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Diary of a GalkaFollow

#1 Jan 04 2005 at 2:38 PM Rating: Good
978 posts
Ever wonder what goes on inside the head of Agawulf during the day well here it is, as well as a convienient waste of my time during the work day.

After a long and costly turn of woodworking making silver arrows to hone my skills as a woodworker I decided to hunt a species of flies I had heard tell about on Valkrum Dunes. A species known as the Valkrum Emperors. Apparently a shy and reclusive species they are only seen every few days out on the dunes themselves. From their corpse however a piece of armor can be crafted that grants the user special abilities including somehow speeding up a persons reflexes so that they have an increased chance of evading attacks aimed at them. It is for this ability that I seek it so that I may hone my Ninja skills further. I arrived in the hunting grounds to find that I was not alone. A large contingent of silent statues stood staring into the abyss of the sands seeking an Emperor. Some responded to my hello others stood silently in their tracks moving only when a fly was seen to quickly kill it. While hunting flies, as I heard the Emperors need an absence of competition from other less desirable fly species to appear I took the opportunity to bring my vengeful wrath upon the local goblins that had pained me so much in my younger days as well as hunting some of the areas undead who had done the same. I hunted for three turns of the Vanadilian sun and saw two of these emperors in both cases I arrived to find someone else had already attacked it. One person reported that while he had been able to kill it he was unable to reap any armor from its corpse. The other person ran off after he killed it never to be seen again. It was after this second appearance that I decided to return to Selbina for some severely needed rest with plans on continuing the hunt at a later time.
#2 Jan 04 2005 at 8:46 PM Rating: Decent
W00T galkan diary! This I gotta see more of! Find out what makes em tick and take em down!! ELVAAN RULE!!

Ok enough about that, Agawulf u gotta keep this thing up! This will be awesome and maybe more ppl will make journals!

#3 Jan 04 2005 at 9:46 PM Rating: Decent
465 posts
Very nice. A little bit of RP in a world devoid of it.

I salute you sir!

#4 Jan 05 2005 at 9:58 AM Rating: Decent
978 posts
My continued hunt for a creature known as the Emperor did not go well. After returning from Selbina to the beaches it is known to be seen I continued the hunt till alas yet another had been killed, this time the hunter was able to reap a armor from its corpse, and I returned to Selbina to swallow my luck in multiple rounds of Selbina Milk as it was the only beverage besides distilled water I could find in the community. It was somewhere around my fourth bottle that I discovered that repeated rounds of milk as well as a recent armor purchase had left my gil supply rather dwindled and I was forced to return to Bastok to engage in more lucrative gil making opportunities. Thankfully a little trinket I had acquired from a Moogle aided in my speedy return and I did not have to make the long walk from Selbina.
Being of Galkan blood I naturally chose mining as this seems to come rather easy to me and the rewards can be substantial. I picked up some pickaxes from my friend Boytz and headed out to mine in Palborough. While overrun with Quadavs I have found that if you pound the first several Quadavs you some across into oblivion the others will generally leave you alone, leaving me to mine in peace and establishing an uneasy sense of peace between us. This does not save the scorpions of the area from my wrath. As a galka I have a natural hatred of anything from the insect family stemming from the Antican destruction of my homeland and while I do not often have the opportunity to kill an Antican a day, Scorpions will suffice till I do. Mining in a place as infested by vermin as Palborogh is always an adventure as you never know who you will encounter. It was in my journey to return via ferry that I ran across Zhi’Ghi Boneeater. For those unfamiliar with quadav hierarchy the quadavs have a basic rank structure (Young<Copper<Bronze<Silver<Gold<ect with a few more in between) but also have specific titles conferred upon select special quadavs. Zhi’Ghi Boneeater is one such title. In my younger days I came up against members of this sect rather often and they always present a unique challenge to kill since they appeared to be trained as a Paladin and have access to the paladin’s ability to turn themselves invincible for a limited time. This sect is given a rather powerful sword forged by the Quadav called the Braveheart, in killing about 15 or more of their order I have only found one of these swords as it appears to be linked somehow with its master’s life vanishing quickly after their death. This time was no different as I was only able to find some worn coarse gloves on the corpse. This netted me a good deal of good ore, mythril and iron in particular, and clogged up my ability to distribute it via AH signaling my need to return to my house and sleep while I waited for the mineral driven economy of Bastok to take hold.
#5 Jan 05 2005 at 1:17 PM Rating: Decent
237 posts
Whooo~! Very nice Aga. ^^ Shiva does seem have little, if any, RP in it. I wish there was more of this.

