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Dear Idiots.......Follow

#1 Nov 13 2004 at 3:49 AM Rating: Good
I really want to send this to those Demonic Overlords sitting in their leather office chairs in the Bowels of Damnation aka the SE home office.

Dear Squenix,

I don't like you anymore. Your have only yourself to blame. I wanted to play the new Final Fantasy game, number XI. You made it online, you made me pay a monthly fee. You, under the guise of 'teamwork' made it so that to further myself in this surreal world, I would have to party with indivuals. Due to either nonexistant or poor screening, you let the morons in. How they made it past the installation I don't know, the test results from the caged rats aren't back in yet.

Because of your apparant lack of dealing with gil sellers have destroyed your own ingame economy. Soon, and most likely sooner than anybody realizes, to buy any virtual item, we'll have to spend real money for fake money, and exchange that fake money for a virtual item. With items in just the past weeks raising hundreds of percents above their past prices to current prices. It's no real secret that these items that have risen so greatly are Notorious Monster drop items and quested items. While crafted items seem to maintain a steady price history. I'm sure that you money-whores are looking into cashing in on this little venture.

You have destroyed the race/job equation by allowing that disreputable company Bradygames, and their staff of incompetent morons and biased idiots to write an "Officia Strategy Guide". Who at Square Enix sanctioned this? Did anybody at your offices even give this a look over? If anybody would follow this guide there would be no warriors over the level of 37 (and that's only over 30 for leveled subjob reasons), monks would be nonexistant, thief would suffer the same fate as warrior, and while I don't prefer them, the world would simply not know the very presence of ninja tanks. Galka in any job but warrior, dark knight or paladin would simply not exist, while tarutaru's in any job that involves physicially striking anything would also not exist. Beastmasters might actually stand a chance in a party, but you allowed Bradygames to mess that up as well.

In regard to your second expansion, Chains of Promathia, I really feel cheapened to believe that I would actually miss out on something by not getting it. All in all it's expensive to pay $30 for a pretty title screen bgm. And even half the world doesn't like it anyway. I do appreciate your attempt, or that's what you call it anyway, of adding new areas. I also enjoyed buying the expansion, installing it onto my HDD, then after logging on, waiting a few hours for a patch. Kind of defeats the purpose of forking over the money, but I'm sure you, High and Mighty SE knows best.

I'm sure you are planning on making a brilliant comeback in these next few weeks. I'm sure you must have at least heard of the FFXI-killers, Everquest II and World of Warcraft? Do you have any idea how many North American suscribers you're going to lose to these video games? Although there is no point in delaying the inevitablte, you will lose gamers, but come on now, at least make an effort to keep your fanbase.

I will continue to play this game, for a few reasons. One, WoW isn't out yet, two I want to see if you will make a turn around in these next few weeks, and three, you have my soul, I really want it back.

Your slave

Does anybody else feel like this? This was really a fun little rant to write.
#2 Nov 13 2004 at 4:02 AM Rating: Decent
324 posts
The truth is astounding.
#3 Nov 13 2004 at 8:44 AM Rating: Good
30 posts
Take a deep breath, count to ten, massage your pressure points.. there, calm? Done venting? Excellent.

I'm by no means a SE "Fanboy" in fact, I've only liked 4 games that they've released. (FF 5, FF 9, FF 11 and the first Secret of Mana game). So, as I debate the points of your "letter" to SE, don't let that word enter your noggin. Oh, and if you didn't know, there are means of communicating with a SE represantive directly, so I don't know why you posted this flame-bait here.


You, under the guise of 'teamwork' made it so that to further myself in this surreal world, I would have to party with indivuals.

Would you mind telling me which Final Fantasy games you played prior to this one, in which there was only one character in your party? I'd wager it's a short list.


Due to either nonexistant or poor screening, you let the morons in. How they made it past the installation I don't know, the test results from the caged rats aren't back in yet.

What the heck do you expect them to do? Offer up a math test before you log in? If you're tired of idiots, party with FRIENDS. Take your parties to seldom visted zones to hunt. You're never forced to socialize with any one you don't want to.


Because of your apparant lack of dealing with gil sellers have destroyed your own ingame economy.

Okay, I'll agree that the economy is f-ed up, but it's not SEs fault. The economy is crafting based, and thus player based. SE certainly isn't blameless, but the shortage of gil is more the fault of your greedy every day player. Not the gil-sellers who often under-cut. (They aren't raising the prices, they're just keeping them from falling... but that's another rant entirely.)


