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A warning about an ls....Follow

#27 Dec 13 2004 at 12:43 PM Rating: Decent
I would just like to publically apologize to Ryu for being so inflammatory. I was angry, and I still have issues with some of the rules she has set forth for her linkshell. However, in posting such an articulate, well-worded response, she has reminded me of why it is so irritating that I can't be in EK in the first place. *sighs*
#28 Dec 13 2004 at 2:43 PM Rating: Decent
drinks on saracyla!
#29 Dec 13 2004 at 2:58 PM Rating: Default
Hear hear!
#30 Dec 13 2004 at 8:38 PM Rating: Decent
Well, like Ryunoire said it was a rather sudden increase in members in one day. I log on one day and I no longer now half of my own Linkshell. There had to be at least 70 of us now. And it's rather hard to assist 70 different people in doing what needs to be done. Priorities obviously were set. When you help someone you do it on your time, not theirs so you need to be patient when waiting for help.

I haven't had any bad experiences with my LS. I'm quite proud to have the title Eternal Knight actually. But then members of SOB came out of nowhere and it was fine at first. I had fun meeting new people. But then when Ryunoire kicked some former SOB members for breaking the set rules that they agreed to a few people got angry.

It's a fairly simple decision. Do you like being in the LS your in? If not then leave. Simple as that. I don't remember how long the merge lasted but I don't even think it lasted two weeks. Yet Lienna has the audacity to come to a public forum and talk about us like were class A felons.

All of my success and happiness in FFXI comes from Ryunoire. She's helped me with pratically everything I've ever desired, most of which I never actually asked for. When Ryunoire speaks like she did in her earlier post, I get a sensation of pride and loyalty that makes me strive to become stronger than I am now. For her, for myself, and most importantly, for the Eternal Knights. Every Eternal Knight is special to me in one way or another. Nothing can break my bond with them. Ever.

Regardless of what others might misinterpret from Lienna's post. If you ever actual get to meet and get know an Eternal Knight, any Knight, you'll realize what Lienna is saying is false. These people are the most loyal and courageous people I've ever met.Regardless of what others might think or say.... I am an Eternal Knight, and I'm proud to be one.

Long live the Eternal Knights.

Edited, Mon Dec 13 20:40:51 2004 by AzarathTheRedMage
#31 Dec 13 2004 at 9:42 PM Rating: Decent
74 posts
AzarathTheRedMage wrote:
...Regardless of what others might misinterpret from Lienna's post. If you ever actual get to meet and get know an Eternal Knight, any Knight, you'll realize what Lienna is saying is false. These people are the most loyal and courageous people I've ever met.Regardless of what others might think or say.... I am an Eternal Knight, and I'm proud to be one.

Long live the Eternal Knights.

Edited, Mon Dec 13 20:40:51 2004 by AzarathTheRedMage

Yeah! We're not some rude ppl if you actually meet us!
#32 Dec 13 2004 at 10:26 PM Rating: Decent
Lienna is telling the truth.

Lvl 75 Warrior
#33 Dec 14 2004 at 12:40 AM Rating: Good
424 posts
i've knon zephyrus since e was 52 and if he is in the l and has no problems they cant be that bad of people. When u join a ls of course people will ignore u they dont know u you have to earn there respect.
#34 Dec 14 2004 at 4:26 AM Rating: Default
117 posts
Nice job on the site scar. I'll still help with your AF if needed.

I was working on finals too much to notice all of the problems. But, when several of the lvl 75 players from babylon said that the 4pm deadline for events was undoable and the response was somthing like "this ls may not be right for you, you are free to find another" and then those members left I felt kinda bad.
Then a few got booted without any explanation for breaking rules they didn't know about yet ><

If it weren't for these 2 things the union probably would have worked out great. But since it didn't work right off the bat for several of the stronger babylon members it turned into a hostile takeover ; ;

I don't have anything against most of EK, and got to know a couple members doing prom dem (especially since we had to wait for 2hours to come back ><)

But, I like all but 1 member of babylon who mouths off whenever a sackholder isn't around.
Rabbai, Maly, Vain, Jan, Cue, Yuck, etc. even Lienna and Krug all kick major butt, and are great players, and have been helping my slow lvling butt for many months.

