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#1 Oct 02 2004 at 10:48 PM Rating: Decent
I do not know if this is looked down on here, but can you ask for a PL here? I would pay good gil for it, on a hourly rate. It would be for the lvl 20 - 25 range (of course not all at once lol), so it would be in a party. Just want the xp to come n at a fast pace with good assurance of no death :) If you are interested, please make me an offer. I do know that this is in the several thousand+ rate area, so I would not offer you like 250gil lol.

P.S. if this is against the rules or just not cool, let me know, and I will delete the post and never do it again :)
#2 Oct 03 2004 at 1:06 AM Rating: Good
142 posts
FYI, even though my post is shifting topic I decided it would be beneficial in the long run anyhow. each time someone posts the thread gets bumped ^^

anyhow, I wished to say that I don't think this thread/request breaks any rules I've heard of. I do think that PLing is a bad thing though. Ultimately your skills take a huge hit from being pl'd. For instance, if you're lvling ninja and being pl'd; why actually blink tank? the PL'er has the mp. So why waste your ninja tools? the simple answer is because it raises your ninjitsu. Yet people don't like to throw away gil for nothing so the result is your ninjitsu skill suffers. Any job is the same way. There is some skill that gets shelved when someone is pling you.

I realize this few isn't popular but I wanted to point out the flaws for pling on a public forum. Even though everyone's mother and brother wants to get pl'd for whatever reason.
#3 Oct 03 2004 at 1:21 AM Rating: Decent
333 posts
Depending on the skill of your PL'er and your job/gear setup, 20-25 *can* be a breeze. with 0 deaths too lmao.
#4 Oct 03 2004 at 2:10 AM Rating: Decent
Yeah, all I wanted was 20-25. I am a WHM, and I really wanted to get Raise again. Yes, again. I had a lvl 38 WHM before, but I thought I was done with the game and quit. My old WHM expired, and now I am rebuilding lol. I really like having Raise, and not as a way to make money (there are a lot better ways to make gil), but to help ppl. That is why I play these games. So, if someone out there can help me, please post an offer here (I know it will be a lot per hour) or send me a PM. Thanks!
#5 Oct 03 2004 at 2:20 AM Rating: Decent
Oh, and I wish I did not have to say this, but just so no one thinks im a scammer who will Pl then run, I will prepay for each hour in 15 minute querters! :)
#6 Oct 03 2004 at 11:11 AM Rating: Decent
451 posts
if you are getting a PL here's a little advice, you don't have to take it i'm just lettin you know. The exp is faster if you have a full party with a PLer. You should try to get mostly damage dealers too, that way you will kill the mob quickly and since the PLer will keep everyone alive no need for healers in your party really, maybe one just in case. I don't think PLing is wrong, I just think that if you don't have a job to at least lvl 30 you shouldn't be PLed. There are some people that start the game and have a friend or relative PL them to lvl 30 or higher and they have no clue about party dynamics. They are the "noobs" that you see at higher lvls.
#7 Oct 03 2004 at 2:41 PM Rating: Decent
Thank you for the advice. I know that I will have to be in a pt for the PLing to work, as it would take forever (if it is even possible) to PL soloing at lvls 20-25. I am familiar with the pt dynamics, as I had a lvl 38 WHM, but let him expire when I thought I was done playing the game. All my old friends are gone now, as I was gone for quite a while, or I would ask one of them to do it. Thanks for postng!
#8 Oct 06 2004 at 3:09 PM Rating: Good
93 posts
Powerleveling is for those too lazy to level up the proper way.

I won't accept a powerlevel, even from my LS, and I won't powerlevel others.

If you are soley powerleveled, how else will you learn how to party....
#9 Oct 06 2004 at 8:13 PM Rating: Decent
298 posts
if you listen to what he says, he already had a character and is trying to get one back up. so he already knows how to party and what not. read what he says and you will understand.
#10 Oct 06 2004 at 8:43 PM Rating: Decent
132 posts
Any job is the same way. There is some skill that gets shelved when someone is pling you.

