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Shiva versus the Emptiness: this weekendFollow

#1 Oct 15 2004 at 10:39 AM Rating: Good
46 posts
Tavnazia beckons....all that stands between it and you are three of the hardest zones out there, plus a trio of challenging boss fights. If you haven't done this mission yet, there is no better time than the present!

I'm going to try and organize groups to do as many Promyvion runs this weekend as possible. As of the most recent update, the optimum size would seem to be two parties - hopefully we can get twelve of the right people together and start taking these bad boys down. If you see me online this weekend, send a tell and let me know when you're free and what jobs you've got leveled to 30+.

And because we won't get anywhere without them, here are some good rules of thumb:

1) If you've got Chains of Promathia installed, please do all the pre-Promyvion cutscenes as soon as possible. It will save us having to talk multiple people through, "Go to Lower Delkfutt' the the armory....". They're great cinematics, you owe it to yourself to see them.

2) Rangers, rangers, rangers. You can do Promyvion without them, but it's a hell of a lot easier with them. If you have ranger at Lv30+, please consider signing on this weekend. We need your help! If you have a friend/LS buddy with ranger at 30+, please invite him/her along.

3) Animas, animas, animas. See above - not required, but damn handy. And all it takes is an hour or so of farming in any Promyvion with a friend or two and everyone should have a Recollection. Don't rely on other people in your party to have them - take matters into your own hands! You've gone to all the effort to make it to the Spire, you want to have best possible chance of winning.

4) Don't be cheap. Sad, but true. Be ready to spend on food & potions. Probably 8K to 10K per run. It might not all be used, but better safe than sorry. Again, you want to have the best possible chance of success when you make it to the top.

5) Be patient, be optimistic, be organized. Listen to the alliance leader. Don't run off and aggro random monsters. Establish tactics at the outset and stick to them. Communicate.

6) Get your connection problems worked out. I have seen multiple Promyvion runs get screwed up because of DCs. If your connection is unreliable and you vanish/go AFK at an important moment, that's bad. You have not just ruined things for yourself, you have possibly screwed over EVERY OTHER PERSON IN THE ALLIANCE. Sorry if I get vehement about this but it is incredibly frustrating. As far as I'm concerned, more than one random disconnect will probably get you kicked from my party.

Look for me in Lower Jeuno starting around 1 PM CST or so. Spread the work amongst your friends and linkshells. Let's kick some *** and get it done!
#2 Oct 15 2004 at 11:24 AM Rating: Decent
223 posts
Now that is a great idea, i really like what you've done and /slap myself for not thinking of it before lol...i will certainly send /tell if i have nothing better to do ^^

Kudos bud =)
#3 Oct 15 2004 at 11:33 AM Rating: Decent
Hi there, I want to get my LS involved this weekend. I really dont have much of a clue as to what needs to be done to beat these missions, but I am very interested. I could proably get 12+ people tonight from my LS to do this. I have a DRK or an RDM I can bring along, my question to you would be, which one would be better to do this with. I will be on tonight at 4pm cst. I will then tell my LS and see how many we can get together. Please wait till then to get this rolling for I know at least I myself am very interested, because if I do it know, I can help my LS in the future. See you tonight!
#4 Oct 15 2004 at 11:58 AM Rating: Decent
46 posts
Crystail - I've got an Evention pearl, I'll log in this afternoon and let folks know what's up. I'll be on tonight (probably around 10:30 PM CST) if folks want to get something organized for this evening or just go Recollection farming (only takes two or three people).

Jobwise, Promyvion is pretty much a complete suckfest. And by that I mean certain jobs are vastly more useful than others. Melee DD is pretty much at the bottom of the list. White mages and tanks next up. Ranged DD (black mages, rangers, summoners w/Astral Flow) are absolutely essential, and preferably more than one per party. Chances are we'll need red mages more than dark knights, but by and large the same set of gear should be useful for both jobs.
#5 Oct 15 2004 at 12:54 PM Rating: Decent
237 posts
Yay this is great! So happy someone finally raised up and did this. I've been trying to do these since CoP came out, and to no avail. So I'm in! I know lots of other people who want to try this too. I'll let them all know today. And I'm up for Anima farming if that's happening tonight! ^^ See you there~!
#6 Oct 15 2004 at 1:57 PM Rating: Decent
978 posts
If you need a Ranger count me in
Agawulf - lvl 34 Ranger/Ninja
#7 Oct 15 2004 at 7:00 PM Rating: Default
I'll go as White Mage.