Good job though~!

#6 Jan 05 2005 at 1:54 PM Rating: Decent
346 posts
Yes I wish there were more RP in it too. Maybe my roleplaying linkshell would of worked better. I had lot of great members but not nearly enough to keep everyone from getting bored from time to time. But now im in a new linkshell with my members so its all good.
#7 Jan 06 2005 at 4:21 AM Rating: Decent
978 posts
There is one certainty in Bastokan economics and that is ore will sell. Thanks to a rather diligent mining operation I found myself once again with funds needed to support my adventures and journeyed onward to Jeuno. It was in Jeuno that I came across the most curious of sites. It appears that a wrestling match had ensued in the port between a mithra, with whom I have had dealings with, named Kloe and a young hume female named Lain. It was during this match that my assistance was asked for by the hume, as a Bastokan, to somehow release her from the grips of the Mithra. Knowing that Kloe, like most Mithra, is inherently playful and meaning no harm I knew the hume was in no danger but since not all passerby’s may not have my knowledge and may chose to take more drastic actions I chose to intervene. At first I tried to intertwine my tail to pry them apart but this only resulted in the most uncomfortable of pinching and a very sore tail. It was then that I remembered that all Mithra become limp and quite placid when scratched behind the ears. Despite fore knowledge of this weakness their species seems unable to cope with it and is content to simply lie back and purr as a result. My actions achieved their desired result releasing the hume and placating the mithra. This all being a rather odd sight to behold it stirred the interest of a gawking hume male named Dredg. This event so interested him that he began to act in the most peculiar movements and mannerisms becoming more of an interest than the wrestling and resulting the questioning of his health. An additional Mithra named Necrosunji was present but did nothing to either assist or restrain her companion Kloe from her playful instincts, content with watching the whole ordeal. After the excitement had died down we all set around in a circle and had a good laugh about Vanadiel in general and I was delighted by the unexpected arrival of a Taru associate of mine named Chiyoyo with whom I have shared many adventures and walked into the darkest of places along side. I suppose I could go into some of the adventures we embarked upon together now but I shall save it for another date. Needless to say we have journeyed into the very heart of oblivion and danger only to emerge in foreign and forgotten lands. Our discussion jumped merrily from topic to topic with no real direction in a delightful little distraction that serves as one of those times when you are reminded what all the civilized races of Vanadiel have in common and put aside the petty bickering of national governments for friendship. Sadly this pleasant afternoon was interrupted for me when my skills as a ninja where called upon and needed by a group of explorers in Yhoator Jungle who had become besieged by goblins. An adventure I am glad to say we successfully fought our way out of and felled many a goblin, and made me feel as if I had raised my skills as a ninja.
#8 Jan 06 2005 at 10:11 PM Rating: Decent
978 posts
Jeuno is a place at odds with the area that surrounds it. Here sits a vibrant thriving metropolis and serves as perhaps the greatest economic point in Vanadial. Yet just outside its gates lie dangerous areas where Orcs, Quadavs, Yagudo and a horde of other aggressive creatures lie in wait to prey upon those venturing to the city. At the same time the convergence of these Beastman armies here mirrors the convergence of the three great nations here so I guess it is not surprising. As I think and observe in this world I sometimes think that we and the Beastman horde's are not that different we are simply different sides of the same coin and as such are always opposite to each other. Destined to mirror each other and destined to oppose each other.
On the Eastern exit of Jeuno lays Sauromugue Champaign a desolate barren area marked with the scars of battles past. Great walls and towers used ages ago still stand but where soldiers once fought the wilderness has returned. Wild animals and Goblins claim these areas as well as a sizable number of Yagudo who prey upon passerby’s. Normally I find this area distasteful and try to avoid it. I much prefer the lush orchards of Rolanberry fields despite them being overrun with Quadavs they somehow seem more relaxing. However upon this day I was called forth to help investigate an old network of tunnels known as Garlaige Citadel. It is a truly depressing area and while not as bone chilling as Gusgan Mines traveling in it is frocked with danger as large sections of the floor have fallen leaving an open abyss welcoming unprepared travelers to fall to their doom and vile creatures await around every corner. We did not need to go in deep to meet resistance and were soon battling hordes of large bats and aggressive beetles. After some time of fighting we left the citadel and I do not wish to return.

Edit: Diary of a Galka updates will potentially be delayed a few days as Agawulf must see to things going on in the real world.