This is SO true... I got PLed from 1-8 (it's fun having a WHM stalker ^_^;;) And my healing magic sucked until recently, when i just went aroudn healing everyoen i saw that coudl have used it. I don't See PLing as a bad thing though, say you're at level 16, and you get tagteamed by a bogy and a ghoul (bad luck of course, not picking a fight), someone comes and raises you without getting rid fo the bogy first, and the instant you're on your feet, the bogy slags you again. so now you're down 760 xp from where you were. Say it happens again until to Lvl down to 15 again. in this instance i can see having someone PL you back to 16. you've got gear and spells fo rthat level, but because you Dlvled you can't use them.

In that way, i see PLing as okay. But yes, someone who gets excessifely PLed will never grasp party dynamics, resulting in the "I attack NOWZ!" people. ^_^;
#11 Oct 06 2004 at 9:02 PM Rating: Decent
465 posts
I believe that if you've never played the job before and you are intending to party up with it (as main job) in the long run, you shouldn't be PL'd. In the lower level ranges (10-19), you'll most likely be in Valkurm Dunes. Now it hurts when you die, but dying at these levels aren't so bad. And with an HP in selbina (or even the outpost and little waypoint by Konschtat), getting back the lost exp is a snap. These levels are where you learn most of the mechanics of the job you're playing. Being pl'd through these levels I think would be detrimental to your ability to play the job correctly when it really really counts.

Mages, you get a cycle down and learn to time your spells and knowing which spells to use. And get in the groove of checking multiple sources of information (chat window, battle screen, HP/MP status of pt members, your own information).

Melee damage dealers, you learn how to pace yourself to ensure you don't rip hate off the tank, yet can maximize your damage output accordingly. And checking multiple sources of information (mainly for tp and renkei).

Tanks learn how to manage and keep hate (voking, if first time, and timing cures and managing mp for pld). And checking multiple sources of information (mainly for tp and renkei).

Just because one has level XX in one job doesn't necessarily mean they know how to play another. Just as mage classes are similar yet very different, so are melee (DD and Tank) classes. Functions may be the same, but you have different tools to get used to. And just because you've seen or read how a job functions, doesn't mean you know how to play it.

Well, that's what I think anyway.
#12 Oct 06 2004 at 9:05 PM Rating: Decent
465 posts
Talisia wrote:
I don't See PLing as a bad thing though, say you're at level 16, and you get tagteamed by a bogy and a ghoul (bad luck of course, not picking a fight), someone comes and raises you without getting rid fo the bogy first, and the instant you're on your feet, the bogy slags you again. so now you're down 760 xp from where you were. Say it happens again until to Lvl down to 15 again. in this instance i can see having someone PL you back to 16. you've got gear and spells fo rthat level, but because you Dlvled you can't use them.

In that way, i see PLing as okay. But yes, someone who gets excessifely PLed will never grasp party dynamics, resulting in the "I attack NOWZ!" people. ^_^;

I agree with this as well.

... "I attack n0wZ!" /poke Lumbering Lambert DX
#13 Oct 09 2004 at 4:11 PM Rating: Good
116 posts
In general I frown upon PLing just because I want to PLAY the game, not simply get levels etc. It's the same reason I detest the practice of buying gil with RL money.

Having made that clear, there was one time in the game I allowed an LS member to PL me, namely 8-11 thf. I started the game as a thf, hated it so much I almost quit playing. Eventually I discovered Rdm and swore to never touch thf again. Now that I understand so much more about the game, I recently wanted to level thf up for farming purposes etc, but I realized that I'd be in for hours of miserable repetitive playing. I had him help me to 11, and then once I could get a pt in dunes I toughed it out. Thf and a couple other classes are tortureously bad at solo play (at least at that level) and I found in a case like that I'd much rather "get it over with" than spend time in a game having no fun at all. In 98% of situations I've been in so far I found ways to have fun.

I think of it as an admission of defeat to accept PLing.

