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Ragnarok's FinestFollow

#52 Oct 18 2004 at 5:24 PM Rating: Good
best people:

Zefren: my main man.

Inuleki: :p


Sheeba: love you.

Salvation LS: everyone here is just great Jukiro, Irongrimm, Aceseph, Dyn, Cronk, Noritsu, lol too many names to list.

The britsh connection: Roffler, Reps, Ysabell





Xeirarch: where did you go?

#53 Oct 18 2004 at 5:55 PM Rating: Excellent
Too Many to say! But here are a few people that are the finest!
(sorry if I spell your name wrong T_T)


And many moreeee!
(Also people in Ls.)

Omg.. soo many I can't remember. If I forget you I am sorry and hope to see you IN game!
#54 Oct 18 2004 at 6:06 PM Rating: Excellent
352 posts
Blagoce - Nice kid really. Devoted, funny, loves to laugh, makes friends easily. I mean seriously, how can any of you forget him if you know him?!

really good person, yup yup.
#55 Oct 18 2004 at 9:45 PM Rating: Excellent
388 posts
Thanks Nariy for giving a nod to your fellow RevX boys, but I have to say that my name doesn't belong on a list with Elomendl. He's a stand-up player, a good friend, and a right proper linkshell leader always thinking about his underlings. The same goes for Rapier/Beren/Ancalagon, who always helps anyone and many a time has ended up "accidentally" powerleveling my BST just because he was in the area. Very very cool. RevolutionX rocks, but it's not because of me. I nominate Elo and Rapier/Beren/Ancalagon for Ragnarok's finest.

Also, as a BST, I participate in the SoloMateria all-BST linkshell, and I have to say that while they all rock, Hogosha especially is a great, great guy. Always helpful and kind, and most of all polite. That's a real plus in my book.
#56 Oct 19 2004 at 12:49 PM Rating: Good
58 posts
Since playing ffxi i've met some nice & awesome ppl on this server... w/o further ado they r the following: Kusan(d bearded guy),Siege("d sexy pld"),deathmist(sub-job hero),Thalion(hoho specialist),Viera(whm biotch),cacalakaman(my guide to jeuno),Veruca(sweet chocobo companion),wolfwood(rng retired),weman(friend back in da noobdays),Phrost(sam elite),Foxshadow(pld retired),lemolemon(a taru who has a big heart),Bennyd(another taru who never tires of helping others),zelas(sweet mithra whm),leroyy(war w/ an attitude),tineey(bad *** bard for BCNM40), and many more ppl who's name i never mentioned here, but chances are if u know me then u know who you are ;)!

Edited, Tue Oct 19 14:45:13 2004 by Gaul
#57 Oct 19 2004 at 1:54 PM Rating: Excellent
144 posts
thats hits me right here
*points at heart area*
thanks man /cry
and you to
#58 Oct 19 2004 at 2:03 PM Rating: Excellent
Oh well, nobody loves me.

Shuffles here.
#59 Oct 19 2004 at 3:21 PM Rating: Good
Even though it may seem like a shameless plug, my LS QuietStorm is quite possibly the largest assembly of smart, nice and helpful people on Ragnarok. They have restored my faith in the FFXI community, and they've made the game fun once again.

Besides many that've already been mentioned in this thread and my LS, I'd like to add Stackdump to this list. If he's there, he'll always lend a hand.

Edit: I know I've mentioned my LS already, but if Vana'diel had a Nobel Peace Prize, I'd have to nominate Vanyal. He is just about the nicest person I've met in this game.

Edited, Mon Oct 25 10:31:22 2004 by Eekiki
#60 Oct 19 2004 at 3:58 PM Rating: Excellent
hey, ask stackdump about me.
#61 Oct 20 2004 at 12:20 AM Rating: Good
Where am i on this list? :D
#62 Oct 20 2004 at 2:39 AM Rating: Excellent
48 posts
Alright so here is my list:

Jyncs: Totally awesome bard and retired red mage /em sniffles Helped me forming a party for my Fei Yin part of my AF. Also my ballista partner in crime. Divine Seal - Silence what? (inside ballista joke about someone that stole an account)

Zerochiten: Awesome person. No need to list everything. Just one of the best and kindest players I have met.

