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New theme song for all you cheaters and RMT out thereFollow

#52 Jul 26 2006 at 6:12 PM Rating: Decent
385 posts
Seemingly after exploring Alla i have realized the majority of the posters on here are mainly from DVS3, HR and Ayaz. Is this more of a jealousy thing? Sure we bot, we dont even @#%^ing have to justify why we do it, nothing we say will shut you up and honestly none of you are worth justifying it to anyway. You honestly are trying to blame the corruption of the game on us, which i find really funny because we dont have any program developers in our linkshell... yet i know another ls who does (lolxtremelol). Back to my main point, your FFXI expierence being dull and you blaming it on zenmetsu. Takumaku, nuff said all you really do is try to bash people it seems that somehow makes you feel better as a person. The honest thing is you are in a sh*t linkshell, say we didn't bot, and say DVS3 pulls nidhogg, do you actually think that you guys can kill Nidhogg? No you can't, I remember DVS3 first kirin fight was like 3-4 hours.. ours was 30 mins. DVS3 wipes 3 times before getting up the stairs on Dynamis Jeuno with 30+ ppl. We killed/farmed with 25.

idk where u pulled the dvs3 stuff other than outta your a$$ but i don't see anything right in there lmao ..

for nidhogg.. we don't camp HNM's cause 3/4 of the LS doesn't care to stand around waiting for a pop

on kirin? lmao we killed it in an hr-15 our first go and 50 mins our 2nd go ..

and dyna jueno we almost won our first try *ran outta time going to pull the mega boss* with 90% of the ppl being first timers to dynamis where as i'm sure all of the peeps who went on yours were vets

u seem to have a hate on for someone or somethign about us*maybe it's cause u weren't accepted as one of us or we weren't greedy enough for u*.. not to sure why .... don't actually care either but someone musta pissed in your cherrios.. shink hasn't played ffxi for idk how long and also hasn't been in the ls for that same amount of time..
#53 Jul 26 2006 at 6:23 PM Rating: Default
Vanhelios wrote:
weee... alla!!!

I was very impressed by the creativity on the song. I really like how somone who has never camped against us, dosn't play ffxi, know any of our members and basis almost everything off of heresay is so insightful. Seemingly after exploring Alla i have realized the majority of the posters on here are mainly from DVS3, HR and Ayaz. Is this more of a jealousy thing? Sure we bot, we dont even @#%^ing have to justify why we do it, nothing we say will shut you up and honestly none of you are worth justifying it to anyway. You honestly are trying to blame the corruption of the game on us, which i find really funny because we dont have any program developers in our linkshell... yet i know another ls who does (lolxtremelol). Back to my main point, your FFXI expierence being dull and you blaming it on zenmetsu. Takumaku, nuff said all you really do is try to bash people it seems that somehow makes you feel better as a person. The honest thing is you are in a sh*t linkshell, say we didn't bot, and say DVS3 pulls nidhogg, do you actually think that you guys can kill Nidhogg? No you can't, I remember DVS3 first kirin fight was like 3-4 hours.. ours was 30 mins. DVS3 wipes 3 times before getting up the stairs on Dynamis Jeuno with 30+ ppl. We killed/farmed with 25. Sure you can say we bot, but none of you hold any merit on saying we have a lack of player skill. Ayaz.. of course we had to pull fafnir today, we didn't wanna sit around and see YC take 45 mins to kill it... watching YC kill something is like watching paint dry. So yes, go ahead flame us for botting, but that is about all you can really do, is flame us for botting. If we stop, you will just find another person to blame for your lack of success. I'm not gonna sit here and call out all the other ls's for botting, it would be futile because the only real reason that you **** say anything is because our leader is Omfg. You have a vendetta against him, yet none of you know him, know why you hate him, know what he was banned for or know half of the sh*t he knows about this game. Don't take Johnq's or Cado's reason for why we bot, they are not even botters in the ls, they are just trying to defend themselfs. So have fun flaming zenmetsu, knowing that you probably won't acomplish jack sh*t on this game, with or without hacks.