You have destroyed the race/job equation by allowing that disreputable company Bradygames, and their staff of incompetent morons and biased idiots to write an "Officia Strategy Guide".

Okay, you're half right. Brady Games is scum, they used to make good strategy guides, but now they're just half-assed and often wrong. However you can still play unusual race/job combos and get PT invites. Some times you'll have to wait longer for invites, but do you really want to PT with idiots who think a GAL/WHM is an unusable combo? Weren't you just complaining about PT'ing with those idiots?

I pretty much aggree that CoP was worthless, and would like to add the Promyvion quests are aggrivating and obnoxious. And boring, don't forget the boring. However, I do enjoy the new zones, and the enchanted equipment. That blink headband has saved my *** so many times. :P

As for your threat to leave at the end... listen, every freaking game has people who say that. "I'm leaving! Your game sucks! Change things or you'll lose my money!!!111one!!exclamation!!"


I will continue to play this game, for a few reasons. One, WoW isn't out yet, two I want to see if you will make a turn around in these next few weeks

Go ahead an leave. Unless you were at a Tokyo dinner last night and had the opportunity to say "Pass the salt Yoichi" I don't think any one at SE is going to beg you to stick around. You really think your $14.95 a month makes a difference to a company that makes billions of dollars a year? It doesn't.

If FF is too frustrating for you then by all means quit. The last thing the loyal players of this game need is another player who half-asses their job because they aren't having fun.
#4 Nov 13 2004 at 11:24 AM Rating: Default
Yes, one individual means nothing to them, but what if more and more people had that mentality? Then chunks start falling off of server population and S-E"s payroll. Then more people quit because most of their friends quit and they no longer have reason to keep playing...then more quit because there's even LESS people after the second round of people had quit....Snowball effect, anyone?

And not just WoW and EQ2, I know people who are quitting for Halo-2 (which sucks, Im saving my money til Socom-3)
#5 Nov 13 2004 at 12:20 PM Rating: Default
First off i want to /clap to Pokiehl. And I hate hate hate how he just went here to vent some of his anger and somebody has to complain. If anybodys had a tough trip its poki, its hard enough to get an invite as a mnk let alone a Taru mnk. Everything for the lvl 40 mnk gear has increased exponentialy in price, and even if you have this gear and can do so well and in a party its still hard to get one. Pokiehl didn't write what he did to **** anyone off or even offend anyone. He just wanted to vent.

I'm really starting to hate some of the people that reply to these threads. He was just look for a way to get rid of his hate for everything that been happening in game. then people have to go and take it as an insult to them.... wtf
#6 Nov 13 2004 at 2:11 PM Rating: Decent
people would quit if they couldnt get gil as most people suck. all the gil farmers and botter accounts bring in so much revenue each year. basically SE are just a money hungry company. and im not buying any more of there products ever. finaly fanyasy 12 can kiss my *** or get stolen from one of there warehouses or something. SE dont care. they only want money. I think i can find other ways of getting entertainment. i feel so guilty for once liking this company. Its just a greed driven capotolistic company only bothered with how much it can make rather than customer relations.
#7 Nov 13 2004 at 10:08 PM Rating: Good
142 posts
[rate up] to two lengthy posts that actually forwarded ideas. ^^

I agree with Fuzzy frog on all accounts though. If you don't like the game then leave. There are plenty of games out there and hopefully one of them is more to your liking. I play EVE a lot and have for about three years now. Through my experience in EVE, there will always be gamers who say "Make me feel special or I will quit; and I am just one of many". There will always be new MMORGS that are yet to be released and 'everyone' is salivating over. Yet in the end? yes people do leave but the game does nothing but grow and becomes better.

As far as gill sellers. You do realize that 'all' MMORGs have gil sellers? and of those mmorgs I have only heard of one that has had a serious problem with it; Lineage II. Yet all players seem to hate gil sellers. Though the irony is that someone has to be buying the gil in order for the gil sellers to exist. Why not check yourself at the door before going into SE home office to complain? I am sure you don't buy gil but complaining to SE isn't the solution. The only real way to stop gil selling is to eliminate the demand for it. There are only two ways of doing that. Either shut the game down; or eliminate the 'demand' to purchase gil with dollars. If you really want to start up a holly crusade against gil sellers please pick one and move on. Though for my own sake please choose the later option as I enjoy the game and would rather it not be shutdown ^^