Edited, Fri Jan 7 11:35:27 2005 by Agawulf
#9 Jan 10 2005 at 11:14 AM Rating: Decent
978 posts

I ventured into the most peculiar of places today. Just outside of the Rolanberry fields lies a place where it seems apparent that all the crawlers must come from. I network of tunnels full of silk threads and crawlers. Other creatures live in these tunnels in a symbiotic relationship with the crawlers, (lizards, caveberries, exorays, and doom scorpions to name a few). My skills as a Ninja were called upon to hunt these crawlers and we did so for quite some time. Long enough in fact that I soon ran out of my needed powders to cast spells and I was forced to leave the party to return to Jueno to restock. Given the cost of ninja powders and their ingredients I thought it best to once again engage in mining to support my purchase. In addition I feel as if it is time for me to engage in the purchase of a new Ninja scroll, Utsusumi Ni. This scroll seems to only come from a system of jewels in which a monster is trapped. By opening the jewel and releasing the monster it is possible to get the scroll. Of course in the capitalistic world of Vanadiel anything and everything, including this scroll, can be purchased for a price. It is apparent that either I will have to organize one of the fights or save up my gil for the purchase. Given the difficulty of organization and randomness of gaining this scroll it seems best if I save up to purchase it through the Auction house as Jueno always seems to have some in stock. So alas my capitalistic adventures are renewed, during which I am always reminded of past adventures.
#10 Jan 11 2005 at 12:46 AM Rating: Decent
Woohoo Agawulf!~ I can lend some assistance to a few BCNM40 rounds. =D
#11 Jan 14 2005 at 10:54 AM Rating: Decent
978 posts

I have found that there is one thing I enjoy as much as smashing in the face of a goblin or cutting the throat of a quadav and that is cooking. Today I was finally able to procure a technique that will allow me to create sushi. These unique food items seem to be highly desired and, while not having eaten one myself, are claimed to be quite tasty. While I do not feel ready to cook them myself I feel that if I am able to obtain a few more stacks of fire crystals I will soon be able to attempt thier manufacture.
#12 Jan 20 2005 at 1:46 PM Rating: Decent
978 posts
I was summoned to assist in an adventure in Garliage Citadel today. While this area and its complex networks of tunnels are not to my likening I decided to venture there anyway. We went through the tunnels and jumped through a hole in the ground emerging in a vast desolate basement. It was here we encountered a large group of people standing around in certain intervals. They appeared to be doing nothing. We continued with our course of action which was to decrease the beetle population and restore the natural ecology of the area when we saw the largest scorpion I had ever seen. It became quickly apparent that this group was there hunting him and quickly proceeded to attack. I found out later they were seeking to harvest a ring from his corpse but were unable too. While an interesting diversion to watch we did not assume that it posed us any threats. It was while we were watching that the scorpion unleashed a massive attack causing severe injuries and poison amongst the party. We backed off and assumed we were safe until once again the beast unleashed a devastating attack. This time the Black mage fell and we decided that it was in our best interest to leave this area till the beast had been felled.
#13 Jan 20 2005 at 2:24 PM Rating: Decent
That is some cool writing! XD
#14 Jan 20 2005 at 3:34 PM Rating: Decent
978 posts
Agawulf's ego increases by .2
#15 Jan 24 2005 at 1:09 AM Rating: Decent
978 posts
1-23-05 (PART 1)
This section contains information and spoilers surrounding the quest/story for the Verner ring.
Sometimes the journey upon which we embark is not the journey in which we think it is. The task which fate has destined us to perform is not the task which we set out to do. Today I encountered one such journey and what began as a simple journey to the ancient Galkan homeland became a journey across Vanadiel. My task was simple enough, a friend, the taru named Monki required escort to the giant crystal in Altepa desert as well as a guide to Raboa. With an additional associate named Shakes, I and the two self-proclaimed Taruific Tarus embarked through Korroloka tunnel. We accomplished this task without great difficulty and disembarked on our own ways.
Having not been to Raboa in some time I decided to speak with the locals to catch up on any new developments. Like most isolated outposts Raboa did not change much until I came upon a conversation in progress. It seems a local business man named Rudolfo has a man who is so indebted due to gambling that this man will most likely never be able to pay off his debts. He works as a courier of some sorts but this is rather unimportant. What is important is it appeared his daughter Sanctia had gone missing and no one knew of her whereabouts. I tried to extract more information from these parties but it was useless as they seemed rather tight-lipped.
In Bastok if you want to know something ask a Galka, an advantage of our long-lifespan is that often we come to know many of the things occurring in a community as well as being able to know a hume their entire life. Applying this same principle to Raboa I sought out the local Galkas to see if they had any information. It was in talking with a Galka named Zoriboh that I found out more information. It appears that Zoriboh was once a resident of the pirate outpost of Norg where he heard legends of Tavnazia. This once great city was thought destroyed in the great war and Zoriboh himself believes the rumors of the cities continued existence are false. It is ironic that no matter how many I tell of the cities continued existence and the survivor’s struggles no one believes it to be true. For what its worth they might as well be false as traversing the emptiness needed to reach the city is not for the week of heart.
Zoriboh informed me that he had filled Sanctia’s head of stories of bounty hunters and Tavnazia. He had told her that he had heard the stories in Norg and was now understandably concerned for her well being, as the pirates are not known for their kindness. He then begged me to search her out and ensure her safety. While he offered a reward, which I plan on accepting, I would have felt honor bound to aid in this quest.
#16 Jan 24 2005 at 6:26 PM Rating: Decent
978 posts
1-23-05 (part 2)