<3 Vanhelios

Zenmetsu > you

Here we have another block of **** by Vanhelios. In every post you go out of your way to stroke your epeen. I was never talking about skill to begin with. Some linkshells take longer to kill stuff than others, so what? A lot of that boils down to raw playing skill, experience with a certain mob, new players to HNMs, different tactics, etc. If they're all having fun, then why should they care about your epeen BS? If you have the skills Van, then why cheat at all? I was always under the impression that people who have what it takes don't need to cheat, right?

The abilities of of these linkshells aren't what I was talking about. Some of this stuff just flies right over your head doesn't it? It's all about consideration for your fellow player. Which your LS has none. But Van, you and I both know you can't argue to save your life; seeing as how you're going off on a tangent and going back to calling everyone f@gs. Many people have a strong dislike for your leader. I wouldn't blame them if they felt the same about you as well. Seeing as how you both behave alike.

Keep flailing your arms there. You might end up hitting something.

Hidoa wrote:
1. You're posting on alla and expecting a intelligent response rofl
2. Kinda funny you say everyone has the same mentality as Omfg when you probably haven't met/talked to anyone in the linkshell besides flaming them for something you have absolutely no clue about.
3. When did Zenmetsu ever ask for anyone's respect? They don't give any sh*t what you think about them. All your little 'flames' just make them laugh, at you.
4. Who the hell is Takumaku? Why would you care what happens in the HNM scene? They're totally going to ruin YOUR gaming experience huh?

Grow up dude, quit trying to act all high and mighty on Allakhazam. Try flaming on KI and see how many "intelligent" responses you get. :)

*cracks knuckles*

1. I was hoping for at least something halfway decent. Sometimes I'm a glass-half-full type of guy. Can't blame someone for having some hope. But oh well.

2. I've known Omfg ever since he was brown-haired Tarutaru Dragoon that carried his original name. I'm very familiar with his lack of tact, and poor interpersonal skills. Moreover, I've met some of his closer friends in-game, and have read the crap they post on KI. All their posts read like they're coming from the same person. His LS mates are an obvious reflection of himself.

3. They never asked for any respect, but they don't deserve any either. Nice try with the 'I laugh at j00' card, so trite. If they weren't really upset, they wouldn't be on here calling people f@gs and b!tches. I know I've made a habit of calling some of these individuals idiots and morons, but it can't be helped. They are what they are, after all.

4. I could ask you the same question. Does it really matter if you know me or not? Yes it does concern me what happens on the HNM scene. I don't play nearly as much as I used to, but I like helping old in-game friends from time to time. And if you or Zenmetsu is peeing in their cheerios, then I have a right to be upset.

5. What difference does it make if this is KI or alla? I browse both, and most of the KI regulars are posting in this thread. Spewing the same crap no less. Different place, same-old-****.

As far as this debate goes, Zenmetsu members don't really have a leg to stand on.

First, their leader is a perpetual f*ck-up. Before he created Zenmetsu, he used to changle LSs like underwear. Usually because he was kicked from almost every one of them. The guy couldn't even go a month in a social LS before being kicked for name-calling and harassment.

I can understand becoming frustrated while offering advice and nobody listening, but there's ways of getting through stuff like that. However, using racist slang and curse words against the objects of his frustration aren't on that list.It's understandable why he would create his own LS. But the way he went about creating his LS and his LS's image is just all wrong.

Yes, he knows the game inside and out, but as a person...he just sucks. I can't speak for everyone else, but I'd rather play alongside a person who's still learning and is a nice person. As opposed to a leader who knows the game, but who is a total a$$hat.

Furthermore, Omfg can't really argue without reverting to his default behavior of name-calling. His biggest mistake was coming clean with the fact that his LS uses botting programs to claim monsters. A smart cheater would have the common sense to keep his mouth shut, and reap the benefits. His LS's best defense is that since they assume everyone else bots, that they're justified in doing so. When in fact they have no hard evidence that other LSs do bot. Where as Zenmetsu openly admits to it.

My whole point is that Zenmetsu brought their situation down on themselves. If Zenmetsu had kept it a secret, they would just be another HNMLS doing their thing. But their leader, and a portion of it's members, are attention whores. Hence, the whole deal with them announcing their methods. The other portion of it's members are just a collection of people who want the fast track in getting that elusive end-game item of their dreams. And will go to any in-game lengths to get it, regardless of other players. The sad thing is that they probably expected some type of respect for being honest about it. However, it hasn't panned out like they thought. Which is why they post on every forum, doing a **** poor job at justifying their position. In some hope of getting that respect. Nice try, but major fail.