I also like that I can switch to illumina for a few mins and talk with old friends without worrying about getting booted.

I'd say the if the time zone works out for you, you get a list of rules and can agree with them, and you don't have a disagreement with a sack holder then EK might be a good ls for you.
XI: Erdrick: Hume RDM, BLU, SMN, GEO - Shiva.
"Well, I make no claims to genius. I let those who see me in action do that."
RM from
#35 Dec 14 2004 at 7:07 AM Rating: Decent
I though I should reply to this post because I am a EK member and I am the only person in the linkshell that is on about 20 hours out of the day... thus I see most everything that goes on. For those of you who do not know, my character is played by 2 individuals that is why we have so many hours a day on the game. This is how this "merger" came to be... Ryu was on for about 5 minutes to introduce SOB leader and said that he will be inviting "some" of his members to this linkshell then she /logoff then in about an hour or so there was about 50 new people added to the linkshell... nobody was really warned about anyone being invited... thus the confusion and mayhem when most EK member came on and saw all these new members. The way I interpreted this “merger” was that only a few member were going to be added at first then the rest of the members a little later when Ryu could explain to the rest of the current linkshell mebers what was going on. When some members came on that day and found all these new members in the linkshell they assumed something was wrong. And as we know what assuming can do “it makes an A$$ out of u and me”. Thing got way out of proportion but eventually calmed down after people got to know one another and got use to each other. I personally got tells from many EK members that they did not like having all these new people, but after a few days they changed there minds and saw them as a asset to the linkshell and made some new friends/party buddies. I was busy crafting or farming and did not see when someone got kicked for no apparent reason. But I’m sure whatever leader kicked them thought they had an apparent reason for doing so. I personally have never kicked anyone from the linkshell nor would I ever kick anyone from the linkshell without discussing the situation with the Ryu and the rest of the leaders, but that is just how I am. I am one of the first members of EK and this linkshell has always been one to help a friend in need.

Now to address some of the comments said in the above post.

Quote from Lienna “I feel sorry for anyone who ends up in your ls, since they will likely be treated like inferior sh*t like most of us were”… When these new members came in and were higher lvl then a lot of the members in EK, some EK members were intimidated by the fact that there were now higher members in the linkshell with the same jobs as them. But after a few days they realized how much they could learn and benefit by having a member in the linkshell that was the same job but higher lvl. I was intimidated when I saw that there was 2 new lvl 70+ mnks and thought that I wasn’t needed any more. I got to know them in the next few days and I realized that I could get some good advice from them and I really enjoyed there company. When you are in a group as large as EK had got there is always going to be times when you may feel that you are inferior but that doesn’t make you inferior.

Quote from Lienna “Thank you for the abuse and rudeness and *gasp* lack of respect. Thank you for a sh*tty experience in this rather sad ls.... “

Quote from Lienna “that some current members will finally realize how much yall are a bunch of thick-headed @#%^s and leave you with nothing but an empty ls, with pearls scattered all over Vana'diel.”

Quote from Lienna “No I wont list the names of people in that ls, cause that is a bit over the top”

I never really got to know you other then the occasional question on crafting, but looking at just these 3 comments, and believe me there was more comments I wanted to address, the majority of the rudeness, lack of respect, and thick-headedness comes from you. To create a post that contains all the things that you said you did not like about us is absolutely unnecessary. I resent the fact that you personal conflicts with a few that you slam a whole linkshell. This linkshell has always been there when I needed them to be. I may have had to wait 2-3 weeks for certain things and sometimes longer, but eventually when people had free time they assisted me. You were only in the linkshell a few weeks is that enough time?? LB2 and AF’s took me a month or 2 to complete and I’m sure I am not the only one that had to wait more then a week to get help. Do not slam a whole linkshell just because you have a personal conflict with a few people. Grow Up! To publicly slander people as you said (abusive, rude, disrespectful, and thick-headed), and also immature.

