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WORNING: TerraBreach Dynamis LS. [Enter and see]Follow

#27 Jan 04 2007 at 11:28 AM Rating: Default
40 posts
/sigh again with the reading too deep into what i say. i never said "yea, he was breaking rules so we intentionally decided that we're gonna contract him again and this time make sure he doesn't get jack ****." and we did kick him when he broke the rules a final time. it just happened to have been the same time that the incident occured.

anyway, i'm done w/ the thread. i'm tired of seeing the same points reiterated. i'm also very annoyed when people misconstrue what i say. i've said my opinion and i'm done. don't judge people. you don't know the exact events nor do you know the rest of the situation. the only evidence (for lack of a better word) you have is from one side, if you're using that to form your conclusion, i hope you never become part of a jury.

#28 Jan 04 2007 at 11:28 AM Rating: Decent
1,410 posts
I'm very sad when I read these sorts of threads.

People ask me why I'm not in a Dynamis shell. (I get asked regularly enough.) This is why: folks who ordinarily get along well, DO NOT get along when it comes time to lot on relic and currency.

Maybe when I've gotten to Sea and/or 75 I'll dip my toe in ... but I want to keep the friends I have, not argue or resent.

Edited, Jan 4th 2007 2:26pm by MJS
#29 Jan 04 2007 at 11:59 AM Rating: Good
sorry myo, reread my post, you will notice its you thats reading to much into it.

Let me quote for you to help you out.

I know you just using that as a possibiltiy
#30 Jan 04 2007 at 12:03 PM Rating: Good
Well dynamis is technically dead it seems anyways.

Poeple do it for the equipment, the select few for the weapons. Well compared to the salvage equipment, the dynamis equipment is in most part, crap, and is more a a collector thing to do.

Fact is, getting 30 people to lose time, money, xp just to get that one guy his weapon just doesnt cut it anymore, especially when the drop rate on ah is just way too bad.

I did over 40 runs, i have 4 lvl 75 jobs, in that 40 runs, only one af out of the 4 jobs i have dropped. So only drg af2 gloves dropped , no whm, bst, rng af in 40 runs. All that ever drops is mnk, war, sam, smn.

If SE doesnt increased the drop rate alot, people just wont bother with dynamis anymore, it will die i think.
#31 Jan 04 2007 at 12:18 PM Rating: Decent
40 posts
meh, i joined the LS so i can start doing end game type stuff. i find it kinda fun. so, if nothing else, i'll do it because i enjoy it.
#32 Jan 04 2007 at 12:23 PM Rating: Decent
1,261 posts

It doesn't have to be this way, really. If you do small groups dynamis with people you trust, and have rules that everyone agrees and follows REGARDLESS dynamis linkshells do work. I guess the key is to know the integrity of your leaders.

I know if I had the same opinion as the OP about the leaders of a shell, there is literally no way I would sponsor anything or go AFK on the off chance I did. I'm not saying the OP got what he deserved, just that he probably should have been a bit more cautious if he felt the sacks were not being fair.
#33 Jan 05 2007 at 4:05 AM Rating: Decent
265 posts
Dont know the LS, but you really dont want your LS to get a bad reputation.

If the agreement was that he gets all currency drops (including 100s) just give it to him. Be fair. I dont see how falling asleep, forfeits the 100 to him. Unless you have it clearly stated in your rules that "afk" is not cool. Bottomline, you guys made an agreement, be adult, work it out in /tell, and dont try and cause flame wars..

Because heres what always happens.. 50% pick one side 50% pick another, withs shuffles on the side of the guy getting screwed. Theres some mildly entertaining flaming for a couple pages. People get borred with the thread cause it turns into a wall of text. And then nobody cares. makes you ls look bad, and make person trying to flame look bad.

So be adults, talk to eachother, figure it out. Heres a solution, give him 100 coins, and do not allow him to sponsor anymore. The LS can profit 1000000x more not having a sponsor, and wont have to deal with this kinda drama again. And more importantly you both wont have this hanging over your heads.

So peoples, play nice, and do the adult thing
#34 Jan 05 2007 at 6:51 AM Rating: Good
Shuffles fights for the little guy,


but on a real note.

The server population is decreasing, you run into the same people more often then you did 3 years ago.

Its now more important then ever to get back to a level of cooperation for people inside your ls and out since reputation is going to play a bigger role from now on.

