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The most outstanding players (kudos)Follow

#127 Nov 20 2004 at 8:06 PM Rating: Decent
93 posts
Don't forget:

Hinageshii = Dirty Harry with a bow and boobs :D
#128 Nov 20 2004 at 11:01 PM Rating: Good
290 posts
Just thought I'd say a little more about Avianna, because s/he's been in our LS since before I got there and has always been helpful.

For helping with Carbuncle's Ruby, thank you.

When I used to break my rod a lot fishing, thanks for always repairing it and saving me so much gil.

For all the quests and missions you've helped with, thanks.

For all the supplies you've crafted for us, thank you. I still have a low level wand and a Harp +1 with your name inscribed on them.

And really, thank you overall, because when there is someone willing to help you out it makes it so much easier to turn around and give someone else a helping hand when you're able. With people like Avianna and Guguno and Baldvin and Archelaus and Imrick, some of which are no longer playing this game, it just makes FFXI that much more fun. I'm really proud to be part of my LS.
#129 Nov 20 2004 at 11:46 PM Rating: Decent
5,055 posts
Im defintely gonna say Hiei best thf i know (ever since ladyofhonor left anyway) ive never seen another thf do 1k+ dmg at lvl 60 on an IT++ mob
#130 Nov 25 2004 at 7:52 PM Rating: Decent
500 posts
Gotta add Augiezwan to the list. Easily the nicest WHM I have played with! :)

Edited, Fri Nov 26 17:26:11 2004 by monsterzero
#131 Nov 26 2004 at 3:30 AM Rating: Decent
106 posts
So long as I was doing advertising for DecusLuminus, I might as well give props where they are due...

Arcos - Paladin extraordinaire!!!! A member of my static, and by God the best tank I've ever had the joy of partying with. And I'm NOT just saying that because he's constantly cooking for us.

Dominion - While given just a LITTLE too much to that f'n Tarutaru dance (he does it before he raises me now...*sigh*), Dom is an equally impressive white mage to Arcos' tanktitude. Also a part of the static, he's leveling SMN now, and really grasping the job well.

Cuteyhoney/Watcher - The solo powerleveler herself, Watcher's responsible for getting me to DRG - my main. Not to mention, she was a major player in getting me to Rank 5. Don't see her very often, but...damn, she's great.

Turbo - Former leader of the PimpsLS, now BP (right?). Good guy, willing to put up with my horrible jokes - now if only he and his ENTIRE LS could learn to spell...and punctuate...and (just kidding).

Kazenoke, Ardamis, Rona, Rastigo, Ardamis - Members of the DecusLuminus LS, while WAYYYY above my level, have been willing to help me with anything I need. Most notably the Samurai quest. They friggin stomped poor Forger and G. Treant.

Talisia - A bit prone to stalkers, but it's easy to see why. Tal is absolutely wonderful, and an excellent Red Mage. I've had the pleasure of partying with her a few times, and she's mag-friggin-nificent, really knows what she's doing.

Nanapapa - JP player, the only Beastmaster I've been able to party with that actually contributed something to the party. There was a week or two that she consistently partied with us, with various jobs, and each time she made her presence felt. Reaaaaalllllly awesome.

And, to lesser degrees, I must show respect to Sparta, Chaossamurai, Elnaura, Kelevendos, and Hakku.

Gratis, Shiva.
#132 Nov 30 2004 at 4:03 PM Rating: Decent
Hey how about Craven? no...oh...*lowers head and walks outa the room*...anyway heres my list just happens to be rl friends

#133 Dec 03 2004 at 9:23 PM Rating: Good
Glitterngld good whm? heard she kept spook hostage for 12 hours i think thats plain sad.
#134 Dec 04 2004 at 3:03 AM Rating: Decent
I'd say:

Deadsy: good friend, though we can't PT anymore, she's "High LVL"^^

Zayne: He helps me and the LS out with everything. I think he'd donate his kidney to
one of us if he had to. Really cool guy. A lvl 50ish MNK who solos a lot.

Meth: Really great guy and fun to hang out with. Very helpful and good at cheering
people up.

Kakashin: What can I say, we are good friends. He's an excellent player, and I learn a
lot from him. Awesome guy who is very trustworthy.

Deron: Helped me second guess quitting. Cool Taru.

Alegend: Cool @ss dude. He's great at making ppl "STOP THEIR @$$ES!!" LOL

Danielson: One of the most helpful ppl I know. Actually, I don't even know when he
is in a PT, he's always helping someone.

Zhitobud: Really good at talking about stuff. Helps keep peace in the LS.

ALL of my LS buddies: Sorry guys, I don't have space to list you all^^, but you know who you are!! AARDVARK!!!!!

