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Soltice - The good, the bad, the ugly.Follow

#102 Aug 20 2005 at 10:20 PM Rating: Default
lets ee if he can pick out any more typos? Oh, did u fine the one here yet? If not its "ee" and "u". Yeah! thats right.. If i choose to type fast and not edit my spelling is my pref. Has nothing to do with intellect.
#103 Aug 21 2005 at 12:09 AM Rating: Decent
80 posts
Anyway...maybe you'd like to read the rest of my post and deal with those portions...because your lack of responses is rather disheartening.

who is diesheartening?

Vert, you speak of intellect...I'll just let this post of yours speak for itself regarding you and this so called 'intellect' you have.

You all can think I'm bratty, or a d1ck, or a ******, or whatever you want to. I really don't mind too much ^_^ I don't prefer to waste my time having anything against you guys. I was more or less bored when I started posting...and just kept going because a good number of the preceeding comments were humorous. I don't hate Solstice, nor do I hate anyone in it (I may not be to pleased with some of the members...but I don't hate anyone in game...well...I do hate one person...but he isn't at all affiliated with any of you guys :P) so yea...

Though, Rex, I am sorry to say that your worst nightmare has come true :O I have a ton of in-game friends...a lot of whom even take the time to talk to me OUTSIDE of game :O! People can change :P Immature people can grow up and older people can dumb down (or at least forget how to use apostrophes) it is all relative. Thank goodness I don't hold grudges...I'm ok with all of Exodus' was just the best thing to bring up to get people instigated...

I'll also tell Mike that you have his sympathies...I talk to him quite often...but he isn't online much because his job :( I appreciate that he gave me a second chance when I know I didn't deserve I suppose that it is a good thing that Mike doesn't hold grudges either...

And Gaucho, I saw you in Movalpolos a few days ago with Daydreamer I believe, I don't know if you were there for the Solo ENM, but if you were then I hope it went well. Thanks also for the offer to party sometime, but I doubt that will happen...our levels are too different...but still...the offer was appreciated ^^

Edited, Sun Aug 21 01:20:51 2005 by Ubernerd
#104 Aug 21 2005 at 12:24 AM Rating: Default
Its plain to see you are a brat ! GL in your adventures and finding people that actually care! Who holds the grudge? I think you best get some professional help personally, your lil' messed in the head. Have to make other look bad to feel appreciated do we? Such a sad way to live.
#105 Aug 21 2005 at 12:29 AM Rating: Decent
80 posts
Its plain to see you are a brat ! GL in your adventures and finding people that actually care! Who holds the grudge? I think you best get some professional help personally, your lil' messed in the head. Have to make other look bad to feel appreciated do we? Such a sad way to live.

Let's see, I don't mind if you think I am a brat. Your opinion isn't something I choose to care about.

I have a great LS filled with people who I appreciate and appreciate me in return. So I don't really need to worry about finding people who actually care.

I don't need professional help because I trolled on a message board :P I did it out of took the bait...and I reeled in a good 70+ comments out of it. I don't feel appreciated, but someone must have enjoyed it considering my rating hasn't even dropped below 3 yet. I didn't do any of this to be "better" than anyone...but I can't stop you from thinking what you wish...

Edited, Sun Aug 21 01:30:52 2005 by Ubernerd
#106 Aug 21 2005 at 1:11 AM Rating: Decent
Vertoria wrote:
Its plain to see you are a brat ! GL in your adventures and finding people that actually care! Who holds the grudge? I think you best get some professional help personally, your lil' messed in the head. Have to make other look bad to feel appreciated do we? Such a sad way to live.

The saddest way to live is the way of being worshipped like a God over a game, and playing it so much to some extent that you are emotionally attached, and fighting to win an arguement over the internet. Get the **** over it, no one cares, and if you do, you need to get over it to, it's a game not life. No professional help is needed in any way, if there was any help needed, it would be for you Vertoria. All that power has gone to your head, and taken to a farther extent then a brat
#107 Aug 21 2005 at 1:30 AM Rating: Default
I think, you are dumb ^.^ Yes, dumb. All of you who are taking the time to come in here to 'burn' time flamming Solstice. Oooo bad pun, meh oh well. V is a nice person and maybe you are all jealous of her ******... Because maybe your *****' are too small? Who knows, either way find something better to do then talk crap about people you only know via the internet.