I believe the game is at a critical point, at least this server, and lets just all get along.
#35 Jan 05 2007 at 8:35 AM Rating: Decent
452 posts
/huggles Shuffles

#36 Jan 05 2007 at 4:39 PM Rating: Good
Well said, well said. What happened is what happened, and it's true what you said about on side being the winners side whom got screwed. What did anyone expect? even when those screens are up there is proof.

Whether he was an *** or not he was the sponsor and frustrted about his +++ ticket coins for which he sponsored. If any of you whom are defending the ls leader, or are in the ls were in the sponsors shoes you would not have felt the same?
#37 Jan 05 2007 at 9:17 PM Rating: Decent
Sorry Musicgamer, but thats another lie. I didn't get any sh*t. I didn't get any single gil after Nokomus kicked me. Geezz.. stop lying people...

Edited, Jan 6th 2007 12:21am by TomyTomy
#38 Jan 06 2007 at 5:40 PM Rating: Decent
I just had time read over this thread and view the screenshots. It's pretty obvious that either Chaosity or Nokomus have that coin.

First Chaosity claims to have traded the coin to Nokomus.

Then Ryken steps in and claims he saw Chaosity trade it to Nokomus, because he lives with her.

Nokomus denies ever being traded the coin from Chaosity.

Nokomus then comes up with the story that Chaosity dropped the coin, not knowing what it was.

I think it is pretty obvious that either Chaosity or Nokomus or both of them are pulling a scam. First of all, I don't believe for a second that anyone attending a Dynamis run would not know what the coins were. That is utter horsepuckey. Second, why else would they lie about what happened to the coin? The initial story was that Chaosity traded the coin to Nokomus, which was followed by another story that Chaosity accidentally dropped the coin. Sorry, but those two scenarios contradict one another.

I know that both Chaosity and Nokomus have read this thread, so if they are at all innocent in this, I'd like to see them post an explanation. By Chaosity saying in the above screenshots that she traded the coin to Nokomus, she has admitted to having possession of it at one point.

So the questions are:

Chaosity, did you accidentally drop the coin...or did you trade it to Nokomus?

If you accidentally dropped it, then how could Ryken, who lives with you, SEE you trade it to Nokomus?

If you DID trade it to Nokomus, then I guess the questions fall into his/her lap.

Nokomus, if Chaosity traded you the coin, why are you refusing to give it to the sponsor of the run?

If Chaosity didn't trade the coin to you, why are you covering for him/her? Are you getting a cut from the coin when it sells from one of your mules?

Somehow I don't feel these questions will be answered by the people involved.

Edited, Jan 6th 2007 8:37pm by Bummage
#39 Jan 06 2007 at 6:07 PM Rating: Decent
WOW lol, it seems that no gil was even given to the sponsor. the above poster summed it all up. You guys are a bunch of **** scumbag. Good luck with your dynamis linkshell now... sad.
#40 Jan 06 2007 at 10:05 PM Rating: Decent
Seems after my post here about Nokomus and his LS, Nokomus start spreading lies about giving me back the 1M gil I payed to sponser. So then he can be "clean" to his members. Well.. I want to inform all TerraBreach members and new members that I didn't get anything back at all, not even 1 gil.
#41 Jan 07 2007 at 6:24 PM Rating: Good
Yami, your out of your leage as far as trying to ***** about **** you never had. From what i have read you paid for lotting rights on currency. But, that does not mean you are free to sit at the start of Dynamis and just lot. Dynhamis requires teamwork, something which it does not seem you know anything about. I was in that Sandy run and did see that Silver Piece drop. I did see Chaos get it but from there i have no idea where it ended up. I also noticed that when we had out wipe near the begining of the run, you were @ full health with full MP. I have seen this a few times on seperate occasions. Now, you were complaining about the clear?

Also, this LS got bad lads. They can't even clear Bastok.. They are just a waste of time.

As i remember, you were one of the few BLM's on that run (which btw was one of our first run's with the LS). You have one of the most vital roles as far as the progression of the runs... and you fall asleep?! That ***** unacceptable. You brought this on yourself. You do realize that the more help we have the further we make it on the run and the currency you get. Its not a sit a lot situation IN ANY Dynamis LS that ive herd, but go ahead enlighten me. You got your Mil back and some extra currency that you don't deserve. Demoralizing the entire LS for your halfass ******** is unherd of also.

