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The year in FFXI, your favorite memory from the past year !Follow

#1 Dec 29 2004 at 8:45 AM Rating: Decent
Ah yes another year come and gone... they go by so fast it seems. Id like to hear some of your favorite in game memories from the year in final fantasy.

Mine has to be from oh Id say the September time frame. I was xping in the crawlers nest with Iyojimbol(rdm), Grimshady(in thf mode), Raystlin(drg), some pally dont remember the name, Devildawg(also in thf mode), and myself(well duh) We were in the secret (everyone knows about it... is it really that secret) room and the party next to us pulled a scorpion figuring they could handle it. We were just finishing off a chain of mobs and I had a few MP left and the healer in the pt next to us was having trouble keeping up with the heals. I decided to help out a little and throw a few heals in. After about 3 or 4 heals the party vanished... uh oh.. yep escape... good for them... bad for me. The Scorpion had a very good memory it seemed and headed right for me. Well our MP was low already and the Paladin was afk. So Raystlin courageous as he was provoked the critter as I was about to die. It turned on him and began to savagely beat him Iyo and I were resting MP and throwing heals in when we could and the 2 thieves and the dragoon were wailing on it. Well Raystlin put in a great attempt but alas passed away when Iyo and I were both 0 MP... Remember the great memory I told ya that scorp had ? He headed right for me and ended my misery with about 3 swift strokes. The paladin was still afk but was very low on HP because of the numerous AOE attacks the scorp had dropped. Well Iyojimbol casts a cure on one of the thieves (im dead at this point watching the action by panning the camera around) and the scorp comes after him... he starts to run around the strange machine in the middle of the room with the scorpion in tow and the two thieves trailing him. I was crying I was laughing so hard. I reraised myself after Devil got aggro back and Iyo started resting. I started resting then used a divine seal cure II to save Devil and that damn thing came right after me... smoked my weakened body in 1 hit. Then he saw Iyo over there and went after him again. Again they ran around and around. I was laughing hysterically. Finally the Paladin came back used invincible and they beat the scorp but barely. It was the funniest thing I had ever seen and none of us could stop laughing. It was a great party and a great time. (even with all the ****** dying in that one battle)
#2 Dec 29 2004 at 3:17 PM Rating: Decent
465 posts
Mine would be joining the FFXI world and finding out what true gaming addiction is. XD
#3 Dec 29 2004 at 3:27 PM Rating: Decent
My Favorite Memory(Time) in FFXI this year was when I started my new character. For one, I was/nt using a Female Character anymore so I was happy for that, and for 2nd I was once again a low lvl noob with no sub job, and nothing was expected of me. I remember sitting for hours trying to form alliances for AF3's only to have them break up before we even fought the first NM. I remember trying to find a high lvl tank to help with Mission 5-2 only to get a response from a lvl 75 Paladin saying get your own high level friends. I remember partying from morning to night only to get half a level cause members would leave and the wait would be an hour for the next one to arrive.
So there I was, a level 1 warrior with no sub job, no waiting for parties, all my armor could be obtained at shops and the AH, my current mission consisted of delivering a letter in Zerhun Mines. I sat there and took in the fresh air of South Gustaberg and went on killing worms, not a care in the world and also no worry of guys hitting on me either. Now my new Character is getting closer to those difficult lvl 50's, but I will do whatever it takes to get through those lvls in full AF and still have a smile on my face, for I have found my calling in Paladin and seem to love every minute of leveling.
#4 Dec 29 2004 at 3:27 PM Rating: Decent
784 posts
My favorite memory? Heh, that's a hard one. Hrm, I'd say sometime back in March or so, when I got my AF Pants from Oztroja. I, uh, 'accidently' got a mimic on my first try on a coffer there. Well~ I remained calm, Perfect Dodge+Instant Warp'd out. However, the coffer I popped was right behind Di*ky. Thinking nothing of it, I went back to Oztojra... I'm a Galka, I had been using my RSE up til then >.<! So I get there. Seeing that I wasn't there, the coffer must of killed him. I also checked his level. Level 74. ...And he was 75 earlier. I had _DELEVELED_ a bot camper. >:D
#5 Dec 29 2004 at 4:11 PM Rating: Good
582 posts
My favorite memory is when I decided to become a career WHM.

I was about lvl 15 WHM, subjobless. In I choose WHM as my starting job, cuz BLM sounded a little too ominous for me, and I wanted to be a Taru from Windhurst - and I read somewhere that Tarus are best for a mage class (now I know that the race really doesn't matter, but that's another topic) I chose Taru cuz Tarus were the cutest.

After a few deaths and struggles, after hiding in the corner of the ferry from Mhaura, I reached the fabled Selbina and the Valkrum Dunes. I didn't know what a Home Point crystal was, so my Home Point was set at the Outpost in Mhaura (since I died a few times running thru the goblin infested Buburimu).

