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Biased GM/Scandalous JPFollow

#27 Oct 15 2004 at 6:53 PM Rating: Decent
20 posts
an all north american server would be perfect in my opinion. Don't have to worry about NM's spawning earlier for them and whatnot. Would be willing to start completely over for a North American server even with the time it took getting equip and lvls.
#28REDACTED, Posted: Oct 15 2004 at 8:14 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Everyone whos been flaming me.....Kiss my *** and go to hell. To hell with the goddamn japanese, and Final Fantasy players all over the world
#29 Oct 16 2004 at 12:18 AM Rating: Excellent
3,033 posts
I lotted for an ancient papyrus in Eldieme Necropolis and won the lot after about 5 days of attempting this. Before I obtained my paper, the server crashed and I was unable to log on the rest of the night. When I logged back on, I had lost my paper.

I told a member of a Japanese LS, name unimportant, what had happened, and she took me and a level 49 thief I had teamed up with in lower Jueno to get our paper. I was shouting for help for almost 2 hrs. No one responded but her. She is a lvl 75 taru black mage with uber equipment who I will allow to remain anonymous.

Things were going well. We killed 5 liches and then a noob train rolled through. A couple tomb mages and warriors along with those dog type things put an end to all 3 of us. I apologized profusely to her, but she said no problem, and not to worry about it. She leveled down. o.O

What did she do? She kept going. She got in touch with her LS for some help, and 15 of them in full AF or better came and owned Eldieme until we got both papers.

How many NA LS groups would have done that for virtual unknown JP? I don't know too many that would. While there are many JP that wouldn't have done this, the same can be said for NA players.

I think JP value their time as much as we do, and you have to realize they have goals they might be trying to achieve. If they don't stop what they are doing to help you, maybe they are busy or don't understand the language. Some won't respond out of embarrassment. They were never good at English in school and are afraid of making mistakes in communicating. Some of them might be doing rank missions or HNM hunting and don't have time to figure out what you're saying. Maybe they were running through the dunes to own Archulete to help someone with an AF drop and so didn't stop to kill a goblin that was owning you. Big deal. ^^
#30 Oct 16 2004 at 12:37 AM Rating: Good
your all going on about this JP / NA hate war thing going on. Have any of you taking into consideration us EU players out there. Ive been playing for 7 months now and have to say that NA players can be as much giant A-holes as JP players. Nobody really seems to take EU players into consideration. Ive pts with NA, JP, EU. i have to say that its not really a specific race of people rather than individuals.

Some people are destined to just suck. Its got nothing to do with which country your from. Just for the fact some people just suck plain and simple. think of it this way.

We all know people from NA that are notorious because they suck. Well the JP have the same thing going on there. Some of them just suck plain and simple. I havent met any EU players that suck yet and believe me ive been leveling my level 1 jobs just to pt with them to test em out this doesnt mean they arnt out there.

Also this NA server talk is total rubbish. The point of the game is to bring all the races of vana'diel together and to co-operate. so is the game. to bring JP and NA and EU together in the same fashoin. Segregating each other will just cause more problems. Sure we wouldnt be on the same servers. but we would lose a lot. A piece of the human soul and the hope that we can work things out. Communication is the key to a long lasting good relationship between all peoples. Not hiding.

Not all JP are bad.
Not all NA are bad.
Not all EU are bad.

People need to realise this. Respect is the key. If we all gave each other respect things would rock.
#31 Oct 16 2004 at 4:31 AM Rating: Decent
491 posts
just to see if I understood your original story but...

you got suspended for going to your home point after the level 75 casted raise on you? since when did going to home point become a violation? (i mean if it was, they shouldn't have put the "Allow yourself to be raised?" question in place)

and somebody deemed it worthy to call a GM over that? "I casted raise on someone and they rejected it! BAN THEM!!"

/sigh the calls that the GM do answer (and then actually do something about) versus the ones they never respond to seem to be getting more and more rediculous.
#32 Oct 16 2004 at 9:05 AM Rating: Decent
I guess the best way to summarize it is everyone of the three categories of player cultures has its asses and its bastages. They also for the best part of a majority are not ******** but as we all know ya never hear about the positive experiences until a thread lik this gets going.

