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you was waiting for meFollow

#1 Sep 15 2008 at 11:27 AM Rating: Sub-Default

Holly S**t, lol guys lemme tell you how selfish you are, with all the respect to those exeptions, you aremican players think you are the damn king of everything, but you are not right, im not going to bed at 5-6 am because u will cry for taking a dynamis area.
What happens with NM camping uh? are u gonna schedule who can claim NM´s too or what?.
Your talk too good about yourselves, but you guys just throw **** over the rest, you talk bad about ppl that never done anything bad to you, like naming my ls members, if you want to talk bad about someone do it about me, but be awarded that i wont considerate it. by the way ****** ppl trying to have control of everything; im Spanish, and im not pushed to speak your language. what about if i dont speak any Eglish and you cant just comunicate with me? like with the JP?
If we are on a dynamis area you scheduled u have 2 options: cry or move to another area, because i will not stop making our runs because of a simple reason: we have THE BEST MEMBERS, the best players and the best persons in starsmaker. be carefull from now because every time u talk bad or rude to any of our members will be reported to a GM because is a violation of the rules.
Its funny that are you, the ones talking bad about me and my members, the typical players that brings all mobs to charybdis area after we camped it for hours to lag us and MPK us, its funny that are you the ppl that insult, threaten ppl and blame others while we have to receive your bombs, so you retards go to school, because your country is too ****** to know what education is

im tired of saying im not going under an american calendar, and will repeat it 3000 times till neccessary
#2 Sep 15 2008 at 1:33 PM Rating: Good
Racist pig.
#3 Sep 15 2008 at 2:36 PM Rating: Good
You go to Dynamis at the same time every Wednesday (I assume Sundays as well). Knowing this, there is no reason not to schedule your runs ahead of time unless you think you're going to be ganked the same way you ganked so many others who have decided to work together WITH other players on this server who share the same interest known as Dynamis. YOU however have decided that you're actually better than us for some reason, which I find hilarious. What exactly makes your members "the best" is beyond me. It certainly isn't your performance inside Dynamis, from what I hear wiping four times a run is considered good for you guys.

I'm pretty sure there are ****** players belonging to every nationality of the world. But I'm curious, since you clearly hate American players I wonder if you've allowed any into your linkshell containing "THE BEST MEMBERS." I'd bet you've got at least a couple ;)

by the way sh*tty ppl trying to have control of everything; im Spanish, and im not pushed to speak your language. what about if i dont speak any Eglish and you cant just comunicate with me? like with the JP?

This game was originally released in Japan. Then came an English version, then a German version, followed by a French version. Where's the Spanish version? Oh wait there is none :(
The fact is you CAN communicate (which is quite remarkable really considering your seemingly small brain capacity) and you refusing to do so says it all about you. I'm fairly certain that no linkshell representative approached you being a jerk about this whole thing, but you decided to act like they were anyway and disreguard everything they have worked to create and wanted you to be a part of.

So feel free to keep being a racist jerk and feel free to keep doing what you're doing, using the way Dynamis works as an excuse. But don't think there won't be retaliation. Whether it's really your fault or SE's, you are the only one who can be retaliated against so whoever you affect by doing this is going to go for you, not SE. And the members you claim to care about (although I'd bet you don't) will be affected by default. So if you really care about them you'd best change your ways. Until then, have fun wiping.

because your country is too ****** to know what education is

This just made me laugh so I decided to end my post with it. Not quite as funny as your "the best players" speech, but still funny.
#4 Sep 15 2008 at 3:20 PM Rating: Good
73 posts just wow. I was hoping you'd post due to the fact that your ls mates were digging their own graves and making themselves look rather foolish, but this takes the cake. Your stubborness to refuse our "AMERICAN CALENDAR" is just childish and really, I'm hoping you will see the consequences. I'd love to see you trying to upgrade a relic weapon and try to buy and sell coins to other dynamis shells. Lets see how well that goes now that yoru ls name is being dragged through the mud, by your own doing. I've seen your rules on your website, even the utterly ridiculous ones that have been changed since then. I've heard several testimonies from ex dynamite ls members and its just ridiculous.

I'm sure posting that racist, ignorant post of yours will only make things worse for your shell. I doubt anything you do at this point will negate that post. Have fun in Vanadiel <3
#5 Sep 15 2008 at 4:56 PM Rating: Excellent
436 posts
Lionze wrote:
I'm retarded.

