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WORNING: TerraBreach Dynamis LS. [Enter and see]Follow

#1 Jan 03 2007 at 5:11 AM Rating: Good
Hello all,

I guess most of you already know this thief LS. The LS called TerraBreach Dynamis LS, leading by Nokomus.

I joined this LS after I saw his shout for recruitment. Joined him as to be the main sponser for Dynamis runs. He agreed to this. Each run I join, AFs go to his sacks (his RL or game friends), I don't really care about AFs as currency is the most important thing to me. He always let sacks take AFs and sometime giving more than 1 AF to a person. But I also keep ignoring this. until Sat. 30th of Dec. Dynamis-San. The run started as useual. AFs go to his sacks (friends) like any other run. I was really tired that day so I fall asleep for like 10min or so. I woke up fast and checked pool and found the currency been loted by sacks (cuz when I fall asleep, I missed lotting some). I checked the chat log to track my last obtained item and see what droped. I scrolled down and saw a big currency droped. The guy who obtained it is a member not a sack called Chaosity, and here is what happend: (pictures listed in order)

This guy Nokomus as you see stole my big currency. Even also he got 1M as a charge for the glass and 5M as a warranty from me. And after what happend in those pictures, he asked his friend (a sack) to warp me from Dynamis and then he kicked from the LS.

He is one filty mean thief, who cares for his **** and his friends (sacks) only. Giving them all what they need from AFs and stuff.

My advice to all this LS members (TerraBreach) to leave it and join another Dynamis LS. There are planty of NA Dynamis LSs such as S&F, KupoNox, RG, DBSD, etc. Don't waste your time with this sucker LS. Its been made for selfish reasons. Stealing others, then toss them away. Also, this LS got bad lads. They can't even clear Bastok.. They are just a waste of time. And also if you are a new member who is looking for NA Dynamis LS, just don't think of joining this TerraBreach LS. Just visit and check the calendar then you will find most if not all the Dynamis LSs over there.

I have sent my message to all Ragnarok players. You guys can judge how dirty this Nokomus guy is. And also, spread this topic if you can. I would be thankful.

Peace all.
#2 Jan 03 2007 at 1:59 PM Rating: Default
40 posts
Hi Yamikingu,

how's it going? This is Musicgamer, by the way, a NON-sackholder. i'm just a regular guy in TerraBreach. I just met everyone in the ls when i joined. well, i must say, you're not one to talk about who's being a "bad lad." you don't know how to follow orders. you're a pansy who runs away from all the fights. why is it that whenever we had links or wiped, you're always alive and with full HP and MP? now, YOU are not the ls leader. so when we're in dynamis, you're job is to follow the orders of the leader. if you're told to NOT cast Burst II because it's a waste of MP, DO NOT CAST BURST II.

well, i've gotten off the subject of this post. you call us thieves? I was the person to get a summoner's bracers during the bastok run. i had 0 points, then. but you know what? it just so happened that EVERYONE IN THE FREAKING LS IS AT ZERO POINTS! we're new so everyone starts off even. but if you had read the forums for the LS, you would've noticed that some people started off with more points because they helped form the LS. personally, i think it was a good idea. so AFs are going to drop to those who helped form the LS. but they got points deducted because of that. so next drop, won't be theirs.

on the subject of currency. YOU DID NOT LOT ON THE CURRENCY! you said it yourself, you fell asleep. so through the natural flow of the game, the bill fell onto chaosity. what happened with it after that, i don't know. as for the other currency, yes the sacks were told to lot on it. you know why? would you prefer to track down 30-some people and try to get the currency that natural dropped to them? or is it easier to go up to the sacks and just get it from them. you have to think my little diminuative friend. and by the screenshots you posted, you got your loose currency back, so you're argument on that does not apply.

for future reference, DON'T FALL ASLEEP DURING A FREAKING DYNAMIS RUN!! what hell is wrong with you! even if you weren't just a sponsor, who in the right mind falls asleep in a dynamis run?! personally, i'd appreciate it if you stopped talking **** about a linkshell. i don't care what kind of problems you have with them, you don't try to dissuade someone from joining and have them join another one. that's their decision. if they find they have a problem with the linkshell, they'll leave on their own.

- Edited for spelling

Edited, Jan 3rd 2007 5:01pm by myoutenshi
#4 Jan 03 2007 at 2:44 PM Rating: Default
40 posts
i know that the loose change doesn't amount to much. i wasn't arguing that it does. he was simply complaining that the sacks were lotting on it. i noted that he got those back. so why complain? that's what i was getting at.
#6 Jan 03 2007 at 3:18 PM Rating: Decent
Listen you will probably have new members scared away after this nonsense i'm from another server. But listen he got most of his currency back?