On a side note:
Well dynamis is technically dead it seems anyways.

Poeple do it for the equipment, the select few for the weapons. Well compared to the salvage equipment, the dynamis equipment is in most part, crap, and is more a a collector thing to do.

Fact is, getting 30 people to lose time, money, xp just to get that one guy his weapon just doesnt cut it anymore, especially when the drop rate on ah is just way too bad.

I did over 40 runs, i have 4 lvl 75 jobs, in that 40 runs, only one af out of the 4 jobs i have dropped. So only drg af2 gloves dropped , no whm, bst, rng af in 40 runs. All that ever drops is mnk, war, sam, smn.

If SE doesnt increased the drop rate alot, people just wont bother with dynamis anymore, it will die i think.

Man it would suck to be you...
You have a point in the fact that Salvage gear is some of the best equipment in the game. But you obviously have no idea what goes into getting just one if those items. 3 Salvage pieces that require many Assault runs as well as luck to get the pieces you want. a stack of Imp. Gold (this is not to hard to get), but the Orc. Ingots... 3mil for a stack about. Not to mention another stack of items that is equally as much/hard to aquire. You have a better chance getting AF2 pieces from Dynamis that getting one of the Salvage pieces at this point.

Last thing, Warning*
not very good at engrish i suppose 8(
#42 Jan 08 2007 at 5:21 AM Rating: Decent
99 posts
Sponsor deserves all currency. End of story. TerraBreach is one of many corrupt shells it seems.
#43 Jan 08 2007 at 6:08 AM Rating: Decent
240 posts
In Aht Urghan and what do i hear?
/shout TerraBreach Dynammis linkshell seeking members.

I Lol'd and wanted to shout for people to read forums before joining, but didn't want to start a stupid argument.
#44 Jan 08 2007 at 6:54 AM Rating: Decent
It's over that linkshell is dead. I wish i was on this server so i could tell everyone not to join. Inform people here.

The poster few posts above me. END OF STORY SPONSOR GETS ALL CURRENCY. IT WAS HIS 1 MILLION GIVE HIM HIS @#%^ING sh*t. You look stupid, I am even more pissed that you guys are filling this sh*t. The point is why don't this n00bish leader of this linkshell come to defend him self/ he can't right? I know he can't the damn sponsor just said he did not get 1 million gil back even. Therefore necodumbnuts or what ever your name is, do us a favor come on these forums and aplogize, not like it will do good. and return or have all his coins returned. or the coin you stole from him? pay him what he should have gotten from that run ok? Is there a problem with what i said.

either have his currency returned or pay him the gil that he deserves for the run. you are not in the good light of people right now you look dumb and stupid.

PWNED. did not expect the sponser to come here?

thirtsecond one more thing did you not hear a thing that was said your retarted leader did not pay the sponsor ****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THUS WHY are you still in this shell?

never mind the damage was done... your linkshell is looking for members right? I am freaking pretty sure you gusy were out to ***** th sponsor fromt he beging. think anyone wants to join your linkshell now?

one more thing with the fact that they are recruiting i am betting that people left. and what was posted here no one will join and more will leave. you sealed your fate dude. its over good by nercodumbnuts.

Edited, Jan 8th 2007 9:54am by StanflameChampion
#45 Jan 08 2007 at 5:02 PM Rating: Decent
Congrats to Nokomus!!!

Bought himself a shiny new Dragon Harness on January 3rd, three days after the coin incident.

And lol @ the morons coming in here and trying to shift focus away from what Nokomus did by ******** about the OP's playstyle, or lack thereof. Honestly, the OP may suck as a player, but that is beside the point.

