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the Purrrrfectangel most dont know...Follow

#1 Oct 31 2007 at 4:53 PM Rating: Decent
31 posts
about 2 weeks ago i was talking to Femwhispers, had a long and nice convo and was invited to apply to HopeFromAsh which i did, was looking for a LS where i could help people do missions and quests, a lil bit less endgame , So i put in a app, and as you can see i was denied.... After talking to some of there LS leaders i was told they cant tell me what was said on my app that got me denied and that it would only cause drama, well here comes the drama

A few of the memebrs from Hopefromash came to me a few days ago, they told me what happen to my app. apparently i had several yes voted untill Purrrrfectangel posted, i dont know the exact wording of his post, but it was pretty much this "Sammmmmmyyy kickd me from DVS3 b/c i was gay, and calld me names" i dont rember the exact wording that i was told he said but it was along the lines of ****** or something like that. Now 2 years ago we did have a convo, and which you will see , what he said on my app was a lie. No i did not kick him, he left on his own, and i was totaly nice to him concidering what happen. from the SS ya cant get the full story of the History between Purr and Artonus, so ill give a quick rundown.
When purr joind DVS he told everyone that he was a girl, even posted a pic on the forum, about 9 months go by and he is still liveing this lie, during thoes 9 months he got close with artonus, and artonus thinking he was a girl gave him the world, paid for all his NIN equipment scrolls ect, went out of his way to do anything for purr. they got to a point where he told me and several others that he really likes purr and wanted to meet purr IRL, they started to date ingame, and was gunna get married ingame,
Then Purr was talking to Ragnarzero, and who ever knows Rag, he likes to talk to girls, and flirts. Well purrr provided a Myspace ac@#%^ for rag to see, and well... what purr told every1 in the LS jsut dident match up, so Rag outed him, and purr finaly told the truth, he was a guy all this time, and posted his sisters myspace, how sad is that.... shortly after Rag found out we broke the news to Artonus, on ventrilo, he was crushd.. was borderline about to quit the game, a buch of us on ventrilo at the time talkd to him and smoothd things over so he dident quit. the next day purr sends me a /tell and you can read below what was said.

you might be asking why am i posting this, well i have lots of friends in Hopefromash, and well they were shockd to read that, i just want the truth out there, i also wont be responding to any replys to this thread.

Edited, Oct 31st 2007 8:54pm by sammmmmyyyDVSIII
#2 Oct 31 2007 at 7:25 PM Rating: Decent
Sam I would have voted for ya, but I switched servers. I know Sam, Art and somewhat know Purr. Art is really cool, Sam has always been understanding and Purr has never wronged me either, but what he did to Artonus gives me a different outlook on him...
#3 Oct 31 2007 at 8:59 PM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
There's only a handful of linkshells that have stood--and continue to stand the test of time. HfA is one of those linkshells. Individually they may not be perfect, but they complement each other to the point that they are better than the sum of their parts. This is mostly attributed not only to the leadership, but to the character of its members as well.

When joining a linkshell like HfA, it ultimately comes down to the interactions that you've had with the members...all of them, both good or bad. If you've had good relations with someone, they're more likely to vote for you. If you've had bad relations, they're more likely to vote against you. And if you haven't had any interactions, they are left to vote off the word of others.

Often a vote will start off good, then go sharply uphill or downhill based solely on the word of a trusted friend or member. In your case, it sounds like it ended up going downhill. But despite your past relations with Purr, it's not his fault you didn't get in. He only had one vote, so he couldn't have personally stopped you from getting in. Other people had to vote that way, too. It's not that they're against you, just that they don't know you and trusted Purr by default.

Sam, I can't say I know you personally. From my experiences with you, I've known you to be nothing but helpful and amiable. You're a good guy, and I understand that you simply want to defend yourself. But trust me when I tell's best to let it go.

Attacking a person who speaks out against you rarely makes you to look better. The people who know you as a good guy will still know you as a good guy...the people who disliked you will still dislike you. But to the people who never knew you, who trusted Purr and voted against you, this further validates their beliefs. If they didn't want to see past drama from another linkshell enter HfA, not letting you in would seem like the right thing to do.

Here's my advice, Sam. HfA is a great group of guys (and gals); you'll gain a lot by joining them. Learn to put the past aside if you really want to join them. No matter how much of a distaste you have for someone, it's not fromHfA. You won't be able to get anywhere if you bring in baggage from the past. You've got to get past it, or it'll find ways of following you wherever you go.

Case in point. You're not even in HfA and it's already being held against you. But remember, the people aren't necessarily against you, they are simply erring on the side of caution. They know Purr, and they don't know you. That's all.

The only way to overcome this is to let them see who you are firsthand. Let your actions do the talking. Once they know the real you, they won't have to rely on second-hand accounts for information.