Give him back his big peices they were his he sponsored the run. like was said does not matter if he fell a sleep someone got that coin, and if he fell a sleep it would show in the log whom got it.

If that person said it was traded to the sack leader then it was traded to the leader. you are a thief and your linkshell will look like one for not returning his coin. just give it bak and from what i understand you do have it. just grow up.

And again HE SPONSORED THE RUN GIVE HIM ALL OF HIS COINS. That is pretty ungreatful.

it was the holidays few days ago come on now.

no one needs to see this type of ****.
#7 Jan 03 2007 at 3:24 PM Rating: Good
Really doesnt matter if he fell asleep or if hes the worst player in the world, he sponsors, it means all he currency is his. Nokomus got caught in a lie, its proven in the screenshots, Chaosity is not a thief, that is a fact far as I am concerned.

I just find it ironic that nokomus job is thf, seems to happen alot that some of the big thfs are well thfs. Roleplaying at its best i guess.
#8 Jan 03 2007 at 3:39 PM Rating: Decent
93 posts
After reading this heres what I understood

Person fell asleep > coins fell and were lotted by sacks > big coin fell to Chaosity > guy woke up > asked chaosity for it > told him it was with the leader > leader said it wasnt with him > asked choas again > leader says choasity is actually the only person alive who doesnt know what was that coins's worth and tossed it > choasity still says the leader has it > leader denys > musicgamer came up with the theory that if you sleep in dynamis its ok to ***** you over since when you sleep morals/laws no longer apply on anything that belongs to you > guy didnt get his coins back > I came along and wrote this chunk of writing.

Yeah thats about it...
#9 Jan 03 2007 at 3:43 PM Rating: Default
40 posts
i love it when people read too deep into what i write. when did i say, "hey yami, you fell asleep, so you're screwed!"? i don't recall writing that. i was responding to what he wrote about the sacks lotting on everything. he keeps ******** about the sacks lotting on everything. about how Noko is a thief because he has all the sacks lot on things. don't read past what i write. i say exactly what i mean. if i wanted to say "you're screwed cause you fell asleep," i would've written that.

and in defense of Nokomus, he returned the 1 mil gil to Yamikingu. so not only did he get his gil back, but he also got some free currency. so quit your ********* yami.

Edited, Jan 3rd 2007 6:45pm by myoutenshi
#10 Jan 03 2007 at 3:47 PM Rating: Decent
Exactly those pople in there are in a dynamis linkshell and would know the worth of that coin. The point is the smn got it, and it is either A still in smn's possesion (if it is give it back not worth the defamation it will kick you in the *** in the future trust me). or B was traded tot he leader after he saw what dropped asking to trade it to him. then sponsor woe up and saw ll that dropped and ask for his coin. ONE OF YOU HAVE THE COIN, you just jepordized your reputation by having it! The leader should know beter its a freaking shame, i am a thf as well. grow the **** up man.

you said the smn does not have it? and yelled to leave him alone? huh? guess what you messed up. you came up with a baltant obvious lie that the summoner dropped the coin not knowing what it was. he ws asking for his **** which is quit right and d2ed him and kicked him from linkshell. either your or the chaosity have that coin. i assume you asked him to trade it to you. if i were youits not worth the defamation of character or for your linkshell.

return it before you ***** your linkshell over. no one is one your side here.
#11 Jan 03 2007 at 3:52 PM Rating: Decent
ok so it was returned? i posted my previos post right after you >.>. point is when you do crap like d2 someone during dynamis whom is frustrated because they did a run that they sponsored and kick them from a linkshell.

you make your self as a whole look like an *** >.>. not sayig anything just your leaders actions >.>.

well atleast he got 1 mil gil back. so i stop right here.
#12 Jan 03 2007 at 4:24 PM Rating: Decent
just to clarify, i dont mean to say that all thfs are thiefs, its just funny when you hear things like this, many are thfs , just ironic.

Isnt that nice he returned his one mil gil, too bad the drop he stole is worth double that.

but i guess if i steal from the jewelry store, fence it and return half the money back to that store i robbed from, everythign is okie dokie.
#13 Jan 03 2007 at 4:44 PM Rating: Default
40 posts
if what you "stole" did not originally belong to the "jewelry store", they shouldn't care as long as you paid the entrance fee.

if you're going to use analogies, make sure you use an accurate one.
#14 Jan 03 2007 at 4:49 PM Rating: Decent
93 posts
It probably belonged to the mob that droped it?
#15 Jan 03 2007 at 4:58 PM Rating: Default
40 posts
there are no mobs in a jewelry store! what are you talking about, be realistic. lol
#16 Jan 03 2007 at 4:59 PM Rating: Good
You never noticed the bloodsucking materialistic women in a jewelery store.

