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A little payback for bobbyjai!Follow

#1 Aug 30 2004 at 1:01 AM Rating: Decent
we found him as a beastmaster fighting aquarius whcih was at half life, and when his charmed pet died it went white and we took and killed it! ha hows that for karma^^
#2 Aug 30 2004 at 1:55 AM Rating: Default
Maybe if it dropped a 4.5 million gil item, it would be great!!! But, good job none the less! Everything you can do to make his gaming life miserable is a big plus.
#3 Aug 30 2004 at 4:14 AM Rating: Decent
487 posts
What exactly did bobbjai do, I've been away from the game for quite some time.

On a side note, I saw him in Boyhada Tree as a BST, lots of expensive gear, so I'd assume he conned people out of money or something? lol
#4 Aug 30 2004 at 7:19 AM Rating: Decent
he partied with a japanese player to kill arguss which drops peacock charm agreeing to split the proifit. He then quartermastered the item when it dropped and didnt share with the player he agreed to split it with. He basically stole 4.5 million gil
#5 Aug 30 2004 at 9:54 AM Rating: Decent
It's time to get over the whole Bobbyjai thing. It's more irritating to walk into an area and get spammed with people slapping him than what he did. In fact, I think the JP was pretty darn stupid for trusting Bobbyjai in the first place. From what I read on the forums (and there has been way too much posted about this) the JP didn't even know Bobbyjai before they partied up. It seems to me that the NA are going crazy about this because they don't want JP to be upset at them. Why do you *care* what JP think of you? Why not just ignore Bobbyjai? Good lord, just get over it.

On another note. Bobbyjai steals 4.5 million gil and everyone goes crazy. I get harassed every day by stupid guys wanting me to "cyber" them and other disgusting things but I'm told to /blist and ignore them. I personally laugh it off but female players in my linkshell get it too and they get upset. Go harass the people who really are trying to make other players lives miserable.

Edited, Mon Aug 30 10:55:17 2004 by Meara
#6 Aug 30 2004 at 11:22 AM Rating: Good
1,463 posts
I personally laugh it off but female players in my linkshell get it too and they get upset. Go harass the people who really are trying to make other players lives miserable.

Uhm, way to make a thread all about you you you.

What Bobbyjai did typifies a problem inherent in the game, and upsets people because it exemplifies the very reason you can't trust fellow players. If it doesn't bother you personally, that's swell.

But I'm also a female player. I've also sat through the sex jokes and the virtual testosterone. The fact that I periodically get harrassed on the game has absolutely no bearing on the fact that Bobbyjai is an asshat.

Nor does the fact that the dude who got screwed is a Japanese player. Please don't assume you speak for the masses. Bobbyjai is a pariah because he chose to do something ill-mannered and it got thrust into the public light. He well deserves the grief he gets, and - if it serves as an example - I'll happily watch the /slap spam.
#7 Aug 30 2004 at 2:23 PM Rating: Decent
567 posts
He well deserves the grief he gets, and - if it serves as an example - I'll happily watch the /slap spam.

Ya know, I completely agree that what Bobbyjai did was wrong and I have no problem with people wanting to make him miserable. I just wish I didn't have to filter out emotes every time he and I are in the same area. Seriously... if he doesn't have emotes filtered, he's insane. Spamming everyone else with /slap doesn't accomplish anything.
#8 Aug 30 2004 at 6:33 PM Rating: Decent
491 posts
edit, i was thinking of the wrong person.

Edited, Mon Aug 30 19:43:05 2004 by splits
#9 Aug 30 2004 at 7:46 PM Rating: Good
I will *always* harrass bobbyjai, no matter what.

#1 Bald was a nice guy, I didn't know him very well, but several friends told me about him.

#2 I know what a pain that charm is to camp, I've probably spent ~100 hours sitting in that argus room camping it. Seen it twice, killed it once (no drop Smiley: cry)

Don't think this is just about bobbyjai though, Pimpsuitt, syth, all scammers on the server get equal treatment from me, bobbyjai just takes the worst of it, since his offence was the greatest (in my eyes)
#10 Aug 31 2004 at 2:37 AM Rating: Decent
if he doesn't have emotes filtered, he's insane.

He'd be a moron not to have just about everything filterd...why do you think he begain lving BST, and stoped with his RNG?
#11 Aug 31 2004 at 3:06 PM Rating: Decent

If you guys were doing this to Pimpsuitt I could understand it. Then again, most people do this to Pimpsuitt. That guy goes out of his way to make other people miserable. He's even proud of it.

However, what else has Bobbyjai done other than rip off one of the godly JP? Are we really that scared of pissing off JP that much? I've not heard of him ripping off anyone else or doing anything to make peoples lives miserable.

And the people who said he probably has emotes filtered are most likely right. So all we're doing then is pissing off JP because we're spamming them with /slap.
#12 Aug 31 2004 at 4:26 PM Rating: Decent
Pimpsuitt aka Qloud
#13 Aug 31 2004 at 5:44 PM Rating: Good
1,463 posts
However, what else has Bobbyjai done other than rip off one of the godly JP? Are we really that scared of pissing off JP that much?

