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Thalion of thecrew { yeah hes an ***}Follow

#1 Nov 13 2006 at 7:20 PM Rating: Decent
yeah so how many feel the same? i sure do, he tossed people like they where trash. sacks, people who helped make his shell what it was not just one or two but at least 5 kicked or just let go like they where nothing so yeah hes an *** good game t =0 way to be a leader

Thecrew = an awesome HNMLS

Thalion = an awesome *******
#2 Nov 13 2006 at 8:31 PM Rating: Default
Hes a hnmls leader what do you expect. Of course he thinks hes more important then he really is.
#3 Nov 14 2006 at 1:29 AM Rating: Default
so yea Spiron as I understand it, only YOU were kicked for being a spiteful little b*tch - the rest left by their own choice for world of warcraft/quit the game/whatever - so yea - bittter much?

and shuffles LOL 1644 posts - there's name for someone like that...
(rhymes with the word "boar")

Edited, Nov 14th 2006 at 1:32am PST by Yamakuze

Edited, Nov 14th 2006 at 1:33am PST by Yamakuze
#4 Nov 14 2006 at 4:22 AM Rating: Default
1644 posts and he pops meat kabob fighting strong IT @lvl 56 lol.
And who damn cares if Thalion is an *** or no?

Edited, Nov 14th 2006 at 4:26am PST by Squallido
#5 Nov 14 2006 at 8:13 AM Rating: Decent
I usually don't post on forums because its a waste of time, but there is alot going on in that LS that most don't know about. I won't address any of that on allakhazam because like I said it's a waste of time. Yes, I was a member of TheCrew and I would like to say I wish all you guys good luck on whatever you do in the future. The people I have problems with have nothing to do with any of you. I'll talk to them personally I hold nothing against any of you. As for Spiron venting and ranting I can understand that. I just wouldn't have done it on public forums, because it usually gets you nowhere.

#6 Nov 14 2006 at 8:50 AM Rating: Decent
47 posts
I don't know the whole story, but I don't think Spiron is the type who would post here flaming people.

How you know the poster is Spiron?
#7 Nov 14 2006 at 9:15 AM Rating: Default
1644 posts and he pops meat kabob fighting strong IT @lvl 56 lol.

Huh, that made no sense, wth are you talking about, i havent been lvl 56 for a year.
#8 Nov 14 2006 at 9:22 AM Rating: Default
And 1644 posts over 4 years, trying to figure out your point.
#9 Nov 14 2006 at 12:42 PM Rating: Decent
to Yamakuze A.K.A Thalion {Hello}! yep i'm spiron any one who wanted to know that could have asked. i wonder if you would do the same. way to be sneaky, spiteful? yeah i guess i am anyone who knows me will tell you i gave my all to thecrew, i was booted from something i gave almost 2 years of my life to and was not even given the respect to say good bye to my shell mates in the shell or on our forums i was just done away with. if you wanted me gone then you should have done it like a man.

