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The most outstanding players (kudos)Follow

#152 Dec 08 2004 at 5:20 PM Rating: Default
Hmmmmmm yes poki, Like I said this pokihiel person is a very sarcastic taru MNK, sometimes a mean little ****, but fun, kinda like you huh?!?! Hmmmm coincidence....

Sarcasm "Do you have it?"
#153 Dec 08 2004 at 7:15 PM Rating: Decent
thnx vap thnx armeni, and i forgive the rest of u i know that have forgoten me >_< due to moving and being robbed ive moved into obscurity so heres my list
First shout out goes to all my friends who stay with me even tho im a ******* with good intentions, i promise if PVP comes out ill kill u guys last :D
vap:u dont get a best job because due to a couple thousand hard breaks u havent had time to become great at anything but as soon as u get back ill help u perfect yourself, i know u can, u also get this /clap because u were always good for a laugh and ur invite to esperunit allowed me to go up in the world so thnx
whm: i dont know any whm worth a kudos, for somereasons they all do somthing so screwed up i just stare dumbfounded so sorry guys, show me a positive example (dont say strong, ill spit on u)
War: issosarri(spellin?) dude ur the best war i know because ur the only war i know but u should become a pld.... war/pld limits u
rdm: sorry armeni u only get half of this award, it gets split with u, my longest time friend(first day), and calvern, my partner in crime on many excurtions into hell while u werent on
DRK: i want to say me but i cant, i am good as they pointed out but sadly my ego isnt as big as ppl think, Cig gets this award
blm: a split between my 2 friends basuakid(and his son) and drasken(tone down on the ancient magic dude, ull die less)
monk: mibuu, u get this award because while ur good vudian was better but he is not a thief o well
theif: vudian gets this trophy, he isnt bad tho i think my thf could take his
rng: yea there r alot of good rngs but Hegemon(gone....) gets this /cheer not only was he a amazing friend but he realized that rngs r more then just damage! hege, we all miss u and wish ud atleast stop by our forum
sam: alderon man, just wait for me to catch up ill prove u cant take me! and thank u for dropping what ever u were doing at the time to assist me when ever my whiny *** came on
nin: i mainly only know nin subs guys, so sorry remind me if i screwed up and know one
DRG: bayowolf, fattest galka to ever jump 100 feet in the air and miss! bayo for helping the newbs when i was too angry at theyre selfishness to go, and for being there when i needed 115 exp till 56 and didnt feel like looking for a party thnx and sorry for the cactaur scorp dual death :D
smn: nope
PLD: again a 2 way split, ziren leader of new tommrow(where the refugees that didnt like syrius went) and a good pld but Arnure is the best! i miss u man where did u go?!
bst: the only bst i know lokki gets ******* sorry if i got your name wrong man)
finaly id like to say ur all great for reading this.... but im even better for writing it so :P
#154 Dec 08 2004 at 11:15 PM Rating: Decent
610 posts
Ah'll make sure to tell Dead that someone's impressed with him other'n my l/s. :-) Ah call 'im l'il bro.

Personally ah'd give props to:

Gangaram- He's cool. Ah even died to help him get his LB3, he's just that cool.

Deadaim- He's busy leveling Rdm just to static with me, my wife Atlantismoon, Dominicus and his wife Wiccanmoondust and Budilo. Good guy, good rng.

Budilo- My online bro. LOL Him and me've died for each other so many times, we've made it into a Red Shirt joke. (Star Trek anyone? The guy in the red shirt on the away teams always died!)

Amelin- She gave my name to a guy out of the blue who contacted me to do a set of BCNM40's. Pt'd with her one night with my blm and then pt'd with her the next day for almost 4 lvls with my Pld in Qufim. Cool person.

Remington and Dagoth - IRL brothers, both a lot of fun.

There are many others out there that all deserve props, just too many to list all the way.

#155 Dec 09 2004 at 12:15 AM Rating: Decent people I know... Deadnedz, Klaw and Linkz.
These guys helped me alot, especially Klaw. Helped me get half my white mage artifact armor,lol. ^^; Deadnedz I've known for well, we actually basically started the game at the same time @.@. Lol always seen Linkz around Shiva since March 2004 and always thought he was JP until i finally talked to him like a month and a half ago XD. Good job on getting level 75 Linkz and Klaw! Deadnedz, Good job on completing LB5! Hurry and get 75!
#156 Dec 09 2004 at 2:17 AM Rating: Decent
17 posts
/hurray ctrl+f finally found "Alderon"

Thanks for the /nod Arm and Snek, You guys are always good t have around for a random insult battle.