#54 Jul 26 2006 at 6:32 PM Rating: Default
wrong yet again.

Announced botting cause the fact i knew word would get out fast. If people already know your botting, cant have LS drama over it eh? Wanna pretend you know something else smarty? BTW: you never "knew" me as you claimed, I have always thought your a little douche bag. You think botting is so bad? why the **** did you have to buy gil to deck your blm out to join HoCD. Oh burrnnnnn. Keep your mouth shut, and ill keep mine shut. kthx
#55 Jul 26 2006 at 6:42 PM Rating: Default
Omfg wrote:
wrong yet again.

Announced botting cause the fact i knew word would get out fast. If people already know your botting, cant have LS drama over it eh? Wanna pretend you know something else smarty? BTW: you never "knew" me as you claimed, I have always thought your a little douche bag. You think botting is so bad? why the @#%^ did you have to buy gil to deck your blm out to join HoCD. Oh burrnnnnn. Keep your mouth shut, and ill keep mine shut. kthx

Admitting to it is gonna create drama regardless. You're damned if you do, damned if you don't. It's a no-win situation for you. Horrible judgement call. You would of been better off at keeping it a secret, and let people speculate. You could of saved yourself the grief. But like I said before, you're not that bright Opie.

Also, talk about desperate. Now you're trying to call me a gil buyer? Nuusry! I never had to buy, flash, or RMT anything to get into HoCD. I filled out a simple application on their website, talked about my experience with FFXI end-game, and I was approved. No jumping through hoops or what not. And yes, I've known you, or knew of you, ever since you were that level 32 taru dragoon getting into shouting matches with the galka monk, faluzure. I can see time hasn't done anything for your maturity level.




Edited, Jul 26th 2006 at 7:49pm EDT by Takumaku
#56 Jul 26 2006 at 6:56 PM Rating: Decent
41 posts
Taku got you all figured out Omfg.

You pretty much posted what he said you would. some silly insults
#57 Jul 26 2006 at 9:16 PM Rating: Default

Edited, Aug 8th 2006 at 4:34pm EDT by Icegem
#58 Jul 26 2006 at 9:16 PM Rating: Default
Jae first and foremost: I never applied to DVS3, never wanted to be a part of that linkshell, if i remember correctly you guys initally hopped on UC's back trying to figure things out. My problem with your linkshell is it's full of **** talkers who really have no place talking ****. Initially i had no problem with your linkshell, however I knew you all lacked skill, I even offered my help many times. I have heard from many ex-DVS members of 3 hour kirin fights, horrible dynamis. My point being, yes you can call us greedy botters, but the fact is.. you guys are just not that good... nothing really else to say. I'm sure i could stick my nose up your *** like 80% of your linkshell members and be "Accepted" but i like competency. I actually like alot of the ppl in dvs3 and considder them friends, they are the ones who don't participate in the ego boost that is trashing on another ls. You can give it out, but you dont wanna take it?

Takumaku: If your only point is that we are "hindering our fellow player" as you so elliquently put, then you have to accept the fact that we are not the only ones doing it. Therefore the only logical reason for you to be our number 1 fan/forum troll is that you have a disdain for members in the linkshell and you just want a forum to cry on. You make us out to be a bot and wipe linkshell, which is funny because i'm sure you have never seen us fight anything. Simply put, the things you say hold no merit, yes we bot, we are not the only ones, so if you are out to save shiva from botting then maybe you should actually spend time seeing what goes on. My main point on ability is that you can call us a **** linkshell if we are ******, but you can only say that we bot some stuff, and if you knew anything you would know we are not the only ones. Good job on failing to properly address the majority of my post, very predictable.

