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Ragnarok's FinestFollow

#252 Jan 07 2005 at 5:47 PM Rating: Good
See? I hate threads like this too, cause I ALWAYS leave out someone!!!

Nods to Wingblade, too for being a damn fine Bloody Bolt crafter! :P
#253 Jan 10 2005 at 5:37 PM Rating: Good
222 posts
I have many friends who are willing to help with something that you need, or people that have helped me ^^. some of them are:

Ysabell (Seen her name on here loads)
and lots more but I cant remember them all one said my name yet im quite upset ;_;

Bastian is my name btw lol :p
#254 Jan 10 2005 at 6:04 PM Rating: Good
39 posts
Loads of people I want to mention, everyone on BritishGeezers LS for starters, especially Ikz who is the muscleman level 70 PLD we all run to when things go pear-shaped, cheers mate!

i have to agree Ikz is a great pld and has helped me loads /cheer /kneel

hope i will have this respect one day.
#255 Jan 11 2005 at 6:27 AM Rating: Excellent
194 posts
A few names to mention from me...

Felrin - Leader of the first linkshell i joined, was always willing to help me out and give me advice.

Studmuffin and Snoogums - Two great people, and the few party sessions i have had with them have been both lighthearted and fun.

Dritz - Fantastic bloke, always willing to help, last heard he had left for WoW. Hope to see him around again soon.

Zefren - An all round nice guy, met him in VampiresInc linkshell, but unfortunately havent seen him online for a while, but was always nice to talk too.

Phase - Another VampiresInc meeting, another nice person.

Blacke - From the first time we met when me and Roffler escorted him to Jeuno i have always liked him. Great guy, has helped me on many occasions and supplied me with cheap bolts and arrows, by far one of the nicest people i have met.

Azraelx - Again, one of the nicest people you could meet, willing to drop whatever he is doing to come help with anything. Not to mention that its always a pleasure to chat with him.

Xanza - Known him for a couple of years online now, stemming from another game, top class bloke.

Roffler - I wouldnt even know where to start, known him online for around 4 years now, started this game with him and pretty much done everything ingame with him. Top quality person, always willing to help with whatever ideas i have.Couldnt wish for a nicer friend :x, also has a love for my characters 'mullet' ;).

And of course..

Ysabell - Someone very special to me, my real life partner of 4 years, and the mother of my daughter. I could write a million words for her and still not get my full point of appreciation for her across. Has given me more than i could ever have asked for. Ingame she would help anyone and everyone if she could. <3
#256 Jan 11 2005 at 1:18 PM Rating: Excellent
My Ls for the great times (too many people to name)

Rownan and Konig for my Kazham keys

Sheeba, Balduvar, Tripilicus, Rownan for my G1 paper

Gentaro from coming out of no where and inviting me to a G2 party

Balduvar for getting me through G3 (the insane pld who doesnt fear death...died 3 times getting crimson orb in Davoi ><)

The taru whm that soloed my AF1 (>< forgot name i have screenshot somewhere)

Andros, Balduvar, Toyer, my Ls and my set (Balduvar, Iridal, Phase, Vanyel and the ever so absent Veet) for helping with my AF (quests/keys/NMs)

Andros again for the Ls I'm in and for the World Pass that brought me to this server

I realize this is more of a "shout out" type post but it seems this thread moved that direction, but for all these people ~~~~>Smiley: flowers

EDIT: i keep remembering people....and stuff helped with.

Edited, Tue Jan 11 13:28:17 2005 by Icestunna
#257 Jan 11 2005 at 10:13 PM Rating: Good
79 posts
/cry I wanna be a finest too. Non of my friends post here except Orabu and the don name me cry.......ohhh yea now what was I suppose to do...ummm yea

Sammy - helpful and nice player
Louferigno - my online bro
Clocant - helped me do DRG flag quest and a friend
Mibotsu - cool taru thf
Orabu - Helped me out alot during my time on FFXI
Tienshinhan - started the game with him
Dregan - a friend who helped me alot

umm....damn there is alot
servont - reason I started to level SMN
curksal - aggrovating PLD rival

and alot more...
#258 Jan 12 2005 at 2:21 AM Rating: Good
356 posts
This thing is still going I see O_o
I gave more rateups for you all from page 3 and I have a few special mentions ^^

Keal, The samurai extroidinare who was with us when we finally broke our horrible holla losing streak. 1-10 :P
And in Lufaise meadows he suprised us all by proposing in the best spot in the game. Now he has become one of my best friends in the game, and he is always, and always will be at my side, no matter what.