Oh and btw Snekadid, Meikyo Shisui will lose to Blood Weapon the day that hell freezes over and some other rediculous thing that i am too tired to think of now /doze
#157 Dec 09 2004 at 2:03 PM Rating: Decent
u wish, u can use your two hour, ill live then whip out with mine and souleater and your done foo
#158 Dec 09 2004 at 3:40 PM Rating: Good
Outstanding players huh... ok,

All of LS: PinoyElite XD you know who you are wahehehe...
#159 Dec 11 2004 at 2:39 PM Rating: Decent
A few very nice people have helped me.

Kudos to-

Kristy(?), a very nice white mage who raised my group in valkurm about 20 times and helped us all get damselfly worms and magicked skulls...

Klaw,level 70 something paladin who helped me with 3-3 in delkfuts tower...

Scar, he helped me right after Klaw did. He bought me a tenshodo invite and helped me get rank 5. I can finally ride the airship!...

Tonza, I think he said was from netherlands, raised me when i was soloing my bard and gave me a free tele-holla so i could go back home to sandoria. He told me next time not to take on decent challenge. :) ...

There are many more hope I didn't miss too many.
#160 Dec 12 2004 at 12:26 PM Rating: Decent
Kristy(?), a very nice white mage who raised my group in valkurm about 20 times and helped us all get damselfly worms and magicked skulls...

It's spelt Kristi. I know her too, she rocks. ^_^
#161 Dec 12 2004 at 9:28 PM Rating: Decent
It's spelt Kristi. I know her too, she rocks. ^_^

Lol, thanks Min. =P

Anyways, here's my new list. ^_^

Cenaurefa - My bestest friend in the game. ^_^ Very nice and helpful Rdm.
Ministerofchaos- Another one of my good friends. =P
Zoloe- My soon-to-be in-game hubby. ^_^ Always there to die with me in those high level areas.
Scar- Very nice Pld. I don't think there's anything I could do to repay all the things he's done for me!
Areton- He may be very evil sometimes but he's always been there to help me when I need it.
Leucent- One of my first friends on this game and one of the coolest people I know. ^^ Now a level 63 Smn.
Marooni-Nice lvl 55 nin. ^^ Helped a few people in my party get stuff for LB1.
Bludshot- She helped me get the Paper for LB1. ^_^
And sadly, the rest of the good people quit the game. =(

Edited, Sun Dec 12 21:29:38 2004 by SoccersAngel

Edited, Sun Dec 26 14:46:36 2004 by SoccersAngel
#162 Dec 16 2004 at 12:36 PM Rating: Decent
Well it's been a while since I've played but I want to get back on. (been 5 months since I have played)

Imho the best players I have ever played with or that have helped me are:

The greatest one imho
Kohlmann: When he was a Drk in the beginning and now from what I understand that he's a blm. When we first started playing the game over a year ago because it was always a race to level our players the fastest. And also he made the game fun because he was the biggest A$$hole about everything.

Silverblaze: The best in game friend I have ever had, we played a lot in the beginning together, but then we grew apart but we always still talked about what we acomplished and what we found.

Tropicsloth: I remember him because we would always /slap each other around and we would do it for about 10 to 20 minutes nonstop.

Neostrin: Really didn't play with him but he is a RL friend that helped me with missions and quests.

Baer: When he was still playing with Kohlmann and myself, From what I remember he was one of the best Pld's back in the day (ok so it was only about 12 months ago but still, come on;) )

Well these 5 are the most memorable and probably some of the Best and most knoweldgable players in the game.

Kudos for the one who started this post.
#163 Dec 16 2004 at 6:28 PM Rating: Good
582 posts

The best.
The kindest.
The sweetest.

Thank you for being my friend.
#164 Dec 18 2004 at 6:15 PM Rating: Decent
36 posts
Eh, thanks Moomba. If i had the patience to list 'em, you know you'd be on the top. ^.^
#165 Dec 20 2004 at 11:43 AM Rating: Decent
Geez, there're so many. I only wish i lvl'd enough to remember names. The few that come to mind:

Midland- playing war at time
Beanz- been playing with this guy for a while, won't lvl until he's got the right equipment, always helpful, and always lucky.

Crayola- she was super helpfull one day in Jeuno, when i was very green. Needed gil fast and was trying to sell a stack of fire crystals from my bazar. /sh Anyone want to buy a stack of fire crystals for 1200g? /ch Mescalito lmao. That was probably the first time i was put on someones blist.
#166 Dec 21 2004 at 3:51 AM Rating: Default
164 posts
Thanks for the nod Mesc and Aga!
Here goes my list:

Mescalito: Gave me a linkpearl in the dunes when i was just starting out... from then on he's been the one guy i can always trust to help me in a pinch. Also, some of the best conversations ever.

