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I quit! Who wants free gil?Follow

#27 Jan 10 2005 at 12:19 PM Rating: Decent
223 posts
Its always sad to see people quit the game, even if i dont know you personally, you will be missed Melantes and I meen it.

As for the gil your giving away, why not give it to some low-lvl players, that'd be a nice thing to do.
#28 Jan 10 2005 at 5:39 PM Rating: Decent
93 posts
to quote (sort of) Dan Ackroyd...

Seppuku, you ignorant ****.

Ranger is my main job. I only leveled White Mage to learn the teleport spells. And as for Summoner, I'm leveling it up nicely and will fight the mini-avatars myself.

Again, I must re-state... Seppuku is damned lucky there is no true player killing in this game or he'd never get a moment's rest. And no, running trains of monsters into newbies just to watch them struggle doesn't count.... And before you tell me what a powerful whatever job you are, if there was PK I'm sure i could round up a few people to help gun you down like the dog that you act like.

The Windurst Cavalry tells me such amusing stories about Seppuku...
#29 Jan 10 2005 at 6:44 PM Rating: Decent
Melantes ;; well, first of all, I'm in your LS, and we have been friends for a while. >.> Remember when we were Lowbie and camping Spook, and you couldnt get drops, but you got like 10 stacks of bat wings and did the quest in sandoria, that was fun =D. I'll miss you =X.

Any money is appreciated ><
#30 Jan 10 2005 at 7:58 PM Rating: Decent
209 posts
I just want my leaping boots -.- *is on ur flist ^_^ *awaits delivery

P.S dont quit :) rather have u still playing than a pair of leaping boots

edit: i cant spell

Edited, Mon Jan 10 20:01:23 2005 by Vilencia
#31 Jan 11 2005 at 2:22 PM Rating: Decent
ok if u quite ure thf u had better keep ure galka mnk goin damnit!
<~~~doesnt want ure gil, just a nice hefty galkan population^^
later man, and /slap u for leaving altho i talked to u about why u were goin already, gl out there
#32 Jan 11 2005 at 2:56 PM Rating: Decent
lmfao some of these posts are way to funny.. if i had gil id give it to some of you with the funniest post lol.. but i dont have gil so your sh*t out of luck. good luck farming hahah
#33 Jan 11 2005 at 10:05 PM Rating: Decent
Actually i dont want free gil i just want your Scorpion Harness.
Thank You.
#34 Jan 11 2005 at 10:11 PM Rating: Decent
181 posts
why's he quitting?
#35 Jan 12 2005 at 7:22 AM Rating: Decent
306 posts
Y u quitting this is a gr8 game?!
#36 Jan 12 2005 at 9:21 AM Rating: Decent
great game it used to be. but some of us have been here a long time. I personally have been here since March 2004. I can see why he is annoyed with the game.
#37 Jan 12 2005 at 3:18 PM Rating: Default
Seppuku, you ignorant ****.

Ranger is my main job. I only leveled White Mage to learn the teleport spells. And as for Summoner, I'm leveling it up nicely and will fight the mini-avatars myself.

Again, I must re-state... Seppuku is damned lucky there is no true player killing in this game or he'd never get a moment's rest. And no, running trains of monsters into newbies just to watch them struggle doesn't count.... And before you tell me what a powerful whatever job you are, if there was PK I'm sure i could round up a few people to help gun you down like the dog that you act like.

The Windurst Cavalry tells me such amusing stories about Seppuku...

1. Its 2 K's, one P.
2. ****? Sorry thats girls. Im a guy. Call me a b*stard or w/e else, but at least let the insult match the person.
3. Re-stating what? Youve never previously stated anything about making a mob to PK me if the game allowed PK like Asheron's Call or other PK games. So to re-state, you'd have to state it previously.
4. Windurst Calvalry? The Calvalry was cool. Your Mercenaries were a bunch of low lifes who merged WITHOUT DEMOCRATIC VOTING to join the Calvalry cause you werent good enough to be by your own LS. Mercenaries were so messed up. Gaion was I think the only heterosexual person in the LS. And to make matters worse, you guys are organized like a third-world country, not voting. Democracy? [Yes, Please.] Dictatorship? How barbaric. Infact, I heard your girlfriend Chi didn't even like the merger and resisted it and wouldnt take the pearl. (She told me this several days after the merger originally took place, she may have changed position on the issue by now, but she was pretty pissed over it at first). So don't go telling me Mercenaries unanimously say I sucked when 25% of your LS was on my friends list.
5. You go level up whatever job you want to 55. Me and you, Ballista. No 2-hours, no outside help. Duel. Weapons, Non-2-hr abilities, magic, items only. No one has yet to beat me in a Level 50 duel. [Death] [You can have this.] Hell, I'll even let you bust out sleep arrows on me in Ballista duel and I'll still win, you spam Sleep Arrows and I can still win.
#38 Jan 12 2005 at 3:29 PM Rating: Decent
to underestimate your opponent is the worst mistake you can make.
#39 Jan 13 2005 at 12:07 AM Rating: Decent
93 posts
What makes him think i'll even use my Ranger, as i said, i'm leveling my Summoner... and i don't recall him saying I couldn't use a pet or spirit :D

a true duel would be a level playing field, red mages, when properly played are unstoppable.

the best way is both of us with roughly the same level/job, naked and with daggers... that'd be fun... in a weird sort of way...

now if seppuku was a female character, we could sell tickets and make some money :D

*sigh* if only FF11 had either mud wrestling or Chocobo Racing...
#40 Jan 13 2005 at 1:25 AM Rating: Decent
Hey Mel...sorry to hear that your more Valkurm Emperor camping for you =P...hehe, well, whatever the reason is why your uitting, hope your doing something better...tho id like to see you try! =P lol jk

Well, im a sam61, and needing gil to buy a haubergeon, cuz my dmg and acc as an elvaan samurai is blah.. >.< Im sure you know how it is...all that missing...not fun at all >.>

Also, i needed to lvl up my sub, war, again, so its not underlvled, and i was gonna go war/nin, but i need Utsusemi for that...its expensive to someone poor like me T_T

After sam, I plan to lvl up rng all the way...and you know how much that costs...