Following Zoriboh's lead I headed to Norg. It is ironic that while the pirates are quite brutal at sea they can be quite hospitable and their leader Gilgamesh seems to be an honorable man. This should not be taken to mean that all pirates are honorable men. While snooping around I stumbled into an argument with three rather drunk pirates, Sohyon, Vishwas, and Hayris. It was about at the point where I was going to smash their faces in when they muttered that they had scene and detained the girl Sanctia. Sohyon offered me a deal that if I obtained him a truly good drink he would release her to me. This caused some concern amongst the others leading to my conclusion that they did not have the girls well being in mind when the captured her. While my normal solution to this problem would be to beat the location of the girl out of them I did not wish to initiate a conflict with a pirate in the pirate’s lair as I would soon be outnumbered. Fortunately for the girl I have friends amongst the pirates and my old friend Washu whom I had previously performed work for gave me the location of a drink that would satisfy the requirements. The drink required water collected from great clams in Korroloka tunnel. Fortunately a useful trinket I obtained from a moogle made the long trip instantaneous or else I would have been in quite a bad mood.
I have never liked Korroloka tunnel, to many bad memories for my race. Many Galka fell here and it is a sacred place to us, yet still unnerving. The clams where rather easy to find fortunately, Giant Clams tend to stick out, and I returned to Norg.

Edited, Mon Jan 24 18:29:56 2005 by Agawulf
#17 Jan 25 2005 at 2:38 AM Rating: Decent
978 posts
1-23-05 (PART 3)

The ingenuity of a hume continues to amaze me. Upon my return to Norg the pirate was forced to reluctantly release the girl to me. It was when I went to retrieve her and return her to Raboa that we found the storeroom empty except for a solitary moogle. The moogle as it turns out had given Sanctia some prism powder and she had stowed away on a Bastok bound transport. I would have found this all quite humorous if it was not for the fact that the captain of the ship was quite notorious for cruelty to stowaways. I hastily rushed to Bastok to ascertain the fate of the girl. It was in Bastok that I found out the girl had been discovered and supposedly thrown overboard. However upon investigating some missing cargo from the ship I found that a Galka on the transport had used the gems to spare the girls life and she was last seen heading to Selbina. Not wanting a good deed to go punished I reimbursed the Galka the gems used.
At this point I was about to give up on the girl and if not for my bond to another Galka to find her I would have, although for her to navigate the obstacles she had already encountered meant she had a fair ability to take care of herself. I rented a chocobo and headed to Selbina.
Selbina is like any small town in that strangers are soon noticed and talk of the person is soon spread around town. Since I had spent a great deal of time and energy in tracking this girl I went straight to the man that knows everything going on in Selbina, the mayor. This odd man, who is always trying to give me mud to carry around, spoke of a young girl who had left to go to the vortex near the town.
This concerned me greatly. The vortex while being a way to travel to Tavnazia is also the convergence of emptiness, a very dangerous place to be, especially for one so young. My previous journeys through the promyvion regions of Mea, Holla, and Dem had shown me how to safely navigate the emptiness but I had little hope of finding the girl alive in Lufaise Meadows.
As much as I hate to admit it I am not always right, and this was one case where I was wrong. The girl had made it through although with the help of a guardian moogle, the same moogle who had aided in her escape from Norg. Since the moogle had guided her through the emptiness I was satisfied that he could protect her from any dangers she encountered on her path to become a bounty hunter and returned to Raboa to put Zoriboh's fears at ease. He was quite satisfied with my work and rewarded me with 4000gil and a ring but at the same time was saddened by the absence of his friend. I have a feeling I have not heard the last of this girl.
#18 Jan 28 2005 at 6:41 PM Rating: Decent
181 posts
#19 Jan 30 2005 at 10:45 PM Rating: Decent
978 posts

Warning this contains elements of the story for 5-1
Also this was done with the help of a multitude of people in an alliance and I will only mention the people who I partied with for the BCNM fight at the end.