Qatarsoul: Wherever you went. Thank you so much for teaching me a lot of stuff when I was a baby red mage in the jungle not casting gravity at all.

Kahlan: Thank you so much for helping out. There is no way I could have gotten G1 done so fast without your help. Let alone so many other things.

Riou: Same as Kahlan thank you two so very much.

Stash: Helped me out with finding my coffers in Eldieme Necropolis and Castle Oztroja.

Albasheq: Just for offering various help with stuff

Falloutx: My partner in crime :D

Icejade: Uber nice.

Droopyelephant, Grann, Bobdeezz (Galka blm that owns! lol), Prinzessa, Snowkitten, Demonica, Olsklpervert, Raistlyn, Moaed, Xurr, Lypher, Omni, Smasho, Ikz, Bigkiller, Aleksandreah and everyone else I may have forgotten to list.

Edited, Sun Nov 21 06:40:53 2004 by CrimsonHunter
#63 Oct 20 2004 at 7:09 AM Rating: Excellent
148 posts
/hugs! to Blagoce ('ve been /POKED!!) Queeniexb (hugs!) and Niekon (:D)!

I'm looking at my friends list...and i want to add them all ^^;; Basically Ragnarok is an awesome place (I know we can all drink to that...even tho some of us are underaged ._.) and I've met tons and TONS of great people here. ^^;;; too many to possibly list, so even if i don't list you, you are still loved ^^;

shouts go to

Queeniexb: sweet and awesome, awesome person! never gives up even if things are looking bad; just finds an alternative route to where she wants to go and damn well gets there! ^^ She'll totally go the extra mile for her ls and not only organize events but carry them through til the end, even if its 5:00 AM and we're all reeling a little from a few straight hours of finding slabs of rocks; loyal and lovable with a great sense of humor ^^

Niekon: ^^;; For putting up with me clinging to him like a barnacle when doing the Selbina Clay quest. was Lvl 25, and must have aggroed everything on the map including gobbies, malboro,;; and he had the patience to drag my deadweight (yes i was very heavy dead weight) with the rest of the group all over vanadiel to finish the quest. Patient, witty, and fun, really someone you can depend on.

Blagoce: (yes i'm a girl ^^:;;;)for putting up with the fact that I poke him every time I see him online...and have killed him twice via too much poking ^^;;. Had a fun time running into him across the whole region map (Batallia (i think?), Sandy, the opening of Tahrongi Canyon) as well as meeting him in Valkurm a couple of times.

Yulala: xD Yuuullaa! Totally my girl when it comes to farming, joking, crafting, and...whining...about undercutters. ^^;; Always have fun conversations whether its about beating the guild-person over the head with a chiffonier and stealing his apron (come on...u craft too >< you know the jerk deserves it...) or about thundagaing the river dry to collect the fish that float to the top. When she sees that I don't have nuff space to put my stuff up on AH, she'll always offer the service of her mules. Generous, fun, and my best lvling buddy ^^.

Slaine and Lazaras: ^^;; other than the fact I use them shamelessly? When I suddenly screem "laz laz laz!! WE NEED TO GO TO SHAKRAMI NOW! RSE!! RSE!!" and he merely blinks a little and says "ok..." you know that's love ^^;; And the fact is that slaine is not only a kick *** (grats on the matt-mashing!) blm , he's been yanked on so many people's AFs, missions, quests, etc etc that I can't even remember them all; awesome person that has a funny dry wit and has so many connections, we could spin a web with them.

Yaksha: :D pointy-eared male elvaan Friend since valk (which -_- i admit hasn't been that long ago as I spend most of my time crafting ><). I'll never forget when she introduced me to her other character Oura [pointy-eared FEMALE elvaan], and the first (and rather stupid) thing that came to my mouth was " grew bosoms!" Funny and friendly, even tho we haven't partied together (she sprinted ahead of me like a rocket train) for such a long time, doesn't stop us from keeping in touch. And about my lvling yak....^^:;;; we're still not talking about it /-_- ::hides::.