Tiyha, my ranger rival :P
We have been leveling our rangers neck and neck back a few months ago but I stopped to level some mage jobs and you seemed to slip ahead by only 2 levels lol. Sheesh I leveled summoner to 18 and white mage to 25 and you only got 2 levels...hmm.
You are still a very formidable ranger and I love ya lots.

Melissante, the super crafter. I don't know where you have gone but, I really thank you for synthing a +1 katana for me, as well as giving me lots of recipees to try and tips. I hope you come back soon ^^.

Snafina, who seems to love to /em bathe me. <.<
I'm not I?
Well anyways, thanks for the help with my AF gloves and dark spark fight, as well as trying to fight kohenstiger in xcabard for my hunter's socks all in one night. Even though that aggroing demon jumped in and ruined it all it was a lot of fun with you there. :)

That's all for now, and for those I didnt list and everyone who posted, it's always great to see a Ragnarok's Finest in Vana D.
#259 Jan 12 2005 at 9:30 AM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
I would like to add Mephisto. We met a few months ago leveling together and every day he impresses me with his willingness to help me and my friends accomplish whatever we set out to do. Always patient with my having to go afk a lot and just a generally good friend, I'm glad we met.
#260 Jan 13 2005 at 2:49 AM Rating: Decent
227 posts
My garbage disposal smells bad. I think something died.

Edit... sorry wrong forum.

Uh... I'd like to thank Nair products. Really helped me cut down on back hair.

Edited, Thu Jan 13 02:57:51 2005 by Evilhobbit

WTF i thought i changed forums

Err ok... um, Gwenn is cool, and......... Goodhobbit is old...


Edited, Thu Jan 13 02:53:16 2005 by Evilhobbit
#261 Jan 15 2005 at 8:47 PM Rating: Good
192 posts
I got a mention! /cheer /dance /hurrah

Cheers Bast, you're not so bad yourself :)

Also, I neglected to mention Reps in my list, ain't seen him about for a while but he's helped me in the past.

/em raises a glass to Reps and Ysabell, Ragnarok's finest couple and two fellow Brits who have always been quick to help me out. ^^

And recently, I've had the privelige to meet a few people who know their jobs really well, Takioni the rank 10 SAM who gets more hate than the average taxman ;)

Kiya, who has been kindness itself whilst partying with me. A damn good RDM who definitely gets the Jar seal of approval.

Jubilee, a very capable Mithran BLM indeed.

Magicmansix, who found time to stop and chat with me about the ups and downs of WHMing in the mid fifties whilst in Cape Terrigan and who got me a Raise II for one of my party after we finished our AF together, cheers mate!

Hawk, who restored my faith in PLDs by saving my *** with some wonderful tanking. Nice covering!

Siveus, a top class BRD who I've had the pleasure of partying with quite a bit lately. It's always great to get a BRD in your party, but to get an excellent one is better still. Thanks for the Ballads :)

And flame me if you don't find this appropriate, but I had a bit of a flare-up with Zerbe the DRK in Cape Terrigan the other day and put him on my blist, just wanted to say that I'll be removing him from it ASAP and I'm willing to forget the whole affair if he is. Life's too short, and I was totally stressed at the time. Call it quits mate?

Anyway, sorry to prattle on, but just so you all know, I'm going to be away from Vana'diel for a while as I'm back down at University now. /cry

See you all in a couple of months.

#262 Jan 16 2005 at 5:33 AM Rating: Excellent
Hawk, who restored my faith in PLDs by saving my *** with some wonderful tanking. Nice covering!

yeah i met Hawk before hes pretty cool, one of the few people who bothered to ******** while VE camping. we then met back up exploring Bibiki Bay, I ran into a wait thats not a goblin its a Hobgoblin *wack* *wack*.....oh i'm dead Smiley: tongue, and Hawk was there to raise me lol
#263 Jan 16 2005 at 12:57 PM Rating: Good
352 posts
Nokomus - This THF organized the alliance for G2 that I was in. He had already done it before that day and was a bit leery about doin it again but meh x_x He gave orders, knew what he was doing, and even died for us on the Boreal hound on the third time when some people still didn't get the fragicite.

