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Calling all UK players on the Shiva serverFollow

#1 Dec 16 2004 at 9:43 AM Rating: Default
306 posts
Hey people of Shiva.....i have set up a UK if you are from the UK and u want a pearl then just gimme a holla and i will gladly give you a pearl. The LS has about 30 or so members now and it is growing very fast, so any UK players that wanna join then /tell Sanumanu

Cheers and happy gamin :-)
#2 Dec 16 2004 at 12:16 PM Rating: Decent
*puts his hand up* me me me!!

Im a ickle newb who knows NOTHING bout the game... honest!! lmao!

Best thing bout a UK LS..... everyone is on at the same time, n must be mad!! What bout US/*** peak hours??

Cya lata!
#3 Dec 16 2004 at 12:20 PM Rating: Default
306 posts
Cool cool well i should be on about 6ish so if u wanna give me a holla or ill give ya a holla and ill give ya pearl and u can meet the LS buddies.

See ya laterz

Edited, Thu Dec 16 12:21:23 2004 by Sanumanu
#4 Dec 16 2004 at 1:13 PM Rating: Decent
Logging in now, Il be in San d'Oria gettin my lvls up, my char is same name as me account, so give me /tell cos remember im a "noob" lol!

Edited, Thu Dec 16 13:13:42 2004 by Lokisul
#5 Dec 20 2004 at 9:30 AM Rating: Decent
Hello fellow Brits, ill be switching to Shiva from Gilgamesh soon.

Expect to get a tell from me when i do, great to hear there is a UK

See you in game soon.
#6 Dec 20 2004 at 9:56 AM Rating: Default
306 posts
Afternoon....cheers for the post Jikk.....i will gladly give ya a pearl when u arrive at Shiva....we have about 40 UK players so far in our UK more the merrier and if u no any UK m8s then bring em along 2, lol. So why u changin from ya current server?
#7 Dec 20 2004 at 9:58 AM Rating: Default
306 posts
Also when u transferrin over?
#8 Dec 20 2004 at 1:36 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks for the reply

Hopefully joining Shiva as soon as possible.

I would like to join your linkshell because keeping up with friends and ls people in different timezones is a hassle. Being in an NA ls means most events are impossible for me to take part in. Its a shame to be leaving friends and my level 34 drk, but ill keep a character on my old server to keep in touch with them.

Hope to see you and the Bulldogs soon!

Ok got a world pass now, so ill be on either tonight or tommorow,
see you later.

Edited, Mon Dec 20 13:47:13 2004 by Jikk
#9 Dec 21 2004 at 5:54 AM Rating: Decent
306 posts
<<<<< bump >>>>

Cool, cool i will have a pearl ready for you tonight then? That should make our UK LS have about ummmm 40ish members now, which is cool. Its handy to have a LS that has people ALL in the same time zone as you.

So UK players of Shiva give Sanumanu a holla when ya online and i will give ya a pearl :-)
#10 Dec 21 2004 at 2:19 PM Rating: Decent
Ah cool another new person to the server! I just moved from Ramuh so im basically lowest lvl in the LS, but last nite i was in a kiler party so il catch up damnit!

Neway cool to av u wid us Jikk, god the LS is growing fast. hehe congrats Sanumanu!
#11 Dec 23 2004 at 4:12 AM Rating: Decent
306 posts
Hehehehe glad to have u on board Lok, like i said the more people the better.

So once again if there are an UK players out there on the "Shiva" server then give me a holla cause you are more than welcome to join.

We have about 40ish members now, its cool to have all the people in the LS on the same server as when you are on they are bound to be on as well...everyone is always willing to give a hand or give advice. Its a really cool LS and what makes it better we are all from UK 2 :-P
#12 Dec 23 2004 at 11:18 AM Rating: Decent
And being from the UK means we operate at GMT times....

So from like morning till nite, we are online yey!!! Well to be more precise I AM online.... sanumanu and everyone logs of way earli... i was last one online for last 3 nites running! MJ logged at about 4am, n i logged at 6am lol

I log, when my FFXI finally crashes due to over heat.... hehe. Ah well, fun fun...
(yet again, this is my random crap msg, to bump up this thread hehe)
#13 Dec 24 2004 at 2:31 AM Rating: Default
sanu try posting this on the killing firit forums. not sure that any english people wanna join out fantastic LS. dont know why... *smells the air... sanu.. you stink!! ewwwwww!!!*
#14 Dec 24 2004 at 2:47 PM Rating: Decent

hi there !!