those are mobs
#17 Jan 03 2007 at 6:27 PM Rating: Good
dynamis shells that openly recognizes AFs are going to sack or IRL friends from the leaders deserves the worse.
#18 Jan 03 2007 at 6:58 PM Rating: Decent
I am not going to say any thing about this because, it's just wrong he should get his currency. end of story, but from what I have heard, whether or not the sacks lotted or others did, it doesn't really matter. the fact of the matter is that between 2 people in the LS they screwed 1 guy out of 1mil, I am not blaming either. Now if it was One tring to pull the wool over his eyes or if it was an honest mistake, the ss kind of prove it wasn't an honest mistake. His point is still vaild ... TerraBreach screwd him out of a 1mil item that is rightfully his. Now if he sponsored it and said it was free lot then, he has no claim to that. but since he apprently didn't, every one should have passed on the currency and no one should have lotted to begin with.

*tosses 2 cents*
#19 Jan 03 2007 at 8:39 PM Rating: Decent
580 posts
I've run into Nokomus, he never seemed the one to steal, although i don't know him personally.

The whole LS are a bunch of thieves because YOU fell asleep during a run YOU sponsered? If it mean't that much to you to post on these forums, maybe it should have mattered just a tadbit more for you to stay awake. You wanna cry foul? Here's a helpful tool. {Caffeine} {Do you need it?}

I used to know someone from that LS, Rhianna. And i know for a fact she isn't a thief. We may have drifted, and don't speak anymore, but she hasn't changed from what i've seen.

Fact is, you screwed up. If you fall asleep in a damn Dynamis, you don't deserve to get squat. How can you blame the sacks for lotting? Would you rather a regular pearl obtain what you consider YOUR currency? Boy, woulda loved to see that post, might have been more entertaining then this one.

*Throws in his 2 gil* To make up for the 1M you flubbed.

#20 Jan 04 2007 at 12:14 AM Rating: Default
40 posts
the funny thing is, he CHOSE to fall asleep. it wasn't even like we were running late at night and he dosed off. we started at 6pm or 7pm (don't remember) EST, and he went and took a nap for "10 min", as he said. personally, i don't think Noko should've been so kind as to give him back his 1 mil, but w/e. if the leader tells you to lot on an AF because it's you're drop, and you go take a nap and don't get the piece, you're screwed. nobody's gonna be like "oh i'm sorry, it naturally dropped to me, but i'll drop it just because you fell asleep."
#21 Jan 04 2007 at 12:43 AM Rating: Default
Falling asleep while in dynamis = you lose.
#22 Jan 04 2007 at 7:14 AM Rating: Good
Nice excuses.

sponsor gets currency, end of argument, no matter what anyone says, the leader lied. Fact.

if he didnt sponsor noone would get anything. So he fell asleep, someone always falls asleep, the game is that boring.

do you know what time zone he is in, or you just assuming everyone lives in est?
#23 Jan 04 2007 at 8:39 AM Rating: Good
stfu your leader stole a ******* million ++++ item, worth more than what it was since the sponsor whom funded the ****. now you listen your leader dumb mistake just made you look more retarted... defending him is making you dumb. not everyone lives in your time zone also so stfu. as was said and that gil returned does not make up for it. your bs leader sealed his ******* fate.
#24 Jan 04 2007 at 10:54 AM Rating: Decent
93 posts
*claps* @ StanflameChampion

Couldn't have said it better...

Facts are simple he got the glass he gets the coins thats pretty much it

Flawless logic

#25 Jan 04 2007 at 10:59 AM Rating: Default
40 posts
lol you get mad very easily. you're not even involved in the whole ordeal. i defend my leader because i'm very proud to belong to this LS. you shouldn't judge a company because of one bad review. imagine what would've happened if people stopped buying at Sears because one customer got pissed at a manager's decision. Sears is a good company, and sometimes the managers have to tell the customer's to f**k off if they make an *** of themselves. you don't know the details of this particular situation. you only know the part that yamikingu showed. for all you know he's been violating rules left and right and should've gotten ripped off. or he could've been the best, most loyal sponsor ever known to Vana D'iel. but you don't know. hell, i don't know. so, stop judging.
#26 Jan 04 2007 at 11:18 AM Rating: Good
"all you know he's been violating rules left and right and should've gotten ripped off"

WOW, two wrongs dont make a right, never heard of that? I know you just using that as a possibiltiy but no matter what he did, rules are rules, if he was breaking the rules, then he should have kicked him, not try and use him for one more score. You probably shouldnt have wrote that.

just because hes your leader doesnt mean you should just defend him when he does something like this, making a mistake, sure, but not straight out deceipt, this makes you almost as bad as him.

I true team player will help the leader to make things right and convince them what they did was wrong and rectify it.
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