Overall good person^^
#264 Jan 18 2005 at 3:57 PM Rating: Good
136 posts
Lenwei Congrats on lv.74 Lenwei, you're one level away from Gugnir, don't give up now! :-D

Muffhokage A very kind, helpful Paladin, who has thankfully returned to our world of FFXI-Ragnarok.

Culshar Plans on taking DRG/RDM all the way, even in parties. He takes the loads of trash talk, and keeps on going, which makes me respect him a lot. Sorry I had to log before you went to get Dragoon ;_;

Xxcidxx I wouldn't have my AF pants and boots without you, and congrats on finally wearing your drachen armet (I saw you in Jeuno one day wearing it ^.^)

TheRougeKnights LS One crazy, yet kind, group of people. I'm still trying to work out the family tree going on there... too... confusing >.<

DarkEra LS My second "main" LS that I just recently joined, thanks to Izam-dono. They seem to be good people in every aspect, and are big time Dragoon supporters :-)

Midori Set PT/LS Ahh yes, last but certainly not least, the set PT I'm in. Kirith (the manthra THF), Hikiri (the WHM man wearing a dress), Izam (the BLM girl trapped in a man's body), Tetsu (the NIN tarutaru tank), Siobahnn (the SMN who is very awesome at using all the avatars), Mikan (my "flying rat" wyvern buddy), and myself (the DRG wearing purple pants). Sounds like a sitcom, but we're a well-built set, thanks to our frequently absent leader, Kirith x.x... we should be departing tonight... right? >.>

Edited, Tue Jan 18 15:57:44 2005 by BatosaiTRK
#265 Jan 19 2005 at 10:45 AM Rating: Excellent
well what to say who to name so hard for me as so many ppl have helped me out.

reps- well my partner in life for 4 years, From the frist time we
meet he changed my life for the better, i could say so much about him and none of you would ever understand how much i love him. In game his a gun happy RNG ^^

Roffler- well.... very kind and funny person always willing to help me out with what ever i want, always a giggle too.

Zefren- for a THF he did realy well as a whm when we did Promyvion-Dem (we all lived) And a all round nice guy

Dritz- I rember the time he helped me with rank5 to get the items
had us camp a NM in beadeaux was so funny getting there. But all ways willing to help.

Blacke- Well iv know him from reps and roffler and has been will to help me out, and hasn't told me to go away with any RDM help i need.

Azraelx- all round nice guy always willing to help and a nice person to talk to, also showed me that a rdm/war can solo a EP-DC was a real eye opener

Conno- Well we've had our up's and down's but always there from when i need someone to talk to, also willing to help anyone and everyone when he can.

Lilyanne- thank you so much for helping me with all my bst Q's, realy nice person.

Everyone from BG/MadeInTheUK, XRoyalKnightsX, TSZKnights.Thank you for being fun ls's and always a giggle.

And to ppl i know but havent said Thank you for all the help you have given to me.

And this is Ysabell ^^
#266 Jan 19 2005 at 4:24 PM Rating: Good
724 posts
wow.. where should i start... so many people helped me out^^

Tapi: *muah* my ingame wifey,..^^

Marr.. the Crazy "No Sub til I get SMN" WHM. (and the one invite me to the kickass LS Fiery) .. misses you Marr..

Hotmama: SExymama!! heehee^^ my favorite mama in the game.. what can i say.. she's fun to be around.. how could you marry bishoi..I demand a Divorce, me dont want bishoi be daddyaru

Kawabara aka the bank: ^^ can i borrow 50k for ninja tools^^

Fiery LS... one of the nicest ls on this server ...

Bruise, Snoopy, Booby and Hayachi: you guys rocks!! Helped me get All My NINJA AF and Rank 6^^ w00t!!

Goron: Fatty,, you just kicksass.. he's my best friendaru.. been a galka he protects my taru ***^^ now can you please wait for my thf to get to 55 so we can pt^^

Shardd: heh, what can i say... nice thf help me out when i need it^^

Midori SetPT .. : man, I still dont know how I got into this awsome setpt.. but Thanks Kirith, Sio^^ (play with both of your girls mithra tails) Bato, Hikiri, and Izam.. I love you guys..

Theres alot more people I want mention.. YOU GUYS ROCKS!!