why do you think the others left Thalion? 5 people out of the blue? where there is smoke there is fire T. i understand that you and me will never see eye to eye again you made that clear when you tossed me for nothing thats fine, but i sure as hell had a right to say my goodbyes and i sure as hell now have a right to let people know what kind of a person you really are. once again thecrew the shell is a wonderful shell, the people are great but Thalion the leader is a screwed up guy and yeah i'm SPITEFUL for being basically used and tossed, see ya around Yamakuze A.K.A Thalion
#10 Nov 14 2006 at 1:59 PM Rating: Decent
Yes.. Thalion. The great and almighty Thalion of an Untouchable Linkshell. Thalion the Omnipotent. Thalion the untouchable. Thalion the Superior. When you read these lines one wonders is this what everyone thinks of him? Is he really viewed as a god? ******* ING HELL NO. Thalion, oh I'm Sorry. Yamakuze so you're calling yourself nowadays you need a check of reality. You have sunk lower than ever before. First with the OK check on your Linkshell STEALINGSTEALING Zenmetsu's Fafnir then kicking and driving out countless people from your dynamis and hnmls after they have done nothing wrong and now to this. My my my, Yama.. I mean, Thalion you have sunk to an ALL time low. As i understand it you've kick a very loyal member out of the shell after he's toiled under your tyranic rule for over two years. TWO YEARS of his life wasted. Jesus.. I will give you credit for this Spiron, you truely must have had the worst experience. I would not have known what I would have done if I had played with this lowlife for that long of a time. Thalion, you have no dignity left in you to stand for yourself with your own name? and to stoop even lower by creating another name to defend yourself how retardedly saddening. Oh excuse me, I'm giving you too much credit for that which you do not at all deserve. YOU'VE HAD NO DIGNITY TO START WITH. Such actions are typical of pussies who need to hide behind masks and fake names just to defend themselves. Typical of people who think they rise above all others, BUT in actuality, they are a piece of sh*t, the chewed up gum spat on the ground that is repeatedly stepped on every single day. You are that piece of sh*t Thalion, you are that chewed gum on the ground. Here's an advice, Thalion next time you decide to defend your own name, do it with your own, SLITHERING SNAKE.

Edited, Nov 14th 2006 at 2:07pm PST by YamaTHALze
#11 Nov 14 2006 at 3:56 PM Rating: Good
148 posts
Ok...I'd first like to say I have no affiliation with The Crew. Some friends are in there, some friends hate it, some are apathetic to it. Whatever.

I'd just like to point out to the OP that even though you state that you made this thread to inform everyone that the HNMLS leader sucks and still think the HNM is filled with awesome players/etc...threads like this, when posted on a public forum, will invariably hurt the HNMLS itself. The leader's reputation is tied with the HNMLS's; when people incite drama over one, that will just spill onto the HNMLS he or she leads.

In other words, if you really care about TheCrew as much as you say you do, you might not want to post this thread on Alla. No one likes an HNMLS with drama.

Just my two cents.
#12 Nov 14 2006 at 4:47 PM Rating: Decent
I agree with you Insert, I've known you for along time almost since I started as a matter of fact. I know Spiron, he's a nice guy. I like the people in TheCrew and i fully understand you. At the same time, their is alot of **** that you don't know about that really has went on in the LS. I could tell you the whole story, but I've already made my decesion not to even take it that far. Spiron, along with 5 other sacks left that HNMLS for a reason. Myself one of those 5 sacks as you already know, felt the tension before it started. Spiron is a good guy and yes I'll defend him because he is indeed my friend. Unlike other people in that LS that i thought were my friends. Oh yea and tell Laz and Slaine i said sup^^ they probably don't know I'm quitting the game. I'll talk to you later though.
#13 Nov 14 2006 at 5:29 PM Rating: Decent
I've recently been directed to this thread which has filled me with deep sorrow. For those of you that don't know me my name is Niela. For those of you that do know me you are aware that I've been with the people who were kicked or left AND the HNMLS leader(Thalion)for a long time; way before this ls was even made and when chat linkshells were cherished. Needless to say I've been around for more than two years and I've watched everyone grow in-game to the ppl they are now. These ppl were my in-game family, we did everything together, experienced the good & the bad, we knew eachother's strengths and weaknesses, moods and personalities. Seeing as how i'm close to both sides I do have certain things to state.
First the sackholders and loyal members, the ppl who were kicked were part of the life and soul of the linkshell, they were true leaders, helpful and patient (most of them :) but even the roudy ones were there to back you up if you found yourself in trouble. They sacrificed a good part of their real lives to make sure things ran smoothly, got events done for other members and still knew how to have fun and make light of certain situations. These guys were the best of the best and it pains me to hear them so badly treated. On the other side I can see how their playing WoW could of seemed like abandonment of the ls, but honestly this is a video game keep that in mind. They should not be outcasted for a recreational choice, nor treated like strangers from the rest of the linkshell members after giving so much of themselves in the service of others. If I had been there at the time something would of definitely been said but sadly I had to hear of this after the facts then to later to see it for myself.
Now Thalion, we all knew what kind of person you were. To some you were an ***, to others you were a god, to me you were just my in-game big brother and that's it how you'll remain. You can be serious and stern but that's what is needed from a hnmls leader, you were organized and orderly which was crucial for events, you got things done and took the initiative to plan these events for ppl who needed them and for that no one can put you at a fault. I will not comment on what I think about these events in a negative or bitter light. To me Thalion was a great leader b/c he had the guts to make decisions and stand by them whether they were wrong or right, as a leader you can't be everyone's "best friend" but nor can you behave or think that you and the ls are invincible which I hope and pray has not happened.
Sorry for this long winded post, but I do have one more thing to say. Think about what this has done, think about the immature thoughts that have brought about these events. Many of you considered the other a leader, a comrade, a brother, a sister, or at the very least a good friend. Don't let this experience come between these relationships, blood is thicker than water and from any way you choose to look at this, Final Fantasy XI is still and always will be a game and nothing more...
This will be the last thing I do before I say my farewells in-game. This was the first time I've ever posted anything on here and I hope it will be my last. I wish you all nothing but the best and you all know what you mean to me.

