This post really is for crafters to post how they can help others. While it's no profit to us to make things for FREE and hand them away, we can still make stuff. So, please list things that you can make, with Exceptional Result, that might help others. Non-crafters: if you see something posted here that you need/use, simply bring us the ingredients (look it up), and we'll craft it for you. Odds are, we'll craft x2 or x3 the normal yield, and all you're buying is the ingredients. Make sense? If not, let me know.
- If you need any arrows/bolts up to level 35, I can most likely make x66 or x99 each craft. I'm 58 Woodcrafting, so higher tier arrows/bolts will yield x33 each synth, hence no profit. So, bring me ingredients for all your Bolts, Arrows, and Log/Lumber needs.