I've been known to leave a PT if someone brings an "extra" outside healer along to speed things also. Having a high level LS member nearby to save the day if all hell breaks loose is one thing, but PLing in general leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Edited, Sat Oct 9 17:12:15 2004 by RainsweptRedmage
#14 Oct 10 2004 at 12:31 PM Rating: Excellent
29 posts
I find PLing extremely bad for anyone, and pretty distasteful to boot. So distasteful that I refuse to get one personally or be in a party that brings one in. I simply disband and go seek again. I actually rate it only slightly better than people that support that farce of a business in gil selling.

Unfortunatley, both of these problems exist, and lazy people will use these "services" with the shallow excuses of "I don't have the time to level" or "I don't ever get enough gil playing". I accept that they exist and won't go away, but refuse to support either of them as an acceptable use of the game. If you don't have the time to work on your own character, find a game that doesn't take up so much of your precious time.

Several good points have been raised by posts earlier in this thread, and I'll admit that a few of the people supporting Power Leveling have valid claims to use it. However, I'll support or deny these cases as they come up. There's more at stake than a few quick levels for an impatient player.

1) Skills suffer - Damn right they do. All the skills you use in the game only improve if you use them a lot. And don't pull the 'but I sat outside my Mog House and leveled my skill for 2 hours' routine. Whm's Holy magic skill won't get a tenth of a point from that, and Blm's are SOL unless they're casting on something that'll take damage. It's also pretty hard to do a skillchain when your 2 Wars only know Fast Blade and Hard Slash. Keep this one in mind too: Enhancing and Curing magic tend to get faster skillups when being cast on someone who actually needs it.

2) It's okay, I'm getting PowerLeveled past the problem levels -
No, you're encouraging people to not learn the dynamics of forming and supporting a party. I've very rarely seen a personal Power Level in progress, it's usually done by a hi-lev on top of a party that's already been formed. In fact, I've seen several people in the Dunes shouting at the top of their lungs for invites because they bring a powerleveler with them.

3) No harm, No foul - BS. As in the example directly above, the person bringing in the PLer may or may not be within shout range of the party that brings him aboard. The party leader may also just want a PL as well, and ignore the fact that any of the members of the party want to LEARN how to play their jobs instead of being spoonfed experience. Hell, FFXI is a global game, the party members may not speak English! {gasp} This is especially crucial at early levels, where limited ability, spells, hitpoints, and skills need to be worked with so that the players learn the limits and strengths of each of them. Not letting the tank die for using Berserk (Attack up, DEFENSE DOWN) because he just got a shiney new job ability means he'll keep doing it even further on in his career as that class. It also forces you to use Teamwork to set up chains of difficult enemies, not just Toughs, instead of dying for going {Full Attack!} all the time because the WAR gets it into his head that only IT++ mobs are worth killing.

This general lack of player experience and research reflects poorly on Americans as a whole, causing a bit of a split between us and the rest of the world. In fact, there are plenty of players who {do not speak any English} who can understand most of what's being said around them, and cringe when the party around them calls in a DRK or DRG to be main tank. Have any of you been to Yahoator Jungle during American off-hours? About 7-11AM EST? The Kazham zone is clear. I've never seen a JP party zone a Mandy or Gob because they bit off more than they could chew. They work out a procedure and get organized into a clean leveling unit that regularly gets chain #5's. Granted, in Japanese cluture teamwork is ingrained, but they all pretty much brought their characters up from scratch without any tricks.

Some of you may accuse me of giving/recieving a PL myself. Okay, you've got me. I've given a power level to a friend on a rare occasion. Let me reiterate: a friend. He or she had proven to me on several occasions that they were competent and knowlegable, had been through Yuhtunga and realized that having 3 mages and 1 'voker made dead parties. I also only popped them up level to get their next set of armor/weapons equipped. The most important fact is that I didn't get paid gil bought from IGN to do it.

