Halofrost
#6 Aug 31 2004 at 6:55 PM Rating: Good
773 posts
There are lots of Happy Folks on our server. I'm @ Work, but Def props go out to Purelove for helping me w/ My Mnk AF1, Ultima Linkshell for having so many happy people :) and of Course, Electric Rodeo Clowns My LS of Local guys :)

Edited, Tue Aug 31 19:55:28 2004 by PicOo
#7 Aug 31 2004 at 8:29 PM Rating: Good
Ahh well all the people i owe most respect to either are A) JP or B) Quit

I give thanks to Key and Paranuru (Umm...i think thats her name...its something like that) for helping me on AF1 and 2.
Thanks to Nekosume for helping on DRG quest. Thx to everybody in My LS...

wow now that i think about it....thx to pretty much every1 i know...
#8 Aug 31 2004 at 9:30 PM Rating: Good
Here's my list:
-Mandlorian for being a great fellow rdm earlier in the game when I played rdm, and for helping me get my af1.
-Phrost for always inviting me to his pts in Kazham (I hate that place soooooooo much)
-Lockie, Fushigi, and Akamatsu for helping me out last night. You made this bard very happy :)
-All the guys and gals in RevolutionX for putting up with my ranting for whatever reason every night

I'm sure there are plenty more, I'll have to come back and edit later.
#9 Sep 01 2004 at 1:27 PM Rating: Good
144 posts
/slap Elomendl XD
Hey bud! We gotta go farmin together. I havent pt'd with you ages (since kazham) if i remember right. Hit me up in-game next time you're not doin anything. We'll go kill some stuff
#10 Sep 01 2004 at 5:06 PM Rating: Good
Arbiter - Just cause he help so much in my ls and hardly gets anything back.

Masterasia - =\ hmm some jp guy with max smithing and various lvl 75 jobs, really famous and has his own subligar brand >.>

Maximillion - ultra rich guy, leader of zenmetsu(spelled wrong)

Everyone in MasterMind Ls - everyone has 100 in one craft various 75 jobs and they are the richest ls in the server.

#11 Sep 03 2004 at 12:37 AM Rating: Decent
230 posts
Percie is pretty cool too. She always lends a helping hand.
#12 Sep 03 2004 at 1:28 AM Rating: Good
616 posts

i love that guy to death, and he sounds so sexy too =P
#13 Sep 04 2004 at 2:34 AM Rating: Good
352 posts
^_^;; I feel so loved Robbeh, I really do.

In list which I met them.

Majikstx - Now THIS guy is my Mentor. I started the game, made a few dumb comments and ended up dying several swift and rather funny deaths. I was level 3 when he came along. He was level 4 but leveled shortly after. We actually chained qaudav he was so good. Anyway, he's a DRK now but we talk every now and then.

Shiftiest(Shifty of Lahkschmi) - I encouraged him to buy the game, and he gave me many insights on THF, DRK, and a few hints on BST. We are friends RL so it's easy for us to communicate back and forth.

Kendel - I helped this guy cross Valkurm from San d`Oria along with his friend Felgar. We ended up seeing Bloodtear Baldurf and me holding it off(it whiffed first hit o.o;;;;;;) while they ran. I died, but got them through. He's helped me out a bit in parties and when in a stitch.

Felgar - Just like Kendel, same story, different class. He's a MNK or DRG now.

Borked - I partied with this guy when I was a 20 WAR. He was a 44 SAM and hunting the Emperor in Valkurm. I was bored so helped him. We've kept in touch since.

Robbeh - A great guy overall. He plays his character with finesse and talent, although his modesty sometimes gets the better of him here. He's given me stuff, and I in return to him. He has never let me down. Again, a great person and player. He can liven a party with you at least a little bit. I truly wish there was more to say but there isn't. He's a great person and friend. /wave Robbeh

Yumyumfood & Tzellwe - these two are BF/GF in RL and play in the same room. I pted with Yum and Tzellwe in Tahrongi canyon as a BLM. Great people who have always been true to their colors.

Fovian - I met him in Yhaotor Jungle in a party. I went AFK, came back dead from a mispull onto a white lizard XD! I had a good laugh with Fovian. He later joined my LS, and gave me 2 incredibly valuable objects. A Himura +1 worht around 40K. FOR FREE....and a Scroll of Utsusemi: Ichi. Yep. He GAVE me Utsusemi.

Lilka - great WHM and BRD. Has played a vital role in keeping the LS on track with the craft list and such. Keep it up!

MasterAsia - The ONLY JP I will ever recognize that has been as courteous and kind to me as even my most trusted friends. I partied with him as a PLD in Valkurm. He never lost hate. He never complained. He never once gave up. He ended up dying once, and then had to leave. This was after about 5-7K in 2 hours in Valkurm.

Insertcliche - I ran into her(or him, not really sure XD) in San d`Oria when I asked for an earthcrystal(trade for 200 gil). She didn't have any but was really nice about it^^. I then ran into her in Windurst later that day, and Battallia dowsn when I was farming. In one day. I then did some Woodworking work for her to get some rank points but I couldn't finish the stuff >.< but anywya, a great person overall and is quite funny^^

Edited, Mon Oct 18 19:03:23 2004 by Windblade
#14 Sep 04 2004 at 11:07 AM Rating: Good
1,049 posts
I owe some respect to:

Myrican -- Always helping me when I ask for it and he isnt busy. Been a good friend with him ever since we were both part of The Confederation all that time ago. He lends me money and doesn't care when I give it back. Though I have lent all his money back by now...

