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leveling enjoyable at what level?Follow

#1 Nov 03 2004 at 11:07 AM Rating: Good
could you all just let me know what level you are and you like leveling

and if you dont like leveling still tell me your level ^^
#2 Nov 03 2004 at 7:24 PM Rating: Decent
132 posts
25 RDM: Levelling in qufim is actually gettign to be fun now... though back when i was 21-23, it sucked like a hoover. >_<;;

12 WHM: Gotta love dunes... even if it's just to laugh at the absurdity of some things... Like how you're the only on in your party besides the 11 DRK who has "Acceptable Gear" (Meaning it's less than 3 lvls away from your actual level.) I was in a pt where the other WHM (10), the BLM (11), the WAR (11), and the PLD (12) all had gear that was excessively low. the BLM and WHM were still wearing lv 1 gear!!! and they had their subjobs too!! the WAR was in leather gear, with an onion sword... >_< and the PLD had leather gear, except for the bronze harness. he had a bee spatha, so that made up for it. but still... it was funny.

8 WAR: No partys yet... still get to have fun killing things on my own. better yet, it's still fun when people give me hell about using a polearm. (i was gonna do DRG eventually)
#3 Nov 03 2004 at 9:38 PM Rating: Decent
465 posts
PLD32 currently... hoping to hit 33 tonight. ^^

I enjoy it for the most part. There were times in Dunes and Qufim that really irked me. Yhoator Jungle is now dubbed Hell Incarnate, at least until I check out Garliage with my own eyes.

I prefer melee jobs so levelling mnk, war and now pld has always been fun. Well, I had to get used to mnk. Mage classes, that's a different story. About the only time I enjoyed levelling whm and blm was trying to get to level 5. I'd take on something a little more than I should.

First was blm, I killed a goblin fisher easily enough, but another gob popped and aggro'd me. Had a quarter of mp left and nearly half hp. Bust out the 2hr and was all O.O and then ^^ Got to level 6 and stopped.

Then whm. Same thing, attacked a goblin thug and a fisher walked by and aggro'd me. I just needed a few more swings to kill it but ran out of mp to heal, yep... Benediction! Got to level 7 and stopped.
#4 Nov 03 2004 at 9:57 PM Rating: Decent
324 posts
Level 40, I personally find it really fun. Since now I'm playing with the big boys, and tanking crawlers is oh so fun ^_^
#5 Nov 03 2004 at 10:18 PM Rating: Default
93 posts
just as i thought all under 55 @_@.
#6 Nov 03 2004 at 10:42 PM Rating: Decent
324 posts
Oh yes, I am looking forward to getting into the 50's....the exp needed increases by like 10k doesn't it -_-
#7 Nov 03 2004 at 11:26 PM Rating: Decent

1-15 with no sub were my favourite levels cause I was just learning the game back then and everything was new and interesting.
#8 Nov 03 2004 at 11:42 PM Rating: Decent
I'm actually having fun at lev52 smn, but not in pts. I find that even though we die often, and struggle in some places like Fei'Yen, my most enjoyable time online is leveling with Meara as a bst and smn duo.
#9 Nov 04 2004 at 1:27 AM Rating: Decent
52 posts
after 41, ptying starts to become fun...or 25 if u manage to get a brd
#10 Nov 04 2004 at 2:08 AM Rating: Good
1,747 posts
Leveling @ 75 with LS mates is the best time I've had xping ever. Everyone knows their jobs so we just fool around and make loads of xp while we're at it. Watching 2x geared-up monks hammer bones to a pulp in the Tomb is also fun, I haven't seen mobs go down that fast since.. uhm ever.

XP'ing can be a laugh at any level as long as you're with people you know or trust, because it's so relaxing when everything runs smoothly and you can afford to be a bit careless. I've had great fun anywhere from dunes to qufim and elshimo, though it gets better as you level up since players generally become more seasoned and you don't have to worry about staying alive...

I can remember being a bit fed up in the 60's though. Boyahda is messy, and a few dodgy pts made it even more stressful.. Having to wait hours and days for an invite didn't make it any better. Eventually it started to pick up again though, after taking a break from WHM and leveling THF, MNK, PLD and WAR for a while.

As far as I remember I started getting 'good' parties on a regular basis around level 40.

Edited, Thu Nov 4 02:17:14 2004 by Ske
#11 Nov 04 2004 at 7:22 AM Rating: Decent
I'm actually having fun at lev52 smn, but not in pts. I find that even though we die often, and struggle in some places like Fei'Yen, my most enjoyable time online is leveling with Meara as a bst and smn duo.