This may come as a shock but OMGWTFBBQ I have a ****** too, so I have no reason to worship hers... Could it be I actually enjoy her company =O Shocking isn't it, maybe if you guys weren't feeling so burnt by the fact that she isn't throwing her ****** at you, like I'm sure you wish she would, you would find her a pleasent(sp) person.

Lord knows I've had my complaints about Solstice, but hey it's a HNMLS and EVERYONE is going to have them. Regardless about who or what they are directed at. I fortunitly(sp) have someone I vent to often and keeps me sane ^^ And then I stop and remind myself, This is a game nothing more, a glorified chat room at times, but a game all the same. If you're that pissed, turn it off.

If this is what you do at work all day I need to get a new job :/ I never knew anyone with so much free time that could sit around posting on some forum for 2 days and still call what they do productive.

Just my two cents take it or leave it. If you don't like it shove it cause I don't care. And those who know me will vouch I don't care ^^


<3 U V I got your back sweety
#108 Aug 21 2005 at 2:00 AM Rating: Decent
d r a m a

Edited, Tue Aug 23 23:19:27 2005 by EckoDaGecko
#109 Aug 21 2005 at 2:07 AM Rating: Decent
Thanks Sally, and it is very true, this person speaks here doesn't know me since my old days of playing, which even then never did like me, for many reasons i care to not even go into. Takes things personally and cares about his rating XD! I could give a rats *** personally, and yeah u gonna go around saying **** about some really great people on ragnarok like Stellar, Rex and Gaucho there all gonna respond. Really think there not going to stick up for what they believe in? Specifically when all of your words are all so false? Thanks for taking the time everyone to enjoy the entertainment here. Till next time we find ourselves among people that worship my ******, and people that dwell in the past.

Peace and Happy Trails
#110 Aug 21 2005 at 6:54 AM Rating: Decent
I'll make this short since this is such a long thread.
Nothing wrong with Solstice, its just like any other 'HNMLS' some people do the work, some people do, some people do work thats not seen and feel cheated, some people do superficial work and get rewarded, its the same no matter which 'HNMLS' you are in.
If people have a bone to pick with Stellar or Vertoria, why don't you take the effort to wander to their forums and have it out there, at least its a little private.
Stellar is a pretty selfless leader, he's not perfect neither is Vertoria, they do their best to ensure the majority are happy and sometimes you just gotta step on toes to do that.
Anyway S GL with the BC here.
If anyone wants to know more about Solstice feel free to send me a tell for a NEUTRAL side, I have had no desire to do HNM with Solstice but have spent a LOT of time with various members.
#111 Aug 21 2005 at 10:24 AM Rating: Decent
80 posts
Vert, don't flatter yourself please. Pretending like I focus on you all the time because I live in the past? Please...if only I has that kind of time to waste.

I don't have a thing against anyone that I've even mentioned in my posts, and especially not Rex or Gaucho whom didn't even get flamed by me. Only person I "flamed" was you because I knew it would get people the most riled up.

Maybe YOU need to start reading my posts too, Verty...
#112 Aug 22 2005 at 11:15 AM Rating: Excellent
151 posts
Its drama like this that makes me wish I never entered endgame sometimes.

Why do the items even really matter so much? Its just a bunch of 1s and 0s that will do nothing for you but enhance a pixelated data full of 1s and 0s.

Just go have fun with you friends whether its on the game or off. Please take this drama off the boards as all it does is cause more interls drama which is highly unnecessary and unneeded.

LS rules are ls rules. You don't like them and don't enjoy your time there then go elsewhere. No offence but theres many HNM LS' to choose from. Find a home amongst friends you can enjoy yourself at. It isn't your place to cause public drama over it. Again, no offence. Take it to the sacks and not alkazham please.

Good luck to the future of all parties involved though.
#113 Aug 22 2005 at 3:26 PM Rating: Decent
39 posts
You know, I seriously love this ubernerd guy. You're saying what I've said and what most people know now about Solstice.

I have no love for Vertoria, as I can see right through her. Same with Stellar. Rex USED to be a cool ****, but I seriously don't know what's happened to him. So sad.
#114 Aug 22 2005 at 4:00 PM Rating: Decent
80 posts
You know, I seriously love this ubernerd guy. You're saying what I've said and what most people know now about Solstice.

I have no love for Vertoria, as I can see right through her. Same with Stellar. Rex USED to be a cool ****, but I seriously don't know what's happened to him. So sad.

Wow, I have a fan ^_^ how awesome :D

It isn't hard to see where all of this came from. If you knew how Exodus operated after the 'merger' none of this stuff would sound at all surprising...