Has it occurred to you that many of us would feel the exact same way if he had ripped off anyone? Seriously. The fact that the person he ripped off was Japanese has no bearing on the fact that he got ripped off.

This has nothing to do with race/nationality.

Bobbyjai was a d1ck. His actions personify the d1ckiness of many players on the game, so he's become the poster-child for these d1cks. He's being vilified not because he ripped off a Japanese player, but because he ripped off a player. Period.

Except where you keep bringing it up, the fact that the player who got ripped off is Japanese doesn't matter. If the person who got ripped off was American, would it smooth your ruffled feathers?
#14 Aug 31 2004 at 7:32 PM Rating: Decent
Except where you keep bringing it up, the fact that the player who got ripped off is Japanese doesn't matter. If the person who got ripped off was American, would it smooth your ruffled feathers?

Actually, I'm neither American nor Japanese so I don't care either way.

My point is that whenever I hear about it in game from another player they are always pointing out to me that they hate Bobbyjai because "he ripped off a JP and the JP already hate us enough" so therefore they hate Bobbyjai. Now, this may not be the case for everyone, but it seems to be the majority.

The thing is, it's turned into a total mob mentality issue now. People harass Bobbyjai, even though they don't know him, don't know people who know him, have never had anything to do with him, but simply because *other* people harass him.
#15 Aug 31 2004 at 8:40 PM Rating: Decent
The fact that I periodically get harrassed on the game has absolutely no bearing on the fact that Bobbyjai is an asshat

KarmaBum (what's your in-game name, Jenn?), i /salute you. it's been a LONG time since i heard someone use the word Asshat.

now here's my opinion... this is solely for BobbyJai, and not referring to anyone else that "scammed" someone. what would YOU do if YOU were bobbyjai? haven't we all WISHED we could get mad gil in this game?? sure we have. with that in mind, no matter how "noble" we think or claim to be, the thought of ripping someone off has probably crossed your minds. it's not RIGHT, of course, but we're all human. now stay with me... has anyone else been put in the position where they were the party leader, and someone trusted you to share a 4.5 million gil drop???? i sure haven't.... some others out there may have, but VERY few..... so Bobbyjai let his greed get the best of him in ONE situation!!!!!!!! if it was a 5k drop would it be different?? do we CONTINUALLY flame party leaders who quartermaster in a party of n00bs, trying to claim all the fire crystals? nope.
now, continuing on.... his greed got the best of him, and it was lights out. so what are HIS choices right now? quit Final Fantasy XI? sure, it's an option. or start a level 1 character all over. but if you're even READING these threads, than you're addicted to the game also and YOU would never just up and quit. don't lie... you think about the game when you're at work/school. so, that leaves a person with a pretty rough option. to continue to play an online game, BUILT around interaction and people, and be forced into a solo job. and once he accepted this option, people STILL feel the need to pour salt into his bloodline.
now, for those who believe another option is "why doesn't he simply apologize?" who the he77 would he apologize to? there's no single person, not even the JP this happened to. to the masses? wtf. the masses don't even KNOW him, only his "legacy". so it would appear, until we can get over our own righteousness and holyier-than-thou attitude, this guy will NEVER find a good xp party. NEVER so when you run past him and decide to /slap Bobbyjai, just think.... there's someone sitting on the other side of that computer. when you die in a party and it ruins your RL day, he goes through that every day. there IS someone behind the character. more than just polygons.
#16 Sep 01 2004 at 1:20 AM Rating: Good
87 posts
Yeah Grimshady i /salute /bow to you all in one.
That is a very thought out comment and I trust you are probably
one of the best pplayers out there.
Now anyways my 2gil: Bobbyjai /tell me outta nowhere
I dont know him, dont speak japanese or anything!
But my conclusion is that I had mentor status on,
he may feel lonely now that he has alot of gil and no friends,
so the fact of the matter is, he got what he deserves.
Nobody will talk to him, the just /blist and /slap.
He's a BST now, solo job.
He's lonely and unwanted and when you do things like scam people.
The karma comes and stays. And he is left with the gold rush fever and nobody to share it with. :(
Thats what will happen to ANYONE that does that kinda stuff.
So lay off the /hate thread and at ease troops.
The THF of the century is now a lonely BST.

P.S (Edit) Compare how far he's gone to what skills he has to your own, go to Character Search Bobbyjai. He's Sandorian only a RNG high level (probably used all that money) and says he has only 150k in gil left:( maybe not updated or anything but anyways. His character aint **** to my char. lmao j/k

This is me!!! as of now lol....

Edited, Wed Sep 1 03:31:10 2004 by Kronoh
#17 Sep 01 2004 at 12:42 PM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
KarmaBum (what's your in-game name, Jenn?), i /salute you.


I am not Jenn.

I am Jen.

