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Campfire Thread Reborn ^^Follow

#102 Sep 11 2004 at 10:24 AM Rating: Decent
*takes a copy of a pirated CoP and installs it*

Uh, mine doesn't have Morvalpolice.... (or whatever the Goblin place is called XP)

*roasts a marshmellow and burns it* damn...

EDIT: Guess what? I camped Hoo Mjuu the Torrent today XD I partly wanted to keep the drop for my BRD (the drop is Monster Signa, for those who don't know) which I could use in 8 more levels :P or I could sell it, since I needed some cash and 300k wasn't that bad of an amount (ugh, I only have 7k....) and it was easier than camping lizzy (I consider it to be) or fighting Valkurm Emperor. I got to the spawn area, fortunately there were only like 4 people camping the area *whew* so I killed a Yagudo, and then two more Yagudos spawn. The one I thought to be a persecutor was voked by a WAR in full RSE.... >.> so I took on the piper next to it, thinking it would be a while before the NM spawned. To my horror, right after I kill the Yagudo, I see on my log:

"Hoo Mjuu the Torrent uses Benediction.
Hoo Mjuu the Torrent recovers 357 HP."

I threw a fit on my ls chat (lol....) and everyone was like, "what happened?" I told them the story and everyone laughed >_<

after the WAR killed the bird the campers (including me) were asking, "did you get the drop?" the guy responded with a /cry spam.... either a bot I guess or someone who was really disappointed they didn't get drop. I think it's the latter.

well, not like I waited a hell lot for him, just 5 minutes... but damn, what a disappointment T_T You don't get those chances every day.

....*sips lemonade*

Edited, Sat Sep 11 23:34:43 2004 by EvaOtaku

Edited, Sat Sep 11 23:40:16 2004 by EvaOtaku

Edited, Sat Sep 11 23:42:47 2004 by EvaOtaku
#103 Sep 12 2004 at 2:56 AM Rating: Good
346 posts
It would be cool if maybe once a month or something we have a real campfire chat in game ^^ Form an alliance sit around a campfire and chat for a bit about what has happened in ff that month and anything interesting that we have done. just a thought. :P

Oh and its really late so i prob have no clue what i'm talking about. LOL. Well goodnight.

Edited, Sun Sep 12 03:57:31 2004 by neban
#104 Sep 12 2004 at 10:44 AM Rating: Decent
451 posts
that sounds like a pretty good idea actually ^^ hmmm maybe we could meet before CoP comes out to discuss some things. I'll post in here when I find an actual date and time when we can do this.
#105 Sep 12 2004 at 5:17 PM Rating: Good
978 posts
*wakes up to realize his tail is on fire*
*dunks some limonade on his tail to put out the flames and cradles it*

Never roll over in your sleep into a campfire.
Oh yeah I like the in game chat around campfire idea.
#106 Sep 12 2004 at 8:11 PM Rating: Good
The campfire thing would be nice, although organizing it would be pretty hard >_<

lol, camped Hoo Mjuu the Torrent all day today, saw it 6 times total, got to fight it once XD I got to fight it cause I was the only one camping it, lol. Just got a scroll of deodorize, but I'll get that Monster Signa.... someday...
#107 Sep 12 2004 at 9:14 PM Rating: Decent
451 posts
eeep! what happened to this thread, it was going so well now no one is posting anything anymore lol.

*looks around the campfire and sees that everyone has left*
ah man i hope they come back safely ^^

Edited, Sat Sep 18 11:11:03 2004 by KloeKittyKatGang
#108 Sep 18 2004 at 10:11 AM Rating: Decent
451 posts
doh bump :P
#109 Sep 18 2004 at 11:13 AM Rating: Good
Hi ya, Im pretty new to the forums but this looks like the place to share funny stories so here we go its short and sweet but my god it was hilarious. I was in a party with a Taru tank named Maniacbob (quite the character) well someone walked by and /kicked him for whatever reason... hilarity ensued... the funniest macro I have ever seen Maniacbob does the Taru fume and emotes /Maniacbob goes into a homicidal rage and then screams
"Im going to PAINTY~WAINTY the hills red with your BLOOD" ahhh that was great quite possibly the funniest thing I have seen in the game. If any of you ever get a chance to group with Bob... make sure you make him mad at least 3 times because hes a riot, OH and hes a pretty dang good tank too... for a taru ^^
#110 Sep 18 2004 at 1:11 PM Rating: Decent
451 posts
lol that's pretty funny, I think i've partied with maniacbob a very very long time ago.
#111 Sep 18 2004 at 10:05 PM Rating: Decent
Sigh... I have been neglecting this game >_< Mostly because my friends persuaded me to play Gunbound with them (very fun to play, especially when you're in the mood to see things go KABOOM) and cause making gil is such a pain in the ***. I'll come back soon though, XD
#112 Sep 20 2004 at 1:54 PM Rating: Decent
465 posts
I'm in Jeuno right now, but am at the campfire in spirit!