I immediately get invited to a PT. It's my first PT. I had 'duoed' before in the Windy area with a WAR, but this is my first real 6 man PT. The leader is a PLD with too much attitude. Despite the fact that I had warned him that I'm super new at this, he doesn't have any paitence to teach me how to play, nor would he do a practice kill with one of the easier mobs. Goes straight for the goblins. I didn't know how to Cure right, so I Cure the PLD and get yelled at. I over Cure and I get hate and I get yelled at. It seems I'm doing every wrong.

Then the goblin drops the bomb. Then another one aggros me - I didn't see him cuz I wasn't used to seeing more than just what was in front of me. I get yelled at. I die. I get disbanded, and I get tells sent to me from the PLD that I deserved it as I'm a subjobless noob. I can't talk back..cuz... I didn't know /tell command.... I knew /p command and /s command. The PT zones somewhere.

Now I'm concerned, angry, and sad. I'm lying down all by myself, with like 4 goblins around me. I don't know what to do. I guess I will have to go back to Buburimu Pennisula.

Then a JP WHM in full AF comes along.
{Home Point}{Where?}{Do you need any help?}

Luckly, I am Japanese so I tell her what happened. She first fights off the Goblins in one whack of her hammer. Then she raises me, and teaches me about PLDs, their abilities, how to cure right, etc. (and that /tell command too) I ask her what her beautiful outfit is. She tells me it's WHM AF and says that I can check her. I'm amazed. She invites me into her PT, Invises me, and I cautiously follow her thru hordes of goblins to Selbina, where she showed me the Home Point Crystal and the old man that will give me the subjob.

She then warps away with one /tell: "One day you will be very strong. One day you will be wearing these too."

I was so touched by her kindness and dazzled by her bright AF...that I decided to really try this job out. Take it to the highest level, and be kind, generous and as helpful as I can be.

That's my favorite memory, and that's why I am a WHM.

I spoke to her a few times after that, reporting the big WHM moments. Then one day, she stopped answering. I have searched her for a long time...she's never on. Even at JP hours. I think she has left the game...
#6 Dec 30 2004 at 1:23 AM Rating: Decent
182 posts
Mine?'s slightly ironic.

I had just leveled my first basic job to 30. Norrain (who started this thread) suggested, almost as a joke, that I try out Dark Knight.

So I did.

Now, understand me-- the quest to become a DRK is not difficult, but it is TEDIOUS. But once I had it done... well...

Norrain is STILL uncertain if he did the right thing.

Trust me, fellow Bogatyr, you did.

From my anger comes justice, from my frustration comes victory. And from his help comes... Hmm... I suppose more or less decent ***-kicking.

Norrain introduced me to HIM... who helped me to take a lot of undirected anger and DIRECT it.

#7 Dec 30 2004 at 1:35 AM Rating: Decent
93 posts
my favorite memory has got to be the first time a group of new players smarted off to me about how my farming was cutting into their xp'ing in giddeus. i promptly dared them to run a train into me and they did. in less than 5 minutes i killed around 30-some yagudo and scared the pants off the new players, mostly by one shot killing the yagudo with my bow.

it's great to be a ranger. :D


second fave moment: fighting my first NM: hoo mjuu the torrent
and getting the signa drop for someone in my LS... only to fight the same NM 3 days later and get signa again....

Edited, Sun Jan 2 02:59:34 2005 by hinageshii
#8 Dec 30 2004 at 12:09 PM Rating: Decent
37 posts
the most memorable moment of '04? i would have to say its when i got my monk to lvl 50. tjem after i got lvl 50 LB1 and af boots... ahh that was the best day ever.. well next too the day i loged in and saw that i had 1 mil gil for he first tmie ever, altho switching to ninja has drained that pretty fast as you can immagine... also getting lvl 20-35 in 3 days with my nin. only reason lvling stoped was depleting funds
on a side note/totaly unrelated comment
{/wave} Hinageshii
#9 Dec 30 2004 at 5:31 PM Rating: Decent
1,220 posts
Mine is easy. It was the first BCNM run I did with my BST LS. We were all new at BCNM's, not one of us had done it before besides myself, but the first one was a total disaster.

Anywho, we jump in buff, heal, eat food, rest, ect. ect. Our fearless leader Durginn summons a jug and runs up to the himself.....with us waiting at the bottom not really knowing what to do next. All of a sudden Durginn comes down the hill with a wave of 8 pissed off bunnies wacking away at him, He goes down in a heap and we all panicked. Every last one of us. I get a charm to stick and start attacking rabbits. One by one the party goes down until it is me and my pet standing alone. The whole party is yelling for me to pull it off. I put up a valiant effort....for about 30 seconds. We all die but we are all laughing so hard it did not matter. Just the memory of all of those rabbits coming down the hill make me laugh still. BTW, since then we are undefeated.