im form the UK and i would love to join your LS. I was in hellsangels but as i live in the uk when i logged on there was never normaly anyone on. i join Gods too but that broke up as it did not have very many members. i am now in KisserDragons. Irivet (sorry Hyatt if i have spelt it wrong) ^_^ and DevineWarriors allthough these are all very good LS and i have made alot of frineds there, they are all mostly NA LSs. it would be really nice to join an all UK one so i dont have to stay up till 6am just to do promovilions. which last time i tired i died 3 times :( but it was still lots of fun.

a little about me. i play FFXI too much :D i have to work part time and goto university so i cant play 24/7 but i play when i can.

jobs: BLM45 WHM35 MNK6 THF3 DRG3 WAR3
crafts: fishing 35 i think, need to work on cooking soon

i really really want to do the proms, but so far i have only attempted 1, 3 times with no sucess. also i need to get started and finish rank 5. i would love to go on some NM hunts and do some BCNMs too.

im currently away visiting my perents for x-mas but when i get back home on wendesday night i will log in and see if your on. hope to catch up with you all soon.

bye bye ^_^
#15 Dec 24 2004 at 5:10 PM Rating: Decent
Oooo we shud do a LS promy soon!
#16 Dec 24 2004 at 6:21 PM Rating: Decent

yay! /dance that would be kewl. although i could go as WHM i have next to no +MND gear as i hate lving WHM; i would much prefer to go as BLM.

a few of my thoughts on proms. forming the right team an absolute must for proms it takes lots of planing and attention to detail. to make things much easyer everyone should take lots of high quality food, drinks potions etc. im not saying you have to use them all. but it really helps to have them there. also please make sure you have decent equipment for the lv cap. and EVERY one should take an anima.

reading up on the proms helps too, if you have not tired them befor. also i recomed that when you get to the boss at the end if you are with people who have not done proms befor and have little or no experence with BCNMs dont use your 2hrs on the first fight. throw one fight away to get a feel for it. that is of course if you have gone with more than 1 party and/or have scroll of rerase for your WHM.

i might come back on tuesday now (so i can get an extra day of ffxi in; shhhh dont tell my perents ;-) hope to see you online soon.

any plans as of yet to do rank 5? being able to ride the air ships would help me alot :D
#17 Dec 24 2004 at 7:36 PM Rating: Decent
57 posts
Well when you get back give me (Suien), Sanumanu, Kyron, or Snag a /tell as we are all sackholders

Edited, Fri Dec 24 19:36:54 2004 by Suien
#18 Dec 25 2004 at 10:20 AM Rating: Decent

will do. i might come bvack on tuesday now. also i have a fvew people in my friends list form the uk. i will ask them if they would like to join. happy x-mas see you in a few days. :D
#19 Dec 26 2004 at 2:30 AM Rating: Decent
feirce last i checed you black listed me for telling you not to macro blizzard fire and thunder on ONE button. your an elvaan. concentrate on effective MP management. blowing your MP in like 20 seconds is no good. even other players were telling you to listen to my level 65 blm uberness (i had to say that)

m not a sack holder but to me your not welcome in this LS. Im one of the higer elvels. if you cant take mine or others advice i dont know where that leaves you.

If you want some tips on being a black mage as an elvaan try Chapstic. he is a good buddy of mine. An elvaan blm level 61 last i checked. perhaps youll be willing to take pointers from him? or are you gonna be a noob all your life.

You didnt wanna learn then and i dont think you wanna learn now.
By the way a promy run is in the works. I dont think you'd fit in this LS and ill be damned if im gonna put up with you and your stubornes. I tried to tolderate you in that pt. but your the one that warped out. Im willing to forvie you for basically being a subborn jackass thats if your willing to take advice from people who know what they are doing.

In the end its to the sack holders. talk to em. see what they say. its in yours and there hands now.
#20 Dec 26 2004 at 8:56 AM Rating: Decent

good news Xellith your no longer blisted. (isnt that nice of me? ^_^) from time to time i delete everyone off my blist as i think its kinda mean to keep people on it forever. im not going to start a debate with you online as i think is off topic for this thread.

i thought that mandys were week to fire, ice and thunder so i made one macro to cast all three. it seemed like a good idea at the time. *shrug* i play this game for fun, i don’t know about you? allot of players seem overly hung-up on how people have fun (play the game). so what if the spells i cast aren’t 100% efficient for mp and time. omg! what’s that you say the party will have more downtime and we cant exp as fast - boo hoo. it a game, its supposed to be fun, why cant i be free to try ideas out. even if they don’t work. that’s how people learn and have fun. (just so you know, i have removed that macro because "i" found it did not work well. i found this out for my self which is surly more valuable than dumbly following peoples orders.)

what is not fun is when your trying to relax and enjoy your self and people tell you that you are not doing things right. i really cant stand people like you and i think its a crime that you are in the only UK LS. I have been asked to join by Suien and when i log on Tuesday / Wednesday i will send him a tell and ask him if i can have a perl.