As far as my experiences in Japan, well I AM in the military and they may treat us differently than they do someone like an exchange student... as far as being an extreme patriot. Well... lol youd be surprised to find that 90% of the troops are not American zealots. We do a job, we get paid, we get good benefits, and good money for college and getting life started.

I think that starting a few servers that were just english speaking, and Japanese speaking would be a good idea. If people wanted to go there they could. I myself like having people from all around the world on the game. It would be difficult to start an all European server because of all the different languages spoken.

Oh and this thread has been pretty hate free for the most part so far... and most of the posts have been intelligent. Lets keep the personal crap outta this... lesbian vacation... jeez... that was lame... oh wait... it was Sepukku..
#33 Oct 16 2004 at 9:10 AM Rating: Decent
Splits I think he got banned for what was said afterwords not for rejecting the raise.

So I told her she was a blatant racist after discovering her intentions, and that of her party. I realize I should of been appreciative for a raise at all, but their prejudice made me so upset I didnt even care. Later I get transported to the GM prison the next day, saying I've been suspended for 3 days

The real question I have is, how do you know that she didnt give you more than Raise I because you were NA ? I guess I never really realized you didnt say that... you just kinda went off on some rant about prejudice.

No, the japanese player decides that because im an american player, she uses raise I.

How do you know this ? Let us all know please.
#34 Oct 18 2004 at 2:12 PM Rating: Default
3,139 posts
ummm.....As far as not being able to find a party or lvl or get the items i need. i highly doubt that considering now I very rarely PT with JP players. Yes i do on occasion PT with them if they accept the invite, but 98% of the time my PT's are all na's from within the USA. Which means if they were to make an NA server i wouldnt have problem. you gotta figure that even though it would be an NA server there are people playing all hours of the day. the different time zones, ages, work, school all of that stuff. The server would quickly enough balance itself out. And it's not a "I'm a whiny *****....etc" theory. `

/clap congratulations for being the most selfish person ever. Man if it wouldnt affect your play time, why not do it then? Well lets see, YOUR NOT THE ONLY PERSON PLAYING!!!!

You might never have to party with JP to get experience, but i asusre you many people do. And i can tell you i would NOT have gotten 15K exp this weekend had there not been a few JP willing to party with some NA's.

Yes there are scum bags in every culture, i would just think that the americans would have learned by now that racism is NEVER GOOD.

I guess il sumarize this way and be done withy this thread (although i enjoy many of the educated comments here).

Everyone is allowed their opinions, and has the right to play the game the way they choose. If you dont like JP players, then dont play with them. If you dont like a raise 1, then HP. IF you dont like what someone else is doing, then /blist them. And i will be sure to avoid those i know to be racist, as i dont have the patience, and will not tolerate that type of ignorance in my parties.

#35 Oct 18 2004 at 5:07 PM Rating: Decent
This is just for starters which has nothing to do with the actual topic.

1. America is the greatest country in the world.
2. If you take it for granted (Like Hinageshii has) then you dont deserve to be here.

I hate this "America is the greatest country in the world" phrase you hear all the time from ignorant americans. The majority of these people, have never left America. So how can you say America is the greatest country in the world if you have nothing to compare it to?If one of the people you worked with came in everyday and said "I'm the greatest person here. And all of you pathetic worms would be lost without me", you would be pretty pissed.