You make the whole linkshell appear as this quote below,

Quote from Xellith “The members of EternalKnights dont even know why they made the LS. everyone in that LS that never lefted a finger should be ashamed. this game is all about helping others so we can all help each other.”

Which is false.

We all try to help when we have the time you just did not give us the time. No one can please everyone at the same time; we must all wait in line. This game is suppose to be fun and you should be able to do what you think is fun and not have to do what someone else wants/thinks you should do. Let me ask you all this, “If you are in the middle of leveling a craft or a job would you just drop everything you were doing to go help out someone if they asked you.” If you answer is yes then I need help getting Optical Hat < carbuncle mitts < rank7 > sky access and many other things J. I personally get asked at least 1-2 times a hour to help with something if it be a teleport or a coffer key hunt or LB’s or farming or to party, and if I am not in the middle of something I will gladly help.

As stated by many people in many forums about FFXI Ryu is a great person, great player, and the best leader I know!!!

One last thought for the people who are reading these posts, PLEASE don’t judge EK by what one disgruntled former member had to say, but come to know EK, and you will see for yourself. That way you can make your own decision on what kind of people we are.

There is a song that goes “ IF you can’t please everyone then just please yourself” ^^
#36 Dec 14 2004 at 9:30 AM Rating: Default

Edited, Thu Jan 13 11:40:58 2005 by LionsFan
#37 Dec 14 2004 at 10:04 AM Rating: Good
77 posts
Well I just had to say Ryu and the EK really helped me out a few months ago.

I posted a request for help on another forum, and quickly got a response from Ryu with an invitation to the LS and a time and date to help me get my RDM AF Pimp Hat!

To make a long story short, I showed up at the appointed time, and had a blast! We made a whole day of it, going from one AF quest to another, killing everything in our way.

Unfortunatlely, I'm a player that just doesn't have major blocks of time to play, which is what HNM and other events in the ls require. I didn't understand this when I joined up but it soon became apparent. Nothing wrong with that, it's a very organized group and they get a LOT accomplished. It just didn't fit my playstyle.

So I THINK I got kicked. Actually I just stopped equipping the LS because I felt so bad that I could not be as involved as was needed to be a contributing member. At some point my forum username/password was revoked.

Am I mad? Not at all. The relationship just didn't work out. There were no mean words, no back handed comments made. I thought it was handled maturely.

My only regret is not being able to help more, since they did me such a great favor by helping with RDM AF.

So leave Ryu alone, she/he is doing a fine job of organizing a rag-tag group of soldiers into shape :P

#38 Dec 14 2004 at 11:57 AM Rating: Good
205 posts
wow sorry Lienna remember me? I think I got my papryus with you all that long time ago :) It does sound like a preoccupied LS thats just way to big for its own good. The problem with LS's like that what with over-organization and what have you is after you get all your items, and all your gear what do you have? Nothing... its all about making friends in this game.

The not having more than one LS rule should have given it away. There's so much this game has to offer than talking to the same people over and over again. This game is about friends, the tools we're provided to communicate our needs are adequate but not exemplorary.

I'd be screwed if I joined as I have many friends much lower levels than and some higher, that I like to be in communication with. I just don't see how it benefits the EKs with such pitiful, trite, selfish rules. The game is about communicating with everyone Vana'Diel, not only in their respective clique's.

On another hand I must say I have heard great deeds done by this Ryu, she/he seems to be overworked and undercompensated and this does sound to be entirely out of her control so the rules he's come up with are ordinaces to maintain control of the mass of players bequesting her.