As far as the Strategy Guide, I have found it to be a great resource. What 'everyone' seems to not realize is that books are written by 'humans' and as such are riddled with 'opinions' and 'theories'. The Strategy Guide is no different. It is one persons opinion over another. Everyone realizes this fundimentally and hense the SG isn't the problem. The problem you are referring to is power gaming. There is a very real tendency for people to want to have the 'best' character. To be the 'best' damage dealer. or be the 'best' healer. or be in the 'best' party. So what people do is they realize that is 'the best' by the numbers. THAT is where you get the idea that Galka/whm's are bad. The SG has nothing to do with it and is not at fault; it is the player's own fault.

The reality is that you are just one of many who just want someone to blame. In the absense of someone to blame you look to SE. Some things just are what they are.
#8 Nov 14 2004 at 5:24 AM Rating: Decent
132 posts
As always, there are two ways to look at everything. but really... I lost my favorite LS because the LS leader left for EQ2, and i think half the LS went with him. (I, being poor and having a crappy old comp can't go to eq2, nor would i want to)

yes, there are morons on FFXI... we're all a moron at some point or another... we may not see it, but it's fairly certain that someone out there is looking at you and thinking "moron..." the real trick is to just laugh it off and realize that people in a group are just plain silly. and in a game where "teamwork" is key (Just liek EVERY other FF game out there), the sillyness can/will hit exponential levels.
#9 Nov 16 2004 at 11:18 AM Rating: Good
they only want money

Quoted in reference to SE...

Well WTF did you expect? SE is a corporation, there sole point in existence is to make money, so it stands to reason thats what they are going to do. I don't understand why people get pissed off about this. You may as well get pissed off the McDonalds sells cheeseburgers for 99 cents but sells double cheeseburgers for a dollar because they are a bunch of money grubbing corporate hogs (well duh)
#10 Nov 16 2004 at 11:36 AM Rating: Decent
Xellith wrote:
people would quit if they couldnt get gil as most people suck. all the gil farmers and botter accounts bring in so much revenue each year. basically SE are just a money hungry company. and im not buying any more of there products ever. finaly fanyasy 12 can kiss my *** or get stolen from one of there warehouses or something. SE dont care. they only want money. I think i can find other ways of getting entertainment. i feel so guilty for once liking this company. Its just a greed driven capotolistic company only bothered with how much it can make rather than customer relations.

real genius here, think they do it for free?
#11 Nov 16 2004 at 1:56 PM Rating: Decent
Well, I'm giving props to Poki on this one. Very well said. You're still a ******. XD

To the people who are replying to the thread with counterpoints...did he ask for your opinion? No? Well then I suppose you just have to make attempts to show you're smarter than someone(in this case, my friend Poki). Yeah, I might be doing just that by posting this, but I really hope you see this and think about it at least a little. Peace.

p.s. The thing about screening new players to see if they're morons was a JOKE, people.
#12 Nov 16 2004 at 6:53 PM Rating: Decent
To the people who are replying to the thread with counterpoints...did he ask for your opinion? No?

Does anybody else feel like this? This was really a fun little rant to write.
#13 Nov 17 2004 at 1:06 AM Rating: Decent
30 posts

To the people who are replying to the thread with counterpoints...did he ask for your opinion? No? Well then I suppose you just have to make attempts to show you're smarter than someone

My bad, I was under the false assumption that internet forums were places for the free exchange of opinions and ideas. I thought I was holding a debate with a person who had a valid opinion. My mistake.

/salute Heil mein furor!

Edited for spelling and grammar

Edited, Wed Nov 17 01:07:42 2004 by FuzzyFrog
#14 Nov 17 2004 at 10:48 AM Rating: Decent
If you look around these forums, you'll see many posts that end with a request for people's opinions on what they wrote. This does not end as such. This was just someone posting a condensed version of their feelings about Square-Enix's negligence towards the player community (feelings which are shared by myself and no doubt countless others)in an effort to vent his frustration. There is no need for debate other than to belittle the poster, and I do quite enough of that in LS chat.^^
#15 Nov 17 2004 at 11:41 AM Rating: Decent
145 posts
Poki did ask if anyone else had the same opinion on the matter.