Whatever happens man, best of luck.
#4 Nov 01 2007 at 12:46 AM Rating: Decent
292 posts
Hmm...seems to me a decision was based on a lie by someone who lied before.

Sorry, Purrfect lied before, and if you read Sammy's conversation with Purrfect, it seems to me Purrfect didn't feel like he did anything wrong.

If anything, it seems Purrfect can't let go of the past, this happened, what, two years ago..and he's still bitter over a lie he perpetrated? Yeah, we in DVS at the time were angry, who wouldn't be? Art is/was a great guy and to play him the way Purrfect did....just plain wrong.

Sammy was always an asset to DVS, someone we could always count on to be there if we needed him. He could get alittle intense at times, but he never resorted to name calling. I think any LS would greatly benefit from having him in their shell.

Hfa, I'd get the facts straight, rather than base your decision on one member who has a very scrupulous past.

#5 Nov 01 2007 at 4:53 AM Rating: Decent
185 posts
Sorry you got booted, LS apps processes are mostly BS anyhow.

I was once denied on a HNM LS because someone has posted something along the lines of “I saw him vote bot Aspidochelone, joined another LS’s alliance, then somehow hacked the Aquarian Abjuration: Body so nobody could lot on it, then D2 himself.”

Its complete nonsense, my white mage is level 1, and I have no desire to level it, and to this day I haven’t even see Aspidochelone and only seen Adamantoise once. Not to mention he has no proof what so ever, something that huge would have some drama post located someplace. As soon as that person posted that garbage my 100% approval (12 votes) rating dropped to 30% approval. I actually already had the LS pearl, and it was broken, my app was denied, and I was forbidden to repost my app.

The LS leader's response "Yes, I know it's BS, but we can't let you in because of the drama it will cause with the people who believe it"

** Note: The person who posted that was later kicked from the LS.

Edited, Nov 1st 2007 8:55am by AvoIII
#6 Nov 01 2007 at 11:13 AM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
So let me see if i get this right (and no Im not Purrr) Youre butthurt just because you got denied from an ls (like there arent plenty of others Im sure YOU could EASILY get into) and the only thing you can do about it is publicly flame/air that persons dirty laundry (which may or maynot be true) because you yourself are a saint with a clean and unsoiled record?

My advice to you is leave the flaming and finger pointing to the people that cant get dirt flung right back at em cause I know personally that you aren't exactly clean yourself... ever hear the phrase "people that live in glass houses shouldnt throw stones"? you may want to work on commiting that to memory and applying it and that's all Im gonna say on this topic.

Edited, Nov 1st 2007 3:19pm by DuoMaxwellxx
#7 Nov 01 2007 at 11:49 AM Rating: Good
557 posts
about 2 weeks ago i was talking to Femwhispers, had a long and nice convo and was invited to apply to HopeFromAsh

As a co-leader of HopeFromAsh and since my name was mentioned here; I would like to take a moment to make a comment. I have been a member of Shiva server for going on 4 years now and know and respect so many of the players here including Sammmmmyyy, and wish him nothing but the best in the future.

Applications to our linkshell are always, 100% of the time put up for vote and passed with 80% yes or above; fair and square; no exceptions.

I think Sammmmmyyy forgot to mention that he in fact talked with me after the vote was made on his application and I replied by telling him that I was sorry that we was not voted in; but wanted him to know that during my time in being a co-leader along with Beuwolf, I have had a few personal friends not get accepted into our linkshell. Having a linkshell with membership of over 150 people - majority rules.

Lastly; I have met many people in this game who at one time or another have made mistakes, or done things that might raise eyebrows; but in some way have found a way to redeem themselves.
It is difficult sometimes to find it within ourselvess to forgive, forget and move forward; but doing so makes for better personal growth.

I am very disappointed that a post is put on this forum trying to disparage someone who has been nothing less than kind, generous of his time and knowledge of this game; and who selflessly has given an enormous amount of energy and helpfulness to many many people in our linkshell and server.

Perhaps in some small way, you will find some satisfaction in making this public statement about something that happened a couple of years ago Sammmmmyyy. Like any other form of media; you will most likely gain the support of some readers of this thread who agree with your statement and thrive on any juicy little tidbits of information, that can create drama.

That being said, and in an effort to not drag this thread into the gutter; please feel free to send me or any of our other leaders a /tell in game if you'd like any information regarding our linkshell rules, members or policies.

Lastly, I promise this will be my one and only statement regarding this thread, but I know I speak for our other leaders in HopeFromAsh when I say that I am honored to know and have been working together this past year sharing nothing less than an honest, and excellent ingame experience with Purrrfectangel.

Have a great day!

#8 Nov 01 2007 at 12:16 PM Rating: Decent
292 posts
Meh, doesn't change the fact that Purrfect is a liar and scammer, was two years ago and still is today it seems.