Edited, Wed Jan 19 16:27:30 2005 by narusegwa

Edited, Wed Jan 19 16:31:47 2005 by narusegwa
#267 Jan 20 2005 at 8:56 AM Rating: Decent
2,112 posts
Biggy-My new drk mentor always willing to answer one of my questions
Zyphix-one of the best thiefs I know
Lonedragon-my farming buddy

Edited, Thu Jan 20 09:03:42 2005 by UNCTGTG
Relic Scythe Finished
Aegis Currency Finished
Drk Job Profile

#268 Jan 20 2005 at 1:38 PM Rating: Good
I was in an exp party with a few of my LS mates, and we picked up some truly phenomenal players, one of whom's name I can't remember. T_T

Remon - A Japanese RNG who's learning English, and actually speaks better than many English-speaking people I've come across! He's a terrific puller, too.

Sirivan - Another RNG, a Galka. Always spot-on with skillchains. Even with two RNGs and a NIN tank, we had very few lapses in hate control. These two did a fine job of dealing mondo damage without causing the tank to lose hate.

Unknown SMN - He's a taru, and I'm very sorry I've forgotten his name, as he is proof that SMN is much, much more than just buffs and backup healing.
#269 Jan 20 2005 at 1:47 PM Rating: Decent
195 posts
A few more worthy bods to add to the list:

Aviendha and Myaki - for being kickass to pt with.

Danksta and Finny - Last night in Davoi me and some friends died trying to get my Warrior AF1 (Razor Axe) - the 2 NMs for the fight killed us.

Shortly after Danksta (I'd partied with Danksta before in what was the best Dunes party ever) and his friend Finny passed by. Not only did they raise us but also helped us fight the NMs. Kudos to them both.
#270 Jan 21 2005 at 5:26 AM Rating: Good
87 posts
WAY too many for me to tell about each one. All have helped me at some point or another and are dear friends.

Seig, Kaila, Kyreth, Ryath, Jera, Lovegoddess, Lenwei, Snyder, Kantichi, Zeena, Airamis, Dagaz, Diomede, Patswin, Pwincess, Desouled, Tsugobuso, Jalah, Matsume, Gwenn, Mirahri, Swiftpaw, Seltzer, Nekosume (I miss you gal), Osobo, Aeori, Artaea, Atrox, Bizen, Chett, Chip, Dae, Dalamnas, Darksnakex, Dedelle, Ekco, Ferenheit, Flash, Fsst, Heracles. Kaysee, Kyrene (no longer on Ragnarok. -_-), Kirianna, Lenders, Lilyanne, Lola, Machie, Maldra, Maleficia, Neowolf, Niobia, Omeisoi, Pebelles, Pyo, Rahvin, Raneel, Redd, Rodin, Sasah, Sephiros, Shanda, Thengelon, Shimmer, Wingy, Xslash, Zephieus, Ziphos

All these people have earned my respect and admiration because they have eithor helped me out greatly, or I helped them, or we partied together and they are a joy to be around.

/salute you all
/huggels Lovegoddess

Edited, Fri Jan 21 05:29:15 2005 by Rohon
#271 Jan 21 2005 at 6:45 AM Rating: Decent
Short list Big respect.

#272 Jan 21 2005 at 9:53 AM Rating: Decent
192 posts
Few familiar names in there Rohon, a couple of blasts from the past certainly! ;)

Just wanted to mention Destiney in here, I met her in Dangruf Wadi a good while back whilst levelling WHM I think. Sadly, I haven't partied with her very much, but she is one of these kind, polite, lovely people who it is really nice to speak to and be around. She told me that she was leaving the game and I was pretty distraught, but then turned up again to say she'd reconsidered. /hurray ^^

A big shout out must also go to the Taru NIN75, whose name I can't remember >.<, who soloed Dark Spark for myself and Stewart purely out of the kindness of his heart. Didn't ask for anything in return, just helped out a couple of mages who were desperate for their AF and looked bloody stylish whilst doing it. A true gentlemanaru. Thanks a lot!

I think we're lucky on this server, for every person I meet and don't get along with there's a really helpful one waiting around the corner to haul my WHM *** out of trouble. /smile

#273 Jan 21 2005 at 11:26 AM Rating: Good
356 posts
Destiney is a he?
He used to be an elvaan guy named Davonn, a long time ago that I helped to buy a longsword. I know, because he/she was added to my friendlist as that name. But alas, you have spoken to him/her on more of a regular basis than me. They are a pretty friendly person, when we do talk occasionaly.