#6 Sep 15 2008 at 5:14 PM Rating: Good
73 posts
lionze, i have a question for you. How do your american ls mates feel about this post of yours? this generalization of a nation isn't going to get you any brownie points, especially considering you have a few US members. If you want to be a leader, act like it. Don't voice your own opinions because you are frustrated, when all its doing is hurting your ls and your own members as a whole. Think of whats better for everyone, not just trying to stick to your own feelings, when clearly your fellow officers are opened to the option of joining the calendar.
#7 Sep 15 2008 at 5:40 PM Rating: Decent
20 posts
I just want people to know I am a sack leader in Lionze's Starsmaker linkshell. I'm not happy with Lionze's post here for the simple fact that I am american. He is very well aware of this. I also know this is not directed to me. Still tho, not happy that he did this. We have more EU people in the ls, but quite a few americans as well. This generalization of his comment is directed to everyone that is attacking him. No, he's not helping the situation. The point he was attempting to make in this post is completely lost. Lionze's wants everyone to get along and work together. I'm sorry its not coming across that way. I hope to bridge that gap of communication.
#8 Sep 15 2008 at 5:48 PM Rating: Good
#9 Sep 15 2008 at 6:47 PM Rating: Excellent
436 posts
Kysah wrote:
Lionze's wants everyone to get along and work together.

Lionze wrote:
a bunch of racist remarks

uh, huh...
#10 Sep 15 2008 at 7:05 PM Rating: Decent
20 posts
Yes, yes I'm well aware of what he's written. I'm not excusing him. Just relaying to you what I know he's thinking minus the angry remarks. Still not happy about that post. Shows poor ability to take criticism. That's is why I'm making this attempt now and not him. Please tho don't make assumetions of him if you don't know him that well. Same as I would expect him to do with everyone else. I'm still getting to know Lionze myself. But I feel confident in saying he's not a bad guy. I admit he's not handling this as well as I would like, but he's trying. I'm here to help.
#11 Sep 15 2008 at 7:17 PM Rating: Excellent
557 posts
Way to come in here and attempt to open the lines of communication or quell any doubts about your egotistical stance regarding the calender. And good work there towards a resolution too.

Im not even in any dynamis shell, but by reading these threads over time, Ive observed a want by the people using the calender(no matter their nationality) to try and incorporate non-english speakers.

Holly S**t, lol guys lemme tell you how selfish you are, with all the respect to those exeptions, you aremican players think you are the damn king of everything, but you are not right, im not going to bed at 5-6 am because u will cry for taking a dynamis area.
What happens with NM camping uh? are u gonna schedule who can claim NM´s too or what?.
Your talk too good about yourselves, but you guys just throw sh*t over the rest, you talk bad about ppl that never done anything bad to you, like naming my ls members, if you want to talk bad about someone do it about me, but be awarded that i wont considerate it. by the way sh*tty ppl trying to have control of everything; im Spanish, and im not pushed to speak your language. what about if i dont speak any Eglish and you cant just comunicate with me? like with the JP?
If we are on a dynamis area you scheduled u have 2 options: cry or move to another area, because i will not stop making our runs because of a simple reason: we have THE BEST MEMBERS, the best players and the best persons in starsmaker. be carefull from now because every time u talk bad or rude to any of our members will be reported to a GM because is a violation of the rules.
Its funny that are you, the ones talking bad about me and my members, the typical players that brings all mobs to charybdis area after we camped it for hours to lag us and MPK us, its funny that are you the ppl that insult, threaten ppl and blame others while we have to receive your bombs, so you retards go to school, because your country is too ****** to know what education is

im tired of saying im not going under an american calendar, and will repeat it 3000 times till neccessary

#12 Sep 15 2008 at 7:33 PM Rating: Good
I don't do Dynamis at the moment - I don't really care about it either way, so this issue with the dynamis calendar doesn't affect me yet ( I'm sure I'll understand more about it of/when I decide to do dynamis ) hence staying out of the other thread.

However, Lionzas comments were both racist generalisations, and aggresive . I appreciate you're trying to help Kysah, but Lionza should have the balls to get behind his own argument, or to calm down and think about what he's saying - he is after all the LS leader, and the person LS members look up to to represent them .

Its all very well saying not to make assumptions - but whats to assume ? Lionze made a racist, idiotic post, so in my mind, he's a racist idiot. Simple .
#13 Sep 15 2008 at 7:37 PM Rating: Good
20 posts
Heh, I can't argue with you there. So I'll let Lionze do whatever remarks he needs to, to defend his own self. I'll just stick to the calendar issue that is at hand. That is my ultimate goal as it is.
#14 Sep 15 2008 at 8:12 PM Rating: Decent
Hello there.