Generally speaking, the way the NM system is set up on FFXI is asking for bots, it's not a matter of skill, it's either a super fast computer, luck or a bot. I don't necessaraly like botting, but when you see JP linkshells like Integration pulling every single faf/nid aspid and kb, it's either don't camp or bot. If you want the gear then bot. If you really want to accept a liar that cheats over an honest cheater then that is a hole in your personality.
#59 Jul 26 2006 at 9:54 PM Rating: Decent
385 posts
Jae first and foremost: I never applied to DVS3, never wanted to be a part of that linkshell, if i remember correctly you guys initally hopped on UC's back trying to figure things out. My problem with your linkshell is it's full of sh*t talkers who really have no place talking sh*t. Initially i had no problem with your linkshell, however I knew you all lacked skill, I even offered my help many times. I have heard from many ex-DVS members of 3 hour kirin fights, horrible dynamis. My point being, yes you can call us greedy botters, but the fact is.. you guys are just not that good... nothing really else to say. I'm sure i could stick my nose up your *** like 80% of your linkshell members and be "Accepted" but i like competency. I actually like alot of the ppl in dvs3 and considder them friends, they are the ones who don't participate in the ego boost that is trashing on another ls. You can give it out, but you dont wanna take it?

one where have i lied about anything i said previously? that u bot?? that i don't like that u bot?? alot of ppl i respected went to an LS which i don't like what they do to get claims

2 u must be talking to ppl just trying to look good in front of u cause we have never gone more than an hr 45 on our kirin's and one loss due to lack of ppl

3 dynamis ? i don't get this one.. we have good days and we have bad days.. just like i'm sure all do who run dynamis .. my dynamis ls has ALOT of new ppl .. we seem to get ppl glacier access then they leave..such is life oh well

4 what i mean by being accepted is when u were in DVS u have your jokeing way and it wasn't really well taken in the LS u were and LS jumper

5 as for ppl in the LS being not good... most of the ppl in the LS are casual gamers and are here for fun.. saying we aren't good players is shallow.. and shows what kind of a player u have become i guess

6 as for us riding UC's back... idk where u get that idea.. we were friendly with them however we've never done anything with/for them.. u need to get your facts straight

7 well if u knew anything about me u would also know suck ups don't get anywhere with me.. i find it annoying .. also don't like cheaters.

i play the game for the fun and to hang out with friends.. which is what we are striving for as of late in DVSIII.. other than that any other facts u need me to straighten out for u ?
#60 Jul 26 2006 at 11:22 PM Rating: Decent
If you really want to accept a liar that cheats over an honest cheater then that is a hole in your personality.

an interesting concept and semi-valid (at least when im utterly hammered after one of cali's rolling blackouts). but i personally would still rather lose claim 75% of the time to a botter than become one myself. it all comes back to the kind of moral fiber you have i guess. some of us take it more seriously than others. whatever im 14 beers into my hot, ******, powerless night so im gonna finish my 18 pack and try to exp blm. good night to you all.
#61 Jul 26 2006 at 11:57 PM Rating: Default
that's funny jae cuz i was the one who got you alivas and miriel in touch with vancroft to do things with the ls. It went on for about a week and then ya'll decided to leave or something, dont really remember. As for being accepted in your ls, i never asked for acceptance. How was i a ls hopper? i came in to dvs back in the day to say hi try to help out, and helped quite a few if i remember. I was only in, UC, Tira then we made zen after tira broke.. how is that hopping ls's? If you guys just play the game for fun and hanging out with friends why do i find a fair ammount of members feeling it necessary to judge others that play it? Like i said, we admit we bot, so.. you all can stop arguing the fact that we do, you dont want **** talked to you, then dont talk ****. The main reason i never wanted to join that ls was because everyone was so vochal about thier oppinions. However i should of directly talked about the people that were posting, for that i apologize that was a cheap shot. I just find all this flaming to be redundant and childish. You dont like it.. i aint gonna force you to, but express your dislike for botting... yes it's clear you all dont like botting.. now shut the **** up and quit crying.
#62 Jul 27 2006 at 12:55 AM Rating: Default
Icegem wrote:
Takumaku wrote:




So does that mean it is after all just a game? and You've finally realised it? Oh thank god for that ><

<3 Vanhelios my hero


Stuff just flies straight over your head, doesn't it?

It's an expression that people sometimes use when they've proven a point. In that case it was your 'special' leader's predictable behavioral pattern.

I've always known it's a game. I've said it many times before. It's not the game itself I'm talking about, genius. It's certain players that ***** it up for everyone else.