Salliegh: lol yet another person i leveled with...that sprinted ahead of me into the fifties ^^. She's always been there to join me for fishing sessions, farming sessions, or just to say hi! :D Whenever I don't know something and ask, she'll try to find an answer. Such as....where the hell do crabs drop that weird *** salt??? (Sandy quest -.-) Also wanted to say congrats on the soon-to-be nuptials! >< I STILL HAVEN'T FOUND THE RIGHT WEDDING GIFT!!

Zafirah and Lexia: For always trying to toss me into the wrong end of some Bastokian spear ^^. Even though I STILL haven't had time to enter ballista, these crazy cousins have never stopped trying to drag me into a game. They're there when I'm depressed over midterms, my job, or personal problems and are always optimistic and good at cheering...upping... (you would never be able to guess i was an english major would you? -_-) Quite Possibly the sweetest two people I've met in game ^^.

Kamzu: Cuz I'm still going to eat that taru and put him on a kabob. its inevitable ^^.

^^;;; there are dozens more people on my list T.T i just can't put them all in but each one of them veeerry special peepz! Even if they do try to yank my tail, bite my hand off, or poke me to death ><;; Rag's a great place with lots of great people...these just happen to be the best ;)
#64 Oct 20 2004 at 7:58 AM Rating: Good

Edited, Fri Oct 22 10:24:39 2004 by xbobx
#65 Oct 20 2004 at 10:59 AM Rating: Excellent
458 posts
There's my ray of sunshine! I was wondering when you would pop on here Cliche. :) (Shhh.... we do not speak of the Selbina Clay Incident of Garlaige Citadel)
I need to shout out to Ryath as well, because in the past month I have watched him do everyone's AF quests, missions, genkai, just about anything you can think of, for a linkshell that to date has over 100 members. He is one of the least selfish people I have met. Every time he logs on, someone is hitting him up for help and HE GOES! And he is so nice about it too. There's no attitude about "do what I say and we can be done quickly", he just goes and stays positive and makes the most tedious and frustrating things fun for everyone else too. (It's so much nicer when the higher levels don't talk down to you.) I've hardly ever seen him leveling, just running around being the hero. Ryath we can't thank you enough for everything you do for the linkshell. You rock. Everyone here should be extremely jealous that we have you and they don't.
#66 Oct 20 2004 at 11:08 AM Rating: Excellent
8,747 posts
There are so many people who have helped me out.

Dritz, my metal monkey. Smiley: wink2 Smiley: inlove Aka Kamaitachi. Love you.
HWCBN of course for a list which is too long to type out and for being my favorite playmate.
Toyer, PLD extraordinaire and one of the most helpful people I know.
Shuffles, for raise II-ing me when he didn't have to and for helping me on numerous occaisions.
Alexandra, who no longer plays but who was the most awesome fellow female gamer ever.
Genos, for always thinking of me when he does something cool like Rank 7 runs Smiley: grin
Jukiro, cause she's my bard idol.

Every member of the Guardians Of Ragnarok linkshell, as they have all helped me in some way at some point, most notably Balduvar for sending me stuff, Setri for keeping me sane, Rownan who knows cabbage is the way to a girls heart, Zerta for the stabbing (my bard can kick your bards ***!), Antu for being so helpful and Jaden that crazy WHM.
#67 Oct 20 2004 at 12:48 PM Rating: Excellent
144 posts
Time for me to add to my list. I cant give a reason for every single person because there's just so many of them. But, for each one of you that I mention, you should know the reasons! :)
In no specific order:

Satein, Edgecrusher, Zoraci, Danielson, Sheeba, Rahvin, Siege, Thalion, Kusan, Viera, Divada, Ryuujin, Obiwann, Bizen, Cloudvii, Rianphoenix, Waylander, Toyer, Sensa, Tenmurama, Bulwei, Bennyd, Lemolemon, Yunie, Babydude, Kinta, Kak, Brotherauron, Muffhokage, Mibotsu, Goldy, Zaltoa, Revege, Lollipot, Kirazi, Queenie, Kittycat, Blackhalo, Magnumm, Rynoa, Oldrottweiler, Droopyelephant, xengar, Tdizzle, Acemonkey, Zalbag, Amalasan, All my fellow struggling samurai's who spend days and days looking for a pt invite, and so many more that i cant remember right off the top of my head..
Thanks for everything and the best of luck to you.