I was contracted by the Bastokan government to investigate the apparent failing of a seal placed to prevent the return of the Shadowlord. Since this was going to be a rather dangerous assignment and required traveling through some rather treacherous areas several adventurers were also enlisted and we set out towards Fei’yin. The group consisted of myself, Hikigaeru, Neoloop, Divilla, Lilpimp, and Antec. In addition two wayward San’Dorians Caruthers and Wevrain joined us upon request of their government. Traveling through Rangemont pass and Beaucedine glacier was not the easiest of task but did not present the most difficult of a challenge. In fact the largest challenge presented by this trip was the harsh environment of the areas. While fortunate to avoid snowstorms we were none the less presented with traversing through thick snow and frigid temperatures. The snow proved to be of great annoyance to the Taru’s as they quickly sank waist deep in even the most shallow of snow. Despite the conditions we arrived at Fei’yin.
For those who have not been Fei’yin is an imposing white structure reminiscent of Dulkfort’s tower or the Craigs. Indeed I suspect that due to the similarities they probably share a same creator although their name seems to be lost to history. We found a way to enter through a crack in the side and were presented with a host of creatures who wanted nothing more than to inflict harm upon us. Carefully avoiding Shadows, bats, and assorted others we made our way to the burning circle where we were to apply the seal.
Here we confronted a fearsome undead monster named Archlich Taber’quoan and an assortment of his minions. After a fearsome fight we successfully dispatched this villain. It was after his defeat perhaps the greatest Galka warrior of all Zeid, or War Cloud to the humes, approached us. This apparent return of the Shadowlord seems to have attracted his attention, and rightfully so as he was one of those who killed the first incarnation of the Shadowlord. He seemed doubtful that the Shadowlord had returned but at the same time seemed devoted to investigate the possibility. Sadly it appears that the new seal supplied to me was of no use and I returned to Bastok with the burned old seal as proof of what had gone on.

Edited, Sun Jan 30 22:52:43 2005 by Agawulf
#20 Jan 31 2005 at 9:43 AM Rating: Good
358 posts
Oooh very nice Aga!

/em hopes there is no mention of the pantless wonder. :P
#21 Jan 31 2005 at 10:48 AM Rating: Decent
978 posts
/emote hums a zz-top tune
#22 Feb 06 2005 at 6:01 AM Rating: Decent
nice aga, your posts don't go unnoticed.
Taruific Tarus, how creative.. :)
i think you were humming legs in my opinion, it's a galka song.
#23 Feb 07 2005 at 2:35 PM Rating: Decent
978 posts
There are many things wrong with Bastok, I will not hide that. My own people are looked down upon and treated as second class citizens by much of the hume population. Yet despite all our problems and bickering there is one belief central to Bastok that both the Galka and the Humes can agree upon, Democracy. The right of the enlightened people to elect their own leader and not have it dictated by birthright as in San Doria or religious zealots as in Windhurst. For many years our small democracy has stood as a institutional slap in the face of these outdated and oppressive practices. Holding on by using our technological superiority and raw Galka muscle we have withstood the hordes of Elvaan present in the world and turned back the Mithra mercenaries of the Taru. Today we have achieved dominance over Vanadiel and the light of democracy has begun to spread to far off lands. LONG LIVE THE REPUBLIC!!
#24 Feb 10 2005 at 3:00 PM Rating: Decent
978 posts
I was in Bastok checking up on my mog house and moogle, ensuring that both were secure when I was approached by a young elvaan girl named Michea whom I have helped out [/link] previously. She was concerned about the prolonged absence of her adopted father Dolzak and asked me to approach Dalzuk’s mentor in the martial arts, and current employer, Oggbi about his journey. Having had a previous dealing with Oggbi I agreed and we approached him about the topic. He seemed confident that Dolzak was in no danger but due to the concern showed by Michea, whom he viewed as a granddaughter of sorts, asked me to travel to Fei’Yin where he had sent Dolzak and take over the quest Oggbi had given him. Now Fei’Yin and the area surrounding it is no place for the faint of heart so I procured the assistance of two previous associates of mine, the taru bard Shakes and Mithra black mage Neoloop, to aid me in the quest. Their aid was rendered on the condition that I aid Neoloop in confronting a elemental which she had been assigned to deal with in Xarcabard. So with the aid of my elvaan teleporting friend Ishanti we soon found ourselves in Xarcabard and journeyed to the site where Neoloops elemental had been reported. This was not an easy journey as a small contingent of demon pawns surrounded the area and had to be dealt with. But with perseverance and some aid from a two traveling mages we overtook the elemental and obtained the glowstone for Neoloop. With the fighting over and more pressing engagements elsewhere Shakes departed from our company and our band proceeded onto Fei’Yin. As expected the journey was tough with us being forced to deal with a variety of monsters who attempted to block our passage but with diligence we made our way into Fei’Yin and I was able to locate Dolzak. He informed me that the task to complete required to procurement of some martial arts book in Davoi and we returned to Jueno to prepare for that adventure another day.