Just stop posting.

Vanhelios wrote:
Takumaku: If your only point is that we are "hindering our fellow player" as you so elliquently put, then you have to accept the fact that we are not the only ones doing it. Therefore the only logical reason for you to be our number 1 fan/forum troll is that you have a disdain for members in the linkshell and you just want a forum to cry on. You make us out to be a bot and wipe linkshell, which is funny because i'm sure you have never seen us fight anything. Simply put, the things you say hold no merit, yes we bot, we are not the only ones, so if you are out to save shiva from botting then maybe you should actually spend time seeing what goes on. My main point on ability is that you can call us a sh*t linkshell if we are sh*tty, but you can only say that we bot some stuff, and if you knew anything you would know we are not the only ones. Good job on failing to properly address the majority of my post, very predictable.

Once again, do you know for certain that other linkshells bot as you do? Or do you just believe they do? It still doesn't make it right either way. That's what everyone has been trying to pound in that thick empty skull of yours for months on end. I don't recall ever commenting on the skills of your LS or any others. That's all been you up to this point. You're still going off-topic into a subject on player skills. Nobody was talking about skills until you came into this thread. You turn every debate on in-game conduct, credibility, and ethics into a epeen battle about how long it takes linkshell-x to take down a mob. Good job on missing the point ^_~

Edited, Jul 27th 2006 at 1:59am EDT by Takumaku
#63 Jul 27 2006 at 2:52 AM Rating: Default
Seems you were the one who missed the point bud. I never said what i did was right, if you actually READ i said i dont like it. The fact is, you have not even been on the HNM scene.. you dont know how we act, you dont know our claim rate.. you dont know ANYTHING! I actually said that i dont care if it is right and this whole thing was hoping to get it through your head, that you ******** about it and crying(like always) will not make us stop. You want proof taku? go watch aspid camp, go watch KB camp, go watch a fafnir camp with all of your filters off. I'm sure it will be very easy for you to tell who bots and who does not bot. I'm not gonna sit here and justify botting, it's pointless because i know it's wrong. I dont care is all, because i know almost every ls has ppl in it that do. EX: Infinate Linkshell: Made up of mostly Tarutarudan members, who dominated the HNM scene in the early days, consistanly pulled kings, most hardcore botting linkshell on shiva, nela even made a website about it(forgot URL). Xtreme: First NA linkshell to dominate pulls, because of a bot named arshi, you can see a video of arshi in action on youtube, nid pops 2 sec before it's supposed to while Jonesz uses invincible. Jonesz is also a notorious Argus botter. CoD, Claims all thier pullers are on PS2, kindof strange how Roman Knight starts casting on EVERY kb and EVERY aspid that pops, for those of you who KNOW the area, that is impossible. I can come up with others but my point being, is that the HNM scene is full of that ****, we are just not gonna lie about it and pretend to have an immage of purity. I know ppl in other linkshells that bot but i refuse to call them out in public forum. Last but not least, nowhere in my post to you i said anything about player skill, that was addressed to jae, i tried to tag it with both of your names but obviously that was too complex of an idea for you to comprehend. My main point being, you can ***** all you want, but it's just redundant, if you want to be anti botting, then be anti botting, if you want to be anti zenmetsu then come up with a better reason then "You guyz botzorz". That was the point of me talking about player skill, the only thing you guys have on us is that we admit to botting. Yet if you actually attended camps, you would realize that the scene is full of them.
#64 Jul 27 2006 at 3:14 AM Rating: Decent
Johnq Is from England so those times are wrong. lol and the only reason he posted on here was because i told him on Msn that some people where giving the LS he's in sh*t ^^

(Would have helped if i had read the second page, if i had noticed there was one ^^)

Edited, Jul 27th 2006 at 4:18am EDT by Dawnthief
#65 Jul 27 2006 at 5:46 AM Rating: Default

Edited, Aug 8th 2006 at 4:38pm EDT by Icegem
#66 Jul 27 2006 at 9:18 AM Rating: Good
398 posts
This thread is proof positive that the Internet can produce fake ********* in people who otherwise have none.

If you guys in Zenmetsu were playing poker or even a game in gym-class or any other competitive game/sport and cheated openly and bragged about it the way you guys do in this game and on these boards... you would endure constant ***-kickings. Count yourselves lucky that you have the anonimity and safety of the Internet to protect you.