I will agree with one thing Fem said, let it go Sammy, HfA isn't worth it if they're going to take Purrfect's word over yours.
#9 Nov 01 2007 at 4:31 PM Rating: Decent
240 posts
We are a linkshell that tries our best to stay away from drama as much as possible. Sometimes we get dragged into it but that does tend to happen. I know I've had my fair share of it.


You weren't denied solely based on Purrr's vote. Like Sophus said he is only 1 vote. Purrr's vote was based on HIS experience with YOU. There are other people who also voted no based on thier experiences with you. Quite a few of them actually voted no.

You weren't denied on the interaction between you and Purrr in the past. You were denied cause quite a few members have known you with a past history of starting trouble and causing drama.


You coming here onto a public forum is a prime example of why you were denied. If you were really serious about wanting into our LS, you would have just let it go. Hell, even trying to make peace with Purrr would have shown many members in the LS that you really don't want any trouble or drama.

Bottom line is this thread is the reason why you were denied. People who go out and cry about it on a public forum after being told no is exactly the type of people we don't want. I just want to thank you for making the decision of denying you all that much easier.

Edited, Nov 1st 2007 5:32pm by cyanjoeblake
#10 Nov 01 2007 at 4:49 PM Rating: Decent
31 posts
Yea i said i wouldent reply to this but i thought i should,

Maybe i was missinformd but wasent there quite a few yes votes, then purr makes a post with lies, which prompts people to change there vote to a No.

If this is true then my reasons for makeing this post is valid, i find it sad that a LS leader would lie to there people that they should be leading. furthermore maybe you guys dont care, maybe you do, but if you had a LS leader go out of there way to post a lie on some 1's app and then it comes out that they did this after the fact, would you people of HFA take any steps it avoid this from happening again ?

When i posted my app for HFA i knew who in the shell, i knew purr was a sack holder and 1 of the LS leaders, what he did to art i allready put behind me, and i still put in a app. sad that purr hasent yet. every wonder how many more lies he has been feeding your ls members?

iam sure there are people out there who dont like me, they all have there reasons iam sure, but if you need to make up lies to keep me from getting into a LS ... man thats sad... if he dident want me in his shell he coulda sent me a /tell i woulda dropd the app. I dont want a revote, iam not gunna reapply, I just simply want it in the open that you have a LS ldr who will lie when ever he see's it works best for him, with no disreguard for any 1 he may hurt or misslead. Some LS hold high values for there members and the people who lead there shell, and well i guess there is still some out there who dont.

to Fem iam sorry for posting this here, woulda simply put it on your forums but there is no way for outsiders to post unless they get into your shell.

#11 Nov 01 2007 at 5:40 PM Rating: Decent
5,055 posts
"Maybe i was missinformd but wasent there quite a few yes votes, then purr makes a post with lies, which prompts people to change there vote to a No."

Whether what he posted about voting no on your app were lies or not i cant say as i didnt see it and dont know however if youre complaining about someones no vote and comments swaying the votes of everyone else then i remember seein a certain app at your last ls that was goin fine in teh yes departmentment until you voted no then it all went down hill so maybe you and purr are both guilty of the same crime then? remember that comment i made about glass houses earlier?
#12 Nov 01 2007 at 6:03 PM Rating: Default
31 posts
Whether what he posted about voting no on your app were lies or not i cant say as i didnt see it and dont know however if youre complaining about someones no vote and comments swaying the votes of everyone else then i remember seein a certain app at your last ls that was goin fine in teh yes departmentment until you voted no then it all went down hill so maybe you and purr are both guilty of the same crime then? remember that comment i made about glass houses earlier?

Did i lie on some 1's app? whos app was it maybe i can clear up some Facts for you. Whenever i vote no for a app i am verry open with it and never lie. maybe you are missing the whole point of this thread. do you think its ok for LS leaders to Lie to its members? do you think its ok for a LS leader to post on lies on a app in hopes he/she dont get in? If you think that is all ok well i dont know what to say about that.. kinda messd up if you think thats all ok,
but now from the looks of it, seems you have a bone to pick with me did i vote No on your app? how about you give some light on the subject your reffering to?

EDIT:: who are you anyways, i dont use the alla forums much as you can see form my logon name, been a long time since i posted in the public

Edited, Nov 1st 2007 10:06pm by sammmmmyyyDVSIII
#13 Nov 01 2007 at 6:19 PM Rating: Decent
31 posts
Ah i figured it out Hiei i posted 10min after the poll was put on your app, there was a few votes on it at that time. the chatter on the LS mostly tore your votes down , and when you faild to provide some info on your app got you more no votes. here is the thread if any1 intrested.