Edited, Thu Feb 10 15:36:38 2005 by Agawulf
#25 Feb 15 2005 at 2:03 PM Rating: Decent
978 posts
This entry contains the storyline revealed upon completion of MNK AF1-2. This storyline while being part of the storyline of story around the shadowlord does not reveal anything someone of rank 5 does not know. If you are of below rank 5 some of this will not make sense until you get rank 5 and rank 6.

Davoi is a stronghold for the orcs but it was not always such. Long ago this was once a fort of San’ Doria, an outpost of the elvaan complete with its own monastery and inhabitants. Now the only elvaan present are spies sent by San’ Doria to monitor the orc population. Oggbi had asked me to take over a quest and to finish it I needed to procure a San’Doria martial arts book which was located somewhere in Davoi. Knowing that the orcs often like to horde things in tents I headed out to a local orc encampment. My plan was to go, using my ninja skills, and sneak into the tent and quickly steal the book and vanish back into forest before the orcs knew what happened. It was enroute that I happened across the paladin Krieg, a friend with whom Claivin, Hikigaeru, Chiyoyo, Neoloop, and I had defeated the emptiness within the Craig’s of Holla, Mea, and Dem. I conversed with him for some time and explained my plan to him. He suggested that if any orcs grew wise to my presence that he distract them long enough for me to obtain the item and then we make a hasty retreat back into Jungar forest if things became to intense. While I did not want to endanger a friend he reminded me that he had a few paladin tricks of his sleeve that would ensure his survival. With our plans laid out we headed into the orc encampment. It was when I examined a hide flap to peer inside a tent that I foolishly disturbed two orcs, Bilopdop and Deloknok. They were quite angered by my presence and instantly attacked while at the same time alerting other orcs in the area to my presence. It was at this time that Krieg quickly responded to both threats by provoking Bilopdop and flashing Deloknok. This angered them enough that they soon forgot about me and gave chase to him as he left the area. With the area orcs chasing my friend I quickly searched the other huts and was able to find the San’Doria martial arts book. With the book I quickly used an item I had obtained from a gate guard and returned to Bastok after observing that Krieg had successfully lost the orcs in Jugnar forest. Thanking him for is aid I headed to Port Bastok to hand the item to Oggbi. It was in giving him the item that he gave me the story behind why he wanted it and why it was there.
As I mentioned before Davoi was once a San’ Doria outpost and in this outpost there was a monastery where they studied martial arts. Oggbi and his student at the time Cornelia had proceeded to Davoi to obtain the book. When they arrived they bumped into two musketeers one of whom Raogrimm the Galka tale keeper. It was during this meeting that Cornelia was first introduced to Raogrimm whom she impressed with her knowledge of Galkan culture. Being warned that the area was unstable they left back for Bastok with Oggbi satisfied that Cornelia had completed her training by just journeying to Davoi. It was at this point that Oggbi became saddened and recounted on how the two would later meet as Musketeers after Cornelia had joined and would both disappear on a journey to the Northlands. Before I could say anything he cheered up, as cheery as Oggbi ever gets, and turned to me and congratulated me on my training as a Monk and rewarded me with a set of boots saying that we would talk at a later date. While I was happy with my reward I could not help wondering what had happened to Raogrimm and Cornelia when they disappeared up North. While the humes are often quite fragile a Galka could potentially survive the area and if Raogrimm had perished how come a new tale keeper had yet to be found? At the same time I had a feeling that perhaps these events and the current unrest in the world were some how linked.
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