Now that I've gotten that off of my chest, lets get on to the real matter at hand. All I've heard so far is "The JP is mean, he didn't do something that was 100% beneficial to me. So I'm going to whine." "The JP didn't save me from a link in Valkurm Dunes because I wasn't a good enough player to avoid aggro. Evil JP. Lets all cry. ; ;" First of all this guys doesn't know you. He has no connection tied to you what so ever. I'm certain if he knew you he would have saved your sorry ***. And chances are if I were that Dark Knight I wouldn't have saved you either. You're level 15! You lost what, 200-300 EXP? Oh no. That's going to take you all day. Look, people have stuff to do. If some level 75 Dark Knight wants to go to Selbina to put up his bazaar that's what he's going to do. And that other player who didn't give you a Raise III? That JP player took time out of his play time to raise your sorry *** cause you got killed. The Raise you needed oh so badly. The same Raise you refused and warped back to your HP. I would have been grateful to get anything at all.
It's all Squares fault. I hear that far too often. I'm certain this guy, Kosabosa, retorted with some crude remark for not giving him a Raise II or III.
"The evil JP hacked into my account and stole my stuff." Him being JP has nothing to do with what he did. The guy is just a jerk regardless of his ethnicity. Just say he's a jerk, that's all you need to say. And what gets me the most is that some of you whom called this JP racist, are just retorting with racist comments back, hypocrites....
The Japanese have much different standards from ours. Racist comments are much more accepted there than in America. If you go there you will most likely be insulted at least once. But this whole "JP are evil" thing is just stupid. Just because they aren't going to do something for you doesn't mean they hate you cause your American. And in conclusion to this rant, people are ****** not one specific race. There are kind people, and jerks. If everyone was nice, you wouldn't have anything to compare it to, and it would just be normal and wouldn't have a definition or a word to represent it. I've had some people to some seriously cruel **** to me. But on the other side of the coin, I have had some people do some very nice things for me (Ryunoire ^^).

Edited, Mon Oct 18 18:14:00 2004 by AzarathTheRedMage
#36 Oct 19 2004 at 12:05 PM Rating: Decent
I hate this "America is the greatest country in the world" phrase you hear all the time from ignorant americans. The majority of these people, have never left America. So how can you say America is the greatest country in the world if you have nothing to compare it to?

I can tell you this America IS the greatest country in the world. I have been to or lived in the following countries. Canada, Japan, Thailand, The Phillipines, Australia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Chile, Ecuador, The Bahamas, Puerto Rico, Denmark, Germany, France, Scotland, England, Spain, Portugal, Turkey, Greece and Italy... Im sure im forgetting some. I am not some kind of ultra patriotic moron... I am just a guy in the Navy. I know what I have seen though and unless YOU have been outside of the US (which you may or may not have been) how can YOU say that its NOT the greatest country ? We may not be the pure capitolistic society envisioned by our forefathers but we have broken down the walls of race, sex, and sexuality. Sure there are some people out there who are still bigots and racists but they are much more rare, and if they want to be LET THEM... everyone has a right to do and say what they want here. Sure our votes may not count for crap (stupid electoral college system) but you can say and do anything you want. You have obviously never been to the politically insecure countries in south america where civil riots and wars loom just over the horizon... where the police OPENLY carry sub machine guns and sawed off shotguns as weapons. You dont appreciate how clean it is here... how much we care about the enviroment. Our country is a great nation... it is the best nation. When other countries have natural disasters we rush to aid them we send relief money , food, water, blankets. This year Florida was barraged by 4 hurricanes. I didnt hear about too many other countries rushing to our aid. Before you decide to take and hate on the people that love America whether it be blind love or not. Look at the things you have... look at your quality of life... look at the beautiful state and national parks... look at how compassionate and giving our people are. Look at how open minded we are. The only country that even comes anywhere NEAR us as far as quality of living and state of mind would be England. It has a very similar attitude as the US... as much as they hate to hear something like that uttered. You can say how terrible our country is you can bad mouth it until the day you die. That is what I fight for that is what so many people have died for. Next time you get ready to say your country isnt the greatest... just stop and think. Give it some real thought... Why isnt it ? Just because some 17 year old kid who thinks his country is the greatest blindly states that it is and you feel that it is an egotistical american thing to say ? Hmmm I dunno maybe you can tell me why its not and then show me the countries that do it better than us. I doubt youll find much. Sorry for the political rant but I like to excercise my freedom of speech as much as the next guy 8)
#37 Oct 19 2004 at 12:22 PM Rating: Default
3,139 posts
/em cheers graveymonkey on

The fact that we can debate this proves how great our country is.

