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Campfire Thread Reborn ^^Follow

#177 Oct 24 2004 at 11:27 PM Rating: Decent
47 posts
/em stumbles and falls into the fire. ><

/em gets up screaming then use's the stop drop and roll method.

/em gets up and touches the burns. ><
#178 Oct 25 2004 at 9:16 AM Rating: Decent
*Returns with in a inch of his life (10 hp left)*

(Me)Fleance: "Hey guys as you can tell the fight didn't go so well. I used Flee ~_~. the goobbue is on his way here...Ya know, didn't wanna die a third time >.>...Don't look a me like that ~_~"

Somebody1: "Huh!? I'm only level 27 @_@"

Somebody2: "Yeah pal keep your fights else where >.<"

Somebody1: "Yeah what he said!"

*within seconds the goobbue emerges from the darkness*

*Fleance calls for help!*

*Most of the people help Fleance in killing the Goobbue. The Goobbue readies Uppercut on Fleance. A DRK stuns it, 2 RNG uses Eagle Eye Shot. the Goobbue falls.*

Somebody2: "That will be a total of 10,000."

Somebody1: "Yeah what he said!"

Me: "eh? Thought you guys did it from the kindness of your heart >.>"

Somebody3: "You two didn't even help its free Fleance don't mind them."

(wants to type more but his laptop is running out of battery and he cant seem to find his charger)

#179 Oct 25 2004 at 10:34 AM Rating: Decent
451 posts
*looks over at Oth and says "not another one!"*
*sees the Gobbue come into the camp and helps take it down*
whew well this was an interesting night at the campfire. lol. You ok Rival and Oth?
*casts Cure III on both of them*
#180 Oct 25 2004 at 1:57 PM Rating: Decent
47 posts
*Im ok*
*Its only 3rd degree burns ><*
/em peels the skin off.
#181 Oct 25 2004 at 2:26 PM Rating: Decent
465 posts
Not to make light of your unfortunate accident Oth, you just reminded me of something funny...

Warning not FFXI related:

A long time back, a group of friends and I played a paper&pen RPG called Rifts (anyone remember it?) and a few of us were phoenix-like characters. We were tasked to fight this necromancer and my fellow phoenix-like people and I set fire to him... heh heh heh...

The GM had to roll for each of the steps of "Stop, Drop and Roll". He was successful with stop, failed with drop and succeeded with roll.

So one of our friends got up, ran around the room like he was on fire, then stopped and paused for a second. Finally, he spun around as if he was rolling standing up. lol

Needless to say, the necromancer was further engulfed in flames and died.

Ok, back to FFXI... I sat on a burning circle for a little bit. Kind of toasty.

Kloe, pm coming! ^^
#182 Oct 25 2004 at 3:17 PM Rating: Decent
451 posts
lol sounds like you had some funny friends Arcos. What do you mean by pm? I wasn't aware you could pm poeple on alla. O.O is that a premium service?

Edit: ok i finally found my inbox, i got your pm Arcos and i replied. lol wow i feel dumb, i've been on this forum for a long time and I didn't even know about pming lol.

Edited, Mon Oct 25 16:26:56 2004 by KloeKittyKatGang
#183 Oct 25 2004 at 7:21 PM Rating: Decent
465 posts
lol, I believe the pm feature was a recent addition. Before my addiction to FFXI, I posted on about 4 or so message boards, so pm'ing was one feature I always paid attention to. hehehe...

So when's the ingame campfire hangout going to be? ^^

*starts to wonder if blocking out shouts in towns to avoid all the trick or treat and casino spam is worth it*
#184 Oct 25 2004 at 8:56 PM Rating: Decent
451 posts
oh yea. i got kinda busy so i put off the whole in game campfire. hmm... maybe we could have it on halloween night lol.
#185 Oct 27 2004 at 7:37 AM Rating: Decent
Dammian /em Staggers to the camp fire and sits down.

just to let everyone know... im broke, sick of farming, and my blm needs some spells....and im ready to cry. this game is so discouraging. please some one out there tell me that this game gets better.. and that its worth the hundreds of thousands of hours of doing the same thing over and over and over... such hard times for a lvl 37 blm.. dont even have any more ambition to lvl my 26 bard anymore..

Dammian /sigh

thanks for listening, just needed to let off some steam..

Dammian /em gets back up, picks up his wand and fades away into the darkness.
#186 Oct 27 2004 at 9:35 AM Rating: Decent
451 posts
how much gil do you need? (check your delivery box :P)
#187 Oct 27 2004 at 7:46 PM Rating: Decent
Kloe your a sweetheart ya know that.. but i just posted to vent a little.. life in vanadiel can get a little rough some times lol.
#188 Oct 27 2004 at 8:35 PM Rating: Decent
18 posts
Horribly rough it is
*tries hard to wipe tears away~~*
but well... I have a life in R.L
getting away in Vana'diel is like a holiday
at least T_T
#189 Oct 27 2004 at 8:54 PM Rating: Decent
451 posts
hehe just figured it would help ya out a little. I know its not much but hey every little helps.
*pokes the fire with a stick and then looks up at the sky*
beautiful sky tonight. lots of stars out. Anyone have a good ghost story? with it being halloween and all soon ^^
#190 Oct 30 2004 at 3:06 PM Rating: Decent
132 posts
I got one... Though It's pretty famous...

Heard this one from a frined of mine Back over in Limberry. there was this little shop that made some fo the best Shumai dumplings ever... but the rumor was that they were made from human flesh...
now my friend, he's been around, so he dicides to try this place out. It's a bit of a walk, and on the way home, he gets this feelign he's beign followed or watched... Well, somethign triggers him to look in the box at the 9 shumai he bought... and what he saw really spooked him...

one of the shumai was missing.