Edited, Nov 1st 2007 10:22pm by sammmmmyyyDVSIII
#14 Nov 02 2007 at 2:59 AM Rating: Decent
#15 Nov 02 2007 at 2:07 PM Rating: Decent
398 posts
Must.... resist.... temptation... to... respond....

#16 Nov 02 2007 at 5:00 PM Rating: Decent
Must.... resist.... temptation... to... respond....

I just don't get why people do that, you've clearly responded so say your piece.
#17 Nov 02 2007 at 11:41 PM Rating: Decent
[b]Hey Sammmmmmmmmmmy, sorry to hear you weren't accepted into HopeFromAss, their loss. It's sad just how many two-faced cocksuckers, who like to hide behind their anonymity, half-lies, and their "Holier than thou" attitudes. Just makes me ******* sick to my stomach, if you're an honest person, speak the truth, or don't let people walk over you, or others you will alway be a threat to that kind of person. Also, to people who judge others without knowing them, well I hope you die screaming you weak ************
#18 Nov 03 2007 at 7:22 AM Rating: Decent
Hfa is a really good shell and just because you got denied Sam doesn't mean they are not. With all big shells people will always have conflicts with eachother at one time or another. I just hope this thread does not hurt you getting into another shell now, because you are a good guy and good player, but Alla boards can ruin your rep me I know =P
#19 Nov 03 2007 at 6:12 PM Rating: Decent
Proroc wrote:
Hfa is a really good shell (compared to lolWASP) and just because you got denied Sam doesn't mean they are not. Hell, they even do Bomb Queen Ring runs for crying out loud! Not many shells have the skills to do that, amirite?

With all big shells people will always have conflicts with eachother at one time or another. I just hope this thread does not hurt you getting into another shell now, because you are a good guy and good player, but Alla boards can ruin your rep quickly, especially when you're a no skill me I know =P

#20 Nov 05 2007 at 4:39 AM Rating: Good
Blink up, Going In.

I just want to say a couple points to involve my self back into our wonderfull server.

Thank you for posting the truth about real players in game, reason being even though it is game like stated before the people and emotions behind them are real, If this game didnt create a universe where players from around the world could interact with eachother postive or negative well then we still wouldnt be playing would we. In the past i use to always talk to with Art and to find out that he was played is upsetting.

And another thing about having feelings for someone over a game or with somone long distance is NOT silly. You have no idea how other peoples lives are and at what state it could be in. If somthing makes you happy and feel better about anything there is no reason to question it. If it doesnt work for you then don't do it.

The silly thing is why someone would play with another person's feelings as if you shared them back no matter who started it. I think it's Disgusting.

I met my the love of my life online, continents apart we meet when it seemed right, and we have been together for over 2 years, and have lived together for most of it and even got her to start playing ff11 as her first real game.

I have a busy life with school,work and friends, but i keep playing this game so i can run into the people such as Art once and again, because you know when this is all over said and done, we are most likly to never see each other again. The people i meet in game should be treated no less then people we meet on the street
#21 Nov 05 2007 at 12:01 PM Rating: Decent
1,342 posts
Sammmy, I dont know you well but I can say with 1st hand experience that HFA is not worth it. There are many better options out there for you. The core leaders are a joke save one of them. The members are a good group of people. Trust me when I say that you dodged a bullet not getting into that LS.

Edited, Nov 5th 2007 12:17pm by spcwill
#22 Nov 06 2007 at 8:03 PM Rating: Default
292 posts
Got filled in on some juicy info on Sammy tonight =(

It seems the Sammy of yesterday isn't the Sammy of today =(

It's just too bad.....
#23 Nov 06 2007 at 11:59 PM Rating: Decent
That implies bought account... oh dear. Almost exped with him recently, until he was an *****
#24 Nov 07 2007 at 12:42 PM Rating: Default
3,285 posts
SKPohina wrote:
Got filled in on some juicy info on Sammy tonight =(

It seems the Sammy of yesterday isn't the Sammy of today =(

It's just too bad.....

Ive heard that too. Dunno if its true or not. But cant u boys from dvs get along?
#25 Nov 07 2007 at 7:50 PM Rating: Decent
31 posts
huh? bought account? rrriiiggghhttt......

ya welcome to come on ventrilo with me and confirm this if ya like, send me a pm and ill get you the server info, validok ragnarzero and several others are on there also, we only been useing ventrilo for the last 3 years.. easy to confirm that.

edit:: or you talking about my username change on alla? i requesting that a few days ago well b/c iam not in dvsiii anymore , the admin of the board was happy to change it for me.

Edited, Nov 7th 2007 10:52pm by sammmmmyyy
#26REDACTED, Posted: Nov 07 2007 at 8:07 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Sorry, didn't mean to imply that Sammy sold his account, just that what I've heard about him is out of character from the guy I knew back in DVS. Oh well, people change I suppose.
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