As long as you're going as something other than Red Mage.
#8 Oct 16 2004 at 7:35 AM Rating: Decent
52 posts
{I'm interested}

Job list is in my sig, I already have lvl 30 gear for my ranger after a previous failed attempt at mea ; ;
#9 Oct 17 2004 at 8:56 AM Rating: Decent
46 posts
Update from the front lines....

I started building the alliance at 1 PM CST, shouting in Lower Jeuno. It took a while, friends brought in more friends, but about 2 hours later we were ready to depart....except that when we got there we were one person short, and upon finding out that this would take 2-3 hours another person balked, and then another. It took about 30-45 minutes to find replaces for all these drops. By 4 PM, we were moving out.

First lesson - organize in advance. In those three hours it took to build the alliance we could have done a second complete run. Next time I try this I'm going to have at least six people (preferably twelve) committed, in advance, to the exact date and time we are going.

We move out. At this point I want to extend limitless thanks to Cali for serving as guide for us all. She took point and everyone did a pretty good job of following her. There were very few cases of unprovoked aggro (save for that godawful graveyard at the beginning of the second floor). She led the way, pointed out mobs we needed to kill and was generally very patient. Folks in the alliance by and large listened and obeyed well.

Second lessing - have a competent guide and LISTEN, DON'T TALK. If everyone follows a single person through, attacks what they designate (and only they designate), navigating each floor won't be too bad.

Standard tactics worked fine on the Memory Recepticles We had zero rangers so had to rely on nukes (and one summoner's avatars) to take down the orbs, but it worked well. We had a real bear of a time with fake MRs, though. Had to pop three on the second tier before we could move on. Also, they didn't seem to respawn even after we cleared all the Strays and waited around a while (10 minutes). So we had to ditch our initial plan of camping out one site and ended up running all over the second tier. Can anyone else confirm/deny that the respawn behavior of the MRs has changed (probably after the most recent patch)?

We hit trouble when we made it to the fourth tier. One of our white mages had DCed while we were clearing Strays. Now our number was reduced to 17, and one party (mine) was without a main healer. He didn't log back on, and the consensus was that we wouldn't have gone back for him anyway. We had sunk too much into this to turn back now, so we pushed on. Fourth tier went find, we managed to avoid all combat and just raced for the Spire.

Two out of three times failed - I wasn't able to stay long enough to find out how the third party did. Going in, we had two black mages, one red mage (me), a warrior/ninja, and a warrior/samurai. The plan was to do standard blinktanking, nuke with the black mages once hate was established, and I would serve as primary healer. We didn't use any real buffs, but I cast Barstonra and Barpoisonra to give Trinary Absorption something to feed on. Everyone down a poison potion and we went in.

And got spanked. Everything started out OK, although our blink tank lost his shadows very quickly. Secondary tank vokes, and we start throwing mage pulls hate with his cures. Main tank gets it back, but the plan is already starting to unravel. Boss is down to maybe 90% health....perhaps if things settle down we can still do this.

Boss fires up Trinary Absorption...POW. He drains 258 HP. ???? I still don't know how this happened, he should have gotten the junk buffs & poison that our tank had. At this point we're screwed and people start dying. I call abort and two out of the five of us retreat out of the arena safely. I don't know if we ever had a chance, with only five party members and no rangers or summoners. I had a psychoanima, but we never got the point where it would have even been useful.

Looking back, I'm feeling pretty demoralized about the whole thing. An investment of 6+ hours, lots of people's time - and to lose? Badly? And go back and possibly lose again? And then do the whole thing twice more?