A couple k to 25 and then the Kazham Airship Pass quest and then I can leave and farm! Imma broke. -_-;

If you see me, give a holler. I could use some friendly company over there... so lonely.

*edited cuz spelling r0xx0rz*

Edited, Mon Sep 20 16:36:05 2004 by ArcosKojin
#113 Sep 20 2004 at 2:40 PM Rating: Good
74 posts
*Sits down next to Kloe with a big smile on her face.*

Well, I was able to level my warrior this weekend. Only went from 16-20 but very happy with that.
Also congratz to all the Kitties out there who were able to get the rank 4 mission done. It was fun helping all of you although I was sad I didnt get to the wall in qufim fast enough to get a pic of all you sitting on the wall.

*Shrugs, maybe next time.*
#114 Sep 20 2004 at 3:54 PM Rating: Decent
451 posts
awww sorry Klahan you should have told me you wanted one. maybe i can send you a pic when i receive some from the kitties who took them. Hey Arcos I have a lvl 25 pld, but im currently lvling my war for sub, its at 12. If you need to me party with just send me a tell and I'll run over to kazham. Im glad you enjoyed the massive killing spree that we went on Klahan lol. Rest assured there will be more in the future :P this was our 3rd raid, others were valkrum and Ghelsba
#115 Sep 20 2004 at 9:42 PM Rating: Decent
58 posts
/em ambles his weary whm behind over to the campfire and flops down

/rantmode sometimes whm is a job i hate... the pl requests(if you pay me for my time then it's not so bad), the thankless raises(you'd think after the run from L-9 to F-4 someone would say thanks or give you something for your trouble), the people who think you are there just to make their levels come faster...(winks at kloe)
anyways, i love being a whm, it's so cool to have the power of life and death in your hands. but then again, i hate those whm who abuse that power.
i was fighting a tremor ram while pl'ing an ls member, and i made the mistake of engaging with only 86/303 mp.... well this whm walks up in full af, i ask for a cure, they cast cure but move everytime so it is inturrupted. after that(and much begging) i died, but called for help before dropping face first to the dirt. what happened next truly made me think about quitting this game. the whm attacks the ram then uses tele dem to zone, the ram goes yellow, then they finish killing it and raise me... greedy mutha------!!!! the fact that 2k in fake money is more to them than being nice?
#116 Sep 20 2004 at 11:08 PM Rating: Decent
346 posts
All that over a tremor ram? I'd be pissed too. Not like it has a high gil drop or anything.

I'm a paladin and i cure anyone i pass that needs help.

Edited, Tue Sep 21 00:11:03 2004 by neban
#117 Sep 22 2004 at 9:19 AM Rating: Decent
74 posts

I think I am going to work on leveling my Monk this weekend. I wanna hit 52 so I can start wearing my AF gear. If anyone is interested in hooking up and has a lvl 50ish job let me know, maybe we can work something out.
#118 Sep 27 2004 at 11:13 AM Rating: Decent
If this is Zi'Tah *comes back from getting his *** kicked by 'Keeper of Halidom, and looks terrible. "NOT a word NOT 1!" sits on a tree stump rudely takes someone already cooked Mithkabobs and walks back into the woods*
#119 Sep 27 2004 at 11:20 AM Rating: Decent

Edited, Mon Sep 27 12:31:04 2004 by YourRival
#120 Sep 27 2004 at 12:25 PM Rating: Decent
451 posts
lol... *hands another stick of meat to the person rival stole it from, and then casts bind on Rival*
hey now don't be so rude, this is suppose to be a place where you can relax and enjoy company of good poeple. You can rant about things if you wish but please don't be rude to the others at the campfire. thank you ^^
*unbinds Rival*
alright well it's been awhile since someone's posted on here. So i guess there was one positive thing about your post rival lol. lately i have been trying to lvl my war to 25 so i can go to 50 with my pld, and it is taking forever. Man i'm having bad luck in the dunes this time around. Lots of parties that are slow, and some that i have died multiple times in, since im the main tank. But im lvl 18 now so only 2 more lvls.
*makes another smore and then scarfs it down with joy*
mmmm smores.
#121 Sep 27 2004 at 4:10 PM Rating: Decent
*arrives really late at the campfire*

I see you guys started w/o me... shame on you all.