Second favorite moment was actually getting WHM to 30 and being able to open subjobs. I don't play half as much as the people in my LS and they were all way more advanced than me. I almost quit cause I felt I was never gonna accomplish anything. Then I dinged 30, opened bard, got board, tried to get Carbuncles ruby, got bored and decided to open BST just for kicks and the gil. I can honestly say if I did not find BST, I would have quit FFXI a long time ago. It fits my limited playing schedule perfect.
#10 Dec 31 2004 at 2:54 PM Rating: Decent
106 posts
Interesting year for me...this being my first year playing and all. Got to meet some great people, specifically Watcher/CuteyHoney who NOT ONLY helped me with the DRG quest, but also assisted me with getting Rank 5, which is really something she didn't have to do.

I've enjoyed having my DecusLuminus come with me for the SAM quest and slap the sh...uh, stuff out of Forger and that treant.

I've really enjoyed everything that the NSS has done this year.

But I think my favorite memory this year again comes with the NSS and our accidental trek to get the Altep crystal. We had NO idea where we were or what were getting into, but we somehow 1)Walked into the desert, 2)Went "What the...". 3) Dodged 90 million Anticans, 4) Somehow got the crystal, 5)Saw a Manticore and said "Yeah, we're in over our heads. Let's go.", 6)And somehow managed to get back.

So much fun.
#11 Dec 31 2004 at 3:51 PM Rating: Decent
237 posts
I know lots of people might say this... but for me I would think the first time I logged on. It was a wonderful feeling hard to compare. ; ;

But a close second is my first time riding the ship to Selbina, my first Chocobo ride, my first Airship ride and doing my first Teleport! 4-way tie! ^^
#12 Jan 04 2005 at 11:30 PM Rating: Decent
I dont post here much just prefer to read.. but I just wanted to say thanks to Norrain and Kinetica for helping me on rank 4. I just asked him randomly and they both helped me. Thanks for that and thanks to everyone that has gone out of their way to give me a hand... youve given me many good times and memories.
#13 Jan 07 2005 at 4:14 PM Rating: Decent
557 posts
I would have to say my favorite memory is being a brand new rdm and brand new to online gaming as well - not knowing what the heck to do and how to do it...right from using the keyboard versus controller to making gil and the auction house. I remember it taking me at least a week to realize that i could sell stuff at the ah to make gil. I recall a certain day being in Windy in the E or W Sara. fields leveling and trying to collect as much as i could to make gil to buy armor and weapons and stuff - not having any direction and not even knowing about these message boards! As I kneeled to heal myself 'someone' started to cast Cure on me, then protect and so on. I stood up and saluted and bowed and thanked him and all of a sudden a message said "X wishes to trade with you". I didn't even know how to trade with anyone and felt like a complete fool! This person gave me 1000 gil which at that time was like 1Mil to me.. I didn't want to take (honest) and he insisted because as he said 'he had been treated kindly by people and wanted to return the favor'. I can tell you to this day we are still the best of friends even though he is a very high level mage and I just broke 32. This person has been a mentor, cheerleader, has 'shown me the ropes' and adds much needed humor at times when my red 'maging' becomes hard and frustrating....

I have to say that in general he is one of many people I have met who are friendly, kind, guiding, and helpful. There are so many.. The friendships and interactions I have formed in this game are a huge part of why I I keep on playing and returning to others the same kindnesses that have been shown to me.
#14 Jan 08 2005 at 2:40 PM Rating: Decent
110 posts
My fav FF time would have to be when my buddy Letifer and i picked up two cute little taru girls. Ogahana 38rmd and Prissy 40whm, i believe. They followed letifer and i to ghelsba with our rng/rng combo and PLed us. This type of PLing is prolly overkill, but it was safe and i had fun :)I think we got 4 lvls in about an hour :P ahh, i miss those three.
#15 Jan 08 2005 at 3:37 PM Rating: Decent
341 posts
Starting this game and meeting all of the wonderful friends that I've made ^^ My most memorable moment is when my Whm hit 25 and I was finally able to afford Raise. I wish everyone here and ingame a happy new year, both in RL and in Vana'diel.