Sorry i was gonna drop this thread, but have to support our military in this one. Yes our country could use some improvement, but just think of all the improvments that have happened in the past 50 or even 100 years. Now think of the improvements since the revolutionary war, and george washington days. It amazes me, and i hope myu grandkids will say the same about the 20th century, and great grand kids about the 21st century.

Be greatful, for things may not always be so free as they are today.

P.S. it was nice to meet you the other day Norrain :)

#38 Oct 19 2004 at 6:17 PM Rating: Decent
93 posts
Freedom of Speech often goes hand in hand with the Freedom to make an *** of one's self.

Just something to think about... ^_^

most of the America rules posters i've been subjected to on other boards seem to like to abuse the latter one as much as the former. this has been the most reasoned discussion i've seen... seppuku's rants not withstanding...

#39 Oct 19 2004 at 6:56 PM Rating: Decent
142 posts
what's wrong with making an *** out of yourself? I like the t.v. show Farscape and one of the reason is because the leading character screws up a LOT. 80% percent if not more of his plan fail for some reason or another. Plus, he freely makes mistakes right and left. The point? well sometimes he gets things right and the show goes on.

That to me is like freedom. If you are willing to give people freedom then you have to accept that they are going to make an *** out of themselves 80% of the time. Now if people don't recognize they made an *** out of themselves? that's a separate issue. ^^
#40 Oct 19 2004 at 8:32 PM Rating: Good
93 posts
making and *** of one's self = seppuku's SOP....
#41 Oct 20 2004 at 1:12 PM Rating: Decent
23 posts
On the flip side, most of the Japanese players I know think a goodly number of the NA players they have encountered are immature little whiners *coughPS2cough* and to be honest, i don't blame them one bit.

I play on a PS2 and quite frankly I'm sooo sick of this BS superiority complex that some of you PC players have. Ok the NA version was released over here a whole 4 months before the PS2 version came out and in the time that I've been playing (which was the March release date) I have encountered this attitude on more than a few occasions. Those of you that are posting on here complaining about the Japanese being racist and acting like they're superior should perhaps stop and look at your own behavior. I mean come on you play the game on a PC and (some of you) have had the game for a few more months than the rest of us. So please explain to me how this makes you superior? I don't blame the Japanese players for how they have treated you, after all I'm an American player and I've ran into more than my fair share of @$$holes in this game, and guess what they were all NA players. If you want to start preaching about how you should be treated with more respect from other players then perhaps you should start treating others the same way. I personally don't give a damn what the person is playing the game on, what should matter is how they play the game. Stop acting like you're better than everyone else just because you're on a PC.

1. America is the greatest country in the world.
2. If you take it for granted (Like Hinageshii has) then you dont deserve to be here.

This is exactly why other countries assume that all Americans are a$$holes. Yeah we have some wonderfull freedoms here. Like being able to say that "America Sucks d**k" and not having to worry about the repercussions of making such a statement. But please don't make us all look bad by standing there and proclaiming that we're the best there is. And while you're at try studying some of our history books, when it comes to racist, self-serving, and just plain arrogant behavior you'll find that we are far worse than Japan or any other country out there. You encountered a little bit of racism in a foreign country big f'ing deal, at least they're honest and upfront about it, unlike here where everything is smiles to your face and knives in your back. As far as the second comment- bottom line, we pay taxed therefore we have as much right to live here as any other citizen. You need to drop this "Love it or leave it" BS. One of the freedoms that we have here is that we're allowed to talk all the sh&t we want about our country and our government. Hell if I really wanted to I could buy an American flag, throw it on the ground, urinate on it and then set it on fire. Not that I would but the point being is that we are given those kind of rights. I don't know which part of the country you came from but with an attitude like that I would imagine that there are a lot of pick-up trucks and confederate flags draped on our buildings.

but the thing that pisses me off is that there is a JP player running around with the name "God" and they havent made him change his name. That is truley biased there, just because they dont believe in God it is ok?. Explain this one to me...