I still want to do this, but don't know if I have it in me to keep organizing failures. If anyone has a Promyvion run planned and is ORGANIZED and has their heads in order, drop me a line. I'll help as best I can. This pick-up deal ain't working for me right now.
#10 Oct 17 2004 at 8:22 PM Rating: Decent
As for the 3rd party, well I dont know how much health it had left because I died right at the start. The whitemage pulled hate with his cures and our warrior wasnt voking it off him so I voked, and being a dark knight with the defense of a mage it tore me up, I used my 2hr and was reaching for an X-potion as it killed me. We all ended up dying as well, but I do believe that we had a good set up and if I would have stayed alive, we may have had a chance. I was hitting it off the bat without using any abilities for 100+ a hit.
#11 Oct 17 2004 at 8:36 PM Rating: Decent
181 posts
I'm up for doing this, this coming weekend. Saturday or Sunday is fine with me as long as its after 10:00am EST and I can play for about 12 hours if needed. I'd go in with lvl 30 BLM
#12 Oct 18 2004 at 2:33 PM Rating: Default
3,139 posts
Im in for this coming weekend if your going to do it again. I ahve 38 WHm and 35 WAR ATM (hope to get one of them to 40 by the weekend). I have been dying to do this since i installed the expansion over a month ago.
#13 Oct 18 2004 at 11:12 PM Rating: Decent
68 posts
yea, i was there with ya Dannick. LOTS of time spent in there, and every party lost to the NM. I'm really interested in doing this again, our pt tried 3 times, the last time it had not even 10% health left, and we just fell through. Please invite me again, Guniuni is my name, look me up someday soon.
#14 Oct 19 2004 at 10:40 AM Rating: Decent
46 posts
OK, I've had a couple days to recover my morale. I'm willing to give this another go, albeit with even more preparation and assertiveness than before. The new target date is:

Sunday, October 24th, starting at 1 PM CST

As in we're going to start gathering at that time. My hope against hope is that we are ready to push off at 2 PM. That will require that plenty of people sign up in advance and show up promptly with a minimum of ******** around.

For the love of god people, VIEW THE DAMN COP CUTSCENES IN ADVANCE. Really. They're cool. Watch them. Some other time than when 17 other people are waiting to start a mission they've already sunk two hours into, and are about to go for another three or four.

Once again, we're going to Promyvion-Holla to take on the Wrecker. Food loadout should be as follows (input on this list is more than welcome):

- Melee should bring mithkabobs/chiefkabobs and au lait drinks. Mages should bring pies/mushrooms and Yagudo drinks.
- White mages should bring a stack of echo drops. All other spellcasters should bring 2-3 in case of emergencies when you can't get Silena fast enough.
- Everyone needs to bring 3-4 poison potions.
- Melee should bring multiple potions, one X-potion, and 3-4 holy waters.
- Mages should bring multiple ethers and one hi-ether.

Remember, anything you don't use you can always sell afterwards. Better to have it and not need it than vice versa. I've said it before, I'll keep saying it: Farm for animas! Only two people had them out of the 18-person alliance that got crushed last weekend. The more you bring, the better your chances of success.

Please sound off if you are planning on showing up this Sunday, along with what 30+ jobs you can bring. Tell your friends, LS buddies, people you party with over the course of the week.

Sunday, October 24th, starting at 1 PM CST

Edited, Tue Oct 19 11:40:38 2004 by Dannick

Edited, Tue Oct 19 11:41:27 2004 by Dannick
#15 Oct 19 2004 at 11:17 AM Rating: Decent
Dannick count me in again as well. Although this time I want to bring along my RDM and not my DRK. So since I am the first to respond I should be able to bring my RDM.
#16 Oct 19 2004 at 11:28 AM Rating: Decent
23 posts
I'll be there as well, I'll be using a WHM.

44 Whm
#17 Oct 22 2004 at 11:13 AM Rating: Decent
46 posts
Two responses thus far - right now we don't even a single full party, let along two or three. Dauntless, however, I still intend to proceed as planned.

Everyone, please let folks know what we're planning. The more show up the better our chances are. ESPECIALLY summoners and rangers, they'll make a huge difference.

Sunday, October 24th, starting at 1 PM CST
#18 Oct 23 2004 at 9:15 PM Rating: Decent
181 posts
I'm there, make sure to send me a /tell to remind me or a message in game.

lvl 35 BLM
#19 Oct 24 2004 at 2:05 PM Rating: Decent
181 posts
well me and Edwin are in lower jueno looking for promyvion pt. crystail and salvation are online...
#20 Oct 24 2004 at 5:41 PM Rating: Excellent
46 posts
Arrrggggg. Sorry to all whom I left in the lurch today. I've been having an intermittent problem staying logged in to FFXI (see my postings in the Tech Support forum). I thought I had a workaround in place - until it stopped being an effective workaround.

Well, I ripped out my entire TCP/IP stack and put it back in, and after several hours of troubleshooting I have my network connection back...but I'm very sorry to have missed the event. Not very happy with my computer right now, and I think I really need to upgrade before Half-Life 2 ships.