And to use another cliche...

Ignorance can be overcome but stupidity cant. Therefore, I, for one, am done responding to you guys and your crap. You arent ignorant of the fact that your actions are wrong and illegal. You are just to stupid to care.
#67 Jul 27 2006 at 11:18 AM Rating: Decent
If you guys in Zenmetsu were playing poker or even a game in gym-class or any other competitive game/sport and cheated openly and bragged about it the way you guys do in this game and on these boards... you would endure constant ***-kickings.

i actually brought that up in another post a while back. something along the lines of cheating at poker, winning money, and then just telling the other players "its just a game stop crying. its not like im the only one who cheats anyway". same situation just a different game.

not to mention if people really thought it was "just a game" they wouldnt be camping fafnir at 4 in the god damn morning after a maint. many people say its a game but their actions say otherwise.

Edited, Jul 27th 2006 at 1:28pm EDT by Ayazz
#68 Jul 27 2006 at 2:10 PM Rating: Decent
5,055 posts
ayaz made a d@mn good point. if its just a game why take time out of your like at f^cking 4am to get a king claim after maintainence? Most normal people would have better things to do LIKE SLEEP if it was just a game.. Now if only you put that much effort into gtting/keeping a job youd have better thing sto do what your time.. anyone that can waste their time at 4am especially when it wasnt a weekend most likely are lacking either that or a social life. I mean keepin real money in your pocket is better than ff gil and equipment.. just get one of your thousand bots to get tod until it pops at a "normal" time frame. But of course if your job consist of selling gil then that would explain the uber importance of getting up at 4am to do that so if thats the case then if you openly admit botting then feel free to admit that too.

Now you say you dont like botting.. people that dont like or arent proud of what they do either dont do it or DEFINATLEY dont go around bragging about it ... yeah you hate botting so much you make comments like "we gets teh claimzorz and j00 dont" if thats displaying not bein proud of what you do then id hate to see what youd do if you were proud of it.

Ok now you also said if someone wants to be a zenmetsu hater come up with something bettr than you bot... ok how about your leader is an @$$ and definately is lacking the qualities a leader should have... i mean just look at how "well" he defends his ls... i know 13 year olds that display more maturity and tact than he does. most of its membebers are also @$$hats the few that arent are just there to get what they want and will most likely leave after they do.. if they do stay its because no one else will except them for bein in that ls... though there is one ls that seems to openly reaccept zenmatsu members that leave their ls because apparently that ls wasnt good enough at the time to get what he wanted goes to zenmetsu and gets that then leaves an dgoes back to them and thy actually take him back after what he did. but im not gonna put that persons name or ls in this.. you dont random at kinda camps and you steal mobs that go yellow (ar at least try too) when other are fighting using excuses like "you took to long to kill it and we got tired of waiting".

The ONLY reason people stay in your ls id because you bot and get them what they want youre a fool if you think theyre staying for any other reason like... they like the ls. Any other ls that doesnt bot/get claims that have members and leaders like yours people usually leave out of disgust... EK for exacmple ryu was a ***** look how many people stayed in her ls and even less went when she changed servers.. which mpore poeple have left since that move ck and is on teh verge or quitting (iif she hasnt already) not to mention shes too weak to kill the nm for sword for excalibur (yeah she finally at least got THAT far and cant kill it thats why she wants to quit lmamo), lets see Kramer a someone posted in a previous topic look at how many of the old member said they would reaccpet him into the new ls after he had made a complete turn around and stabbed a few people in teh back and become what he is now.

So hows that for a reason to hate zenmetsu and not once did i mention it being because of botting.. sure i mentioned botting a few times but i never said it was because of botting. Now Van onto you.. i knew yuo when you wer ein UC and suer you had a few moments of bein a @$$ but it was tolerable i mean not everyone cn be a saint. I know at least one person that lef UC because of you and Im sure a few others did but i cant speak for them. Point is you were at least tolerable and somewhat of a cool person back when you were In UC compared to what you are now. The same can be said sbout a lot of people in Zenmetsu wh owere once nice and liked by many before joining and now that they have they act and display the complete opposite of what they were or thought to be before hand. Kramer being one example.