You would have to be a fairly petty person to begin with to take offense to that. Why don't you explain to all of us (Without launching into a huge religous tyrade) how exactly this offends you? Did you ever stop to think that perhaps "God" might have a different meaning in the Japanese culture? If I were to have a character named "Satan" or something in reference to another religous symbol not affiliated with the Christian religion would that be considered offensive? I mean my god this is a f'ing game, why don't you try practicing a little tolerance. I'm sure there are more than a few character names that are probably offensive to someone else in the game, but it's pretty stupid to get upset about that. If trivial things like that are going to upset you so much that you feel the need to whine about it here, then perhaps you should consider playing a different game or better yet just not playing at all.
#42 Oct 20 2004 at 1:56 PM Rating: Decent
Hey desier welcome to my first ever Rate Down. I see you think you are the all high and mighty, bashing everyone on this thread. I think you should just shut the f**k up and quit posting. If you knew how to read, you would realize that I am not saying that person needs to change thier name, but it does offend me, and I would have never posted the fact that it does, if not for the fact that giantovary had to change his name. Giantovary doesnt offend me, I actually think it is quite funny. Plus whatever for all I care someone can run around with whatever name they want, just cause I dont like it doesnt mean they shouldnt be able to use it. I just treat it my own way, when I partied with the payer "God" I just kept calling him "Dog", which is my own damn chocice if I want to do that, and If I ever partied with you, Ill just call you "Dumbass" which again is my own choice. As for Gravey's flame to my post, at first it pissed me off, but then I realized the sense behind it and took a new look at the situation. I'm just pissed now cause a couple weeks after the post we get some jackass restating all the flames said before acting like they came up with them on thier own.
#43 Oct 20 2004 at 3:01 PM Rating: Decent
making and *** of one's self = seppuku's SOP....

what more can I say but... LMFAO rate up Hinageshii
#44 Oct 20 2004 at 3:35 PM Rating: Decent
142 posts
This is exactly why other countries assume that all Americans are a$$holes. Yeah we have some wonderfull freedoms here. Like being able to say that "America Sucks d**k" and not having to worry about the repercussions of making such a statement. But please don't make us all look bad by standing there and proclaiming that we're the best there is. And while you're at try studying some of our history books, when it comes to racist, self-serving, and just plain arrogant behavior you'll find that we are far worse than Japan or any other country out there. You encountered a little bit of racism in a foreign country big f'ing deal, at least they're honest and upfront about it, unlike here where everything is smiles to your face and knives in your back. As far as the second comment- bottom line, we pay taxed therefore we have as much right to live here as any other citizen. You need to drop this "Love it or leave it" BS. One of the freedoms that we have here is that we're allowed to talk all the sh&t we want about our country and our government. Hell if I really wanted to I could buy an American flag, throw it on the ground, urinate on it and then set it on fire. Not that I would but the point being is that we are given those kind of rights. I don't know which part of the country you came from but with an attitude like that I would imagine that there are a lot of pick-up trucks and confederate flags draped on our buildings.

|hmmm.| yes you are giving the freedom to say "America sucks D*$k" without repercussions... depending upon the forum; cause sometimes you are censored.^^ However, when someone says America is the best they are referring to the quality of life on 'average'. Considering that the average american makes more than any other 'national average' it is a pretty safe bet to say that America is the Best. I personally love America and wish that people would stop trying to make it into what it is not. I know that people balk at that idea but really; why put yourself through all the heartache and torment of trying to turn America into just another socialistic quasi-communistic 'western civilization' state? There are enough of them as it is. So why not just move to England or some other place like that they already has the government setup you like? I mean no disrespect to England or any country because the fact that nations are different is a good thing. Diversity leads to prosperity. What I kirai is people who wish the whole world was ran under one government (UN). I ask why? world peace? peace is an extreme and is evil; just like total war is evil. Harmony and Balance is the goal.