And to all of those I humped: It was good, wasn't it?
#135 Dec 04 2004 at 10:05 PM Rating: Decent
418 posts

there's more but those are the best i've seen.
#136 Dec 05 2004 at 3:43 AM Rating: Decent
25 posts
"glitterngld good whm? heard she kept spook hostage for 12 hours i think thats plain sad."

Derekz lol.. Glitter held the spook cuz there wer hela ppl pulling mobs at the spawning area Fing up ppls voke, not to mention gil sellers and it made her pissed. I wuda done the same. BTW yes glitter is a very good whm =P
#137 Dec 05 2004 at 5:44 AM Rating: Decent
then why she stooped down to their lvl instead of telling a gm?
#138 Dec 05 2004 at 2:11 PM Rating: Good
290 posts
I like threads like these, because when I see some of these people I can already know that they've done a lot to help others ^^
#139 Dec 05 2004 at 10:23 PM Rating: Decent
74 posts
Alderon, Daxter, Hiax - I think thats his name. He's one of the nicest JPs I've met. He offered to help me and 2 of my friends our ELD. Coffer key free when he was a 68 PLD. He died and didn't leave until we got our coffer keys. Called some of his 75 friends and got all 3 in like 2 hrs or so^^, Knightzneverdie and more but I can't think of them><
#140 Dec 07 2004 at 5:45 AM Rating: Default
O so u think the gil sellrs should have their way and monopolize the NM's? The GM's dont do anyting I even died the other day A lvl 61 from Grave bats and wingrit bats r whatever they r AND Im a LEVEL 61 !! WHY? they were over 100 of them I ran out o my tryig to kill them all and healing 2 noobies the GM DID NOTHING !!!! I even called fr help AND THE FREGGIN DAMN PULLERS JUST STOOD THERE.

Edited, Tue Dec 7 06:19:02 2004 by Glitterngld
#141 Dec 07 2004 at 6:26 AM Rating: Decent
Hador you were a good friend and kick *** paladin you will be missed. Its ashame we logged on a bad note and never got to say our goodbye -_- anyways best of luck in life and if u read this u have my email so please keep in touch .

Farewell My friend
#142 Dec 07 2004 at 12:11 PM Rating: Decent
500 posts
w00t! I finally made the list. Thanks, B. Bar also reminded me to add Danielson (RDM) and Zhitobud (DRG) to my own list of fantastic players. These guys are never to busy to help out a LS member in need. Good to finally see some of my LS mates on this board!
#143 Dec 07 2004 at 12:29 PM Rating: Decent
I just want to mention my good buddies Wevrain and Hikigaeru. I've known these guys for a long time and they've gone out of their way to help me on many occasions. Both have bought me more equipment and spells than I can ever hope to pay back. Wevvie's an excellent pally who really knows his stuff and Hiki's a damn fine summoner... for a smelly Galka. ^^
#144 Dec 07 2004 at 5:48 PM Rating: Decent
374 posts
I posted on this thread a few months ago who I thought were the outstanding players on Shive. Since the months since the post, Ive met and played with alot of great people.

I would like to give say good job once again not to just my friends or my ls members, but to everyone on Shiva who takes the extra step in helping some low player or gives advice inside and outside of the game. Its people like this that make the game a better experience.

Good Job! /clap
#145 Dec 07 2004 at 8:54 PM Rating: Default
Wow I actually know a lot of people mentioned, well I've helped a lot of people with sub-job quests, AF, coffers, and stuff like that. Sad noone even mentioned me :(, but meh guess I'm not that remmebered cause I don't talk a lot and being rdm my skills sometimes get unnoticed even tough I make pt run smoothly ^^.

Anyways heres my list, I know i'm gonna miss people so forgive me if I miss you.

Alderon- Great SAM, good friend since low level and great to joke with.

Snekadid- Best friend in Game, one of the best drks, actually uses mp wisely and knows how to do play drk.

Angelofhope- Nice WHM chick althoug elvaan, Pt'ed with her at 57-60, she outlevel m cause i took break to farm :(

Bayowolf- Good person to make fun of

Messenger- Great DRK

Pokihiel- Great Taru MNK, crazy but good to joke and kid around with.

Gilg- Great guy to share experiences and startegies with, a fellow rdm.

I know I missed a lot of people, but meh, I'll check my FL later and post new ppl.

If anyone knows or remmbers me post something, I know I've helped ppl with stuff, even if it's bad post it.

#146 Dec 08 2004 at 3:06 AM Rating: Decent
Must... try... to resist... telling... of numourous... or... my own unspoken... good.... deeds... arghh!!!!!