Ishanti and Itnahsi: For being 2 of the nicest people alive, and for starting a great linkshell that keeps me coming back, even when I really don't want to.

Pokiehl: The craziest damn Taru monk this ugly bald Hume has ever seen.

Cathleene: Best damn Summoner ever! Period!

Beamer: What can I say, this little bugger is fantastic at every job I've seen him play (too bad he gave up on Bard >_<).

I know I've missed a crapload of people, so I'll edit this post as I think of em.
#167 Dec 21 2004 at 4:12 AM Rating: Decent
Why does everybody mention me by "That insane/crazy/weird etc. taru mnk"? Am I truly that insane/crazy/weird? LIES!!!

Here's a list of my monk friends!
Onikagemaru - He's a stinky galka. Only he doesn't stink too much, he takes his weekly bath. He's an excellent monk. Fun to talk too, great person to know.

Beanz - He's like Oni, only he's a icky Hume. He helps me out a bit, too bad he's too nice, helping others and all, that he doesn't spend enough time leveling. I

Maikii - He was once an uber other guy (hume sam), but then he become a taru monk. He's like me, only not as insane. Or crazy, and I don't think he's weird at all. Oh well, he's nice.

Here's a list of other people who aren't monks
Isosaari - He's mean to me. Very rude, and sarcastic. But he introduced me to KingsofAggro LS, and he did help me with tons of stuff. LB1 paper and AF2 in particular, but also lotsa little stuff along the way. He's a war, but he's mega lvling bard now.

Moogle - He's my friend. He follows me around Jeuno. But only I can see him.
Moogle - This one is in my MH all the time, he's lazy, doesn't do the dishes, makes long distance phone calls, and eats the last of my cookies.
Nomad Moogle - He's in other places, Rabao, Kazham, and Norg. He has a cool bandana.
Market Moogle - I saw him in Port Sandy. He was very rude to me. I don't know why, but I guess I'm not a good enough adventuring crafter or something.
Moogle - Everybody can see this moogle. He's doing something with the Smilebringer. All I know is, he thought I was ugly and teleported me to another city. He's very evil.
#168 Jan 08 2005 at 12:41 AM Rating: Decent
Some of the people in game that have shaped me into the player i am now are (in no order):

Kenshiro always very helpfull to me
Kloe <===gave me a home ^^
Eldonia thanks for all the info

and to all the members of the KittyKatGang and Holycircle LS
#169 Jan 13 2005 at 4:19 PM Rating: Decent
451 posts
thanks for the mention shaady ^^

someone i think that deserves to be mentioned on here is Lokky. He has been a good friend for a long time in this game, he helps out poeple a lot and doesn't get reconized for it much. I appreciate all he has done for me and my LS. He is an outstanding player in my opinion, and words can't describe how much he is appreciated by me. He is a loyal friend and always willing to help out others. So thank you lokky ^^
#170 Jan 13 2005 at 10:09 PM Rating: Decent
1,249 posts
Ladyofhonor because she offered to solo Dark Spark for me, and did for the most part, but we hooked up with another party, Between Wheeling Thrust and Shark Bite for Light SC, DS was gone.
#171 Jan 19 2005 at 12:49 AM Rating: Good
im horrible with names i would just like to thank all the random people who have escorted me or helped me get items for whatever quest..and especially those people who stop and give me a raise.
ill try to list a few names of people i realy like to play or just chat with while playing.

freakpinoy...realy cool guy he was in one of the very first parties i was ever in. hes the one who escorted me to jueno to get my choco and he also tagged along and helped me with my drk quest guy, when he heard that i was having problems getting back to windy, he showed up with three two other people i didnt know from his ls all decked out in crazy gear and made sure i made it back safely

theplumber...havnt known him long but we just about talk everytime i am on no matter where we are. we mostly talk about our crappy parties in the dunes

becki...havnt known her long. she is just a cool girl. i was supposed to log one night but instead we sat there and talked for about an hour.
#172 Jan 20 2005 at 7:41 PM Rating: Decent
62 posts
i guess i should make my "kudos" :P

erdrin - got me to start playing this lovely game, and helped me out from the beginning, taught me how to play and gave me "starter" gil. has helped with so many other things too. thank you.