-Niela- aka "Nini"
#14 Nov 14 2006 at 6:19 PM Rating: Good
283 posts
#15 Nov 15 2006 at 12:25 AM Rating: Good
148 posts
Hey Krazy!

I had lined up a whole rebuttal/agreement-with-reservations-thing in response to your post. Then I said "Who cares" and focused on what was the most important statement in your response.

You are NOT leaving! >_<

I've known you since day one (ok 2 ...or 3) and you were in my first LS ever. I've known you for two going on three years. We need to talk. Over a couple cyber-beers.

#16 Nov 15 2006 at 7:09 AM Rating: Default
Krazy, no, just no.

Oh wait, I am starting to feel the complete boredom and waste of time ffxi is.

Funny think i think ff12 is actually destroying ffxi.

good luck.

now back to gears of war and cod3.
#17 Nov 15 2006 at 9:05 AM Rating: Decent
47 posts
Hi Spi and Nini,

I'm so sad to read this post. Never in a million years did I imagine things like this can happen to you Spi. Maybe it's time for ffxi to die for us. This game is way too much drama, giving you headaches, heartaches.

In my mind, I've never stopped considering you guys as friends. Just lately, we stopped talking. And now I think I know why.

T, I seriously don't get you. Why did this to Spi. He was more loyal and nicer to you than I ever was. You weren't like this before, but before was a long time ago.

If you sign on later to say goodbyes, I'd like to talk to you too before you quit.

Untamedheart has decided to quit too. I will probably won't last long with most of my good friends gone.

Don't let this thing get you down Spi. How's Eric doing? God I miss talking to you lol.

#18 Nov 15 2006 at 9:45 AM Rating: Decent
days to cool down and thoughts to look back on i kind of want to close this now niela spoke with such grace and class more then i have that is for damn sure so lets drop this here for now i was wrong to bring it here and for that i am sorry, if t reads this all i will say is try to understand my point of view of i will try harder to understand yours.

#19 Nov 16 2006 at 3:26 PM Rating: Decent
Don't pick on mah bud the Thally-Whacker. :( Srsly, leaders have to make hard decisions. There will always be a bias for/against these decisions, but they're usually choices that help the whole grow better and stronger. No, I don't play **** ****** game anymore and I know this matter doesn't concern me, but he's still a good guy who's given more time to his group than most of the people ******** on here have given to anything. (Aside their right hand at un-disclosed websites.) I'm bored typing now, so I'm going to go outside and get something we call "exposure to sunlight". Well, actually it's overcast so I guess I'll be getting exposure to bad weather. /peaceout.
#20 Nov 17 2006 at 2:22 PM Rating: Decent
So I had a talk with both sides of this situation. I was confident on being neutral but now I'm good. Maybe Thalion has problems going on his life right now, sh*t I don't know. It amazed me today how I asked him about a certain situation, and all I got was him beating around the bush. If you hold a grudge with Spiron for posting this right here on Allakhazam, you should just man up and tell him. Instead you go on a powertrip, not only did you kick him from TheCrew HNMLS but also from Dynamis. I'm not the smartest man in the world, but what does HNM and Dynamis have in common? How are they the same? Since you know all the answers I just want to know. Yes, It's very true that both LS's hold the same name. Honestly are you camping Kings in Dynamis? Anyway that makes no sense to me. You also say alot of other people have a problem with Spiron. Then again when I ask you who are the other people so I can talk to them and get both sides of the story.... you beat around the bush. I was a sackholder in TheCrew and it truly saddens me that I can't even get the full story of whats really going on. You say its family problems, and not a video game.