/em finds a log and makes rooms next to the fire.

After 8 months of playing back and forth between jobs, going to go thief finaly seeing as how it is LV51 already.. but nin is....25... eww.. must LV sub job.. >_<;
On a better note, to celebrate my decision to LV thief, the valkurm emperor gave me a cool present in the form of a brand new Emperor hairpin.. I take back anything I siad while waiting for 3 hours for him to pop -_-.
See you all in-game,

*falls asleep after getting drunk*
/em wakes up in the fire O_O
#122 Sep 27 2004 at 5:31 PM Rating: Decent
451 posts
congrats Payne! ^^ my thf is only lvl 42 but i stopped trying to get a party with it lol.
*throws water on payne's flaming arm*
you shouldn't fall asleep near the campfire if your a toss and turn kind of sleeper :P
#123 Sep 27 2004 at 9:18 PM Rating: Decent
/em see the fire from a ways off....
*walks up*
/em waves
'Allo everybody how's it goin'?
/em dirnks a bottle of red wine and dances the nyte away
#124 Sep 27 2004 at 11:24 PM Rating: Decent
132 posts
/em Sits in tree above fireside.

Hey all, I passed this thread a few times, just not too certain about what's goin on... now that i sat down and looked, i'm liking this muchly!

Now I'm just a little lv 15 Redhead RDM, but i can drop a fun story or two myself... Like last night for instance...

The Dunes are always a really good place to go to get a funny story, and htis is no exception. I found a Party at lv 14, and we went to Siren Sands to hunt Snippers. of course, as teh party formed, the main group was near the highlands, I was coming from Selbina, along with another in teh pty, and there was one coming from LaThiene... Then there was a PLer coming too. well, i start hiking to the highlands point where everyone is, and when i get to teh tunnel (after avoiding a small army of gobs), they tell me we're headed to siren beach... SO, i waited at teh tunnel. The RNG fo rhte party needed more arrows, so i sold him my stack of 76 bone arrows, since i rarely use them anyway.

WEll, we all gether at teh beach, and things get rolling. there's me, another RDM, a WAR, a NIN/WAR, a RNG/THF, and... augh, i forgot what the other was... oh yeah a PLD/WHM.. then there was our 33 WHM PLer who was really nice to us. Teh RNG pulling, the Xp starts rolling in, and levels are going up all over. I had a ways to go since i had just hit 14 before joining the pty... well, then the RNG starts pulling Damselflys, agaisnt the protests of me and our PLer... well, the fly went down easier than we though. The other RDM was underequipped (Still using a Shell shield, which i smacked him for), and he didn't quite understand that RDMs are all-purpose... eh just kept casting debuffs, without really even stepping up to fight... meanwhile, i'm healing the people that the WHM can't keep up with, adn dropping an occasional Aero spell ont eh mobs. all in all we did good, then i had to go... I told them i needed sleep, but the RNG kept pulling... after 3 more fights than i said i coudl stay for, i todl then i had to go and left. I liek d that Pty, and i woudl gladly pty with them again, provided that other RDM gets some decent equipment. ^_^

/em drops an Aero spell about 3 feet from fire to fan it back to life.

God, i love this game ^_^
#125 Sep 28 2004 at 1:14 AM Rating: Decent
160 posts
~grabs a lemonaid~ Hey guys! ~notices Pimpsuitt~ ~"trips" and dumps his lemonaid on him~ Oh, sorry! Let me get that... ~pushes him into the fire~ ...anyway... ~grabs a new lemonaid~
#126 Sep 28 2004 at 1:38 AM Rating: Decent
451 posts
*looks over at the person*
hey quit shape shifting into pimpsuitt :P
*pokes the fire with a stick*
well tonight was pretty good in the dunes, i went from 18 to 20, so i can finally leave "again" :P I had an old LS member come back to the LS tonight too ^^ that was nice, her name is Dibbs. Also Syrius the leader of darknessfalls came on (valid reason why he as a hume has a LP for the Kittykatgang) he hasn't been in the LS for several months so it was nice seeing him, we all called him Uncle syrius lol. But sadly he told us that he might be leaving the game O.O. he said that if he's not online on sunday he has left the game. :( i hope he doesn't leave.
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