Edited, Wed Oct 20 14:03:36 2004 by Halofrost
#68 Oct 20 2004 at 12:59 PM Rating: Excellent
8,747 posts
Omg how could I have forgotten Phrost ><

See this is why I didn't do this earlier. I knew I would leave people out.

Amalasan too. Gawd I suck.
#69 Oct 20 2004 at 3:05 PM Rating: Excellent
352 posts

BTW, IC(Insertcliche - whatever nickname you want but for now IC since I haz no clue what you wanna be called otherwise^^p) I diid end out getting Utsusemi and the other quests done yesterday :D

*is immediately /poked to death*
@.@ yowza
#70 Oct 20 2004 at 4:25 PM Rating: Good
w00t w00t i'm happy now, mibo here, and make my cry
; ; good days

ok but on to my list, i'd have to say number one is a good ol galka paladin named


man, i've asked him for so much stuff, question, info and everything inbetweeen, he's a really great guy, i can't say enough good stuff about him

#71 Oct 20 2004 at 4:25 PM Rating: Excellent
148 posts
woo hoo! go blagoce! :D congrats! so....if i've poked u to death >) does that mean that you'll drop items when you die? Utsusumi scrolls maybe? mwahaha...
#72 Oct 20 2004 at 10:32 PM Rating: Excellent
352 posts
No >.> I already sent the scroll to my friend(who sent me his awhile back - payin him back^^).

I used/sold the others.

sorry =P
#73 Oct 21 2004 at 3:26 AM Rating: Excellent
45 posts
HMM.... I have met so many people since pc release but lets see...

Of course Kamaitachi (Dritz) Hell of a nice guy^^ and his girl Sheeba for letting him come on and play every once in a while ~lmao~

then there's Tribute first guy to show me around more than a year ago

Zxsephirothzx, Hung, Bibrian, Stray, Zerochiten, Lovejuju and Stellar whom all helped me on various quests

Jesster, Unholydose, Thai(Musafa), Glassknight, Leggolas, Sorcier, Roffler, Ysabell, Joi, Inuleki, Reps, and the whole Vampires Inc. LS which is now no more but I had a blast in!

Noritsu and Kiyashi whom I adopted as youngsters and have grown up so fast! j/k

Then of course all the wonderful people in my new home at Salvation which include: Swift, Jukiro, Irongrimm, Ginky, Chenzen, Aceseph, Dyn, Acidreign, Rhydia, Manders and everyone else (I know I'm forgeting alot sorry >.<).

All of these people have made this game a ton of fun and I truely thank them all!

#74 Oct 21 2004 at 5:35 AM Rating: Excellent
148 posts
No >.> I already sent the scroll to my friend(who sent me his awhile back - payin him back^^).

I used/sold the others.

aaahh curses! >.>;;; so what do you drop when i defeat you? if you start acting like the gobbies of saru and drop your pants, subligar, and/or shirt....i'll have to burn it and you alive ><. ewww...cooties! ;)

Edited, Thu Oct 21 06:38:16 2004 by Insertcliche
#75 Oct 21 2004 at 10:49 AM Rating: Good
788 posts
A few more I'd like to add:
And Bloodbathrich whose movie I had seen and had the pleasure of meeting! He's a great fellow!
^^ Lotta great peeps on this server.

Edited, Mon Nov 29 10:57:40 2004 by Grizzleox
#76 Oct 21 2004 at 4:18 PM Rating: Excellent
352 posts
Hmmm...well...I AM a cheap *******...

*drops something shiny and worthless*

thats for a quest >_> form the uhh...the....shadow...lord? <_<

redeem in Fei`Yin.
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