In short? I think Desier is the one who needs to explore a bit more than his back yard. Hell take a trip and spend some time in different parts of the US and you will realize how diverse even the US is. And yet despite our diversity we still come together and work toward common goals. We still have more freedoms, liberties, and wealth than any other country. Of course I am sure you think that last part (wealth) is a bad thing. Just because our capitalistic system works better than anyone elses; we are the bad guys? because our capitalistic system works the best you want us to adopt socialistic changes? Look farther into history than you H.S. textbook and you will find that all the 'trends' you associate as strictly American born and bred are in fact world wide and have been around for as long as someone has written records.

I apologize if I ran with his post to much but it annoys me when people 'bash' america as if its something new and original. Now for something not original and/or new. "Move to Canada". ^^
#45 Oct 20 2004 at 3:41 PM Rating: Decent
582 posts
It's also the matruity factor...

In Japan, internet access is still things for the "grown ups". Games that are as complicated like this is also for the "grown ups". They don't have preteens playing around, jerking people around, thinking it's funny to /slap random people, etc. They don't spam pointless shouts in Lower Jeuno, for example...

When I was pre-LB1, I experienced plenty of rude NAs and immature NAs, probably more than rude JPs. After LB2 and AFs, I don't experience them as much. Like suddenly "I gtg, Mom's calling me" and disband the entire PT. My favorite is "My Dad's mad at me, I'll be AFK ok??" and like leave for 30 minutes, we finally decide to disband, only to be abused by potty mouth /tells as to why we left him in Qufim all by himself...

So you see, it's maturity level of the lower level NA players.

On the flips side, the thing that bothers me is JPs are hyper senstive about manners...I mean, it gets a tad ridiculous when I'm obligated to say {Thank you} to a JP RDM every time he Refreshes me... With an NA, I'll just say "TY" everytime I get a chance and that's quite acceptable. Once I even had a JP BLM that got mad at me cuz I didn't say {Thank you} for every post-battle Curaga he casted "on my behalf" (as he said) to bring the health back up so we can chain (I have to rest as soon as battle is over to keep the MP up). ...><... But I thought that was what team work was all about - doing your job the best way possible so everyone can benefit - not something that I have to /bow thank all the time! Imagine if you had to thank me every time I threw a Cure! I don't expect a {Thank You} for every Regen!

I just think there are equal amount of A-holes both NA & JP, and I'm sure EU & HK as well. It has nothing to do with culture, but probably more to do with the person behind the animation. I have known extremely gernours JPs - you just never hear about them. I have also known extermely rude and pissy JPs you always hear about them. The same with NAs - I've seen posts here flaming eachother, but seldom see a praise post. So you see, it's not the nationality, it's the people.

I am also bothered by some NAs that seems to think that JPs are superior in the game - no questions asked. Statements like, "JPs are the best players! I would never PT with a NA if I can help it!" or "You all suck, JPs are the best!" Basically, NAs that are JP worshipers... Most of them know the game better than us because they've been around for 3 years - that's almost 2 years in advance of NA PC version. If I, a late comer can get to 59, learn all the things I have learned in under 6 months, imagine the wealth of experience and knowledge these guys have? It's experience baby, not because they are JP.

Now at my level I have experienced horrible JP players. DRKs that didn't now that they can negate STR down by Absorb-STR. PLDs that I had to Haste and force them to keep Hate. JPs that gets lost in Boyada Tree. JPs that forget to Sneak in Kuftal Tunnel. These JPs are usually Rank 6 and below. The "uber" ones are usually Rank 9 and above.

Then there are these....I have one JP friend that I've PT'ed with when we were both Rank 1 lvl 15. She is now Rank 10 Lvl 75. It's not because she's better than me - it was her 4th character (she wants to bring all race, all jobs to 75 ... @.@) She has high lvl friends from her previous characters helping her get thru the missions and quests. So you see, experience and knowledge is what makes them better - not because they are JP. So please don't say JPs are better than us just because they are JP.

...and one thing so earlier poster...Romaji is not "hooked on phonics" ... it's a method most Japanese use to input words into Word processing type programs using an English key board. They can read and understand it perfectly. It's just that when they do not see kana, they just think you're NA, masking as JP or something - I still can't figure this one out...