So, he keeps walking, thinking the shopkeep miscounted. the shumai must have been missing form the start. well, after a little while longer, the feeling came back, and he just had to look in the box again. Now TWO are missing!!

He slams the box shut and keeps walking, though quite a bit faster. He turns to take a shortcut home, and looks int he box agian.

FOUR shumai are missing!! What's going on?! What sort of Evil Force is at work?! He screams and starts running, and he stopped after a full league. Figuring he's finally outrun the evil, he look in the box again, and not one shumai remains!!!

he slams the box shut, and stays there, cowering. Surely some greater minion of hell was haunting him... eating the shumai when he wasn't paying attention... with some great degree of fear, he opens the box again, and what does he see??

Nine Shumai, stuck to the lid of the box. they had bounced aroudn while he was walking and gotten stuck.


(If you've heard it before, then laugh at my lack of originality...if not, enjoy the story and try to find where i heard it from...)
#191 Oct 31 2004 at 12:01 AM Rating: Decent
451 posts
hehe i've heard that one before. It's still a good one ^^. Thanks for the story. Anyone have any others they would like to tell?
#192 Nov 03 2004 at 7:39 PM Rating: Decent
132 posts
Wow... campfire got quiet again... guess everyone's off griping about AH prices, or ******** at Sepukku again... (J/K)

as for me, boredom reigns, and I've got a slight bit of bad news... Coming december, the friend who's account i currently play on is moving. (He's still the most badass friend i've got, since none of my other friends woudl do that for me) So, i will be unable to play FFXI after December... I'm trying to get my own creditcard/FFXI (PS2), but that might not be until march, or even later, and even then, i'd have to start over... So i think i'll just buy GTA:SanAndreas & MGS:3: Snake Eater, and enjoy those until i can get my own FFXI account.

I dun wanna leave, but not much i can do about it for a while... guess all my stalkers will have to find someone new to follow ^_^ (Again, J/K)
#193 Nov 03 2004 at 8:07 PM Rating: Decent
346 posts
noooooooooooooo Tal you must stay. You can use my account ^^
also j/k :(
#194 Nov 03 2004 at 10:09 PM Rating: Decent
451 posts
so you're friend is just quitting FFXI after he moves? if he is still going to play you could just stay on his account maybe. O.O
#195 Nov 04 2004 at 10:34 AM Rating: Decent
*feels the breeze, and takes off his helmet and lies down.*

Me(Fleance): "What are you dislikes about the Vana'Dial, guys."

Somebody1: "Gil farmers ~.~"

Somebody2: "AH price increases"

Somebody3: "shouts in jeuno"

Somebody4: "getting Lu shang rod >.<"

Me: " long has this stuff been bothing you?

Somebody 1, 2, 3, 4: "more then a couple Months now (/sigh)"

Me: "Now how far has ******** got ya? Every problem has a solution. How about we take charge of our server...ITS OURS! I'm sure there some smart people at this camp fire if not all of us...hey SE isn't doing anything and if they are i dont see the results quick enough. hehehehe people being ran from a good game because half a world seems to unable to fight back...Yeah i have no solution myself but i'd like to think that there is a way to run them out...just has to be T-T.

Somebody1: "hehehe good luck. i mean that involes alot of cooperation. Time is valued to alot of people"

Me: "Thats true but...Its likely to be a process solution, i doubt it will be just 'Poof be gone'."

Somebody2: "Hmm...every server is having these problems. what makes you think you could get rid of them?"

Me: "Well... ... ...Somebody has to be first. and i never said I would run them out i said WE."

*Fleance suddenly stands up and gives a triumphant cry with the camp fire*

Moral of story...just trying to get a point across ~_~ dont mean to start anything i'm not tlaking to anyone just somebody i made up. i just hate to see a good game go to waste. yeah its pretty corny but hey, at the least i'm trying. just want the game and AH to retrun to the way it was before. so much complain now people screaming at others just for using shouts. /sigh once again i dont mean to start anything. Free speech, no?

#196 Nov 04 2004 at 10:55 AM Rating: Decent
451 posts
yea its sad to see all this stuff going on. I can't really think of a way to stop it though. My LS and I have tried to think of ways but can't.

*stares into the fire tentively*
#197 Nov 04 2004 at 6:28 PM Rating: Decent
132 posts
i can't play on his account, since the PS2 version requires you to register your copy of the game by creating an account... even then, he wouldn't be able to play while i'm playing, and that's not fair.

As for the problems on the server... i still say we all just need to make a problem solving thread and talk about what can be done about specific problems. Start small, then work up to the bigger ones.
#198 Nov 04 2004 at 10:06 PM Rating: Decent
451 posts
that sucks you have to start over :( i've seen this happen to many people that share accounts and are forced to get there own. My advice, always get your own or else you will regret it later lol. and about that problem solving thread... hmm... i dunno if many people would go for it. If you want to maybe try to think of ways in here feel free. ^^ or if you would like to start that thread go ahead.
#199 Nov 06 2004 at 2:05 PM Rating: Decent
132 posts
i wanna get my own, but alas, no credit card yet... also, my personal internet is on dialup (Curse you earthlink), and it gets DCed liek every 5 minutes... not good for playing FFXI...

I'll be on cable in march at the latest though (Tax returns are fun ^_^)
#200 Nov 06 2004 at 5:00 PM Rating: Decent
451 posts
hehe good luck talisia. If you need some help with your new character when you get it, let me know, I'd be happy to help you ^^
#201 Nov 28 2004 at 10:59 PM Rating: Decent
451 posts
*sighs and looks around the empty campfire*
well looks like everyone is gone. guess I'll just sit here by myself and look at the stars.
*looks up at the stars with a satisfied look on his face*
well at least it was fun while it lasted.
*rolls over into a blanket and falls asleep*
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