Yes, I'm another one of Lionze's LS members, and a sack of it too.

I will not say anything about Lionze's post. Kysah tld u all what is needed I think.

I just want to tell that, there are some things that I don't see correctly.
For example, you put all the LS members in the same place. You talk about that Dynamis calendar, but since today, I wasn't heard anything about that.
Of course, I started to play near 6 months ago, so it's normal. I'm not saying that If I have know about that Calendar, I won't have joined Lionze's LS. I think I would have joined anyway, but I would have been able to talk with him about that.

I think that there must be some other members that didn't know about that calendar as well. Anyway, It's not an excuse for what we are doing.

Another thing, is to list every member of the LS. Really, I don't think that members must be listed here since they don't do anything else than follow leader and sacks "orders", like assisting time, that is the thing that you are arguing.

Since Lionze said, we have EU and USA players, so our Dynamis times can not be moved at all.
Instead, we can try to apply to that calendar, and see what we can do.
For EU members, Wednesday's Dynamis are finishing around 5 am (Spain time, that is my case) so, we are doing a great effort too.

If it's not a problem for you all, that we apply to the calendar, we will talk with our leader and members, and see what we can do, but since then, since the day that we can take a dates that goes well for every LS member, we will be doing Dynamis at the same times as now, since is the only time that is possible to do them, at least, for now.

If possible, and taking in consideration that we are not in position to ask for anything, it could be great If we can apply to that calendar at the same times that we have now.
I repeat, that we aren't in position to ask for anything, so I'll understand If u just laugh about it.

I just will ask please, If someone can take out that list of the LS members, because it's only "fu.cking" (sorry, don't know how to say it another way. I'm spanish :s) the other LS members that maybe don't know anything about it, and in the case that the know, they can not do anything.

If u want to put someone in the list, just put Lionze and me.

Thank very much.

Edit: Some misspelled words.

Edited, Sep 16th 2008 12:09am by YUGON

Edited, Sep 16th 2008 12:11am by YUGON
#15 Sep 15 2008 at 8:28 PM Rating: Good
I have to say, I do feel sorry for the LS members that had their names listed and were insulted as noobs in the other thread - especially as many of the members have shown themselves to be more willing to compromise and at least try to use the calendar than the leader himself has made himself appear. I actually know two of the LS members named (none of whom have commented on this issue on the boards) a little through experience parties , and one of the guys I know even helped me with a quest I'd been struggling with.

To be honest, Kysah as a sackholder has promised to try and resolve the calender issue with Lionze, and to start to use it as soon as they get a set idea of when they plan to do dynamis runs, and a couple of other members have backed his/her decision on giving it a go, so perhaps the issue could stop being so personal now, and rather than spending time attacking the members of the LS, people could perhaps try to accept that the members are willing to make the effort and leave the issue at that.
#16 Sep 15 2008 at 10:39 PM Rating: Decent
I just had a flashback.

A couple of years ago I was in a party with Lionze, I'm almost positive. I was in the midst of either leveling a 2nd job, or perhaps a sub. I remember him talking about how he was from Spain, living in the Canary Islands, and how he was gay and had an older boyfriend. I remember him talking about how he had either planed on starting up a gay LS, or already had and it wasn't successful. I remember him being one of the absolute nicest persons I had ever met in game, to the point where I almost wanted to join his LS, even though I'm not gay. I just wanted to keep him as a friend. I had no idea that he was so hateful of Americans, he knew I was from here at the time. I think I need to just walk away from this drama, it makes me too sad.
#17 Sep 15 2008 at 11:31 PM Rating: Decent
383 posts
So, we all agree that we hate this guy? Word up. Who here likes chocolate milk? That **** ******* rocks. Also, lolice.
#18 Sep 16 2008 at 5:49 AM Rating: Default
As u say, Lionze is a very nice person. He always try to have all his LS members happy, and If he can, he is always helping us with whatever we are doing.

I don't really know how this started, but I can tell you for sure, that the Lionze who wrote that post, wasn't Lionze himslef.