Hahaha. Sara, I'm having fun too doing this! I'm also having fun getting lots of screenshots of the two of us dead!

P.S. Sorry about disappearing last night. Rebooted computer, laid on bed during restart, fell asleep. FFXI is a cruel master.
#12 Nov 04 2004 at 2:46 PM Rating: Decent
Level 34 Bst. Looking really forward to getting the last 3000 I need for Release.

As for enjoying it, it has it's moments. There are times its great running around East Altepa Desert sending spiders against spiders or against the odd Beetle/Antican knowing you're taking on things most people dont want to fight unless higher level or in a party.

And then theres the days where I mess up or just have bad luck and die a lot. Sometimes they can be frustrating.

Whats really fun is when a beetle has killed my pet and I'm running around playing hide&seek with other beetles/anticans knowing if I get too close nothings going to save me.

Edited, Thu Nov 4 15:07:03 2004 by NuclearMayhem
#13 Nov 04 2004 at 3:07 PM Rating: Decent
141 posts
Someone plz tell me that the chances of getting into good parties increases past 40...
#14 Nov 04 2004 at 4:34 PM Rating: Decent
Hmmm, Do your chances of getting a good party go up after 40?. Well what is your job?, do you form your own parties?, do you ask who is in a party before you accept the invite?. In regards to some jobs you can wait hours for a party and will be happy just to be in on and not worry how fast the exp is coming in. For instance, with my DRK I would wait a couple hours for a party between 40-49, then from 50-53, sometimes I wouldnt get an invite all day. I would form my own parties and when I did, they were usually the best ones. On the other hand 41+ with my RDM almost every party has been good because I can handle a few different role in a party and invites come very frequently, but I also as RDM still form alot of my own parties. All in all I would have to say lvl 51+ is when you start getting good parties frequently. That is past the stage of LB1 and most of the bad players never get past LB1, for the same reason they are no good in parties, they are not smart enough to figure out a way to accomplish it. Then some still get through, the ones that sneak into an alliance from someone shouting in jeuno and end up getting good lots.
#15 Nov 04 2004 at 4:49 PM Rating: Decent
141 posts
well, i typically don't form my own. Which could be the reason I've ended up in so many bad ones. If I form my own party, then I am put into a role of leadership, which I'm not entirely comfortable with at this point in the game.

I am a blm, and as a blm, I typically find my home in the back of the pt, and that is kind of the approach i take to the party dynamics. I usually don't chat a whole lot. If somone asks me something, or asks me to do something, I respond. But I don't typically make or participate in a lot of conversation during a pt. I feel I know my job well, and I just like to do my job, and not really B.S. a lot. Unfortunately, a lot of times when I play like this, I get into parties with overbearing people who like to try and boss me around or tell me to do things aren't necessarily competent instructions. And A LOT of times, I've been in pt's with younger kids who for one reason or the other think that they know every job in the pt and like to smart off about things that I or my teammates do. I have no problem with reasonable suggestions or people asking me to try different things, but when I have people smarting off to me in every other pt I'm in, it starts to wear, and it sours the whole experience.

So that is why I'm concerned w/ post 40 lvl'ng. And I guess if I'm so concerned, I should prolly just bite the bullet and start forming my own pt's.
#16 Nov 04 2004 at 6:41 PM Rating: Decent
132 posts
I knwo what you mean Ellesar, I'm not much for party talk either (Unless it's a pty with people i've been friends with for long time), and i get a fair amount of peopel telling me what to do and hwo to do it... Liek the ones that scream at me to be healer when we have a WHM that's doing a perfecyly fine job< even though he lets the tank get about 1/2 life before healing back to full with a cure and a cure 2.

The worst ones are the ones that don't listen to you when you try and explain WHY you do something... In Qufim, i always start every fight out with Paralyze, Dia, Poison, Bind, Gravity, in that order. paralyze is of course to make the tank's job a bit easier. Dia is where the problem comes in... Dia reduces defnese and slowly eats HP, right? Well, EVERY time there's a BLM or another RDM in my party. they always cast Bio... >_< Bio cuts attack and eats hp, while overriding Dia. so instead of the mob sying faster (Meaning less downtime, and more XP) the mob just doesn't hit as hard. I try to explain this to everyone in the pty that i'm in where bio gets cast befor eor after my Dia, but nobody seems to get that Dia is better than bio, since the mob should only be attacking hte tank, who can handle an extra 3-10 points of attack on the Mob's side. Then i go for poison (Usually have to fire that off twice, which i get griped at for not saving MP for healing (Again, there's a WHM there for healing), Bind is to keep the mob from being able to attack the WHM or BLM if they gain too much hate, and Gravity helps the Tanks (main and backup) be able to voke the mob befor eit can hit the mages, if the hate goes to them.