Edit: Hey Jar I see I caught up to your level. >_>

Minona>> {Party}?


Edited, Fri Jan 21 11:28:21 2005 by Minona

Edited, Fri Jan 21 11:30:48 2005 by Minona
#274 Jan 21 2005 at 6:15 PM Rating: Good
192 posts
Destiney was a Taru female last time I saw, if I remember correctly. I hope I do, lol >.<

Congrats Minona! I would dearly love to party with you my friend, but unfortunately down here at my uni halls of residence I can't get onto POL. /cry

I might take my comp home next weekend, but you'll probably be way ahead of me by then. ^^

If you're not, I'll send you a /tell and we can bash some pugils or something. ;)
#275 Jan 22 2005 at 12:23 AM Rating: Excellent
About 10 of my friends have currently left within the past 2 months but the ones remaining are the most helpful/fun people I've met -
Blagoce- Blag is the leader of the LS Dojang, Blag's a great friend and a fun guy to talk to, Helps me out more than I could ask for, and knows how to play WAR very well.

Robbeh- Robbeh is just flat out a fun guy. Very funny and good at organizing events. Robbeh is fun to hang around and talk to when bored and/or lonely.I knew him since my Valkrum Dunes days as his WHM and my BLM.

Ixidorr- Ixidorr! He's the most helpful and trustworthy people I know, He's loaned me gil when I was fresh out, Helped me with quests I've been working on for days. Helped on Missions when noone else would. I don't really remember when/how we met but I thikn we'll be friends until the very end. much <3 Ixidorr!

Liadel-Fun person, very fun. ^^ Always good to talk to when bored or walking from place to place. I think I met her a few weeks ago when she joined Blagoce's LS, the Dojang.

Daizenger-My first/best friend. Knew him since I was a wee little level 6 with Davonn. I remember I didn't know how to cast magic on BLM, Daizenger never laughed ( but I bet he's laughing like crazy at home >.> <.<) He would just tell me how to do it, along with countless other things. He was quickly added to my FL. I remember we partied all the time in Vaklrum. But now our levels are starting to drift apart. He was level 48 SAM when I was 30. However he took a long break farming(works very hard for gil and his reward is being one of the best equipped SAM i've seen) and I started to catch up to him. He's now a 66SAM while I'm 60.

Fishstickz-<3! Fishstickz is by far the funniest person I've met on this server. And plays RNG very well. He never buys gil, just works his butt off to be the best he can be, and it surely pays off. Partied with him from 50-55.

Lilka- Lilka is insanely helpful after i got back from a long vacation and no gil she loaned me very good BLM equip so I could level a bit. Lilka is a great person, and always fun to talk to ^^

Yumyumfood/Tzellwe- These 2 are the owners of the new LS I'm in, and they're doing a GREAT job. They organized Promyvions/Missions/Quests/BCNMs and each one being successful.

Stewart- Oh Nhoes! I almost forgot stewy! Stewart is a great BLM, partied with him countless times and each one were fun. Just the other day I persuaded him into fighting Mysticmaker Profblix, we were fighting a cockatrice when it spawned, he went to sleep it but it resisted I targeted the Mysticmaker while Stewart cured himself. Then about 2 Cockatrices and a goblin linked in. Stewart died from Burst from Mysticmaker, I barely lived from Chainspell+Escape, Just like to say, sorry for the wasted 2k+ EXP Stewart =(

Jar-Met him when we were both really low levels, during the dunes we were really close, then we started to drift apart once we hit the jungles. But now, we're just as close as ever, I know I'll be friends with Jar for a very long time, fun guy. =D

Edited, Sat Jan 22 02:13:08 2005 by LilMinion
#276 Jan 22 2005 at 12:28 AM Rating: Excellent
Jar/Minona, to clear up some confusion, Davonn is my brother's character, he then went away to Mizzou, and deleted his character. Destiney was originally my sister's character but went to UMSL. Legacy was my character I got it to about 20 then quit it, I got hooked on Taru so I played Destiney and loved it more and more each level. \(^o^)/ I hope that clears up some confusion Jar & Minona.
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