He may was upset and angry about all this happening, and he could wrote that post in an attack of rage, but I don't think that he really feel anything of what he posted there.
#19 Sep 16 2008 at 6:00 AM Rating: Default
i agree with yugon, lionze is a great person, and im sure that he wrote these under an attack of rage because of this, you started attacking all of us w/o knowing us and lionze just want to protect us and thats because he was on rage.
#20 Sep 16 2008 at 6:07 AM Rating: Default
Tokyorose wrote:
lionze, i have a question for you. How do your american ls mates feel about this post of yours? this generalization of a nation isn't going to get you any brownie points, especially considering you have a few US members.

Well, as a US member of the LS I'm shocked. I mean, I'm all for good-hearted name bashing and retaliation, but I never would've thought knocking thine own LS members was a strategy worth taking in a rant.

I can only laugh at it though because I know Lionze. We can do better insults than that we just need time to plan them, yeah. >.>;
#21 Sep 16 2008 at 6:41 AM Rating: Default
Jokeface wrote:
from what I hear wiping four times a run is considered good for you guys.

You cannot always control the people you get. Some are new and need to learn. That's a fact of life. There's a difference between n00b and newbie, lets keep that in mind. Anyone ever starting an LS rather than simply joining one knows this. The rest of the people just join an existing one to pretend they're uber because they don't die (based on the work of other people I might add). It's a learning process for a lot. Most of the Dynamis vets moved on to other things anyway.

But for a new LS we have grown pretty well. On our second run we almost cleared Dynamis Beaucedine with 20 people only. Sure, a simple silly mistake stopped us, but the mega boss was down to 60%, and we know not to do the same silly mistake next time. I've been to other LSes, and a 20 man run isn't that *big* a deal but not everyone can pull it off.

Point is, you can't judge because some pissed off ex-member (I can only assume that's where you got the info from) said we wiped 4 times in a run. It may have been a new zone we never did before. This is a new LS after all. It takes more than one person to do it.

Edited, Sep 16th 2008 2:15pm by Jereth
#22 Sep 16 2008 at 8:09 AM Rating: Good
436 posts
TurboTom wrote:
Word up. Who here likes chocolate milk?

Stuff is mad good. So are cookies. And when the two combine... :Q__________

TurboTom wrote:
Also, loldrg.

Edited, Sep 16th 2008 4:04pm by vassarAK
#23 Sep 16 2008 at 8:35 AM Rating: Good
73 posts
I don't really know how this started, but I can tell you for sure, that the Lionze who wrote that post, wasn't Lionze himslef.

i agree with yugon, lionze is a great person, and im sure that he wrote these under an attack of rage because of this, you started attacking all of us w/o knowing us and lionze just want to protect us and thats because he was on rage.

Ok I understand that Lionze was angry by all this, but this isn't something new, we posted the Dynamis LS warning a month ago, and we've been polite about the whole situation in the beginning. But shouldn't a leader not act out irrationally and make a post like this? Really, a leader of the shell should hold things together, not further aggravate every other shell around. It will just make your lives more difficult when you end up having to engage with other shells to buy coins and such. Really is all that stubbornness and whining worth it?
#24REDACTED, Posted: Sep 16 2008 at 9:42 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) i don't know when you post the LS warning or not.
#25 Sep 16 2008 at 9:46 AM Rating: Good
73 posts
i don't know when you post the LS warning or not.
but take a look on it.;page=1

You started "attacking" us first:

We posted it July 30th, when our zone was taken and we were almost screwed out of doing dynamis entirely. We politely informed the an officer of the linkshell abotu the calendar, and we were told to f*** off. We aren't the only ones this happened to, nor was it the first time. This was the 3rd time it had happened to us by you guys when we decided to post this. It wasn't badmouthing anyone in particular, aside form Lionze, but it was a general warnin to other linkshells to be wary of their zones.
#26 Sep 16 2008 at 9:54 AM Rating: Default
Tokyorose wrote:
We posted it July 30th, when our zone was taken and we were almost screwed out of doing dynamis entirely. We politely informed the an officer of the linkshell abotu the calendar, and we were told to f*** off. We aren't the only ones this happened to, nor was it the first time. This was the 3rd time it had happened to us by you guys when we decided to post this. It wasn't badmouthing anyone in particular, aside form Lionze, but it was a general warnin to other linkshells to be wary of their zones.

You're from w00t right? I'm not sure who said what, but trust me I do know a few sacks have nothing bad to say about w00t. Not sure about the comment and yeah that would aggravate me too if it happened to me.

Personally, I don't blame the OP one bit for starting these threads. Of course, they just get out of hand so easily. But in the end something needs to be done.
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