I can speak business speak (enourmously courteous way of speaking/expressing) and I've used it in an attempt to invite JPs.
uchipu>> {Excuse me...} Totsuzen moushi wake arimasenga, {Kuftal Tunnel} de {Party} ******** orimasu. Yoroshikereba go sanka itadake naideshouka? (ENG - Excuse me, I am very sorry to bother you suddenly, but we are PT-ing in Kuftal Tunnel. If at all possible, I would like you to join us.)
to this I got
JP Person>>{I don't understand English} NA {No thanks}. >:(

....As for giving the original poster Raise I instead of Raise II - that's a WHM's choice :P I don't have to give anyone Raise II. And it will be that way even when I have Raise III. JP or NA - period. Although I would've Raise II-ed you for a price, since I had to drop what I was doing and travel to you.
#46 Oct 20 2004 at 7:20 PM Rating: Decent
93 posts
*examines name*

holy crap! i have seen you in shiva.... i can't recall where... if it's jeuno, i'm usually the naked elvaan (due to warping job switch)

#47 Oct 20 2004 at 7:28 PM Rating: Decent
93 posts
the issue of politeness is a deeply ingrained cultural thing with the japanese players. most of the ones i've met aren't too fanatical about it..

i was partying with two japanese whms that thanked each for curing each other, which i though was sorta weird, but soon i started to thank them.. they even thanked me when i managed to voke a critter off of them.

there is a cultural gap to certain, but nothing a little courtesy can't overcome.

for examnple, a red mage refreshing you and you trade him a MP restoring juice

I do stuff like that all the time when i am partying... i'm not the demonic critter of pain that seppuku seems to think i am...

*hide tail and pitchfork*
#48 Oct 22 2004 at 1:10 PM Rating: Decent
23 posts
Crystail- I read your post again and realize that I obviously misunderstood what you were saying at first. I apologize if what I said offended you in some way. And no I don't think that I'm better than anyone else in here, the game or the world... period.

Ceraphine- Actually I have seen quite a bit of this country and I'm quite aware of the diversity here. After reviewing what I had posted previously I'll admit that I do come off as "Bashing America", although that was not what I meant. America has it's good points and it certainly has it's bad ones. But that is a matter of perception.

Anyway my apologies to both of you and anyone else that may have been offended by my previous comments.
#49 Oct 22 2004 at 6:06 PM Rating: Decent
142 posts
np, and I apologize if I came off a bit strong... I still need to take that class called 'shut the hell up 101'. ^^

The reason I said Romajj is like "Hooked on Phonics" is because Romajj is used to teach latin speakers how to speak Japanese. It also has a lot of loop holes and annoying inconsistancies in how things sounds versus how they are spelled. The actual spelling varies as well. So even as a programming language it is severly flawed. example? Fun/Hun - means minutes in Japanese and neither spelling correctly conveys how the word sounds.
#50 Oct 31 2004 at 2:49 PM Rating: Decent
440 posts
Ok, first off, I understand what happened to the guy to make this thread.. And something should be done, but I do not agree with all the comments said.. Think what most NA's say to JP.. Some are very rude, others flame the hell out of them, so what should they think? Saying all this crap really doesn't make anyone better than them.. I've not once ran into a JP troubled situation.. I'm grateful for any action taken by anyone for my benefit.. All JP I've met, or partied with, have all commended me on my manners, and how patient I am.. So, before you start slamming the JP's, think about what others put them through.. You simply have to work with it.. I'm not trying to sound like I'm sticking up for the JP, or taking sides, just trying to 'mediate' the situation.. Last thing we need is a racial war on our server.. Please, just think before you speak most of the time...


Edit: And, as far as this PS2 thing is concerned.. I'm also sick of this.. I use PS2, it doesn't mean I'm a whiney b^&$%.. Just means I use a PS2.. Big deal, eh? Same thing as if I used PC, I'd still be the same person, so, yes, please do stop with that "PS2 Users <insert insult>" crap... We're all the same people, like it or not...

Edited, Mon Nov 1 00:42:22 2004 by Nieko
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