Here's hoping everything went well, and at least one team took down the Wreaker....
#21 Oct 24 2004 at 7:37 PM Rating: Decent
181 posts
damn the gorger...


someone in another party wasn't going to continue if he didn't get our SMN so we had to switch our SMN for a WHM. We needed that extra damage at the end...

had it to a sliver and then it just kept regening. I 2hrd and chaincast stoneII and waterII and still couldn't do enough damage.

Perhaps a pt like that needs to have all 4 damage dealers save 2hr til that last little sliver...

But other than that we whuped its *** and didn't even break a sweat til we hit that last part...
#22 Oct 24 2004 at 7:57 PM Rating: Decent
181 posts
1/3 were successful.

#23 Oct 25 2004 at 11:30 AM Rating: Decent
Sorry bout that. I ended up on Saturday lvling thf to 10, then running to the dunes. I was still lvling thf on Sunday and as you proably know its easier to be moblie when at a higher lvl, so when I go to the dunes I prefer to stay there until I can move to Qufim Island. If there one is one thing I dont like about this game, it is running from Valkrum Dunes back to Bastok, the way there isnt too bad cause you get a tele-dem. Although by the time I logged Sunday evening I was lvl 15, yeah TH1 and Sneak Attack, hmm, now I just need Flee, Trick attack, and TH2.
#24 Oct 25 2004 at 2:25 PM Rating: Decent
805 posts
Hi Neoloop. I was that someone in the other party that was concerned with overall party balance. Our party would have been whm whm brd rdm rng war. I'd been to the boss twice and knew this party had no chance and needed another DD. Makes no sense for me or anyone else in the PT to go all the way to the boss just for a guaranteed death. The process of building a full alliance is confusing at best and I didn't see that our PT was going to be nerfed until we had 18 people all ready to go.

Turns out that the SMN just provided backup heal support instead of actually using the avatars so we fared no different than you. We got the gorger down to about 1/4 and tried to hit it hard. I used full WS, Barrage and 2 HR, after which I died (WHM did Benediction about 30 seconds later - sigh). Our party was WHM, BRD, RDM, SMN, WAR and RNG (me). The BRD was usefull to keep the sidekick mob slept but we really suffered from a serious lack of attack power.

Ideally, the SMN should be able to use the full avatar mega attack twice using Astral Flow and an ether or yagudo drink (whatever is needed to get to 65 mp+). There is a cool down of 1 minute between calls of blood pact so the timing needs to be considered. A good summoner can do the mega attack 3 times before Astral flow wears off.

When putting together an alliance, you still need to remember that it is an individual party that faces the boss at the end. I'd prefer having a well balanced party and NO alliance than a nerfed party. I've gotten through to the final boss 3/3 times now with just a party of 6 (twice at DEM and once at MEA). An alliance can sometimes be more hassle than its worth although this alliance did work very well together to get to the final zone with no casualties.

I think the real key to this thing is to take a party in before hand and farm for recollections, turn them into anima, and come back when you are armed appropriately. Unfortunately, that takes a long time. Hard to do with a pickup party. I'd be interested in trying again with you and others on a 2 stage attack, going first during the week to gather recollections and trying again on the week end to do the boss.

An ideal party would be WHM, BLM, SMN, RNG, RNG, WAR/NIN

Edited, Mon Oct 25 15:42:14 2004 by Lokithor
#25 Oct 25 2004 at 5:34 PM Rating: Decent
Hey guys, Me and my linkshell are doing Promy-Dem this coming weekend (the 30th) Who is down!?

Please send me a PM (by clicking on the send PM link above) I very much want to get this organized. I can tell form previous posts that some of you were having difficulties. My LS is very good and we're ready to do this. Who's in?
#26 Oct 26 2004 at 12:06 AM Rating: Decent
181 posts
Hey I'm not saying you weren't right about needing the damage... I'm just saying that we needed it also :) and if we'd have been able to keep the smn instead of the whm we probably could have won.

Team's pt was pre-set so there was no breaking them up... and they were successful I think we need to plan a PT beforehand if we can.

You want to try that? Me (BLM) you (RNG) and my WHM buddy Avary can start it off. Now we just need to track down a SMN , a war/nin and another RNG. I agree that this would be the best party...

Let me know if you are cool with it. I would also like to try to get some recollections... but I work about 80-90 hours a week so... I really can only play on weekends.
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