Though, I am convinced that none of this surprised you anyway...
#115 Aug 22 2005 at 4:34 PM Rating: Decent
39 posts
Dude, I know of some of it. I was in Exodus/Solstice right after Solstice was starting to get going. I was in the LS for about 2-3 days, when Huds got something...forgot what. I say in LS "Huds, you're a sexy *****". Verty flips out on me with this whole "We're a family linkshell, no cussing.". Sure, if it wasn't for the fact Vert herself, plus 99% of the LS was cussing just that day. So I got smartassed and pushed it. "Guess ********** is outta the question eh?" Verty comes back with the "WHY MUST YOU CHALLENGE ME I AM THE LS OWNER" bit. "So I guess ************ is REALLY outta the question?" BAM pearl broked.

Dropped my Solstice pearl right after that, and Stellar turned into an *** to me.
#116 Aug 22 2005 at 9:44 PM Rating: Decent
actually you spammed random swears for a good 8-10 lines like the jackass that you are. How was your short stay in zenmetsu before you mouthed off to them? Enjoy it as much? How many linkshells have you been kicked out of anyway (assuming you keep track)? Not surprised in the least that you of all people are a "fan" of plethy. Thanks for your input.
#117 Aug 22 2005 at 11:26 PM Rating: Decent
80 posts
Hehehe I think it is funny when people get kicked out of LSs for immature moments and then they get told that what they did was like some major crime.

" liek got a small temper and said some curse words...begone with you forever you heathen!"

(Leader)(Maturity)(Do you need it?)

(P.S. A Fan is a fan, no matter how you slice it =P)
#118 Aug 22 2005 at 11:57 PM Rating: Decent
479 posts
Hehehe I think it is funny when people get kicked out of LSs for immature moments and then they get told that what they did was like some major crime.

Or was it knowingly doing what they were asked not to do, multiple times, then just trying to get kicked out? That seems to me what happened. >_>
#119 Aug 23 2005 at 12:16 AM Rating: Decent
80 posts
Or was it knowingly doing what they were asked not to do, multiple times, then just trying to get kicked out? That seems to me what happened. >_>

#120 Aug 23 2005 at 1:01 AM Rating: Decent
3,564 posts
I think all of this is pointless childish arguing. If this kind of stuff happens on a regular basis I'm probably going to have to reconsider joining an HNM/Dynamis LS because I already have enough to deal with...

My point is further proven by how Ubernerd managed to get the entire thread onto a different topic that doesn't really have anything to do with Rumple's original (and ultra pointless) complaint. It's not like anyone is very likely to take Ubernerd's comments seriously so stop trying to argue with him (I can sure as hell tell you that you won't win since he has nothing to lose and you're just damaging your own image by losing your temper over trivial comments).
FFXI (Retired)
Naiya | Mithra | Windurst | Rank 10 | 1st Lieutenant | Ragnarok
WAR: 75 MNK: 75 SAM: 66
RotZ: O | CoP: O | ToAU: O | Apoch Nigh: O

Naiyah | B.Elf | 85 Rogue | Stormscale
Doubleday | B.Elf | 85 Paladin | Stormscale

#121 Aug 23 2005 at 3:11 AM Rating: Decent
Heheh MasterOutlaw, coo name. any way i have been reading these posts for a while and decided to not reply because it would only fuel to Plethy's obsession with tryin to get a kick outta ppl getting emotional over a game. But Outlaw, plz dont read forums like this to try and get a sense of how HNMLSs really work. Because no one really comes on these boards to glorify them or anything for that matter, and when ppl do have the decency to say sumthing nice, it lasts for about 4 posts. then guys like Plethy come along and bring up one sad moment and turn the whole thing around, which turns it into what u see here. senseless drama >.>.

It would be easy for anyone wit an open mind to get a LS pearl to solstice for one day and see that in general we enjoy each others company. we are in fact a family, and as with all families, we have our occasional problems. V and stellar are like mommy and daddy (stellar=mommy sumtimes ;p) and the rest of the LS members are their kids. Mommy and daddy set rules and limits, and they are to be followed by all of us children. jus cause mommy and daddy get freaky one night and pops out a new kid (new applicant) things wont change to suit that kid's needs alone. So new kids coming to the LS, and not liking the rules mommy and daddy set, gets upset and throws a temper tantrum. the only means of punshiment really is to break their pearl, because if the other kids see this and also throw temper tantrums without talking things out the family will break apart all together. Then V and stellar would have 60+ kids to put up for adoption as opposed to the one bad one that started the problems.

as for this anna person, we dont generally curse in the LS. things like fug and B&^%) are acceptable but you have to remember not everyone can play this game in privacy. some players have kids that generally walk by and see the screen, and other players are jus offended by obsece(spl) amounts of cursing. so to respect everyone cursing is held to a minimum and that holds true in Solstice even til today. So u mouthing off to a leader and tryin to stir up trouble by blatenly going against a rule, i wouldve kicked u myself and let u send tells filled wit all the cursing u wanted.