On that note, I'm a lvl 61 paladin, if I can help in any way. Please send me a /tell :)
I'm always looking to make new friends. If I can even just help you look for a party to help I will. :) happy holidays! Remember its a wonderful game people be thankful!
#39 Dec 14 2004 at 12:10 PM Rating: Default
ok, im going to post the same thing as on the other EK thread. People, you've gone too far. Lienna, although she was wronged in some ways, has had her fair share of problems. Im not going to go into that on this thread. You took things far too personally, you were way too impatient and i dont think you posted a single thing on our website asking for help. That is the main way for us to organize anything because there are so many people from different regions and timezones that its hard to organize any other way and we have too many thing to do to post everything on the MOTD. Im sorry i couldnt help you with the coffer key, and you failed to mention that someone IRL needed my help I didnt go off to help someone else in game, i was on my way to help you and yes, skill up. There is nothing wrong with that, i wasnt going to leave until you got your key. And yes, we do have problems with our leaders on some days. I havent mentioned this before but i got the same /tell as you Lienna saying know your place and i have been on that ls for a good month or two. The biggest point i wanted to make was every person has bad days. Anyone who says that they havent been upset or angry or having a bad day and took it out on someone else in game, is lying right there. I do the same thing although, often enough with stress about finals and other personal matters, i have been rather crabby lately, and i appologise for that, but that isnt what this is about. There has been a lot of things happening lately that i have noticed in different forums. People make mistakes fine, the merger didnt work, fine. What truely disgusts me is that people judge simply from one post. You hear 1/2 a story and thats good enough, these people are horrible. Before you make an opinion, please, please try to find the whole story. Yes EK has problems, yes im an *** at times, but that doesnt mean im someone you might not like and EK is by far the best ls that i have ever been on. I was originally from Inspire where you have to beg on hands and knees for help. i had to wait almost a month for them to finally get me LB1. Maybe i was wrong to ask in help for that, i dunno, but most of the SoB members were gone before even a week had passed. Please everyone, try to hold judgements until you read both sides of the story.
#40REDACTED, Posted: Dec 14 2004 at 5:17 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) omg lol. Ryunoire you are a sick twisted ****. Do you actually read what you write, when you write it. Jesus, this is the year 2004, what the hell are you talking about "My Knights" , and "Strive to be the best", you sound like a ***. The people in "YOUR LS" aren't your's to own, they dont belong to you, there not objects for you to twist and manipulate into believing you guys are "real knights" from the medieval ages. You need to sit back and take a grip on reality, I believe you need to quit this game and go take a walk or watch a movie. I couldn't stop laughing when I was reading your post. Im so glad Im outta that LS, you guys are off the wall >< lmao
#41 Dec 14 2004 at 5:41 PM Rating: Default
how about we all stop whining crying and complaining and play the god damn game
#42 Dec 14 2004 at 7:11 PM Rating: Default
Hi, I'm Kirai

Being a veteran of eq for 3-4 years and comming to ffxi i find this drama very laughable.

For what it's worth, though - When I feel I have a chip on my shoulder, I just talk about it with that person. Maybe it's just that I'm old enough to know I shouldn't go defameing any person (or linkshell in this case) because of my shortcommings with maturity.

In time you all will learn this, too. (if you haven't already)

Edited, Tue Dec 14 19:12:15 2004 by KiraitheSamurai
#43 Dec 14 2004 at 7:17 PM Rating: Default
KloeKittyKatGang wrote:
that post was very disturbing. O.O seems like ryu isnt the helper she claims to be. I guess being a HNM Ls or whatever changes people...

E-peens galore, I've stayed in low level LSes as much as possible. This is the exact reason.
#44 Dec 14 2004 at 10:55 PM Rating: Decent
It did not go as either ls, desired... Even I do not see why there is such venomosity.
#45 Dec 27 2004 at 4:39 PM Rating: Decent
#46 Dec 27 2004 at 8:56 PM Rating: Decent
Hey Jehv, I am already level 34 Bst! You better start leveling rdm more or I'll beat you!!!!!!!11111three!!!11
#47 Dec 28 2004 at 1:21 PM Rating: Decent
it's on now, sucka
#48 Dec 30 2004 at 2:06 AM Rating: Default