So if youd like any other reasons to hate zenmatsu other than "because yu bot" let me know i can provide plenty more.

#69 Jul 27 2006 at 3:05 PM Rating: Good
83 posts
You guys are all haters, drink some more haterades!

#70 Jul 27 2006 at 5:21 PM Rating: Default
Vanhelios wrote:
Seems you were the one who missed the point bud. I never said what i did was right, if you actually READ i said i dont like it. The fact is, you have not even been on the HNM scene.. you dont know how we act, you dont know our claim rate.. you dont know ANYTHING! I actually said that i dont care if it is right and this whole thing was hoping to get it through your head, that you ******** about it and crying(like always) will not make us stop. You want proof taku? go watch aspid camp, go watch KB camp, go watch a fafnir camp with all of your filters off. I'm sure it will be very easy for you to tell who bots and who does not bot. I'm not gonna sit here and justify botting, it's pointless because i know it's wrong. I dont care is all, because i know almost every ls has ppl in it that do. EX: Infinate Linkshell: Made up of mostly Tarutarudan members, who dominated the HNM scene in the early days, consistanly pulled kings, most hardcore botting linkshell on shiva, nela even made a website about it(forgot URL). Xtreme: First NA linkshell to dominate pulls, because of a bot named arshi, you can see a video of arshi in action on youtube, nid pops 2 sec before it's supposed to while Jonesz uses invincible. Jonesz is also a notorious Argus botter. CoD, Claims all thier pullers are on PS2, kindof strange how Roman Knight starts casting on EVERY kb and EVERY aspid that pops, for those of you who KNOW the area, that is impossible. I can come up with others but my point being, is that the HNM scene is full of that sh*t, we are just not gonna lie about it and pretend to have an immage of purity. I know ppl in other linkshells that bot but i refuse to call them out in public forum. Last but not least, nowhere in my post to you i said anything about player skill, that was addressed to jae, i tried to tag it with both of your names but obviously that was too complex of an idea for you to comprehend.

Damn man, use the ENTER key once in a while. I don't think folks like reading the walls of text. It's not that hard to press it now and then.

Vanhelios wrote:
My main point being, you can ***** all you want, but it's just redundant, if you want to be anti botting, then be anti botting, if you want to be anti zenmetsu then come up with a better reason then "You guyz botzorz". That was the point of me talking about player skill, the only thing you guys have on us is that we admit to botting. Yet if you actually attended camps, you would realize that the scene is full of them.

The fact is your LS are brazen as/holes who do nothing but cause trouble for others. You were asking for trouble right from the get-go. The other Linkshells aren't what I'am concerned with.

Oh, I already came up with a few Anti-Zenmetsu reasons earlier, dingleberry. Also, DuoMaxwell said some things that were along the same lines. I think everyone and their mom can come up with a reason to hate Zenmetsu.

Takumaku wrote:
As far as this debate goes, Zenmetsu members don't really have a leg to stand on.

First, their leader is a perpetual f*ck-up. Before he created Zenmetsu, he used to changle LSs like underwear. Usually because he was kicked from almost every one of them. The guy couldn't even go a month in a social LS before being kicked for name-calling and harassment.

I can understand becoming frustrated while offering advice and nobody listening, but there's ways of getting through stuff like that. However, using racist slang and curse words against the objects of his frustration aren't on that list.It's understandable why he would create his own LS. But the way he went about creating his LS and his LS's image is just all wrong.

Yes, he knows the game inside and out, but as a person...he just sucks. I can't speak for everyone else, but I'd rather play alongside a person who's still learning and is a nice person. As opposed to a leader who knows the game, but who is a total a$$hat.

Furthermore, Omfg can't really argue without reverting to his default behavior of name-calling. His biggest mistake was coming clean with the fact that his LS uses botting programs to claim monsters. A smart cheater would have the common sense to keep his mouth shut, and reap the benefits. His LS's best defense is that since they assume everyone else bots, that they're justified in doing so. When in fact they have no hard evidence that other LSs do bot. Where as Zenmetsu openly admits to it.

