Hello everyone,
good evening! Ok obviously I am looking for a static PT, lol.
My work schedual is changing on Saturday Oct. 16 to: WED-FRI off. I will also be on from about midnight CST Sat-Tues to about 4Am or so, I am about to hit lv 48 SMN I think 900TNL? anyway I may need to either 1) Wait until I get my LB1 before starting a static or 2) be in a static with others that need LB1 and use the static Pt to obtain our Items. =D
I can and am willing to be a Main or Backup healer. I have good armor and alotta MP, being I am a Tarutaru Summoner.
If interested either leave a post or, /tell me in game.
If you already have started a Static Pt and just need a Main or Backup healer then I am at your service. Thank you for reading. =D