And i question the purpose of posting if you don't expect some kind of response, yes, Poki is allowed to voice his opinion in as much as everyone else can agree or disagree

What is the point of posting on the message board if you are not allowed to expect feed back?
seriously, its a board
if people weren't allowed to offer up unsolicited opinion, then you would have a board full of 1 post topics...

riiiiight, what a WONDERFUL idea
#16 Nov 17 2004 at 3:03 PM Rating: Decent
142 posts
a board full of 1 post topics about everyone else's topic... cause you can't stop people from having an opinion and voicing it, whether you want to really bad, or not.
#17 Nov 18 2004 at 3:42 PM Rating: Decent
I actually thought about this thread yesterday. I'm gonna have to bad. I guess I just had a bad reaction to something I agreed with being disagreed with. /humble <me>

edit: p.s. Poki is a word-thief (see: Squenix, lefty, etc.)

Edited, Thu Nov 18 15:44:25 2004 by Jehvren
#18 Nov 25 2004 at 3:11 AM Rating: Decent
164 posts
Well, I for one totally agree with Pokiehl.

The gil-sellers are ******** the common player left and right. My chances of getting a Sniper's Ring at this point are about as good as me NOT getting killed in my next idiot PT in Crawler's Nest. There's no way I'm paying that much for a lv 40 ring. And I'm most certainly not paying my real money for an intangible object, just so the elitists in this game will be satisfied. I'm just glad I got my Kote before those took another huge price hike.

Hell, come to think of it, +5 ACC is the last thing i need, when the moron tanks i always end up with can't keep hate from me now.

But it's not all the gil-sellers fault. If people would stop buying these items at such outrageous prices, the crafters would be left with a large supply on hand and would cease to buy from the gil-sellers at the ridiculous prices they demand for the materials. Remember folks, the economy is based on supply and demand. If we don't pay the crafters, they in turn can't pay the gil-sellers. And once the those greedy bastards have 7 Archer's Rings each rotting away in their AH slots, maybe they'll consider bringing the price dowm a bit.

And about CoP, I feel kinda ripped off as well. I do like some of the new areas, but I hate the fact that beating Promyvion is required to get to most of them. They should also have given us at least one new job to keep things fresh. But i guess that was not to be. Oh well, C'est la vie. Some of the new enchanted equip is really nice though.

P.S. You're right Pokiehl, your Kote are MUCH cuter than mine. ;)

P.P.S. I still can't get a friggin Bomb Ring to drop.
#19 Nov 30 2004 at 12:27 PM Rating: Decent
um... no ones makin you play... if you dont like it, stop, wait for the next game to play... but if your still on the server playing, your not making any sense... if you dont like it, stop.
mad people quit the game cause they dont like it... odd how they all continued to the last few seconds when the bus left to go to the mall to buy eq2... if i dont like a song on the radio, i change the station. if i dont like a tv show, i change the channel. "man this show sucks, but, i dunno, i guess ill watch it anyway..." <-stupid...
#20 Nov 30 2004 at 12:41 PM Rating: Decent
Jehvren wrote:
If you look around these forums, you'll see many posts that end with a request for people's opinions on what they wrote. This does not end as such. This was just someone posting a condensed version of their feelings about Square-Enix's negligence towards the player community (feelings which are shared by myself and no doubt countless others)in an effort to vent his frustration. There is no need for debate other than to belittle the poster, and I do quite enough of that in LS chat.^^

I see, theres also stress balls. what a waste of energy it was to reply. F*n MORONS!!#!@# ty
#21 Nov 30 2004 at 7:39 PM Rating: Decent
160 posts
Another issue being addressed during this version update is the monopoly over certain monsters and items by a number of players.
The development team is currently working on several methods to combat these types of actions.
Some methods include the introduction of similar items, and new ways of obtaining items.

Articles 23, 24 and 25 of the PlayOnline User Agreement as well as Article 6 of the Finaly Fantasy XI User Agreement specificly prohibit the sale of any in-game money, characters, and/or items on internet auctions, etc.
Any players found participating in RMT (Real Money Trading), whether it be buying or selling, may have their accounts terminated. Please consider the consequences before partaking in actions that may result in the destruction of all your player characters.

There you have it Pokiehl! They are crackin' down starting 9/12/04 in a big patch with a lot of new stuff.
Check it out here:
#22 Feb 09 2005 at 9:42 AM Rating: Default
all i have to say is Bravo, and well said. ^^
#23 Feb 09 2005 at 3:28 PM Rating: Decent
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By: Sakiri
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all i have to say is Bravo, and well said. ^^

Kitiara - Mithra 32 war/mnk
Sakiri - Tarutaru 18 rdm/whm

The hunt for NMs (>*.*)>

Spiny Spipi: 0/1
Serpopard Ishtar 0/1
Leaping Lizzy: 0/1

How F-N bored where you to dig up this post from november?
Sorry i have to laugh about it.