My whole point is that Zenmetsu brought their situation down on themselves. If Zenmetsu had kept it a secret, they would just be another HNMLS doing their thing. But their leader, and a portion of it's members, are attention whores. Hence, the whole deal with them announcing their methods. The other portion of it's members are just a collection of people who want the fast track in getting that elusive end-game item of their dreams. And will go to any in-game lengths to get it, regardless of other players. The sad thing is that they probably expected some type of respect for being honest about it. However, it hasn't panned out like they thought. Which is why they post on every forum, doing a **** poor job at justifying their position. In some hope of getting that respect. Nice try, but major fail.

Icegem wrote:
Takumaku /sigh... time for you to stfu and actually get the point of anything thats been posted.

I already explained how I think your friends are 10 pounds of crap in a 5 pound bag. We're talking about your LS's in-game conduct. Where the hell are you coming from? Dude, for real, pull your head out of your ******.

Icegem wrote:
We bot and we don't like having to do it but to get the kings you HAVE to bot now just to compete with the other ls's who are camping.


And if there was no 'rival botters' out there, you wouldn't use your 3rd party programs then? Please...your leader and his closer friends aren't exactly the honorable type.

Icegem wrote:
As for things going over my head.. it seems the same applies to you, you appear to pick up on certain things and leave out others.. so who exactly are you?

Didn't I already answer this same question with that other knucklehead, Hidoa, earlier?

Icegem wrote:
Ive never heard of you only ever seen you jump on bandwagons to flame and from what ive seen and read you arent exactly liked, so maybe you should stop posting until you actually do know what you're talking about.

Boy, this guy talks out of his rear.

The only people who have 'tried' to jump me in this forum are Zenmetsu members and a couple of their groupies. I don't have a problem with the rest of Shiva, and the rest of Shiva doesn't really have a problem with me. However, many people besides myself have a problem with you and your LS. If the greater community shares a general disdain for your shell, then that should give you a clue, no? Maybe something isn't cool with the company you keep, wouldn't you think?

LacysDad wrote:
If you guys in Zenmetsu were playing poker or even a game in gym-class or any other competitive game/sport and cheated openly and bragged about it the way you guys do in this game and on these boards... you would endure constant ***-kickings. Count yourselves lucky that you have the anonimity and safety of the Internet to protect you.

Very true Lacy. I couldn't agree more. Omfg probably endured one too many toilet dunkings in his day, along with his pals here.

Edited, Jul 27th 2006 at 6:37pm EDT by Takumaku
#71 Jul 27 2006 at 5:49 PM Rating: Decent
I will uphold all that is good on the Internet. I will not let any bad deed go unheard of. I will fight for all that is good!! .. damn it Mom, i'm being a cool guy on the internet hold on!!. I will show no mercy!, oh come on Mom why am i grounded?...You will all fear my wrath... No Mom please don't tell daddy, only a couple more minutes.. for I am Takumakuman!!!!.. ok Mom I'm coming now!!

ps: don't mind me I had a few too many white russians, lollolololol.
#72 Jul 27 2006 at 5:59 PM Rating: Decent
*nothing to do with this thead but it seems to fit*

wtg on 4 hour + Tiamat with about 40 people!

sure takes some skilled players to do that!

considering it can be done with 18 in under 1h 30m...

#73 Jul 27 2006 at 6:23 PM Rating: Decent
*nothing to do with this thead but it seems to fit*

wtg on 4 hour + Tiamat with about 40 people!

sure takes some skilled players to do that!

considering it can be done with 18 in under 1h 30m...


lol cant bot skill can you?
#74 Jul 27 2006 at 6:53 PM Rating: Default
Found it Takumaku

lol 4 hour tiamat sucked... but it was alot of ppls first time on it, dont care how long really. Happy to of killed on first try, i could give excuses.. simply put we didn't have the damage on until an hour and a half after we pulled it.
#75 Jul 27 2006 at 8:56 PM Rating: Decent
vanhelios wrote:
Found it Takumaku


thanks Van, have not laughed that hard in awhile!!!

Takumakuman to the rescue...lmfao!!!
#76 Jul 27 2006 at 9:29 PM Rating: Decent
41 posts
4hour tiamat with 40+ ROFL i remember last week Zale and Vanh making fun of NF on KI about they Tiamat. Yet they take longer with more people.
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