...still waiting for either Nokomus or Chaosity to answer those questions above...
#46 Jan 08 2007 at 8:31 PM Rating: Default
40 posts
omg! you guys are still on about this!?! just f**king drop it! it's a dead subject! who cares if nokomus bought himself a dragon harness? has it occured to you that maybe he had the gil on his own to buy it?

we're recruiting because we're a NEW LINKSHELL! we've stated that many times already. in fact NOBODY has left the shell.

why do you automatically assume that yamikingu is telling the truth about not getting any gil? anyway, i don't really give a crap what you guys think. if you have a problem with the linkshell, then don't join. simple as that. but just drop it. this is getting old and annoying.
#47 Jan 08 2007 at 10:10 PM Rating: Decent
omg! you guys are still on about this!?! just f**king drop it! it's a dead subject! who cares if nokomus bought himself a dragon harness? has it occured to you that maybe he had the gil on his own to buy it?

we're recruiting because we're a NEW LINKSHELL! we've stated that many times already. in fact NOBODY has left the shell.

why do you automatically assume that yamikingu is telling the truth about not getting any gil? anyway, i don't really give a crap what you guys think. if you have a problem with the linkshell, then don't join. simple as that. but just drop it. this is getting old and annoying.

1) So, first you try and detract from the subject by discussing Yami's playing style, and now the newest tactic to avoid it is to claim it is a "dead subject?" Hardly. I work in the legal profession and your post above sends out a huge red flag. It screams "I-don't-want-to-have-this-discussed-anymore-so-let's-send-a-message-to-the-alla-community-that-it-is-a-dead-subject." Actually, that makes me want to discuss it more. :)

2) Who is this "we" in the "we're recruiting" comment you made above? The only person I've seen shouting for members is Noko. Are you Noko? If so, then why haven't you graciously answered the questions as they've been presented to you? If not, then perhaps you could do us the favor of asking Noko where that coin is. Either Noko is lying, or Chaosity & Rykel are lying and Noko is covering for them. You want this subject to be over and pushed to the bottom of the page? Then provide answers.

3) And yes, I have no reason to believe that is Yami lying about not getting his gil. The screenshots posted above show that Noko is indeed the liar here, not Yami.

Your move. ;>

Edited, Jan 9th 2007 1:25am by Bummage
#48 Jan 09 2007 at 5:24 AM Rating: Decent

1) So, first you try and detract from the subject by discussing Yami's playing style, and now the newest tactic to avoid it is to claim it is a "dead subject?" Hardly. I work in the legal profession and your post above sends out a huge red flag. It screams "I-don't-want-to-have-this-discussed-anymore-so-let's-send-a-message-to-the-alla-community-that-it-is-a-dead-subject." Actually, that makes me want to discuss it more. :)

Lol bummage I like you more and more after reading your posts =p

then don't join. simple as that. but just drop it. this is getting old and annoying.

Nah old and annoying is how You guys seem to almost always be doing the same dynamis on the same day just a few min earlier then another dynamis ls, and I will not say the name of. This however is quite new and intresting ^^
#49 Jan 10 2007 at 6:49 AM Rating: Decent
Really nice to see Nokomus buying a Dragon Harr. from almost nothing. He dosen't have gil before, and he never dose. If HE got gil, he would sponser runs by himself and sell currency in the end of the run to get more gil. But sadly he is SHOUTING to recriute members AND sponsers... So from all sudden he bought DH.. gimme a break...
#50 Jan 10 2007 at 6:33 PM Rating: Good
404 posts
I been reading this and I am going to put my own 2 cents in.

First, off OP was sponser of run all currancy belongs to him. Thats not really a question. >.> Since currancy can be traded that shouldnt be a problem.

Second, people are only human, I dont think its a crime to fall asleep people do it all the time. Still dont excuse someone from taking currancy.

Third, this is a realitively new ls that has to shout for sponser + members? I think people should know that Someone got ***** out of 1 mil worth of currancy.

To the guy defending the crooked ls leader, you say that the OP sucks and couldnt do his job? well when you shout for members you going to tend to get crappy players, >.> thats your ls fault. Not saying OP a crappy player but I am saying that Your ls shouted for sponsers then turn around and fk 1 of the sponsers out of 1mil in currancy.

The OP has screen shots + days afterwards he has the AH listing of the ls leader buying a DH, Considering its a brand new ls and leader cant afford to sponers his own runs I am siding on OP side.
Unless Leader of this dynamis ls posts proof that he gave back currancy to OP. >.> Then indeed this ls is crooked join them at your own risk. Considering how much time and xp Dynamis is I wouldnt trust a dynamis that already has a shady start.
#51 Jan 11 2007 at 8:01 PM Rating: Default
This topic is a must see by all, specially that LS poor members. As I said, there is tons of NA Dynamis LSs out there and I listed them at my first post.

Good luck to all.
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