I'm truly amazed at the actions taken I mean really, kicking him from Dynamis was great. That was absolutely a great plan sir. I mean he goes to Dynamis-Xarcard gets his last piece of relic, stays and even helps farm for others. Then you ask him do you have to break the pearl or will he drop it. Now there's two things you need to look at in this situation. 1. If people didn't trust or care for Spiron why wasn't he kicked way before he got his last AF piece. 2. If nobody trusted or cared for Spiron why even keep him around to help farm? Well you see its real simple. Thalion plays his cards so damn good he thinks hes unstoppable. By Spiron getting his last piece of RDM AF it would save you the guilt of kicking him later since hes 5/5 on RDM AF now.

Now the only part I'm still confused about is, this man asked you could he stay and support his friends. For you to tell him no, no one trusts him? Really thats bullsh*t sir. I makes completely no @#%^ing sense, to keep him in the LS, let him get his last piece of AF and help farm and then kick him? LMAO Jesus Christ you really do have some type of @#%^ing problems going on in your life don't you.

Don't worry I'm done with the whole situation and I don't want to be affiliated with TheCrew at all anymore. What comes around goes around, and you already know what i mean. So just sit back Thalion. If everyone around you is acting like @#%^s.... Maybe It's you..... Maybe your the @#%^.

Your a very smart man but It still amuses me that after 3 years of playing this game you think HNM and Dynamis is the same thing because they hold the same thing. Kind of makes me laugh to myself. Oh Yea as for you not having anything to say to me anymore thats cool with me. Hell If I care It's only a game you live and learn.


Edited, Nov 17th 2006 at 6:04pm PST by KrazyTEIN
#21 Dec 13 2006 at 11:49 PM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
Yamakuze wrote:

and shuffles LOL 1644 posts - there's name for someone like that...
(rhymes with the word "boar")

Edited, Nov 14th 2006 at 1:32am PST by Yamakuze

Edited, Nov 14th 2006 at 1:33am PST by Yamakuze

Your insult is weak sauce, NOOB.
#22 Dec 14 2006 at 6:34 AM Rating: Default
F#%^ Thalion and all the bad guys in TheCrew.

Edited, Dec 14th 2006 9:38am by SuckMe
#23 Dec 14 2006 at 9:37 AM Rating: Default
Shuffles is an unctgtg.

Edited, Dec 14th 2006 12:43pm by Squallido
#24 Dec 14 2006 at 10:21 AM Rating: Default
I dont know raids, so I cant ********** during them. Destroys your theory.

OH and squall, noone cares about your gear in your sig, its just as bad or worse then putting your computer specs there.

Did you change your name yet, or do you like the image of a 10 year old fanboy.
#25 Dec 14 2006 at 10:42 AM Rating: Default
I feel offended, i'll call my mom ;(.
Oh shuffles, if you think i care because others dont care about sig, you've got a problem in the head, who cares about people's nicknames and sig anyways, only ******* or ***** like xbobox.

Edited, Dec 14th 2006 1:47pm by Squallido
#26 Dec 14 2006 at 12:21 PM Rating: Default
you obviously do, you getting a bit uptight.

Just face it squall, you are a sad sad little man. Life will be much easier if you just deal with that fact.

I did nothing to you, and you started attacking me, dont know why, but whatever floats your boat.
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