There is a difference. Jenn created a few weeks after I did; I assure you, it's made things a pain in the *** for me (and, I imagine, for her).
it's not RIGHT, of course, but we're all human. now stay with me... has anyone else been put in the position where they were the party leader, and someone trusted you to share a 4.5 million gil drop????

No. But I have been the party leader numerous times during BCNM40, and have been staring at over 500,000 gil worth of items... and the thought never even crossed my mind.

Thing is, if Bobbyjai truly felt regret over what he'd done, he would've done the smart thing at some point: Sold the charm and sent half the gil to the person he ripped off. But he hasn't done that, has made no attempt to admit he's done wrong.
#18 Sep 01 2004 at 3:12 PM Rating: Decent

Gotcha. can't argue with him needing to send half the gil back to the other individual. some of these recent posts, however, have gone a little bit past him and the person reconciling.

i believe we're dealing with the Shiva server and Bobbyjai now.
would him sending the JP the money, would that put everyone at ease? i don't believe so. perhaps a few, the few who take the time to think this thing through. but, as in real life, people love a hero, and they love to have someone to hate. not alot of gray area. i suppose that's why we have 2 threads, one of "Sucky players on Shiva", and "Best players on Shiva". not alot of "Players i've seen a few times, and never really met" posts/colums out there.

I feel for Bobbyjai, i really do. i'm NOT defending him, please don't misinterpert this. i'm just sorta feeling his plight. there are numerous level 15-20 level peeps out there who love bragging about how they "stiffed this guy out of a ram skin/horn after killing a ram with him! hahah!!!!" all we do with that stuff is roll our eyes at them and turn the other way to carry on our business. so, where do we draw the line that one situation is ruining another persons gameplay, perhaps forever on this game? 100k? 250k? 4.5million it would appear.

i'm not trying to dime you out at all, Jen. hell, you've got the most mature and thought out posts ON the shiva forums. you and Meara. simply saying, people love to hate. it happens in RL, so it carries over into this. when we see Bobbyjai, just let him be. let him get back into the thick of things.

also, it's tough to put him into the same category as repeat offenders. some players thrive on ripping others off and bragg about it. no, Bobbyjai never sent the money back. i understand that. there's still a difference in him and some of the others.

and Jen? i'd love to see ya in the game and give you a little (/cheer) :D
#19 Sep 01 2004 at 3:20 PM Rating: Decent
maybe Im reading in between the lines alittle bit here, but...are we getting emotional about this whole thing?

Cause if so, Im sure you can run a search online and find someone with RL problems far surpassing BJ's unability to find a PT, a result of his own actions...just food for thought ^^
#20 Sep 01 2004 at 3:22 PM Rating: Decent
LOOK!! I posted on 4:20!!! whoo hoo!!!
#21 Sep 01 2004 at 3:33 PM Rating: Decent
86 posts
He ripped Spash off for 100k, they were friends prior to the charm incident and he refused to pay him back the money. Bobbyjai has friends, well Simling. He doesn't have any regrets, my friends have sent him tells trying to get him to give him back the charm (right after the incident) telling him it was the honorable thing to do. His replies were along the lines of "They never respected me (the jp) why should I." He is still a rude little ******* he releases on people quite often. I don't bother slapping him, cause I don't feel the need for him to get even and ruin my party with trains/and or release. Plus he gets hell from everyone already,doesn't even have full AF cause no one will help him,gets mpked and even gets his NMs stolen from him. So me aggravating an idiotic little boy who I was not affected by his wrongdoings is not on my list of things to do. A simple blist is good enough for me.
#22 Sep 01 2004 at 4:46 PM Rating: Decent
watch out!! n00b question coming thru!!

What does MPK mean?

sorry, Im sure someone will hate me for asking, but I really dont know :P
#23 Sep 01 2004 at 6:26 PM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
simply saying, people love to hate. it happens in RL, so it carries over into this.

I could not agree more. But, knowing this, doesn't it make your next statement moot?
when we see Bobbyjai, just let him be. let him get back into the thick of things.

I personally have never said a word to the guy. I've only ever seen him twice, actually, and both times just ignored him and went blithely about my business. But. If his living in infamy convinces even one other person not to pull the same kind of stunt he did?

Well, I say there's no real harm in it. The guy has never apologized, has never attempted to put things right, so why should people suddenly "just let him be"?

Fool me once - shame on you. Fool me twice - shame on me.
#24 Sep 01 2004 at 8:44 PM Rating: Decent
sak, MPK means Monster Player Kill I believe. It's when a player intentionally lures a monster to another party / person / zone and escapes/warps/zones so that the monster will aggro the targeted player(s), normally killing off most of them.

This is an offense which can earn you a couple hours in Jail if you're reported to a GM.
#25 Sep 02 2004 at 9:56 AM Rating: Decent
Thanks Rusty! ^^
#26 Sep 18 2004 at 7:43 AM Rating: Decent
45 posts
btw, there is somebody named asshat now ^^
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