#24 Feb 09 2005 at 4:56 PM Rating: Decent
610 posts
My wife, our three best friends and myself still debate over whether or not to praise Square Enix or curse them.

The five of us are heavily addicted, despite the idiot players, the gil sellers, gil buyers and nuisance of attempting to get things done that we want.

In respect to the idiot players out there I'm sure we are all idiots to someone else.

My wife and I are both heavily into crafting. We both are aggitated over the doubling and tripling of crafting supplies and the inability to obtain items from the guild that are sold out .0000000000000000000000000000000001 seconds after the guild opens. (Bronze Ingots and Oak Logs anyone?). We are both irritated with the lack of profit from a good portion of our crafts.

My wife farms far more than I do, but my alchemy is much higher than her crafts so I have more gil to blow than she does.

In respect to profit and cost, we both understand that the true profit comes when you are significantly higher in the craft rank where you can make the high quality synths. (2-4 Animal glues instead of one, Seer's Tunic +1, etc..)

Neither us, nor our friends buy or sell gil. One of our friends wanted sniper's rings and the ochiudo's kote as he is a monk, however we refuse to spend that much gil on those items. We did attempt to camp the Stroper Chyme to get him an archer's ring but with the multitudes of campers it wasn't a pleasant experience. We did manage to get it three times, alas no drop, such is the way of NM camping.

I did spend 650K on the brown belt for him, yet a month ago it was 450k and now not quite 3 weeks later it is up to 900K.

Yet, we the players are to blame for the rising costs of crystals and items and we the players are responsible for the lack of profit from craftings.

We the players shell out 900K for an item that can be quested instead of questing it ourselves. When someone is willing to pay that for an item, the next seller says, "Hey! I bet they'll pay 1million next time." Sure enough, someone pays 1million for the item.

Square Enix didn't set the prices. We do.

Square Enix is doing what they can. But we the players as well are doing what we can do to ***** up the economy.

Whether you feel Square is doing all they can or not, remember it is we the players to blame for much of this.

As long as someone is willing to buy gil, someone will sell it.

As long as someone is willing to pay 1 million for an item, then someone will sell it for that and continue to raise the price to make more money for it.

I love this game, my wife loves this game, our friends love this game. I have played and own all the FF to date that have been released US. I grew up on FF. I am 30 years old.

Like me, love me, hate me, flame me, do as you will. This is my two cents to the arguement. I am here to play the game and have fun. I hope y'all are too.

See you around Vana'Diel.
#25 Feb 10 2005 at 1:47 AM Rating: Default
heh, I said similar things every one of the umm lemme think, 12 times I completely deleted.... ; ;

but I still play, and I will be here until the day its just me and the other 5 people that still play, we'll have our own SP ^^

btw sorry to intrude, but I'm currently looking for a good home lol kinda want a mule on another world if ya know what I mean.

Edited, Thu Feb 10 01:48:00 2005 by ffxirandomname
#26 Feb 10 2005 at 6:13 AM Rating: Good
1,239 posts
whatever SE do, a bunch of american will swtich to EQ2 and WoW anyway. regardless of how SE deal with them. SE helps either EQ2 or WoW to develop (i forgot which one) and if you think these games are to rival each other, i think the action of SE proof you wrong. if SE really scare ppl change games, they wouldn't help other companies to develop other MMORPG.

many players went to other game and come back, some stay at EQ2 or wow, some comes back. the competition is healthy and you choose what style of the game.

whatever CoP does, you can't deny WoW is a less time consuming and hardcore than FFXI, some ppl will always choose that style and there is nothing SE can do. when you are bored with wow for 2 months after getting all the elite items, cap lvl, some ppl came back.

for that stupid guide, SE has no control whatsoever to you or me or anyone else to write something idoit about the game. if ppl collow that guide, blame himself to do so and SE is not at fault at all.

gil seller exist in all kind of games, there is no way to elimiate it. if you blame your government why american has a death rate caused by guns at around 1 death in 3min, that's wrong. is about the mentality of ppl , not the govenment's fault. gil sellers now can't survive individully anymore, those gil sellers survived are in big oraganiation which is very hard to combat.
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