I don't do anythign without good reason, and if your reason for me to not do it beats the reason i did it, then yes, i'll concede the point, and try it your way. But don't tell me to not melee 'cause i'm supposed to be healer when 4/6 of the pty has WHM subbed >_< (Even the PLD)
#17 Nov 04 2004 at 9:54 PM Rating: Decent
31 posts
Leveling can be fun at any level really, but the only way it's going to happen is if everyone stops pretending this is RL and drops the being politically correct in everything you say, and everyone definitly needs to stop whining when the XP isn't perfect. I've leveled in a static for a little bit now and I've had to take a lot of non static PT's to keep up with them, as being the paladin can get you killed often times, no matter HOW good your PT is (things happen, you can't help it). Can leveling with the same people get boring? yes. Can leveling with a non static be more fun? Definitly. Is it most of the time? hell no. Why? Because everyone is too concerned about making XP and not ruining their reputation.

Part of my static is my kid brother and his 14 year old friend. Do you think they honestly care about what people think about them in game? Not really, so we're a lot more free to have fun, and I don't mean we're giant ******** to other players. I've played in only one other MMORPG but thats more than enough to know what makes a good group. Level really has nothing to do with it, as you can be having fun with a brand new job in qufim, or having fun pounding hordes of monsters and making amazing XP in the high levels. If you want to have fun, loosen up a little and get your party mates to loosen up. No one is going to have fun if this is your entire party Dialogue:

Go pull
Get another
Can I get a cure damnit??
Why can't I get a refresh?!
Ok rest a bit
Alright it was a great PT, cyas all another time!
#18 Nov 04 2004 at 9:59 PM Rating: Decent
well all i can say is, Good party good xp = fun
Fun party, not so good xp = fun
Stinky party , bad xp = not fun
stinky party, bad XP + death = i donno, i normally wont stay long enough to find out XD

I guess it applies to all lvls LOL
#19 Nov 04 2004 at 11:15 PM Rating: Decent
1,747 posts
EllesarShiva wrote:
Someone plz tell me that the chances of getting into good parties increases past 40...

I just did ^^

Read above.
#20 Nov 05 2004 at 2:24 PM Rating: Decent
3,139 posts

Unfortunatly SMN (im assuming) is a tough role to play. You have massive MP in comparrison, and also the ability to be an effective melee. It sounds like the party you were talking about has some issues in itself, that if they are a static you should address (like the PLD subbing WHM). I wont dog anyone or tell you what to do, but thats just a suggestion.

Anyways back to the topic.

I have found lvling at all different lvls to be quite fun. A lot of it depends on the party. I will stay with a fun party getting decent exp over a dull "pull fatser" "do this" "do that" NOW NOW NOW party anyday. And anyone that cant wait a little bit to get the party setup and going drives me nuts.

It seems partys are generally better after lvl 40 or so, but it also seems like the wait to get a party is a whole lot longer. And even starting your own party is a chore, as if there arent any healers, getting 4 melee together is a waste. People dont want to wait an hour in a party for a healer, but wil wait 2-3 hours for a party that already has a healer? So to start your own party you need to have at least one healer already in it, or willing to come.

I also think the game is as much fun as you make it. You can take the approach of "i dont have time to wait around to party" or "we need to get this partyu going so i can lvl". Or you can have the approach of "hey im here, having a good time" or "it doesnt matter what happens i just enjoy playing". Thats the way i always TRY to look at it. It is a game made to be enjoyable, and i do my best to make the most of it.

Trying to rush to lvl 75 is IMO the worst thing you can do in this game. It makes the lvling a lot less fun, and makes you have to stress that much more about new equipment ect....

I say take the road of enjoyment. Treat every new party as an experience, and treat it as a game, and not a chore to get to lvl 75 as fast as possible.

#21 Nov 05 2004 at 6:49 PM Rating: Decent
Just hit lvl 51 and it was pretty fun... im about 1/3 of the way to 52 and I can honestly say I was having a blast getting there. I can honestly say though that leveling (grinding as I like to call it) is something that totally depends on the party you are with to detirmine how fun of a time it is.
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