55 Whm/ 30 Blm
#16 Jan 08 2005 at 8:05 PM Rating: Decent
ok, this might not count, since it happened the first week of january... but still my best moment:

I had just learned Raise 3, and hadn't gotten to use it yet. so my good bud Chokyboky pulled a level 2 job, his lowest. We went to the Lower Jeuno AH and he used a Poison Potion to kill himself and let me raise him. It wore off too fast, so he bough a Venom Potion. hehe he died in like 4 seconds. watching his body heap to the ground was hilarious. well, as i was Raise 3'ing a level 2, people were like "wtf? chokyboky falls to the ground? what happened?" everyone was all confused hehe. so i decide to get a level 1 job also.

for 30-45 minutes, we must have spent 30-40k a piece on Venom Potions, falling to the ground on top of eachother, time after time, as "helping" players slathered raise after raise. ahhahahaha and EVERYTIME we got up, they'd spam cure/poisona on us. well, it just never got old.

2 days later, my other bud Iegluas, was DRG/WHM for some odd reason. i was doing it again, by myself, and him and i were having Old West Showdowns..... he'd have Poisona/Cure just WAITING on me.... hehe i'd get a raise, and we'd STARE at eachother, just waiting for the first move.... i'd start using venom potion, and he'd start poisona.... and immediately followed by a cure and poisona again.. lol i'd be spamming Venom Potions *10k a stack hahaha* and it might take 2-3 of them, but i'd still fall dead lol you could basically see the tumbelweeds blowing through the dusty streets as we faced eachother... waiting for the other to twitch... i even used a Silent Oil to throw him off... but damn he's good!

Retired: still likes reading these though
#17 Jan 09 2005 at 3:55 AM Rating: Decent
1,029 posts
hahahah grim that was so damn fun haha.
#18 Jan 09 2005 at 4:17 AM Rating: Decent
444 posts
My favorite memory had to be the day i quit the game. Now I am not saying this because I absolutely hate FFXI, but because of how I left.

I had grown tired of the game, but I stayed because of the many people I knew in the game who i enjoyed chatting or playing with and because of my LS. I always liked chatting it up with you Norrain.

But, frankly I was tired, burned out, and a bit disillusioned with the whole game. As with many MMORPGS and games in general it was simply time to move on for me. So when I quit I jumped onto each of my characters and gave out every item I owned and all my cash. Some of the most expensive items I sent to members of my LS like my Ochiudoes Kotes, but many other items I simply yelled out that they were free and had people roll for them. There was quite the furious bidding in Windy for the full set of Taru Wonder gear.

To make it even better it was the start of the christmas event. So with perfect christmas spirit I gave people all of my most hard earned equipment. Everything across multiple characters was handed out to people, and it reminded me again of why I originally enjoyed the game so much - the people. But unfortunately, the game itself was no longer entertaining to me. So I had to go. But I massively enjoyed handing my items out to all the people that I came across and sending my goodbyes to all my good in-game friends.

When I think back on my FF experiences that stands out as one of the most enjoyable times I had - and I do not mean that in a bad way at all. So good luck to all you people still enjoying the game - I just thought I would jump into this topic and share my favorite moment.
#19 Jan 10 2005 at 3:57 AM Rating: Decent
my best memory... i cant find it...
#20 Jan 10 2005 at 11:18 PM Rating: Decent
Hey Bob good to see you ^^ I have an Orc on frostwolf server named Grazzagork if you ever want to pop on and say hello not very high level and all but I dont play it much... also im in an all orc guild hehe with a bunch of Aussies... pretty fun.
#21 Jan 12 2005 at 8:11 AM Rating: Decent
333 posts
When I, and the group I was with defeated Fenrir without anyone dying. becuase I did nothing but stoneskin the ninja's XD best 5 AM bedtime on a work night ever...perhaps the time I skipped work to go with HK players to kill the carby mitt nm was a little more unresponsible but defffinatly not as rewarding as taking down fenrir.
#22 Jan 13 2005 at 12:22 AM Rating: Decent
21 posts
my best memory of 04?
probably got backstabbed by people i trusted here in shiva...... lol
anyway sayonara 04 and hello 05 ^^

but the most unforgetable one is ......... i evaded maat's asuran fist in a whm lol which `gave me my win XD

#23 Jan 15 2005 at 2:07 AM Rating: Decent
1,249 posts
Best memory of 04? LB2. We had an 18 memeber alliance, all of us needing the quest(no higher level help what-so-ever), we went in, and decided it was too difficult to sneak through, so we swarmed through Xarcabard, went to each mob spawn point, and unleashed our wave after wave of swords and sorceries so at the end there wasn't much left of the boreal mobs.

It happened on New Years Eve to.
#24 Jan 15 2005 at 10:52 AM Rating: Decent
I think my favorite memory would be when I hit lvl 30 Rng in Yhotor Jungle. I couldn't wait to try Barrage for the first time so as soon as we were ready I used sharpshot and barrage... TO PULL! It was the first time I really realized the devastating power of Ranger, and also my first lesson in proper hate management all rolled into one! Ever since that day, Ranger has been my one, true love XD
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