lyris - been there since our n00b dunes pt and has helped with numerous things ^^

rayth - same as above, and helps me with whatever i need. ^^

ohm - helped me with my rdm af1 long, long ago. XD

bludshot - met randomly in the dunes, when we were around the same level rdm. has assisted with my rdm afs <3

valgaras - took me in and helped me get my windy 6-1/6-2 missions done and will most likely help me the rest of the way XD

thrillho - my ls thf, helps me whenever he can with coffer keys and such :P

bamexican - for being our kickass war with assless chaps + tube top. so hot. :D

teddyweddy - for being there when i need to talk and offers to help me with whatever. ty <3

shallowdeep - kick *** hume-o monk + whm :D mom rocks too ^^

astrael - for helping out with a coffer key when asked by me randomly.. hehe ^^ ty

i think i'm missing some ppl but i can't think right now.. but last on my list will be:

jiangjunizzy or whatever for calling me a ****** rdm for not giving him refresh ^^ XD

<3 to everyone in Statik <3 ^^

Edited, Thu Jan 20 19:51:23 2005 by notsopritty
#173 Jan 29 2005 at 11:39 PM Rating: Decent
most outstanding people hmmm.

Kloe- KKG leader and good friend
Aida-Leader of Ghostbear!!!
Tarah-a great bard and great friend (we miss you)
Ithorien-SAM friend and buys the most expensive thing :P
Alouzon-we go way back to the days ofr noobage
Heimdall-a mentor
Cresscentmoon-one hell of a WHM
Zinga and Bushilini;cutest taru couple ever.
Kinetica-best friend.
Tgmoomba: really cool LS mate. you can learn a lot from him.
Mythrilmoogle: great combat buddy and LS friend.\
Riva: my in game fiancee.where are you ; ;.
Angelrinoa:only PLD that will use a Great Sword to battle. Very hardcore.
#174 Jan 30 2005 at 12:19 AM Rating: Decent
298 posts
I would have to say Messenger and Garnetffix are outstanding players. Kudos for them for helping me out all the time and being awesome people. thanks
#175 Jan 31 2005 at 1:42 AM Rating: Decent
1,029 posts
Its good to know nobody on the server likes me at all haha.
Anyway heres my few.

Caution -(no longer with us) Helped me when i was a weee little rng we died many times together.

Jittyan - Nicent person i have ever met on ffxi. Soloed lb1 in an hour for me and helped me with many af. After all his help i took him to do Utsusemi quest in Grotto and he forced me to take 10k. Said he would feel really horrible if i didnt take gil for repaying him for help me. I was like wtf! lol

Echondas - Only level 61 after all this time but thanks for endless PL esp on my thf :D

Kaihlyn - (no longer with us) We caused sooo much trouble together haha. Oh man the good old days of pissing off that neo-**** Gauln ROFL.

Last but not least... Grimshady. (no longer with us) He kicked my *** from KoS cuz for some reason lol. We hated each other for months then suddenly became very good friends. He doesnt play anymore i and i still gain new enemies everyday cuz i stick up for his ***! Keepin it real in ure absence Grim! :D
#176 Feb 02 2005 at 4:27 PM Rating: Decent
46 posts
My nominations for outstanding players are very personal, and have more to do with personality than playing style.

Ixora - The best Ninja I have met. But more than that, one of the gentlest souls I have ever had the pleasure to know. Always ready to help anyone at the drop of a hat, and yet was able to level multiple jobs into the 60s. I was fortunate enough to have partied with Ix many times, and it was always great fun. Sadly Ixora left the game on Jan 31st. She will be greatly missed.

Enzouryuu - A quick witted and funny red mage, I have not yet had the chance to party with Enzo. Hopefully someday soon. Enzo also helped me greatly when I got stuck leveling white mage.

Trench - An impressive Galka paladin, and a good friend. I laughed til I had tears in my eyes the first time I saw his "Behold the power of cheese" WS macro. Whenever I do a mis-tell I think of Trench. He left the game in November of last year, and is also greatly missed.

Himura - An excellent ranger. I partied with him in the dunes at level 17. He was ranger and I was summoner. His ranger is now 73, and my summoner is still only 19. Go Himura!

Ralli - Excellent all around player. He helped Argent and me get our Kazham keys what seems like 100 years ago. I've had the pleasure of partying with his white mage, black mage and summoner. He does them all well. I hear he's a pretty good dark knight too.

Argent - As fine a red mage as one could hope to know, and an even better friend. We met as newbs in the dunes, and have been playing together closely ever since. I simply don't have the words to describe what his friendship means to me.

Others come to mind, many of whom have left the game: Alexel, Arcangel, Azryel, Azryanka, Clist, Craubaud, Demonhunter, Lilhawke, Katja, Leed, Leonhart, Leyakit, Nabella, Onionfire, Pakkratt, Tarumart, and more...
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