Anyways, sad to see ya go to ya =P
#41 Jan 13 2005 at 1:26 AM Rating: Decent
btw, Ankur = Orca

sry for that, i need to change my membership name >.>
#42 Jan 13 2005 at 9:51 PM Rating: Decent
after quitting a week ago, i couldn't help but jump on to read a few posts. i'll probably still do it once a day til my FFXI withdrawals leave, and my nasty *twitch* disapatesssssssss sorry, twitch made me do that...

at any rate... as i've been NOT playing for over a week, i have a pretty fresh perspective on this issue. Xellith hit it dead on like 15 posts up.... chokyboky also. when someone even MENTIONS *gil*, or "i'm leaving".... he all of a sudden has friends? for EVERYONE who posted a reason to ask for his gil... you're pathetic. take a step back, and read all the posts on this specific thread. you are pathetic. it's quite possible YOU are the reason he's leaving.

"omg, Mel! why are you leaving! by the way, i could use the gil because..."

come on, you don't give a sh*t about why he's leaving. so why even fake the funk? Melantes, if you're even reading this still, i'm glad you quit. i looked to you and Chokyboky for a "relief" from the mainstream while playing, and all 3 of us might have been pushed aside for our "attitudes". haha oh well. if you even have that Gil still (probly not... when i quit, mine was gone within 2 hours, to include all equipment/items), have a seat in jeuno. search a couple of LS's or your friend list for people who have been there for you. Xellith called it dead on. you're all a bunch of pathetic vultures for having "reasons" to get his gil. and flame me all you want. i don't even play, i simply call it like it is. peace.

Xellith and Choky.... always keeping it real, i see :D
#43 Jan 13 2005 at 9:55 PM Rating: Decent

when i said "Mel, i'm glad you quit", it's not cuz i hated him at all. hell, Mel and i were the trouble makers in quests/missions. just ask Hidoa. hahahahaha

i am glad he quit because there's much better out there than FFXI, is all. unless he's on ANOTHER online game, lol, he's made the right decision by leaving the game to the wayside. but yeah, Mel and i had MANY /tell's during quests, laughing about the NEXT way to make life difficult for party/alliance leaders gain control hahhaahaha "pssst, get aggro on that wasp, and i'll accidentally CURE that tonbery" hahahaahhahaha poor Hidoa. she never did get over herself...

**Edit#2** not bashing Hidoa. we just had an "odd" zm5 experience.
#44 Jan 13 2005 at 10:25 PM Rating: Decent
Just be nice and give it to a noob thf.....

I suggest stalking this suggested noob and talking with im, if he seems nice give it to him(do not inform him of this before, also do not reveal your level). If he seems like an *** and a greedy ******* move onto another noob,

Just my opinion, but this is what I would do!!!!
#45 Jan 13 2005 at 11:22 PM Rating: Decent
Plz me im just wondering around on other server furoms and im not from your server so if its possible to send gil to other ppl in different servers plz me im a porr smn that needs his auster set for lvl 50

/em sighs

owh well it doesnt matter really if you cant and if anyone else posts that im a n00b cuz i have no clue if you can send gil over servers go ahead and say it btw my name is Pabe and plz consider me
#46 Jan 14 2005 at 12:14 AM Rating: Default

and im not joking, im serious

why spend the amount of time on the game and not sell everything and get something out of it....

#47 Jan 14 2005 at 1:18 AM Rating: Decent
people that sell characters are dumb. they basically have some noob running about ruing there reputation they they made have made. and its also illegal. giving stuff to people is a way of saying im gone and here is my gift to the world.

In this game people take and take and take. only a few people or times do people actually give. Giving away stuff is there last chance of not being a selfish asshat. Go Melantes go! =P
#48 Jan 15 2005 at 1:49 AM Rating: Decent
69 posts
Wow, Mel I dont know if you remember me or not but im (Sterlingh) the long lost Dragoon that wants a little bit more of a challenge in the world of Vana'Dile so I went RNG lol. This job is by far the best so far on my opion but man does it cost money lol. Iv partied with you a few times and have seen you walking around, I would greatly aprietate some gil for my RNG i cant seem to get those dang leaping boots o_O
#49 Jan 15 2005 at 3:32 AM Rating: Decent
86 posts
later man had fun with you back in the HoCD days good luck with life
#50 Jan 15 2005 at 9:47 AM Rating: Decent
424 posts
Ummmm why don't we just stop posting and let him quit. This post has been up for day's and he hasn't replied once. All this is now is about sep and some rng in ballista. And sorry to see ya go ya damn VE hog. XD

Edited, Sat Jan 15 09:48:45 2005 by Shinkyu
#51 Jan 15 2005 at 6:22 PM Rating: Default
I replied once but my reply got deleted, ROFL.



P.S. You all suck!

Edited, Sat Jan 15 18:22:37 2005 by Melantes
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