#147 Dec 08 2004 at 3:33 AM Rating: Decent
I would like to say
Ghutts and Hymi
from the Hidden eye linkshell
they are trust-worthy
#148 Dec 08 2004 at 3:42 AM Rating: Good
I'm not going to mention LS members, since it seems pretty redundant, although I guess I should mention Armini, one of those elitest red mages who stepped off his throne to help a person in need. ><

Bummer- He's gone now, but a great friend and fellow monk. People on the monk forums aside, this is the guy who made me the monk I am today (btw, I'm a great monk {invite to join party}{yes, please}).

Glimfeather - I barely even know the guy, and he stands out as one of the friendliest nicest people I've ever met. I swear I thought he was a galka for the longest time too.

Borgan - Well, there goes the whole LS thing. He's a Sega fanboy, what more needs to be said? Okay, he saved my rear while I was lost on my way to Jeuno. I think he's one of the smartest people in the game, so if he don't know the answer, nobody does. And he usually knows the answer.

Okay, I've mentioned the three main categories; professional support (Bummer) niceness (Glim) and smarts (Borgy)....wait!

Takayami - My favorite funny person He may be the worst player as far as skill for all I care, he's a laugh riot. Few people can keep me typing "lol" and I'm actually laughing out loud irl as much as he does.

There still is one unfinished category. The "Ultimate Helper". If you want your name here, I got all my AF to do ><. Yes that was a desperate cry for help.

Oh, and Arm? This Pokihiel indivual, he seems like a swell guy! I'm a taru monk, he's a taru monk, so much in common! Pokihiel, if you ever see this, give me a /tell, my name is Pokiehl. I'd love to meet you!
#149 Dec 08 2004 at 2:13 PM Rating: Decent
74 posts
Oh and BTW Armeni, it's not cause he posted my name down, There are alotta great ppl that I couldn't remember all the great ppl but I've known this guy for a long time and he's been one of my best friends, glad he's on the forums^^
#150 Dec 08 2004 at 2:16 PM Rating: Decent
237 posts
Ooo~! I made the list! Then again I shouldn't of due to me and a little problem I have... >.> But thanks Emeryl! Now here's my little list!

Observer - I also know his brother, but I really met him when he joined my LS recently. He's a really nice guy and willing to help with anything! ^^

Avianna - Avi-mama! She came to Eldieme Necropolis to help me get my LB1 paper! Didn't happen cause I fell asleep... but she always helps out. :D

Beowolf - Beo is so like my big brother! He helped my get my DRG and BST job! He's so fun to be with! When he comes back from his break he's gonna help me get my AF and we are both going to get Rank 6! Yay! You better come back Beo-weo!! ; ;

Eisah - Helped me get my RSE! Eisah is just a great person. ^^ Fun to be around like Beo! :D

Rhyiel - Best BLM, and good friend. :D Only partied once... but if you catch up again Rhy-san we can party again! Whoo-hoo!! Hope you get Mary's Horn one day!

Trimble - Good'ol Trim. ^^ Always there for me. He says he's gonna help get me my AF, remaining Teleport scrolls, annnnnd a light
staff and Opal dress. x_x;; Everytime I've asked him to help me help another person with something, he helps. ^^ He's the best THF to me and a great guy!! Now stop leveling Trim so I can catch up again!!! ; ;

There are more that I can't think of, but would like to name... but can't remember. >.>;; But you all know who you are! So thank you!!! :D
#151 Dec 08 2004 at 2:47 PM Rating: Decent
978 posts
I guess I'll mention some people although I'll probably offend those I forget:

Wevrain: LS bud and one of the few PLDs I can go crazy on a mob with and keeps hate.

Caruthers:LS bud and has joined me on several adventures always a good BLM and always entertaing in the party.

Hikigaeru: LS bud and helped me with my skull a long time back and helps whenever I need something. Although he hasn't stopped bragging that he got Fenrir everywhere he goes but hey I would too.

Chiyoyo: Did a promyvion run with her and loved her teleport macro those of us in the party I talk with often still laugh about it any macro that funny deserves to be on the list.

Beanz: Great guy, great MNK loaned me some equipment so I wouldn't have to buy it. Very nice.

Shakes: Leader of a linkshell that I haven't seen on in a while his rantings about his love life are great entertainment.

Ruee: Did Rank 3 with her a long time back when her RDM and my MNK where same level now I am now where near her level. Was a good RDM when I partied with her and was a good BLM when I partied with her again.

Uchipu and the higher levels that helped me get my paper last night I forget your names, sorry.

Ishanti and Itnahsi: made a good linkshell real quick that I enjoy being on plus are good at thier jobs, although its been a long time since I partied with them, even if one of them is a sooner.

Kloe: someone put it best that anyone with this much fame amoungst PCs must be on the list and thats true even if I have only interacted with you a two or three times.

I also want to aknowledge the good players I never see on anymore: Taison, Tray, Vorin, Xerokool, Asataro, and the others who I miss not for thier skills but thier friendship.
/emote pours a bottle of Yag juice on the ground
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