To Outlaw and all the others that have not yet made it to end game LSs, plz dont give up hope. this senseless drama is a rare occurence in most prosperous HNMLS, and if kicking members is wat it takes to keep Solstice problems to a minimum, it will be continued to be done. So having a few rule breaking ppl mad at us, to keep the LS family happy as a whole, i say hehe who cares. we are all stronger for staying together each time things like this come up, and its happened b4 -.^

This is Sirlink King of Thieves, in case anyone wants to chat to me in game.

P.S. Plethy ive said nuttin to offend anyone, so if u feel that u need to get a kick outta me, try commenting on my grammar and spelling cause im sure that it will hurt me dearly. Grammar FTW ^^ hahah Rex
#122 Aug 23 2005 at 3:16 AM Rating: Default
wow this still going on?
#123 Aug 23 2005 at 6:08 AM Rating: Decent
39 posts
"actually you spammed random swears for a good 8-10 lines like the jackass that you are. How was your short stay in zenmetsu before you mouthed off to them? Enjoy it as much? How many linkshells have you been kicked out of anyway (assuming you keep track)? Not surprised in the least that you of all people are a "fan" of plethy. Thanks for your input."

Actually, I didn't, so you're making stuff up now. And you know Rex, you were a really cool guy when I met you in Valk almost 2 years ago with Final. Now, man, I dunno what's you're problem.
#124 Aug 23 2005 at 6:14 AM Rating: Decent
39 posts
"as for this anna person, we dont generally curse in the LS. things like fug and B&^%) are acceptable but you have to remember not everyone can play this game in privacy. some players have kids that generally walk by and see the screen, and other players are jus offended by obsece(spl) amounts of cursing. so to respect everyone cursing is held to a minimum and that holds true in Solstice even til today. So u mouthing off to a leader and tryin to stir up trouble by blatenly going against a rule, i wouldve kicked u myself and let u send tells filled wit all the cursing u wanted."

I said 3 cuss words, after I'd seen almost everyone else in the shell, including Vertoria say worse. And damn straight I'm going to mouth off to some hypocrit who says do as I say but don't do as I do. Vertoria is a dithering idiot, and most people see that. The rest are too busy sucking up to her cause she's a girl playing a MMO.

I really don't have anything against most of Solstice; I have a lot of friends in the shell. But I do have problems with Stellar's ignorance and outright lying about things, and the Vertoria cult you've got brewing there.
#125 Aug 23 2005 at 7:46 AM Rating: Decent
80 posts
Vertoria cult

What? I'm sorry...I thought I made this Vertoria worshipping could someone ELSE see something that isn't real?

#126 Aug 23 2005 at 8:56 AM Rating: Decent
Yea, but Anna, honestly ppl slip up sumtimes and curse. Time and a place for everything really.However, it looks bad when a leader is tryin to enforce a rule and then has sumone throw sumthing back in their face, then the leader sits their quietly and lets you continue blatantly breaking a rule. Makes em look like a weak leader and gives ppl the impression that it's ok to walk all over that leader. IMO there was a better way to go about doing wat u did, instead of mouthing back, because honestly her sayin "this is a family LS, no cussing" in no way disrespected you. you could've simply replied "ok well please hold that to be the same for all members", but sayin well i bet (*^^er is bad too? Comn u were tryin to push her nerves cause u felt u were wronged for being singled out as opposed to talking it over. maybe u didnt like the words she used to try and demand the respect she deserves, but can u honestly tell me ur reaction would'nt have been similar to hers? Get back to me on that one cause i really would like to know.

Hahah Plethy ur idea of V worshipping is cute though. Hahah V worshipping FTW ^-^(this will neva get old for me hahah)

This message has been brought to u by none other than SirLink, The King of Thieves.

P.S. Mneh a handful call us a cult, majority calls us a family -.^
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