Now recieving one, I've only technically done so with my second character, and that was mostly ******** around. It had started with just a pair of low levels kicking orcs around in Ft. Ghelshba, until my partner's fiancee showed up to chat and show off his summons. With that setup, I figured 'what the hell', knowing that if I could hit a higher level mob, I'd get better skillups. So, I went on {Full Suicide} and attacked anything that looked at me funny. Kudos to Tillis and Niekolaas for keeping up with a suicidal elvaan(YARR!!). Even though we ended up with only a level and a half from our run through the place, I got my Great Axe skill from single digits up to the low 40's in a short period of time.

As PLing does NOT break any rules in the TOS, or is mentioned in any way, the whole issue is one of opinion. Granted, this rant of mine's a bit lenghty, but what I've seen is that only huge posts on Alla get any kind of attention at all, and that you've all probably rated this post before you've even read down to this point.

Perhaps I shouldn't post when I'm tired and frustrated after proving that Mithra make better Tenshodo airship courriers with Tillis 3x over. Vents of your true opinion usually get shot down anyhow.
#15 Oct 10 2004 at 3:24 PM Rating: Decent
80 posts
At first I objected to PL'ing, mainly because of the many reasons already stated. But, I love getting PL'ed now ><.

Do take the time to learn the job and get appropriate equipment/spells. I don't see anything wrong with your situation, since you've already been there before.

On average, I'd say the going rate for a PL is 10-20k an hour depending on level of the party, PL, etc. You'll want to make sure the PL is at least 25-30 levels above your level to keep things going smoothly. White mage is good, but red mage is even better 41+.

Good luck.

Edit: Oh, and black mage isn't bad at 42+ if you're fighting mobs that have mp. The blm can just keep a mob slept and aspir it. Also, by that level he should have cure 3.

Edited, Sun Oct 10 16:35:09 2004 by TaruVaxx
#16 Oct 10 2004 at 4:47 PM Rating: Good
is it safe to say im the only person on shiva who thinks pls are boring, dull, and show a lack of skill? i mean really, not to put anyone down... but i hate when people invite me, the say, oh, we have a plvler... i like to earn it, its fun, its a challange, and takes more skill. you dont worry about links, aggro, low mp, down time... maybe that is what everyone wants, but to me the whole fun of the game is the challange, and the continued challange all the way through.
plvlers and everyone begging for it are kinda takin the fun out of it for me... sure its easy xp... but i get bored with it really fast... its just not fun...
thats me anyway, im sure no one else agrees...
#17 Oct 10 2004 at 6:18 PM Rating: Good
I reallllly dont like the whole power leveling thing; although I do understand about wanting to get your character as high as possible as soon as possible. I guess a power level could kind of be construed as like... the whole gil buying thing. Some people will like it and use it and some people will hate it and spit on it. I myself dont agree with them but i would be lying if I said I hadnt been in a party where a power leveler came and leveled the party. I certainly didnt leave the party when it happened either. I guess its just annoying to see people getting off easy when i have worked to attain all what I have. Call it petty or whatever but I think thats why I dont like it.
#18 Oct 24 2004 at 12:24 AM Rating: Default
i don't usually pl ppl, but i'm currently very poor and would be open to making some gil by pl'ing ppl. my whm is 47 so i am comfortable with pl'ing ppl in the 1-25 range with the exception of ppl under rank 2-3(dragon mission). i don't want to create high lvl noobs(as i may get stuck with one as one of the many jobs i play). i can easily make 10-15k per hour farming so my fees will be 8k/hour lvl 10-15, 10k/hour lvl 15-20, and 15k/hour through the qufim lvls(exceptions and bargains are up for discussion). plz send me a message, my in game name is Daikishii.
#19 Oct 26 2004 at 10:26 PM Rating: Decent
117 posts
now i used to not care about people being PLed cause i've been lucky and when i got in parties with a PL everyone know what they were doing but was in a party tonight where the tank didn't know how to tank. He was a lvl 33 war/nin and i was getting hit more than him as a whm. And i wasn't even using the high lvl cures either i was taking hate casting 1 cure2.

Now i've never played a melee job but even i know that if your the tank you sould voke as soon as it comes up. This person voked maybe twice a fight once when it first got there then before using a weapon skill.

Ohh and before you ask how i knew he was PLed his PLer friend showed up half way through the night.
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