Xile -- Gave me a linkpearl to Confed when I was still a complete noob. I was friends with him a long time ago at Gamefaqs, so he knew who I was beforehand.

Cleciont/Aeges/all his alts and Belcrono -- Great friends throughout the entire game. These are people who are willing to help at any time and can always get a good chat with them... Except when they are AFK. Though Belcrono needs to warn people when he is about to leave for a week or two. (-_-)

Siobhan -- When he isnt "always correct", he is a cool person to talk to.

Mornamarth and Mornsul -- Again, Confedders. Mornamarth is one of my best friends in the game and over AIM. Talking about the game, the past of the linkshell, and even things about real life. Like Xile and Siobhan, I knew Mornamarth before I had the game. Both Morns are polite and yet fun to chat with. Great personality yet dont have much time to play.

Aryana -- Its always fun to chat/argue with Aryana.

The Confederation Linkshell |

What can I say, I have been in here forever and it has changed so much. The one thing that is good about confed is that we have never gotten any bad members.
#15 Sep 04 2004 at 11:45 PM Rating: Good
89 posts

Edited, Thu Jan 20 12:17:52 2005 by RobTheBard
#16 Sep 05 2004 at 4:37 PM Rating: Good
201 posts
In no particular order. Ehk,Elixer,Keagan was(until the ******* quit ;_;), Edgecrusher, Trihouse
#17 Sep 07 2004 at 7:41 PM Rating: Decent
Percie? Pfft what a newb ^^
#18 Sep 15 2004 at 7:28 AM Rating: Good
90 posts
i believe brutux is one of the greats he lends us money when we farm all day and still need like 2k he also helps us do quests when hes in the middle of doing somthing else hes the gretest ^^
#19 Sep 15 2004 at 11:27 AM Rating: Good
18 posts
elo ,eleas & Ragnos from Revlotionx
i like them much
still not forget the rank3 mission ^^

Nairyklav ,,
#20 Sep 20 2004 at 5:38 AM Rating: Good
321 posts
Just about anyone in my LS (DigitalBackSpin) but other than them...

Enkiduu- Even though he Quit, we started at the same time and he was a great friend...Gave me 100k+ and 8 rare items when he left.

Lagaia- Another good friend of mine. Currently a PLD. Whenever I needed a pty, he was there to give me one.

Ablestronghold- Saved my *** a couple times when I was a newbie and I recently got the pleasure of pty'ing with him. He's an all around great guy.

Zerta- One of the nicest guys (plays as a girl) ever. He help me get my 1st pair of Leaping Boots. We ended up getting 3 pairs in the span of 3 hours. One for each member of the hunting pty.

Dayhunter- I can't forget my little tarutaru buddy! He's a great, umm.........taru

Tinkledinkle- Another one of my taru buddies

Last but not least....
Soratachi- My fiancee

The list goes on and on, but those are the most prominent in my life.

Edited, Tue Sep 21 19:51:11 2004 by MightyBeldin

Edited, Thu Oct 21 06:24:57 2004 by MightyBeldin
#21 Sep 23 2004 at 3:46 PM Rating: Good
23 posts
I'd have to start my list with Battletank. he's one cool guy.
Sheeba, Dritz, Slusher, Anyel, xxcidxx (my mission buddy)...

and just because someone's rich, doesn't mean they're good.
#22 Sep 23 2004 at 7:40 PM Rating: Decent
142 posts
Battletank is my brother, he is awesome as is Drako Masterasia, and Myrican. Those are the ones that I know, oh ya and of course the Sheeba!!!
#23 Sep 23 2004 at 10:12 PM Rating: Decent
Battletank is awesome very nice guy. Helped some friends of drako with carbuncle mitts and he was very nice also, lets see who else jyncs,dukefleed,picolo,cerealkiller,kiraa,borked,feebs,orichimaru,jevyn,xenger,
gattsu,blackru,whiteru, and bethany are just a few who come to mind,and Gonnagal
what happened with BT he hasn't been on in a long time.
#24 Sep 23 2004 at 10:19 PM Rating: Decent
142 posts
Sonquie I know he and I are both busy with school. You also named a whole slue of people that I had forgotten to remember thanks on that. I will tell him that you said Hi.
#25 Sep 23 2004 at 11:22 PM Rating: Decent
lol np tell him we all miss him XD
#26 Sep 29 2004 at 5:25 AM Rating: Good
40 posts
Two people in Salvation who never stop giving are Jukiro and Irongrimm. 75BRD and 72MNK respectively. I'm telling you, any time you need help with something, you can count on them helping out one way or another.

As far as friends go, Dyn, Aceseph, Percie, Acidreign, Amarao, they're always a blast. Me and 'ol Assseph partied together from the 40s or so right up to now and I know that I can depend on the fool if need be.

Kuraiholy and his band of merry men I also have to shout out to. They helped me get past those dreaded Banishing Gates in Garlaige so that I could score my Gallant Coronet. Holy's helped me more times than I can count now, I think. X_x

Danielson's pretty cool. Daaaaan is probably my favorite Black Mage. Hrrrrmmmm....there are really too many people to name who deserve it so I'll stop here.

Everyone in Salvation, though, that's what really makes FFXI fun for me.
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