If you in the meantime have managed to convince him and the others not to left me join. i will be quite upset and probably blist you again :P

you said in your rant, that you were giving me advice. but this is simply a lie. you were bossing me around, ordering me what to do, and making threats as to what would happen if i did not do as you said. this is why i warped, not because i can't accept peoples advice. I listen to allot of people but only if i have respect for them. you have no respect for. know why? you have not demonstrated any reason(s) for me to respect you. oooh wow you got to lv 60 something. congratulations. im sure anyone can get to that level.

perhaps though generosity, kindness and friendship i will come to respect you and then in time listen to your advice. until then i will have to use my own judgement and advice from friends.

how about trying to let people just learn though there own experience. sure if someone asks you “is there a better way i can do this?” then by all means tell them your "opinion". but don’t join a party watch 3 fights and then turn a whole party’s against someone just because they are trying out an idea. that is very small-minded and takes the fun out of playing.

some people i am sure get a kick out of being totally **** about efficiency but i really don’t. if you do that’s fine. it must be fun playing with a calculator, pad and pen next to you the whole time.

until we meet online. goodbye and have a nice x-mas holiday ^_^

#21 Dec 26 2004 at 11:31 AM Rating: Decent
Just to let you guys know, Fierce is a friend of mine and a good guy, I don't know you that well Xell but you seem cool enough...I respect everyone regardless, there is friendly advice, it seems Fierce took offence to the way you advised lol :P every now and then I chance upon a genuine HL with more good advice than I can shake a stick at...and that advice is always communicated in a friendly and respectful manner, it is suggested not commanded, which in turn breeds respect for them...I like you both so be nice to each other >:P

Fierce is a good guy, and I just wanted to make a mark for the other side, it would be a shame to reject him from the ls for something so stupid, I know both of you are cool people...let him in, he's a brit...we should stick together not ***** each other out, especially since we are so few....:)

Edited, Sun Dec 26 11:48:33 2004 by KissesRB

Edited, Sun Dec 26 11:49:04 2004 by KissesRB

Edited, Sun Dec 26 13:18:45 2004 by KissesRB
#22 Dec 26 2004 at 3:56 PM Rating: Decent
hay kisses thanks for the support. :D i hope you had a nice x-mas. (/em sucks up to current only ally in the UK LS. lol) you are right it is a very stpid thing to argue over and if i am given a pearl and me and xellith begin to communicate on better terms, i am sure we will look back on it and laugh.
do you know a girl on shiva called cadoline? (i hope i spelled that right) she is a RDM around the same lv as yours kisses. She’s a brit too and i am sure she would love to join. (if she has not already) send her a tell from me, as i wont be home until tuesday or wednesday.

take it easy and enjoy the festivities.

#23 Dec 26 2004 at 5:12 PM Rating: Decent
57 posts
Do not worry, as i am a sackholder and i do not know you, therefore i hold no grudges. I will give you the pearl, i'm sure everyone in the ls would like you to join (minus xell - but no offense xell your head is getting rather to large).
Anyway if you and Xell have something between you it shouldn't effect to much as there are many other members, and Xell usually plays on US times as he works nights.
#24 Dec 28 2004 at 11:51 PM Rating: Decent
u know LS conversations make sense once you start reading the forums... lol!

Its is tru, lower lvls shud listen the our "elders" advice... on the other hand, its best to make your own mistakes and learn from them so you understand what ur doin rong....
But he is right, best not to chain non-specific element spells on one mob, n just focus on one spell or 2....

This reminds of me of my arguement wid whms (as a former whm 41 i believe my advice shud be listened to) whms from dunes-qufim REFUSE to use cure2 becos of hate..... n i say dont be so fekin stupid, taru whm/blms shud chain cure2 if the pt is goin down! wars can hold hate, n will voke more if they know the whm is curin them.... Actually im to tired, i cant remember what my point was....

Anyway, always glad to see new memmbers... im still the baby of the LS as im to lazy to lvl up lately cos HL2 is distractin me...
#25 Dec 29 2004 at 4:07 AM Rating: Good
306 posts
WOW what a lot of replies to my thread :-P.......the LS rules!!

Welcome to the LS Fierece and if ya find or know of any other UK'ers that want to join just give me, Suien, Kyron or Snag a holla and we will invite them. Im trying to make the UK LS very big, so i need all the help i can get.


See ya on 2night!
#26 Dec 30 2004 at 5:28 AM Rating: Decent
306 posts
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