Ill start off my reply to this sadness by first saying this.
1. My balls are now sore after reeading that sad pile of dog crap.
2. I just finished watchined the LOTR triogy and it was great.
3. I do not play Final Fantasy Online and i will never do so ever again while i live.
4. My friend was just about to leave my house and he wanted to show me this post and said "Hey wade, you have to see this post this guy wrote its mad weak" So i said... Oh... Ok i read it.. just this once. *Not knowing what i got myself into, now i need some ice for my family rocks*
5. I play WoW, on occasion, oh about 30 minutes a day, b/c now remember this folks b/c im going to repeat this alot and it might get old reading this but maybe after reading it ovr and over.. b/c god knows all of you have read this sick long *** posts for no reason, ill just keep saying it then. I HAVE A LIFE.
I HAVE A LIFE, ok now lets break this down.
I have a job, Now im sure most of all of you also have jobs. Now my job is an 8 Hour job, Ok so thats 8 out of 24. Ok so. the AVERAGE *not a sick ***** human being requires 8 Hours of Sleep a day.. So... thats 16 out of 24.. Lets get out the calculater.. lers see that leaves us with. 8 Hours left.

Ok so, in those 8 hours of "SPARE TIME" What will you do with your life?

Will you take a Shower?>> NO
Will you Take the time to call your friends or "Socialize" >>NO
Will you brush your teeth or do any other self Hygenic functions?>>NO
Will you spend time with a mate? Girl or Boy? i dont give a **** will you??>>>NO (Odds are you dont have one b/c you smell so bad, Take a shower you damn MMO FREAKS)
Will you Take out the trash? or walk your dogs? or mow your lawns? or go to the Bank? or fix your car? any of these things?>>>>NO.

Why will you not do these things? Well the answer is simple.

ALL OF YOU CANT READ! thats it!. All of you ignored the ******* WARNING message given to you before you log into FF online evreyday Dont you? It Clearly STATES "Do not forget your friends and your family and your school and work"


Dont you feel stupid now? Not only did you just read my "Flame" or "Trolling" That is what you forum freaks like to call it isnt it? But maybe you might actually be wiping the crust from your eyes and deciding to take a bath soon... Phew... Im Spent.. writing all of that wasnt even 25% of what the other guy wrote.. but im tired now and im goingto go to Bed. then wake up and eat breakfast, then take a shower, and play with my puppies. After that spend time with my girlfriend...

Meanwhile in Vanadiel, Some poeple are whining b/c there "LS" Family isnt perfect!! WOOOOOOO everyone cry!!!!

GOD.... PATHETIC.......

Welp, I will go now by saying this one last thing, before i depart.



I Have a life.
#49 Dec 30 2004 at 1:43 PM Rating: Good
582 posts
...? I don't understand what this Wade guy's point is.

And you need 8 hours of sleep? How old are you? What job do you have? I constantly run on 5 or 4 perfectly ever since I graduated from grad school. I have enough time to go to the gym at 6AM, go to work (I work at a law firm), come home, eat dinner with my husband, watch some CNBC, and play FFXI.

On weekends I go out with my friends. I go shopping, dining and drinking, and still have plenty of time to play.

Maybe you should learn to time manage better then you can play more complicated games.
#50 Dec 30 2004 at 2:10 PM Rating: Default
I hate to disagree with Lienna cause shes a cool person, but this LS has helped me more than any other LS's (including the one ive been in since September..freaking level 30-40 noobs ^-^ j/k SilverBullets youre awesome).

1. They don't let me into their LS. Theyre obviously doing something right. XD lmao. Dont take that too seriously, I work fine in Linkshells.
2. EK Helped me with one of my coffer keys (wont name specific members who did it so they wont get swamped for help requests).
3. EK Helped me and another RDM with RDM AF-3 NM's. (All in all, fighting 2 NMs twice each in out-of-the-way places *coughFei'Yen, Citadel* took about 12 hours of work spread out over 2 evenings. This required just not one or two nice people from their LS but a collective effort of a half-dozen of their strongest members putting in their time).
4. Makoholic has a similar taste in NPCs as me. I will never forget when we saw that Smilebringer in bastok. Hot stuff...
5. One EK member pledged her time to help a level 75 duo Dark Spark for me. (Once again, not naming people so they dont get swamped for more help requests then they already recieve).

As for Linkshells merging I dont think its such a good idea. Only rarely do I hear of one working well without any conflicts between LS1's members and LS2's members. Windurst Mercenaries and Calvalry just merged...I told my friend to vote against it but he never got to vote on it. (Damn communists! lol j/k) We'll see how that turns out.
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